"Smoky eyes" for blue eyes. How to create smokey eye makeup for blue eyes Smokey eye turquoise

Smokey eyes for brown eyes are an indispensable solution for going out. However, there are also samples for daytime bows. This make-up is popular both among young girls and ladies of respectable age. It perfectly emphasizes the warm glow of the eyes, attracts and attracts the attention of others. It is not for nothing that it is believed that skillfully executed make-up is not only a universal women’s weapon for conquering men’s hearts, but also an irreplaceable component of the image, an opportunity to express and present oneself in many life situations, a powerful way of self-expression. The task of any make-up is to correct appearance features: to present undoubted advantages and divert attention from small flaws. Some beauties focus on their lips by choosing bright lipsticks. But an expressive look is a much more powerful way to win men’s hearts.

Key features and advantages of the technology

Smoky eyes translated means “smoky eyes”. It is the effect of the disappearing haze that makes it so special. Usually, 3-4 shades of shadows are taken for work, which are applied to the eyelid from light to dark, after which they are carefully shaded. The easiest way to achieve the desired result is with a special makeup brush; sponges do not cope well with the task.

Smokey eyes are suitable for both light and dark eyes, but it is easiest for brown-eyed beauties to choose tones. Grays and blues with ineptly selected color combinations become smaller and are completely lost against the general background. Brown ones are filled with depth, a subtle mystery appears in them.

Smoky makeup is a classic. It was invented decades ago for brunettes to radically transform into captivating heartthrobs. Previously, only dark undertones were used, but now other shade combinations are available. It is also important to remember that if in those days smoky eye was considered an option for evening events, today makeup artists have come up with many ways to use it during the daytime.

Advice! It's okay if you don't have any makeup brushes on hand. Go to the nearest art store and ask for a natural brush made of white linen or a column number 3 or 4. And for eyeliner, an angled one made of synthetic materials will do.

Selection of color palette

Everyday make-up is impossible without light colors. Beige, nut, milky cream, chocolate and light golden colors look great. Pearl, silver and pastel palettes also harmonize wonderfully with brown eyes. With the help of such specimens it is easy to create both a completely weightless and quite rich look.

For active lovers of experimentation, brighter samples are suitable. Brown-eyed beauties are impressed by purple, lilac, red and burgundy undertones. However, you should be careful with shadows with a reddish tint, because with their use there is a risk of achieving the effect of tear-stained eyes.

Extravagant people should look towards blue. However, prefer its complex variations. In the coming season, turquoise, aquamarine and indigo shades turned out to be fashionable.

To softly frame the outline you will need a pencil. For subtle looks, go for brown, while for more dramatic creations, go for jet black.

Advice! Many cosmetic brands produce special eyeshadow palettes for creating smoky eyes. They contain 4-5 shades with matte textures and containing fine shimmer. Having such a palette at hand, you don’t need to rack your brains over selecting halftones; the manufacturers did it for you.

It is better not to overload dark brown and hazel eyes with dark shadows. Stick to sentences of medium intensity. Such brown eyes are impressed by clear lilac, milky beige and gray undertones.

The process of creating a classic version step by step

Any technology for applying makeup consists of standard steps. Based on this guide, you can create not only smoky perfection, but also many other variations.

So, let's look at everything in order:

  • First, wash your face and apply moisturizer to your face. It will not only smooth out microscopic wrinkles, but also prepare the skin for further exposure. Wait 15–20 minutes, during which time it will have time to be completely absorbed;
  • To extend the life of your creation, buy a special base. It increases grip and really helps the shadows stick better and not crease. This product is a must-have in every fashionista’s cosmetic bag, because it’s such a shame when the results of your labors disappear after just a few hours. If the base is not at hand, it doesn’t matter. Replace it with concealer and a little
  • amount of foundation;
  • Use concealer to cover dark circles under your eyes. Just don’t select this area as a semicircle, as this will make it even more noticeable. It would be correct to approach the shape of a triangle, with the tip going down;
  • When the skin preparation is finished, we move on to the make-up itself. Use a soft pencil to outline the eyes. Towards the outer corner the lines should be slightly thicker;
  • Apply light beige pigment to the inner corner of the eyelid. This will open up the view and make it clear;
  • Cover the middle part with brown shadows, blend to the outer edge and move it behind the fold - this will add expressiveness;
  • Cover the outer corner with a dark shade, also shading;
  • return to a light tone and walk along the brow area;
  • carefully go through the shade joints so that the halftones smoothly flow into each other without clear boundaries.

Advice! To add extravagance to the image, draw arrows. To make them smooth and straight, use regular paper tape. Stick and peel it by hand a few times, this will remove the excess glue and you can easily remove it from your face. Attach it so that it seems to continue the line of the lower eyelid, while being at an angle. This way you will draw even arrows, and any excesses will be removed along with the tape.

All that remains is to cover your eyelashes with mascara and tint your lips - and go ahead to conquer new horizons.

Evening and daytime make-up: main differences

How wonderful it is when, in the hopeless series of everyday life, a speck of pleasant evening pastime flashes. It's nice to spend it with friends, but it's doubly nice to go on a date.

At such a moment, you want to look stunning, shine and be a star that everyone admires. A luxurious outfit plays a central role here, but it would be a shame not to complement it with a charming make-up.

The main difference with the daytime sample is the saturation and brightness of the shades. Intensively colored thick arrows are appropriate here; for going to a nightclub, you can add a pearlescent sheen and micro-shine.

Advice! For daylight hours and work, choose cosmetics in natural tones; there is no need to draw close attention to yourself with flashy touches. Instead of a black pencil, use a brown one. The thickness of the drawn line depends on the shape and shape of the eyes. For the evening, you can give free rein to your imagination, but remember that such a rich make-up does not accept bright lipstick. Cover your lips with a clear gloss or go for a nude shade.

For going out, it would be a good idea to choose a silver color scheme, the cold tints of which will emphasize the warm, brownish glow. A caramel tint with a golden-bronze tint is suitable here. For beauties with light brown irises with golden splashes, a bronze and copper palette is suitable.

Many experiments are acceptable in evening make-up, so why not take the opportunity to emphasize the depth of the look using sparkles, glitter, false eyelashes and other decorative elements.

Advice! Ladies of respectful age should avoid cosmetics with shiny microparticles. The shimmering pigment gets clogged into small wrinkles, making them more noticeable.

Charming heartbreakers with “pepper” have the right to experience the mysterious radiance of emerald and greenish tones for themselves, because they so charmingly highlight brown eyes. At the same time, clear greenery coexists harmoniously with mother-of-pearl, silver, and sandy-yellowish notes.

But the purple pigment conveys the warmth of brown eyes better than others. By choosing different degrees of saturation, you can easily create true beauty for both everyday situations and festive events.

How to make smoky eyes of unprecedented beauty and avoid common mistakes

This question worries many newcomers to the field of make-up art, so we decided to dwell on it in more detail.

A smoky effect is impossible without clearly defined eyebrows. Give them a neat shape. If they are naturally thick, a couple of drops of modeling gel are enough for styling. Otherwise, use a brown pencil or eye shadow. You should not use black for eyeliner; it looks unnatural and is suitable only for beauties with an oriental appearance.

We must not forget about mascara; thickly painted eyelashes make the look bold and the image mysterious. There are two nuances here:

  • owners of round eyes can make them more elongated by directing the eyelashes towards the outer corner;
  • To visually enlarge your eyes, you should lift your eyelashes when painting towards your eyebrows. At the same time, try to ensure that the maximum amount of mascara is concentrated in the central part;
  • We must not forget about the lower eyelid; it is also necessary to use mascara there so that the image does not look unfinished.

Advice! The importance of careful shading has already been mentioned. At the same time, some diligent girls are so carried away by the process that they smear all the used shades into a single one. This cannot be allowed to happen by so absurdly destroying smoky passages. When shading, do not wave the brush over the entire eyelid; instead, carefully walk near each joint from the bottom up from the inner to the outer corner.

The next recommendation concerns the use of a white pencil along the lower edge of the interlash space. Many people believe that this way the look becomes open and radiant. However, this does not apply to the classic smokey eye; here such eyeliner looks unnatural. It’s better to either do without it altogether, or choose a soft pink tone.

Don’t bring the color too far to the temple; we don’t need deliberate unnaturalness at all. This kind of extravagance looks attractive only on the catwalk. Also don't forget to color the bottom row of eyelashes. The difference between painted and not is very noticeable.

Don't forget about blush. This wonderful beauty product can visually bring an imperfect face shape closer to the coveted oval. It is only important to know the right places to apply them. So, chubby beauties should shade the upper part of their cheekbones, and those with a pronounced “triangle” should darken their overly wide forehead with bronze blush, and apply it from the nose to the middle of the ear and to the tip of the chin.

And one more thing: the more intense the tonality is chosen, the better condition the skin should be. A catchy make up attracts the eye even to small imperfections. Get rid of acne, redness and peeling. Or use quality basic products.

Don't be discouraged if after several attempts the result leaves much to be desired. Every major city has experienced makeup artists offering private lessons. They will not only be able to teach you the technique of skillful makeup, but will also select the appropriate color scheme.

More tone options:

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What is a smokey eye?

Smokey ice is an eye makeup technique that creates a smooth transition from lighter shades of eyeshadow to darker ones (there could be from two to infinity): the so-called haze effect is obtained. In the beauty sphere, smoky eyes occupy approximately the same place as the little black dress in the fashion world: a recognized classic that everyone turns to sooner or later. The trend for “smoky” makeup appeared in the 1920s: under the influence of silent film stars, Theda Bara and Clara Bow, girls became addicted to dramatic eye makeup. This is how the world remembers the “Roaring Twenties”: short haircuts, equally short dresses and outrageous make-up.

Classic smokey eyes are made in dark gray or black tones, but today to create “smoky” makeup they use shadows of completely different colors - from light brown and beige to bright orange and even. By the way, it is for this reason that “smoky” makeup is no longer considered purely evening: to get a daytime look, it is enough to choose more muted and neutral tones.

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Tools and cosmetics for creating a smokey eye

In addition to shadows (darker and lighter shades), to create a smokey eye you need a soft kajal pencil that shades well, black mascara and, of course, a high-quality brush.

How to choose shadows for smokey eyes?

It is best to select shades of eye shadow for a smokey eye based on your eye color.

Blue eyes

Usually blue-eyed girls have fair skin, therefore, too dark shades do not suit them: in this case, the eyes will look like black holes. Pay attention to warm, soft shades: gray, pink, silver. If, on the contrary, your skin is tanned and bronze in color, feel free to experiment with brown and gold colors: they will further emphasize the beauty of your eyes and make them more expressive.

Jill Stuart © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Grey eyes

A classic smokey eye with black and dark gray shades will look very impressive (provided you don't have too pale skin). You can also safely apply purple, brown, and gold colors.

La Perla © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Green eyes

Violet shades will go well with green eyes, also pay attention to the color lilac. Olive and emerald tones will help you highlight your eyes even more. For everyday makeup, you can choose brown tones, or you can dilute them with gray.

The Blonds © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls have a huge choice: most colors suit them. In addition to the basic dark shades (black, brown and gray), use golden, olive, greenish and purple shades. Light brown eyes are perfectly emphasized by shades of warm colors (caramel, honey), while dark brown eyes, on the contrary, require the use of cool shades: gray, blue, purple.

Les Copains © fotoimedia/imaxtree

How to choose brushes for smokey eye?

To create the perfect smokey eyes, you need to choose a good, high-quality brush. Ideally, there should be two of them: for applying shadows and for shading them.

Eyeshadow brush

A basic flat brush with soft bristles and a rounded tip: it should be medium-sized, smaller than your eyelid but slightly larger than your pinky finger. For creamy textures, choose options made from synthetic bristles; for dry textures, choose from natural bristles. However, smokey eyes are rarely created using cream shadows (they are quite difficult to shade into a “haze”), so feel free to buy a brush made of natural bristles. It will serve you for a very long time.

© armanibeauty.ru

Blending brush

Shading brushes come in different varieties. A barrel brush with a round tip is best for creating smokey eyes. It should not be too dense, but at the same time soft and elastic, so that you can easily achieve smooth color transitions. Brushes for shading dry eyeshadow should be made of natural bristles (for example, sable).

Tapered Blending Brush © urbandecay.ru

It’s better not to skimp on brushes, so makeup artists advise: buy the most expensive brushes you can afford.

We showed you how to properly shade eyeshadow on your eyelids in this video tutorial:

How to make a classic black smokey eye?

Before you start creating a smokey eye, check out our list of tips: they will definitely help you achieve the perfect result.

5 rules for creating the perfect smokey eye

Use concealer

Any bright eye makeup will look ugly if you don’t take care to disguise dark circles and “bruises” under the eyes. A fairly common mistake is to use concealer before applying eye shadow. You need to do exactly the opposite: the shadows that crumbled during application under the eyes will still have to be washed off, and along with them you will also remove a layer of concealer (by the way, we talked about other subtleties of using this beauty product). You can use the following professional trick: stick caring patches under your eyes. Firstly, they will “collect” all the crumbling shadows, and secondly, they will make the skin under the eyes fresher and more hydrated.

Don't forget about the eyeshadow base

Primer is the most important tool when it comes to smokey eyes: it is the one that will ensure the longevity of the makeup and will prevent the shadows from smearing and getting into the creases of the eyelid. In addition, thanks to the primer, the shadow will be much easier to shade.

Once your makeup is ready, use a fluffy eyeshadow brush to apply translucent setting powder to the skin around your eyes. This will make the makeup more durable.

Watch out for color combinations

When creating a smokey eye, several shades of eyeshadow are used - and it is very important that they combine harmoniously with each other. Also follow the application pattern: apply the lightest shadows to the inner corners of the eyes, and the darkest ones only to the outer corners: otherwise the eyes will appear much smaller (this rule, however, should not be followed by girls with wide-set eyes). The shade of medium intensity should be located in the crease of the eyelid.

Follow the sequence of actions

The correct sequence of actions is important not only when applying different shades of eyeshadow. For example, if you want to add arrows to your smokey eye, you need to draw them penultimately - before applying makeup to your eyelashes. If you do the opposite, it will be difficult for you to shade the shadows so that they do not “touch” the arrows. Most likely, they will need to be painted again.

Pay close attention to shading

The key characteristic of any smokey eye is a smooth transition from one color to another. Therefore, close attention must be paid to shading. Make sure that there are no clear boundaries between the shades, and take care that the smokey eye does not “break off” abruptly at the outer corner of the eye.

Black smokey eyes: basic step-by-step photo instructions

We tell and show how to create a classic smokey eye in black.

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Use black kajal as a base for the shadows. Use it to shade the entire moving eyelid, emphasize the line of the lower eyelashes and paint over the mucous membrane throughout the eye. This trick will help make your eye makeup more intense.

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Using a fluffy brush made of artificial (!) bristles, blend the border of the kajal along the orbital line and the lower eyelid.

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Distribute black shadows over the entire moving eyelid, as if dancing them. The most convenient way to do this is with a large flat natural bristle brush. On the lower eyelid, also apply black shadows over the kajal.

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Place brown shadows on a fluffy natural brush and blend the border of the orbital line. Do the same action on the lower eyelid.

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Add light satin shadows or a little dry highlighter to the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrows.

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Apply black mascara to your eyelashes.

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Look for another version of the classic smokey eye in our video:

Smokey eyes for brown eyes: step-by-step instructions

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Apply eyelid base. Using a small flat brush made of natural bristles, use a black shade of eyeshadow to highlight the outer corner of the eye from above and below, moving back about one-third from the edge.

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Using a barrel brush, add brown matte eyeshadow into the crease of the upper eyelid, blending the transition between the two shades of eyeshadow properly.

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Apply blue shadows to the entire surface of the moving eyelid that remains “unpainted”. Add a little of the same shadows on top, but not with a brush, but with your fingertips: this will result in a more saturated shade.

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Add a “highlight” to the inner corner with light, shining shadows or a highlighter, and add them under the eyebrow.

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Paint the mucous membrane and interlash space with a black pencil with a soft texture. Apply eyelashes.

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What other smokey eye makeup can you do for brown eyes? Here are some suggestions.

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

Another option for beautiful and spectacular smokey eyes:

Smokey eyes for blue eyes: step-by-step photo instructions

Apply the eyeshadow base to both eyelids, then using a flat natural bristle brush, draw a line under the lower eyelid with a bronze shade of eyeshadow, starting from the middle of the eyelid.

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With a brush, distribute the same color over the entire eyelid up to the orbital line, while in the outer corner of the eye the color should be more saturated.

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Use a light brown matte shade to blend the edge of the dark shadows and highlight the orbital line.

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Using a smaller brush, blend the same light brown matte shade along the bottom edge of the shadow. It is necessary to emphasize the entire line of the lower eyelid.

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Paint the space between the eyelashes and the mucous membrane on both eyelids with a brown pencil (it’s better if it’s waterproof).

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Using a small brush, add a highlight in the inner corner of the eye with a light shade with shimmer, and apply it under the eyebrow. If you don’t have such shadows on hand, you can use a highlighter for the same purpose.

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Apply mascara to your eyelashes.

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Four more ideas for blue-eyed girls:

© maybelline

© maybelline

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

Smokey eyes for green eyes: step-by-step photo instructions

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Apply eyelid primer or, if you don’t have one on hand, spread a thin layer of foundation or concealer and lightly powder your eyelids. Use a black pencil to paint the space between the eyelashes on the upper eyelid to make the eyelashes visually thicker and the look more expressive.

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Using a flat brush made of natural bristles, apply black shadow over the entire eyelid and under the lower eyelashes. Use light patting movements.

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As a middle color, use one of the following: purple, pink or brick: any of them will emphasize the green color of the eyes and make it brighter. Blend the shadows along the orbital line and lower eyelids, creating a “haze”.

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Emphasize the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a green pencil.

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Apply black mascara to your eyelashes.

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More green eye makeup ideas:

© lorealmakeup

© maybelline

© maybelline

© maybelline

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

© nyxcosmetics

Other options for “smoky” makeup for gray eyes:

© maybelline

© maybelline

© nyxcosmetics

Daytime and evening smokey eyes: what's the difference?

We have already mentioned that smokey eyes have long been no longer considered an exclusively evening option for eye makeup; today you can appear with such makeup even at a business meeting. The main thing is to choose neutral, not too bright colors, and not to use a black pencil: it will immediately make the makeup more aggressive. Find one of the options for daytime smokey makeup using pink and peach eyeshadow in the video below:

Smokey Ice: Features for Eyes of Different Shapes

We talked in detail about how to apply shadows depending on the shape of the eyes in this material. Now let’s look in detail at the tips for those who decide to make a smokey eye.

© berezina_yana

Smokey eyes for small eyes

Smokey eyes for hooded eyes

  • If you have drooping eyelids, this should under no circumstances be a reason to give up your smokey eye. It’s better to avoid pearlescent shades and sparkles.
  • Apply shadow to your eyelid just above the crease above it: this technique will visually “open” your eye.
  • As for the base shadows, you need to be more careful and apply the darker shade only to the moving eyelid, not going above the crease. And to ensure a smooth transition from one color to another, gently blend both shades to create a gradient.

Smokey eyes for close-set eyes

Smokey eyes for wide-set eyes

Smokey eyes for eyes with drooping corners

  • When applying shadows to the crease of the eyelid, shade them in a diagonal direction, stretching the shape of the eyes towards the temples.
  • Do not darken the outer corner from below, so as not to “drop” it even more. Instead, leave the lower eyelid “clean.” The second option is, on the contrary, completely fill it with shadows.

Smokey eyes for Asian eyes

To create smokey eye makeup for Asian eyes, watch our tutorial video:

Colored smokey eyes

Brown smokey eyes

A universal makeup option that will suit girls with all eye colors if you choose the right shade. For brown-eyed girls, beige, bronze, tan and chocolate shadows are suitable, for green-eyed girls - copper, brick, brown-pink and rust shades, for blue-eyed girls - shadows of any warm shades of brown. If you have gray eyes, you can choose any shade.

Gray smokey eyes

Girls with blue eyes suit all shades of gray, those with brown eyes should choose graphite, and those with green eyes should look for lighter shades of gray.

Blue or light blue smokey eyes

Blue smokey eyes are the best choice for blue-eyed and, especially, brown-eyed girls. Green eyes can also be beautifully emphasized with blue smokey eyes, but only in this case they should rather be turquoise or with lilac pigments.

Green smokey eyes

Another great option for brown eyes: try olive, copper, or khaki. If you have green eyes, add some emerald shadows to your palette. Blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls should approach the choice of shade carefully: there is a risk that eyes with green shadows will “get lost” on the face.

Which makeup option do you remember the most? Tell us in the comments!

Smokey eye is one of the most popular eyeshadow application techniques. It took a leading position in record time and continues to hold it for more than one year in a row, gradually expanding and forming new species. This is a favorite technique not only of professional makeup artists, but also of most girls and women.

What is Smokey Eye makeup?

Smokey eyes are also called smoky makeup. This technique differs from others by a smooth transition from dark to light color with lining of the lower eyelid.

Unlike the relief technique, which uses two or three shades of eyeshadow, smokey eye can contain a much larger number of tones.

Popular articles:

The hazy effect is created through a careful transition and careful shading. A classic version of smokey eye is considered to be makeup using black and dark gray colors. However, today almost any shade is used to create a beautiful and bright make-up in a smoky style.

Depending on the purpose of the makeup, choose the tones and type of smokey eye that is most suitable for the upcoming event. The technique is used not only for evening events, but is also actively used in daytime makeup.


Over time, the classic smokey eye makeup technique has grown significantly and been supplemented with new elements and varieties. Smoky makeup was divided into two groups: by application method and by purpose.

Depending on the purpose of smokey eye makeup, it can be:

  • Classic evening;
  • Bright festive;
  • Everyday;
  • With arrows;
  • With shimmer.

In most cases, these methods are combined to obtain a more impressive image. This way you can make a bright smokey eye with arrows or a daytime one using shimmer. At the same time, makeup can be given any shape, from an elegant oval to a strict oblong.

Based on application methods, smoky makeup is divided into the following subtypes:

  • Pencil method;
  • Using shadows;
  • Mixed style.

Initially, smokey eyes were applied exclusively using a soft, wide pencil, which was then shaded. Then they started adding shadows on top of the pencil, and, ultimately, the fastest way was to apply only shadows.

However, many makeup artists still adhere to the second method of applying smokey eye, since it is the most durable. A huge selection of pencils of various shades, nuances and textures allows you to significantly diversify your smoky makeup.

Selecting the color palette of shadows

With the help of smoky makeup, you can highlight your eyes, emphasize the color and shape of your eyes, and focus attention on the oval of your face. The choice of color palette for smokey eye depends on many factors:

  • Skin tones;
  • Hair colors;
  • Eye shade;
  • Makeup appointments;
  • Face shapes;
  • Eye shape;
  • Hairstyles.

Girls with blond hair Too dark a smokey eye is contraindicated; such tones will look vulgar in combination with bright locks. It is best to perform makeup with shadows in the following shades:

  • Beige;
  • Brown;
  • Blue;
  • Pink;
  • Lilovykh;
  • Golden;
  • Champagne.

Blondes are more suitable for a nude or colorful option, as well as arrows and shimmer. It is recommended to choose cream or matte lipstick in delicate shades.

For brown hair The most relevant will be the bright colors of smoky makeup:

  • Purple;
  • Emerald;
  • Blue;
  • Violet;
  • Fuchsia.

Smokey eyes for fair-haired girls should be done using mixed techniques. Brown shades are also suitable, and the black version should be replaced with gray, blue or bronze shades.

For dark-haired girls Absolutely any type of smokey eye is suitable, as are the methods for applying it. The following shades are suitable for girls with dark hair:

  • Black;
  • Silver;
  • Chocolate;
  • Violet;
  • Copper;
  • Sea green;
  • Indigo.

Among other things, rich lipsticks with a matte or satin finish will help you create a stunning look. Lipstick shades: dark pink, cool red, marsala, burgundy, amaranth, crimson.

Almond shaped eyes A smokey eye with a pointed and upturned corner is suitable. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the fold between the moving and fixed eyelids. Shiny shadows with shimmer will look especially interesting. A light shine will help to visually “open up” your eyes.

With close-set eyes You need to apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eye, and dark ones to the outer corner. For far-set eyes shades are applied in reverse order.

In cases of asymmetry of eye shapes It is necessary to use bright colors, as well as highlight the crease between the eyelids and shade the area near the eyebrows. This simple technique will help visually equalize the shape.

For makeup for small eyes You will need light shadows to help visually enlarge them. In this case, it is better to apply dark shades exclusively to the moving eyelid and darken the outer corner of the eyes. At the same time, it is important not to paint over the lower eyelid, otherwise the look will narrow.

Too big eyes dark nuances and classic smokey eyes are suitable. Makeup can be complemented with winged lines, but it is not advisable to use shimmer and pearlescent shadows, and you should not apply highlighter.

With the impending century It is important to carefully shade the shadows throughout the eyelid, without highlighting the crease between the moving and the fixed. The overall tone will help even out the texture of the skin without focusing on its imperfections.

Smokey Eye Makeup for Blue Eyes

Creating a smokey eye makeup for blue eyes directly depends on the shade they have. If a girl wants to emphasize green nuances, then she should choose golden and brown shades, perhaps with a green or gray undertone. Gray-blue eyes will help highlight blue nuances, while brown eyes will help highlight darker copper tones.

Smokey eyes for blue eyes are available in the following colors:

  • Gray;
  • Brown;
  • Pink;
  • Silvery;
  • Golden.

For gray eyes, smoky makeup in black, sand, dark gray and dark purple shades is more suitable. Make-up in golden-brown shades and with arrows will look interesting.

Smokey eyes in cool tones go perfectly with green eyes:

  • Purple;
  • Lilovykh;
  • Olive;
  • Emerald;
  • Champagne.

It is recommended to replace classic black with gray with the addition of a brown tint. Rich eyeliner with shimmer will help complement this makeup. For lipsticks, preference should be given to nude shades and colors with beige undertones.

Smokey Eye Makeup for Brown Eyes

A huge selection of smokey eye colors is available for owners of brown eyes. To create a smoky makeup for brown-eyed girls, the following shades are suitable:

  • Black;
  • Brown;
  • Wet asphalt;
  • Indigo;
  • Olive;
  • Cornflower;
  • Caramel;
  • Golden.

You can also choose lipstick for makeup from rich, bright tones: fuchsia, scarlet, copper, natural with a red undertone, purple. Regular cream lipstick can be replaced with a tint or regular lip gloss with a slight shimmer effect.

Daytime makeup “Smoky Ice”

The daytime version of smokey eye makeup is usually done in nude shades with brown elements and shimmer. It is possible to use contrasting arrows to give the look more expressiveness.

The most suitable shades for daytime smokey eyes:

  • Peach;
  • Lilac;
  • Pink;
  • Beige;
  • Honey;
  • Bodily;
  • Light brown;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Chocolate;
  • Light grey;
  • Golden;
  • Metallic.

To achieve the perfect result when creating a smokey eye, professional makeup artists recommend using at least two shading brushes and carefully preparing the makeup base.

Basic rules for creating a daytime “Smoky Eye”:

  • Be sure to use concealer. It can also be applied to the eyelids to make the shadows and pencil fit more comfortably and last longer;
  • Under the shadows you should apply a special primer or transparent fixing powder;
  • Apply dark shades exclusively to the outer corners of the eyes, light shades to the inner corners, and medium shades to the crease of the eyelid;
  • Carefully blend the shadows to create a hazy effect;
  • When adding arrows, it is better to use a soft pencil, which is better to shade.

The outer corners of the eyes should not just “break off”; they should also smoothly transition into the natural skin tone. In this case, it is better to give the corner an oval shape, slightly lifting it up.

Minimalistic “Smoky Ice”: step by step

You can create a minimalist smokey eye makeup in black tones for every day. It is created using black kyle and pearlescent champagne-colored eyeshadow. You will also need two brushes: hard and soft.

Step 1: preparing the base. First of all, we prepare the skin of the eyelids for further application of makeup. For daytime smokey eyes, in addition to standard procedures and the use of foundation or concealer, you can resort to special matte flesh-colored shadows; it is recommended to choose a cream base.

We cover the entire eyelid with them to hide minor skin imperfections and for easier and more convenient application of a pencil or pencil.

Step 2: Apply kajal. Kayal is a soft pencil designed specifically for creating a contour around the eyes. Take black kajal and draw a thick strip along the growth line of the upper eyelashes. Draw a narrower line under the lower eyelid.

Step 3: shading. Using a narrow, stiff brush, blend the kajal with gentle movements from bottom to top to give a hazy effect and create a light shadow on the eyes. At the same time, we try to only slightly enlarge the line; it should not completely cover the moving eyelid. We do the same for the lower eyelid.

Step 4: Adding Shadows. Choose the most natural shade of eyeshadow, possibly with a bronze or copper undertone. The ideal option would be champagne or peach-colored shadows with mother-of-pearl. Using a medium-sized brush, add a shade on top of the “blurred” kajal along the upper and lower eyelids, then also blend it.

Step 5: Tinting eyelashes. For a daytime smokey eye, it is better to choose black mascara. It will perfectly complement your makeup. It is necessary to paint both the upper and lower eyelashes, and this should be done carefully so that they do not stick together.

Natural shades of lipsticks with a satin or pearlescent finish are suitable for a minimalist smokey eye: nude, peach, light pink, fawn lilac. A light gloss on the lips will perfectly complete the look.

Evening makeup “Smoky Ice”

Evening smokey eyes include classic and bright styles. The standard version of smoky makeup uses black and gray eyeshadow colors, which are given different shapes using a brush.

For a colorful evening make-up, various shades are suitable:

  • Emerald;
  • Purple;
  • Burgundy;
  • Chocolate;
  • Blue.

You can create a hybrid of classic and bright smokey eye. To do this, outline the eye along the contour of the upper and lower eyelids with a black pencil, then carefully shade it. Next, shadows of rich color are added from the edge of the eyelid to the eyebrows. The lightest shade of shadow is added under the eyebrows and also shaded.

Purple-black evening “Smoky Ice”: step by step

Making a smokey eye for an evening celebration using mixed media is quite easy, even without special skills. To do this you will need a soft black pencil with a purple tint, dark purple eye shadow and two brushes for shading.

Step 1: base. Prepare the base for makeup: apply concealer and setting powder. Then we take a soft pencil and carefully outline the moving eyelid. Then we draw a thin line under the lower eyelid so that the tip coincides with the upper corner.

Instead of a regular pencil, you can use kajal of a similar shade.

Step 2: primary shading. Using a medium hard brush, blend the pencil. Then we take dark purple shadows and add a little on top. You can take shadows with a pearlescent tint to create a slight shine. We also shade it, giving it an almond shape.

Step 3: final shading. Using a large brush, carefully blend the shadows on the eyelid, specially moving from bottom to top onto the fixed eyelid. You can add a little more dark shadow to the outer corner of the eye to give the look depth.

Carefully blend the bottom line with a hard brush, moving the edge beyond the eyelid and connecting it with the top shadows to give the desired shape.

Step 4: Eyelashes. We take black mascara, other shades will look out of place and will simply get lost against the background of the makeup. Carefully paint the upper and lower lashes from the very base.

Lipstick for an evening smokey eye can be chosen in both nude and rich tones. It is desirable that the undertone or shade matches the main color of the makeup. The following lipsticks are suitable for the smoky makeup described above:

  • Fuchsia;
  • Purple;
  • With a purple undertone;
  • Wine shade.

For better fixation of shadows and makeup in general, makeup artists advise using a special spray that helps secure the result and prevents the makeup from falling off.

Main mistakes

When applying smokey eye makeup, it is extremely important to take into account all the subtleties of the process in order to avoid errors in the process. However, sometimes even the most professional makeup artists fail to avoid them.

Main mistakes when creating smokey eyes:

  1. Use concealer only at the beginning of makeup. Concealer is necessary not only for preparing the foundation; it can be used to correct sloppy lines and hide crumbling shadows under the eyes;
  2. Lack of primer for base. A primer is necessary so that the shadows do not crumble or crease during the day;
  3. Neglect of natural shades in the palette. Even a small amount of nude shadows will help make the transition between colors smoother;
  4. Too thick layer of shadows or kajal. You should not outline your eyes with a dark shade several times, this does not contribute to more convenient shading;
  5. Lack of fixation and fixation of cream shadows. On top of the shadows and pencil with a soft texture, it is imperative to apply a little crumbly dry shadows of the same shade;
  6. Insufficient shading. Clear lines in smokey eyes are unacceptable, with the exception of arrows;
  7. Incorrect application of shadows. Depending on the shape of the eyes, different corners of the eyelid are lightened and darkened.

After applying makeup and shading, it is very important to re-trace the dark contour along the eyelid. Many girls ignore this rule, although the overall effect of the makeup depends on it.

Also, special attention should be paid to the choice of lipstick and eyebrow design, otherwise lips and eyebrows will be lost against the background of rich makeup, will look faded, and the image will seem inappropriate.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Beautiful makeup, which makes the look more expressive and the eyes piercing, has been popular for a long time. Using a smokey eye is an ideal option to highlight natural beauty and hide imperfections, if any. Makeup artists have refuted the opinion that this type of makeup is only possible in black and ash tones, although the name is translated as “smoky eyes.” Smokey eyes can be made in different shades, even purple and green. Thanks to this, stylish makeup can be done in accordance with the color of the eyes and the chosen outfit.

Smokey Ice - what is it?

This is makeup in which the main emphasis is on the eyes, so you should use light lipstick or do without it altogether. The technique is based on shading shadows and creating smooth transitions between them, using pencils of different shades. As a rule, cosmetics of the same color are used, differing by several tones. In rare cases, contrasting shades are used. Due to this technique of applying and creating this makeup, the eyes become deeper, more delightful, and attract the attention of men.

This type of makeup has its advantages:

  • The ability to highlight the beauty of the eyes and make them more attractive.
  • Can be used as a daytime (light shades of shadows are used), evening, wedding.
  • An ideal technique that will help hide small imperfections in the eye area (for example, visually correct the problem of an overhanging eyelid).
  • Suitable for girls and women of any age.
  • After reading the step-by-step instructions for smokey eyes, the girl will be able to do exquisite makeup on her own at home.

Smokey eye makeup options

There are varieties of eyelid design in the “smoky” style. It all depends on various factors: eye color, chosen clothes, the girl’s wishes, whether it’s evening or daytime makeup. To choose the perfect option, you will have to experiment a little. Sometimes what looks beautiful and admired by others will look ridiculous before your eyes. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right smokey eye option, choose shadows and other cosmetic elements.

Classic smoky makeup

Since the advent of the smoky eyes technique and for a long time, this makeup has been used in smoky tones. This is considered a classic. This option is also very popular in modern makeup, because it maximizes the charm of the eyes and emphasizes their depth. Having learned the skill of applying a classic smokey eye, there will be no problems with other options, and you can create a delightful makeup for a celebration or for every day, using different shades of eyeshadow.

With a light haze for every day

The classic “smoky” version looks great, but it is unlikely to be suitable for daytime makeup. For everyday eye decoration, it is better to use light shades of eyeshadow. The ideal option is light gray tones that suit all eye colors and go well with any outfit. To create such makeup, a contrasting, bright color is often used to highlight the inner corner of the eye. Don't forget about eyeliner, which is an essential element of a smokey eye look.

Using bright colors

For stylish girls who prefer a catchy make-up, smoky eyes using bright shadows are perfect. This makeup looks ideal in the spring-summer period, when a riot of colors in the image is important. For a bright make-up, purple, blue, green, pink shadows can be used. If you choose the shade wisely, you can make your eyes brighter, highlighting their beauty. When choosing rich shades, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, choosing the ideal option that suits you.

The nuances of doing makeup depending on eye color

In order for eye design using the smokey eye technique to look beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary to take into account some points. First of all, when choosing shades of eye shadow, you should focus on eye color. Skin tone and hair color also play an important role. What works well for blondes with fair skin will look ridiculous on brown-eyed, dark brown-haired women.

Smokey eyes for green eyes

To create a smoky make-up, those with green eyes will choose chocolate-colored shadows, green, purple tones, and golden colors. To get a more interesting option, you can combine cosmetics. For example, using brown and green or golden shadows. Many girls are concerned about the question of how to make a smokey eye for green eyes. Let's consider a step-by-step scheme for creating such makeup:

  • We prepare the skin for makeup, apply the base for shadows.
  • Using a black or brown pencil, draw arrows above the eyelash line. This must be done along the upper and lower eyelids.
  • In this version, it is possible to do without the main shadows. You just need to blend the pencil well from the edge of the arrow to the middle of the eye.
  • On the middle part of the eyelid we apply an intermediate shade - a light brown color is perfect, and in the corner of the eye we paint with gold, beige or olive shadows. We carefully shade everything to get the smoothest transitions possible.
  • Apply mascara, painting each eyelash well. Beautiful “smoky” make-up for green eyes is ready!

Brown eyes

Performing smoky eyes for brown eyes requires following some rules. When choosing shades of shadows, you should additionally focus on skin and hair color:

  • Brown tones and olive color are suitable for dark-skinned girls with dark hair. It is possible to combine these shades, which will give the makeup a more attractive and original touch.
  • Those with brown eyes and fair skin are advised to use bright shades. For example, purple, blue, green, cornflower blue.
  • The classic option is to use silver or pearl shadows, which will look beautiful with any skin tone and hair color.

Blue eyes

Owners of charming blue eyes should not use too dark, saturated shades of shadows. The ideal tones in this case are silver, soft blue, lilac, blue, turquoise. For this type of makeup, it is recommended to use light shadows, delicate shades and not to make excessively thick arrows under the lower eyelid. For evening makeup, dark shades of these colors can be used.

Smoky eyes technique and step-by-step instructions

To create amazing makeup using the smokey eye technique, you don’t have to go to a makeup artist or beauty salon. This is especially inappropriate when decorating eyes for every day. After getting acquainted with the technique of applying makeup, some secrets of execution and a little training and experimenting, all the girls will have no problem creating a stylish, sophisticated smokey eye for a holiday or for every day. Consider the option of creating a classic smokey eye.

To create a smoky smokey eye you will need:

  • A corrector that will hide skin imperfections.
  • Powder to eliminate oily shine and excessive moisture.
  • Foundation cream base.
  • The base for the shadows so that they lie evenly, do not roll, do not spread.
  • Black pencil.
  • Dark shadows (black or dark shade of gray).
  • Eye shadows in light and in-between shades.
  • Black mascara.
  • Eyeshadow brush, makeup sponge or sponge.

Let's look at how to make smokey eyes correctly step by step:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to even out the complexion of the skin, including around the eyes. For this, powder, foundation and concealer are used. The latter is especially necessary if you need to hide bruises around the eyes.
  2. Apply a shadow base to the upper eyelid.
  3. An important point in the smokey eye technique is the emphasis on the contours of the eyes. For this, use a soft dark pencil. As close as possible to the eyelash growth line, carefully draw the upper and lower eyelids. If you don’t have a pencil at hand, you can use a flat brush and dark shadows for this purpose.
  4. At the outer corner of the eye, the “arrows” need to be slightly raised up.
  5. The applied shadow or pencil is carefully shaded with a brush.
  6. Dark shadows are applied to the upper movable eyelid and the arch of the eye socket is emphasized.
  7. The intermediate shade is applied to the eyelid slightly above the main one.
  8. Apply eyeshadow in light shades to the upper part of the eyelid from the eyebrows to the crease of the eyelid.
  9. Carefully shade and smooth all transitions, creating the effect of a smooth transition.
  10. We paint over the eyelashes with mascara, applying a larger layer. Delightful classic smokey eye makeup is ready.

Video tutorial: how to make smokey eyes at home

Girls are accustomed to trusting the hands of professionals with beautiful makeup for the holiday. Makeup artists with professional cosmetics and experience will be able to create an exquisite smokey eye in a matter of minutes. But sometimes not everyone has the opportunity to contact a specialist, or the holiday was not planned and there is no time to search for a specialist. You can do amazing evening makeup yourself without leaving home. You don’t need any special cosmetics for this; what you already have in your cosmetic bag will do just fine. Watch the video tutorial, which describes in detail the step-by-step execution of smokey eyes:

Photo examples of smoky makeup 2016

The history of the smokey eye technique begins in the last century. For a long time it was used in a classic design using dark shadows. But over time, thanks to the experiments of makeup artists and the innovations they introduced, various shades began to be used for smoky eyes. This is a huge advantage, because in this case it is possible to emphasize not only the features of the eyes, but also focus attention on their color. In order to find out what options are popular in the 2016 fashion season, we suggest looking at a photo with an example of smoky makeup.

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Smokey eye makeup step by step

Blue eyes! Everyone will probably agree that this rare color is mesmerizing. Many children are born with blue eyes, but over the years the shade changes to another, but you really want something angelic, unearthly to remain in the image. Those who are lucky enough to stay with this color throughout life can rejoice, but at the same time remember that you can enhance the color with the help of makeup.

Skillful techniques and interesting ideas will help you recreate a calm sky or a stormy sea element, make your look languid and a little cold, or add a perky spark. Let's try to accomplish the impossible with just one technique - “smoky eyes”.

Let's start with the fact that “smoky eyes” for blue eyes are divided into daytime and evening. Since we go to work more often than to social events and celebrations, let's start with everyday colors.

Creating a daytime look

Have you noticed how gentle the combination of pink and blue looks? Moreover, the shade can be either sugar-sweet, similar to cotton wool from a fair, or smoky-dusty, reminiscent of the petals of a withered rose. Both types are perfect for a blue-eyed beauty, the main thing is the correct sequence.

The “smoky eyes” technique itself implies that your eye will be shrouded in color on all sides. If you choose makeup in pink tones, then you should not line your eyes with a black pencil, take gray or brown, perhaps a marsh color.

Don't make the lines too bright, otherwise daytime makeup will suddenly turn into evening makeup or, even worse, into rough makeup.

Apply a pencil along the lash line above and below. Shade it slightly so that the line does not resemble a drawing in a schoolchild's notebook. Next, cover the upper and lower eyelids with the main color. Perhaps there will be two. The first shade is a little lighter and the second is a little darker. A small transition is not prohibited. The main thing is that the parts closest to the eye itself are covered with darker colors than the subeyebrow and the corner of the eye at the bridge of the nose.

Considering that this is a makeup for the first half of the day and even taking into account fairly neutral pink shades, it is important to blend the shadows well. Do not make the layer too thick; the strokes should be almost weightless. Give a hint of color, a slight shadow, then it will be beautiful. You can even skip the eye primer or base to avoid the appearance of excess color pigment.

Golden shades also look appropriate in the daytime and perfectly demonstrate the charm of gray-blue eyes. In this option, it is also better to line your eyes with pencils of calmer shades, otherwise you risk turning a light smoky look into a dangerous oriental or Greek one.

Gold can be mixed with bronze and silver. Metallic shades harmonize perfectly with each other and are suitable for absolutely all eye shades, so it doesn’t matter if your color is closer to gray or black, this is a win-win combination.

Another easy option can be made in purple tones. It should not be a color reminiscent of amaldine stone, much less garnet. Your option is rather a delicate lilac that has just opened its buds. Cover the main area with this shade, and highlight the space between the eyebrow and the crease of the eyelid with a highlighter or pearlescent shade.

Light gray dusty color is also absolutely appropriate for daytime makeup variations. Save darker charcoal colors for an evening out, and light gray, similar to steam or a small rain cloud, can be safely used. Well, if you have a gray pencil or eyeliner, black will again be too much of a contrasting factor. Try making two looks, one make-up created with an additional pearlescent sheen, and the second a matte variation. Use white powder, shadow or even a pencil for the inner part of the eye for the area under the eyebrow, removing shine and playfulness from the image.

All four makeup colors are quite versatile and are suitable not only for blue-eyed brunettes, but also for fiery red-haired girls or blondes. It also makes no difference to them whether your look is based on a trouser suit or a light dress or jeans. These are really very convenient color solutions that do not oblige you to a strict style in clothing or hairstyle.

Evening option

Of course, the most win-win option is classic black makeup. In order to complete it, you will need a minimum of tools and palettes. Black pencil, black eye shadow, white or silver to create transitions and black mascara. Four products are all you need to make your eyes look amazing.

But classics can be boring. To dilute it, you can use the following options:

  • Try adding large shimmery sparkles. Apply them when the main makeup is already ready. You can apply a few strokes to the corner of the eye or completely cover the moving eyelid. If you are using rhinestones, try laying out a small pattern. The glue you use for false eyelashes is suitable.
  • Speaking of eyelashes. False eyelashes with glitter or rhinestones already built-in can easily add shimmer and a touch of fun. This look immediately takes on a slightly thematic character, as there is something theatrical and artsy about it, so you can’t wear it every evening.
  • Another option- colored eyeliner, which you use to outline the outline. Try applying red. This makeup will have something of a vampire, something mysterious, bloody, alluring.
  • You can dilute the black classics with color. In the area between the crease of the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, as well as on the lower eyelid, you can add a bright color with the next layer of black paint. Purple, blue, red, yellow - all these colors will suit you. When deciding to take such a step, think in advance about what outfit you will wear for the evening. It is important that the additional color does not clash with the color of your dress or suit.

In addition to black, “smoky eyes” in burgundy wine tones will look very beautiful with blue eyes. Cool shades of cherry will greatly enhance the brightness of the blue pigment of your iris. You may be surprised at how icy and piercing your own gaze can be.

This type of makeup is best used by girls after 25 years of age, so as not to cause dissonance and comedy in such an adult image with real age.

You have already read about “smoky eyes” in dark purple tones in tips for daytime makeup. An evening look can be much more intense. Use a primer to bring out the maximum color of the purple pigment. Instead of the lightest shade in your makeup, which would usually be white, try wearing a fairly bright pink. The transition from a warm, almost red color to a calmer and deeper purple and then to a bright blue spot is very beautiful.

If your eyes also tend to look gray, a bright, flashy malachite color added to the traditional black or gray “smoky eyes” will suit you incredibly well. Apply it to the center of the eyelid so that it resembles a pupil if your eyes are closed. This move is really interesting and doesn’t happen often.

Another option that perfectly highlights blue eyes is indigo color. It looks incredibly expensive. To create a very dense texture, you can even apply blue mascara instead of black. It will look as if your eyes are completely and completely wrapped in expensive royal velvet, and they themselves sparkle brightly, like diamonds.