The best moisturizing cream for the face - which one to choose, inexpensive and budget with a good composition, rating. What is the best moisturizing face cream: reviews

Every modern lady wants to look attractive and stylish. Poor ecology, ambiguous weather conditions, the influence of air conditioners, heating devices, as well as the constant stress that we experience day after day, lead to the fact that the skin becomes dirty, dehydrated and cannot receive normal nutrition. To neutralize these processes, as well as protect the dermis from premature aging, it is worth using moisturizing creams. At the same time, you should take care of your face daily. Modern companies produce a wide variety of options.

How to choose?

To avoid disappointment with a moisturizing product, you should know how to choose it correctly. It should be remembered that a good cream will immediately saturate the dermis with moisture and will also help retain it. The second important condition when purchasing a product is that it matches your dermis type. If you don’t yet know what subtype your skin belongs to, it’s worth conducting special testing. Be sure to find out what is included in the product. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the composition list, those elements that are most abundant in a given product are indicated. Accordingly, the ingredients are then written in descending list.

You should not purchase a product that contains formaldehyde. This substance has a detrimental effect on the skin and contributes to its destruction. Paraben is also an undesirable ingredient. It is an allergen; if the content of such an element in cosmetics is more than 0.3%, feel free to refuse the purchase. Mineral oils, silicones, ethylene-propylene glycols, and phtholates also have a detrimental effect on health.

As for the beneficial ingredients that must make up a cosmetic product:

  • Panthenol. This substance will help not only soften the skin, but also rejuvenate it.
  • With help allantoin You can reliably retain moisture and help effective cell restoration.
  • To ensure that vitamins are well absorbed, it is used lecithin based on soybean oil and egg yolk.
  • Vitamins. Not a single drug with a good composition can do without them. They are added to cosmetic products in synthesized form. For example, tocopherol acetate is obtained by synthesizing vitamin E from vegetable oil.
  • Azulene. This substance is obtained from medicinal herbs. It will help soothe the dermis, create a healing effect and a restorative effect.

If a herbal base is used to moisturize the face, it should be selected based on the type of dermis. Strawberry, for example, will be an excellent option for oily skin, and the use of lavender and St. John's wort is suitable for problematic, combination, dry skin. A good product is also distinguished by the presence of glycerin and hyaluronic acid. They will protect the skin from the unfavorable external environment. When purchasing creams, experts advise paying attention to the aroma. Often, moisturizing products either do not have it at all, or smell of floral and fruity aromas. Look at the acid-base balance as well. It should be between 5 and 9.

There is a special moisturizing product for children. It is intended for the smallest, carefully takes care of the epithelium of babies. However, adults should use the appropriate product specifically for their age, and not for young skin.

Let this light moisturizer for the summer be useful and light. Such options should contain only the most necessary components that will not weigh down the skin. The product should have a delicate consistency so as not to create unnecessary stress on the skin. It is desirable that the product contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial complexes. You can also choose a special product that will help effectively eliminate acne on the face. In this case, in any case, you will need to understand the causes of the rash.

A special moisturizing cream for makeup will help you create the perfect make-up. This will not only keep your makeup on your face longer, but will also allow you to take care of your skin at the same time.

Rating of the best

When choosing a moisturizer for the face, every lady wants to purchase an effective, effective product. Accordingly, the best options will have all the characteristics we described above. It is worth remembering that high-quality products will be served only in branded stores or at a pharmacy. At the same time, you should immediately decide which product you need - day or night. There are also special anti-aging options for skin after 50 years, as well as products for the skin around the eyes.

Let's look at the top 10 main cosmetic moisturizers that are popular:

  • "Aurealux Cream Radiance Moisturizer" from Dolce & Gabbana. This product, rather, belongs to the elite. You can find olive oil in the composition. It is responsible for hydration. The product also contains an extract from silkworm cocoons and a vitamin complex. All these substances will actively moisturize the skin, improve its condition, and also help rejuvenate the dermis and tone it.

The result can be seen after four weeks of regular use of the cosmetic product. The skin of your face will become attractive, silky and soft. The product can be applied morning and evening.

  • "Liftactiv Supreme" from Vichy. This pharmaceutical product is also effective. The cosmetic product has a comprehensive effect on the dermis, nourishing it. At the same time, metabolic processes are accelerated, the growth of collagen fibers is stimulated, the skin is moisturized and soothed. The advantages of this product include the fact that the product can be used all year round. However, in autumn and winter, cosmetics are applied no later than half an hour before going outside.
  • "Smart SPF 15" from Clinique. This product is for skin that loses elasticity and is prone to dryness. Regular use of the cream will effectively restore the cellular structure of the face. With the help of glucosamine, which is included in the substance, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The product is also rich in hyaluronic acid, which will help moisturize the dermis. Caffeine will keep your face toned and give your skin strength.
  • "Aquasource" from BioTherm. This product will help neutralize the harmful effects of the external environment on the skin. The pale blue jar contains a light airy cream with thermal plankton extract, which helps to moisturize the dermis and make the face fresher and more attractive.

  • Moisturizing cream mask "Hydra Sparkling" by Givenchy. The product moisturizes the skin, filling it with energy and radiance. The product will help you quickly get into shape if you haven't gotten enough sleep. With the help of a special antioxidant, damaged skin is charged with strength, complexion improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The special complex and millet extract contained in the cream effectively affects cells. It is better to use this remedy at night.
  • "Wildrose" by Weleda. This product is suitable for combination skin. This cream will well moisturize both dry and oily areas, while not clogging pores or irritating sensitive dermis. Another advantage of the product is that the product is absorbed quite quickly. There is only a pleasant aroma. The bottle contains almond, peach oil, jojoba, rose seeds, and myrrh extract, which help actively moisturize the dermis.
  • Crème "Désaltérante" from Clarins. The peculiarity of the product is a combination of natural elements and high-tech products. Thanks to the extract of catafray bark, as well as rowan buds, hyaluronic acid and a special complex, the dermis is actively moisturized. Your face will be transformed, rejuvenated and radiant with health.

  • Moisturizing two-phase cream “Plantain and Coltsfoot” from Green Mama. You will be able to see results after just a few uses. The substance includes extracts of coltsfoot and plantain. These components are designed to provide deep hydration to every cell. A pleasant aroma will set you in a positive mood.
  • "Botanical Kinetics Intense Hydrating Soft Creme" from Aveda. This cosmetics is organic. This cream consists almost entirely of plant ingredients. Its daily use will help improve the condition of the skin, not clog pores, and prevent cell aging. This option is also perfect for sensitive dermis prone to allergies and redness. The product is completely safe. It will have a moisturizing effect, help actively nourish and soothe the skin.
  • Day cream "Clean Line. Moisturizing". The very first thing buyers note is the affordable price of the product. For some reason this worries some people. Despite all this, most reviews about the product are positive. The product perfectly moisturizes the dermis.

It is worth considering any of the options proposed above. They will help soothe the dermis, make it more hydrated, healthy and beautiful. There are also special options:

  • Ultra-hydrating "Topicrem". This cream is perfect for women with dry sensitive skin. The cosmetic product will help to effectively moisturize the dermis, protect it, saturate it with nutrients and soothe it. The product contains urea (1%) and glycerin. They are responsible for actively moisturizing and softening the dermis. Shea butter helps nourish cells and restore them. This cream has been dermatologically tested. It can be used by both adults and infants. After regular use, you will see the results on your face.
  • Moisturizing "Tip-top." This option will help you effectively care for your baby's skin. The cosmetic product contains only natural plant ingredients. They perfectly nourish the dermis and are designed to moisturize and protect it. There is no irritation or redness in your child.

For an overview of the best moisturizing face creams, watch the following video.

Features and benefits of the funds

  • High quality product. The natural product contains substances that will not harm your health. These include various vitamins and nutrients. With regular use, you can see how the dermis has become more elastic, elastic, and filled with vitality.
  • Efficiency. You can not only moisturize the skin, but also eliminate peeling, redness, and get rid of small wrinkles.
  • Ease of use. You should feel free to apply the cosmetic composition to your face. The product is distributed perfectly and evenly. In this case, you should focus on the product that suits your skin type.
  • Extensive range of products. Modern companies offer a variety of options for the fair sex. You can choose the product that will appeal to you.
  • Affordable product price. You can buy a cosmetic product at an attractive price without spending all your savings. And the effect will be no worse than after a trip to a cosmetologist.
  • Availability. You can always buy the product you like in a specialty store or pharmacy so as not to run into a fake.
  • Good mood. Seeing the positive effect will put you in a great mood. An attractive appearance contributes to success, increased self-confidence, and improved well-being.

You also need to understand your skin type. This will help identify the problem and choose the right remedy that will not aggravate it, but rather solve it.

Should we believe rumors about the harmfulness of cosmetics? If we talk about modern creams, then there are no dangerous specimens among them, unless, of course, the cosmetics are certified. There are certain standards that manufacturers must strictly adhere to, and if there are any harmful components in the products, their concentration in the composition is so low that they are not capable of causing harm to health.

However, there are a few that are considered not very good - mineral oils and silicones. The controversy surrounding these components continues. Harmful ingredients also include parabens, dyes, propylene glycols, etc.

    Silicones(can be distinguished by the endings -methicone or -siloxane) form a protective film on the surface of the skin, but do not allow it to breathe, clog pores, provoke the appearance of pimples, but are washed off with water.

    Mineral oils(Mineral Oil) clog pores for a long time, are not washed out with water, and cause acne.

    Parabens cause an allergic reaction, destroy cell structure, and disrupt hormonal balance. A cream containing methyl-, propyl- and ethylparaben components can adversely affect the condition of the skin. The first representative of the list is considered the safest, and if you choose creams with preservatives, then let it contain Methylparaben.

    Dyes They can also cause an allergic reaction, so if the composition does not contain mineral dyes (ground rock), it is better to refrain from purchasing such a cream.

    Propylene glycol(PROPYLENE-GLYCOL) disrupts the functioning of internal organs and provokes allergic reactions.

    Alcohol(Alcohol) mercilessly dries the skin, so its presence in a moisturizer in large quantities is not welcome.

    Petrolatum Despite effective moisturizing, it clogs pores and causes breakouts.

    Silicate Aluminum (Silicate) accumulates in the body and can cause a number of diseases.

The composition of cosmetic products is designed in such a way that anyone can, even before making a purchase, evaluate the effectiveness of the purchased product by the presence and concentration of certain components in it. There are more components in the composition that are located at the beginning of the list and vice versa, the closer to the end of the list an ingredient is, the smaller its share in the composition and, accordingly, the possible effect on the skin.

A moisturizer should retain moisture in the skin and nourish it. The following moisturizing components are acceptable in this cream:

    Water in large quantities;

    Glycerin is the cheapest and most proven moisturizing component; it forms a film on the skin that retains moisture inside;

    UV filters protect the skin from the negative effects of sunlight;

    Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture;

    Vitamins that slow down the aging process (A, E, F, C);

    Olive, coconut and other nourishing oils.

When choosing a cream, it is important to check not only the presence of these moisturizing components in the composition, but also take into account your skin type, so that in addition to moisturizing, it suits you and takes care of your face.

    Dry skin needs hydration and protection - collagen, elastin, vitamin A, oils.

    The oily type requires light texture and restoration of water balance - caffeine, salicylic acid, niacinamide. This skin type needs hydration just like any other.

    Problematic skin requires careful care - essential oils, salicylic acid, tea tree, kaolin.

    Sensitive skin types need gentle, soothing ingredients - vitamins, oils.

Now you can independently check the composition of creams and select effective and safe products for yourself. And we will give a rating of the best moisturizing creams, according to our readers.

Rating of the best moisturizers

The first positions in the composition of moisturizing creams are mostly repeated. This can be seen in the example of the first two creams in the rating.

    Day cream from Nivea

The rating of face creams begins with Pure&Natural day cream. The cream has a pleasant texture and spreads easily over the skin. Water comes first in the composition, followed by glycerin, which forms a thin film and prevents moisture from evaporating from the deep layers of the skin. Pleasant moisturizing ingredients include argan oil, aloe extract, vitamin E. Quite a decent composition, suitable even for sensitive skin types.

Price approx. 210 rubles.

    Face cream from Olay

Price approx. 1,800 rubles.

    Night cream from L "Occitane

Price approx. 5,000 rubles.

    Moisturizing gel-cream from Loreal

Good moisturizing cream Trio Active - hydration and freshness. After water, the composition contains silicone, which creates a dense film on the surface and protects the skin from moisture loss. Next come vegetable oil and glycerin. There is also shea butter and vitamin E. It is a workable cream, but it should be used with caution on sensitive skin due to the high alcohol content in the composition.

    Refreshing cream-gel from Garnier

Third in the top of the best face creams is “Individual Moisturizing”. Light cream containing a herbal elixir. Well suited for oily and combination skin.

Price approx. 250 rubles.

    Revitalizing cream from Sentio

The best moisturizer for the face, according to girls who suffer from dry skin, is a restorative cream for dry skin. The cream does not contain parabens, mineral oil, dyes and other harmful components. It actively moisturizes the skin, supplies it with necessary vitamins and substances, and fights flaking.

Price 1480 rubles.

    Shiseido Revitalizing Cream

SkincareMulti-EnergizingCream facial moisturizing cream contains a whole complex of vitamins and not only improves the appearance of the face, but also moisturizes the skin, saturates it with essential elements, starts regeneration processes and makes the skin elastic. Thanks to xylitol, wrinkles are smoothed out and skin tone is evened out.

Price 3000 rubles.

    Protective cream from CLINIQUE

The best moisturizer for oily skin. Protection, hydration and antioxidants - SuperDefenseSPF 20 cream will give your skin.

Price from 1700 rubles.

    Cream from Vichy

Price 1700 rubles.

    Light cream from Clarins

EclatduJour is the best moisturizing face cream with a light texture. Moisturizes without clogging pores and fills the skin with energy.

Price approx. 2000 rubles.

Choosing an effective cream is not difficult; the main thing is to initially determine your skin type and study the list of components required in a moisturizer. Our rating is based on the opinions of our readers, do you agree with them? What cream do you moisturize your skin with?

Our skin needs constant hydration, especially during the warm season, when due to the heat it can become too dehydrated. But even in winter it is susceptible to negative influences due to frost, wind and dry air at home. Many manufacturers create special products - moisturizers. They contain useful components that provide good skin care. Such products are designed to moisturize the body, face, and hands.

The composition differs depending on the purpose. A good cream should have natural ingredients (oils, vitamins) and ideally have protective properties (for example, from UV exposure). The stores offer a whole variety of creams from a variety of manufacturers. We found out which moisturizing creams for face and body are considered the best. When compiling the rating, the following characteristics were taken into account:

  • customer reviews;
  • efficiency;
  • value for money;
  • manufacturer's reliability.

The best face moisturizer for daily care

Due to certain environmental conditions, our skin is constantly under stress. If you are constantly in rooms with heating, air conditioning or frequent changes in air temperature, the skin cannot cope with moisturizing on its own and needs additional care. Special creams with a special composition cope well with this problem. They are enriched with moisturizing and nourishing elements and are suitable for daily use. In addition, they all have an age limit (for example, they are intended only for women after 30, 35, 40). Below is a rating of the best products for daily use according to customers.

5 Weleda Wildrose

Quickly absorbed
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The moisturizing cream is designed for daily facial care and includes the best bio-components. The composition includes extracts of several oils: almond, rose seeds, jojoba and peach seed oil. Thanks to their combination, the product smells pleasant and nourishes the face as well as possible. The cream is suitable for oily and combination skin. An important feature is easy absorption. The product does not leave a film effect or greasy marks after application.

Buyers praise it for its convenient tube, German quality and economical consumption. The cream does not contain allergens and is suitable for most people. After just a few uses, the lipid barrier is quickly restored and a healthy glow appears on the skin. Lactic acid in the composition stimulates timely cell renewal, thanks to which the cream creates a slight rejuvenating effect. Customer reviews about the product are extremely positive.


The best budget product
Country: Germany
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Budget moisturizer from GARNIER is the best daily care product at the lowest price. Its main difference is its composition, which consists of 96% natural ingredients. Among them: grapes, aloe vera, corn, etc. They have a good moisturizing effect. After application, the skin feels pleasant - it does not feel tight or shiny. The formula does not contain parabens, sulfates, dyes. Created for daytime daily care. "BOTANIK-CREAM" protects against negative environmental influences.

Available in a small plastic jar with a screw-on lid of 50 ml. Compact dimensions allow you to carry the cream in a small purse or take it with you when traveling. Suitable for mature skin (after 30, 35, 40, etc.). Judging by the reviews of women, immediately after application the skin becomes fresh and soft. The texture is medium and spreads easily. The manufacturer claims that the product replenishes moisture. Main advantages: best price, good quality, effectiveness, many positive reviews from girls, convenient packaging size, pleasant light aroma. Disadvantages: fast consumption.

3 Janssen DRY SKIN Day Vitalizer

Reliable German quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Day cream from the German company Janssen is designed to intensively moisturize the skin. It penetrates into the deepest layers and fills them with useful substances. The most popular among them is hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for hydrobalance. The composition also includes such useful ingredients as macadamia nut oil and shea butter. The high quality of each ingredient allows the cream to have an amazing effect. After the first applications, you will notice that the skin has become softer, smoother, and redness has disappeared. Day Vitalizer is designed for dry skin that needs active hydration. The product successfully fights dehydration.

The sulfate-free formula is another feature of the cream. It cares for the skin on the face, neck and décolleté. Ideal for daily care and in any season, because... has wind and cold protection and SPF 6. It also improves color and has a slight mattifying effect. Among the components there are Atlantic algae, which fill the skin with vitamins. Available in 50 ml jars, it is used sparingly. Main advantages: prevents dehydration, moisturizes well, protective functions, a spatula for application included, pleasant light aroma, optimal texture, reliable manufacturer, natural ingredients, slowly consumed.

2 Librederm with chamomile

Good nutritional effect. Great price
Country Russia
Average price: 420 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The next line in the rating is taken by the universal use cream Librederm, which has an excellent moisturizing effect. It can be used as night or day care (even under makeup). The unique composition is enriched with nourishing olive oil, soothing chamomile juice and revitalizing apricot oil. A complex of natural ingredients significantly improves skin condition. Librederm is intended for daily use. Has a pleasant floral aroma. Absorbs in minutes.

The volume of the tube is 75 ml, after opening it can be used for 6 months. The cream lasts approximately this long. The light gel consistency requires application in a thin layer, so product consumption is minimal. After use, no film or shine remains on the skin. Another feature is that it is designed for a wide range of ages. The manufacturer claims that the cream is effective at any time of the year. Pros: great price, good nutritional and moisturizing effects, universal use, pleasant smell, affordable. Cons: does not remove flaking.

1 Vichy Aqualia Thermal

Better efficiency. Popular remedy
Country: France
Average price: 1,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Vichy Aqualia Thermal is one of the most popular moisturizing creams in the rating. It is free from harmful substances (parabens) and contains a high concentration of hyaluronic acid. Suitable for any skin type, including sensitive, recommended as the best daily care for women over 30, 35, 40 and older. But many girls also use it for young skin. In addition to intense hydration, the product significantly improves complexion. Apply a thin layer twice a day (intended for day and night care).

Vichy Aqualia Thermal makes the skin elastic and smooth, and its color uniform. The formula based on thermal water has a soothing and strengthening effect. The hypoallergenic composition gently cares for even the most sensitive skin. Reviews from girls indicate high efficiency and instant results. Advantages: high quality and effectiveness, noticeable results, intense hydration, gentle care, optimal composition, excellent reviews. Cons: expensive.

Best face moisturizer with SPF

Everyone knows that at the beach it is necessary to apply sunscreen to avoid sunburn. In case of a burn, the body and face become red, and the person experiences very painful sensations. After some time, the top burnt layer gradually disappears. This process is very harmful to the skin. But you can get sunburned not only while sunbathing. Without additional protection in the summer, during a regular walk, the skin is exposed to strong ultraviolet radiation. Especially to prevent such unpleasant situations, many creams have an SPF factor. Sun Protection Factor determines a product's ability to protect skin from UV radiation. Below are the best moisturizers with SPF.

5 Kora

Intense hydration. Light texture
Country Russia
Average price: 420 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Kora day moisturizing cream-gel has the lightest texture. It applies quickly, does not tighten the skin and does not leave an unpleasant shine. Created for intensive protection against photoaging and the negative effects of environmental factors (ultraviolet radiation, etc.). The composition is enriched with hyaluronic acid, shea butter, sunflower oil, betaine, folic acid, extracts of hawthorn, sage, and strawberry. It does not contain parabens or sulfates. Suitable for intensive hydration of any skin type.

The bottle has a convenient vacuum dispenser that ensures optimal consumption. The volume is 50 ml. It is recommended to apply a small layer during the day; after 2-3 minutes the product is completely absorbed. Girls often use the cream as a base for makeup. Important features - it does not clog pores and is practically not felt on the skin. Advantages: high quality, optimal cost, effective protection, suitable for any skin type, excellent customer reviews, many useful components of the composition.


Ideal hydration for any skin type
Country: Israel
Average price: 2,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Day cream from the Israeli Holy Land is enriched with collagen and does not contain sulfates. Its main feature is its good protective functions. SPF factor 15 prevents negative consequences from exposure to sunlight. It also protects against premature aging. The special formula is aimed at abundantly moisturizing the facial skin and improving color. The mattifying effect is quite well expressed and noticeable after just a few uses. The cream is repurposed for any skin type and has hypoallergenic properties. Recommended for daytime use.

It has useful active ingredients: hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin E, bifidobacteria lysate, elastin, urea. The manufacturer advises using the product as a base for makeup. It will preserve the original appearance of the foundation for a long time and provide an even skin tone. The consistency is very light and airy. Effectively prevents dehydration. Available in a 50 ml glass jar. Advantages: suitable for any skin type, high quality, proven effectiveness, strong hydration, useful ingredients, optimal texture. Disadvantages: high cost.

3 AVENE Hydrance Optimale Legere

Matting effect
Country: France
Average price: 1,200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Created for normal to combination skin, AVENE Hydrance Optimale Legere cream provides additional hydration. It is intended for day and night use, so it is optimal to apply the product twice a day. The formula does not contain harmful chemicals and is considered hypoallergenic. AVENE cream is ideal for the warm season - it not only has an intense moisturizing effect, but also protects the skin from the effects of UV radiation and photoaging (thanks to SPF 20). Girls often use the product as a base for makeup.

Long-lastingly moisturizes and mattifies the skin. The composition is enriched with thermal water. One 40 ml tube is enough for several months of use (depending on the number of applications per day). The texture is close to a cream-gel, is quickly absorbed and spreads easily. Advantages: does not tighten the skin, has a light texture, is suitable for night and day care, is consumed slowly, moisturizes and mattifies well, does not clog pores, has many positive reviews. Disadvantages: expensive.

2 Christina BIO PHYTO ULTIMATE DEFENSE DAY CREAM “Absolute protection”

Excellent protection. Calming effect
Country: Israel
Average price: 2,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Christina brand cosmetics are an example of the highest quality. BIO PHYTO ULTIMATE DEFENSE cream contains soothing green tea extract, enriched with folic and hyaluronic acid. The complex of such components actively moisturizes the skin, and in combination with SPF 20 has an excellent protective effect. This cream is recommended to be applied during the day before going outside (15 minutes), mainly in the warm season. Another advantage is that it is suitable for the neck and décolleté area.

Active Protection cream copes with irritated, sensitive skin, relieves stress and rosacea. The formula is enriched with physical and chemical light filters that prevent aging. Designed for young skin and women after 30, 35, 40 years. The texture is quite dense, but is quickly applied with massaging movements and does not leave an oily sheen. The tube volume is 75 ml, equipped with a narrow neck. Judging by the reviews, the cream soothes the skin, eliminates redness and greatly softens it. Pros: optimal composition, high protective properties, universal use. Cons: high price.

1 A-Derma Fluid SPF 15

The best combination of price and quality
Country: France
Average price: 1,005 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The cream fluid has protective properties and is suitable for oily and problem skin. It normalizes the production of sebaceous secretion and effectively restores the protective functions of the skin. The light texture is instantly absorbed and leaves no greasy residue. It is recommended to apply the cream once or twice a day, depending on individual needs. All products of the famous brand include an important component - a rare type of white oats. It has calming properties and effectively fights inflammation.

The main advantage of the fluid is a pleasant price-quality ratio, accelerating cell regeneration. The product retains moisture in the skin, so it stops actively producing excess secretion for hydration. After the first week of use, the face takes on a toned and healthy appearance. Users give the most positive feedback about the product from the French company.

The best body moisturizer

The body, just like the face, needs additional hydration. It is provided by special cosmetics - creams, presented in a large assortment. On store shelves you can find a variety of options: scented, with a self-tanning effect, with shimmer, enriched with nutritional elements, with the most natural composition, etc. The presence of plant extracts and oils will give the skin additional hydration. We have selected the best body creams with the strongest moisturizing properties and excellent customer reviews.

5 Organic Shop Must Haves

Best price. Good composition
Country Russia
Average price: 85 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

More recently, a unique manufacturer, Organic Shop, has appeared on the Russian market, offering various cosmetics for the face and body. Must Have cream not only moisturizes the skin, but also gives it firmness, elasticity, tightens and nourishes. The gel texture provides the most pleasant sensation when applied. The cream spreads easily over the skin and does not form a film on it. Suitable for all types and most effective for adult skin (after 30, 45,40 years). This product can even be used for massage. The main difference between Organic Shop is accessibility.

A 100 ml jar lasts for a long time. The composition includes organic licorice, which soothes, rejuvenating passionflower and even orchid flower extract. The cream has a pleasant, unobtrusive scent and optimal consistency. One package will last for many months. The body noticeably glows after using the cream. It is often applied to the feet to soften calluses. Main advantages: intense hydration of the body, suitable for mature skin, can be used on legs and arms (judging by reviews), stylish packaging. Disadvantages: unnatural composition.

4 Nivea

The most popular remedy
Country: Germany
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The legendary cream from Nivea is very popular all over the world. The famous blue jar can be found on almost every girl’s shelf. The product is intended for all skin types, including sensitive ones. It is used at any time of the year, but it is especially relevant in winter, because... The oily texture richly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also protects it from the effects of temperature changes and frost. The cream is produced in a tin jar and has different volumes to choose from: 30, 75, 150, 250 ml. The unique formula includes panthenol, eucerite, glycerin. It is hypoallergenic, preservative-free and dermatologist approved.

The texture is highly dense. The smell is light and unobtrusive. The product absorbs quickly enough and retains moisture inside. If you apply too much cream, a greasy film will form on the skin. Girls use it on the body, face and even nails. It is suitable for any age. The manufacturer recommends using the product no more than 2 times a week, because it has a very intense effect. Main advantages: popular cream, deep nutrition and hydration, optimal price, best reviews, universal use, availability. Cons: you need to monitor the amount when applying.

3 EO Laboratorie Ecolab ARGANA SPA

The most pleasant texture. Optimal cost
Country Russia
Average price: 230 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The next rating tool differs from the others in its consistency. EO Laboratorie Ecolab ARGANA SPA is a cream butter that is very dense, hard and greasy. This feature allows you to intensively nourish and moisturize the skin. The product consists of more than 99% natural ingredients. This includes unique argan oil, which grows in Morocco and is rich in beneficial acids and vitamins (A, E); verbena restores skin tone and makes it elastic; aloe vera extract accelerates regeneration and prevents moisture loss; Witch hazel infusion soothes and restores.

The buttercream spreads quite easily, just like taking it from a jar. It has a property that is surprising for this type of product – rapid absorption. After application, girls note a pleasant sensation. The body becomes moisturized, soft, does not become covered with a film and gets rid of unpleasant dryness. Suitable for any time of year and age. The main advantages include a pleasant texture, excellent value for money, almost completely natural composition, intensive nutrition, deep hydration, many positive reviews, and the absence of harmful substances.

2 Natura Siberica Crazy Desserts Lingonberries with cream

Best scent. Useful components
Country Russia
Average price: 400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Bio-body cream from Natura Siberica from the Crazy Desserts series is a unique nourishing and moisturizing product with an incredible fruity and creamy scent. This is a real dessert for your skin. It is presented in an unusually shaped package - a plastic jar, which is very convenient to use. The stylish design will please any girl. The main advantage of the cream is its composition. This includes Tuvan yak milk, which rejuvenates the skin, taiga lingonberry juice, which intensely moisturizes and tightens, as well as a decoction of white rose hip flowers, which gives the skin a healthy appearance. In addition, the product is filled with various nourishing oils.

After application, a pleasant sensation appears - the skin becomes soft, emits a pleasant aroma and gets rid of dryness. The texture of the cream is quite dense, more greasy, but it does not leave marks and does not form a film. Judging by the reviews, Natura Siberica perfectly moisturizes even the driest skin. Main advantages: the most pleasant aroma, excellent sensations after application, melts on the skin, excellent consistency, intensely moisturizes, actively nourishes, many very good reviews, optimal cost, stylish packaging design.

1 Topicrem UR10

Ideal for very dry, rough skin
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Many people have rough skin and have allergic reactions to popular components of body cream. Topicrem is created just for such cases. It softens even the hardest areas, eliminates redness and wonderfully moisturizes the skin. High efficiency is ensured by the presence of such useful components as urea (content 10%), beeswax. The paraben-free formula is ideal for very dry skin. After application, a lipid film is formed on the body, protecting against the negative effects of external factors. The product can be used on hands and is prohibited on the face. An important feature of Topicrem is its cumulative effect.

The cream is produced in a tube of increased volume - 500 ml, which is enough for 6-12 months of use. Equipped with a convenient push dispenser. Experts recommend the remedy for dermatitis. It is applied to the body with massage movements and is quickly absorbed. Advantages: copes with rough areas, intensively softens and moisturizes, does not contain parabens, useful natural ingredients, excellent reviews, recommendations from specialists. Disadvantages: expensive.

Best moisturizer for feet

A person spends a lot of time on his feet. This is often fraught with unpleasant consequences, which are expressed in leg fatigue, the formation of calluses and corns on the feet, the appearance of heaviness and dryness. To solve these problems, it is necessary to provide your feet with proper care. One way to eliminate painful sensations is to moisturize the skin using special creams.

5 Easy Spa Ginger Spicy

Light cooling effect
Country: Thailand
Average price: 191 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The budget moisturizer has an unforgettable ginger aroma. It is perfect for daily use both at home and at work. Ginger Spicy accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes skin regeneration and instantly gives your feet a feeling of lightness. By regularly using the cream, peeling, tightness and dryness disappear for a long time. It effectively retains moisture, eliminates deep and small cracks, and eliminates excessive sweating.

According to customer reviews, Ginger Spicy is the best universal product with a moisturizing effect. It stands out among its competitors with its light, pleasant texture and persistent aroma. The cooling effect relieves fatigue at the end of a busy day. Affordable price and reliable quality of the manufacturer have made the cream one of the most popular.

4 Sophia with leech extract

Has protective properties
Country Russia
Average price: 215 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A budget cooling cream with leech extract normalizes blood circulation in the feet and restores the elasticity of blood vessels. Thanks to this, the skin of the legs becomes noticeably younger and softer. Acceleration of metabolic processes triggers high-quality cell regeneration, relieving the legs of microcracks and other damage. After 30-40 years, the cream is recommended for daily application to ensure maximum effect. Vitanol in the composition creates an antiseptic effect and eliminates the feeling of heaviness.

The optimal composition and excellent protective properties have made the cream the most popular and best among its analogues. Its pleasant texture perfectly nourishes the skin, is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. It creates maximum comfort for the legs and prevents the development of varicose veins. Women and men over 35 note the pleasant smell of the product, the quick effect and quality of the product.

3 Domix Foot cream

Great lineup
Country Russia
Average price: 180 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The product provides effective cleansing and moisturizing of the skin of the feet, which especially needs proper care after 30 years. Budget-friendly and high-quality Domix cream softens rough skin and retains moisture for a long time. Even if the skin of the face is oily and the body does not suffer from dryness, this does not always mean the absence of hyperkeratosis of the feet after 35-40 years. Domix breaks down dead skin cells and prepares them for removal with a grater.

Buyers leave the most positive reviews about the product, calling it the most affordable and effective cream. It is the best among its competitors and stands out for its excellent composition. Colloidal silver particles create an antiseptic effect, making the skin perfectly resistant to the growth of bacteria. Lanolin makes the healing process of small cracks easy and fast. After daily use of the cream, the feet become soft like the skin of a baby, calluses disappear, and walking becomes more comfortable.

2 Arabia Super Moister

Professional home care
Country Russia
Average price: 280 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Super Moister moisturizing cream is aimed at eliminating one of the most common manifestations of the body after 30-40 years - cutaneous hyperkeratosis. Not only the skin of the face and body, but also the feet need proper care. The texture of the cream is easily and quickly absorbed, relieving the feet of excessive keratinization. It contains vegetable oils of sunflower, coconut and avocado. By enhancing each other’s effect, they give the skin a feeling of lightness, accelerate the healing process of wounds and prevent fungi from developing. Moisture is retained thanks to glycerin, salicylic acid and allantoin.

According to user reviews, Super Moister is the best cream in terms of affordable price and quality. It provides professional care at home and can be used by people with allergies. A large jar with the correct dispenser ensures economical use of the product. After 35 years, the cream is recommended for daily use both in the treatment of corns and to prevent their occurrence.

1 Gehwol Gerlachs Extra

Better efficiency
Country: Germany
Average price: 659 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

An effective foot cream that moisturizes the skin well and fights various types of cracks. The dynamic German company has long been producing natural products for the face and body. The composition includes unique plant components. Thyme, rosemary and lavender oils accelerate cell renewal, relieve dryness and prevent flaking. Gerlachs Extra normalizes blood flow, due to which fatigue and burning sensation in the legs disappear, and the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

Buyers note a significant strengthening of the skin and a noticeable moisturizing effect after using the cream. It perfectly combats the problem of excessive sweating, retains moisture and maintains a reliable lipid barrier. The small tube fits in the palm of your hand, so it can easily fit in a woman’s purse and can be used anywhere. Thanks to a complex of natural oils, the feet become soft and smooth, and the skin becomes toned for a long time.

The rules of facial care state three main stages, which include cleansing, toning and moisturizing. The last stage is one of the most difficult and requires special attention. A high-quality moisturizer determines how long you can maintain your beauty and youth, as well as how long you can avoid resorting to serious rejuvenation techniques. All skin types need hydration.

Dry, sensitive and normal types will benefit from denser textures, while oily or problematic types will prefer gel textures. In any case, the cream should not leave any unpleasant sensations, clog pores, or cause redness or allergies.

The price of the product, by and large, does not matter much, but what matters is its composition and components that are responsible for moisturizing. Almost each of us is constantly searching for our ideal cream.

To ease your pain, I offer you a ranking of the 10 best moisturizers.

They all have a few things in common:

  • Relatively budget price up to 1000 rubles
  • They do their job very well
  • Do not cause allergic reactions
  • 8 out of 10 candidates do not clog pores, which is important for oily and problematic skin.

Most copies are pharmacy brands or professional cosmetic brands. I am a supporter of the statement “It’s better to have an inexpensive professional product than an expensive luxury or masmarket product,” especially since the prices for some products will pleasantly surprise you.

Rating of the 10 best facial moisturizers

1. Cream “Elastin, collagen, azulene” from Christina, 100 and 60 ml. Price from 600 to 1200 rubles.

A light blue cream that copes well with respect due to the content of hyaluronic acid and vitamins. More suitable for normal skin in the autumn-winter period. If you have dry skin, then perhaps it will suit you for the summer. Those with oily skin will feel good in winter, but at temperatures above 20 degrees it will overload it.

From the same series there are creams for dry and oily skin.


  • Light consistency
  • Fulfills the promises made by the manufacturer
  • Economically used. A 60 ml tube is enough for 6-7 months of use.
  • Can be applied to eyes
  • Rich composition


  • Not suitable for very dry and very oily skin with inflammation
  • You may not like the smell
  • Can only be purchased through a beauty salon, cosmetologist or online store

2. Topicrem Ultra-moisturizing body milk 500ml. Price from 1000 to 1500 per bottle.

This is a real find for “always dry individuals” who cannot imagine life without cream. It can moisturize the skin for 24 hours, and the light texture of the milk allows it to be used even in summer. Suitable for very dry, atopic skin. Works great as a moisturizing eye cream! In general, one can can replace three!

As the owner of oily and problematic skin, I will say that it suited me perfectly as a moisturizer during the period of using aggressive acne products. But be careful as it contains mineral oil which can clog pores. But I didn’t have that.

By the way, I liked its brother AD balm less; it is more aimed at nutrition than at moisturizing.


  • Large volume and pleasant texture
  • Long lasting feeling of hydration
  • Versatility in use from a cream for feet, hands and body, to use as an eye and face cream
  • It has no pronounced odor or harmful components. Great for men after shaving


  • Some people may be concerned about the price, but with a volume of 500 ml, I don’t think this is a minus; analogues cost the same, but the volume is smaller. It's more of a minor drawback.
  • Mineral oil contained in the cream can clog the pores on the face
  • The most important thing, at least for me, is that once you try it, you will repeat it endlessly.

3. 911- PANTHENOL CREAM 50ML. The price is about 150 rubles.

At some point, I urgently needed a moisturizer, and there was nothing trustworthy within reach. I came across this little guy, read the ingredients, and he tempted me into buying it. Just look at D-panthenol, aloe vera, vitamin E, inulin, sea buckthorn extract. Sea buckthorn, olive and apricot oils.

Overall, this is an impressive line-up for the price. The cream is thick, but absorbs remarkably well and does not leave a greasy film. It moisturizes well and perfectly soothes irritated skin.


  • Budget price and convenient format
  • Not a bad composition for this amount
  • Nice smell
  • Does an excellent job of moisturizing, as a bonus it soothes and restores damaged skin


  • If applied in a thick layer or one layer on top of another may roll off
  • There is a possibility that your pores may become clogged or you may be allergic to one of the components.

4. Moisturizing gel from GELTEK. For 100 ml they ask for 500 rubles.

My acquaintance with this gel began with another product from this company. Many have heard of Blefarogel 1 as a wonderful addition to eye care. Once I tried to apply it on my face during a heat of 30 degrees, I really liked it and wondered if this company had the same facial gel.

Moisturizing gel is more suitable for oily, problematic or inflamed skin in the summer. For dry and normal skin types it will be a good addition to basic care.


  • Good volume and price
  • No fragrance
  • Can be used as a mask, and also applied to the orbital area
  • 100% non-comedogenic
  • Good as a base for makeup


  • Difficult to obtain, only through online stores or official representatives
  • Some may find it sticky, but that's subjective.

5. Lipobase from Pharmatek. Available in 75 and 250 ml formats. Price from 200 to 500 rubles.

A pharmaceutical product that is intended for the care of skin with various troubles, such as dryness, tightness, itching, various dermatitis and allergies. The lightest milk that has no distinct odor and is very pleasant to spread over the skin. It contains a lot of benefits that are aimed at softening, moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

This is almost an analogue of my beloved Topicrema, which I wrote about above, only without mineral oil. Suitable even for oily, dehydrated skin. The emulsion contains 0.5 lactic acid, which is one of the most powerful moisturizers, and it also whitens the overall skin tone.

Instantly relieves the feeling of tightness and discomfort. Suitable for the eyes.


  • No mineral oil, which reduces the risk of causing comedones and clogged pores
  • The most delicate texture that turns into water when you touch your face
  • Excellent composition that really moisturizes and does not mask dryness


  • May cause tingling in particularly sensitive areas due to lactic acid in the composition.
  • Not suitable for use in warm seasons

6. Light moisturizer from Clean Line. Price is about 100 rubles for 40 ml.

Perhaps one of the best moisturizing creams in the price category of 100 rubles. Suitable for girls with normal to oily skin. But many owners of dry type like to use it in the summer. Works great under powder and foundation.

The most important thing is that the cream is light, absorbs quickly, moisturizes well, but does not leave a greasy feeling on the face. And yes, the cream does not clog pores, which is the problem with many cosmetic products from the mass market.

This brand has other wonderful items for skin types. I once had the aqua moisturizing clear skin cream, it’s also a very worthy product.


  • Pleasant and light texture that is quickly absorbed
  • It is sold literally at every turn, so if you urgently need some kind of face cream, then you can safely take this copy
  • Does not clog pores, does not provoke inflammation or allergies
  • Contains many useful extracts


  • Not the most natural composition

7. Trio Active ultra moisturizing from Loreal, price approximately 300 rubles per 50 ml.

Good old L'Oreal hasn't let me down since my student days. The cream is very good and performs well in winter. By the way, the risk of clogged pores with thorough cleansing is minimal. The weighty glass jar and minimalist design give the impression of something expensive and luxurious. Sometimes I used it as a mask in a thick layer.

Another copy and series is cheap and cheerful, but at the same time beautiful and effective!


  • Really quality respect
  • Beautiful packaging
  • Can be used instead of a mask
  • Contains vitamin B5, ceramides and other benefits for dry, flaky skin


  • You need to reach into the jar with your finger, you may not have the patience to use a spatula all the time, and besides, they constantly get lost
  • Due to its dense texture, it can clog pores
  • There is a risk of allergies to some components of the cream

8. Day face cream “Vitamin F and cornflower” from Green Mama, for 50 ml approximately 150 rubles.

Probably one of the very first Russian cosmetics brands that offered inexpensive, high-quality and natural skin care. I love this cream and buy it from time to time, because I know for sure that it will moisturize, remove irritation and peeling, and also will not cause rashes.


  • Natural composition
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Does not leave a greasy film, is instantly absorbed
  • I think a huge plus is that it is universal, so it can satisfy the needs of oily, dry and even aging skin.


  • Recently difficult to find on store shelves

9. Radevit from JSC Retinoids. The price for 35 grams is about 400 rubles.

The cream, or rather the ointment, is small but effective. Don't be alarmed by the small volume, it will last you a long time, as you only need a small amount of product. The basis of this drug is vitamins A, E and D, which restore, soothe, heal and do many other good things for the skin. The consistency is a cream that absorbs very well and does not leave a greasy sheen; rather, it has a matte finish.

Great for makeup. Suitable for absolutely any skin type, from unbearably dry to rebellious oily skin with acne, flaking, oily shine and clogged pores.

It can also smooth out wrinkles, slightly smooth out pigmentation and relieve allergies.


  • A pharmaceutical preparation with a high concentration of useful substances that penetrates deep into the epidermis
  • Universal, 7 problems 1 answer Radevit
  • Doesn't clog pores and is an excellent base for makeup


  • A little expensive of course
  • You can’t use it all the time, it’s better to take courses
  • Not easy to find in pharmacies

10. Cream with snail secretion from Salon Cosmetics Premium, price for 50 ml is about 1000 rubles.

The fashion for using snail secretions in cosmetics has captivated the world. Domestic manufacturers keep up with global trends. The cream not only perfectly moisturizes and evens out skin tone, but also protects from the sun. It has SPF 15, which is basically enough for a resident of the middle zone.

It does not clog pores, is an excellent base for makeup, and is also ideal in the summer.


  • Contains snail secretion in high concentration, which brightens, moisturizes, fights minor blemishes and generally makes the skin beautiful.
  • Doesn't clog pores and is suitable for problematic skin.
  • It has a sun filter, which allows you to avoid freezing in the summer by applying sunscreen in addition to moisturizer.


  • Distributors increase prices
  • Difficult to find, only through online stores

This was my ranking of the 10 best moisturizers. Among them there are truly unique specimens that can compete with luxury care, but at the same time will not shock your wallet with their price. I'm sure one day you will find that same cream.

Any type of epidermis needs care. It should include: hydration, nutrition, protection and restoration. Moreover, hydration is the main point. Whatever the skin, it needs water and maintaining water balance. That is why you need to know about facial moisturizers.

The peculiarity of moisturizing creams is their light and delicate texture, which is quickly absorbed. The components of the composition quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, and thereby moisturize cells, retain moisture and maintain water balance for a long time.

Compositions and components

A good moisturizer should have the appropriate ingredients. They can be divided into four groups:

  • lipids;
  • emollients;
  • moisturizing components;
  • substances that form a film.

There are substances that can immediately belong to several groups and perform more than two functions simultaneously.

Components that serve as protection against moisture evaporation:

  • synthetic silicones;
  • petrolatum;
  • mineral oils;
  • linolin;

Moisturizing components play a major role. They not only retain moisture in the body, but regulate its release in the body itself. An example of such components:

  • glycerol;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • fruit acids;
  • lactic acids;
  • elastin;
  • panthenol;
  • plant extracts.

Emollients are substances that directly work with the upper layer of the epidermis. They restore and soften the surface of the face.

  • linolenic acid;
  • lanolin;
  • essential oils;
  • mineral oils;
  • ceramides;
  • squalane;
  • petrolatum.

Some of the above components can clog pores.

Lipids are substances that help normalize lipid balance in the body and protect the skin from the effects of external environmental factors.

  • lecithin;
  • lanolin;
  • ceramides;
  • natural wax;
  • olive, apricot, peach and soybean oils;
  • Shea Butter.

Lipids can also clog pores, as can emollients.

In addition to these four groups, moisturizer contains additional substances. They also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis. These are vitamins: A, B, B5, C, extracts of chamomile, calendula, sage, aloe. As well as purified thermal water and antioxidants. You can find out about masks with vitamin C and other components in.

A good cream that does not contain substances that are harmful or dangerous to the skin. However, this is rare, and the following components can often be found in moisturizing creams:

  • benzocaine – has a bad effect on the nervous system;
  • aluminum acetate – very drying and can cause peeling;
  • parabens – allergen;
  • propylene glycol is an irritant component.

But, despite the fact that many moisturizing creams contain harmful components, a large number of positive effects on the epidermis can be identified. Namely:

  • softens the skin;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • maintains firmness and elasticity;
  • evens out facial tone;
  • normalizes PH levels;
  • promotes rapid cell regeneration.

As for side effects and disadvantages, there are none. But this is if the product is chosen correctly, with all the features of this type of epidermis.

Otherwise, the following unpleasant moments may arise:

  • clogging of pores;
  • skin irritation;
  • inflammation;
  • rashes.

Budget or inexpensive creams

All caring cosmetics can be divided into three price categories. Accordingly, the higher the price, the stronger and longer the effect and the more components in the composition. Inexpensive creams have the most minimal, basic composition in order to sufficiently moisturize the skin and maintain its condition. For some this is enough, but for some it is not. Prices in the budget category are 200-500 rubles.


Good moisturizer. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis, retains moisture in the cells, and nourishes the dermis. Treats acne and comedones. How acne is treated in adolescents and adults is described by. Dermatologist approved.

  • glycerol;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • olive oil;
  • Shea Butter.

Features of application

The cost of LOREAL PARIS “HYDRATION EXPERT” is 200 rubles per 50 ml.

Librederm based on chamomile extract

Moisturizing cream for any skin type. The active component – ​​chamomile extract, allows you to restore the skin, even out the tone, and speed up the regeneration process. The product intensively moisturizes the dermis and retains moisture in the cells throughout the day.

  • olive oil;
  • chamomile extract;
  • cucumber juice;
  • glycerol;
  • lanolin.

Features of application

Pre-cleanse the skin. Apply a thin layer ten minutes before applying makeup.

Librederm based on chamomile extract costs from 200 rubles in Russia. Minimum volume – 45 ml.

Oriflame "Active oxygen"

A good moisturizer that also has a rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. Evens out skin tone, penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis, retains moisture, normalizes water balance, relieves inflammation and prevents allergic reactions. Deeply and intensively nourishes and allows the skin to “breathe”. Saturates cells with oxygen.

  • thermal water;
  • aloe, chamomile, sage extract;
  • almond oil;
  • retinol;
  • glycerol;
  • collagen.

Features of application

Apply using a damp sponge.

The cost of the “Active Oxygen” series from Oriflame is 400 rubles. Minimum volume – 45 ml.

Natura Siberica “Nutrition and hydration”

A cream based on herbal decoctions allows you to deeply moisturize, nourish with beneficial microelements, relieve inflammation and even out the tone of the skin. The effect lasts for five hours. Has a light and delicate texture.

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • aloe extract;
  • decoction of calendula, chamomile, mint, sage.

Features of application

Apply morning and evening. If necessary, use throughout the day.

Natura Siberica “Nutrition and Hydration” costs in Russia from 300 rubles per 50 ml.

"Black Pearl" liquid collagen "Self-rejuvenation"

A unique product from the company. Allows you to solve problems with pigmentation, hydration, dryness, sagging, uneven tone, rashes and irritation. It also contains liquid collagen, which helps eliminate signs of aging skin.

  • liquid collagen;
  • glycerol;
  • thermal water;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamins: A, C, E.

Features of application

Apply in the morning half an hour before going out.

The cost of “Self-rejuvenation” cream with liquid collagen from the company “Black Pearl” costs from 400 rubles. Minimum volume – 50 ml.

Mattifying cream hydro-balance, HyaluroMat Cream, Lirene

  • thermal water;
  • glycerol;
  • Shea Butter;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • retinol;
  • aloe extract, chamomile.

Features of application

Apply to clean skin. Use one hour before bedtime.

Korean Secret Key Snail Repairing Gel Cream costs 500 rubles in Russia. Minimum volume – 30 ml.

Average cost

Mid-price creams are distinguished by a large number of components, as well as a strong effect. In addition to moisturizing, they may have sunscreen, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other properties. Prices in the middle category are 600-1000 rubles.


The French manufacturer produces high-quality products based on thermal water from the spring of the same name. The cream has an intense moisturizing effect, treats acne, evens out tone, relieves inflammation and irritation. Suitable for all skin types. Has a light and non-greasy texture. Dermatologist approved.

  • thermal water;
  • glycerol;
  • tocopherol;
  • lactic and fruit acids;
  • Shea Butter;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • retinol;
  • aloe extract, chamomile.

Features of application

Apply to previously cleansed skin. Wipe your face with tonic. Apply in circular motions. Wait ten minutes until completely absorbed.

The average cost of LIFTACTIV SUPREME VICHY is 800 rubles per 45 ml.

Clarins Eclat du jour

Moisturizing cream from a series of caring cosmetics. Saturates the dermis with essential vitamins and minerals. Has a sun protection effect. Creates a thin invisible film on the surface of the face that protects from the sun, dust, dirt and other external environmental factors. Treats acne, wounds. Eliminates wrinkles, rejuvenates cells and eliminates dead cells.

  • glycerol;
  • kaolin;
  • thermal water;
  • Babasu oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • tea tree extract;

Features of application

Thanks to its light texture, it is quickly absorbed. Use morning and evening. Can be used as a base for makeup.

Clarins Eclat du jour costs in Russia from 900 rubles.

Avoid direct sunlight exposure of the product.


Good cleanser. Dermatologist approved. Has a non-greasy and light texture. Fights acne and comedones. Intensely moisturizes, maintains water balance, retains moisture in cells. Eliminates signs of chronic fatigue, pigmentation, bags under the eyes.

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin B5, C;
  • retinol;
  • ceramides.

Features of application

Apply to cleansed skin. Use one hour before bedtime.

The average cost of WILDROSE WELEDA in Russia is 700 rubles.

Christina Elastin Collagen

An excellent cosmetic product for skin care. Thanks to the correctly selected composition of natural ingredients, the skin becomes smooth, silky and healthy. Perfectly moisturizes and maintains water balance. Nourishes, saturates with useful vitamins and minerals.

  • water;
  • Shea Butter;
  • hyaluronic and salicylic acids;
  • aloe vera extract;
  • magnolia oil.

Features of application

Christina Elastin Collagen has an average price in Russia of 800 rubles per 30 ml.

After application, you can use sunscreen.

MIZON All In One Snail Repair Cream

A good remedy with a restorative and anti-inflammatory effect. Intensively nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, restores the upper stratum corneum, penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis, providing a quick and long-lasting effect. Heals wounds and microcracks, eliminates sagging and peeling. Dermatologist approved.

  • shea butter and jojoba;
  • extract of wild rose, chestnut, eucalyptus;
  • thermal water;
  • particles of the Dead Sea;
  • glycerol;
  • lactic acids.

Features of application

Apply several times a day. Do not rinse off.

The average cost of MIZON All In One Snail Repair Cream in Russia is 1000 rubles. Minimum volume – 50 ml.

Premium class

The most popular and high-quality creams are always expensive. Therefore, they are classified as premium. Such products always contain high-quality and natural substances. They act quickly and relieve the problem for a long time. In addition to moisturizing, they cope with wounds, charms, masking imperfections, protecting against the environment, treating acne or dermatitis and more. In other words, this is a completely universal product that will help solve a huge list of various skin problems. The price of such products is 1000-3000 rubles, or even higher.

Shiseido "SkincareMulti-EnergizingCream"

A unique elite remedy for dryness and lack of moisture in the body. Saturates with all possible minerals and vitamins, intensively moisturizes, treats acne and dermatitis. Removes wrinkles and promotes collagen production. Normalizes the functioning of the body. Evens out tone, relieves inflammation and irritation.

  • olive, flaxseed, rice and castor oils;
  • glycerol;
  • tocopherol;
  • kaolin;
  • talc;
  • vitamins; A, B, B5, C, E, P;
  • retinol;
  • ceramides.

Features of application

Apply half an hour before bedtime. Apply once daily.

Cream "SkincareMulti-EnergizingCream" from Shiseido costs from 1200 rubles for 30 ml.

Holy Land Cosmetics VITALISE Moisturizing Cream

Good moisturizer. Suitable for any type of epidermis. The components penetrate deeply into the layers of the dermis and provide quick results. Helps cope with the signs of dry, oily, problematic, combination and sensitive skin. Has an anti-aging effect. Heals wounds, tightens scars and scars. Treats acne.

  • glycerol;
  • kojic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • glycolic acid;
  • vitamins: A, B, C;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • caffeine;
  • chamomile, raspberry, green tea extract.

Features of application.

Apply twice daily to problem areas.

The average cost of Holy Land Cosmetics VITALISE Moisturizing Cream is 2000 rubles. Minimum volume – 45 ml.

La Roche-Posay: Hydraphase

An elite moisturizer. Retains moisture in cells, maintains water balance, rejuvenates, tightens the skin, restores firmness and elasticity. Gives smoothness and silkiness. Normalizes the condition of the dermis. Copes with sagging, wrinkles, dehydration and other problems.

  • kaolin;
  • caffeine;
  • ceramides;
  • glycerol;
  • raspberry extract;
  • lemon juice;
  • thermal water;
  • olive oil;
  • linseed oil;
  • aloe vera;
  • White Lotus.

Features of application

Apply morning and evening after cleansing.

La Roche-Posay: Hydraphase costs an average of 2000 rubles per 30 ml.

The Skin House Wrinkle Snail System Cream

A good and effective moisturizer. Fights pigmentation and freckles. Has sunscreen and antioxidant effects. Treats acne, comedones. Heals wounds and microcracks. Disinfects and creates a protective barrier on the surface of the face. Moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin. The best anti-pigmentation creams are described in.

  • shea butter, jojoba, grape seed;
  • extract of wheat germ, sage, calendula, chamomile;
  • hyaluronic, kojic and fruit acids;
  • talc, kaolin;
  • zinc oxide.

Features of application

Apply an hour before going outside.

The Skin House Wrinkle Snail System Cream costs an average of 1,500 rubles.

Avene Serenage Jour Day

The popular company Avene has been producing women's skin care products for many years. The product has a light and non-greasy texture. Absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy residue. Intensely moisturizes, saturates with beneficial vitamins and minerals. Eliminates dryness, sagging, inflammation, redness. There are no harmful components in the composition. Does not cause an allergic reaction.

  • ceramides;
  • haloxyl;
  • lanolin;
  • cucumber juice;
  • raspberry, chamomile, mint and eucalyptus extract;
  • shea butter and jojoba.

Features of application

Apply as usual day cream.

The cost of Avene Serenage Jour Day in Russia is 2000 rubles per 30 ml.

How to choose

In order for the product to give quick results, you need to not only study the composition, but also look at its other characteristics. To choose the right cream, you need to look at your skin type and age category.

By age

After 25 years, the aging process begins. The skin slowly fades and needs careful and thorough care. It is worth noting that the older the girl, the more effective the cream she needs. Therefore, you need to consider your age, as it also affects the choice of product. They will tell you how to choose a face cream after 25.

By skin type

Each has its own individual characteristics. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to what skin it is intended for. For example, for dry and dehydrated skin types you need thorough moisturizing, for oily skin - a mattifying effect. For problematic dermis - an anti-inflammatory effect, and for sensitive dermis - protective and antioxidant properties.


This video provides an overview of the best moisturizers.


  1. Moisturizing is the main point of skin care.
  2. The composition should include several groups of components: protective, emollients, lipids and moisturizers.
  3. All cosmetics are divided into three price categories: inexpensive, medium-priced and premium.
  4. Popular brands of budget creams: LOREAL PARIS, Librederm, Oriflame, Natura Siberica, Black Pearl, Lirene.
  5. Popular mid-priced brands: VICHY, Clarins Eclat, Christina Elastin, MIZON.
  6. Popular premium brands: Shiseido, Holy Land Cosmetics, La Roche-Posay, The Skin House, Avene.
  7. You need to choose a cream according to your age and skin type.