How to prepare a cucumber mask for facial wrinkles. Simple recipes for masks with cucumber for flawless skin around the eyes Why cucumbers are placed on the eyes

Bruises under the eyes are an annoying nuisance for many girls and women. And very often this problem is solved incorrectly. Concealing products for dark circles under the eyes, such as concealers and pencils, will only eliminate the problem for a while. And this is not a way out, because very often dark circles under the eyes are a manifestation of any problems either with the skin or with health in general. So it is very important to identify and eliminate the cause that caused this trouble. Below I will tell you about remedies for dark circles under the eyes.

The most common reasons that contribute to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

  1. Individual features of the localization of the network of blood vessels under the skin;
  2. Features of local skin pigmentation;
  3. Presence of chronic diseases;
  4. Irreversible age-related changes;
  5. Too sudden loss of body weight;
  6. Improper and inadequate nutrition;
  7. Irrational work schedule.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes.

Many folk and proven recipes will come to help in solving this problem, which are discussed in detail below.

Fresh cucumbers for dark circles under the eyes.

It will not be news to anyone that fresh cucumber has a good whitening effect. That is why this vegetable can be safely taken to eliminate dark circles. You can do it very simply - cut the cucumbers into thin slices and put them on your eyes for a certain period of time. But the most effective is cucumber pulp. You just need to peel the cucumber and grind it in a blender or grate it on a fine grater.

Before applying the cucumber mask to the area around the eyes, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. For maximum effectiveness, the mask should be kept on the skin for about thirty minutes, and then thoroughly wash your face under running water. When drying your face, never dry it with a towel. You can only lightly blot the skin and then apply a regular moisturizer to it. To achieve a noticeable result, the procedure must be carried out every day for at least two months. Cucumber is absolutely harmless to the skin, and, in addition, has a tightening effect.

Black tea for dark circles under the eyes.

Tea is an equally effective remedy for dark circles under the eyes. The tea compress is prepared as follows: pour three tablespoons of boiling water into 100 ml. tea leaves and let steep for an hour. Then strain the tea and place it in the refrigerator. Make yourself a compress every day before going to bed. To do this, soak two cotton pads in tea and place them in the area of ​​bruises under the eyes for about forty minutes. You may need to change the cotton pads as they dry out quite quickly. After the compress, wash your face with cold water, pat your skin with a terry towel and apply your usual moisturizer.

It usually takes one or two weeks for the bruises to go away.

A potato mask will help remove dark circles under the eyes.

This is great for situations where bruising occurs along with swelling. Take one not very large potato and boil it in its jacket. Then mash it into a puree with a fork, after peeling it, and apply it to the area under the eyes for twenty minutes. Most often, the effect becomes noticeable after the first use of the mask.

Parsley against dark circles under the eyes.

It is not for nothing that parsley is one of the best folk remedies for eliminating circles under the eyes. Moreover, it can be used in two forms. The first is a lotion from a decoction, which should be prepared as follows: chop two tablespoons of fresh parsley, put it in an enamel container and pour a glass of water into it. Gradually bring the liquid to a boil, then turn the heat to low and cook the parsley for half an hour. After the broth has cooled completely (usually this takes about an hour), strain it through gauze and pour into a glass container. Before going to bed every day, make compresses in the manner described above for ten minutes. To achieve good results, you need to do compresses for ten to fourteen days.

The second way to use parsley: fifty grams of roots should be chopped to the consistency of porridge and cooled in the freezer. When this paste is completely frozen, knead it thoroughly with a fork and apply it to the area of ​​dark circles for fifteen minutes. In the vast majority of cases, bruises disappear after the first procedure. But never perform more than five procedures in a row!

Eliminate dark circles under the eyes with a cottage cheese mask.

In addition to dark circles, cottage cheese can also eliminate real bruises under the eyes. The effect is achieved due to the fact that cottage cheese significantly increases local blood circulation, promoting the resorption of bruises. The recipe is quite simple: a small amount of cottage cheese should be wrapped in gauze, dipped in milk for a minute and applied to the skin around the eyes for twenty minutes. This must be done daily for three weeks.

Kefir with honey for bruises under the eyes.

This composition of the mask will not only eliminate dark circles under the eyes, but will also make the skin soft and unusually velvety. So you can apply the mask not only to the area around the eyes, but also to the entire face. Do it remedy for dark circles under the eyes simple, you just need to combine honey and low-fat kefir in equal proportions. You need to knead them until the mixture becomes like a gel. Apply the mask for fifteen or twenty minutes before going to bed. To achieve good results, ten procedures will be enough for you. By the way, after this mask, the skin does not need additional moisturizing cream.

Milk and white bread as a remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

Milk has a wide range of positive effects on the skin: moisturizes, whitens, tones. And the B vitamins contained in bread yeast are an integral element in maintaining healthy skin.

To make a remedy for dark circles under the eyes, you need to soak a piece of white flour bread in a small amount of fresh milk. When you have a mass of semi-liquid consistency, apply it evenly to the skin around the eyes and leave for twenty minutes.

Urgent measures against dark circles under the eyes.

For all of the above remedies to work, it takes a lot of time. But what about in emergency situations?

For example, ordinary ice from the freezer can come to the rescue. It is better, of course, if it is made from chamomile decoction. About three hours before an important event, start rubbing ice cubes on the area around your eyes. The bruises will go away for at least a day.

Also, as an emergency remedy for dark circles under the eyes, you can drink a liter bottle of non-carbonated mineral water in one gulp. This should be done about an hour before the crucial moment.

As you can see, there are a lot of folk methods and remedies for bruises under the eyes. All you have to do is choose one that is suitable exclusively for you. However, before resorting to self-medication, consult your doctor for advice. This is a very important point, because, as mentioned above, bruises under the eyes can be a manifestation of some disease in your body.

Cucumbers on the eyes, and most often it is applied under the eyes mainly to relieve bruises and swelling, and refresh the skin of the eyelids. Does this procedure really help against all these problems?

Everyone probably knows that a fresh cucumber consists of approximately 90% water, therefore, upon contact with the skin, it will have a moisturizing effect. And its constituent vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and starch help whiten the skin. So it turns out that moisturizing plus lightening creates a good refreshing effect.

As for swelling, popularly called bags under the eyes, the situation here is improved not specifically by the vegetable itself, but by the cold from it. Those. For this purpose, it is recommended to use cucumber from the refrigerator; it is cooling that promotes the resorption of swelling on the eyelids. And the same effect will have, for example, raw chilled potatoes or cold tea bags.

But there are still positive results from cucumber eye masks, so let’s move on to the recipes.

Folk cucumber eye masks

Classic version- This is applying cold flat cucumber circles (or half circles) to the lower eyelids. You can lie down, close your eyes and also apply cucumber to your upper eyelids, this will generally refresh the entire eye area.
In particular, if there is skin irritation in the eyelid area, the procedure will help relieve it and soothe the skin.

Before applying cucumber under eyes The circles can be soaked in cold milk or sour cream. This will help enhance the moisturizing and refreshing effect.
Instead of milk, you can use raw chicken yolk, also from the refrigerator. The yolk also moisturizes the skin very well.
If you want to enhance the nourishing effect of the skin around the eyes, lubricate the cucumber with mayonnaise before applying (it is best to prepare homemade mayonnaise).

Recipe for a soothing and softening folk cucumber eye mask:
Take 1 tbsp. l. fresh cottage cheese, preferably homemade and richer. Grind it together with 1 tsp. olive oil (or avocado oil, rosehip oil) and with 3 tbsp. l. milk. Milk, like cottage cheese, should be cold. First apply the resulting mass generously onto cucumber slices, and apply these slices to the skin around the eyes (on the lower and upper eyelids, in the corners of the eyes) and press with your fingers. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then simply wash your eyes with cool water.
This mask has an anti-irritant effect; after its use, the skin of the eyelids becomes fresher and softer.
If you add another 1 tsp to the composition. honey, then you can use an anti-wrinkle remedy in the eye area, but only if there is no irritation in this area, otherwise honey may provoke a negative reaction.

Cucumber eye mask with natural oils:
You will need to purchase one of the vegetable oils (castor, almond, peach, apricot or macadamia oil are suitable). And also essential oil (roses, ylang ylang, neroli or geranium).
To 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, add 2 drops (no more) of essential oil.
Before use, the cucumber must be kept in the freezer for at least 30 minutes. Next, the frozen vegetable is cut into flat slices, these slices are thoroughly moistened in the oil mixture and for the first couple of minutes they are moved around the eyes in a circular motion. Then slightly heated slices are applied to the skin of the eyelids and held for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary in order to simultaneously create an anti-edematous effect from extreme cold, but at the same time not to overcool the skin.
Oils, in turn, help improve the condition of dry and aging eyelid skin and smooth out shallow wrinkles.

Whitening folk mask made from potatoes and cucumbers for puffiness under the eyes:
Grate fresh cucumber and raw peeled potatoes on the finest grater. One procedure will require about 1.5-2 tbsp. l. grated mass of both vegetables (in equal proportions).
First, the mass is placed in a plastic bag (or wrapped in a piece of cling film) and placed in the freezer for 10 minutes, then taken out, applied to the lower and upper eyelids, around them, and secured with cling foam on top. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

More against puffiness, irritation and simply to improve the appearance of the skin around the eyes Soak cucumber slices well in green or black tea, in chamomile infusion (1 tablespoon of dried flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid until completely cooled) and apply for 10 minutes. Then you can repeat the procedure by soaking the cucumber in the liquid again.
All components must be cold.

A very nourishing cucumber mask for the skin around the eyes:
First you need to prepare a composition in which the cucumber circles or slices will be moistened. You will need milk cream, store-bought cream is quite suitable for coffee from 10 to 20%. You will also need honey and butter.
In a small saucepan (or Turk) add 3-4 tbsp. l. Add 1 tsp cream honey and the same amount of butter. The mixture is heated over low heat until the honey and butter melt. Next, remove everything from the heat, stir, cool slightly and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour (or in the freezer for 15 minutes).
Now the cucumber is moistened in the cold mixture and applied to the upper and lower eyelids for 10 minutes, then the wetting procedure is repeated. At the end you should simply wash your face with cool water.
The product nourishes and gives freshness to the skin, increases firmness and elasticity,

The skin under the lower eyelid is a kind of sensor for the health and physical condition of the entire body. If it changes color or becomes swollen, be sure to take care of yourself: both your appearance and your health. And do not neglect folk remedies - simple, effective, proven over centuries.

The periorbital area of ​​the face is the skin around the eyes, which is highly sensitive and requires special care. It is here that quite often the phenomena that plague many women arise: dark circles, bruises and bags under the eyes.

But it’s not difficult to get rid of troubles with your appearance even at home. This can be done using simple and effective folk remedies.

Potato compress

A proven folk remedy that quickly relieves swelling and evens out skin color.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grate a peeled large potato (or two small ones) on a fine grater.
  2. Add a tablespoon of regular wheat flour to the resulting mass and mix well.
  3. Spread a thick layer of the mixture on a folded napkin, apply it to the eyelids and under the eyes.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the compress, rinse the skin with green tea infusion, then apply the usual nourishing cream.

Compress with tea

The simplest and most effective ways to get rid of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are associated with the use of tea - black or green; You can use the simplest types of tea leaves, without additives or flavorings.

Black tea

Eyelid compresses with black tea can be made both in the morning and before bed.

Preparation and use:

  1. Steam black tea (one teaspoon) with a quarter cup of boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  2. Soak cotton pads in the strained infusion and apply to closed eyes. Keep the tea compresses for one or two minutes, then replace them with fresh ones; do this four to five times.
  3. Wash your face with chilled mineral water or make a compress with it for a couple of minutes, apply a nourishing cream.

Green tea

Green tea can be used for eyelid compresses in the same way as black tea, but for convenience it is better to use it directly in paper tea bags; Unlike black tea, green tea does not pigment, but, on the contrary, brightens the skin under the eyes.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour a small amount of boiling water over two tea bags so that the water just covers them.
  2. After five minutes, remove the bags from the liquid and, without squeezing, place on a plate in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.
  3. Place the cooled bags on the eyes, hold for a quarter of an hour, then rinse the skin and lubricate it with cream.

Compress with flaxseed

The humble flaxseed is miraculous for women's health and beauty, including this product that wonderfully restores tired skin around the eyes.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind a tablespoon of flax seed in a coffee grinder, grind the resulting flour with a coffee spoon of honey and dilute with two tablespoons of warm milk.
  2. Soak cotton pads thoroughly with the liquid slurry. Without squeezing, apply them to your eyes.
  3. After about fifteen minutes, you can remove the discs, wash your face and apply the cream to still damp skin.

Mask for youthful skin around the eyes - video

Mask with starch

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use potato or rice starch - corn starch is harsh and will not bring much benefit.

Preparation and use:

  1. Thoroughly mix a tablespoon of starch in two tablespoons of hot water. Stir the mixture until it cools down.
  2. Add two tablespoons of ripe banana puree into the resulting jelly.
  3. Immediately apply the mask under the eyes, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

With chamomile

Chamomile is a well-known home cosmetologist. This folk remedy effectively lightens dark circles under the eyes and removes swelling on the eyelids.

Preparation and use:

  1. Prepare a decoction of a teaspoon of crushed chamomile flowers and half a glass of boiling water; for very dry skin, chamomile can be replaced with sage.
  2. After cooling, strain the broth and divide it in half: one part will need to be put in the refrigerator, and the second one will need to be heated.
  3. Alternately moisten cotton pads in either hot or cold infusion and place them on the eyes. In total, the procedure will take about ten minutes, it is better to do it before bed.


Thin and sensitive skin of the periorbital zone responds well to the use of various healing oils and ethers - they must be used correctly and carefully so as not to get the opposite effect to the desired one.


Almond oil has strong absorbent, whitening and toning properties: when used, bruises and pigmentation under the eyes noticeably lighten, and swelling becomes less.


  1. Apply a small amount of pure almond oil to the skin around the eyes and leave to act for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Wet cotton wool in running warm water and wash off any remaining oil from the skin.


Coconut oil is widely and successfully used in home cosmetology. It can help get rid of morning dark circles under the eyes. There are many ways to use this folk remedy - we offer one of them, quite unusual and very effective.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of tea leaves with three tablespoons of boiling water and stir. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of gelatin granules there.
  2. Let the mixture sit for seven to ten minutes, then divide it into two equal parts and freeze in food foil.
  3. In the morning, apply the resulting healing ice under your eyes and wait a few minutes - the bags and bruises will disappear without a trace.

Coconut Oil and Other Bruise Winners - Video


Essential oils are very active and ideal for starting metabolic processes and normalizing the skin under the eyes. The composition of aromatic “cocktails” for the face is best selected individually, but there is also a universal mixture for the periorbital zone.

Preparation and use:

  1. Add one drop each of geranium, rosemary and verbena esters to a teaspoon of jojoba oil.
  2. Gently massage the oil mixture into the skin around the eyes with your fingertips. Do not rinse off, excess oil can be blotted off after half an hour.

Camphor and sea buckthorn

An interesting result is obtained by an oil mixture of sea buckthorn and camphor: despite the visible coloring effect of sea buckthorn oil, bruises and age spots under the eyes lighten, and the active components of camphor stimulate metabolic and restoration processes and rejuvenate the skin.

Preparation and use:

  1. Mix sea buckthorn oil and camphor oil in equal parts, apply gently to the skin, avoiding contact with the eyes.
  2. Using light tapping movements with your fingers, massage the skin under the eyes in the direction from the outer to the inner corner.
  3. Remove any remaining oil with a paper towel, and after 15–20 minutes wash with warm water.


Vitamins and other valuable components contained in castor oil rejuvenate the skin at the cellular level, significantly improve the condition and functioning of small blood vessels, and also strengthen eyelashes.

Preparation and use:

  1. Heat a teaspoon of castor oil to 40–45°C, soak your fingers in it and, slowly, massage in small portions into the skin under the eyes and upper eyelid. The procedure cannot be done overnight; the oil should not remain on the skin for more than ten minutes.
  2. After blotting the castor oil with a napkin, rinse it off first with heated and then cold mineral water.


Flax seed oil restores lost elasticity to the skin, removes bags and puffiness from under the eyes, and at the same time eliminates fine wrinkles.


  1. Apply a thin, even layer of flaxseed oil to the area of ​​bruises or bags under the eyes.
  2. After 15 minutes, wash off the oil with warm water without soap and wipe the skin with an ice cube.

Apricot kernels

Apricot oil, like peach oil, is a storehouse of valuable substances that help restore the skin under the eyes. The oil can be used both as part of eye creams and masks, and in its pure form.

Preparation and use:

  1. Fold small pieces of gauze in four and soak them in apricot kernel oil.
  2. Place compresses on the eye area for a quarter of an hour, then wipe the skin from excess fat.
  3. Wash with heated mineral water.

Banana peel

Banana pulp is very beneficial for the skin, but do not rush to throw away the peel of these fruits, because it perfectly eliminates bruises, bags and fine wrinkles around the eyes.

Preparation and use:

  1. Peel the skin of an overripe banana with brown spots. Remember a little banana peel from the “wrong side”.
  2. Place two pieces of peel on your face so that each of them covers both the upper eyelid and the area under the eye.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, wash your face with cold water.

Miracle banana mask - video


Regular use of cosmetic ice is one of the most effective folk methods of combating dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Cryomassage smoothes the skin and stimulates its rejuvenation.

Preparation and use:

  1. Prepare ice cubes from an infusion of chamomile, sage or mint (a teaspoon of dry herbs per glass of boiling water).
  2. In the morning and evening, massage daily with light circular movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  3. Without blotting the skin, let it dry, then apply cream.

Mask with white bread and milk

A fail-safe recipe for nourishing, whitening and increasing skin elasticity in the periorbital area.

Preparation and use:

  1. Pour warm milk over the crumb of fresh white bread and wait until the bread softens.
  2. Apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes, after 20 minutes, rinse off the mask, first with warm, then with cold water. For particularly sensitive skin, you can apply your usual cream.

Parsley compress

Vitamin applications with fresh herbs from the garden improve blood circulation, increase the elasticity of capillaries, and also have a whitening effect.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind the leaves of juicy parsley into a pulp - it is important that the greens are grown without chemicals.
  2. Apply the green mass to the skin area around the eyes, put a cotton pad or just a piece of cotton wool soaked in mineral water on top.
  3. After fifteen minutes, wash with cool mineral water.

Testing various folk remedies - video


Cucumber juice does a good job of whitening, moisturizing and slightly tightening sagging skin under the eyes, so use this remedy throughout the cucumber season. It is worth remembering that the effect of greenhouse cucumbers is weaker than that of fresh ones.

Preparation and use:

  1. Wash the cucumber and cut into slices 3–5 mm thick. To improve the result, the circles can be replaced with gruel from finely grated cucumber.
  2. Place the cucumber on your eyes and hold for 15–20 minutes, replacing the circles with new ones as they dry.

Mask with cottage cheese and honey

The curd mask perfectly brightens and nourishes the delicate skin under the eyes.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind 3 tablespoons of full-fat homemade cottage cheese with 2 tablespoons of thick honey.
  2. Beat the mixture until smooth and creamy and apply gently under the eyes.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask with warm milk.

Mask with hydrogen peroxide and yeast

This unexpected combination of components gives a quick and strong effect. The proposed mask is a first aid against bruises and dark circles under the eyes; remember it when you urgently need to tidy up your face before going out.

Preparation and use:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of fresh baker's yeast with pharmacy hydrogen peroxide (3%) to the state of liquid sour cream and set the mixture aside for a while.
  2. Lubricate the skin of the periorbital area with moisturizing cream and let it absorb a little.
  3. Apply a mixture of yeast and peroxide on top of the cream, leave it for 15 minutes. Then carefully, moving along the massage lines, remove the mask with a napkin - there is no need to wash it off.

Mask with turmeric and soda

Signs of fatigue will disappear along with dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes: this is the result of a miraculous mask consisting of only three components.

Preparation and use:

  1. “Quench” a tablespoon of regular baking soda with a few drops of natural lemon juice; if your skin is very dry, you can use mineral water instead of juice.
  2. When the mixture sizzles, immediately pour half a tablespoon of ground turmeric into it, stir and apply to the skin under the eyes.
  3. After 15 minutes, wash and moisturize the skin with cream.

Lotions with mumiyo

Mumiyo in combination with various additives perfectly removes dark circles under the eyes. Even the simplest combination of mumiyo with water is very effective.

Preparation and use:

  1. In a water bath, achieve complete dissolution of the mumiyo in three tablespoons of water (boiled, mineral or simply filtered).
  2. Cool the solution in the refrigerator and apply lotions with it for 15 minutes, then rinse the skin with cool water.


Celandine, which many consider a weed, is in fact a very powerful medicinal plant: with its help it will not only remove dark circles under the eyes, but will also significantly improve vision.

Preparation and use:

  1. In a thermos, steam dry or fresh celandine herb in a ratio of two teaspoons of raw material per glass of boiling water.
  2. After an hour and a half, strain the infusion and put it in the refrigerator. You just need to wash your eyes with this remedy at least twice a day.

The most popular recipes for dark circles under the eyes - video

Hereditary or chronic problems

Of course, the problem of bags or bruises under the eyes is not always purely aesthetic in nature. It is usually associated with more serious factors, such as:

  • bad heredity;
  • health problems;
  • age-related changes;
  • wrong lifestyle.

It is necessary first of all to find and eliminate the cause, and only then its consequences. Get a medical examination: perhaps problems with the skin under the eyes indicate malfunctions in the cardiovascular or digestive system, or problems with the kidneys.

In cases such as genetic predisposition, folk remedies alone cannot overcome either bruises or bags under the eyes. But you can provide significant help to yourself... you yourself - if you reconsider your attitude to lifestyle and nutrition, and begin to adhere to simple recommendations:

  1. Spend more time in the fresh air: lack of oxygen has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin.
  2. Do not neglect physical activity: sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to stagnation in the body, which is primarily reflected on the face.
  3. If you give up junk food, alcohol and smoking, you will very soon become not only more beautiful, but also much healthier.
  4. Get enough sleep and don’t be nervous: chronic lack of sleep and stress are the first reasons for the appearance of unhealthy blueness and puffiness under the eyes.
  5. Drink plenty of clean water throughout the day, but stop drinking liquids two to three hours before bed.

Cucumbers will help get rid of dark circles around the eyes © Shutterstock

In the summer we often have no time to sleep. In addition, we are haunted by constant stress, heat, lack of sleep and general fatigue.

Unfortunately, all these symptoms are known to every woman. When you wake up in the morning, do you see swelling and dark circles around your eyes? Take action urgently!

Moreover, it is much easier to do this in the summer. After all, we have many gentle natural remedies at hand. They will help get rid of annoying problems and make the skin under the eyes fresher and more radiant.

lady. tochka. net offers several traditional methods that will help get rid of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.


If your eyes are very tired and there are blue spots under them, cut two slices of cucumber, put it on your eyes and lie with your eyes closed for 15-20 minutes.

You can grate cucumbers, squeeze the juice out of them using gauze, dip cotton swabs in this juice and hold them on your eyelids. This will relieve fatigue and quickly remove dark circles under the eyes.

© Shutterstock Potatoes

Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater and apply the paste to your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Then carefully rinse with warm water.


Grind the ripe tomatoes, making tomato pulp out of them, add lentil flour and ground turmeric.

Mix everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass and apply under the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.


© Shutterstock Finely chop the fresh green leaves and place them under the eyes and on the eyelids, covering the top with damp swabs.

You can mix a teaspoon of chopped parsley with 2 teaspoons of sour cream. Apply to eyes for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.


Pour 1 teaspoon of dill with half a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the infusion, use half hot, and cool the other half in the refrigerator.

Cucumbers for the eyes: peculiarities

  • Cucumber contains many important vitamins and minerals.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce swelling.
  • The high water content helps in hydrating the skin.

Cucumber contains many important vitamins and minerals, enough to give you your daily dose of goodness. It contains thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for various body functions, including healthy vision. It is considered one of the most effective beauty ingredients for eye care. Cucumber has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps reduce swelling. The high water content helps in hydrating the skin, and the cold temperature reduces blood flow in the area around the eyes. Together, they can soothe the skin around the eyes and relieve puffiness. You must have heard and seen many people putting cucumber slices on their eyes. This is a very common practice but a wonderful one to instantly rejuvenate yourself and bring relief to tired eyes.

Cucumbers for the eyes: benefits of use

1. Control of swelling

Cucumber has ascorbic and caffeic acid, which helps reduce the rate of water retention, reducing puffiness around the eyes. Cut the cucumber slices and cool it a little. This will help you relax and moisturize your eyes.

2. Fights cellulite

Cucumber juice contains phytochemicals that help in collagen production. Collagen is a fiber-like protein that is responsible for skin elasticity and helps eliminate cellulite.

3. Reduces dark circles

4. Reduces eye wrinkles

Cucumber acts as a natural moisturizer. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest in our body. Placing cucumber slices on your eyes helps moisturize your eyes and surrounding skin. This, in turn, helps. Cucumber can truly be called an eye moisturizer.

5. Toning the skin around the eyes

Cucumbers also help tone the skin around the eyes. Take cold cucumber and grind it to make a paste. Add lavender oil or chamomile oil to it along with honey. Mix it well to make a fine paste. Apply it under the eyes, lightly with your fingers. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and wipe it with a damp cloth. This will help reduce the number of bags under your eyes.