How to produce melanin in the body. What stimulates melanin production in the body

Many have heard that melanin determines the color of the skin, hair and eyes, and also takes part in the transformation of the skin, which occurs due to a beautiful and even tan.

But this important pigment is not only responsible for beauty.

It performs a responsible function of protecting the human body.

So, melanin pigment is a natural dye that is found in the cells of the skin, hair and iris of the eyes. Maintaining a normal amount of melanin is very important for the body. A deficiency of this pigment can cause a number of pathologies, and its critically low content is the cause of a condition such as albinism. But more on that later.

Melanin in the human body

Melanin is a suspension of polymers that can impart color to living tissues.

Three types of natural dye are combined under the general name “melanin”:

  • DOPA-melanins;
  • pheo-melanins;
  • neuro-melanins.

Accumulating in the outer layer of the skin, the pigment is formed in special cells - melanocytes, where it combines with protein, and is stored in a granular state under a layer of special cells - keratinocytes.

For every square centimeter of skin there are about 1200 melanocytes connected to keratinocytes by “adapters” - desmosomes, through which the natural dye enters certain layers of the skin, hair and eyes.

Not all types of melanin have a noticeable physiological effect on humans. Some of them are considered ballast, but DOPA-melanins (also called eumelanins) are actively produced and participate in biochemical processes. It is their unique molecules that prevent the spread of harmful bacterial and fungal flora in the body.

Melanin gives the skin a certain shade. If there is not enough pigment in the body, some diseases can develop, for example, vitiligo. at home? Read more.

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How is it synthesized

Melanin synthesis is a complex chain of reactions and processes.

The production of pigment takes place under the “guidance” of pituitary hormones, with the active participation of steroid and sex hormones, as well as thyroid secretions.

The synthesis begins with the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine, after which dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) is formed, which, in turn, oxidizes, triggers a series of biochemical reactions. As a result, the natural coloring pigment melanin is “born”.

It must be said that the full amino acid series of melanin has not yet been sufficiently studied.

It is only known that the natural pigment contains tyrosine, cystine, arginine, tryptophan and methionine.

Functions of melanin in the human body

The main purpose of melanin is to protect cells from the harmful effects of ultraviolet sunlight.

It softens their effect by absorbing and accumulating ultraviolet radiation that has penetrated into the depths of the epidermis.

There, the product of solar radiation is partially used to maintain normal body temperature, the rest of it is used to maintain photochemical processes.

In addition to the above, the natural dye melanin performs such important functions for the body as:

  • stimulation of biochemical processes;
  • reduction in the level of accumulated radionuclides;
  • maintaining the body's defenses;
  • minimizing exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • participation in ensuring the normal functioning of the internal secretion organs;
  • eliminating the harmful effects of free radicals on the body.

As already mentioned, the color of the skin depends on the amount of melanin in the skin. So, people with a light body have very little pigment, while those with a dark body have much more. By the way, in representatives of the dark-skinned race, the epidermis of the skin has a greater density than in Caucasians. This is due to the need for more powerful filtering of the rays of the hot African sun.

Dark skin has more melanin than light skin

The thinner the skin, the lower the level of pigment in it. The pink tint of the body in fair-skinned people is explained by the close location of the blood vessels to the upper layer of the skin.

Hair color depends on the amount of melanin in its structure. Those with light hair have little pigment, and it does not penetrate deeply. For brunettes it’s the opposite. The peculiarity of red-haired people is that the melanin in their hair is unevenly distributed, which gives the hair a copper tint. There are situations when melanin in the thickness of the hair stops reproducing. This happens after stress, when a person begins to quickly turn gray.

Melanin production is affected by the amount of ultraviolet radiation received. Among the indigenous inhabitants of northern countries, where there are very few sunny days a year, blondes and blondes with light skin predominate, in whose bodies the active work of melanin is not as noticeable as among representatives of equatorial latitudes, where predominantly dark-skinned people with dark-colored curls live.

The influence of natural coloring pigment on eye color is manifested in the depth of its location.

The presence of melanin in the 4-5 layer makes the eyes expressively blue, and in the upper ones - honey or light brown. In gray-eyed and green-eyed people, the pigment is present in several layers and is distributed unevenly.

Reasons for the decline

An ideal balance of substances in the body is the dream of every person, because in this state of affairs ideal health is possible. In life, the likelihood of such luck is small.

Melanin imbalance, like any imbalance, causes problems. Moreover, its deficiency threatens greater dangers than its excess.

A lack of the natural pigment melanin can be caused by:

  • endocrine pathologies, in particular thyroid dysfunction;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking certain hormone-containing drugs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • weak production of tyrosine;
  • prolonged stress;
  • processes of aging of the body.

There are signs by which you can determine melanin deficiency in the body.

Hypogonadism or negatively affects not only reproductive, but also other functions in the human body.

Every person who cares about their health should know what hormones the thyroid gland secretes and what they affect. If interested, read.


So, the symptoms of insufficient synthesis of natural pigment are:

  • tendency to burn skin conditions after short exposure to the sun;
  • uneven change in skin color after tanning;
  • skin tone, naturally pale;
  • the appearance of white areas on the body (vitiligo);
  • graying of hair at a young age;
  • early appearance of spots and wrinkles on the skin, characteristic of people of advanced age;
  • faded eye color.

A decrease in the amount of melanin to a critical level can lead to the development of Parkinson's disease or melanoma.


Some people have a congenital deficiency or complete absence of melanin. They are distinguished by white skin and hair, as well as subtly colored irises. This pathology is called albinism.

Albinos are found among representatives of any race. The life of these people is full of difficulties due to the fact that the skin and iris of their eyes have practically no protection from the sun and suffer from its harmful effects. Due to their appearance, albinos became victims of ritual murders in some African countries, where it was believed that certain parts of the body of completely white people had magical properties. Albino people tend to have poor health.

Albino girl

The cause of albinism is genetic characteristics, so it is impossible to get rid of it, and the only preventive measure is still considered to be medical genetic diagnosis and consultation with specialists when planning children.

Is it possible to increase the level of melanin in the body and how to do it?

There are three main ways:

  1. Be outside more often in sunny weather.
  2. Review your diet towards the predominance of foods that promote the synthesis of natural pigment.
  3. Use special pharmaceutical preparations.

As for walking in sunny weather, it is important to observe a sense of proportion so as not to get burned.

In addition, it is necessary to wear light hats and not walk on a hot summer afternoon - the period of maximum sun activity, so as not to get sunstroke.

Now more about the “melanin” diet, which should include:

  • fresh milk, fermented milk products and butter. They contain tryptophan, which affects the level of natural pigment. This is a useful amino acid, which, among other things, perfectly improves mood, is found in large quantities in various types of nuts, dates, bananas, soybeans and legumes, as well as in brown rice;

Surprising fact: by increasing tryptophan levels, eating the right foods stimulates its production.

  • To produce the coloring substance (melanin pigment), vitamins are needed, and mainly para-aminobenzoic acid - vitamin B 10. Concentrating in the outer layers of the skin, this vitamin stimulates the synthesis of melanin. This happens under the influence of ultraviolet rays and as a result of complex biochemical reactions. B10 or para-aminobenzoic acid is present in required quantities in cereals and grains. It is often included in cosmetic products that promote an even tan while protecting the skin from sunburn.
  • In order to stimulate the conversion of amino acids into melanin, enzymes are needed, which are contained in millet and sesame seeds.
  • All types of red meat - pork, beef, lamb, including offal (liver), as well as fish, squid, shrimp and other seafood are rich in tyrosine. It is involved in the synthesis of natural pigment, which means that the listed sources should be present in the diet daily.
  • In addition to B 10, it is important to get enough vitamins A, C and E. They are found in abundance in natural fruit and vegetable juices from carrots, tomatoes, and grapefruit. If necessary, the consumption of juices can be replaced by taking special complexes containing a set of these vitamins.

It is important to know that in addition to products that stimulate melanin production, there are those that interfere with its normal synthesis. These are smoked meats, salted, pickled vegetables and alcohol.

If you consume unhealthy goodies to a minimum, then there will be no particular harm. And giving up alcohol will contribute not only to the production of pigment, but also to maintaining health.

Thus, a nutritious and varied diet will allow you not to worry about a decrease in the amount of melanin.

As for pharmaceutical drugs to stimulate the secretion of melanin pigment, they exist in abundance.

Like any medicine, it is not recommended to prescribe such medications on your own, without consulting a medical specialist, because the same drug can “behave” differently in different organisms.

It all depends on the general health of the person.

Maintaining normal melanin levels is important for the body. When external signs of pigment deficiency appear, many try to solve the problem with cosmetics or rush to the pharmacy, but they should start with a visit to the doctor.

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First, it’s worth learning: if you eat a balanced diet and your body gets all the substances it needs, you shouldn’t have problems with melanin production. Therefore, it is extremely important to eat a balanced diet and include as many vitamins as possible in your diet. Eating enough fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors will do the trick for this purpose.

Melanin production can be stimulated by eating certain foods. Thus, vitamin B has a good effect on maintaining melanin levels. Especially B10, namely para-amino-benzoic. As soon as the body begins to receive a dose of ultraviolet radiation, it begins to actively help the production of melanin, which protects the skin from sunburn. You can find vitamin B10 in cereals, cereals, and wholemeal bread.

To make yours brighter, you cannot do without vitamins A, E and C. They are found in large quantities in beta-carotene and carotene, both substances are quite easy to find in carrots and tomatoes. Eating these vegetables fresh and in the form of juices (with a little added fat, for example, olive oil, without which the body will not absorb carotene and beta-carotene) will have the best effect on the body's production of melanin.

To stimulate melanin production, it is recommended to eat soy products, as well as beans, nuts, and dates. The fact is that they contain another melanin precursor - tryptophan. This substance can also be found in peanuts and bananas, which, in addition to tryptophan, also contain the above-mentioned tyrosine.

Help the transition of tryptophan and tyrosine to melanin with copper and mineral salts. These substances are found in exotic seafood, such as oysters, as well as liver and natural cocoa or chocolate.


  • How to increase melanin in skin
  • how is melanin produced

Melanin is responsible for pigmentation of the skin, iris, hair and is a protective substance that protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. To increase melanin levels, you need to eat right and use certain pharmaceutical medications.


The amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan contribute to the production of sufficient amounts of melanin. To saturate your body with these amino acids, eat animal products: meat, liver, eggs, butter, milk and fermented milk products. Also amino acids in seafood and fish. To saturate the body with these amino acids, it is enough to eat 250-300 g of meat or fish daily.

Nuts, brown rice, dates, bananas contain large amounts of amino acids, including tyrosine and tryptophan. By systematically consuming these foods, you will receive a sufficient amount of amino acids necessary for the production of melanin.

In order for amino acids to be converted into melanin, you need a sufficient amount of enzymes, which you can get from oysters, millet, sesame, etc. The more nutritiously you eat, the higher the production of melanin will be.

Include grains in your diet every day, which can be obtained by eating wholemeal bread. The precursor to melanin is tryptophan, which is found in large quantities in dairy products, dates and beans.

In addition to products for the production of melanin, you can use the synthetic hormone melanocortin under the trade name “Melanotan-2”. But do not use this drug without a doctor. The drug is prescribed by the doctor not only to increase the level of melanin, but also as a drug that reduces appetite, reduces fat in problem areas, and also to prevent melanoma formed from a lack of melanin.


  • lack of melanin

The human body is filled with melanin. These are pigments that are found in the iris of the eyes, skin, and hair. These pigments are produced in the body thanks to certain substances.

According to scientists, melanins are the most important catalysts for biochemical processes occurring in the human body. In addition, they take an active part in eliminating the consequences of stress.

Melanin is formed in the body through the interaction of two amino acids: tryptophan and tyrosine. Therefore, if there is a need to activate the production of this pigment, you should eat more of those foods that contribute to this process.

You must strive to ensure that your

Melanin is a pigment produced by pigment cells - melanocytes. It is he who is responsible for the color of eyes and hair, the shade of a person’s skin.Melanin productiondirectly related to the activity of the endocrine glands.
Early gray hair is largely the result of a lack of melanin in the body.

The precursor to melanin is the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. By eating foods rich in these substances, we will help our body synthesize melanin in sufficient quantities.

1. Fermented milk products, milk, and butter are rich in amino acids, including tryptophan, which will help increase melanin in the body. Large amounts of it are also found in beans and other soy products, nuts, dates, bananas, peanuts, and brown rice. By increasing the dose of tryptophan in the body, we stimulate the production of melanin.

2. Animal products to increase melanin in the body: red meat, beef liver, as well as fish and seafood contain tyrosine. Try to include them in your diet daily. This has the best effect on melanin synthesis.

3. To convert amino acids into melanin, enzymes contained in millet, sesame, and oysters are needed.

4. B vitamins, especially B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid) are active assistants in the production of melanin. Accumulating in the outer layers of the skin, under the influence of the sun, B10 undergoes biochemical reactions, as a result of which the production of melanin is stimulated (often included in sunscreen lotions and creams). This vitamin is found in wholemeal bread, cereals, and cereals.

5. Excellent sources of vitamins A, C, E, without which melanin production is impossible, are vegetable and fruit juices: carrot, tomato (they are rich in beta-carotene and carotene), orange, grapefruit. Vitamin complexes containing vitamins A, B, C, E will also help achieve the desired result in how to increase melanin in the body.

Thus, the more varied and nutritious your diet is, the less you should worry about the level of melanin in your body.