Christmas decorations presentation for a technology lesson on the topic. Presentation for a labor lesson on the topic “Making a Christmas tree toy “Lantern”” Distribution and placement of materials and tools

Labor training lesson in 2nd grade

Making a Christmas tree toy “Lantern”






Place a sheet of colored paper in front of you, with the wrong side facing you.

  • Glue the inner cylinder

Glue the pen strip inside the flashlight

Attach the outer part to the inner cylinder

Glue the inner cylinder

Glue the inner cylinder

Attach the outer part to the inner cylinder

Glue the pen strip inside the flashlight

  • Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
  • Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.
  • Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
  • Do not leave scissors open.
  • Pass the scissors rings first.
  • Do not swing the scissors or bring them to your face.
  • Use glue strictly for its intended purpose.
  • Be careful when working with glue so as not to stain yourself and others.

* For most people, New Year's Eve is their favorite holiday. The New Year is called magical, mysterious, amazing, unique, enchanting. People are expecting another miracle, a bright fairy tale, new happiness... This holiday is invariably accompanied by joyful chores and worries. At this time we all decorate the Christmas tree.

* Decorating a Christmas tree is a pre-holiday creative process in which, as a rule, almost all family members participate - parents, children, grandparents. And, as a rule, each family member has favorite New Year's toys. The little ones have the richest imagination, so children prefer to decorate the Christmas tree with toys depicting fairy-tale characters. Thus, they have the opportunity to visit a fairy tale.

* Previously, there was even a tradition for the whole family to create New Year’s toys with their own hands; there were no factories yet; “professional” toys were too expensive. And everyone wanted a holiday, so they sat down and came up with a wide variety of Christmas tree decorations. Creating New Year's crafts with your own hands is a real pleasure. In addition to the fact that you will be able to make truly masterpieces of applied art, you will spend time with pleasure and benefit. But what wonderful Christmas tree decorations you can create.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

Talakan secondary school No. 6

Technology lesson notes

in 1st grade

lesson topic:

Manufacturing according to sample

New Year's toy


(Working with paper, folding, cutting.)

Prepared by: Kostina Larisa Dmitrievna

primary school teacher

MOBU Talakanskaya secondary school No. 6


year 2014

Lesson topic: “Making a star based on a New Year’s toy”

(Working with paper, folding, cutting.)

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the formation of knowledge on the topic of the lesson.



    consolidate paper cutting skills with scissors;

    strengthen paper gluing skills;


    develop thinking, attention, memory;


    cultivate perseverance, motivation to learn, accuracy, hard work, attentiveness;


    prevent student fatigue;

Lesson type: lesson - workshop.

Means of education:

    presentation, computer, multimedia projector.

    signal cards (red, yellow, green) to evaluate your work.


(colored paper, glue, scissors).

During the classes:


Lesson steps

Contents of the lesson stage

Features of the lesson stage

Organizational moment

Prepare students for the upcoming work.

Let’s get ready for work: let’s open our palms to new knowledge and say our magic phrase: “I want to know a lot! I want to share my knowledge with friends.”

Today we will make a craft, for which we will need the materials and tools that I asked you to prepare. Let's check if you are ready for the lesson.

« To get the work going,

Get everything ready for business.

We will glue, make -

Everything should be fine.

You need to lay down the oilcloth.

Scissors, paper, glue.

Put it back quickly.

Don't forget about the pencil -

He is our helper in work.”

( the teacher reads a poem and the children show the material)


1) Educational and informational conversation based on children's personal experiences and an illustrative range of objects

Educational information

1) Introductory conversation.

Riddle: “They bloom in the evening,

They wither in the morning,

They sleep during the day

At night the stars awaken.

(slide No. 1-2)

2) Statement and solution of a problem situation.

What do you imagine when you hear the word star?

(children: pop stars, star of the sea, guiding star, Kremlin star, star on the Christmas tree, shooting star, etc.)

What kind of star will we make in class?

(Children: a star on the tree, because the New Year holiday is coming)

Riddles: “Types of stars”

1. “The peas scattered over seventy roads,

No one will pick him up

The sun will rise -

It’s the other way around” (star in the sky).

(slide No. 3)

2. “Deep at the bottom it is

As if visible in the sky.

But it doesn’t shine and doesn’t warm,

Because he doesn’t know how” (starfish)

(slide No. 4)

(slide No. 5 Kremlin star)

3. “And decorating the top,

It shines there, as always,

Very bright, big


(slide No. 6-7)

The word star has several meanings - it is a word with many meanings.

2) Task analysis (product sample) is carried out in dialog form

Students, together with the teacher, determine the design and technological features of the task, if possible, independently search for rational ways to implement it, determine the optimal

Questions for analyzing a product sample

(teacher demonstrates the finished product):

Name of the product, its purpose?

(Children: star - Christmas tree toy).

What materials is it made from?

(Children: made of paper).

Can other materials be used?

(Children: candy wrappers, fabric).

What materials are best to use to make this product?

(Children: colored paper).

What are the design features of the product (shape of parts, their number, type of connection - movable or fixed)?

(Children: the main details are strips of paper of different lengths).

How can parts be made?

(Children: cut out according to the template or use a pencil and ruler to mark and cut out).

Choose the best method for the given case.

(Children: using a pencil and a ruler, draw one strip, and then fold it several times, straighten it and cut along the fold line).

How can you connect the parts?

(Children: glue, sew).

Choose the best way.

(Children: glue).

Is additional finishing required? Which? How can this be done?

(Children: you can make star petals of different colors or glue small tinsel).

Physical education minute.

(One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend over, straighten up,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head,

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - sit quietly at your desk.)

3) “Discovery” of new knowledge or practical skill

Determining the unknown among known constructive or technological knowledge and collective (or group) search for its solution: this is the topic of the lesson

Asking questions:

What do you already know how to do and what can you handle on your own?

(Children: cut out of paper).

What else do you need to learn?

(Children: without a template, prepare identical strips of paper).

Can anyone suggest a way to get identical strips of paper?

(Children: 1) Take a sheet of colored paper from the corner, measure out a strip 1 cm wide and 12 cm long, then fold along the line several times, straighten it and cut along the fold line; 2) cut a strip of the required length from a colored sheet of paper “by eye”.

Which way is better? Why?

(Children: first, the part will turn out to be the correct shape)

    The discovery of a new thing occurs when:

Performing trial and search exercises.

Planning upcoming independent practical work

Lining up sequences product manufacturing

A brief summary of the manufacturing procedure of the product - an explanation of the optimal materials, design features and methods of performing each technological operation

Forecasting work stages.

Name the order in which we will make the New Year's toy “Star”.

(Children: Stage 1 – prepare 8 identical strips of paper 1 cm wide and 12 cm long;

Stage 2 – fold three strips in half and cut them; Stage 3 – glue all the short strips into rings;

Stage 4 – bend the long strips and glue them together with a drop; Stage 5 – glue a ring inside each paper drop;

Stage 6 – arrange the finished loops like a star and glue them in pairs;

Stage 7 – hang the star on a thread from the rain).

(slide No. 8-13)

We have already talked about saving paper. By saving paper, we save the world around us. By saving paper, we save our money.

Let's rememberrules for working with scissors and glue .

Independent practical work

1) Organization of the workplace

Distribution and placement of materials and tools

Repetition rules for working with scissors and glue.

(look at the application).

2) Independent work

Maximum independent production of the product, which is ensured by a detailed analysis of the design and technological features of the product, relying on known methods and techniques

(Quiet music sounds).

During independent work, the teacher controls:

- order in the workplace;

- economical consumption of materials;

- technique of applying glue and gluing paper;

- encourages and recognizes quality work.

3) Cleaning workplaces

The garbage is thrown out, the tools are washed, everything is put back in its place.

4) Generalization

Awareness and formulation of new knowledge discovered in the lesson, new personality traits

Asking questions:

What new did you learn in the lesson?

(Children: there are different stars, the word has several meanings or is otherwise ambiguous)

“You made a star craft.

Show it to your younger friends

You will teach them how to make it.”

How can you use our product?

(Children: can be used as a decoration for the Christmas tree, classroom, or your room)

(slide No. 14)

Reflection of activity.

Assessment of students’ creative, exploratory and practical activities in the classroom

Qualitative characteristics of the work performed: assessment of the quality of implementation of known and new techniques and operations

The creative search and creative findings of students, expressed by them during the analysis of the task and the search for solutions to the proposed problem situations, must be noted.

(Slide No. 15 “Evaluate your work”)

1) Children evaluate their work with signs.

Green - done it

Yellow - doubted

Red - failed

2) Exhibition of works. Stand out the most

in the works.

4) Evaluation criteria:

    degree of student independence

completing tasks (full, partial, cannot do it without outside help),

  • nature of activity (reproductive,