Powerful moisturizing of facial skin. Moisturizing facial skin: everything ingenious is simple, how to moisturize facial skin

Healthy glowing skin is a source of pride for many representatives of the fair sex. Homemade products can help deeply moisturize your facial skin. How to preserve the youth of the skin without allowing dryness and flaking, including after sunbathing, is of interest to many.

The main signs of dry skin are:

  • pronounced feeling of tightness;
  • peeling;
  • the structure of the skin is finely porous;
  • dull complexion;
  • increased skin irritability, inflammatory redness and itching;
  • cracks;
  • inelasticity;
  • fine wrinkles appear early.

What factors affect facial skin?

Exogenous factors affecting skin health from the outside:

  1. UV rays. Excessive UV exposure over a long period of time leads to premature photoaging; this process occurs most quickly in people with fair skin.
  2. "Ultra hygiene." Frequent washing with hot water, long showering and bathing procedures ultimately dry out the epidermis and lead to damage to the surface hydrolipidic layer, which retains the moisture of the skin.
  3. Incorrectly selected cosmetics and aggressive household chemicals.

Endogenous (internal) factors:

  1. Stress, as a result of which the hormone cortisol is produced in large doses, which leads to dehydration and dry skin.
  2. Metabolic problems.
  3. Hormonal fluctuations, especially during pregnancy, puberty, and also during biological aging of the body.
  4. Lack of vitamins A, group B, C, PP.
  5. Diseases of internal organs.

How to choose a moisturizer

To choose the right moisturizer for your face, you need to find out which group your skin belongs to. In addition, you should select cosmetics taking into account age restrictions.

Oily skin, especially those prone to acne, needs a light moisturizer that is watery and absorbs quickly. It is desirable that the cream be non-comedogenic, i.e. did not clog pores or stimulate the formation of acne.

Dry facial skin is suitable for thick, dense creams that contain glycerin, hyaluronic acid, panthenol, as well as substances that recreate the natural lipid layer.

They are as follows:

  • lanolin;
  • petrolatum;
  • mineral oils.

Problematic and sensitive facial skin will be helped to recover by creams containing anti-inflammatory elements, preferably containing glycerin and vitamins, as well as skin-restoring panthenol, allantoin or retinol.

To understand whether there is an allergic reaction to a certain cosmetic product, you can apply a small amount of it to the delicate skin on the wrist or to the inner area around the bend of the elbow. If no reaction occurs within a quarter of an hour, then the product can be used.

How to properly apply moisturizers

After a shower or bath, the cosmetic product should be distributed immediately, without wiping your face or waiting for the skin to dry. The composition should be distributed with symmetrical massage movements of the fingertips; light pats are used for quick absorption.

The forehead and chin are treated with movements from the center to the ears. The nose is moistened from the forehead to the chin, from the nasal wings movements are carried out towards the cheekbones. Apply the cream towards the temples on the upper eyelids, and in the opposite direction on the lower eyelids.

If powder is intended to be applied to the cream, then an interval of at least 10 minutes should be observed between both procedures so that the cream has time to be completely absorbed.

How to quickly moisturize your face at home

How to quickly and easily moisturize your facial skin at home, using simple ingredients and without wasting time preparing complex masks.


  1. Soak gauze in mineral water and place on face for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the cucumber into thin circles or grind the pulp in any way, put it on your face for a quarter of an hour, do not wipe off after rinsing, let the juice be completely absorbed, then the skin can be lubricated with cream.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with unrefined olive or sesame oil, apply the mixture to the skin, wash after ¼ hour, preferably with warm water.
  4. Spread small oatmeal flakes mixed with plain water over your face for a few minutes until a thick cream forms, then simply rinse.
  5. Mix honey with tomato juice until a thick sticky consistency is formed, spread over the face for 15 minutes (you can also apply it to the neck), rinse with water.

Ready-made facial moisturizers

Tonics are a means to cleanse the epidermis of dead cells, remove excess oil and have a healing effect in the presence of micro-wounds.

How to moisturize your facial skin? Librederm moisturizing tonic will help.

The following are suitable:

  • Moisturizing toner Librederm, hyaluronic, for dry skin, Suitable also for sensitive people. It does not contain fragrances or dyes, it does not contain parabens, it delicately cleanses the skin, retaining moisture in the cells.
  • CORA toner for combination and oily skin, contains a prebiotic, mattifies the skin, but does not dry it, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Lotion is a more active skin cleanser; it may dry out the dermis a little due to the presence of alcohol in the composition.

The following are suitable:

  • Grape lotion from the Vine Secret series, contains grape leaf extract and hyaluronic acid, has an antioxidant, tonic, cleansing and moisturizing effect.
  • 3 Layers Collagen Moisturizer– a lotion that includes 3 types of collagen, gives elasticity to the skin, prevents the formation of small “emotional” wrinkles.

After cleansing procedures, the dermis is ready for nutrition and hydration; for this purpose, a cream is applied to it:

  • Skin Naturals- a cream from Garnier for those over 30, contains ingredients for extreme skin hydration, including hyaluronic acid.
  • Olay Regenerist– anti-aging cream that stimulates collagen production, contains marine peptides and antioxidants.

In addition to daily care, the face needs nourishing and restorative masks; it is enough to apply them 2 times a week.


  • The Librederm Aevit nourishing mask is made on the basis of natural vegetable oils and herbal extracts, and includes a complex of vitamins.
  • Avene soothes sensitive skin, relieves fatigue, smoothes, and restores freshness. It will help even if you have sunburn.

Recipes for moisturizing masks for normal skin at home

How to moisturize your facial skin at home, in those rare cases when your skin type is normal?

Tips and recipes:

  1. A tonic mask made from crushed oat flakes (1 part), melted honey (2 parts), and strong green tea brew (1 part) will help relieve fatigue. Heat the mixture of ingredients in a steam bath and then place under the pillow until it cools almost completely. Distribute the composition for a quarter of an hour over the entire face, including the area near the eyes, and rinse with water.
  2. To cleanse the skin, the following mixture will help: 1 tbsp. l. mix cottage cheese without additives with twice as much rice flour, add ½ tsp. l. virgin olive oils. Apply the mixture onto your face using massaging movements and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The composition of 1 tbsp has a rejuvenating effect. l. orange boiled pumpkin with the same amount of sour cream, keep the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes.

Moisturizing for oily skin types

Oily skin, thanks to its sebaceous shine, seems quite moisturized, however, it needs nutrition and care no less than dry dermis.

Humidification method:

Moisturizing for dry skin types

If the cover is dry and sensitive, here are some tips:

  1. Heat the cold-pressed olive oil a little and soak the bandage in it. Place a cloth with oil on your face, preferably cover it with wax paper (or just polyethylene), and then with a towel; the mask lasts 30 minutes.
  2. Grind crumbly cottage cheese (30 g) with the same amount of milk and 1 tbsp. l. grated cucumber pulp. Apply the mixture onto the face for 15 minutes and rinse. Instead of cucumber, you can grate a ripe banana.
  3. 1 tbsp. l. grated raw potatoes mixed with 2 tsp. unrefined olive oil, spread the mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour, after rinsing, apply cream.

Vegetable oils with a moisturizing effect

Natural oils can become indispensable aids in caring for the appearance of the skin. They contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals in their natural form.

Types of oils:

Recipes for skin care around the eyes

How to moisturize, nourish and soothe the skin of the face and eyelid area at home?

A few simple recipes:

Basic principles of moisturizing the skin after sunbathing

How to moisturize your facial skin at home after sunbathing, some useful tips:

  1. Compresses made from mint infusion (20 g of dry mint leave for 20 minutes in a glass of boiling water) and 50 ml will soothe irritated skin. linseed oil. Dip gauze into the solution and apply to the burnt areas for 10 minutes. Throughout the day, such compresses can be repeated up to 3 times until the skin heals.
  2. In a bathtub full of warm water, add ½ liter of milk and the same volume of chamomile or string decoction, you can also use thyme. After half an hour, rinse your body in the shower and lubricate with moisturizing milk after washing.
  3. A mask of grated cucumbers (2-3 pcs.), 100 g of oatmeal ground into flour and half a glass of cream will help restore the skin after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The mixture is applied to the body for a third of an hour, then simply washed off with water.

Rules for moisturizing from the inside

How to moisturize your facial skin at home, as well as reduce the number of wrinkles and improve your complexion, just by changing your diet?

Some tips:

To fully answer the question of how to moisturize and make facial skin healthier at home, it is necessary not only to study the composition of suitable masks and lotions, but also to take care of the correct diet. An active lifestyle and a positive attitude will change for the better not only your appearance, but also your inner world.

Video about skin hydration

Malysheva about moisturizing the skin:

How to moisturize your skin at home:

This is an article about proper care for dry skin at home; from it you will learn everything about hydration and nutrition. We will talk about the possible causes of dryness, itching and how to deal with them comprehensively. It often happens that girls pay maximum attention to their face, forgetting about everything else. This is understandable; the face is always visible and is more exposed to wind, polluted air, ultraviolet radiation and other factors.

But you need to remember that beauty treatments should be comprehensive. Otherwise, by preventing aging in one area, you can earn a lot of minor troubles in another. In addition, the condition of the skin of the body can signal problems in the body.

Possible problems and causes of their occurrence

In general, symptoms include a feeling of tightness, dryness, flaking, and itching. They arise due to the fact that the sebaceous glands do not secrete enough secretion, which retains moisture and protects the epidermis from minor damage, thinning and aging. Such sensations can appear both due to external factors and due to serious diseases. Let's list some of them:

  • Dehydration.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Dermatological diseases. For example, atopic dermatitis.
  • Dry air. In winter, indoors it is usually like this.
  • Frost outside, wind.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body (A, B, C and E).
  • Excessive exposure to the sun.
  • Stress.
  • Predisposition (there are different skin types. For some, minimal exposure is enough for tightness to appear).
  • Using gels, soaps with aggressive ingredients (surfactants), too hot water.
  • Frequent use of scrubs.
  • Inappropriate decorative and skin care cosmetics.
  • Bad habits.

Attention! If you do not notice external factors that could lead to dryness and itching, be sure to visit a doctor. These symptoms may be the beginning of the disease. It cannot be cured using the methods we will describe. First you need a dermatologist!

How and with what to moisturize your body skin at home

Some problems are quite easy to deal with. If you live in a harsh climate or your skin is prone to sensitivity, use a protective cream outside and a humidifier at home during the winter. In summer, always use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.

Keep track of how much water you drink per day. If less than a liter, increase the quantity. This is one of the basic principles of a beautiful body for all women. Also pay attention to your diet. Eliminate unhealthy foods, start eating vegetables, fruits and herbs - they are sources of moisture and microelements. Be sure to include in your menu foods rich in omega fatty acids - fish, avocados, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, legumes. Unfortunately, it often happens that there is not enough food. In this case, there are many methods to maintain beauty.

The main rule is to take care of yourself on a regular basis. Consistency in beauty procedures is the key to success. Skin prone to dryness should be lubricated daily. Pay attention to cosmetics containing vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, argan and olive oils, blackberry, cranberry, and almond extracts.


Many people consider massage only a way to prolong youth for the face and treatment, relaxation for the muscles. But the results it gives directly affect the productivity of using moisturizers. Warm skin absorbs them better, which is exactly what is required.

Creams and shower gels

They should not leave a feeling of tightness or disrupt the protective layer of the epidermis during washing. Dermatologists advise abandoning formulations that contain high amounts of sulfates, parabens, propylene, paraffin, and giving preference to creamy textures that provide softness, smoothness and help retain moisture. Do not turn on very hot water. In cold weather you need warm, and in summer - slightly cool. Do not dry yourself with a towel.

Daily cleaning and nutrition

Everyone knows about this rule, but not everyone follows it. For those with different skin types, it is recommended to apply the mixture twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after a shower.

  • Normal and combined: light milk, in the summer season - sprays.
  • Prone to dryness - creams, oils (in winter).
  • Oily – lotions.

How and what is the best way to moisturize dry body skin: step-by-step care at home

  • Don't save money by buying the same product as for your face. You just won't get the desired effect. The fact is that the skin on the body is thicker and has a different structure.
  • Apply cosmetics in a thick layer.
  • Remember about massage? If you don't have time for it, do vigorous exercises. It works the same way.

Superficial cleansing

First step. The temperature should be moderate. But a contrast shower will also suit your purposes. Especially if it is important to cheer up. It is necessary to rub with a rough or hard device from bottom to top. A washcloth-mitten, brush, or loofah will do. The keratinized cells will exfoliate, and the lymph flow will be activated. A hot bath, especially more than once a week and longer than 20 minutes, is a taboo for anyone who cares about their skin. With the right approach, it is useful to add essential oils and sea salt to it. They relax and tone. Be careful when purchasing ready-made foams and bombs, as they may contain aggressive drying substances.

Deep cleansing

This is the second, important stage in care procedures. But it cannot be done every day. For dry skin, once a week is enough. For fatty women – two, maximum, three times. Usually recommendations are indicated on the cosmetics label.

Most often these are various scrubs. After using them, old cells are removed and the body becomes smooth and soft. Such products can only be applied to moisturized skin. The more sensitive it is, the smaller the particles should be. Using light, circular movements (do not rub or press too hard!) distribute the mixture. Leave it on for three to four minutes and rinse off with warm water. Don't rub yourself with a towel, just blot away excess moisture.


This is the final and mandatory (especially after peeling) stage. But there are two rules that must be followed. Do not perform procedures more than twice a day. If you do this more often, the epidermis will stop independently secreting a secretion that forms a protective film. Do not mix different formulations. The components will neutralize each other's effects, which will cause allergies or reduce all your efforts to zero.

The stores offer a huge range of skincare products from various brands. It's very easy to get confused in them. We will tell you about the basic selection rules.

  • If you suffer from tightness, dryness, and flaking, choose thick products in the summer and additionally use oils in the winter.
  • Combination and oily skin needs astringents and anti-inflammatory ingredients along with nourishing ones. Choose formulations with primrose, mango, grape seed, aloe vera extract, and proteins.
  • The milk has a lighter texture and can be used every day by everyone. Well-known brands producing this popular product: Nivea, Cliven, Uriage.
  • Lotions should be purchased carefully, reading the label carefully, as some of them do not moisturize, but degrease.

The most common remedy for preventing and relieving dry body is cream. It usually contains vegetable and essential oils: olive, jojoba, coconut, shea, lavender. Glycerin, petroleum jelly, collagen, and hyaluronic acid are used as additional elements. You need to pay special attention to the last ingredients. They help retain moisture, which is your goal. In addition, such substances have a rejuvenating effect. After applying cosmetics containing them, the skin brightens and looks better.

Eastern beauty secrets: Turkish massage and hammam

Another effective method for body care. It is recommended for comprehensive health improvement of the body. This procedure helps to normalize metabolic processes and perform gentle cleansing.

Traditionally, the visit is divided into four stages.

Warming up

Warm and moist steam opens pores, relaxes muscles, and removes toxins.

Manual peeling

It is carried out using a rough woolen mitten and black soap, which is made by hand. It contains argan, olive oils, eucalyptus and has a complex effect on the epidermis, cleansing and nourishing it. The product has a delicate and light consistency, prevents fading, and does not cause allergies. Body scrubbing takes a long time. During this time, keratinized particles are removed, and a fresh and healthy appearance returns.


Moisturizing components are applied to the heated surfaces. They are perfectly absorbed and give softness and smoothness.


They are also carried out using various oils, honey, essences, sea salt, algae, and special clay. At the very end of the procedure, you are lowered into fairly cool water. This closes the pores.

In addition to cleansing and nourishing the skin, hammam helps in the fight against excess weight. Light warm steam activates metabolism, enhances lymph circulation, thereby eliminating unevenness.

Cosmetics for Turkish massage at home

For peeling, you can make a scrub from several ingredients. You will need oatmeal, almond flour and rolled oats soaked in milk. A small part of this mixture is separated and distributed over the face with weightless movements so as not to injure it. What is left is tied into a cloth or a special bag and rubbed with it.

Another remedy is a mask to remove orange peel. You only need 2-3 drops of quality essential oil. Mix them with two to three tablespoons of honey. Then apply to problem areas, wait one or two minutes and massage, moving from bottom to top.

Mix persimmons (1 tablespoon) with three ingredients in one container: olive oil, honey and egg yolk so that they can be spread on the face. Apply and rinse after 15 minutes.

How and with what to moisturize very dry skin at home

It happens that the dermis is very sensitive. It turns red, and you experience discomfort even after regular washing, and no ointment can prevent peeling. In this case, you must first make an appointment with a dermatologist. If it turns out that there are no problems in the body, try the following:

  • Eliminate all alcohol-containing cosmetics from use.
  • To cleanse, use products with a creamy texture.
  • Install water filters and an air humidifier.
  • Always use sunscreen. Especially before going outside in cold weather or under the scorching sun.

Vitamins for the body

It may happen that you are lacking vitamins. This is a common story in the lives of modern people. It is not always possible to find time for proper nutrition and healthy sleep, and all internal problems are reflected primarily on the skin. You can get the missing elements from synthetic drugs or food. To make dryness and flaking disappear, sometimes it is enough to introduce several foods into your diet:

  • Fish, butter, vegetable oils, seaweed (D, E).
  • Potatoes, nuts, various greens, cereals, apples, plums, tuna (B).
  • Citrus fruits, peppers, black currants, rose hips (tea and decoctions), bell peppers, broccoli, kiwi (C).
  • Peanuts, beans, peas, spinach, cabbage (H).

Before taking vitamins purchased at the pharmacy, consult your doctor, as the problem may not be their absence. In this case, you will provide yourself with hypervitaminosis, which can contribute to the development of diseases. Also, taking certain medications can render the medications useless.

Watch this video about proper self-care.

How to care for the skin of the body and what nutrition to choose for it is a serious question, and it needs to be given close attention. The wrong approach and insufficient hydration can lead to unnecessary costs and sad consequences. Lotions, gels, milks should ideally suit you in composition and be of high quality. “The First Moscow Customs Goods Store” offers a wide range of products from well-known brands at affordable prices. The site presents an impressive amount of cosmetics, including those for dry and dehydrated dermis. All products have the necessary certificates and have been tested.

The first signs of facial skin dehydration are considered to be a feeling of tightness, the appearance of small wrinkles, roughness, and possibly even flaking of the skin. It should not be confused with dry skin type - it is inherited and appears from the first days of life. Dehydration manifests itself when the functioning of the internal systems of the body is disrupted, due to poor-quality or inappropriate care, or a violation of the hydrolyte balance due to cheap and poor decorative cosmetics. More than 90% of people face the problem of dehydration, regardless of a specific skin type, climatic conditions, or regions of residence.

Moisture in cells is an important element that affects a wide range of physiological processes, including the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which help maintain youthful facial skin. And first of all, the hydration of epidermal cells is influenced by the hormonal system. Age-related changes - the appearance of wrinkles, drying of the skin - are precisely the result of dehydration, because... Over time, hormones reduce cell metabolism, which leads to their reduction, and therefore a reduction in the amount of moisture.

In this article we will look at all the main points of caring for dehydrated skin and how to choose the right cosmetics.

What moisturizes facial skin

Among the effective moisturizers of the skin, water stands out. Water in the human body can be found in a connecting form. The use of pharmacy and professional methods is not enough to replenish the general water deficit. An adult needs to consume at least 1.5 liters of drinking water per day.

Proper nutrition

The skin is a reflection of the internal organs; the state of the epidermis shows how the liver works, as well as the digestive tract. A comprehensive hydration program focuses on a healthy diet. This includes the treatment of chronic diseases, in addition, the normalization of intestinal function.

It is recommended to exclude the consumption of smoked foods, as well as to eat less pickled foods, not to drink lemonade, as well as factory-produced sausages. The diet should not contain chips or similar ingredients containing preservatives. The daily menu should consist of fresh vegetables, as well as fruits and grains. Fermented milk products affect skin health.

Drinking regime

Proper drinking regimen is an ingredient in the skin hydration program. Water is found in the human body as part of the intercellular fluid; it is the first component of collagen; hyaluronic acid is water-based, on which the elasticity of the epidermis depends.

These compounds consist of gyroscopic molecules and, when applied externally, due to their large size, it is difficult for them to penetrate deep into intact tissue. Every person should drink water for at least 1.5 years daily. With increased sweating, this amount must be increased.

What diseases can dry skin indicate?

The skin becomes dry for internal and external reasons. The internal factors include the following deviations:

If dry and sensitive

This type is acquired and occurs against the background of disruption of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions and low immunity, both local, i.e. cutaneous and systemic. To restore the hydrolipid balance, those with dry and sensitive skin must first undergo a full diagnosis of the above body systems, possibly visit a dermatologist, and then seek professional help from cosmetologists.

In cosmetology, dry type refers to skin prone to constant rashes, periodic peeling, and unpredictable reactions to external and internal irritants.

Sensitive skin has a hereditary influence. Owners of this type are usually fair-haired and light-eyed, which indicates a reduced production of melanin - vitamin D-based cells that affect the protective functions of the epidermis. The main type of care includes nutrition, hydration, and protection from sun rays.

If dry and combination

Combination (also often called problematic) facial skin appears as oily or dry/normal at the same time, but in different areas. Oily areas of the skin are more concentrated in the T-zone, when the area of ​​the forehead, temples, cheeks is either normal or dry (tightness, flaking). As a rule, the combination most often occurs during hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy and the postpartum period), and is not a big problem. The skin is restored within six months. But if, in addition to increased shine on the chin and dry forehead, inflammation, comedones, and acne are added, then such skin is considered problematic and must be diagnosed by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.

The peak of hormonal activity occurs at the age of 25; by the age of 35 it begins to decline, which leads to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, i.e. reduction of high fat content.

Methods of moisturizing

There are several methods for moisturizing the skin. Each of them can be considered separately.


Cosmetologists have developed an intensive hydration complex, specifically to ensure that the skin cells are equipped with a large amount of moisture. Additional hydration is provided by special substances:

  • kelp;
  • hyaluronic acid;

  • chitosan;
  • D-panthenol;
  • urea.

The basis of creams, as well as lotions aimed at saturating the skin with moisture, consists of the listed ingredients. Intense hydration thanks to a combination of components that contribute to long-lasting effects.


The deep layers of the epidermis can be saturated with moisture using 4 methods:

Cleansing and moisturizing

This method is an effective preventive method; in addition, moisturizing is used to treat problematic facial skin. With the help of tonics and lotions it is easy to get rid of dirt and enlarged pores.

After this procedure, the unfavorable environment disappears, which becomes the main place for the growth of bacteria. Sterility is formed at the pores of the skin; it can improve the condition of the problematic epidermis. Antiseptic agents prevent excess sebum secretion. But you shouldn’t overdo it with cleansing. It is better to use other means on a daily basis, and preventive ones once a week - more severe in the type of impact, followed by nutrition and hydration.


It is enough to nourish the skin of the face with special creams at night, but be sure to choose a product for your skin type and a certain age. The cream is applied to a previously cleansed face. Products must contain antioxidant vitamins. Thanks to these components, the tightness of the skin disappears, irritation disappears and the epidermis becomes soft.

After toning and cleansing the skin, it is necessary to use moisturizer. After determining the type of skin, taking into account age, use any moisturizer and apply it using massage lines. Nutrients will penetrate the skin faster thanks to a special light self-massage.


The work of a cosmetologist is aimed not only at regular hydration, but also at restoring the hydrolyte balance of the skin. The procedures are carried out using special cosmetic preparations; in addition, the face is treated with collagen. Among the best options aimed at eliminating dehydration, comprehensive hydration stands out. It is used for dry skin.

The skin is saturated with moisture, as well as important nutritional components, thanks to the use of moisturizers - professional masks. They help eliminate the sensitivity of the epidermis, strengthen the surface barrier of the skin, protect against ultraviolet rays, and also protect a person from premature aging.


Among modern methods, facial injections based on hyaluronic acid stand out. It is absolutely harmless, because... is a natural component that is already produced by our body, but taking into account age-related changes it is produced in smaller quantities. The injection may contain either pure hyaluronic acid or with an admixture of vitamins to eliminate external defects - facial wrinkles, enhance regeneration and eliminate pigmentation. The procedure itself using injections is called biorevitalization, and in combination with vitamins - mesotherapy. Find out about the features of hyaluronic acid injections.

Biorevitalization is the process of saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid have also been developed. Their main task is to give sculptural volume to the lips and cheekbones. Fillers dissolve over time, requiring constant correction or repetition of the procedure.

Cosmetical tools

The face is moisturized with the following cosmetics:


If facial dehydration manifests itself systematically, it is better not to skimp on creams, because... Luxury products are aimed at penetrating components into the deep layers of the skin.

  1. BIO REPAIR Day Care is a cream for day use with a moisturizing effect. It has a pronounced anti-rosacea and restorative effect. Thanks to the use of the cream, the skin of the face softens and dehydration stops. The product consists of bifidobacteria lysate, as well as hydrolyzed collagen and sodium lactate; elastin and vitamin E are found in the composition. In addition to the listed components, there is glycine, inositol and niacinamide. The drug is sold at a price of 1940 rubles.
  2. Forever Young Moisture Fusion Cream is a moisturizing cream that contains hyaluronic acid. In addition, it is rich in moisturizing ingredients included in the innovative complex. The action is aimed at intensive moisturizing of the skin. Thanks to the cream, the elasticity of the dermis increases, it is rejuvenated and tightened. The skin's elasticity increases and a healthy tone appears. The price of the cream is 3485 rubles.

With the help of Forever Young Moisture Fusion Cream, transepidermal moisture loss is stopped.


Emollients are used for cosmetic products consisting of fats and fat-like components. They help restore the lost water balance of the skin. After application, a thin film is formed on the surface, which prevents dehydration. Emollients cope with atopic dermatitis and also eliminate skin diseases. The best creams for atopic skin are presented.

  1. Emolium is one of the modern creams aimed at eliminating dry skin. In addition, it copes well with diseases associated with increased dryness of the epidermis. Among the main components are urea, shea butter, sodium hyaluronate, and paraffin oil. The price of the cream is 685 rubles.
  2. Topicrem is a non-hormonal hypoallergenic emulsion that is used for the body and face. With the help of the component it is easy to eliminate dermatitis and restore tissue regeneration. Topicrem is used to treat damaged, inflamed and dry skin surfaces. The product consists of lactic acid and piroctone. Auxiliary components include paraffin, cocamide DEA along with purified water; in addition, sodium lauryl sulfate, beeswax, as well as perfume composition and sepigel are found in the composition. The drug is sold from 576 rubles.

Emolium effectively fights ichthyosis, as well as psoriasis, lichen planus, eliminates eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Toners, serums, micellar water

Inexpensive micellar waters from Nivea, Bioderma, and L’Oreal have proven themselves well among consumers suffering from constant dehydration. Among tonics, it is worth paying attention not so much to the manufacturer, but to the composition. As was written earlier, AHA acids must be present without alcohol.

Among serums, it is worth paying attention to Advanced Night Repair (Estee Lauder).

Advanced Night Repair Serum combines vitamins and antioxidants to help restore skin while you sleep.

Aerosols with micellar water should not be applied to foundation, because... the makeup will simply run and clog the pores.


Among the popular representatives:

  1. Arnaud rituel visage creme de gommage (Arno) – based on apricot extract, intended for sensitive facial skin. Exfoliates dead cells and has a light texture.
  2. Decleor Aroma Cleanse Phytopeel Natural with essential oils (Decleor) - intended for dry, problematic and dehydrated facial skin. In addition to deep cleansing, it also helps smooth out facial wrinkles and give skin elasticity.

Decleor Aroma Cleanse Phytopeel Natural gommage with essential oils is a gentle peeling that carefully cleanses the epidermis and promotes skin renewal.

Soaps and lotions for washing

The soap, intended for washing dry skin, has a creamy texture. It has not just a cleansing effect, but also a moisturizing effect. The product consists of glycerin and petroleum jelly. The ingredients not only protect the skin, but also serve as real skin protection.

Lotions are based on a surfactant composition that effectively cleanses the skin. After washing with lotions, redness disappears and irritation does not appear. After washing, there is no tightness on the surface of the skin. The products consist of hydrolyzed collagen laurate and sodium lauripsulfate. You can learn about moisturizing gels.

Pharmacy products

  1. Aevit is one of the effective preparations consisting of vitamin A and vitamin E. The components are in an oil solution. The product is a strong antioxidant that is aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis.
  2. Retinoic ointment - a product aimed at narrowing pores, as well as regulating the action of the sebaceous glands. It is able to stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, in addition, restore the condition of the epidermis. The ointment has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Find the best retinol cream in .

Aevit penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and eliminates deep wrinkles within 2 weeks.

Traditional methods

With the help of folk remedies, you can get rid of dry skin for a long time and restore the moisturizing balance.

Cucumber mask

Prepare a cosmetic product from 1 cucumber, add 1 tsp. sour cream and purified water no more than 1 tsp. Grind the cucumber and mix with sour cream, stir thoroughly and add water. Mix the ingredients again and apply to the surface of the face. Do not rinse for 15 minutes. Use cool water to rinse off.

Pea mask

To prepare the product you will need 2 tbsp. l. fresh peas, which must be thoroughly chopped. Apply the prepared mixture to your face and hold for 8-10 minutes. Remove the product from the face with cool water.


Prepare a mask from 1 fresh apple and 200 ml of milk. Chop the apples into pieces and add to the milk, boil a little and then bake. Turn the finished fruit into a mushy state and apply to the epidermis. Keep the mask for 15 minutes and rinse with slightly cool water.

Tomato mask

Using a tomato mask, you can easily get rid of dirty pores and then narrow them. Thanks to tomatoes, the skin will become silky. Make a paste from one fresh tomato and apply it to your face. Keep it on for 10 minutes without rinsing, and then rinse with warm water, turning to cool.


  1. Aloe vera - the action of this herb is aimed at splitting water from organic and inorganic compounds.
  2. Chamomile – has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Linden - it has a pronounced medicinal property aimed at eliminating inflammation.
  4. Rosemary tincture – rejuvenates the skin and eliminates wrinkles.
  5. Calendula - thanks to the use of the herb, the pores are narrowed and the surface of the epidermis is degreased.

Medicinal herbs are a large group of plants, parts of which are used as raw materials for preventive and therapeutic purposes in medicine and cosmetology.


There are several varieties of clay, among them pink, as well as red and gray. Each type of clay has a soft consistency, is gentle to the touch and requires delicate care. Clay has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect; once it reaches the upper layers of the dermis, it replenishes moisture reserves. After use, skin tone is evened out and elasticity returns.

Features of moisturizing aging skin

Aging skin needs to be nourished with active ingredients. These include marine collagen, as well as an activator of aquaporin synthesis. In addition to the listed components, injections are effective.

Seasonal care

At certain times, it is necessary to take special care of the skin of your face. In each period, summer or winter, the skin needs to be treated with special preparations. Seasonal programs have been developed for this purpose. But each person individually has his own individual characteristics, according to which he must choose a product for the season.

in autumn

In autumn, you need to pay special attention to your facial skin. First of all, during this period the epidermis needs hydration. In summer, the skin suffered a little from the effects of sunlight. Homemade masks based on natural ingredients will saturate the skin with life-giving moisture.

In October, you should go to beauty salons. Experienced cosmetologists will perform the procedures; they use products based on hyaluric acid. Before applying the drug, the skin is cleansed with a cooled saline solution with the addition of oxygen. After this, special serums are used and the face is covered in several layers. The action of the method is aimed at refreshing and rejuvenating the epidermis.

In summer

In the summer, it is necessary to use products consisting of a natural factor that has a moisturizing effect. In addition, use osmotic moisturizing components. You need to cleanse your skin several times a day. For procedures, choose water at room temperature. In summer, it is recommended to drink at least 2.5 liters of water. No active activities should be carried out in the morning.

Peels, as well as masks and creams are suitable for evening care of the epidermis. Every day in the summer, apply a cream containing UV filters and a sun protection effect to your face. Mandatory care includes moisturizing the skin around the eyes. Creams with a light gel-like texture are suitable for the summer period.

in winter

Preparations that consist of natural vegetable oils, as well as vitamin complexes, must be used in winter. In December, it is recommended to maintain hydration, as well as protect and nourish. In the month before the New Year, to enhance the tone and rejuvenation of the skin, it is necessary to use lifting serums containing collagen with oligopeptides.

These substances are rich in protein, which can enrich damaged areas of cells. Thanks to this, small wrinkles are smoothed out and tissues are tightened. Products based on vitamin A, which is one of the ingredients of youth and beauty, have an effective effect. In winter, you need to use masks made with natural products.


The video talks about the rules of moisturizing facial skin.


  1. At home, it is not always possible to eliminate the problem of dehydration of the epidermis. If a positive effect is not observed from self-medication within 2-3 weeks, you need to visit a specialist. He will identify the cause and prescribe medications, as well as remedies aimed at eliminating dryness and increasing hydration. This is the whole secret.
  2. In addition to foods, there are drinks: coffee and tea, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. Among the beneficial varieties of tea, green tea stands out. It has vitaminizing properties on the epidermis; in addition, it preserves the youth of the skin for a long time.
  3. The condition of the epidermis must be monitored at any time of the year and this will maintain its beautiful appearance.
  4. Dehydrated facial skin is not tied to a specific skin type, but can serve as a source of problematic and sensitive skin.
  5. The mixed or combined type is less likely to be dehydrated due to its natural way of retaining moisture, but this process can be disrupted due to the use of inappropriate skincare products.

The outer layer of the skin works like a well-oiled machine, but sometimes the production of the right oils does not meet the needs. As a rule, problems begin to appear if you shower too often, use soap which dries out the skin or you live in a region of the Earth where the air humidity is about the same as in a desert.

How to choose the right skin moisturizer? Most products for dry skin (to moisturize the skin) protect it from moisture loss, working as a shield. In other words, they “slow down” the decrease in skin moisture, rather than moisturize it. But they cope with this very well.

Causes of dry skin

When the skin works “normally”, its glands produce optimal amounts of sebum, which makes the skin soft and tender.

But during the cold season (due to dry air, both indoors and outdoors), the skin may become dry and crusty. The skin is characterized by cracks and is rougher.

The most susceptible parts of the body are considered face and hands. Physiologically, it has been observed that the hands produce the least amount of sebum compared to other parts of the body.

When should you see a doctor if you have dry skin?

  • If after 2 weeks of using the products mentioned in our article, the skin remains dry;
  • If the skin presents signs of infection, purulence, or redness;
  • If the patient suffers from diseases such as diabetes or hypothyroidism.

How to moisturize the skin of the face and other parts of the body using folk remedies?

Method 1. Milk bath

Tempting? Is not it?

Don't run to the store to fill your bathtub with milk! This procedure does not require a large amount of this wonderful liquid.

Lactic acid from milk cleanses the skin removes dead cells and increases the skin's ability to retain moisture.

Soak a piece of cloth in cold milk, then apply it to dry and irritated skin and leave it on for a few minutes. When rinsing your skin, do it carefully so that some of the lactic acid remains on the skin.

Method 2. Epsom salts (Epsom salts)

Epsom salt or Epsom salt is a natural magnesium sulfate.

To soften hardened areas of the skin, take a bath with warm water to which you have previously added 2 cups of Epsom salts. After some time, when the skin is moisturized, rub it with Epsom salts to remove dead cells.

You will be surprised to see the results this method produces.

For better results, you can add a little eelgrass to your bath.

Method 3. Aloe vera gel

The gel obtained from fresh aloe vera relieves dry skin. It contains acids that remove layers of dead skin.

To get fresh aloe vera gel, cut a leaf of this plant and use a knife to separate the leaf into two parts. The isolated gel can be used for cosmetic purposes.

Method 4. Avocado

Make a puree from the avocado pulp, and apply the resulting cream to your face as mask. The oil it contains softens the skin and is rich in vitamin E.

Method 5. Vegetable oils

  • peanut butter;
  • petrolatum;
  • mineral oil;
  • lanolin (obtained from sheep's wool);
  • margarine.

Attention! Use them in moderation to avoid discomfort.

Method 6. Homemade skin moisturizer

You can prepare a skin moisturizer at home from 1 tbsp. l. bee cart and 2 tbsp. l. lanolin by stirring them in a water bath.

Add 2 tbsp. l. rose water, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. aloe vera.

Use this product chilled.

How to choose the right moisturizer for face and hands?

Method 7. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)

There are many products in cosmetics containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Cream with alpha hydroxy acids eliminates dead skin, which separates, leaving soft and healthy cells in its place.

Method 8. Urea

Method 9. Emollients

Add emollients to your bath. They will make the skin softer.

Which soap moisturizes the skin?

Method 10. Not too scented soap

If you use scented soap, stop using it!

The fact is that very aromatic soap dries the skin, and the fragrant substances it contains irritate the skin.

Method 11. Cream soap

Cream soap is another way to keep your skin moist. They contain a lot of oil and fats, which are added in the final stages of soap production.

When using this cosmetic product, a protective fat layer remains on the skin.

Method 12. Mild soap

Use mild soaps because they maintain skin pH to its normal values. They cleanse the skin without negatively affecting the oil content on the surface of the body.

Method 13. Liquid soap

Liquid soap has a very good effect on skin health.

Choose a moisturizing liquid soap to wash your hands to prevent dry hands.

Lifestyle for dry skin

Method 14. Short shower

Avoid staying in the shower (or bath) for long periods of time. As a rule, it is recommended to limit the water procedure to maximum 15 minutes.

If the water procedure time is exceeded, the likelihood of significant removal of the protective layer of oil from the skin increases.

Avoid hot water, it is better to use warm water. Hot water removes fatty oils from the surface of the body faster, which increases the risk of dry skin.

Method 15. Plain soap only in certain areas of the body

To maintain skin moisture, use soap when washing the following areas of the body:

  • armpits;
  • legs.

Wash the rest of your body only with plain water.

Method 16. Shower only in the evening

Try to shower (or take a bath) in the evening. This way, the skin will have more time (until the morning) to restore the level of the protective fat layer of the skin.

Method 17. Humidity in the house is very important

During the cold season, keep the humidity in your home at a comfortable level.

  • place a vessel with water next to a heat source in the room;
  • place vessels with water on radiators;
  • leave the bathroom door open when taking a bath or shower;
  • Place the humidifier near the bed you sleep on and keep the bedroom door closed when the unit is running.

Method 18. Use a fireplace or wood-burning stove less often

If your home has an alternative heating method, avoid using a fireplace or wood stove.

Such heat sources make air very dry.

Method 19. Drink more fluids

Every day our body needs 2 liters of water. This is approximately 8 glasses.

Of course, you can drink other liquids instead of water: tea from plants, juices...

This rule does not apply to drinks with a diuretic effect:

  • cola;
  • black or green tea;
  • alcohol.

When consuming such drinks, the body will need extra water due to the fact that you will go to the toilet more often.

Method 20. Grow indoor flowers

Nutrition for dry skin

Method 21. Fatty fish

Consume fatty fish more often (at least 2 times a week!). Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are involved in maintaining skin health.

The richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids are:

  • salmon;
  • herring;
  • sardines;
  • mackerel.

Method 22. Plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids

Other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • linseed oil;
  • avocado;
  • nuts.

Add 2 tsp daily. flaxseed oil for breakfast.

Attention! Add flaxseed oil only to cold or warm foods. Hot food decomposes flaxseed oil into toxic substances!

Method 23. B-complex vitamins and vitamin C

Regular intake of B-complex vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and minerals helps maintain healthy skin.

Take the following regularly:

  • vitamin supplements containing the following vitamins:
    • vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid);
    • vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
    • vitamin B 1 (thiamine).
  • Brewer's yeast.

Method 24. Complex vitamin preparations

Complex vitamin preparations contain many beneficial substances for the skin.

These medications contain the following chemicals:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin B 6;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin B 2;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

Of course, there are other ways to moisturize your skin, but before using them, consult your dermatologist!

Facial skin needs regular moisturizing, regardless of age. Few people know how to quickly moisturize their facial skin at home. Today, traditional medicine and modern cosmetology offer several effective ways and means to solve this problem. Carry out procedures aimed at moisturizing the skin, you can start at 25 years old.

Moisturizing treatments help slow down skin aging. Epidermal cells are 85% water, the lack of which leads to rapid aging. To maintain water balance at the cellular level, it is necessary to use special moisturizers that:

  • saturate the dermis with oxygen;
  • wash away toxic substances and other dirt;
  • maintain a fresh and healthy appearance of the dermis;
  • provide access to essential minerals and vitamins.

Detailed information about whether it is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin of the face daily and what products are recommended to carry out this procedure is presented below.

What is good for restoring facial skin moisture?

To restore the biobalance of moisture at the cellular level, special moisturizers are used. These include:

  • creams;
  • masks;
  • oils;
  • lotions.

Moisturizing creams contain a large number of nourishing ingredients and natural moisturizers. Plant components such as cucumber, aloe vera, raspberry and black currant extracts compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin.

Moisturizing masks work on the same principle as creams.. A properly selected or self-prepared face mask ensures complete hydration of the skin. Experts recommend including substances or plant extracts in masks that both deeply nourish and moisturize the skin.

Essential oils are quickly absorbed into the upper layers of the epidermis, deeply and intensively moisturize the dermis at the cellular level. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to select an oil suitable for your skin type.

Lotions are used as a cleanser and moisturizer.. These products contain moisturizing components. This could be fresh cucumber juice or citrus juice.

The skin of the face can be moisturized with thermal water. It refreshes and removes signs of fatigue.

Folk remedies for moisturizing facial skin + recipe

The moisturizing procedure is allowed to be carried out not only in beauty salons and beauty institutes. At home, using products that are at hand, you can deeply fortify, moisturize the cells and skin of the face.

Available folk remedies approved for use as moisturizers:

  • baby cream;
  • sour cream;
  • herbs;
  • tomato;
  • apple.

How to properly prepare care products and effectively moisturize the dermis at the cellular level is described below.

Baby cream

Baby creams include natural ingredients that do not harm the delicate skin of a newborn. It can be used as a vitamin enriching product for the skin. The moisturizer has a number of useful properties:

  • skin protection;
  • nutrition;
  • smoothing;
  • relieving irritation.

Baby cream can be used regularly. Experts recommend applying baby cream to pre-cleansed dermis in the morning and evening.

The product is applied with point movements from top to bottom, and then rubbed in until completely absorbed.

Sour cream

Moisturizing masks are based on this food product. Sour cream contains a large number of micro and macroelements that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Moisturizing masks are considered universal. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • fresh carrots;
  • egg yolk;
  • sour cream.

Mix a small amount of fresh thick sour cream (1 tbsp) with egg yolk. Mix the ingredients. Purified Grind carrots in a blender and then squeeze out the juice. Add a small amount of juice to the sour cream and egg mixture and mix again. Apply a thin layer to previously cleansed facial skin. Leave for 15 minutes. Remove excess with a cloth soaked in warm water.

Please note: carrots may give your skin a slight tan.


Herbal infusions deeply moisturize and cleanse the skin. Decoctions are approved for use as makeup removers. According to reviews, the most popular is the flower infusion. Required Ingredients:

  • chamomile;
  • jasmine;
  • Linden;
  • rose petals;
  • pure water.

It is recommended to pour all components, previously crushed and taken in equal parts (15 g each), with hot water. Cover the container with the infusion with a terry towel and leave for 40 minutes in a warm room. Filter the finished infusion.

The resulting product should be wiped over the face 3 times a day.


Honey is one of those products that can intensively soften and moisturize the skin. The beneficial microelements contained in honey, combined with fruit acids, form the basis for a moisturizer. To prepare a honey mask you need to take:

  • May honey;
  • fresh lemon juice;
  • low-fat natural yogurt.

Honey (2 tbsp) must be preheated by steaming to 40 degrees. Add 1 tsp to the melted mass. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt. Mix all components until smooth.

Apply the product evenly to damp facial skin and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off excess with warm water.

Important tip: use gauze. Wet gauze, previously placed on the face, will prevent the cosmetic product from spreading..


Tomato, in addition to its moisturizing effect, nourishes dry skin with missing vitamins. Vitamin moisturizing mask consists of the following components::

  • cucumber;
  • tomato.

Small-sized fresh vegetables must first be rinsed under running water and crushed to a puree. Excess moisture needs to be squeezed out. Apply the paste to a washed face and leave for 20 minutes. Remove excess with a damp cloth.


Experts recommend making apple masks at least 2 times a week. Apples contain a large amount of fruit acids and vitamins, and also go well with essential oils. Which oil you need to choose to moisturize your face depends on your skin type. Ingredients for apple mask:

  • essential oil (any);
  • apple (sour variety).

Grate a small apple on a coarse grater. Pour 5 drops of any essential oil into the resulting pulp and mix. Apply to clean dermis of face and leave for 10 minutes. Wash off excess with mineral water.

Rating of the best moisturizing masks (store-bought + homemade with recipe)

Moisturizing face masks can restore the skin after the adverse effects of external environmental factors. Under the influence of cold, wind and direct sunlight, the dermis loses moisture.

Regular caring and moisturizing procedures using store-bought and homemade cosmetics can quickly normalize the moisture balance at the cellular level and saturate flaky skin with essential vitamins and minerals.

Mask for very dry skin

Cosmetic moisturizing face mask « Natural Moisturizing Factor» Helps restore the skin's protective barrier and water balance, smooth out fine wrinkles and accelerate blood circulation in the dermis.

The product included:

  • carrageenan;
  • arginine;
  • extracts of medicinal plants.

The product is available in powder form. A small amount of powder is required for use mix with warm water and apply the mixture with a brush to the prepared facial skin. It is recommended to remove excess with wet wipes.

At home, a mask for very dry skin is prepared from chamomile. Chamomile flowers must be steamed with boiling water and squeezed thoroughly. The squeezed flowers must be mixed with olive oil (10 drops) and spread evenly on the face. Later 15 minutes Remove the chamomile from the skin and wipe your face with the decoction obtained earlier.

Mask for normal skin

For ease of use, the “Balance-Effect” mask goes on sale in a sachet. The moisturizing mask for normal skin contains algae extracts, pomegranate juice, clay, and a vitamin and mineral complex.

No additional manipulations are required to apply the product. Sasha needs to be warmed in your palms, remove the mask from the bag and place it on your face.

The homemade moisturizing nourishing mask includes:

  • cottage cheese;
  • fresh carrot juice;
  • olive oil;
  • milk.

All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. The resulting mass must be evenly distributed over the face and left for 15 minutes. Wash off excess with mineral water.

Mask for combination skin

Gel-mask "Calendula" is intended for mixed skin types. Has a soothing, moisturizing and cleansing effect. The product contains:

  • pink clay;
  • lemongrass (oil);
  • calendula;
  • wheat germ (oil);
  • sebacic acid.

The product must be evenly distributed on cleansed facial skin and wait 15 minutes. During this time, the skin should tighten a little. After the required time, rinse off the gel with warm water.

The basis of a homemade mask for combination skin is kefir.. To enhance the effect, you can add a small amount of orange oil to the product. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and apply evenly to the face. After 20 minutes, the mask must be washed off.

Mask for oily skin

Masks for oily skin often contain citrus extract. Indian powder mask for oily skin removes oily shine and moisturizes the skin. The main components present in the cosmetic product:

  • orange zest;
  • Chinese clay;
  • calamine

The powder is not recommended to be mixed with plain water. The most suitable liquid for diluting the powder is thermal or rose water. 1 tsp. mix the products with 2 tbsp. l. liquid and apply to face using a brush. Rinse off excess with warm water.

To prepare a moisturizing mask for oily skin you will need:

  • turmeric (1 g);
  • peach oil (1 tbsp);
  • pea flour (2 tsp).

To obtain pea flour, you need to grind the peas in a coffee grinder.

Mix all ingredients until smooth and spread evenly over the face. After 15 minutes, clean your face with wet wipes.

Mask for problem skin

The Derma Soul mask contains extracts of medicinal plants:

  • arnica;
  • chamomile;
  • brown algae;
  • licorice root;
  • camellias.

The mask is sold in a sachet. The method of application is described above.

Homemade mask for problem skin includes:

  • egg yolk;
  • dry wine (1 tbsp. l).

Mix the ingredients and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask for sensitive skin

Cosmetic film mask “La Vita” is suitable for sensitive skin. The product moisturizes, nourishes and cleanses the dermis. The composition is almost completely natural:

  • calendula extract;
  • black currant leaves;
  • chamomile extract;
  • essential oils.

After applying the product to the face, after some time a film forms on the surface of the skin, which after 20 minutes must be carefully removed from the skin.

Boiled potato mask: Boil and crush 2 small tubers. Mix the puree with milk (3 tbsp) and apply to the face. After 20 minutes, remove excess with a paper napkin.

Mask for young facial skin

The composition of masks for young skin from SkyLine is based on essential oils and fruit extracts. Moisturizing mask for young skin contains:

  • orange oil;
  • lime oil;
  • ylang-ylang oil;
  • black currant.

The method of application is described above.

To prepare an egg face mask at home, you need to mix egg and honey in equal parts and apply to your face. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The best oils (essential), gels and ointments that quickly moisturize your facial skin at home

Oils obtained from fruits soothe, tone, rejuvenate, cleanse and moisturize the skin. Popular means:

  1. Sandalwood oil. Moisturizes, softens and rejuvenates facial skin.
  2. Shea Butter. Suitable as a cleansing and wound healing agent.
  3. Moisturizing gelMultiSeawed. Moisturizing Korean facial gel with sea minerals.
  4. Aloe Vera Facial Gel. The product has pronounced softening and moisturizing properties.
  5. Ointment Polar. Moisturizing protective agent against cold, heat and wind.
  6. Antipsorax ointment. A healing agent used as a moisturizer. Contains tar and honey.

The best moisturizers

Modern cosmetic creams help maintain youth and elasticity of the skin. Lack of moisture accelerates aging, and dry skin loses its healthy glow. Therefore, cosmetologists advise regularly using moisturizing creams.

Cream for problem skin

One of the most popular moisturizers for problematic facial skin is the product
AveneClean. The cream intensively moisturizes and nourishes the dermis. The product contains a large number of microelements beneficial for the skin:

  • pumpkin extract;
  • thermal water;
  • zinc gluconate;
  • nutritional complex;
  • lipids.

The product may cause an oily sheen. Contains paraben.

The best cosmetic product that deeply moisturizes the skin of the face is produced by Biocon
. The “Tender Skin” cream, intended for dry dermis, also has protective properties. The product included:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol;
  • licorice root extract;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • volatile silicone.

The cosmetic product is approved for use as a makeup product.

Cream for normal skin

Normal skin also needs regular moisturizing
. The best moisturizer for normal skin type is a long-lasting cosmetic product from the Green Mama concern. Cream “Plantain and Coltsfoot” has an almost completely natural composition:

  • plantain seeds;
  • coltsfoot extract;
  • plantain extract;
  • flavonoids;
  • complex of vitamins;
  • carotenoids.

Transport molecules accelerate the absorption of the product into skin cells.

Cream for combination skin

Combination skin type needs special care
. For such dermis, choose products that help cleanse, moisturize and tone. You can find out how to properly care for combination skin type. Moisturizing cream from Clinic contains:

  • rose, tea tree, lavender oils;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • grape seeds;
  • vitamin complex.

The product helps regenerate the skin, moisturize dry dermis and eliminate oily shine.

Cream for oily skin

Products for oily skin help reduce sebum production
. These products include Nivea's Matte Perfection cream. The product contains:

  • lemongrass;
  • rice extract;
  • complex of minerals;
  • purified water.

The product has a light matting effect.

Cream for sensitive skin

Sensitive facial skin is thin and pale
. After washing, you may feel a feeling of tightness. Belita Vitex cream will help get rid of unpleasant sensations. Product includes:

  • macadamia extract;
  • wheat germ;
  • beeswax;
  • hyaluronic acid.

The cosmetic product has a prolonged effect and has a long-lasting effect on the skin.

Cream for young facial skin

Creams that protect facial skin from external factors are well suited for young dermis
. The best product is considered to be “Ideal Skin” from Clean Line. The composition of the product includes natural ingredients:

  • green tea extract;
  • aloe vera juice;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • zinc.

The product is approved for use as a pigment tightening cream.

  • Before applying moisturizer, the skin must first be cleansed.
  • Moisturizer must be applied pointwise.
  • The cream should not contain alcohol.
  • Homemade humidifiers can cause allergic reactions.
  • Self-prepared and purchased cosmetic products should be used according to skin type.
What is the best gel for sensitive skin?

Do they moisturize or nourish the skin in winter?

During winter, the skin needs intensive nutrition. It is better to choose creams that are both protective and nourishing.

At home, procedures for moisturizing the dermis of the face can be carried out using both purchased and self-made products. Homemade masks and skin creams are prepared quickly from available products. The choice of moisturizers is based on the individual characteristics of the skin.