Funny Merry Christmas greetings. Funny and comic Christmas greetings Merry Christmas

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Greetings, friends! Let's come up with cool SMS Merry Christmas greetings for them together in advance, so that on the holiday night we don’t waste time searching, but immediately send ready-made short texts.

New Year's holidays are approaching at the speed of light, which means it's time to think about gifts and congratulations not only for the New Year, but also for Christmas. If the first is a holiday of magic, fairy tales and gifts, then Christmas is a special day, symbolizing a miracle. It was on this day that the Savior once came to our world. We have no right to forget this. Moreover, if possible, we should remind everyone who cares about us about the bright holiday. It is believed that Christmas greetings are the warmest and most sincere, and wishes will definitely come true. I suggest now making a list of people who occupy a special place in your life.

Cool SMS greetings Merry Christmas 2020

So, let's begin! Choose from the list of congratulations below that are interesting for parents, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even neighbors! They are all light, funny and from the heart.

Merry Christmas, bright and warm, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish the house to be clean and well-fed, cozy and sincere! Let your head be full of ideas, and your pockets full of money to implement them. Let your soul sing and dance with happiness, let your heart tremble with love. All the best!

Merry Christmas! With all my heart I wish that grace reigns at home. Let the table be held together by delicious treats, and let your loved ones and dear ones surround you in a tight circle, holding you in your arms, blinding you with smiles, and surrounding you with love! I wish that there was a carpet of money under your feet, and that happiness settled in the house and wanted to become its permanent resident.

Merry Christmas! Joy to your home, honey gingerbread and an ocean of love! Let all paths lead to happiness, and let obstacles crumble under your feet like matches before they can get in the way. Catch funny snowflakes together, enjoy every minute of life, boldly rush on a sled towards your dream!

Congratulations on this bright holiday! I wish you black and red caviar, a wide smile, heaps of happiness and good-natured cupid! The Lord is with you! He will give you joy, help you cope with problems, surround you with care, and we are always there!

Congratulations on the birth of the Savior! We would like to wish that all year the refrigerator is bursting with delicacies, that the pillow bursts with savings, and that the head remains bright, full of clear ideas, and let the legs follow the shortest path to luck without obstacles!

Christmas has come, congratulations! On this bright holiday, I wish you a full stomach, faithful eyes, gentle hands, and strong friendly support. I wish that the sea of ​​compliments does not dry up, that the inspiration does not end and that a smile grows to your lips just like money sticks to your hands! Open the doors of your home for happiness! Be healthy, loved and carefree like children, love yourself, your loved ones and the Savior, follow the laws of God and enjoy the fruits of life.

Congratulations on the holiday! I wish you a year without troubles and injuries, simple, cheerful and prosperous. Let your family make you happy, let your friends captivate you, let your work help you grow and improve. Money, success, recognition, health and love - let them always be there!

On the bright holiday of the birth of the Savior, I wish you to stop being an imp, and become a sweet angel, capable of miracles! Ride on a cloud of luck, plunge into a sea of ​​love and boldly follow your dreams!

On this bright holiday, I wish you a full belly and a great mood! I would like to wish that luck will accompany you in everything and everywhere, and that love will give you unearthly pleasure. I wish that troubles would pass by, and friends would come into the house more often! Light, joy, happiness and good health!

I congratulate you! Let life be like a bright, endless fairy tale. Let your home shine with prosperity and love.

I would like to congratulate you on this bright holiday! May everything in life be great, may luck and success be with you everywhere! Don't look for inspiration in Red Bull, it is nearby - in the love and support of loved ones! Take a closer look around - happiness is already at the door!

Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart! I wish you more health and as much money, and most importantly, that there are those around you whom you love, whom you trust and who believe in you.

I sincerely congratulate you on Merry Christmas! I wish that life, like a chocolate bar, brings nothing but pleasure, heaven helps in everything, and your dream becomes a reality. Let your closet be full of clothes, your refrigerator full of delicacies, your wallet full of bucks, and your soul full of love, joy and inspiration.

Merry Christmas, my dears! In the new year, I wish you not to be piggies and clowns in life. Live according to God's laws and everything will be fine for you - prosperity, health, happiness and good luck. Be patient, kind, love yourself and your loved ones!

On Christmas Day, I wish in my heart to become a cute angel, a cute child with boundless faith in magic, and in reality, an easy-going bunny in a warm fur coat and cabbage in my pockets. Let the holidays be fun and unforgettable, almost like Kevin from Home Alone.

On Christmas, I wish you delicious food and sweet life on the table without any rubbish. May every day bring joy and happiness, may grief and misfortune bypass. Fly like a fabulous deer across the mountain tops, gathering friends and having a festive meal!

In conclusion, I note that funny and cool SMS greetings, unlike more formal cards and emails, can be composed in any form without any restrictions. You can congratulate friends, family and acquaintances during the day on January 7, the day before - January 6 in the evening, and even on Catholic Christmas - December 24, especially if the recipients live in Europe.

Don't be afraid to send an inappropriate, too funny congratulation via SMS. The main thing is that it is kind and sincere! It's great if you can write poetry. Short quatrains via SMS on holidays are a great gift.

Friends, I hope you are inspired by the ideas and are already writing down options for cool SMS messages for your closest friends and acquaintances. Share the post with your friends on social networks, discuss the best ideas and start preparing for the holidays! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

On Christmas day, frosty
I want to seriously wish:
Strength, health, strength,
So that the cold does not “mow”;

Good thoughts and hopes,
Fashionable new clothes,
In finance replenishment,
And in general, luck!


A star lit up in the sky,
It's time to say hello.
May luck be like a sparkle
Will make you happy.

Let your wishes come true
And let the Angel protect
Grievances are forgotten
And the money crunches.


At Christmas we are waiting for Happiness,
Let it come to the house
Slowly, at dawn,
In a snowy, quiet January.
Let him come in without keys
He will find us like children,
And Luck is like white
I want a mushroom in a basket!
Let's go for a walk in the winter park,
To find Health.
Let's sit down for a family dinner
And we would discover love
Money will find us on its own
Our career route is simple:
Become a director of miracles
Five, four, three, two, one...
Merry Christmas, guys!


Christmas comes to the house
We lost weight with fasting.
You don't have to be shy anymore
Feel free to overeat on meat!

Don't forget about your soul,
Be in a good spirit.
May you always be in everything
Heaven help.


Christmas is knocking on the house
Peace, let there be peace in it.
Happiness so that it does not leave,
Luck was just catching up with you.

Troubles and boredom passed by,
Let your dreams come true!
On this strange evening,
Don't forget, there's a wreath on the door!

Cool wishes for Christmas


Snow, mud, frost, or dampness,
The weather is not a decree for us,
On this day a child was born,
It's a joyful holiday for us!

Merry Christmas to you, have a wonderful day,
Let hope, our beacon,
At night the heavenly fire burns,
Dispelling the long-standing darkness!


Merry Christmas!
Celebrate it wisely:
To avoid lying face down in the salad
And there was peace and harmony in the family.

Let happiness beckon to you
And he will give you income,
A whole bag of money
May you be shocked!


Christmas is coming
Don't forget about the miracle.
Make a bunch of wishes
To make life better
And then drink Cahors -
Wait, everything will come true soon!


I wish you a Merry Christmas and with all my heart I want it to always be like this: your stomach is full, your pockets are full of wealth, your head is full of bright ideas, your soul is drunk with happiness, and your heart is directed in the direction of love and good luck.


May Christ's Christmas
Will shower you with joy,
And a miracle will come
And the problems will disappear!

There will be no obstacles left
For cherished purposes:
Life will become like marmalade -
Sweet, bright, tender!

Funny Christmas greetings (with humor)


Christ was born on this night,
What did he bring us today?
There's no doubt
That He brought a blessing
For happiness, joy and success,
So that all our business goes up!
Christ will protect everyone from evil,
Good will attract like a magnet,
Will give everyone a lot of health,
Will show you the right path,
So that only on the right path
We could all always go!


On Christmas Day let
Miracles happen,
Let happy days count down
It's starting for you.

If money attacks
So as not to fight back,
If you are called to the registry office,
To agree.

Let them get along peacefully
Dollar, ruble and euro,
Let the bosses at work
You don't get on your nerves.

I wish you to live
As if everything is ready,
Wishes come true
On Christmas Day.


On Christmas Day
I wish you well
So that your life
I was happy.

The management should appreciate it
Colleagues respected
Your career will be ruined
They didn't push the wheels.

Will give Christmas
Let the ruble be irredeemable,
There will be a wallet
Yours is immeasurable.

On your Christmas
I wish my dreams come true,
If you believe in a miracle,
Then it will happen.


Time to sing carols together
And gather around the table.
May the feast be sweet
Merry Christmas.

I wish you success
I'm going for a walk today
To make the children feel ashamed
Tell you everything.

Let the ardor give you strength
For crazy mischief.
The main thing is that only in the morning
I didn't have a headache.


I wish you a Merry Christmas and I wish with all my heart that the table is bursting with dishes and delicacies, that people dear to your heart gather around this table, that there is money lying around in a house where you can’t throw yourself, that happiness is sticky and clingy and that you can’t run away from you anywhere. .

Funny Merry Christmas greetings


A big bag of gifts for you
We need to carol.
To live an abundant and sweet life,
It's time to celebrate Christmas.

There's room on the table
Let the sausages and salsa
Bitter vodka and martini,
Various wines, cognac.

I want to take a noisy walk,
To remember this day,
May the holiday bring happiness
And it will disperse your laziness.


I want to wish you this Christmas,
So that Christ fulfills all dreams,
The question helped to solve everything,
If suddenly you are standing at a dead end!

Let him come down to you from heaven,
Fortunately, let him show you the right path
And will give many miracles,
And may your health be strong!


Merry Christmas!
Be healthy to us!
Dispel sadness and melancholy,
Pour a glass,

Have a tasty snack
It will be a successful year
This is immediately clear:
Everything will be fine!


Today Christ was born
Our planet is filled with joy!
I wish everyone to be warmed with happiness,
More goodness to everyone, smiles and light!

May God send you health,
Good luck and many wonderful moments!
May Faith live in your souls forever,
And life consists of colorful impressions!


The post is over, which means you can have a blast,
Breaking your fast in earnest is a shock to your stomach.
On Christmas I wish you a harvest of sausages,
And also for sturgeon, aspic, boiled pork.

Let them greet you with bread and salt, pour a glass full.
But please don’t forget who needs to be glorified.
Sing songs, have fun, don’t skimp on carols,
Everything will come back to you, and a cool life will begin.

Funny and funny poems for Christmas 2018


Christmas is coming
The snow sparkles - so light.
I wish everyone, everyone,
Smile in the mirrors.

Wish yourself well
Happiness, joy, warmth,
Reward with a kiss,
And that’s it, forgive all enemies.

You'll see then,
Fate will return to you.
And will fulfill all your dreams,
After all, you are good.


Christ was born, to His glory,
It's rushing from all sides.
May goodness surround you
And life is fun!

Christ was born - everyone sings,
Don't yawn either.
And away with a loud song
Celebrate the birth!

And Christ will be kind to you,
And he will forgive all sins.
And in your heart and soul
Will stay with love!


Merry Christmas to you!
Let happiness fill your soul,
Life will be full of positivity,
May heaven fulfill your dreams.

Let success be your servant,
Let beginnings surround you,
Let everything be cool with you,
Merry Christmas again!


If you're sad, let it
May blooms in the heart.
If the frost scares you in January,
May strength give you courage.

Breathe deeply,
Look for the Positive in everything
To celebrate Christmas
With joy and triumph!


Christmas is coming to us!
We'll be in the yards soon
We walk as a group,
To praise Jesus!

Just get dressed up first!
Everyone needs to transform:
Some are fortune tellers, some are cops,
Someone is the attending physician!

One by one we have to follow
And be careful
Drink carefully
So as not to lose anyone!

Comic Merry Christmas greetings


I wish the table to be bursting with food,
You didn't work hard for this.
Luck came running to you,
And happiness also came.
So that money flows like a river,
No more loans were taken out.
Love to turn your head,
Your nerves were in turmoil.
Well, I wish Konsky good health,
Merry Christmas.


A magical night will come
It's time for us to carol,
Because Christmas is coming,
We will celebrate soon!

There will be music and dancing
A time of fairy tales and miracles,
May it always be wonderful
Well done on life!

There will be drinks on the table
And there is always plenty of food
Let the road go up
And it will be like this for a whole year!


The Heavenly Azure is pure,
And the stars shine brightly,
May it be Christ's birthday
Everyone will be greeted with a smile.

Christ forgave, forgive me
Everyone, even those who offended,
So that Jesus on this day
I've only seen good things from you.

And I hasten to congratulate everyone.
Humble and prankster,
Let there be peace, tranquility in the soul,
At least on this holiday!


There is no good holiday in the whole world:
Christ was born into the world today,
We will glorify Him
And celebrate this holiday with a friendly family!

May the Lord send health to everyone,
And a lot of goodness and happiness for the year ahead!
May God help us fulfill our dreams,
Will relieve you of sadness and fuss!


Hurray, frost in the yard
And the morning is so happy!
Christmas has come -
Everyone is expecting a miracle.

We will read congratulations,
And let's make a wish, -
Just quietly, about myself,
To make it come true, no joke!

Let goodness reign in the house,
And the silver shines!


Merry Christmas! I wish you caviar on the crust, lips up to your ears with happiness, angel wings behind your back, ruffled feathers with love. May the Lord deliver you from lousy days and give you days of bliss and awesomeness.


The trees began to rustle,
A light appeared in the sky -
The angels were flying
Leaving a trail of stars.

The trail glowed so beautifully,
Which is overgrown with legends.
And we know that he was born
This night Jesus Christ.

And among the stars one shone,
Which was the most beautiful of all.
As a sign that he has appeared
The Son of the Most High is born.

Star of Bethlehem
She was named.
And now every winter
On the night of the seventh of January.

Nativity of Christ glorifies,
All people are Orthodox.
And since then it’s been a big holiday
We celebrate every year.


The Christmas star has risen,
Our whole family gathered
Now we'll cut the turkey,
We will remove the foam from the cake,
The Christmas tree is lit with colorful lights,
The whole family chews slowly,
Let us have a year without quarrels,
There would be no disputes in the house,
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
I wish you good health!


What's going on there, what's rushing there?
By the deer on the hill?
Maybe a bird
Bird of happiness in January?

Or is it Drunk Vasya,
Regular rowdy
He will decorate with his presence
This whole huge world!

This is Katya and Masha rushing:
It's Christmas!
This means sales!
This means Magic!


Merry Christmas, my kittens,
Super Cool guys.
This night we will wonder
Summon various spirits.

Girls of rich brides,
Not furry and shaggy.
A cheerful girlfriend for the guys,
Don't turn into a frog!


Get in line for happiness
And go and celebrate Christmas!
On Christmas Eve you can only have tea,
Kutya, uzvar, potatoes.
And if you drink accidentally
You're a spoonful of alcohol
That's all - I broke my strict fast.
Bow down before God
Full height!
You are not Orthodox. Rogue.
I couldn't resist a little!


Christ was born - it's a holiday!
Good news to the people
But he's not a naughty man at all -
The Savior pleases everyone!

The kings brought gifts,
A star has descended in the sky
The joy of all the people of the earth, -
Christ was born in a stable.

On the bright holiday of Christmas
People are waiting for a piece of miracle
And they want him to disappear
From all over the land Judas!


Let joy enter every home,
Happy great holiday, Merry Christmas.
Everyone understands that money doesn't buy happiness.
I want so many that they won’t fit in my hands.

Let you get used to bribes and lies.
But so that after that there will be enough space in heaven.
Let the wives have an expensive fur coat,
And you have a smile with thirty-two teeth.

Don't look like a crazy herd
Looking for fleas where there is absolutely no need.
Don't get caught in turbulence
And respect your valence.


Christmas is a lot of gifts
True, finding them is not easy!
So that I don’t feel sorry for the money,
I will send only congratulations!

I'd rather be at a Spanish bullfight
I'll visit before I start shopping.
I hope they won't be offended
All my friends, I'm a waste of money!


“Christ is Born!” - twelve dishes,
They are waiting for us on a white tablecloth.
Carols sing merrily,
Those who accidentally wander in.

We were now fasting as a family,
Until the first star of the night!
Girls, who's going to guess?
It's time to find out about brides!

We rejoice this night,
Let's drive away melancholy and boredom!
It's time to congratulate everyone,
On a wonderful Christmas holiday!

The holiday has opened its arms,
There is magic everywhere,
There are many different wishes,
Merry Christmas!

May the sun always warm you,
It will be bright every day
May luck smile
And I don't suffer from migraines.

May Paris and Nice await you,
And your career will only go up
And also catch the firebird,
May your wishes come true!

Here it is, the holiday is coming
With magic and enchantment -
We warmly congratulate everyone
Happy new Christmas.

We wish you not to get drunk
And don't overeat
Stop on time
And continue to live as is.

Be cheerful no matter
To a complete mess,
Sincerely congratulating everyone,
Who suits your mind?

So that life turns out cool
And I didn’t bother
Needed on Christmas Day
Wish for a lot of money!

A lot of vodka, a lot of beer,
Much happiness for centuries,
So that life flows beautifully,
What a wide river!

So that everyone in life meets
Your own magical island
So that the world is bright, bright,
Like a magical star!

Christmas comes to the house
We lost weight with fasting.
You don't have to be shy anymore
Feel free to overeat on meat!

Don't forget about your soul,
Stay in good spirit.
May you always be in everything
Heaven help.

Christmas. We are waiting for miracles.
I sincerely wish my husband -
Don't relieve stress with beer
Better, hugging gently,
You press me to your chest -
I'll be ready for anything.
Hug me quickly
And say three important words!

I wish you a Merry Christmas,
Let the day be marked with magic,
I want to wish you more happiness,
Love your friends and loved ones.
But for you personally – beauty,
May your dreams come true
The men follow in herds,
And happiness comes like a tsunami!

Funny Merry Christmas greetings

On the feast of the Nativity of Christ
I love to get drunk so much!
I'll put myself in chains
I'll cover my mouth with tape,
To behave with dignity,
So that he couldn’t clown around.
I'll probably unstick my mouth
And I will be freed from the bonds.
One glass, another
I'm not afraid to tip over!

Merry Christmas,
Happy winter celebrations!
Let everything in life succeed,
May luck smile
And also - let the wallet
It will be as thick as a sack!

Please accept my congratulations
On the glorious evening of Christmas!
I wish, without a doubt
Don't let your head hurt!

Be an example at the table
Pour and drink
But keep your fun in moderation
Don't forget anyway!

Hello, hello, Christmas!
How's it going? Didn't skid?
Bad weather, snow, blizzard...
Come quickly to the door

And take off your fur coat,
Hat, scarf and padded jacket!
We've been waiting for you for a long time
And they didn't touch the food

Do you want to sit at the table with us?
Eat chicken, caviar!?
Don't be shy, come on in!
Eat! Wash it down with juice!

I wish for one thing
May it be a holy Christmas
Your spirit will soon perk up,
He will announce himself out loud:

Do good deeds
All that I didn’t manage to do in a year,
So that on this bright holiday
Make love a priority
Start with a clean slate
And become a little kinder!

Merry Christmas to you
Congratulations hundreds of times!
May the Lord help you in everything,
What he can do himself:

If necessary, hammer in a nail,
Cook Ukrainian borscht!
Become rich and lucky
Wealthy, prosperous!

With a wonderful mood,
Funny, great, cool!
So that you have love,
So that I can find you everywhere!

My wife returned on Christmas Day
It's like the sun smiled
All red in the face,
In a new fox fur coat.
Turning the key to a foreign car
And there are gifts in the trunk.
Husband: “Where from?!” Whore?!”
- “No, dear. “I caroled!”

Merry Christmas greetings in your own words...

I wish everyone to believe in miracles,
They are invisibly waiting for us at the doorstep
And waiting for Christmas to come
Prepare your desires little by little.
May Christmas bring
Peace and tranquility in the home, hope in happiness,
And in our souls let the birth of Christ
Love and faith will be born again.

On Christmas Eve before Christmas
I congratulate you on the upcoming
I wish you all the best
And I will glorify the Son of God.
As soon as an angel in heaven
Will light a star that shines brightly,
Christmas will come to visit us
And it will become more joyful in the world.

Happy upcoming friends,
Merry Christmas.
This holiday is friends,
It's not new at all.
He came to us through the centuries,
Tell me about a miracle
Like in the cave of Bethlehem,
God appeared to people.

Merry Christmas to you,
I congratulate you today.
Only the best, only the beautiful,
Of course I wish you.
Be happy and beautiful
There will be a full cup in the house of love.
It will be long and productive,
The brightest, richest life is yours!

A beautiful day is coming,
Christmas is coming
Christ will give us joy,
Happiness and magic await us,
This holiday is the most important
Let's pray on this day,
Congratulations to the Orthodox,
Let's have fun together!

Soon, soon a glorious holiday
Knock on our door.
We wish you peace, happiness,
Good life and people.
What kind of holiday is Christmas?
Miracle, just magic.
Happiness, light and harmony,
And, of course, health.

Christmas in red
Glows on the calendar
It will be a wonderful year for you,
Peace and happiness to the whole family.
Bright sun, smiles
We wish for you,
Good luck and health to you
Every day and every hour.

A bright holiday is coming -
It's Christmas.
White snow doesn't melt at all,
That's how it should be.
Let it be with the same constancy
They're coming to your house
Peace, goodness, love, and happiness,
And warmth and comfort!

Christmas is coming very soon
The bright light of an evening star.
And there will be a good celebration,
We wish him to his family.
May your strong family
Only good news awaits,
I will pray to Christ from my heart for you,
And you trust Him with hope.

May the coming year bring
Happiness to all those who dream,
I wish you well
Happy upcoming year to all of you.
Let the New Year's fairy tale
Instantly he will take you all captive,
May it relieve you of sadness.
Sadness, boredom and problems.
Let your table be rich
And the elite - alcohol,
Santa Claus will come shaggy,
He'll give you a tour at the Christmas tree!

Best Funny Merry Christmas Greetings

poem about Christmas
It was autumn time...
The branches were dressed in golden attire.
Everyone was discharged, and even others
Look, they've attached liquid fruits.
Only grief - where is honor and beauty,
That's where envy stirs hearts...
The point is that you have to try,
As if worse than others would remain.
If you hear a noise, then there is a conversation going on,
Then an envious argument broke out
He’s just silent, hiding on the sidelines,
The spruce tree is prickly, clinging to the pine tree.
Needles of shaggy green branches
It hurts, but it hurts more
Poor Christmas tree's neighbors
Evil ridicule in a noisy conversation.
They tease her and shower her with leaves.
The resentment penetrated into the very heart.
The poor Christmas tree drooped from grief,
Streams and streams of tears flowed...
Suddenly she heard something in the night,
The angel seemed to be wearing white clothes...
The heart of the tree began to beat with hope.
He hears the words: “Don’t be sad, don’t be sad,
Soon you will bloom in joy,
Soon the branches will be decorated with fruits,
The needles will soon bloom like stars.”
Here the bad weather is raging in the forest,
The wind is fierce, hitting your face.
You who were proud of your beautiful attire
And they mocked the Christmas tree in chorus,
Where is your pride, where is your beauty?
Autumn has come and taken away the beauty.
The Christmas tree is just its poor outfit
Saved it and stands by the road,
And she hid and waited with all her soul
Holy miracle of Christmas night.
A miracle has happened...
Like the stars they sparkle
Candles on the Christmas tree, and nearby they shine
The children's eyes are also like stars,
They glow with joy and glow with happiness.

Happy Christmas holiday,
We are looking forward to it!
Gifts, songs, celebrations,
We eat, we dance, we drink.
We are not afraid of crisis
Let him be afraid of us!
We'll be fine
We have oil and gas!
Feasts and fun
Nature desires.
What, in general, are crises?
After all, the holiday is Christmas!

Cool rituals,
Cheerful outfits
Songs and dances
Happy Christmas!
Be kind to everyone
Always fight against bad weather,
Successful and lucky
Be against all winds!

Sending Merry Christmas greetings.
I pray to God for your fate,
May you always live in the world
Like in the bosom of Christ.

Here comes Christmas
Yesterday the frost ended,
And there were roses in the snow
And, as if they were splinters,
Touched my heart.
A year will fly by - a century will pass,
Oh, time, how it is not eternal,
Flows like a fleeting river,
How carefree I was yesterday,
And now a new person.
Murmurs with its worries
Life flows like water
Sometimes it’s joy, sometimes it’s misfortune,
Then the cold comes,
But a thaw is coming for them.

Christ's birthday is a reason for fun.
The main thing is that there is no hangover in the morning.
Merry Christmas to everyone
We wish you sober mind!

Christmas, poems and congratulations
On the birthday of Christ
Beauty has returned to the world.
January ice
The radiance is pouring.
January crust
It won't let you fall.
January snow
Best dressed of all:
Sparkling and colorful during the day
And so it shines under the moon.
And every January day
A little bit, but longer than before.
And so suitable for feasts
And meetings - any of the evenings.

On the bright holiday of Christmas
I want to wish you
Happiness, joy, health,
And no problems!
Christmas is magical
Let him give you
Friends - a countless number
And the whole world at your feet!
May your dreams come true,
Beautiful dreams!
Ask Christmas
Whatever you want.

Forgive the sins of all who offended You. And if you can’t, then pour them over
holy water that will wash and sanctify them! And, for one thing, you’ll redeem it,
so they don't stink! I wish you a very active Christmas!

Cool rituals, funny outfits,
Let's celebrate Christmas with songs and dances!
Be kind to everyone and always fight bad weather,
Be successful and lucky, in spite of all the winds!

Funny Merry Christmas greetings

So that life turns out cool
And I didn’t bother
Needed on Christmas Day
Wish for a lot of money!
A lot of vodka, a lot of beer,
Much happiness for centuries,
So that life flows beautifully,
What a wide river!
So that everyone in life meets
Your own magical island
So that the world is bright, bright,
We send wonderful congratulations!

Christ was born on this night,
What has He brought to us today?
There is not a single doubt
That He brought a blessing
For happiness, joy and success,
May all our business progress upward!
Christ will protect everyone from evil,
Good will attract like a magnet,
Will give everyone a lot of health,
Will show you the right path,
So that only on the right path
We could all always go!

I congratulate you on Merry Christmas and wish from the bottom of my heart that the table
was bursting with goodies and delicacies so that people could gather at this table
little people dear to the heart, so that in a house where you don’t rush, they lie
money so that happiness is sticky and clingy and can’t go anywhere
get away from you.

On Christmas Day let
Miracles happen,
Let happy days count down
It's starting for you.
If money attacks
So as not to fight back,
If you are called to the registry office,
To agree.
Let them get along peacefully
Dollar, ruble and euro,
Let the bosses at work
You don't get on your nerves.
I wish you to live
As if everything is ready,
Wishes come true
On Christmas Day.

I want to wish you this Christmas,
So that Christ fulfills all dreams,
Helped resolve issues
If suddenly you are standing at a dead end!
May He come down to you from heaven,
Fortunately, let him show you the right path
And will give many miracles,
And may your health be strong!

The tree is very askew -
She's drugged
As if I was fighting a zealous storm
Or drank wine!
Yes, everyone has such Christmas trees
After drinking on Christmas Day!
Tinsel lies, needles...
So there was a celebration!
So, every day is wonderful
I received my congratulations.
Sipping a beer is good for you
At least once on Christmas!

Time to sing carols together
And gather around the table.
May the feast be sweet
Merry Christmas.
I wish you success
I'm going for a walk today
To make the children feel ashamed
Tell you everything.
May your enthusiasm give you strength
For crazy pampering.
The main thing is that only in the morning
I didn't have a headache.

Christmas comes to the house
We lost weight with fasting.
You don't have to be shy anymore
Feel free to overeat on meat!
Don't forget about your soul,
Stay in good spirit.
May you always be in everything
Heaven help.

There's magic outside the window,
The snow is spinning like a blizzard,
Celebrate Christmas
The whole family needs it.
All grievances, evil - forgive
And with reverence
To ask before the Lord
Supreme forgiveness.
Good news is on the doorstep
I came to you, meet me
Please accept congratulations,
Magnify God!

At Christmas we are waiting for Happiness,
Let it come to the house
Slowly, at dawn,
In a snowy, quiet January.
Let him come in without keys
He will find us like children,
And Luck is like white
I want a mushroom in a basket!
Let's go for a walk in the winter park,
To find Health.
Let's sit down for a family dinner
And we would discover Love,
Money will find us on its own
Our career route is simple:
Become a director of miracles
Five, four, three, two, one...
Merry Christmas, guys!

The azure of heaven is pure,
And the stars shine brightly,
May it be Christ's birthday
Everyone will be greeted with a smile.
Christ forgave, forgive me
Everyone, even those who offended,
So that Jesus on this day
I have only seen good from you.
And I hasten to congratulate everyone.
Humble and prankster,
Let there be peace, peace in the soul,
At least on this holiday!

Funny Merry Christmas greetings

"To my beloved man"
Merry Christmas, my love,
I wish with all my heart,
So that you don't get discouraged,
Having fun, relaxing,
But I didn’t get too impudent either -
He wanted to come to me quickly,
Don't look at others
Only love me alone!

“I wish you a Merry Christmas”
I wish you a Merry Christmas,
Let the day be marked with magic,
I want to wish you more happiness,
Love your friends and loved ones.
But for you personally – beauty,
May your dreams come true
The men follow in herds,
And happiness comes like a tsunami! "Merry Christmas for a Friend"
Merry Christmas to you, dear friend!
We've been friends for many, many years,
I wish you, beauty,
There are many victories in your personal life!
To be appreciated at work
There were no health problems
All sorrows passed by,
And so that there are no worries at all! "To my beloved wife"
I'm lucky with my wife
Happiness just struck
To spite the enemies
I live with my sweetheart.
And today, on Christmas,
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Our close relationship
I confirm with all my heart! "To my beloved husband"
Christmas. We are waiting for miracles.
I sincerely wish my husband -
Don't relieve stress with beer
Better, hugging gently,
You press me to your chest -
I'll be ready for anything.
Hug me quickly
And say three important words! "My knight in white armor"
My knight in white armor,
On a gasoline horse
You are the bravest among me
The strongest on Earth!
Merry Christmas to you, my love,
May the Lord give you health,
Let adversity pass by
We can all overcome this together! "Let's celebrate Christmas today"
Forgetting about work, the affairs of everyone in the world,
We sit at a beautifully set table.
And rejoicing, just like little children,
We celebrate a joyful Christmas.
May it bring good luck and fun to everyone,
Let the feast not ruin your health.
May your mood remain good
For a whole year that has just begun! “Good luck to you – all year round”
Christmas is already coming
He promises you good luck.
May you be lucky in all matters,
Good luck to you all year round.
Christmas has come
But where did the strength go?
New Year took them away,
And he didn’t return it! "Dear friend"
To my dear friend
I wish you happiness with all my heart,
I wish you more patience
I know your worth for sure -
You outshine the diamonds
You confuse men like boys.
I want to wish you
Continue to know your worth! “The New Year has already passed”
The New Year has already passed,
Why remember him?
A new holiday has come to us,
A magical holiday - Christmas!
I want to congratulate you on it
And wish you a lot of happiness,
May God deliver you from troubles,
You will never grieve! "To my beloved girl"
What can you wish for your beloved?
Buy all the clothes on earth,
And do manicures often,
And dress haute couture.
It's not for nothing that Christmas has come,
Holy is this celebration
Let love bring you
And it will never let you down! "Merry Christmas to a friend"
Merry Christmas to a friend
Today I want to write in verse!
Send your wishes in this SMS:
Relax - like this in the Maldives!
At work - so that the salary is increased,
In sports - to be the strongest!
In life - so that there is no sadness
And you were successful in everything! “Christmas is a great holiday!”
Christmas is a great holiday!
I congratulate you on it,
Let everything be great in life,
I wish you a lot of joy!
And a little more luck,
May all your dreams come true!
Good friends for you too,
Who are interested not in money, but in you! "To my beloved dad"
I wish my dad good luck
Health, joy and strength,
To become only richer
And he brought money to my mother.
I want to say - let there be a lot
Love and happiness, kindness,
And on Christmas let it be at the doorstep
Your dreams are standing now! “Here comes Christmas”
And now Christmas has come,
And I want to wish you
So that there is a lot of money,
Or better yet, don’t count at all.
I also wish you happiness,
Less things to do, less empty worries,
Let bad weather go by
And happiness will come soon! "Every year around Christmas"
Every year around Christmas
Without being lazy or embarrassed,
May good things come to you,
Embodied in your happiness.
May good luck and success
Every day yours will be soaked,
Laughter brings you joy,
Let life play with colors! “The tables are bursting again”
The laid tables are bursting again,
Glasses clink and wine sparkles.
We will celebrate Holy Christmas
And let's make a wish for everything that can come true.
Let the miracle finally happen
Problems and hangovers will suddenly disappear,
Wealth will find everyone,
And tasty things will turn out to be useful! “Girlfriend, Merry Christmas!”
I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism,
Good luck and wealth,
Don't give up on your dream!
Be healthy and happy,
Love and be loved
Let life be magic
Girlfriend, Merry Christmas! “A new holiday is coming”
The New Year holiday has died down:
The clock does not strike on holiday,
Olivier is out of fashion
The fireworks died down long ago.
But a new holiday comes -
Holy Christmas Day.
He brings joy to the mountains,
Lots of happiness and goodness! "Among the Endless Feast"
In the midst of an endless feast,
Unbridled celebration
There is a day worthy of attention -
Feast of Holy Christmas.
There is a reason to remember the Christmas tree again,
Mix a bunch of salads,
Fill glasses to the top
And wish you happiness again! "Dear Sister"
Sister, let us quarrel often,
But I wish you happiness
Don't know problems and sorrows
And not to be discouraged at all.
May there always be money -
It's sad without them, yes.
May you be lucky in everything
Great love awaits you! "To the best friend"
I wish you this Christmas, my friend,
More vivid impressions,
To make your heart beat faster
At the sight of hot entertainment,
May you always be the ringleader
Stayed in any company
And don't ever be sad
Since you called yourself a man! “Success is just around the corner!”
I wish for Christmas
A triumph of clear thought,
Let the official not be impudent,
The president knows how to rule,
May you have a wonderful life,
I wish you more clear days,
Happiness in life with all my soul -
Know that success is just around the corner! "To my beloved mother"
Mommy, Christmas has come,
What can you wish for?
May there be a lot of love in life,
Fans can't be counted
Let dad be jealous sometimes -
After all, you need to keep in good shape!
And I love you, I kiss you,
And I will wish for the best! "Celebrate Hot"
Christmas is almost here
Waiting for you, beckoning you with a gentle gaze.
Well, quickly give in
Try to celebrate it
So that it is sweet to the heart,
So that the desire does not cool down,
Celebrate hot
Gather all your friends! "Dear brother"
I wish my brother this Christmas
Don't know troubles
And I also want, guys,
Tell him from the bottom of my heart -
Don't bet on women,
Don't try to conquer
And walk through life boldly,
And don't be discouraged! "Christmas is already here"
Christmas is already here
This is very good!
I want to wish you a lot -
So that success comes to you,
Many beautiful girls
Let them not give you peace,
Make you happy
Gives life colors! “The planet celebrated the New Year”
The planet celebrated the New Year,
But there is no reason to be disappointed.
A merry Christmas awaits us,
He will be full of happiness and dreams.
It's time for postcards and magic
And colorful Chinese souvenirs.
Let your head be light in the morning,
And the heart and soul are open to the world! "My beloved princess"
My beloved princess
Today is a holiday - Christmas!
Let me not become a poetess,
And the poet is dubious... But, nothing!
I will still congratulate you in verse,
And I wish you a lot of happiness and love,
Well, at the end I will add on my own behalf:
We will keep our love with you forever!

Cool Christmas greetings for women

I wish you this Christmas
So that you are happy,
To light the way
Beam of the Christmas Star.
To melt in the soul
He is a piece of ice,
Angels will send a gift
Snowflake feathers.
So that your heart becomes light,
Joyful and new
Faith in miracles has returned
On Christmas Day.

I wish you this Christmas
Good luck, joy, a lot of smiles,
Let your heart fill with happiness,
Let the warmth of the soul not forget you.
I wish you to live under a happy star,
Forget adversity, failure and despondency.

Merry Christmas to a wonderful and sweet woman. Wish
always be magnificent and wonderful, sincerely believe in your
a dream and a good miracle, to follow the path of happiness and love through life,
giving loved ones joy and bright hopes.

On the magical holiday of Christmas
I wish you earthly blessings,
I love you from the bottom of my heart, my dear,
Congratulations today.
I wish my heart warmth,
Health - spirit, body.
So that with God's help dreams
You managed to implement it.

Christmas candles are lit
The great holiday has arrived.
I wish you this evening,
So that the sparkle of love shines in your eyes,
So that you are irresistible
Brave, flirtatiously young,
To have strength for happiness,
May spring live in your soul!

Congratulations to you
Merry Christmas,
The light of a star will flash
Let it be over your house.
Let happiness come to you
Christmas will come
Let love be the thread of life
He spins for you.
For you to love
And she was loved
Became on Christmas
A happy woman.

Christmas in the heart
Kindness ignites
Let her open the door
Straight into a wonderful dream
Come in and enjoy
Peace, happiness and warmth,
Smile happier everyone
Let life seem like a dream!

A bright angel flew from heaven
He gave us wonderful news,
That Christ was born
He brought goodness and good luck!
I wish you this Christmas
So that happiness comes to your soul,
May the Lord give you this night
You have a lot of health and strength!

Christmas! And on the threshold
Joy and kindness again.
Remember God now
Whose story is simple
Let him help you
Build happiness, don’t bother.
And nothing will get in the way
Always be fun!

Merry Christmas! Let the candle shine
Warming even in severe frost.
And let the golden ray shine
Will protect you from sorrows and tears!
You will become joyful this night,
You will forget about sadness forever,
Troubles will fly away
The star of success will shine!

Congratulations on the winter holiday,
Let him be kind, not a bit sad,
May it bring joy and happiness for a long time,
May it give you a lot of health and peace.
I wish you to always be inspired,
And with all my heart into the life of this lover.
May Christmas be only joyful,
The most beloved, bright holiday.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas in verse

Poems: Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

The holiday rushes into the house like a whirlwind,
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas,
With faith in miracles and dreams
Congratulations with all my heart!

Good Grandfather Frost
He promised a load of gifts.
Did the old man get lost on the way?
There will be a fairy tale - don’t be sad!
New Year's Eve
Open your heart of joy,
May it be on Christmas night
All troubles will fly away.
Happiness will flare up without worries,
It will be a fruitful year
For victory, luck, success,
Sparkle in the eyes, enthusiasm and laughter.
Cool congratulations on the New Year holidays

Happy New Year, buddy,
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Let him show up unexpectedly
Santa Claus with a gift to the house.
Let the Snow Maiden tell you
Eternal youth code,
And cheerful Santa Claus
A fairy tale will bring you to visit.
After all, magical times
There is no end to miracles,
Just sound the chimes
The main interest in life.
Yes, and don’t sleep in real life,
Take action, help your dream.
Bright happiness, good luck,
Always be on top!
Winter is rich in surprises
It contains New Year and Christmas.
Happy new times to you,
With a frosty fairy tale, with magic!
Let congratulations wake you up
There are many sensitive notes in the soul.
When you believe in miracles as a child,
It will come, it will not let you down.
I wish you playful joy,
Like bubbles in a glass of foam,
Dreams, plans and desires,
Which are executed instantly.
Affordable earthly happiness,
Health for a hundred long years,
And may the charming good luck
Don't forget to say hello. Poems for Happy New Year and Merry Christmas
Happy New Year to everyone who is in a hurry,
Bring your gifts to you!
And Merry Christmas, day after day,
Prepares a bright holiday for people!
Good luck will certainly await you
Everyone who believes in it with all their hearts.
And it will come to you on New Year's Eve.
And the doors will open for Christmas!
New Year, Christmas - a world of wonders, magic.
We sincerely congratulate you all!
May the holiday come to you. Goodness will come into the house with him.
We wish you joy and happiness!
We wish you to live, never to grieve.
Don't point your head at fate.
New Year - celebrate. Happy Christmas to everyone. Let the world of love soar above the earth!
Short congratulations
Happy New Year to you!
Happy upcoming bright Christmas!
Let fantasy soar freely
Filling your home with joy!
The Christmas tree will be the most lush and bright.
Let the table be full of snacks.
So that in every home, with a bag of gifts,
Santa Claus has arrived for the New Year!
People, Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
May an angel descend from heaven to you.
Let your home be filled with warmth,
Transformed into a wondrous garden of miracles.
The lights on the Christmas tree came on.
Happiness looked through your window. So that all your dreams come true,
You create from the heart - good!
Wishes in verses
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Merry christmas and a happy new year!
All sorrows are for later.
Today, joy in a round dance!
Noise, fun, bustle.

Near the Christmas tree there is a feast in the mountains.
So that happiness is all to the bottom,
Drink with joy and love!
On a frosty Christmas day

Good thoughts and hopes,
I want to seriously wish:
Strength, health, strength,
So that the cold does not “mow”;

Christmas is coming
Fashionable new clothes,
In finance replenishment,
And in general, good luck!
Don't forget about the magic.
Make a bunch of wishes,

To make life better

Merry Christmas!
Celebrate it wisely:
So as not to lie face down in the salad
And there was peace and harmony in the family.

Let happiness beckon to you
And he will give you income,
A whole bag of money
Let it shock you!

On Christmas Day let
Miracles happen,
Let happy days count down
It's starting for you.

If money attacks
So as not to fight back,
If you are called to the registry office,
To agree.

Let them get along peacefully
Dollar, ruble and euro,
Let the bosses at work
You don't get on your nerves.

I wish you to live
As if everything is ready,
Wishes come true
On Christmas Day.

I wish you this Christmas
Live easily and without sadness,
So that your family will always wait
And my friends didn’t forget.

So that there are six days a week
Holidays and weekends
Vacation ten times longer
And salary every five days!

Sausage, vodka, lard.
My table is set.
So Christmas has come.
Let's have a drink and a hearty snack!

The devil is playing with the moon in the sky,
Solokha is sitting by the window.
Let happiness come to your home
And good luck, no catch.

So that there is always something in the closet
For a snack and a glass.
To make your heart beat faster
From love and hot passion.

So that there is no black coal in the bags,
And the chervonets are gold.
Days of fun and excitement.
Merry Christmas, dears!

May it be Christmas
Only give you positive things!
I wish you sweet and honey
You will always live in the world!

May good luck and luck
The Lord will send you from heaven!
I wish you fulfillment goals
And in life all sorts of miracles!

Merry Christmas!
May your home be cozy
So that every corner
It was like an island of happiness.

Let tenderness become decor,
Like snow patterns
And love knocks on the heart,
It's like walking through a fairy door!

Merry Christmas!
May you be lucky in everything
And stands cheerful
Angel over your shoulder.

Let there be no complaints
He will forgive mistakes
Gives prosperity
Happiness and smiles!

Let the soul bloom with light,
And summer sings songs in it.
And let it snow outside the windows,
He will make his escape quickly!

May your Christmas be merry
Only magic will bring
But the pig will not interfere,
Only if you decorate the year!