Hydrophobic oil. What is hydrophilic oil and how to use it? How to make hydrophilic oil with your own hands

Reviews of hydrophilic oil for washing are quite rare. The reason for this is people’s ignorance that this product is suitable for absolutely any skin type. Thanks to its composition, the product provides gentle care for the epidermis, cleanses it, removes makeup and replaces various gels and foams for washing.

Today, this unique product is produced by various companies. Some reviews and photos of hydrophilic oil for washing are presented in the article. If you don’t want to purchase a product, but want to try its effect, then this oil can easily be prepared at home. All interesting facts about the oil and detailed instructions for its preparation can be found below.

Hydrophilic oil

The review of hydrophilic oil for washing, reviews of which are provided at the end of the article, should begin with an explanation of the purpose of this product. Fatty substances cannot mix with water - this is how nature intended it. They always separate into two separate phases, and when you shake the resulting mixture, you can observe how drops of oil are distributed throughout the water and an emulsion is formed. After some time, they separate from each other again, and this can be avoided by adding an emulsifier - polysorbate. This component will give the emulsion stability and give it hydrophilic properties.

As a result of this procedure, a natural hypoallergenic product is obtained. Following from this, we can conclude that hydrophilic oil is called a universal remedy for cleansing the dermis, moisturizing it, and also removing decorative cosmetics. It differs from other drugs in its ability to interact with water while already on the skin. After cleaning, the hydrophilic oil must be thoroughly rinsed off.

The remedy was first proposed by Korean experimenters many years ago. But, despite this, the technology was patented by specialists from Japan only in the second half of the last century.


Reviews from cosmetologists about hydrophilic oil for washing are presented below, but for now you need to find out how it manifests itself as a cosmetic product. People who have used this oil more than once know the effect it gives. Similar substances dissolve each other, which helps push dust, dirt and grease out of the pores. When interaction with water occurs, an emulsion begins to form, absorbing contaminants, after which it is washed off. At the end of the session, you need to use another product to remove the oil film that has appeared. In this case, it is recommended to use products from the same series.

As a rule, reviews of hydrophilic oil for washing are positive, as it can quickly break down fatty plugs and push them out. Due to this, the product is recommended to be used to cleanse oily, problematic and combination skin. After three or four applications, the following improvements will already be noticeable:

  • the face will be cleansed;
  • blackheads will disappear;
  • the pores will become narrower;
  • acne will be eliminated;
  • the greasy shine will disappear.

Makeup remover oil

Many people leave their positive reviews about hydrophilic oil for washing and removing makeup. First of all, this applies to those girls who find it quite difficult to wash off decorative cosmetics from their faces, which even gels and tonics do not help with. When you have to wash your face with all kinds of products and rub your skin hard, it gets injured and the hydrobalance is disrupted.

This procedure can be facilitated by hydrophilic oil, intended not only for regular washing, but also for removing remnants of cosmetics from the face. The product easily dissolves silicones, fats and heavy waxes, which are present in modern decorative cosmetics. With regular use of hydrophilic oil for washing (reviews of cosmetologists about it can be viewed below), you can easily remove makeup residues and other impurities without damaging the skin.

What is suitable for oily skin?

Those with oily skin types are advised to use not only store-bought products, but also home-made ones. Customer reviews of hydrophilic oil for washing and people who create it at home are radically different from each other. Handicraftswomen are not afraid to use a product made with their own hands, because they are sure that it does not contain any harmful components. But some buyers of store-bought products often doubt the effectiveness of the product. Therefore, every lady has to make a difficult choice.

If you are completely tired of oily skin, then hydrophilic oil should be used as an excellent means to improve its structure. It quickly gets rid of oily shine, tightens and cleanses pores, moisturizes the epidermis, eliminates acne and fine wrinkles, and evens out facial tone. If the composition contains exclusively natural ingredients, then the risk of an allergic reaction is reduced to zero, which means the product can be safely used every day.

How to make butter with your own hands?

A universal product suitable for any skin type can easily be found in a pharmacy or specialty store, but not everyone will be happy with its cost. For people who are accustomed to saving money and looking beautiful at the same time, it will not be difficult for them to prepare excellent hydrophilic oil at home. It is perfect for any skin and is guaranteed to give positive results.

Needlewomen should remember that there is no way to prepare this product yourself without polysorbate. It is an integral element, although you can try using its analogue, olivderm, as a replacement.

The components necessary for preparing hydrophilic oil are difficult to find at home, so you will still have to spend some money. They can be easily ordered for home delivery in pharmacies, specialty stores or on the Internet. In any case, the cost of a home remedy will be much less than a store-bought one.

Product with polysorbate

You can prepare hydrophilic oil yourself from the following components:

  • a base for which one or more (no more than three) oils should be used;
  • 10-15 drops of essential components;
  • polysorbates "TWIN 80" and "TWIN 20";
  • about 2 ml of vitamins E and A.

The emulsifier must be mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:9. is used for basic components, and “TWIN 20” is used for esters. At the same time, it is recommended to select the basic components not only based on your own preferences, but also taking into account your skin type. Thanks to the addition of vitamin E, beneficial properties are increased, deep wrinkles are smoothed out and elastin production is stimulated.

Having combined all the ingredients, you need to send the mass to a cold and dark place. The product should be used every day before bed. Improvement in skin condition will become noticeable after just 3-4 uses.

Oil using Olivderm

Particular attention should be paid to the oil recipe, where polysorbate is replaced by olivderm. It requires:

  • 30 ml of the herbal component jojoba;
  • 15 ml olivderm;
  • 5 ml and essential rose oil.

The resulting hydrophilic oil should be used in the same way as the previous option. But at the same time, the first results will be clearly visible a little later - in about a couple of weeks.

For those with combination skin

Any skin type needs proper care, thanks to which there is a chance to prolong its youth and beauty. Hydrophilic oil for washing has proven itself well here. Reviews of cosmetics of this type are presented at the end of the article, but first you should figure out whether it is suitable for combination skin.

Since the cost of hydrophilic oil is not suitable for everyone, you can use a homemade recipe. Especially for combination skin types, both store-bought and homemade products are perfect. For the procedure you will need to stock up on the following components:

  • vitamin E;
  • base oils (mango and olive);
  • polysorbate 80;
  • esters of tea tree, mandarin and grapefruit.

When combining ingredients, the following ratio must be observed: 90% basic components, about 15-20% polysorbate, no more than 1 mg of vitamin E, 10 drops of essential plant substances. The amount of polysorbate should be determined by skin type - the oilier it is, the more component you need to take. All elements must be combined in a clean and dry container, mixing thoroughly. The resulting mass should be used daily before bedtime. The first results will be noticeable within a couple of weeks - the skin will cleanse, blackheads will disappear, and the complexion will become smoother.

For dry skin

To make an effective remedy for dry skin type, you need to take:

  • almond oil - 80 ml;
  • rosehip oil - 10 ml;
  • "TWIN-80" - 10 ml;
  • tocopherol - a couple of drops.

All components must be thoroughly mixed and the finished mixture immediately placed in the refrigerator. The oil must be shaken before each use. You need to apply it to dry skin, and then, turning it into an emulsion, rinse your face thoroughly with warm water.

For oily skin types

In the case of oily skin, the recipe for preparing the product is very simple. It will require the following ingredients:

  • 90 ml grape seed oil;
  • 10 g polysorbate 80;
  • 10 drops each of rosemary, tea tree and clove esters.

The first step is to mix polysorbate with grape seed oil, and then add esters to this mixture. It is recommended to use the product in the evening.

Rules of application

There is nothing complicated about using hydrophilic oil. This applies to both purchased and homemade products. The first thing you need to do is take a little oil and apply it to your face, taking into account one important point - your hands and face should be dry. Then massage your face with your fingertips, evenly distributing the oil over the skin. Next, you need to moisten your hands and massage them a little more so that the substance turns into milk and can eliminate impurities. After this, you should remove the product from your face along with the dirt.

Oil cost

In pharmacies and stores in different cities, the cost of hydrophilic oil can vary dramatically. Pricing directly depends on the location of the manufacturer, the quality of the components used, as well as the size of the markup. Based on this, oil can be purchased for both 300 and 2500 rubles. But you still need to know the average cost - from 800 to 1500 rubles.

Many people have heard about such a beauty product as hydrophilic oil. Only few people take it into their collection of makeup removers, thinking that it will leave a greasy film on the skin, and with it other problems. But is it? What are its features? Why is hydrophilic oil better than other makeup removers? Let's figure it out.

How it works

Hydrophilic oil, like many other innovative beauty products, came to us from Asia, where girls treat self-care with special trepidation. It is nothing more than a mixture of oils, vitamins, minerals and emulsifiers. Moreover, hydrophilic oil loves water. And this is not an exaggeration: translated from Greek hydor - “water”, philia - “love”, and the combination of these two words turns into a single hydrophilic, i.e. “love of water”.

Once on the skin, the product easily dissolves any components contained in cosmetics, and when it comes into contact with water, as if by a wave of a magic wand, it turns into cleansing milk, which carefully removes already broken down ingredients. You don’t even have to make an effort and rub it into the skin - just run your fingers along the massage lines, evenly distributing the oil, then wet your fingers in water, and walk along the same lines again, and ultimately wash with warm water. All! No marks, streaks, greasy spots or sebum - the skin will be clean, smooth and moisturized at the same time.

How is it different from vegetable oils?

Firstly , hydrophilic oil acts only on the surface of the skin, while vegetable oil penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, dragging all the dirt along with it.

Secondly , hydrophilic oil quickly binds the molecules of skin impurities, as well as cosmetic components, thanks to which you can easily wash off cosmetics, while vegetable oil is not intended for removing cosmetics, which is why it will chase impurities across the face for a long time before they are completely removed.

Third , hydrophilic oil is easily washed off with water, leaving instead a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, while vegetable oil leaves a greasy film after washing.

Fourth , hydrophilic oil maintains the skin’s natural pH balance without drying it out, as is often the case with vegetable oils.

Fifthly , unlike vegetable oil, hydrophilic oil does not cause the skin to produce more oil than necessary.

The best makeup remover milk

Milk does not always remove all impurities from the skin the first time, especially if several layers of cosmetics were applied or you used professional, long-lasting and very dense products. Just like vegetable oil, milk has deep penetrating capabilities - it is quickly absorbed into the skin along with impurities that have not been removed from the face. In addition, milk can leave behind a feeling of stickiness, grease, and even heaviness. Some girls note that, despite the impressive moisturizing abilities of the milk, it leaves the skin feeling dry and flaky.

What is the best lotion and toner for removing makeup?

Lotion and toner, like milk, cannot always remove makeup the first time - this usually requires several cotton pads and considerable patience. Also, these two products are not suitable for girls with sensitive and dry skin, since the main task of tonic and lotion is to remove sebum, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and leave behind a feeling of cleanliness for as long as possible.

The best micellar water

Micellar water, thanks to micelles, does not dissolve, but attracts impurities, leaving no streaks or residues on the skin, and also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. There is only one BUT - it all works only if micellar water is used correctly. The fact is that micelles attract fat, dirt and makeup, but then remain on the skin, causing inflammation and irritation. If you haven’t noticed, after removing makeup with micellar water, the cotton pad remains almost clean, which cannot be said about the same milk. It turns out that you visually cleansed the skin, made the micelles work, but did not wash them off along with the remaining dirt. So after removing makeup with micellar water, you should definitely wash your face with regular water, or even better, use a cleansing foam. Only then can the makeup removal procedure be considered complete. There is no such problem with hydrophilic oil: from the very beginning it does not hide the fact that it needs to be “beaten” with water until it becomes a light foam and washed off, and there is no need to rinse your face again.

The main advantages of hydrophilic oil

  1. Versatility. It is suitable for all skin types. Despite its oily consistency and contrary to the erroneous belief that oil clogs pores, it, on the contrary, effectively draws out impurities from pores, normalizes sebum production and eliminates oily shine. But this only applies to those oils that, in addition to the main component, contain herbal extracts.
  2. Rejuvenation. Thanks to its pronounced nourishing and moisturizing properties, hydrophilic oil smoothes out fine wrinkles, gives the skin a pleasant tint and evens out the tone.
  3. Multifunctionality. The cleansing properties of hydrophilic oils can be used not only to remove makeup, but also as a shower gel and hair detox.
  4. Skin healing. Hydrophilic oil has proven itself as a caring and antibacterial agent. With its help, pores are narrowed and even acne is treated.
  5. High-quality cleansing. Hydrophilic oil is the only product of its kind that can deal with any contamination on the first try, as well as easily rid the skin of waterproof and professional makeup.

One BUT!

Although it is possible to remove eye makeup with the help of hydrophilic oil, it is not very convenient. Firstly, it takes much longer than washing off foundation and lipstick. Secondly, the oil can flow into the eyes, forming a greasy film. Third, it doesn't always completely remove mascara and eyeliner, leaving panda-like marks under the eyes.

5 best hydrophilic oils

Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil, The Body Shop

Soft hydrophilic oil that copes with any dirt in just a few seconds. Despite its light consistency, even waterproof cosmetics are suitable for the product: thick foundation, BB, CC and DD creams, lip tints and blades, super-resistant matte lipsticks and even mascara. All you need to do is apply the oil not with your fingers, but rather apply a cotton pad generously soaked in it for a few minutes, then rinse off the residue with water. The product perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin well, without leaving greasy marks or a sticky feeling. The only negative that some girls note is the pronounced smell, which not everyone likes. Does not contain vegetable fats, parabens, sulfates, silicones and gluten.

Stripped Off Cleansing Oil, NYX

Excellent hydrophilic oil at an attractive price. It appeared on the cosmetic market relatively recently, but has already managed to occupy its niche. The oil has a fairly pleasant consistency that removes even stubborn makeup. The product is easily washed off with water, leaving the skin feeling clean and well-groomed. Another advantage is that the beauty product does not clog pores and even slightly narrows them, eliminates oily shine and does not disturb the natural pH of the skin. A bottle of oil is consumed quite economically, and the product itself does not have a pronounced aroma.

Take The Day Off Cleansing Oil, Clinique

Hydrophilic oil of this brand has no fragrances, so it does not irritate at all with its smell - it simply does not exist. The texture of the product is silky, airy, soft, and upon contact with the skin it turns into melting milk, which easily dissolves any impurities and is easily washed off with plain water. As a result, the skin becomes clean, soft, tender and hydrated. Suitable for all skin types. The only negative is that this product, like many hydrophilic oils, does not cope well with eye makeup.

Perfect Cleansing Oil, Shiseido

The Japanese know a lot about high-quality skin cleansing, so when you buy hydrophilic oil from Shiseido, you don’t have to worry about anything at all - it, like a vacuum cleaner, will suck out all the dirt from the surface of the skin, without forgetting about the pores. The skin will squeak with cleanliness, sparkle with health and glow from the inside. The oil is suitable for any cosmetic products, be it thick and professional foundations, waterproof mascara, lip or eye pencil, lipstick, lip gloss, tint, highlighter, bronzer, shadows, etc. The product is easily washed off with water, without leaves an oily sheen and gives a feeling of comfort. And thanks to grape seed extract and vitamin E, hydrophilic oil fights signs of aging, smooths out fine wrinkles and evens out facial tone. There are no cosmetics or problems that this beauty product cannot cope with. It is not for nothing that its name contains the English Perfect, which means “perfect” and “ideal”.

Soothing Cleansing Oil, Bobbi Brown

This oil is completely worth its rather high price! It perfectly cleanses the skin of any impurities, leaving it feeling soft, moisturized and fresh. Thanks to the extract of French jasmine, kukui nut oil, Italian olive, sunflower and jojoba, the skin receives additional nutrition and begins to glow from the inside. In addition, daily use of the product normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, prevents acne and eliminates the feeling of tightness. Use the oil in the morning to awaken your skin and in the evening to soothe and cleanse it. A pleasant bonus is the unobtrusive and soft aroma.

“Oil that loves water” - this is how the name of hydrophilic oil is literally translated. This unique product is perfect for removing makeup and everyday skin care. The product can easily replace gels and foams for washing, does not dry out or damage the skin, providing effective cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition.

Hydrophilic oil became famous all over the world thanks to Asian makeup artists. This is a truly universal product, used mainly to remove makeup and cleanse the epidermis of impurities. The product consists of oils and an emulsifier; it does not contain water.

Most often, the product contains various cosmetic oils and mineral oil, an emulsifier, vitamins, fruit acids and other useful additives. Emulsifier - special reactors, surfactants that are used to mix oils with water. After all, when combining ordinary water with oils, it is impossible to achieve the dissolution of the latter even with intense stirring. Due to the presence of an emulsifier in hydrophilic oil, the cosmetic product is perfectly soluble in water and can be removed with plain water.

Skin care with conventional oils leads to the formation of a dense film on the surface of the epidermis. It prevents cells from breathing and clogs pores. Whereas with hydrophilic oil there is no such problem - it is easily removed during the cleansing process because it is not afraid of water. The protective lipid layer of the facial skin is not damaged, so when washing with the product there is no feeling of tightness or dryness. That's why cosmetologists recommend this new product even for sensitive, very dry skin.

One of the advantages of hydrophilic oil is its cost-effectiveness. Only 3-4 drops are enough for washing. Thanks to this property of the product, even a small bottle will last a long time. The beneficial properties of hydrophilic oil are impressive:

  • Maintains normal water balance of the skin, penetrates deeply into pores, moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Does not dry out the skin, intensively softens the epidermis.
  • Removes even the most persistent cosmetics, including waterproof products and BB creams.
  • Helps deal with blackheads and enlarged pores.
  • Suitable for cleansing the epidermis around the eyes and lips, without damaging the facial skin.
  • Can be used for washing hair and intimate hygiene, since the composition perfectly removes any dirt.
  • High-quality hydrophilic oil does not contain complex chemical compounds, so it is recommended to use it in the care of any type of skin, regardless of its degree of sensitivity.
  • Can be used at any age, for any problems of the epidermis.

How to use hydrophilic oil for skin care

When mixed with ordinary warm water, hydrophilic oil forms a slightly foaming, light substance. It does not require sponges, cotton pads or other equipment to apply it. You only need water for everyday washing. This is the beauty of the product - simple and effective skin care.

Using hydrophilic oil, you can tidy up your skin, make it clean and radiant. This is the product that Asian women use to make their facial skin perfect. In order for the miracle oil to bring maximum benefits, you need to use it in 3 steps:

  1. Apply a small amount of product with dry hands to dry skin so that the composition absorbs excess oil and dirt. No pre-washing required.
  2. Wet your face with a small amount of warm water to emulsify the oil. It is worth gently massaging the skin to clean out the pores.
  3. Rinse off the resulting foam with plenty of warm water. To reduce pores, you can complete the procedure with a contrast wash.

The beauty of the epidermis with hydrophilic oil is restored, since due to its natural composition this product has a beneficial effect on the skin and normalizes its functions. On the Russian market, the new cleansing product is represented by products from various brands. These are not only Asian brands, but also well-known European and Russian companies.

Hydrophilic oil can hardly be called a cheap cosmetic product. However, if you wish, you can find products in different price categories in stores. To prevent skin damage, it is important to purchase high-quality oil for cleansing. Therefore, a low price should rather scare away - there is a high risk of encountering a fake, a product with cheap components in its composition.

To purchase a high-quality cleaning composition, you must carefully study the information on the packaging. As already mentioned, hydrophilic oil should not contain unsafe chemical additives - only a mixture of oils and an emulsifier. However, manufacturers can add antioxidants, vitamins and other beneficial substances to the composition, with the help of which the skin is restored and toned.

When choosing a hydrophilic oil, you need to pay attention to the type of oils used. Each type of skin requires certain additives in the composition:

  • Normal skin - almond, coconut, grape or apricot seed oil.
  • Oily facial skin - jojoba, St. John's wort, grape seed or rosehip oil.
  • Combination skin - almond oil, jojoba, hazelnut or grape seed oil.
  • Dry skin - shea butter (shea), peach, avocado oil.

If you wish, you can make hydrophilic oil yourself at home. To prepare it you will need a natural emulsifier - polysorbate, natural cosmetic and essential oils. You can also add vitamins A and E to the composition. You can purchase these components in online natural cosmetics stores and pharmacies. For example, for dry and sensitive skin the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Mix 10 ml of TWIN-80, the same amount of rosehip oil, 80 ml of almond oil.
  2. Pour 2-3 drops of vitamin E into the resulting mixture.
  3. Pour the ingredients into a glass bottle with a dispenser and mix. Store the bottle in the refrigerator and shake the oil thoroughly before use.

You've probably heard people say about, to put it mildly, an imperfect couple: “They are like oil and water!” This, in the traditional sense, means complete incompatibility. But, as with many rules, there is an exception - hydrophilic oil. Let's figure out what kind of substance this is, which, on the one hand, is fat, and on the other, dissolves perfectly in water, and what it is needed for.

So, what is hydrophilic oil?

This product appeared on the cosmetics market relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity. At first it was available in the segment of luxury brands, but now it can also be found among mass market products.

The composition of hydrophilic oils is quite simple. Industrial samples, as a rule, contain mineral oil, polyethylene glycols or emulsifiers (sometimes both), various emollients, antioxidant and antiseptic additives. They can be enriched with vitamins, plant extracts and oils.

Water-soluble oil is a wonderful product for cleansing the skin on different parts of the body, including the most sensitive ones, and is recommended for removing stubborn makeup.

Decorative cosmetics containing thick waxes, heavy fats and silicones are difficult to remove with mild water-based cleansers.

To really remove waterproof mascara, lipstick or BB cream from your face, you will have to either traumatize your skin with excessive zeal, or wash your face with foam, gel or soap twice. Such procedures are not suitable for women who care about preserving their beauty. Neither tonic nor moisturizer will help restore the natural hydrolipid balance and eliminate skin damage after cleansing procedures.

Why is hydrophilic oil better than cosmetic cream or cleansing milk?
The fundamental difference lies in the order of reactions of the components. In creamy products, emulsification - mixing water and fats - occurs at the production stage, and already modified (read - weakened by water) lipid structures are used to combat oil-soluble contaminants. In addition, the emulsion is very quickly absorbed into the skin and pulls with it the same remnants of cosmetics. After washing with water, your face may either have a greasy film or a feeling of tightness, depending on your skin type and the composition of the product.

Water-soluble oil acts differently: when it gets on dry skin, it breaks down and binds waxes and fats, and only then, when washed off with water, this whole mixture turns into an emulsion. Properly selected hydrophilic oil does not leave behind a greasy residue, but makes the skin soft and velvety.

Both products involve subsequent toning and moisturizing, but consider your own sensations and individual skin needs.

The emulsifier, which gives fat its water-loving properties, is a surfactant and is not intended for long-term exposure to the skin. Therefore, use hydrophilic oil for washing, intimate hygiene, softening bath water, instead of shower gel or shampoo, but not as a mask or lotion.

DIY hydrophilic oil

As mentioned above, industrial “hydrophilics” are most often based on synthetic components. This statement is true for both very expensive and more affordable products.

On the one hand, this allows manufacturers to create a product with a long shelf life, minimal risk of allergic reactions and, of course, low cost. On the other hand, mineral oils are not particularly held in high esteem by those who advocate naturalness and environmental safety. In addition, with regular use they can cause blockage of the ducts and irritation. By making hydrophilic oil with your own hands from suitable plant materials, you will receive a wonderful product for caring for your skin.

Traditionally, Polysorbate is used for homemade water-soluble oil. It can be purchased in online stores that sell components for making cosmetics. This emulsifier is made from fruit sorbitol and natural fatty acids extracted from various vegetable oils, therefore it is available in several versions:

  • Polysorbate 20 – Coconut Oil Lauric Acid
  • Polysorbate 40 – palmitic acid from palm oil
  • Polysorbate 60 – palm oil stearic acid
  • Polysorbate 80 – oleic acid from olive oil

They are used to dissolve essential oils in oil-free and alcohol-free products and even in the food industry.

For the production of hydrophilic oils, it is preferable to use Polysorbate 80 so that they do not leave a greasy film after rinsing.

Good to know: Polysorbate is not soluble in mineral oil.

For each skin type it is worth choosing the appropriate oils or their combination.

Oils for oily skin:

  • Grape seed
  • Hemp
  • Borago
  • Tamanu
  • Sasanqua

Oils for dry skin:

  • Rosehip
  • Walnut
  • Wheat germ
  • Avocado
  • Argans
  • Macadamia
  • Black cumin

Universal oils:

  • Almond
  • Jojoba
  • Evening primrose
  • Apricot kernels
  • Peach pits

If desired, you can supplement the composition of the hydrophilic mixture with essential oil, but it can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes when removing cosmetics from the eyelids and eyelashes.
The aroma oils of geranium, rose, jasmine, patchouli, ylang-ylang, and lavender are perfect for intimate hygiene.

For skin prone to inflammation and acne - pine, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon, vetiver, myrrh, sandalwood.

Hydrophilic oil for dry skin


  • Almond oil – 79 ml
  • Rosehip oil – 10 ml
  • Polysorbate 80 – 10 ml
  • Vitamin E – 1 ml


Combine the components in a bottle with a dispenser. Refrigerated storage is preferred, but not required. Shake before use.


  • Calendula flowers – 1 teaspoon
  • Jojoba oil – 50 ml
  • Peach kernel oil – 30 ml
  • Black cumin oil – 10 ml
  • Polysorbate 80 – 10 ml
  • Chamomile essential oil – 10 drops
  • Rose essential oil – 5 drops


Pour jojoba oil over the calendula and leave for two weeks in a dark, warm place, shaking the mixture daily. Strain thoroughly.
Mix the resulting infusion with all other components.
Shake before use.

Hydrophilic oil without polysorbate

Hydrogenated oils are fats that have an additional hydrogen molecule added to their structure. This modification allows them to communicate with water. This technology is used in the preparation of margarine and, of course, has affected the cosmetics industry. A product of remarkable quality - Olivederm (Olive Oil PEG-8 Esters, Olive Oil PEG-7 Esters) - allows you to prepare hydrophilic oil without polysorbate.


  • Grapeseed oil – 60 ml
  • Tamanu oil – 10 ml
  • Olivederm – 30 ml
  • Lemon essential oil – 5 drops


Mix all ingredients.

Making hydrophilic oil at home is much easier than it might seem. As you can see, this process does not require special conditions or complex algorithms. You can adjust the “hydrophilicity” of the finished product at your discretion by adding additional oils, polysorbate or hydrogenated oil at any time. As a result, you will receive a wonderful product that is not inferior in its cleansing and softening properties to the most expensive cosmetic series.

Korean and Japanese cosmetic brands are trendsetters in new trends in care and makeup. In recent years, it is from there that products such as cushions, starters, night masks for eyes and eyelids, fabric masks for hair, creams based on snail mucus have come to us, and yes, the same bb and CC creams that no one can do without now. one cosmetic bag. Hydrophilic oil is another product developed by Asians that has become a global bestseller. Europeans liked this cleanser so much that Western brands immediately created analogues of this product for their lines. What is the secret to the success of hydrophilic oil? Let's tell you in order.

To understand the essence of the product, let's look at its name: hydro - water, fill - dissolve. That is, hydrophilic oil is an oil that dissolves in water. The initial purpose of the product is to cleanse the skin. We can say that this is a makeup removing oil with additional caring properties.

Hydrophilic oil is a mix of natural cosmetic oils with the addition of polysorbate - an emulsifier, thanks to which, when combined with water, the oil formula turns into a creamy one and effectively cleanses the skin of cosmetics and dirt. This transformation of the product allows it (due to oil and massage techniques during use) to penetrate the skin, dissolve dirt and cleanse pores. Specially added components to the hydrophilic composition (each brand has its own “favorites”), the oil moisturizes, nourishes, has an anti-age effect and restores the skin.

Due to its natural composition, real hydrophilic oil is an invaluable universal product that can be used for any skin type. This is a hypoallergenic product that will ideally moisturize combination skin and nourish dry sensitive skin. Hydrophilic oil for oily skin is not a myth at all. It is also suitable for those with this skin type! And what’s more, it can thoroughly clean pores and, with proper follow-up care, close and narrow them.

Why can't you just use natural oils on your face? Because they are not intended for removing makeup and you will have to rub your skin with them for a long time to dissolve all the makeup - that’s it. And two - natural oils penetrate deeply into the skin and pull along all the dirt from its surface. And three - they are not washed off with ordinary water.

In addition to the fact that this oil is used to remove makeup, hydrophilic oil is used not only for these purposes. Here is a brief list of how you can use this product in your care:

  • For removing makeup and cleansing facial skin
  • For toning and anti-age facial massage
  • Hydrophilic oil can be used for the body - for example, instead of shower gel, as well as for intimate hygiene, as children's cosmetics for the baby.
  • For washing hair and cleansing the scalp. Yes Yes! The oil cleanses the scalp, nourishes and moisturizes it, and also takes care of the fine structure of the hair.
  • Hydrophilic oil is also used for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes.

The product is used very economically: for one facial cleansing procedure you only need a couple of drops of oil. The cost-effectiveness compensates for its price: high-quality hydrophilic oil cannot be cheap. Its natural composition is a good reason for this. Beware of fakes and always read the ingredients of the product. Choose oil from a manufacturer you know - a Korean or European manufacturer that has positive reviews on the Internet.

In order to use hydrophilic oil, you do not need any special skills. It is enough to follow a simple scheme:

  • Apply 2-3 drops of hydrophilic oil to a DRY hand, rub a little in your palms and apply the oil to the skin.
  • Following this scheme, perform a light facial massage, following this scheme, working through problem areas with your fingers - especially those with enlarged pores, blackheads and pronounced wrinkles. Give the massage 2 minutes. This will help it penetrate the skin and dissolve toxins that clog the pores.

  • Moisten your palms with water and continue massaging your face, but with wet hands. At this moment, you will notice how the hydrophilic oil turns into a light emulsion: it collects all the dirt from the pore and brings it out.
  • Rinse off the emulsion with water. After this, wash your face again, but using your usual skin cleanser - gel or foam. Repeated cleansing of the skin will help remove any remaining oil and complete the procedure properly.

Life hack: store hydrophilic oil in the refrigerator. Low temperatures will thicken it and make it more pleasant for the skin. When applied, the oil will slightly cool the skin, thereby refreshing it.

For a wide selection of hydrophilic oil, go to Korean and Japanese cosmetics stores, as well as thematic online stores.

Shu Uemura Anti Oxi Skin Purifier, 1370 UAH

If you want a 100% high-quality product, contact the person who created it. In the case of hydrophilic oil, this is the Japanese brand Shu Uemura, thanks to which in 1967 the world saw the first package of makeup removing oil. Today they have a huge range of cleansing oils for different skin types. Take a closer look at the universal version of Shu Uemura Anti Oxi Skin Purifier.

Holika Holika Soda Pore Cleansing - Light Cleansing Oil, 300 UAH.

Another cult product in its segment is Holika Holika Soda Pore Cleansing - Light Cleansing Oil. Ideal for oily, problem and combination skin. The composition contains soda, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as lemon and alpine herbs extract, which soothe and brighten the skin. Grapeseed oil saturates the skin with antioxidants and fights aging.

Etude House Real Art Cleansing Oil, 500 UAH

Hydrophilic oil from the Korean brand Etude House, a bestseller in Korea: in 2011 it received the Allure Korea Beauty Awards as the best cleansing oil. The effective formula perfectly cleanses the face of makeup, tightens pores, and eliminates inflammation. The oil is suitable for all skin types.