French braid - weaving pattern. How to French braid your own side? How to learn to braid your own hair How to make a beautiful side braid

Festive hairstyle is in many cases associated with braiding. These days, stylists have invented many ways to create braids, but almost all of them have their origins in the French braid. And for good reason. This hairstyle is rightfully considered stylish and neat. Nowadays, it ranks first among many different styles.

The French braid gets its name due to its origin. This hairstyle was first created in France many decades ago. French styling will look great on long and semi-long hair. French braid hairstyles are very popular among brides. They add tenderness and charm to the image. There are several options for weaving such a braid. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Classic French braid

The hair braiding pattern to create this hairstyle is quite simple. Almost every representative of the fairer sex who does not have hairdressing skills can do this hairstyle on her own. You will need a fine-toothed comb, your favorite styling products, and hairspray to hold your hair in place.

  • The classic French braid always starts from the forehead. Comb your hair back with a fine-tooth comb. Untangle your hair so that your hair is free.
  • Select three strands and comb them well. Place the right piece on the middle one and then the left piece on the right one. This way you will get the first piece of braid.
  • Next, you need to select a part of the hair on the right and connect it into one whole with the left strand, which is now on the right side.
  • After this, repeat the movements already done, only with each subsequent step you need to grab a new part of the hair.
  • At the moment when the French braid is braided to the base of the head, evenly divide the hair into three parts and continue braiding to the ends of the hair.
  • Secure the result with an elastic band or hairpin and spray with a fixing agent.

Dutch braid

Another of the recently popular types, into which the French braid is divided. The weaving pattern for such a hairstyle seems complicated at first glance, but with a little effort, you will quickly get the hang of it and create it without any problems. Prepare a comb, a hairpin or an elastic band and hairspray.

  • Comb your hair, carefully untangling small knots, and divide the head into three strands.
  • A reverse French braid involves braiding not by laying strands on top of one another, but by placing them under each other.
  • Take the right section of hair and bring it under the middle strand.
  • Next, proceed to the left side. It must be placed under the right strand, which is now in the middle.
  • The next step is to add new hair that is in a free state. Take some curls from the right and combine them with the right part.
  • Similar to the first step, bring the collected part under medium hair.
  • Next, add new hair to the left strand.
  • Step by step, create a braid up to the base of your head.
  • When you reach the neck, secure the hairstyle with a bobby pin or continue braiding to the ends of your hair.
  • To secure the result, apply a little hairspray to your hair.

French zigzag braid

A fairly common holiday weaving option is the so-called half-braid. This type of styling is created by adding new strands on only one side. It is quite difficult to braid such French braids on your own long hair. But as they say, nothing is impossible. Be patient and try, then you will definitely succeed. To create this style, you will need a comb, several pins, an elastic band and a styling product.

  • Distribute your hair evenly over your entire head, combing it back.
  • Select three strands at the temple and start weaving sideways, towards the opposite temple.
  • Place the top strand on the middle strand, and the bottom strand on the top.
  • The next step is to add a new section of hair, but this side French braid has some differences. New curls are taken only from the bottom of the head, so nothing is added to the upper strands.
  • After braiding the hairstyle to the opposite side, secure the hairstyle with a hairpin.
  • Now you need to unfold the weaving so that the upper part of the braid becomes the lower part, and that, in turn, moves upward.
  • Continue braiding in the opposite direction, weaving new curls only into the lower part of the braid.

Circular French braid

The weaving pattern for this hairstyle is based on the zigzag principle. However, the hair weaves from the crown in a circle. Similar styles are common among athletes (figure skaters, swimmers) and dancers. An excellent option would be similar French braids for medium hair. It is worth noting that this hairstyle most likely will not work without outside help.

  • Comb your mop of hair, distributing it evenly over your head from the center of the back of your head.
  • Select three strands and begin braiding, adding hair to only one side.
  • Move the braid in a circle, gradually increasing the radius.
  • When all the hair is braided, fix the hairstyle and fix the hair with hairspray.

Spit "Waterfall"

One of the popular hairstyles today is the French braid “Waterfall”. She looks very gentle and feminine. This hairstyle has become very popular among brides. To create it you will need a comb and a few hairpins.

  • Comb your hair back and select three strands near your temple.
  • Start weaving diagonally, moving towards the opposite temple.
  • With each step, pass a section of hair through the braid from top to bottom.
  • This way, you will gradually achieve a hairstyle that looks like a waterfall.
  • When the braid is complete, secure it with pins and spray with styling product to secure the hairstyle.

French side braid

The side French braid is a very comfortable and practical hairstyle. At the same time, she looks very gentle and feminine. Hair collected in this way does not get out or get tangled. This style can be used for everyday business style or attending a fun party. To create it, you will need a comb, an elastic band or a hairpin, as well as your favorite styling fixative.

  • Comb your hair thoroughly and push it back.
  • Divide your hair into two sections at the base of your forehead and start working with one of them.
  • Weave a three-strand braid, weaving in additional loose hair on one side only.
  • Your hairstyle should follow the contour of your hair and then to the base of your head on the opposite side.
  • At the end of the installation, you will get a kind of bend from the braid, going to the side.
  • Fix the style and spray with hairspray.

Two braids

This styling will be an excellent option for schoolgirls. It is very practical, comfortable and beautiful. In order to perform it according to all the rules, you will need a comb with fine teeth and a long pointed end. With its help you will make the most even and clear parting.

  • Divide your hair into two sections, drawing lines from your forehead to the base of your neck.
  • Throw away one part and work with the second.
  • Divide the mop into three parts and braid your hair in the same way as the classic French braid. Secure the styling with an elastic band.
  • Next, start processing the first part of the hair. Create a braid that is as similar as possible to the one you already have and tie it with an elastic band.

No matter how beautiful and unusual the hairstyle is, it will look sloppy and sloppy on dirty hair. That’s why always wash your hair before styling your hair. Only clean hair can be styled well and look neat.

To keep your hairstyle as long as possible, use styling products. However, you also need to be careful with them and know when to stop. A large amount of styling can create the effect of unwashed hair.

Don't pull your braids too tight, they should look natural.

While braiding, never let go of the strands, otherwise you will simply have to start all over again. If you are tired, lean your head forward and rest your elbows on something hard. After just a few seconds, you can continue creating your styling.

If you want your hairstyle to be more put together, try experimenting with braiding your hair on damp or wet hair. Once you release them, you will have soft and natural waves.

If you have bangs, you can also wear them in a braid. In this case, weaving must begin from the forehead itself. If you want to leave your bangs free, start braiding from the base.


From the above diagrams it follows that the French braid is not as complicated as it seems. Almost any girl can do this hairstyle on her own. you just need to be patient and practice a little.

There are a great many options for braiding. Choose what you like. Experiment and try to create new hairstyles. Follow new fashion trends and you will always be on top!

Fashion is a capricious lady who is used to going through her old “chests” of memory and pulling out the forgotten and interesting from them! Side braid - a kind of spikelet, which is braided along one side of the female head next to the ear.

The braided hairstyle will probably always be in fashion. With time only the weaving options change and image.

Who would suit this hairstyle?

Modern fashionistas adore the side braid. This weaving can add mystery, style, and romance to a face. A side braid gives a woman the opportunity demonstrate your individuality.

A side braid perfectly harmonizes with a face with a narrow, elongated or oval silhouette; it also smoothes out angular facial features.

However, this weaving can make a round or square oval face heavier. To avoid this It is recommended to leave a few flowing curls from the side free from the braid.

How to do:

  1. Comb your hair and separate it with a deep side parting.
  2. Separate part of the curls at the beginning of the parting.
  3. Start off braid a regular braid.
  4. Replenish the top strand by adding a thin curl from above (i.e. from the head of hair, which is closer to the top of the head).
  5. Repeat the action every span.
  6. Braid the lower strands of the braid (which are closer to the forehead) in the usual way: without adding curls.
  7. You can finish weaving in the ear area or bring it to the end.
  8. Secure the finished work with an elastic band.

The result will be an amazingly beautiful braid in the shape of an edging.

Wide braid with ribbon on side

A wide side braid is a good choice of hairstyle for prom. After all, such a setup is self-sufficient, it does not need additional decorations. However, if desired, you can weave a ribbon into it.


  1. Comb your mop of hair and lubricate it with styling product.
  2. Comb your hair to the selected side.
  3. In the area of ​​the bangs, separate a large strand and divide it into 3 equal parts(1 – left, 2 – middle, 3 – right).
  4. Tie a ribbon around the middle strand.
  5. Place the left strand (1) on the middle strand (2) and the right strand (3), and lay the ribbon on top.
  6. Pass the ribbon under the middle strand (2), then lay it between the middle strand (2) and the right strand (3).
  7. We repeat this scheme, until a pigtail is formed. Tie the ends with an elastic band.
  8. Gently stretch the links of the finished weave to make it more airy.

A hairstyle with an woven ribbon adds extra volume to thin and sparse hair.

Please note! It is advisable to choose a ribbon that matches the color of your prom dress.

Wedding hairstyle with side braid

Side braid hairstyle for the bride available in a variety of options:

  • Greek weaving– voluminous braid with flowers or openwork hairpins;
  • waterfall- a type of hairstyle with a spikelet and a bun. To untangle all knots, it is recommended to use a special tool.

Work step by step:

  1. Dry clean, damp hair with a hairdryer and curl it with a curling iron.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly with a massage brush and devide into two parts using a side parting.
  3. Grab a thick strand of hair with your forehead and create a side French braid. Secure it with an elastic band at ear level.
  4. Stretch the weave with your fingers so that it becomes loose and openwork.
  5. Grab your hair down and comb gently with a brush, without disturbing the weave.
  6. Comb the crown area and smooth it again with a brush, creating a small amount of volume on the crown.
  7. Use a small elastic band to secure all loose hair and the end of the braid (from the side of the braid).

Comb loose hair and form them into a chic bun. Use pins to secure the shape.

The finished one is decorated:

  • miniature buds of fresh flowers;
  • a laconic tiara with rhinestones;
  • hairpins with pearl beads.

The note! If the bride's image includes a veil, then it should be made of the thinnest and most transparent material so as not to hide the splendor of the wedding hairstyle.

Choose the option you like and be irresistible!

This video shows how to perform an asymmetrical wedding hairstyle in the Greek style using a base and curls.

Our distant ancestors often liked to repeat: “A braid is a girl’s beauty”! The braid, by its principle, is one of the simple hairstyles that is simply perfect for most girls and even more mature ladies.

The abundance of all kinds of methods for weaving women's braids provide a good opportunity to very practically and harmoniously choose a hairstyle with a beautiful braid for almost any shape and type of face. You can create a magnificent hairstyle by braiding it, either from a completely traditional 3-strand braid or using multi-strand braiding.

The number of strands and whether the side strands are elongated affect the overall thickness of the braid: the greater the number of strands, the correspondingly more voluminous the braid itself. Large, openwork braids visually help increase the volume of the hairstyle, and even girls who are not naturally blessed with thick hair can help with this.

The French braid is a huge space for realizing the most daring ideas and ideas. The braid can be easily made very tight and elegant, or it can be braided loosely and with ease. For braiding, you can use all the hair on your head, or some part of it. The French braid can be placed along the forehead, diagonally or vertically along the head.

The most common French braid on the side, with well-elongated sections, is a great idea both for every day and for a special event.

Master class on how to braid your hair on your side

Step 1: Comb your hair thoroughly. Unravel all the knots. Make sure your hair is not tangled as this can interfere with the French braiding process. You can use mousse for better results.

Step 2: Take a strand from the top left (or right, whichever you prefer) part of your head. Divide it into three sections.

Step 3: Move the right strand over the center one. Then the left strand over the center one. Again, the right one is above the central one, grabbing a new strand from the forehead to the right one (try to keep the grip under the main strands). Then the left strand over the central one + grab from the back of the head.

Step 4: In this manner, braid the entire braid up to the right ear. The braid should be loose, since we still have to pull out the side strands.

Step 5: When you run out of hair to hold up, continue with a regular 3-strand braid.

Secure the end with an elastic band.

Now we need to carefully pull out all the side parts of the braid (without touching the strands of the braid) so that the hairstyle turns out voluminous and beautiful.

Video lesson SIDE BRAID

When creating a side braided hairstyle, you can freely use various beads on spirals, ribbons, decorative pins, etc.

Video lesson on French braiding

For thousands of years, braids have been an integral part of any girl's look. There are hundreds of secrets and methods from all over the world that differ from each other in their unique beauty, sophistication and skill. If such a hairstyle causes delight among others, then those craftsmen who are able to weave unusually beautiful braids aroused envy and popularity. However, one braid is good, but two are even better, so the question arises of how to make two braids on the sides and what types there are.

Step 3. Repeat on the other side. Secure with varnish.

Two pigtails

When a girl asks the question: how to braid two braids on the sides on her own, the image of a beautiful French braid always comes to mind, but often not everyone can make even, neat and identical braids on her own, so you can resort to easier options that will add romance and playfulness to the image.

So, we will weave two braids on the sides according to the following algorithm:

Step 1. Make an even vertical parting, secure one part with a hairpin. For those who want variety, you can make a zigzag parting instead of a vertical one.

Step 2: Create a tight, high ponytail. It is important that the tail is tight. After this, divide it into two more parts. Start weaving the spikelet so that the strands go from bottom to top.

Step 3. Gently supporting the tip of the finished braid, begin to lightly release strands throughout the entire spikelet to create a beautiful openwork. Carefully tie the braid with a tight elastic band or bobby pin.

Step 4. Repeat on the other side. Secure with varnish.

Those who are just learning to weave two braids on the sides need to remember that they should not move on to complex techniques in the first stages of learning. In order for the braids to be uniform, dense and beautiful, it takes time, practice and the technique of refined hand movements, and all this can only be achieved through constant attempts to weave light braids, such as a spikelet, fishtail or Russian braid.

Russian braid is an easy option for everyday hairstyle, as well as for beginners

Two braids on the sides can also be braided as follows:

Step 1. Divide hair evenly into two parts with a vertical parting. Place one part to the side and pin it with a hairpin.

Step 2. Divide one side into three parts, counting the strands from left to right.

Step 3. Strand #1 goes between #2 and #3, then strand #3 goes between #2 and #1, and then strand #2 goes between #1 and #3. Continue weaving along the entire length. Repeat steps on the other side.

Step 4. Secure the tip of one braid with a hairpin or bobby pin at the base of the second braid and vice versa. Secure your hair with hairspray.

Paired fish tail

Two braids on the sides for long hair will be an excellent way out that even a beginner can braid. Although this hairstyle requires tight weaving, it looks very elegant and amazing. The image will resemble a real Mermaid from fairy tales.

So, to braid two long braids on the sides, you need to follow the following plan:

Step 1. Combing thoroughly, the hair must be divided into two parts using a vertical parting. To keep the braid in place for a long time, you can secure it near the base with a thin, tight elastic band. It is important to remember that one part must be pinned with a bobby pin while one side is being braided, so that the hair does not interfere with the work.

Step 2. The braid must be based on very thin strands, so the fishtail braid is one of the hairstyles that requires a lot of work and patience. Next, you need to take a strand from the right side of the tail and throw it to the left, repeat the steps in reverse: take a strand from the left side and throw it to the right. Repeat the steps along the entire length of the hair.

Advice! To prevent the fishtail from unraveling during the day, it is necessary to tighten the strands as tightly as possible, and secure the base of the braid with a thin and tight elastic band. After which you can move to the other side and fix it with hairspray.

A few rules to follow when braiding hair

To beautifully braid two braids on the sides, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Before you start braiding, you need to comb your hair well. If they are not thick, then there will be no problems with the invention of a modest length, but for long hair it is necessary to comb each strand separately. With thick curls, for convenience, you can secure each strand with hairpins so that they do not interfere with the weaving.
  2. Do not use wet hair. Firstly, it severely injures them along their entire length. Secondly, during braiding there will be discomfort, since wet hair will constantly stick to your hand.
  3. You need to start weaving with easier patterns, and then move on to complex hairstyles. Good braids require practiced finger dexterity and a lot of patience.

Pigtail waterfall. 5 minutes and you're done

Step 1. Part your hair vertically into two sections. Comb each side well to keep hair smooth. If they are naturally wavy, then it is best to start with a straightener.

Advice! Although the waterfall braid does not require a long time to braid, however, in order for the hairstyle to last for a long time, you need to be well prepared. For example, before you start braiding, you can apply a small amount of hair styling product to your hair, but not hairspray! The varnish only fixes the finished hairstyle, and the styling product (spray, mousse) will help make the hairstyle neat and durable from the first stages of braiding.

Step 2. Comb the strand near the temple well and divide it into three parts to begin weaving a classic Russian braid. The braid should reach exactly to the parting.

Step 3. Each time you braid, you need to add a thin strand from the top of your head so that it goes right through and creates the impression of a falling waterfall.

Step 4. Once the braid is ready, you need to secure it with a thin elastic band near the parting and bobby pins, and then repeat the steps on the other side.

Step 5. Secure the hairstyle with hairspray.

Simple braid or French braid? It's better all together

An excellent option for long hair for every day, where two types of braids are intertwined into a single whole.

Step 1. Divide your hair into two parts. We do not touch one side yet, but only secure it with a hairpin.

Step 2. Divide a small strand near the face into three parts and begin to weave a vertical braid, periodically adding thin strands. Once the braid is ready, you need to secure it with an elastic band.

Step 3. We divide the remaining hair into three parts and continue to weave a classic Russian braid, and then again it needs to be secured with an elastic band and fixed with varnish.

Advice! You can let out several strands from a combined braid, adding chaos and negligence to the look.

The hairstyle “Two braids on the sides” will become an original option for every day. She will cause admiration and envy among others!

Do you know that the side braid hairstyle has been popular for a long time. All unmarried girls in Rus' were supposed to wear one braid. Nowadays, the braid is back in fashion, but now it is worn not out of necessity, but because of its attractiveness and beauty. In addition, such hairstyles look very neat and do not require much time to create.

Weaving on the side allows you to create a feminine and delicate look. Asymmetry has several advantages compared to the conventional option:

  • It looks original and attracts attention.
  • Asymmetrical solutions provide a lot of room for experimentation.
  • Universal weaves are suitable for any appearance and face type.

Advice! The simplest braiding option is to comb all the hair to one side and then braid it into one braid. In this case, you can use a different number of strands.

Nuances of weaving technique

There are different side braid hairstyles. In the photo you can see the most original solutions. The braid can be located in different places. Let's look at weaving options:

  • The weave weaves around the head across the forehead from one temple to the other, and then moves to the back of the head.
  • Weaving is done along one side of the head from the temple to the back of the head.
  • The braid is braided in the form of a snake and ends above the shoulder.

You can complement the look with asymmetrical bangs. In this case, it should lie in the same direction as the weaving.

Advice! Asymmetry helps to correct appearance quite well. You can complement your look with beautiful makeup.

How to make a braid for yourself?

Depending on the weaving method, you can use a different number of strands. A simple way is to collect strands to the left or right of the middle of the back of the head, and then divide them into the required number of parts.

The traditional three-strand braid is suitable for any occasion. In this case, the hairstyle can be decorated with an elastic band or other durable clip. Bright accessories go perfectly with any outfit.

Some rules will help you weave a wonderful braid:

  • It is important to monitor the tension of the strand, otherwise the weave will be weakened.
  • Before you start weaving, you need to prepare all kinds of elastic bands, clips and other accessories.

Hairstyles for different hair lengths

Hairstyles with braids for medium strands are popular. In this case, it is not necessary to braid all the hair, but you can add small spikelets to the loose strands. You can create luxurious hairstyles for prom or other events. A side braid for medium hair can be done in the form of a headband.

The French inverted braid looks good. At the same time, the loose strands provide a beautiful frame for the face.

With long strands you can create beautiful hairstyles of any complexity. Spikelet braids in a slightly disheveled form are suitable for both a romantic look and a casual style. The original solution is a French braid, which should not be tight. The strands near the face can be slightly pulled out and curled a little.

Weaving with curled strands looks great. In this case, the braid starts from the base of the forehead, and the remaining strands can be curled.

The simplest option is a three-strand braid. All hair is combed to one side and braided. The tip can be decorated with an elastic band or ribbon.

Advice! The trend is boho style, which allows you to highlight natural beauty. In this case, careless weaving is used.

Side braid hairstyle: popular varieties

There are a large number of fashionable weaving options. These can be braids that you can wear for several days or one-day options. You can use various interesting weaving techniques. A tousled fishtail braid will suit young girls, while a strict French braid will look good on older women.

Features of weaving a French braid on the side

A braid like this always looks festive and elegant. To do this you need to follow certain instructions:

  1. Wash and dry your hair.
  2. Weaving must begin from one temple and then move to the other.
  3. In this case, strands from the forehead area are used.
  4. The end of the braid needs to be secured.

The reverse version of the French braid also looks great. To make it, the strands are not laid on top, but one under the other. Asymmetry helps hide certain defects. For example, it will help narrow too wide cheekbones or visually reduce a large nose.

Advice! To braid a regular braid, you do not need to comb the strands after washing. Let your hair dry naturally.

Volumetric weaving on the side

If your hair is thin and sparse, then a voluminous side braid will do. So, here's how you can do it:

  1. You need to wash your hair with a special shampoo to add volume.
  2. A regular braid is braided on the side and secured with an elastic band.
  3. The tension of the strands is weakened and stretched in opposite directions. Then the curls need to be fluffed.

This braiding will add volume to even a thin braid.

Advice! To create a brighter hairstyle, you need to use beautiful accessories: hairpins, barrettes, clips and elastic bands.

Fishtail hairstyle

To make such a weave, you need thick strands. You can first wash your hair with a volumizing shampoo. Then the strands need to be dried without a comb. There are several variations of fish tail. It can be braided from two, three or even six strands. This will allow you to create a freer styling option. To create an unusual option, several curls from the braid can be curled with a curling iron.

This is how the braid is braided:

  1. The strands are gathered into a ponytail and divided into two parts.
  2. A curl is taken from both sides.
  3. Each strand is thrown to the other side. This is done until all the hair is braided.
  4. It is important to ensure that only two parts of the strands are in your hands while weaving.
  5. The ends are fixed with an elastic band and varnish.

You can combine several techniques in one hairstyle. To do this, first a fishtail braid is woven along the side line, and then it turns into a classic braid. You can also make weaving with a free lower part, as in a malvinka. This option will decorate hair that consists of curls and has a wavy shape.

Advice! Bangs are wonderfully woven into a braided hairstyle. Side-swept bangs are especially good.

Simple rope

This weaving is similar to a spiral. In this case, you only need two strands that are intertwined. It is better to moisturize your hair before work. This will prevent the braids from unwinding. The spiral must be braided tightly so that it becomes like a rope.

Advice! When weaving, do not pull the strands tightly. If you pull your hair too tight, you will end up with unsightly ridges that will be difficult to disguise.

Greek weaving

You can make a Greek version of the braid with a transition into a plait. In this case, three strands stand out above the ear and begin to braid. In this case, the hair must be collected from the parietal part. Weaving is done diagonally: from the temple to the lower part of the occipital region. Then, from the back of the head, the strands are divided into two and each is twisted into strands. After this, the bundles need to be intertwined and tied with an elastic band. It is important that one curl stands out from the styling, which will create a more natural look.

Advice! A four-strand braid looks elegant and unusual. In this case, the strands are woven from the lower part of the back of the head and divided into 4 parts.

Double braid

Such weaving in a casual style looks impressive. To do this, a double braid is made, which is gathered into one and placed in the middle of the wavy strands. This option can be complemented with a bow, hairpin or even a flower.
The ends of the double braid are pre-treated with mousse or varnish. At the same time, they can not be secured with hairpins, but can be left as a free styling option.

Side braiding with bangs

A braid on the side can be complemented with bangs laid in a braid. Moreover, this element of the hairstyle can be used in different variations. Bangs in the form of a tourniquet with a transition into a braid look great. To create this hairstyle, you need to lay your hair to one side. Then the front strand is separated and twisted around the perimeter of the face into a tourniquet. Then the side braid is woven. The ends are gathered with a thin and invisible elastic band. A braid with bangs in a strand will look good when creating a festive look. At the same time, you can weave a thin ribbon into it or decorate it with a hairpin with rhinestones.

For an everyday look, casually released side strands are suitable.

Advice! A boho braid is made for wavy hair. In this case, the strands are pre-twisted onto a wide curling iron or large curlers. Then a voluminous braid is woven. This option is suitable for a romantic date or for a party.

The nuances of a wedding hairstyle with a side braid

The side braid wedding hairstyle is also popular. In this case, you can use different weaving options. Let's look at the most fashionable:

  • If the look involves the use of a veil, then a side braid or a low bun with a braid wrapped around it will suit this accessory.
  • For a Provence style outfit, a great choice is careless braids with pulled out links. The weaving can be laid out around the head in the form of a headband.
  • Simple wedding hairstyles include a waterfall braid. It can be done both for a bare head and under a veil.

Greek weaves are ideal for weddings. They allow you to emphasize the lightness, volume and softness of the lines. For this hairstyle, plaits or loose braids are suitable.

Since your hair should be voluminous, you need to dry it with your head tilted down. To create curls, you need to twist them using a 25–29 mm curling iron. In this case, the entire hair needs to be divided into horizontal layers and blunted in the root zone.

This hairstyle goes well with a veil

Advice! If you have a veil, it is better to direct the braid over your shoulder. In this case, the beautiful accessory will not completely cover the hairstyle. You can also decorate your hair with a tiara, ribbon, headband or many small flowers.

Many hairstyles with braids are simple. And any girl can do them. Beautiful braids will perfectly complement outfits with a loose silhouette, and also look good with dresses with straps and open backs.