Knitted jumpsuit for babies with a zipper. We knit beautiful overalls for babies

What could be warmer and more comfortable for a baby than a knitted insulated jumpsuit? You can't live without this piece of clothing on cool days. And how cute and funny the kids look, dressed up in fluffy onesies. In this article you will find a detailed master class for beginners, which tells and shows step by step the entire process of making such things. Pay special attention to the photos and video tutorials. In addition, we offer you other interesting and original models of overalls.

A simple version of a children's knitted overalls for beginners

You can knit the first overalls for your child yourself. The following master class was created by craftswoman Tatyana Vinogradova to help you. All you have to do is stock up on threads and knitting needles, study the following patterns, descriptions, instructions and go ahead! Knit and everything will work out!

The overalls are designed for a child from 0 to 4 months. To work, you will need grass yarn - 3 skeins, cotton/acrylic yarn - 1 skein, knitting needles No. 2, hook No. 4.5, buttons - 4 pcs.

Pants legs.

Cast on 27 stitches with cotton/acrylic thread and knit with an elastic band 1x1 8 r.

Put “grass” yarn into work and knit faces. satin stitch 40 rubles, evenly decreasing in 1st row. 7 p. (=20 p.). Set aside knitting.

Knit 3 more parts of the legs in the same way.

Combine 2 parts of the legs into one piece by knitting the last loop of the 1st part and the 1st stitch of the last leg together. On the knitting needles you should get 39 sts. Next, knit 40 r. persons stitch, mark the beginning and end of the row (sleeves) with a marker. Knit another 16 r. persons satin stitch

A skilled needlewoman mom can easily knit it using our instruction article.

Front end.
Combine the two remaining legs in the same way as the previous ones. Knit 8 r. persons satin stitch At 9 p.m. close the central 3 sts and then knit both parts of the front separately. Knit one half and on the 40th row mark with a marker the place for the sleeve. Knit another 15 r. and begin to form the neckline, closing 3 sts once. In the 17th r. close 1 time 2 p., in the 19th r. 1 time 1 p., in the 21st bind off all loops. Knit the second front front of the overalls in the same way.


Using cotton/acrylic threads, cast on 68 stitches and knit 8 rows. elastic band 1x1. Attach the “grass” yarn and continue working, decreasing in 1 row. evenly 14 p. (= 60 p.). Next 20 rub. knit faces satin stitch

Divide all the loops into 3 equal parts and knit the hood using the heel-toe technology. Knit faces. stitch 17 stitches, knit the 18th and 1st stitches together, turn the work over. Next knit purl. row of purl loops: 16 p., 17th loop of the middle and 1st loop of the 3rd part knit together. Knit in this way until there are 18 central loops left on the knitting needle and then bind off all the loops.


Sew the product along the shoulder lines. Cast on the knitting needles by faces. side 34 p. Knit faces. satin stitch 25 rub. On the 26th row, introduce a cotton/acrylic thread and knit 8 rows. with an elastic band 1x1, while decreasing evenly in 1 r. 4 p. (=30 p.). Close all loops.
Knit the second sleeve in the same way.

Product assembly. Complete all seams.

Crochet the strips on the shelves and sew on 4 buttons.

If you wish, you can tie bunny or kitten ears on the hood. But overalls made in white and with bear ears on the hood are especially popular and in demand. The author of the product and master of the class, Tatyana Vinogradova, called this jumpsuit “Umka”. You can see his photo below. The “Umka” jumpsuit is knitted using the same master class.

Overalls: knitting patterns and description of further work

Children's overalls are a very practical item. It's comfortable to play in. It adheres well to the child’s body, does not slip or twist. It is especially convenient to play in this model on the floor, grass or in the sandbox.

This model is suitable for a 1 year old child.

For work you will need cotton/acrylic yarn - 100 g of red, 50 g of pink and yellow; 5 pieces. buttons, knitting needles No. 3.

Knitting density: 10 X 10 cm = 26 loops X 36 rows.

Sequence of alternating stripes No. 1: faces. smooth surface *4 r. red yarn, 4 r. pink yarn*, repeat from * to *.

Sequence of alternating stripes No. 2: faces. smooth surface *2 r. pink yarn, 2 p. red yarn*, repeat from * to *.

Sequence of alternating stripes No. 3: faces. smooth surface *2 r. red yarn, 2 p. pink yarn*, repeat from * to *.

If you still don’t have enough skills to knit a jumpsuit, look at the link and knit beautiful and high-quality things with us!

Description of the knitting process for beginners

Back of the product.
  1. Start knitting from the left leg.
  2. Using yellow yarn, cast on 32 stitches and knit stitches. stitch, adding every 2nd p. along the right edge 5 times 2 p. (= 42 p.).
  3. At a fabric height of 4 cm, set aside knitting. Knit the right leg of the back part symmetrically to the left.
  4. At a height of the right trouser leg of 4 cm, attach the loops of the left trouser leg to it (= 84 sts) and knit further in a straight line. satin stitch
  5. Form the gusset as follows: in 1 person. R. on middle 8 p. remove 1 p., k2. together, stretch the removed stitch through them, k2, k2. together.
  6. In the next persons. R. on middle 6 p. ‘Slip 1 p., knit 1, pull the removed p. through it, knit 2, knit 2. together*, repeat from * to *.
  7. In the next persons. R. repeat decreases 3 more times (= 72 sts) and then knit in a straight line.
  8. At a canvas height of 11 cm, alternate stripes No. 1.
  9. At a fabric height of 29 cm, after 4 rows knitted with red yarn, alternate stripes No. 2.
  10. At a canvas height of 31 cm, to form armholes on both sides, close in every 2nd r. 1 time 4 p., 2 times 2 p., 2 times 1 p. (= 52 p.).
  11. At a fabric height of 42 cm, to form a neckline, close off the middle 30 stitches and then knit both parts separately.
  12. After knitting 2 rows, close 2 stitches along the edge of the neckline once. At a part height of 43 cm, close off the remaining 9 stitches of the shoulder.
Front part of the product.
  1. Knit the same as the back part to a fabric height of 10.5 cm, doing the gusset too.
  2. At a piece height of 10.5 cm, close off the middle 4 stitches and then knit both parts separately (= 34 stitches). for each part.
  3. At a canvas height of 11 cm, alternate stripes No. 1.
  4. At a fabric height of 29 cm, after 4 rows knitted with red yarn, alternate stripes No. 2.
  5. At a canvas height of 31 cm to form an armhole on both sides in every 2nd r. close 1 time 4 p., 2 times 2 p., 2 times 1 p. (= 24 p.).
  6. At a canvas height of 38 cm, to form a neckline on both sides, close in every 2nd r. 1 time 4 p., 1 time 3 p., 1 time 2 p., 6 times 1 p. At the height of the part 43 cm, close the remaining 9 p. shoulder.
  1. Using red yarn, cast on 50 stitches and knit. stitch, decreasing on both sides every 10th r. 5 times 1 p. (= 60 p.).
  2. At a canvas height of 16 cm, alternate stripes No. 2.
  3. At a canvas height of 18 cm, to form an armhole on both sides, decrease in every 2nd r. 1 time 3 p., 1 time 2 p., 8 times 1 p., 1 time 2 p., 1 time 3 p. (= 24 p.).
  4. At a piece height of 25 cm, bind off the remaining 24 sts.

To knit a product with the highest quality, read our separate article on this topic.

  1. Sew the seams of the shoulder lines.
  2. For the neckline, pick up 80 stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit with a 2 cm yellow thread using an elastic band of 2?2, starting and ending with a row of k3. n. After this, close the loops.
  3. To form a placket along the edge of the left front, raise 108 sts and knit with a 2 cm yellow thread with an elastic band of 2?2, starting and ending with a row of 3 knits. n. After this, close the loops.
  4. Sew buttons onto the placket. Make the strap of the right shelf in the same way, only with holes for buttons (1 yarn over, 2 knits together).
  5. Sew the remaining seams along the product.
Pattern diagram:

Model for an active child 3-4 years old for walking outside

It will be very convenient for a little fidget to walk, run, and jump in a knitted jumpsuit. This thing does not restrict movement and protects well from wind and cold. The following model is suitable for children 3-4 years old. It is made of melange yarn, so both girls and boys can wear it.

For work you will need half-wool yarn - 600 g melange, some lilac yarn, knitting needles No. 3, No. 2.5, hook No. 4.

Step-by-step MK with analysis of all stages of work

Pants legs.
  1. Start knitting from the bottom of the pants. Cast on 61 stitches and knit 3 cm on needles No. 2.5 with a 1x1 elastic band.
  2. Next, switch to needles No. 3 and knit 34 cm with the main pattern.
  3. In every 6th r. add 2 stitches at the beginning and end of the row to expand the fabric (=101 stitches).
  4. For the buttock line, cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of each row, then 2 times 3 stitches, 2 times 2 stitches and 1 time 1 loop.
  5. A total of 12 stitches should be closed on each side of the part.
  6. On the remaining 77 stitches, knit the fabric straight to a product height of 59 cm.
  7. Start shaping the armhole. Knit 38 stitches, turn the work and then knit half the width of the back.
  8. When the total height of the part reaches 79 cm, close the neckline: 8 points, 4 points, 3 points, 1 point, in total 16 points should be closed 4 times.
  9. Next, close all shoulder stitches.
  10. On the remaining 39 sts, knit to a product height of 77 cm and bind off the loops to form the front neckline: 7 sts, 3 sts, 2 times 2 sts, 2 times 1 st.
  11. A total of 16 stitches should be closed. Next, bind off all shoulder loops.

Give your child a good mood: - these are cute, safe toys, knitted by your caring hands!

  1. Cast on 43 sts and knit 3 cm on needles No. 2.5 with a 1x1 elastic band.
  2. Switch to needles No. 3 and knit 25 cm with the main pattern.
  3. In every 4th r. add 2 sts to expand the fabric at the beginning and end of the row (=87 sts).
  1. Sew the seams of the legs, shoulders, back seam and bottom front.
  2. Cast on 75 stitches along the neckline and knit 8 rows. elastic band 1x1 lilac yarn.
  3. Attach the thread to the upper part of the left front and crochet the button bar: 3 r. single crochets.
  4. Fasten the lilac thread to the upper part of the right shelf and knit 2 rows. single crochet, in the 3rd row. make buttonholes. At 4 p.m. Along the edge of the bar, tie a fringe: single crochets in each column of the bar, and between them there are 3 air loops. Along the edge of the neckline, make the same fringe.

From this selection of material, you saw that overalls and overalls are comfortable and convenient clothing for children of any age.

It’s also useful to know, because our little ones need warmth so much!

The overalls will give the child warmth, comfort, and care. And no more arguments are needed. All that remains is to pick up the threads and knitting needles, decide on the model and start knitting. Good luck to you in this creative endeavor!

With the birth of a baby, many mothers want to dress him in beautiful clothes created with their own hands. It’s just that due to their inexperience, they don’t know where to start.

This article contains materials that can help even the most inexperienced knitter make a wonderful thing.

To knit, you will need yarn, knitting needles or a crochet hook and a knitting needle. You can purchase these things by visiting a handicraft store, which is available in any city.

But before you go shopping, decide on the model that you will implement.


When purchasing yarn, base your choice on the following points.
Consider the season for which the knitted baby jumpsuit is intended.

  • For the winter model, it is better to choose yarn containing alpaca or merino wool with the addition of high-quality acrylic.
  • For the summer option, cotton, viscose and silk are suitable.
  • High quality acrylic items are suitable for any season.

Knitting needles and needles

It is preferable to select knitting needles based on the following method. Fold the thread of yarn you have chosen for the future product in half, twist it slightly and compare the diameter of the resulting thickness with the thickness of the knitting needle you are purchasing. If it matches, then the knitting needles are guaranteed to fit.

A knitting needle will be useful for assembling the finished product. Its distinctive feature is a blunt tip that will not destroy the structure of the yarn fiber.

Details and pattern of knitted overalls

First of all, create a pattern for the future overalls for newborns and knit a knitting pattern. This will help you make the correct calculations.

Using two rulers, count the number of loops that fit in a 10-centimeter segment. And you also need to count the number of rows that fit into the same height.

Based on the data obtained, the required number of stitches to be cast on is calculated, and the increases and decreases in the pattern are also calculated.

But if you do not want to make the calculations yourself, then you can use ready-made calculations.

Attention! When using ready-made calculations, pay attention to the consistency of the density of the sample you are connecting with what is stated in the description.

The overalls pattern can be created using the dimensions of your baby. You can also use a printed ready-made pattern. The diagram below can serve as an example of a pattern.

  • The first size applies to the age group from 0 to 3 months.
  • The size in brackets is from 3 to 6 months and above.

Calculation of loops for knitting a hood

When knitting a jumpsuit with a hood, you will have to pay extra attention to this detail.

  • At the age of 0 to 3 months, the baby’s head volume is 35-40 centimeters.
  • At the age of 3 to 6 months, these figures are 42-44 centimeters.

By linking the sample according to these indicators, you can independently calculate the pattern of increases and decreases in the hood of the product.

Knitting overalls

Knitting needles are the simplest knitting device that even the most inexperienced knitter can master.

For the first experiment, it is easiest to take a model knitted with stockinette stitch as a sample. This type of knitting is based on knitting all the loops on the outside with knit loops, and on the inside, respectively, with purl loops.

For a more attractive result, use yarn of different colors. The best solution would be to make cuffs and piping in a contrasting color or a smooth transition from one color to another.

For products intended for babies under three months, pastel colors are better suited, while older children prefer contrasting, bright colors.

There are several stages of knitting that significantly affect the result.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners

  • For your first job, choose simple models with diagrams and detailed descriptions.
  • There is no need to look for options whose beauty is based on the complexity of the knitted pattern. It is better to combine a spectacular color combination and the front surface.

Important: never combine a complex pattern and variety of colors in a model, it looks vulgar and ridiculous.

  • For the first work, medium-thick yarn (about 300 meters per 100 g) and knitting needles with a thickness of 3.5 are best suited. Using tools with a thicker diameter, you will end up with a very loose knitted product.
  • The same will happen when using fine yarn. If you take thick yarn, you will get a thing that is rough to the touch. When used, it will irritate the delicate skin of babies.
  • For an inexperienced knitter, it is ideal to choose the raglan option for the first implementation. This is a fairly simple option in execution and calculations. It is also the easiest to assemble.

Pattern and description of knitting the top of overalls with raglan sleeves

The construction of the calculation of the cast-on loops, as well as additions and decreases, entirely depends on the size of the neck circumference of your child.

It is this indicator that affects the number of loops cast on in the initial row.

  • From the resulting quantity we subtract 8 loops (2 pieces for each raglan line).
  • We divide the remainder into three parts. Two equal ones are the front and back, the third part is divided in half for the sleeves.
  • When making the necessary increases, keep in mind that the increases on the front and back should be twice as large as on the sleeves.
  • Another important point is that when dividing the knitting into four parts, it is necessary to knit several incomplete rows for the back.

The figure below shows an example of calculating a raglan for knitting with the pattern shown in Fig.

This pattern, made by alternating knit and purl stitches, is the most used pattern for children's clothing.

Another very effective move is to use braids on the raglan line.

Knitting pattern for “bear” overalls with ears

The next most popular overalls for babies is a model made in the form of a funny teddy bear costume, with ears on the hood. It is the last detail that gives this item its unique tenderness and charm.

For the execution of this model, yarn of a single color is great.

It is best not to use intricate patterns. Knit the overalls using the raglan technique or from bottom to top according to the above pattern.

And after assembly, simply sew pre-knitted ovals to the hood, imitating animal ears. Or crochet them.

Embroidered eyes just below will help enhance the cute effect.

Attention! Do not use plastic eyes suitable for sewing on for this purpose, as they can injure the baby’s delicate skin.

It will be useful for a novice craftswoman to first watch a video with knitting tips.

Crochet overalls for a newborn

Crocheted overalls for a newborn are a much more complex model to make than knitted ones.

  • Firstly, crochet patterns are more complex than knitting patterns.
  • Secondly, such a model will require more yarn.
  • Thirdly, be patient, you will need it, because this type of jumpsuit will require you comparatively more time.

Completing of the work

But if you still decide to risk this experiment, then you should know a few simple rules and follow them step by step.

  • This type of product requires fine yarn. It is best to use samples with readings of 500 meters per 100 grams. If you take thicker yarn, you will end up with a rough fabric that will rub your baby’s delicate body.
  • Use simple combinations of patterns in the model: various options for columns, shells and fans.
  • Ideally use a 2.0-2.5 hook. To obtain a plastic and pleasant thing, this tool is perfect. A thicker number will create through holes and require the use of a liner.
  • As in knitting, all calculations are based on measuring the knitted sample and making a pattern. It is from them that the knitting pattern for children's overalls is calculated.
    Here is one sample pattern to use as an example.

Crocheted children's items have a special charm and charm. Unlike knitting needles, these models have special tenderness and sophistication.

It is best to use crochet for summer jumpsuits. They are not so dense and allow the baby's skin to breathe freely.

And finally, a few recommendations

  • Do not use complex openwork patterns for infant onesies.
  • The most beautiful children's clothing is made in a discreet, in some ways even strict, manner.
  • If you want to decorate your baby's clothing, use embroidery.
  • Do not decorate knitted items with beads and brooches. Once in children's hands, they can cause a lot of trouble.
  • If you are making a model with a front clasp, know that to knit the placket you only need to knit four additional rows.
  • Use buttons without shanks to make fasteners. Firstly, they are attached more securely and it will be more difficult for the baby to unscrew them. Secondly, they, without sharp protrusions, are not pressed into delicate skin.

Yarn - Caucasian troika, it took about 400 grams, size - up to 6 months.


Cast on 30 stitches on the knitting needles with white thread and knit 8 cm with a 1x1 elastic band. Switch to the blue thread and in the first row, cast on another 15 loops across the width of the fabric and distribute the pattern. You should have 11 rows of pattern. then knit with the HOUND FOOT pattern to a height of 6 rows of the pattern.

Next, perform an increase, add 6 loops in total. And knit 10 patterns to a height. Then immediately decrease 5 stitches on the inside of the panties and another 5 stitches every other row. Next we knit 8 rows of the pattern in height.

We divide the fabric in half and knit the back and front separately.

On the shelf, perform a decrease as shown in the video. Also knit the second half of the overalls. Sew both halves.

Neck. Cast on 46 stitches along the neck line and knit with an elastic band of 2-3 cm. And immediately knit the hood with the HOOSH FOOT pattern. To make the pattern symmetrical, add one more stitch. There should be a total of 47 loops on the hood. you will get 11 rows of the pattern. Knit up 7 rows of pattern. Then knit only the middle pattern, 7 loops, decreasing the loops on both sides until 7 loops remain on the knitting needles.

Tie the planks with a 1x1 elastic band, leaving buttonholes.

Design the hood line -

Along the hood line, cast on 62 loops, as on the shelves, from one edge loop 2 and knit 4 rows with stockinette stitch. Then on the front side we knit 2 knit stitches together, yarn over, 2 knit stitches together, yarn over, etc. to the end of the row. On the purl side, purl all the stitches, knit the yarn over so that there is a hole. Next we knit 4 rows again using stockinette stitch. And then I already showed it.

Sleeves. cast on 30 stitches on the knitting needles and knit the cuff with an elastic band of 1 x 1 8 cm. Next, knit 9 rows of the pattern with the pattern up. The width should be 7 rows of the pattern. Sew the sleeves to the armhole of the overalls. Twist the decorative cord, make pompoms and insert into the trim of the hood. Sew buttons.

Playlist with a step-by-step lesson on knitting this jumpsuit

Jumpsuit and hat “Bear”.


Cap: 0 (3) 6 (12) months; width - 31 (33) 37 (39) cm, height - 13.5 (15) 16 (17) cm = head circumference - 39 (41) 45 (47) cm
Jumpsuit: 0 (3) 6 (12) months


Yarn P. Caresse (51% acrylic microfiber, 49% polyamide; 146 m/50 g) - 2 (2) 2 (3) skeins gray (GIVRE), 1 (1) 1 (2) skeins blue (FAIENCE), 1 (1) 1 (2) skein light beige (ECRU), 1 skein dark gray (ACIER) for all sizes; knitting needles No. 3,5 and 4; 5 buttons with a diameter of 9 mm; pin for removing loops.
Yarn P. Caresse (51% acrylic microfiber, 49% polyamide; 146 m/50 g) - 1 skein for all sizes light beige (ECRU), gray (GIVRE), blue (FAIENCE), dark gray (ACIER) ; knitting needles No. 3,5 and 4; hook No. 3.5.



Alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.

shawl stitch

Front and back rows - front loops.


Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops; In circular rows, knit all stitches.


From the right edge = knit 1, knit the next 2 stitches together;
from the left edge = at the end of the row, when there are 3 stitches left on the knitting needle, knit 2 stitches together with a slant to the left (slip 1 stitch as in knitting, knit 1 and pull it through the removed loop), then knit the last stitch facial.


Execute according to the scheme.


23 p. x 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch (knitting needles No. 4);
23 p. x 48 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with garter stitch (knitting needles No. 3.5);
22 p. x 42 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with garter stitch (knitting needles No. 4).




On knitting needles No. 3.5, using a light beige thread, cast on 70 (74) 82 (88) sts and for the placket, knit 1.5 cm = 6 r. with an elastic band.

Switch to needles No. 4 and continue working in garter stitch, completing the 1st row at the beginning. 1 increase = 71 (75) 83 (89) p.

After 6 (7.5) 8.5 (9.5) cm from the bar, continue knitting with a gray thread, evenly distributing the decreases as follows: *knit 8 stitches, then 2 stitches together*, repeat from * to * 7 times , then 1 p. = 64 p.

After 6 r. *knit 7 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 1 st = 57 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 6 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 1 st = 50 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 5 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 1 st = 43 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 4 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 1 st = 36 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 3 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 1 st = 29 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 2 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 1 st = 22 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 1 p., then 2 p. together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 1 p. = 15 p.

After 2 r. knit 1 p., then knit all loops 2 p. together = 8 p. Pull the loops together with a working thread (*knit 8 p., then 2 p. together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 5 p. = 68 P.

After 6 r. *knit 7 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 5 sts = 61 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 6 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 5 sts = 54 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 5 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 5 sts = 47 sts.

After 2 r. Continue working with blue thread.

After 2 r. *knit 4 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 7 times, then 5 sts = 40 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 3 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times = 32 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 2 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times = 24 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 1 p., then 2 p. together*, repeat from * to * 8 times = 16 p.

After 2 r. knit all loops 2 p. together = 8 p. Pull the loops together with a working thread) *knit 8 p., then 2 p. together*, repeat from * to * 8 times, then 3 p. = 75 p.

After 6 r. *knit 7 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times, then 3 sts = 67 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 6 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times, then 3 sts = 59 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 5 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times, then 3 sts = 51 sts.

After 2 r. Continue working with blue thread.

After 2 r. *knit 4 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times, then 3 sts = 43 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 3 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times, then 3 sts = 35 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 2 sts, then 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 8 times, then 3 sts = 27 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 1 p., then 2 p. together*, repeat from * to * 9 times = 18 p.

After 2 r. knit all loops 2 p. together = 9 p. Pull the loops together with a working thread (*knit 7 p., 2 p. together, 6 p., 2 p. together*, repeat from * to * 5 times, then 3 p. = 78 p.

After 6 r. * 6 sts, 2 sts together, 5 sts, 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 5 times, then 3 sts = 68 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 5 sts, 2 sts together, 4 sts, 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 5 times, then 3 sts = 58 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 4 sts, 2 sts together, 3 sts, 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 5 times, then 3 sts = 48 sts.

After 2 r. Continue working with blue thread.

After 2 r. *knit 3 sts, 2 sts together, 2 sts, 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 5 times, then 3 sts = 38 sts.

After 4 r. *knit 2 sts, 2 sts together, 1 st, 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 5 times, then 3 sts = 28 sts.

After 2 r. *knit 2 sts together, 1 st, 2 sts together*, repeat from * to * 5 times, then 3 sts = 18 sts.

After 2 r. knit all loops 2 p. together = 9 p. Pull the loops together with working thread).


On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 10 sts with a light beige thread and knit in garter stitch.

After 4 r. from the initial row, decrease on both sides at a distance of 1 p. from the edge 1 x 1 p. (= 2 p. together with the front one), then after 2 p. 1 x 1 p.


Form a ring using a dark gray thread using a No. 3.5 crochet hook, then knit 8 tbsp. b/n in the ring and finish the job.

Knit the second eye in the same way.


On needles No. 4, cast on 11 stitches with light beige thread and knit in stockinette stitch according to the pattern. After 19 r. From the initial row, close off the remaining 11 sts.

Embroider with a loop-to-loop stitch using dark gray thread (see diagram).


Sew the back seam of the cap. Sew the muzzle and eyes onto the part knitted with light beige thread, and the ears onto the part knitted in garter stitch with gray thread, then embroider the outline of the muzzle with dark gray thread.



On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 24 (24) 26 (30) sts with gray thread and for the placket knit 2 cm = 8 r. with an elastic band.

Switch to needles No. 4 and continue working in stockinette stitch, making 1 increase in the 1st row. for sizes 3 and 6 months = 24 (25) 27 (30) p.

For bevels, add on both sides at a distance of 1 stitch from the edge in each next 8th row. 2 x 1 p. (in each next 12th r. 2 x 1 p.) in each next 14th r. 2 x 1 p. (in each next 18th p. 2 x 1 p.) = 28 (29) 31 (34) p.

After 9.5 (13) 16 (19) cm = 28 (40) 48 (58) r. Set these loops aside from the placket and knit the second leg symmetrically. Knit 28 (29) 31 (34) sts of the second leg, add 1 x 3 sts and knit the postponed 28 (29) 31 (34) sts = 59 (61) 65 (71) sts.

For fastening through 16 (20.5) 24.5 (28.5) cm = 48 (62) 74 (86) r. from the bar, set aside 26 (27) 29 (32) sts from the left edge and continue knitting 33 (34) 36 (39) sts from the right edge.

After 17.5 (22) 26 (30) cm = 52 (66) 78 (90) r. from the bar, subtract 1 x 1 p. from the right working edge, then after 18 p. 1 x 1 p. (after 20 r. 1 x 1 p.) after 22 r. 1 x 1 p. (after 24 p. 1 x 1 p.) = 31 (32) 34 (37) p.

After 21.5 (26.5) 31.5 (36.5) cm = 64 (80) 94 (110) r. From the bar, knit in stockinette stitch with a light beige thread 24 r., then switch to a gray thread.

After 30 (35) 40 (45) cm = 90 (106) 120 (136) r. from the bar close for the armhole from the right edge 1 x 3 p., then in each next 2 p. 1 x 2 p. and 2 x 1 p. = 24 (25) 27 (30) p.

Continue knitting straight.

At the same time, for the neckline, close 1 x 8 p. along the inner edge, then after 2 p. 1 x 5 p. (1 x 6 p.) 1 x 7 p. (1 x 8 p.).

On needles No. 4 with gray thread, cast on 7 sts, pick up the set aside stitches and finish the second side from the neckline.


Knit like back = 59 (61) 65 (71) p.

After 17.5 (22) 26 (30) cm = 52 (66) 78 (90) r. from the bar it is emphasized to subtract 1 x 1 p., then after 18 p. 1 x 1 p. (after 20 r. 1 x 1 p.) after 22 r. 1 x 1 p. (after 24 r. 1 x 1 p.) = 55 (57) 61 (67) p.

At the same time, after 21.5 (26.5) 31.5 (36.5) cm = 64 (80) 94 (110) r. From the bar, knit in stockinette stitch with a light beige thread 24 r., then switch to a gray thread.

After 30 (35) 40 (45) cm = 90 (106) 120 (136) r. from the bar close for the armholes on both sides 1 x 3 p., then in each next 2 p. 1 x 2 p. and 2 x 1 p. = 41 (43) 47 (53) p. Continue knitting straight.

After 34.5 (40) 44.5 (50) cm = 104 (120) 134 (150) r. From the bar, switch to knitting needles No. 3.5 and continue working with blue garter stitch thread.

After 38 (44) 50 (55) cm from the placket, close off the middle 5 (7) 9 (9) sts for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

For the bevel, close 1 x 3 p. along the inner edge, then in each next 2 p. 1 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p. and after 4 p. 1 x 1 p. (1 x 3 p., then in every next 2 p. 1 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p. and after 4 p. 1 x 1 p.) 1 x 3 p., then in every next 2nd r. 1 x 2 p., 1 x 1 p. and after 4 p. 1 x 1 p. (1 x 3 p., then in every next 2 p. 1 x 2 p. and 3 x 1 p.).

For the shoulder bevel, after 40 (46) 52 (58) cm from the bar, close 1 x 3 sts along the outer edge, then in each next 2 sts. 2 x 4 p. (1 x 3 p., then in every next 2 p. 2 x 4 p.) 1 x 4 p., then in every next 2 p. 2 x 4 p. (1 x 4 p., then in every next 2 p. 2 x 5 p.).

Finish the second side symmetrically.


On knitting needles No. 3.5, cast on 34 (36) 38 (40) sts with gray thread and for the placket knit 1.5 cm = 6 r. with an elastic band.

Switch to needles No. 4 and continue working in stockinette stitch, adding sleeves on both sides to bevel at a distance of 1 stitch from the edge in each next 4th row. 6 x 1 p. (in every next 4th row 4 x 1 p. and in every next 6th row 3 x 1 p.) in every next 4th row. 4 x 1 p. and in every next 6 p. 4 x 1 p. (in every next 4th p. 2 x 1 p. and in every next 6th p. 7 x 1 p.) = 46 (50) 54 (58) p.

After 9 (13.5) 15.5 (18.5) cm = 28 (40) 46 (56) r. from the bar, close the sleeves on both sides for piping in each next 2nd r. 1 x 4 p., 1 x 3 p., 2 x 1 p., 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 4 p. (1 x 4 p., 1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p., 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 4 p.) 1 x 5 p., 1 x 3 p., 2 x 2 p., 1 x 3 p. and 1 x 5 p. (1 x 5 p., 1 x 4 p. ., 2 x 2 p., 1 x 4 p. and 1 x 5 p.).

After 13 (17.5) 19.5 (22.5) cm = 40 (52) 58 (68) r. close off the remaining 14 sts from the placket.

Knit the second sleeve in the same way.


Using a light beige thread, cast on 10 stitches on needles No. 3.5 and knit in garter stitch.

After 4 r. from the initial row, emphasize 1 x 1 p. on both sides, then after 2 p. 1 x 1 p.

After 8 r. From the beginning row, bind off the remaining 6 sts.

Knit the second eye in the same way.


Sew shoulder seams, as well as side and sleeve seams. Sew sleeves into armholes. Make a step seam.

On knitting needles No. 3.5, using a blue thread, from the front side of the work, cast on 60 (64) 68 (74) sts along the edge of the neckline and close, knitting the loops with knit stitches on the wrong side of the work.

Sew buttons. Embroider: the nose and eyes with a loop-to-loop stitch using dark gray thread, the muzzle with a needle-forward stitch (see diagram). Sew on the ears (see photo).

Photo: magazine “Sabrina Baby” No. 4/2017

Overalls are considered the most practical clothing for a baby. It will look cute and will also provide good protection from drafts and cold. This type of clothing can be worn both instead of outerwear and under it, while it absolutely does not hinder the baby’s movements.

In this article you will be able to look at the photos of what ready-made overalls especially for newborns are like. Knitting a stylish and warm jumpsuit that is suitable for a newborn will not take much of your time, especially if you know how to knit!

We knit overalls on knitting needles for newborn babies from 0 to 3 months

To knit the overalls shown in the figure below, you will need one hundred and twenty grams of fine yarn, consisting of 80 percent wool and 20 percent acrylic. Pink yarn. Select five buttons and knitting needles number two.

This knitted overalls for a newborn comes with a step-by-step knitting pattern and description. The diagram can be viewed below:

The back of the overalls is knitted this way: cast on twenty-nine stitches for each leg and knit two centimeters with a 1x1 elastic band. Continue knitting the pattern according to the pattern, adding one loop five times in every second row, along the inner edge. To combine the loops of both trouser legs, you need to step back five centimeters in height. Add six more loops between the loops, so that you get a total of 74 loops.

For armholes, decrease two loops on both sides in every fifth row ten times, doing this at a height of twenty centimeters from the beginning of the step bevel. At a final height of 34 centimeters, knit 34 loops for the neck. For the right front part, knit the pant leg in the same way as the back one. In order to make a fastener bar on the right side, you need to cast on five loops at a height of five centimeters. Knit these five loops with a pearl pattern, and continue straight, performing the remaining loops with the same pattern.

As on the back piece, knit the armhole along the side seam. The height for this should be 25 centimeters. For the neck, cast on nineteen stitches at the total height of the product, which, as was written earlier, is 34 centimeters. The left front part of the overalls should be knitted symmetrically to the right front part. In order to knit the sleeves, you need to cast on forty-five loops and knit two centimeters with a 1x1 elastic band. In the last row, add four more stitches to make the total number forty-nine. Continue knitting the pattern according to the pattern.

From the beginning of knitting, the sleeves are 14 centimeters high, decrease two loops on both sides in every second row ten times, and close all the remaining nine loops. This is necessary to roll back the sleeve. The total length of the entire sleeve is about 21 centimeters. To assemble the entire product, you need to complete all side seams and all sleeve seams. Then sew the sleeves into the armholes. To finish the neckline, you need to lift a loop along its edge and tie one and a half centimeters with a 1x1 elastic band. Make the first and last five loops with a pearl pattern, and close the loops according to the above pattern.

Place the bottom edge of the right fastener bar over the left one and perform the step step. On the right placket, make five holes for buttons, which are sewn with one loop. Make the first hole about one centimeter from the top edge, the last – two centimeters from the bottom. Well, the rest can be distributed evenly. And feel free to sew on buttons. The finished knitted overalls for a newborn need to be slightly moistened and allowed to dry completely.

Stylish and warm clothes for babies from 0 to 10 months

It is possible to knit a jumpsuit for different ages of the baby. According to the above description and pattern for knitting a jumpsuit, you can similarly, by increasing the size, knit a jumpsuit for a child over three months old.

Video lessons for beginners

In this article you can watch some video collections on learning how to knit overalls for newborns. In addition, today there are quite a lot of video lessons that future mothers can find on the Internet to dress up your baby beautifully.