How to give birth and push correctly in order to give birth quickly and without tearing? After pushing. When should you start pushing during childbirth?

At courses for pregnant women, experts regularly raise the question of how to give birth and push correctly, because this is extremely important, and do you know why?

Knowledge of the matter allows you to make the process of delivery as quick and painless as possible in the best case, and in the worst case, prevent the development of complications in the baby. This can be either trivial injuries due to passage through the birth canal, or hypoxia due to the slightest delay. Needless to say, the treatment can then last a lifetime, depriving the mother of the joys of motherhood and her baby of a happy and carefree childhood.

A young mother can talk about her birth forever. For her, everything begins at the moment contractions appear, and ends with the release of the baby’s place. Meanwhile, doctors identify three main stages of labor, simultaneously explaining to the woman in labor how to breathe during each of them.

True, they are preceded by a preparatory stage. It lasts, as a rule, a day. Due to the fact that at this stage the cervix is ​​only preparing for childbirth, it does not cause much discomfort. The tissue softens and the cervix opens slightly. Minor contractions may occur, which will intensify over time.

Is the woman in pain at this moment? No, if she does not have pathologies marred by irregular, severe contractions. Only a doctor can identify them. Moreover, they are most often diagnosed in women in labor who experience extreme fear due to the upcoming birth, accompanied by sleep disturbances and chronic fatigue.

Please note that any difficulties during the preparatory period do not in any way affect the further course of labor. It’s like a lottery: you will definitely be lucky if you give birth correctly and with a good specialist.

Periods of labor:

  • The first is long-lasting, uncomfortable, even painful, it all depends on the woman’s sensitivity threshold. It is characterized by regular contractions, due to which the cervix constantly opens.

Moreover, the fetus practically does not move along the birth canal during its contractions. Doctors distinguish several phases, during which contractions can intensify or weaken, giving the woman in labor the opportunity to rest a little.

The whole process is tied to the work of muscle fibers, which lead to thickening and softening of the walls of the uterus in certain places. Subsequently, the bladder bursts or is punctured, and the cervix dilates by 10 cm. Until this moment, the woman in labor usually moves calmly, sometimes she is injected with antispasmodics, analgesics, for example.

  • The second is the period of expulsion of the fetus. It is characterized by the appearance of strong, prolonged contractions, which provoke the lowering of the head into the pelvic area and the movement of the baby towards the exit. At this time, pushing develops - those same uterine contractions that increase pressure in the abdominal cavity and facilitate the process of giving birth to a baby.

It is for its successful implementation that a woman needs to learn to breathe correctly so as not to cause harm. Moreover, nature has taken care of the emergence of a strong desire to push, which young women in labor can confuse with the desire to empty their bowels.

Interestingly, sometimes pushing occurs even when the cervix is ​​dilated only 8 cm. Then it is important to breathe correctly and not push, so as not to injure the cervix. During the birth period, you should listen to all the doctor’s recommendations, since as the child passes through the birth canal, the child continually turns or unbends and risks injuring himself.

During pushing, you need to help the baby move forward, otherwise they may weaken and completely disappear. What does this mean? Surgical intervention. Normally, the period lasts 15–30 minutes, but if complications are detected, it continues until the baby is born.

  • The third is the postpartum period. It is characterized by separation of the child's place and a decrease in the volume of the uterus. It usually begins 10 minutes after the end of the second period and lasts about 20 minutes.

In case of complications, the placenta is separated under anesthesia. If there is injury to the birth canal followed by uterine bleeding, the latter is stopped, medications are administered, and ice is placed on the lower abdomen.

How to know when it's time to push

In order to protect yourself from problems that arise during labor, you need to not only understand how to push, but also when to do it. If you start ahead of time, you can either become exhausted and lose all your strength before labor begins, or you can injure yourself and your baby. They usually push when pushing. They are felt when, due to contractions of the uterus, pressure occurs on the rectum and tension in the muscles of the peritoneum and diaphragm.

Before pushing, you need to make sure that the baby is in the correct position and that the cervix is ​​fully dilated. This can only be done through examination of the latter, which is what a midwife or doctor does. This is why it is so important to trust them. They will most likely be constantly examining the uterine cavity and listening to the fetal heartbeat during labor and childbirth.

Please note that during labor there will also be a need to stop pushing. This happens when the fetal head passes through the cervix. This must be done so as not to tear in the neck area.

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that a woman should push only at the command of the medical staff. If she feels pressure and wants to have a bowel movement before this command is given, she needs to notify her doctor. He will examine the cervix and coordinate further actions with her. Any delays, self-indulgence, or ignoring advice even from “experienced” ones can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to push and breathe correctly

Do you want to give birth to a strong and healthy baby? Get ready for fruitful work with medical staff during childbirth and birth in a few attempts. At the same time, it is important to remain calm and not panic, since fear and stress lead not only to loss of strength, but also to hypoxia in the child.

Below is a guide to action, and also describes the main thing - what it means to push. So:

During the pushing period, it is important to remember that sharp inhalations and exhalations lead to changes in abdominal pressure and, as a result, the baby’s head is pulled back.

The breaks between attempts last no more than a minute, during which the woman in labor should rest and gain strength. There may be situations when the midwife will ask you to endure the pushing, breathing quickly and shallowly, like a dog.

How soon the baby will be born depends on the expectant mother's knowledge of how to push correctly during childbirth. The most important phase of the birth process is pushing. Thanks to them, the abdominal muscles contract, and the baby is “pushed” through the birth canal.

When pushing begins, the first thing the expectant mother feels is the desire to go to the toilet in a big way.

Later, the stomach begins to shrink intensely, and the desire to push appears. From this point in time until the birth itself, everything depends on the woman.

When to start pushing

When a woman in labor experiences the first sensations that indicate the beginning of pushing, she should inform the doctor about this. He is obliged to carefully examine the woman. In this case, the doctor delivering the baby determines whether the birth canal is ready, whether the cervix is ​​open, and whether the baby is in the correct position.

If everything is in order, and the baby is already on the pelvic floor, then the woman is “given the command” - push.

Premature attempts exhaust a woman, weaken the contraction of the muscles of the reproductive organs, and the uteroplacental circulation is disrupted, as a result of which insufficient oxygen reaches the unborn baby through the umbilical cord. You need to start pushing when the cervix is ​​fully dilated. Otherwise, cervical rupture may occur. Therefore, if the baby’s head is too low and the uterus has not yet fully dilated, the woman in labor does not need to make any efforts.

Pushing control

There are two known ways to make correct attempts:

  • controlled;
  • natural.

During the first, the doctor monitors the progress of labor and tells the woman when to make efforts to move the baby along the birth canal. Natural attempts are controlled by the expectant mother herself. When it is necessary to stimulate contractions, the woman in labor instinctively determines, based on sensations. Typically, this method is chosen by women who have already given birth.

During natural attempts, a midwife may be present. She watches the breathing of the woman in labor and periodically checks her blood pressure. If a woman giving birth for the first time experiences natural stimulation of uterine contractions, the midwife tells her when to push.

It is necessary to push correctly during childbirth. To do this, all mothers in labor should adhere to certain rules. You need to take the optimal position. The natural position during pushing is to squat. Childbirth in this case is less painful and faster. If a woman nevertheless gives birth lying down, she needs to pull her legs up to her armpits and spread them wide.

All efforts when pushing should be directed to the abdominal muscles and uterus. It is important not to strain the rectum. Otherwise there will be ruptures and hemorrhoids may appear. You can’t direct your efforts “to your head.” The push must be directed downwards towards the reproductive organs. Incorrect attempts can subsequently lead to problems with vision and blood pressure. Headaches may occur.

When a woman in labor is pushing, you should not “squeeze” your body and scream too much. All this interferes with the normal course of labor and harms the unborn baby. During screaming, the blood vessels constrict, and insufficient oxygen reaches the child. Muscle compression leads to a weakening of contractions.

Breathing to help

Attempts include two elements. The first is the physiological process itself, when a woman alternately pushes and relaxes. The second is breathing during pushing. You should breathe correctly. The ability to breathe will tell the body how to push correctly, and will help you to grasp the moment when it is necessary to do this, and when it is desirable to relax. Proper breathing reduces pain and makes the entire birth process easier.

At the time of one contraction, three attempts occur. At this time, you need to take a deep breath, tensing all the muscles in the abdominal area. Exhale the air slowly, while making efforts directed downward - you need to try to push the child out of you. In between attempts, you need to rest a little. When the contraction passes, you should relax. Breathe shallowly and often.

Duration of labor

In women who give birth for the first time, the duration of pushing is longer and takes an average of two hours.

For repeated births, this period of time is approximately an hour. The short labor pains of such women in labor are explained by the fact that their body is already adapted to the process of bringing a baby into the world.

The duration of pushing also depends on the build of the woman in labor. A thin woman can more easily endure the whole process of childbirth.

For overweight mothers, the period of labor is prolonged and is more painful.

When should you stop pushing? It is necessary to stimulate contraction of the abdominal and uterine muscles until the baby’s head comes out. The doctor will definitely tell you when this happens.

But until the baby is fully born, you need to continue breathing in the same way as during pushing.

Don't be afraid of childbirth. The main thing is to know how to push. And nature will do the rest itself. Moreover, during the entire period of the birth of the baby, a doctor, a midwife, and sometimes a loved one are present with the woman in labor.

There are two types of attempts:
- natural;
- managed.

Pushing is a voluntary contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall, which feels like the urge to defecate.

With natural attempts, the entire process is not controlled or controlled by anyone. Your attitude and self-control are very important here. Just breathe and relax. To begin, imagine that you are a flower bud that is currently beginning to bloom. Between contractions, try to take deep and calm breaths, relax your body and give yourself a little rest. Listen to your body and don't be nervous.

With controlled pushing, the entire process is controlled by a doctor. It tells you when to push and when to rest. Most often, such attempts are less effective. Since the mother gets tired quite quickly, they take too long, and as a result, the baby begins to suffer. In addition, ruptures often occur during controlled pushing, and doctors make an incision in the perineum - an episiotomy.

Choosing a posture when pushing

Freedom of choice is very important in the process of pushing. Take the poses in which you are most comfortable. For the first, vertical is considered correct. This position helps tilt the tailbone 3 cm back, thereby leaving free space for the baby. In addition, the vertical position helps the baby move smoothly towards the “exit”, eliminating the chance of ruptures in the perineal tissue. At the same time, the law of attraction, which provokes natural attempts.

When pushing in a horizontal position, it is recommended to take a position in which the feet are slightly below the pelvis. In this position, the force of gravity will help speed up labor. After this, take a deep breath and hold your breath. Next, for 5-6 seconds, begin to intensively press your abdominal muscles on the uterus from above, then exhale smoothly and repeat this action. During one natural attempt, you will have to push 4-6 times.

Remember! It is necessary to rehearse attempts half-heartedly.

You can rehearse this process in advance. To do this, sit down on the floor, lean your back on the sofa or pillow, note the time (1 minute) and proceed. Please note that it is necessary to strain exactly those muscles that are located above the uterus. Place your hand on your stomach and try to feel them.

How to breathe correctly when pushing

Once you are comfortable, you need to take a deep breath. Holding your breath and tensing your abdominal muscles, you should gradually increase the pressure on the bottom. Then you need to slowly exhale and inhale deeply again. Without a rest break, you should start pushing again. During a full push, you need to repeat all these steps 3 times.

Then you should take a deep breath and exhale slowly, calmly, and then relax. When the baby's head is born, you need to start breathing “like a dog.”

Most importantly, do not be afraid and listen to the advice of the medical staff. Don’t scream, relax, be positive, and everything will go well for both you and your baby.

It is important to understand that pushing can only take a few tens of minutes in the standard labor process; however, pushing is the most important period in labor. Let us note that depending on the specific physiological characteristics of the female body, on its size, on the actual intensity of the current labor activity, and, of course, on the type of pregnancy, the total duration of such attempts can be completely different. Modern statistics show that, as a rule, in primiparous women, the pushing or second period of labor lasts no more than two hours, but in multiparous women, this period takes no more than one hour.

The general significance of pushing in labor

Let us remind you that the period of pushing usually begins only when a woman’s cervix is ​​dilated enough to allow her baby to pass safely. Actually, this is usually where the main role of efforts lies - to help the baby be born into this world in a timely manner. Pushing is a fairly strong contraction of muscles, and of completely different groups. The abdominal muscles, diaphragm, and many others are involved in pushing, and as a result, increased intra-abdominal pressure is created, which subsequently helps expel the fetus from its home - from the womb. Strong attempts usually join a woman’s contractions at the stage when they themselves noticeably become more frequent, intensify and become more powerful, longer and, unfortunately, more painful.

Pushing during labor always occurs reflexively, and they are absolutely independent of the wishes of the woman in labor; pushing is caused by increasing pressure from the so-called presenting part of the fetus itself directly on the cervix, because by this time the fetus is strongly descending. However, unlike the strongest contractions, pushing can still be controlled by a woman. Let us note that this is precisely the essence of labor activity. Both the expectant mother and her child must make mutual efforts in order to speed up that long-awaited moment of the baby’s birth.

The vast majority of women, directly during pushing, can experience a sensation very similar to the condition that occurs during defecation. Many people have the certain impression that this is the time when maximum bowel movement occurs, which is probably why women simply have an irresistible and even uncontrollable desire to push hard. As doctors assure, such a desire should not be restrained at all, especially if the obstetricians themselves, who constantly monitor the birth process, insist on this. Thus, nature itself tries to help a woman giving birth survive the most powerful efforts and most effectively and fully cope with her main task for this period of time.

Women pushing

According to the medical staff, in the first stage of labor, when the contractions of the female body are aimed primarily at the full opening of the cervix, the woman in labor can only partially alleviate her well-being, trying to take a more comfortable position or using. Let us remember that contractions in no way depend on the woman in labor herself, as does the general course of labor in a given period. However, with the onset of full-fledged attempts, from a completely passive participant in labor, the expectant mother will have to turn into a rather active participant.

It is extremely important to fully feel the efforts during labor; in fact, this is why doctors do not use anesthesia to relieve pain from contractions, well, at least in standard cases. However, many women in labor still note that when pushing begins, the pain of the strongest contractions is already felt, not as strong as it was before. Almost the entire consciousness of a woman switches to the most effective straining and expulsion of the child from the womb.

It is also important to understand that when passing through a woman’s birth canal, the body of a small child will strongly compress all the organs surrounding the baby. And with the simultaneous straining of the woman in labor, all this can lead to the fact that the female bladder and, accordingly, the intestines may involuntarily and regardless of the woman’s desire, empty herself directly during strong pushing. Although, as a rule, the woman herself does not pay special attention to such nuances during pushing, women often worry about such quite probable “embarrassments” only before childbirth, without remembering their worries during childbirth. Women definitely shouldn’t worry too much about this. After all, firstly, such phenomena are more than physiological, absolutely normal and even familiar to any medical staff of the maternity hospital. And secondly, literally all unwanted or unplanned discharge from the woman in labor will be immediately removed by the midwife, and as a result, their contact with the woman in labor, the medical staff or the child is completely excluded.

For a woman in labor, the only correct decision during the period of pushing will be to fully concentrate both on her own feelings and on the basic instructions of the doctor delivering your child. Understand that right now a lot will depend on the woman in labor, and directly. It is important to understand that the better and more correctly a woman pushes, the easier it will be for the baby to be born into this world. However, it should also be understood that giving birth to a baby too quickly is very stressful for him, and that is why your doctor from time to time may well give the woman in labor a “lights out” by stopping her straining.

You should always remember that the baby himself will work no less than you during pushing. And, in addition, right now the little one will experience the greatest lack of oxygen, so you should obey your doctor who is delivering the birth and monitoring the process unquestioningly! It is therefore necessary to restrain your efforts if the doctor requires it, if strong straining, in his opinion, may not be too safe for the child. You will also have to do your best directly during the push when the doctor gives the woman such a command.

How to properly push during childbirth?

Any woman in labor will certainly feel that she has begun to push (it will be useful for you to read the article about). However, it may be very early to push - and therefore listen carefully to the instructions of the doctor delivering the baby. If the doctor is convinced that it is necessary to restrain or even completely stop the pushing (after all, it is impossible to completely eliminate it, since it happens reflexively, not depending on the desire of the woman giving birth), and tells you about this, you should try and relax as much as possible, and as much as possible maybe, perhaps, when relaxing, it is advisable to take very short, but quite frequent and most importantly shallow breaths (as doctors call this process - switch to the so-called “dog breathing”).

Also try to use the correct breathing techniques during the period of pushing, constantly accumulating the maximum of your strength for straining. And when the time comes to help your unborn baby, it is important to follow the doctor’s further instructions as clearly as possible. And the instructions, as a rule, are as follows:

  • In anticipation of pushing, take calm, deepest exhalations, and after them, also calmly and as deeply as possible inhale into the stomach - as deeply as possible, and not as long or more as possible.
  • Try to hold your breath, leaning forward slightly, pressing your chin to your chest, and at this moment spread your knees to the sides, pressing tightly to your muscle cavities, you can clasp your knees with your hands.
  • Next, gradually begin to push, and at the peak of physiological pushing, when you yourself begin to feel the maximum urge.
  • Then, with the onset of a new attempt, try to push down, as if “pushing” the baby out of the womb - and make maximum effort. However, remember, under no circumstances should you strain your face or eyes - remember, only the diaphragm and the organs below should be involved in pushing.
  • Next, try to push the baby forward, applying maximum effort with each new push.
  • Try to direct new attempts to the point of most intense pain. Moreover, the burning sensation or pain in the area of ​​the cervix or vagina itself should intensify each time, which will be evidence of an absolutely correct and most effective attempt.
  • Next, push until you feel the urgent need to take another breath. And in such cases, slowly exhale the air, inhaling deeply, hold your breath for a while and try to repeat it all over again.
  • It is important to maintain even, rhythmic and smooth breathing, without any jerks or changes. Sharp exhalations will “pull” the baby back into the womb.
  • You should not scream while pushing - believe me, this will not help you in any way, but such screams will waste a lot of strength. Try to remain silent or at least grunt calmly.
  • Remember, during one contraction, a woman in labor should make at least three pushes in a row, naturally, without breaks or rest.
  • In addition, in the intervals between strong contractions, the woman in labor should try to relax as much as possible and rest at least a little in order to restore strength for subsequent straining.
  • There is no need to force things. After all, a woman has hard work ahead, and she needs to concentrate as much as possible and properly distribute her own strength.
  • And one more important nuance and good advice: when you take a breath before the next push, imagine that you want to absorb the ball - and even try to feel the big ball in your stomach. And then, using force at the level of the abdominal press, try to push this virtual “ball” towards the perineum. Although, of course, you should listen to your own feelings, know that nature has thus arranged for us that women’s own feelings during childbirth usually do not let us down.

It is important to remember that on average, during a single contraction, about three attempts can occur, lasting approximately 10 or even 15 seconds. Let us note that many women during childbirth try to make one push as long as possible, although this, of course, is a global mistake. Believe me, it will be better to make two or even effective attempts during one contraction than to make one attempt, but unproductive, which may stop all oxygen supply to the fetus, which is so necessary for your baby right now.

It is extremely important to push as correctly as possible, otherwise your obstetricians will have to resort to the most extreme measures, including squeezing the baby out of the woman’s belly using forceps or a vacuum, which is actually extremely undesirable and dangerous for the baby. And therefore, the woman herself needs to calm down, and assess the current situation as objectively as possible and try to do absolutely everything that depends on you for the normal birth of the baby.

It is also worth noting that the so-called can not only speed up, but also significantly facilitate the process of giving birth to a baby. Such vertical births also contribute to proper straining, if only because the woman can completely succumb to her own sensations, without thinking at all about where to direct her exhalation (after all, the usual force of gravity acts). In addition, try to inquire in advance about the most comfortable and beneficial positions during childbirth, and even try these positions after first trying to understand which will be the most comfortable specifically for you. We definitely recommend watching an article with a video about existing ones today.

When labor attempts do not occur

Unfortunately, not all women in labor experience full-fledged efforts during labor. In some cases, attempts are completely absent, which, however, is not at all a serious violation of the process. Rather, this may be due to some physiological characteristics of the woman in labor herself.

And, nevertheless, the complete absence of attempts may not have the best effect on the overall course of labor and on the condition of the baby. In such situations, a woman simply has to rely entirely on the doctor delivering the baby, listen to him as carefully as possible and just as diligently follow all his instructions. Although to be honest, this can be very, very difficult. However, what can you do: such is Mother Nature - full-fledged physiologically correct attempts can occur, as it turns out, not in all women in labor.

The final push

Remember, after the birth of your child, the placenta that preserves the baby (or it is also called the afterbirth) will also have to be born. At this moment, the woman in labor may again feel the urge to strain, although this time it is not as strong and powerful as it was in the second stage of the birth process. One last very small effort - and your entire birth process is completely completed!

We would really like to see what scares you about the description of pushing. Indeed, in reality, pushing helps a lot in full-fledged labor, and besides, pushing is not as scary as they are described. The most important thing is to try to perceive your attempts as the most effective tool for proper, full delivery and try to use this tool in the best possible way.

Let us remind you that in the process of pushing directly from the vagina, the baby’s small head will gradually begin to appear (or possibly another part of your baby’s body, if in your case it was the buttock and not the head). The baby himself will make special forward movements, which is precisely why for some time his head will appear and then hide, back into the womb. And finally, when this reverse “swallowing” of the baby stops, you will definitely be transferred directly to the delivery room or transferred to a special delivery table. And remember, very soon you won’t even remember how difficult it was for you at that moment.

Try not to worry about anything. After all, childbirth is a wonderful natural process that has been well studied for quite a long time and has been “worked out” to the point of automatism, as they say in practice. Remember, don’t be afraid of childbirth - everything will definitely be very good for you!

Hello, dear readers! In this article we want to tell you how to push correctly during childbirth to avoid possible complications. We answer the question of how to push if you have hemorrhoids, and how to avoid their appearance during delivery. We describe how it is possible to reduce the likelihood of ruptures, and give useful recommendations and advice.

Childbirth – this is a short period during which pregnancy ends with the birth of a baby. It is difficult to predict how childbirth will go. It is important to remain in a positive mood and be confident that everything will go well.

Childbirth is a natural physiological process. During childbirth, the expectant mother should not be passive. Giving birth to a child is a lot of work on the part of a woman. , you need to remember that the expectant mother is going to work. The words of the midwife in the delivery room: “ My dear, you didn’t come to the park for a walk, but to give birth to a child.».

Let's look at the second stage of labor, when pushing begins. It is allowed to push when the dilation is 8-10 centimeters. During this period, it is important to act correctly.

Attempts - a complex process during which the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles voluntarily contract to expel the fetus. During pushing, the expectant mother feels pressure on the anus, accompanied by a desire to push. Contractions differ from pushing in that the duration of pushing can be controlled, but the muscles contract involuntarily during contractions and cannot be controlled. Not every woman feels the time of pushing.

How to push correctly?

During pushing, the expectant mother leans forward, trying to push the fetus out, and the ejection reflex is triggered. When a contraction occurs, you need to take a deep breath, as before diving into water. If necessary, you can take another breath. The expectant mother should exhale calmly and slowly. If you exhale sharply, the child “rolls” back. Read more about breathing during contractions and pushing in ours.

The time of pushing is controlled by the woman and depends on how long the expectant mother can push. There is no need to hold your breath for a long time. During the process, oxygen must enter the body. When you hold your breath for a long time, the content of carbon dioxide in the blood increases.

It is very important to breathe through your mouth, as this promotes better opening of the perineum.

Between contractions, the expectant mother should try to relax and take a break. It is necessary to save energy. When a new contraction occurs, you should “pull yourself together” and try to push the baby out as hard as possible. If you don’t work and don’t make an effort, then the second stage of labor increases in time.

Wrong actions and unwillingness to try can cause harm to yourself and the child.

If the amniotic sac has not burst earlier, it will happen during pushing. Don't be scared when your water breaks.

How to push without tearing?

During pushing, the expectant mother creates great pressure over the pelvic area. The resistance gradually goes away and the baby's head appears. At this moment you need to stop pushing and relax as much as possible. The doctor will ask you to breathe. You need to breathe frequently through a relaxed mouth. The baby receives oxygen when the mother exhales.

There will be no gaps if the expectant mother performs all the steps correctly:

  • Relaxes as much as possible after the head appears.
  • Breathes correctly and frequently.
  • Relaxes the jaw.

Any resistance during the head exit leads to ruptures. There is no need to strain the muscles of the perineum. The uterus itself expels the baby, while the perineum itself slowly stretches without tearing. If necessary, the doctor will ask the woman to push slightly.

How to push correctly to avoid hemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids - These are varicose veins in the anus. In order to avoid hemorrhoids, you need to push correctly. The expectant mother should press down on the uterus while pushing. You can't put pressure on the anus. The rectal muscles should be relaxed while pushing.

It happens that already during pregnancy a woman develops hemorrhoids. There are no contraindications to natural childbirth in the presence of this disease. But the presence of the disease can increase the duration of the delivery process. The pain may also increase.

Possible consequences:

  • Pinched hemorrhoids.
  • Acute thrombosis.

Any complications with hemorrhoids can be avoided. When expelling the fetus, the expectant mother must push into the perineum. The anal muscles should not be used during labor. Expectant mothers need to remember about measures to prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

How to push so as not to burst blood vessels in the eyes?

Bursted blood vessels in the eyes after childbirth indicate that the woman acted incorrectly during pushing. Vessels burst if you push upward into the head. This is the most common mistake during childbirth. Before attempting, you need to concentrate as much as possible and gather your strength. When a contraction occurs, a deep breath is taken, then the expectant mother begins to push down, putting pressure on the diaphragm and uterus. The fetus is expelled through the perineum.

There is also no need to hold your breath for long. If the expectant mother holds her breath for a long period or at the wrong time, then the pressure in the head increases. Which in turn provokes ruptures of blood vessels in the eyes.

Nature has provided for the entire process of childbirth. Expulsion of the fetus occurs when the birth canal is wide open and ready for the birth of the baby. Up to a certain point, the expectant mother must help the muscles push the fetus out of the birth canal. The whole process during pushing requires a lot of physical effort. During contractions that occur in the second stage of labor, the expectant mother may feel like she is suffocating. You must immediately begin to inhale and exhale deeply. Oxygen needs to be constantly replenished. Between contractions you should relax and rest. During relaxation, muscle strength is quickly restored. Childbirth can take place quickly, painlessly and without negative consequences. Everything is in the hands of the expectant mother.

See you in the next article!