We minimize the amount of old-age pension. Minimum pension in the Moscow region - the amount of payment for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner

The legislation of the Russian Federation has long provided for many state guarantees. Among them, it is worth highlighting the provision of pension benefits to the elderly population. Moreover, the size of future payments directly depends on the amount of wages received during working age, as well as on how long the length of service is. What to do if a person did not officially work? Is there an old-age pension without work experience?

Main types of pension

To answer the question of what kind of old-age pension is calculated without work experience, it is necessary to consider the main types of such payments. There are currently two types:

  • insurance;
  • social.

In the latter case, citizens are accrued an old-age pension without work experience. A pensioner can only claim social benefits. At the same time, the pension amount is minimal. If a citizen of the country was officially employed, then he is awarded an insurance pension. Its size depends on the length of service. To receive this type of pension in the Russian Federation, you must work for at least 7 years.

What is included in the internship

To figure out what kind of old-age pension will be paid without work experience or an insurance one, it is worth clarifying what exactly is included in the length of service. It includes:

  • the period of job search, provided that the citizen was registered with an institution such as the Employment Service;
  • for women, the maternity period is 1.5 years for each child, but does not exceed 6 years;
  • military conscription for men;
  • care for elderly or incapacitated relatives whose age is at least 80 years;
  • for rehabilitated persons, the time of imprisonment is taken into account.

It is worth noting that it is planned to increase the minimum length of service. To receive an insurance pension, you will need to work for more than 15 years. The Ministry of Labor recommends applying to government agencies on a permanent basis. After all, the insurance pension is higher than the old-age pension without work experience.

In some cases, it is not possible to get a formal job. Finding themselves in such a situation, citizens can count on a social pension. This requires a number of documents.

Retirement age

Citizens who are entitled to an old-age pension can be divided into several categories:

  • women over 60 years of age and men over 65 years of age who have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • those who have reached retirement age but do not have Russian citizenship and have lived in the country for 15 years;
  • women aged 50 years and men over 55 years of age, who are representatives of the indigenous population of the North, living in their historical homeland until retirement age.

When is a social pension awarded?

An old-age pension without work experience was provided for those who, for some reason, were unable to earn work experience for insurance payments. This category includes disabled persons, as well as those who find themselves in difficult life situations. Of course, those who are fully capable but have no work experience can also receive such a pension. Those who have worked for private companies for many years without signing a formal contract can also count on government support. The pension begins to accrue upon reaching a certain age.

What conditions must be met

To receive a minimum old-age pension without work experience, the following conditions must be met:

  • the pensioner must have citizenship of the Russian Federation or reside on its territory for 15 years;
  • To receive an old-age pension without work experience, a citizen’s age must be 60 years for women and 65 for men.

It is worth noting that social benefits are assigned 5 years later than insurance benefits. However, there are exceptions. For example, for those who live in the Far North, where living conditions are harsh, pensions are granted for men from the age of 55, and for women from the age of 50.

Combination with other payments

If, when choosing several pensions, the social pension is more profitable, then the citizen can choose it. In addition, such a pension can be received simultaneously with other survivor benefits. It applies to social pension if:

  • the citizen is the wife or parent of a serviceman who died in combat;
  • the citizen has received the right to such a social pension because he is a member of a family that suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident or during the liquidation of the consequences of this disaster;
  • the citizen is a member of the family of the deceased cosmonaut.

It is worth considering that disability payments stop on the day the old-age payment is assigned. You cannot receive these types of pensions at the same time.

Collection of documents

To assign a social pension, it is recommended to contact the Pension Fund department, which serves each specific area. When the entire package of papers has been collected, you can contact a specialist from this organization. To apply for an old-age pension without work experience in Russia, you need to collect the following list of documents:

  • passport or a document that replaces it;
  • SNILS;
  • a document confirming citizenship or a certificate received from the FSM, which indicates the period of residence of the citizen in Russia;
  • work book, provided that it was issued at all;
  • if necessary, it is worth submitting a certificate or certificate proving that the citizen belongs to the peoples of the Far North.

If you are entitled to a payment related to the loss of a breadwinner, you must also bring papers confirming your right to it. The list of documents depends on your case.

Additional payments and allowances

Now you know how to get an old-age pension without work experience in Moscow and other cities of Russia. It is worth considering that elderly people can receive a municipal supplement. This may require:

  • documents from a medical institution confirming the disability group;
  • documents on family composition.

In addition, those citizens who receive an old-age pension and do not have work experience can receive auxiliary payments. They help not only pay utility bills, but also help the elderly person have a decent standard of living. Some of these additional payments can be received from the Pension Fund, and the rest from the social security institution.

Approximate amounts of social pension

The amount of an old-age pension without work experience depends on many factors. In some cases, the payouts may be modest. For example, in cases where a citizen does not have sufficient work experience, he is assigned a pension in the amount of 3,262 rubles. Some factors are taken into account:

  • Indexation carried out annually. At the beginning of each year, or more precisely, in April, the size of such a pension can be recalculated. This is done to ensure that government assistance does not lag behind inflation, as well as the cost of living. For example, in 2017, the pension was recalculated with a coefficient of 1.03. As a result, the average payment amount became 8.6 thousand rubles.
  • Location. There are regions in Russia where pensions and all kinds of benefits are paid at an increased rate. Of course, if you change your residence, the privilege is lost. An increased pension is provided for those who live beyond the Arctic Circle. When moving to the southern regions, the payment amount is significantly reduced.
  • The old-age pension increases when a citizen turns 80 years old, as well as if there is a dependent.

Features of calculating social pension

Otherwise, a social pension is calculated for those who received disability benefits. The new state assistance cannot be less than what the citizen received before retirement age. Most often, the size of the old-age pension corresponds to the size of the disability payment for the last period of receipt.

Unforeseen situations also happen. It often happens that after recalculation, the social pension turns out to be less than the subsistence minimum. In such cases, a citizen may qualify for benefits designed specifically for non-working elderly people. The social security institution assigns such additional payment. When a pensioner gets a job, the payment of such assistance stops. A citizen must notify specialists from the Pension Fund or social protection of the population about employment.

When can a social pension be denied?

In some cases, a citizen may be denied a social pension. The right to it is lost when:

  • moving outside the Russian Federation for permanent residence;
  • upon receipt of another citizenship;
  • resumption or start of work;
  • if the money remains unclaimed for six months.

The small peoples of the Far North cannot lose their disability status. Even if a citizen begins to work in old age, he has every right to receive social government benefits in old age.

If the social pension remains unclaimed for six months, then its payment is temporarily suspended for the same period. A complete cancellation of such state assistance occurs if the pensioner has not applied for the renewal of payments.

Changes in pension calculations

Some changes to the pension calculation process were introduced in 2017, and others are still planned. In general, during this period the following reform should occur:

  • increasing the retirement age and its subsequent leveling to 65 years for both men and women;
  • an increase in the required length of work experience for employees of budgetary organizations, especially for doctors and teachers;
  • the only social insurance tariff, which is determined based on the amount of earnings;
  • exception from the norms of the legislation of a funded pension, so that a citizen can decide for himself whether he needs it or not;
  • reduction of indexation of all payments;
  • elimination of some payments for that category of pensioners who are still working;
  • abolition of early retirement for those who work for enterprises in hazardous conditions.

All these pension reforms are planned to be completed during 2017. Some of them have already been introduced and are in effect.

Welcome to website. In this article we will talk about the pension that is due to older people. Once a person reaches a certain age, he is entitled to receive an old-age pension.

The 2019 old-age pension is granted not only upon reaching retirement age, which is 60.5 years for men and 55.5 years for women, but also subject to other necessary conditions. The necessary insurance experience is also required for its appointment. In Russia, the most frequently assigned type of pension is the old-age pension.

In our country at the moment there are several types of pensions that are assigned and paid to citizens. They differ from each other in terms of assignment. In accordance with the law, pension payments can be:

  1. Old-age insurance pension, or in other words, labor pension - to receive it you need to reach the required age, have a minimum work experience and the number of pension points.
  2. Social pension - the assignment of these payments is made in certain cases, loss of a breadwinner, disability, and for citizens who have reached the required age, but do not have the required length of service.
  3. State pension - this payment represents compensation for lost income for certain categories of citizens, these include test pilots, victims of radiation and others. This payment requires specific conditions - lack of any income, length of service, and others.

Procedure for calculating old-age pension

In accordance with the law, an old-age pension in Russia is granted only if a number of mandatory conditions are met, these include:

  • Reaching retirement age is 65 for men and 60 for women.
  • Seniority. Every year the number of working years will increase; in 2019, this figure stopped at 10 years.
  • Availability of a certain number of pension points in the account. Every year the minimum amount of points will increase; in 2019, 16.2 points are required.

Citizens who wish to apply for an old-age retirement pension should know that only those years in which the person worked officially are taken into account, that is, the employer made transfers to the insurance fund. Unofficial work is not taken into account when calculating pensions. Therefore, everyone who wants to receive this pension must work officially.

Social pension and its differences from insurance

Old age retirement in Russia involves several types of pension payments:

  • Insurance payment is assigned to citizens upon reaching retirement age and having work experience.
  • State payments are assigned to certain categories, such as military personnel, WWII participants and others.
  • Social benefits are assigned to disabled people and citizens who do not have the required work experience.

Each of these payments is also divided into subtypes, which depend on the conditions required for its assignment. The social old-age pension in 2019 is a fixed payment that is paid from the federal budget to citizens who, due to many reasons, for example, illness or difficult life situation, have not worked during their lives, or have work experience, but it is not enough to assign another type pension payment.

To identify the differences between a social pension and insurance payments, it is necessary to find out the conditions under which one or another type of pension is assigned. A social pension is assigned if one of the conditions for an insurance pension is not met.

The main condition is reaching the required age. This year, the retirement age is 65 for men and 60 for women. But there are a number of reasons why a person may retire earlier than these years. An additional condition is the presence of the necessary coefficient, that is, pension points:

  • In 2017, their number was 11.4 points.
  • In 2018, 13.8 points are required.
  • In 2019, 16.2 points will be required.

The number of points will increase every year until it reaches 30, which will happen by 2025.

Another additional condition is the presence of a certain work experience. This condition is also mandatory. It is also necessary to have contributions to the insurance fund during your work experience. In 2018, it was necessary to have 9 years of work experience, but every year its number will increase:

  • In 2019, you must have 10 years of work experience.
  • In 2020, you are required to have 11 years of work experience.
  • In 2021, you will need to have 12 years of work experience.
  • In 2022, you will need to have 13 years of work experience.
  • In 2023, you will need to have 14 years of work experience.
  • In 2024, you will need to have 15 years of work experience.

The social pension is financed directly from the federal budget, while the insurance pension is financed by the pension fund, the budget of which consists of:

  1. Insurance premiums.
  2. Social tax deductions.
  3. Funds from the federal budget.
  4. Funds deducted from capitalization.

Which pensioners can count on a social pension?

Citizens who have met a number of the following criteria have the right to receive a social old-age pension:

  • At the moment of reaching retirement age, but at the same time if the person does not have enough work experience or pension points.
  • Disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, as well as disabled people from childhood who have become adults. These citizens have never been officially employed. At the same time, the reason for the disability and at what time it was received does not matter. A disability group is assigned only after a medical and social examination.
  • Disabled children, that is, citizens who were born with a pathology or received a disability after birth.
  • In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, that is, if after the death of a person the family is left with children who have not reached the age of majority, or other citizens who are disabled dependents. These citizens have the right to apply for this type of pension. Children have the right to receive a pension until the age of 18; if they are full-time students, the pension is paid until the age of 23.
  • Indigenous people of the Far North and other regions that are equivalent to them.

The assignment of an old-age pension is made subject to the person's compliance with certain conditions. The main factor after the assignment of this pension is the recipient’s lack of additional income, otherwise the payment will be stopped. The recipient’s place of residence and age also play an important role.

All citizens of the Russian Federation have the full right to receive social benefits in old age if their work experience is less than 9 years and an old-age insurance pension is not assigned. If a person has a permanent place of residence in Russia, but has citizenship of another state, then he has the right to apply for the assignment of this payment to the pension fund.

In accordance with the law, this citizen must have a residence permit, which will confirm the citizen’s residence in the country for more than 15 years. A foreign citizen must live in Russia for at least 15 years to receive a social pension if he does not have work experience.

In addition to the type of pension payment, a citizen must reach a certain age, which will give the right to receive payment. To receive this payment, you must be 65 years old for men and 60 years old for women.

There are exceptions in which citizens can retire earlier than the period established by law, these include the peoples of the Far North:

  • Aleuts.
  • Nenets.
  • Chukchi.
  • Evenks.
  • Itelmens.

The law, which gives these people the right to receive a pension early, was adopted back in 1999. The law specifies the age at which a person can retire. The purpose of this document is to support residents who lead a nomadic lifestyle, farm and engage in folk crafts. For this category, the retirement age is:

  • 55 years old male.
  • 50 years old woman.

This old-age pension is issued subject to a certain procedure:

  • Before a pension is assigned, it is necessary to collect the necessary package of documents and write an application in the required form for assigning a social pension.
  • Come to the appropriate organization and submit documents.
  • Wait until the documents are reviewed and a decision will be made. By law, the application is considered within 10 days, after this period the recipient will receive a response.
  • After making a positive decision, the Pension Fund will make an appointment and payment depending on the recipient’s region of residence.
  • Receipt of the first payment must occur no later than the next month after the documents were submitted. That is, if the application and documents were submitted in May, then the first pension should be paid in June.

This pension is accrued only if the recipient himself becomes the initiator. That is, if the submission of documents has not occurred, then the pension fund will not appoint it independently, since PF employees do not have grounds for appointing it. To submit documents, you must come to the appropriate organization:

  • Multifunctional center - MFC.
  • Pension fund at the place of registration.

Submission of documents can be carried out in one of the convenient ways, these include:

  1. Personal appeal. That is, the applicant needs to collect the necessary package of documents and write an application, then contact the relevant authority and submit them in person. When submitted, the application must be dated and signed, after which the documents are considered accepted.
  2. By registered letter. The applicant is required to send a letter with an application and copies of documents; a list of all sent documents must be included in the envelope. After the PF receives them, the employee will sign and date the receipt of the documents in the notification counterfoil.
  3. With the help of a legal representative. In order for the legal representative to submit documents, it is necessary to draw up a notarized power of attorney. When filling out the application, you must write “through the applicant” and enter the details of the legal representative.
  4. Using the network - the Internet. To do this, you need to register on the state portal and submit an online application for a pension payment.

An application can be written on the official website of the pension fund or by contacting the Pension Fund in person; the application form can be downloaded on the same fund website. All information must be entered without errors; corrections in the application are not allowed. If the application is submitted by a foreign citizen, then the application must indicate some data in their native language.

The application must contain the following information:

  • The name and exact address of the organization to which the application is being submitted.
  • Full name of the applicant.
  • Passport data.
  • Applicant's residential address.
  • Address of residence or stay of the applicant.
  • SNILS number.
  • Applicant's contact information.
  • The presence or absence of dependents of the applicant.
  • Information about work, if the applicant worked officially.
  • When submitting an application for a representative, you must provide his information.
  • List of documents that are provided.

Since the payment of the pension is carried out from the federal budget, an appropriate basis is required for its assignment; for this, the following documents must be submitted to obtain an old-age pension:

  • Statement of the established form.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • The applicant's passport, regardless of his nationality.
  • Foreigners must provide a residence permit.
  • Confirmation that a person belongs to the inhabitants of the Far North.
  • Power of attorney, if a legal representative is involved in registering the pension.
  • Documents that confirm the presence of work experience.

A person can apply for an old-age social pension only when he or she reaches the legal age. The PF employee may require additional documents if they are necessary, but only those that the applicant can obtain from the necessary organizations.

About indexation of social pension in 2019

The increase in the old-age pension in 2019 will be made in April, the indexation amount is adjusted every year, and this year the indexation will be 2.4%. This method helps raise the pension to the established minimum of 9,215 rubles.

The pension amount will not be lower than the minimum subsistence level, which is currently established in the country. Citizens whose pension after appointment was lower than the established amount will receive an additional payment, which was made every year.

Which pensioners can count on an insurance pension?

  • Citizens living in the country who have reached a certain age, women are 50.5 years old, and men are 60.5 years old.
  • Citizens of Russia who are in public service. For this category of citizens, the retirement age will increase annually until it reaches the established figure of 63 years for women and 65 years for men.
  • Citizens of Russia who have worked for at least 15 years in the far north and areas that are equivalent to them, then the retirement age for women is 50 years, and for men 55 years.
  • Citizens of a foreign country who have worked for more than 15 years and have reached the retirement age of 60 years for men and 65 years for men.

Few people know how the old-age pension is calculated in 2019; a special formula is used for this, which uses the age and work experience of the applicant. It is worth knowing that work experience includes military service and years of study at a higher institution. If a person worked in harmful conditions, then he has the right to early retirement.

The applicant's minimum length of service is not permanent; it will increase every year until 2025. As the length of service increases, the conditions for retirement will also change.

Amount of insurance pension in 2019

The amount of the old-age pension in 2019 depends entirely on how the applicant fulfilled the conditions for its appointment:

  • 10 years of work experience.
  • 16.2 pension points.

In accordance with the law, the minimum pension cannot be less than the subsistence level; in 2019 it will be about 8,846 rubles. The difference between the assigned pension and the subsistence minimum is paid to pensioners in the form of an additional payment.

The average old-age pension in 2019 is 14,500 rubles. The pension amount can be increased in two ways:

  1. Annual compensation. It was always made on February 1, this year the pension was indexed by 7.05% on January 1.
  2. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners is not carried out; on August 1, an annual recalculation of pensions is carried out in accordance with the points that have been accumulated.

The new pension system does not allow a working pensioner to accumulate more than 3 points per year, provided that his salary is 22,000 rubles.

To apply for an insurance pension, you must go through a certain procedure:

  1. Prepare documents that will confirm your experience and benefits.
  2. Write an application and submit documents.
  3. If necessary, bring additional documents.
  4. Wait for a positive decision and start receiving your pension.

An application for a pension must be submitted to the nearest Pension Fund branch or through the MFC branch. An application can be submitted in several ways:

  • Personal appeal.
  • With the help of a legal representative.
  • Write a statement on the PF website.
  • Send it by registered mail.
  • Apply through your employer.

Russian citizens who have left for another country should apply only to the Pension Fund. The date of a person’s application is the date the application was written; in case of electronic submission, the time of sending the application. It is worth knowing that the application is written and documents are submitted 30 days before retirement age.

In addition to the written application, the applicant must provide an additional package with the necessary documents:

  • Passport, residence permit for foreigners.
  • SNILS.
  • Work record book or other documents that confirm the presence of the required work experience.
  • Salary data for the last 5 years.
  • Documents that confirm early retirement.

The application will be reviewed within 10 days from the date of its submission, and documents for appointment are prepared within 3 months. If this deadline is not met, the submission deadline becomes the day of submission of the last document.

Payments are assigned from the moment the application is submitted, but not earlier than from the date of retirement age. But if the applicant quits his job and prepares documents within a month, then the appointment can occur earlier, from the date of dismissal from work.

The pension is paid monthly, and the recipient has the right to independently choose the method of receiving the pension. In addition to the recipient, a legal representative can receive a pension, but this requires a notarized power of attorney, which is provided at the place of registration of the pensioner.

There are several ways to deliver pension payments; the recipient independently chooses the method convenient for him, these include:

  1. Using Russian Post. The pension can be delivered to your home or the recipient receives it at the post office. If the pension is delivered to your home, it is necessary to clarify the delivery time in advance. If the pension becomes unclaimed within six months, the payment is suspended until all circumstances are clarified.
  2. Through the bank. The pension can be transferred to a bank card or received at a bank branch. Money is credited to the card without commission, and withdrawals can occur at any convenient time.
  3. With the help of a special organization that deals with the direct delivery of pensions. You can receive your pension either from the organization itself or have it delivered to your home.

Pension below the subsistence level - is there a way out of the situation?

Many people retiring ask what kind of old-age pension will be accrued in 2019. In some regions, the pension amount is below the established minimum subsistence level. In accordance with the list of living wages in the regions of the country, it becomes clear that the size of the pension is also very different. But this difference does not mean that pensioners in these regions will suffer hardships.

In situations where an old-age pension is issued, the amount of the pension payment becomes lower than the minimum subsistence level established in the region, the pensioner is entitled to an increase. This supplement compensates for the difference between the pension and the cost of living; it occurs in accordance with regional laws and is regulated by local authorities.

The average minimum pension amount in the country in 2019 is 12,115 rubles, regardless of whether there are supplements to this pension or not.

As retirement age approaches, citizens begin to wonder what minimum pension what awaits them upon termination of their employment relationship with the employer, how to calculate its size and what nuances there are that need to be taken into account when registering it. Let's look at a number of innovations when calculating pension benefits in 2016.

Minimum old age benefit.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish the concept of " pension minimum", but government officials at the highest level declare that payments should be no less than the subsistence minimum. The subsistence minimum is a rather flexible concept because each region can set its own size, taking into account various factors: the inflation rate, the economic situation. Based on this, the regions independently can determine the lower threshold of payments based on the subsistence level determined in the region. If we take the regions of Russia, the average for Russia was 8,026 rubles, the highest regional level. minimum pension in Moscow, since March 2016 it amounted to 14,550 rubles.

True, these rules apply to pensioners whose registration in the capital is more than 10 years. At the same time, for those pensioners who received a 5% increase after the February minimum pension amount less, then there is an additional payment. A similar system works in other regions, but in different ways everywhere; some regions cannot find the opportunity to maintain high levels of additional payments, so it is best to find out more accurately what the minimum pension will be in the local social security department, whose employees will help you calculate your pension taking into account all local conditions and specific situations.

There are three types of insurance pension accruals:

  • upon reaching retirement age (for men it is 60 years old, for women it is 55);
  • disability: benefits are assigned regardless of age;
  • survivor: this benefit is paid to minors and full-time students up to 23 years of age.

Should be considered! If there is a right to several types of payments, then their values ​​are not summed up, and the payment is made only one at a time, depending on the citizen’s choice.

From January 1, 2017, the law regarding state law changes significantly. and municipal employees: their retirement age will increase by six months for each subsequent year upon reaching 65 years for men and 60 years for women. Minimum experience will also grow by six months every year and by 2026 will be 20 years. The government is considering a law to equalize the age of pensioners - officials for men and women.

To calculate the monthly insurance payment minimum pension a number of conditions are required:

  • pension points earned must be 9 years or more old;
  • total insurance experience of at least 7 years.

The legislation has also changed the method of determining length of service for receiving an insurance pension; annually the length of service will increase by six months, and the number of points will be equal to 2.4. For example, for those retiring in 2016, seven years of accumulated work experience is enough, and in order to receive a guaranteed benefit in 2026, they will need to earn at least 15 years of work experience and at least 31 pension points.

Should be considered! The number of points directly depends on official employment and “white” salary: the higher the “white” salary, the more points will be accumulated.

Calculate the approximate amount of insurance payment minimum pension can be done by multiplying the cost of one point by the number of accumulated pension points plus a fixed payment. This payment at the beginning of 2016 is 4560 rubles. The cost of one point is 47 rubles. 28 kopecks The fixed payment and the cost of one point are indexed.

The insurance calculation will be done a little differently. minimum pension on disability. Its payment will depend on the assigned group and type of payments; here the minimum benefit is one and a half to three times higher than the social security established in the region. pensions. It is better to check the exact values ​​with regional FIUs. But the funded part of the disability benefit depends on the length of service and savings from salary deductions, taking into account a number of specific features. Calculation of the amount minimum pension the same as that of the working population. The amount of pension points is multiplied by the cost of one point plus a fixed regional benefit payment. The cost of the pension point and fixed payment is indexed. As of February 1, 2016, the regional benefit is 4,560 rubles. the cost of a pension point is 74 rubles. 28 kopecks

Minimum pension in Russia in the regions.

A pension payment with an increased fixed additional payment is assigned:

  • for disability group 1;
  • upon reaching the age of 80 years;
  • workers of the Far North and equivalent regions.

It is important to know! The longer the employee’s application period for payment of the minimum pension, the larger the exit payments will be. For example, if a pensioner applies 5 years after reaching retirement age, the fixed fee will increase to 38%. Indexation of pensions is carried out only for non-working pensioners.

What is the average pension in Russia?

According to the Russian Pension Fund, the average old-age pension in Russia as of the end of 2018 - the beginning of 2019 is approximately 14,100 rubles.

If we compare it with wages, then, according to analysts’ calculations, this pension amount is about 40% of the average earnings in Russia.

The average social pension is 9,045 rubles.

The average pension paid to disabled children is 13,699 rubles.

Pensions received by citizens with disabilities due to military trauma average 30,700 rubles.

It is worth noting that in the post-Soviet space, the Russian Federation is one of the richest countries in terms of pension provision for citizens. The only competition we can have is the Baltic region, but it is worth considering that in the Baltics there are quite high costs for utilities, which “eat up” all the “earnings” of pensioners.

If you pay attention to the pension policy pursued by the state, it can be noted that compared to the 90s of the twentieth century, the crisis in this area has begun to fade away.

What is the minimum old age pension?

Having reached the age established by law, a citizen begins to think about what minimum pension awaits him?

Note that in Russian legislation the concept of “minimum pension” does not exist; its size depends on various circumstances.

The minimum amount of an old-age pension should not be lower than the minimum subsistence level for pensioners established in the region of residence of the pensioner.

But if such a situation nevertheless occurs (a citizen’s old-age pension with all allowances is below the subsistence level for pensioners), then additional social benefits are established for the pensioner: in such an amount that the pension is equal to the regional subsistence level. The social supplement is established based on the pensioner’s application. Working pensioners are not entitled to social benefits.

The minimum pension may be increased in the following cases:

  • a citizen crosses the 80-year mark;
  • one or more relatives are dependent on him;
  • the insurance pension is indexed;
  • pensioner goes to work.

In order to receive at least the minimum old-age pension in Russia, you must have at least 15 years of work experience. But the thing is that not everyone has it. In this case, you will be paid a social pension.

Maximum old-age pension

It is currently impossible to calculate the maximum amount of an old-age pension. It will depend on many circumstances - retirement age, length of service, salary, pension contributions, etc.

Don't know your rights?

Now let's turn to the new pension legislation, namely the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”.

from January 1, 2019, the retirement age has been increased: women now retire at 60, men - at 65. And as before, citizens who retire later than the age established by law will receive an increase in their pension in proportion to the time during which they were not retired (but they could have been!).

Accordingly, the later you retire, the higher the pension will be.

Pension calculator

On June 25, 2013, a pension calculator was posted on the official website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in other words, a mechanism by which citizens of the Russian Federation can calculate their future pension.

But, according to the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation, the calculator is not intended to determine the exact amount of the pension; it can only predict a certain amount given various indicators.

When calculating your future pension, you will be asked to enter the size of your salary, gender, length of military service, etc. in the columns. But the calculator gives the amount as of today, that is, as it would be if you retired tomorrow.

The calculator bases its calculations on the new pension formula, which is provided for in the Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, effective from January 1, 2015.

But! It is worth remembering that the pension formula initially includes an instrument that can affect the size of the pension in the direction of its reduction. This is the so-called cost of the pension coefficient, which is set depending on the economic and demographic situation in the country and other indicators.

What do we have besides pensions?

Due to the fact that pensioners (the majority) are not engaged in labor activities, they are considered a socially unprotected category of citizens.

That is why, in addition to pension provision, pensioners can count on other benefits and allowances.

  1. Tax legislation has provided “indulgences” for pensioners in the form of exemption from property tax; the pension is not taxed, and you can also receive a property deduction for the purchase of real estate if you apply for it within 3 years after retirement (pensioners are allowed to apply for a deduction for the previous 3 years, unlike other citizens).
  2. In the healthcare sector, everything is also good: all pensioners are covered by the compulsory health insurance program and have the right to receive medical care free of charge. Citizens receiving a minimum old-age or disability pension are required to sell prescription medications at a 50 percent discount.
  3. Compensation for payments for housing and communal services. If a pensioner is recognized as low-income, then he is entitled to a subsidy to pay for utilities. In addition, some regions provide compensation for housing costs as an additional measure of social support.
  4. Preferential travel on public transport, provided for by regional legislation.

If we summarize federal and local legislation, we can conclude that in addition to pensions, citizens have the right to additional benefits provided to them by the state.

Pensions in 2018 - 2019

The pension formula, which provides for the recalculation of pensions in points and an increase in length of service for calculating a pension, due to its complexity, raises many questions.

It should reassure current pensioners and everyone who managed to retire before 2015 that their pension rights will not be violated, but will have the same force.

Now it is especially beneficial for citizens to receive a “white” salary and forget about envelopes, since the amount of wages and deductions from it also affect the size of their future pension.

The new law introduced the concept of “annual pension coefficient” (APC), meaning the result of a citizen’s work for the year. The RPC is equal to the ratio of the amount paid by your employer to the amount that can be paid from the maximum contribution amount multiplied by the maximum value of the pension ratio.

Another advantage was that the “working” experience required to assign a pension includes parental leave for up to 1.5 years for a total of 4.5 years. Moreover, this leave is counted not only to the mother, but to the person who was officially on maternity leave.

The pension also remains composed of 2 parts: insurance and funded. Insurance is calculated according to the Law “On Insurance Pensions”, and funded - according to the Law “On Saving Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ, which also came into force on January 1, 2015.

If we take a closer look at the pension reforms and the latest changes in pension legislation, we will see that the state is trying to gradually “lead” the country out of the hole called “low pensions.” Evidence of this is the indexation of pensions twice a year, recalculation of pensions for working pensioners, etc.

However, it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion that everything is fine in the retirement field. It is necessary to give an “incubation” period for a new reform and wait to see what kind of “chick” will emerge from this “egg”.

In light of the negative trends in the Russian economy that have lasted for several years, citizens are in no hurry to increase their consumer baskets - it is obvious that the crisis has hit the wallets of Russians with tangible force. It is known that the state will again have gaps in 2018 - and, in connection with this, a number of analysts have expressed their disappointing forecasts regarding raising the standards of social payments. This topic worries Russian pensioners most of all. What will the pension be in 2018 and are there prerequisites for increasing the minimum benefit? Let's consider the main theses.

How do they promise to increase the minimum pension from January 1, 2018?

“Minimum pension” is an absolutely conditional term in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and implies the amount that is paid monthly to people whose length of service and age meet pension standards, including those who do not receive other types of pension benefits.

The amount of the subsistence minimum is calculated from the parameters for the current year, the level of price growth for, as well as other indicators of the economic state of the state. In each region of the Russian Federation, the standard of living wage has different values, and if the minimum pension does not reach its level, the deficiency is subsidized by funds from the regional treasury.

The issue of the minimum in 2018 should be differentiated according to the categories of accrual for citizens:

An insurance pension (by age) presupposes retirement for women after 55 years and for men after 60 years, with at least 7 years (until 2024, this standard will increase to 15 years). 8,703 rubles – this is the minimum that beneficiaries of an insurance pension can count on in 2018. From January 1 of the new year, pensioners in Moscow are promised to be paid twice as much - 17,500 rubles.

Social pension is benefits paid regularly to those citizens who do not receive monthly insurance payments, but need government support for certain reasons (in case of disability, loss of a breadwinner, old age in absence). In 2018, the government promises to index this type of benefits by 3.7%. And from April of the new year, the size of the social pension is expected to be 8,742 rubles.

The minimum insurance pension will also be indexed by 3.7%, and this will not be done in February, as a rule, but from January 1. But for working pensioners, their benefits will remain unchanged until August 2018 - from this month, pensions will be recalculated taking into account the increase in the value of their work points.

The size of the minimum Russian pension in 2018 will be calculated using the formula:

Fixed amount + insurance premium,

where the last value is sum of individual points * cost. Instead of 78.58 rubles, the cost of a point in 2017 is planned to be fixed at 81.49 rubles.

How does the minimum cost of living for a pensioner differ across Russian regions?

The first wave of widespread increases is planned in January, but not all pensioners will receive the same amount, even if they have the same achievements in terms of length of service. In addition, starting from the new year, local budgets can introduce additional charges to their residents. How will the size of minimum pensions differ in Russian regions?
As already noted, it is Moscow residents who can claim one of the highest pensions in the country - their size is set at 17,500 thousand.

The highest level of minimum pension benefit is in the Central District - 9.5-9.6 thousand rubles. recorded in the Voronezh, Kostroma, Smolensk regions, and the lowest - in the Kursk and Bryansk regions, here the minimum pension does not exceed 7.5 thousand rubles.

The figures will be higher in the Northwestern District - for example, in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions the minimum pension will be more than 12.5 thousand rubles, and in the Nenets Autonomous District - more than 18 thousand rubles. At the same time, in St. Petersburg, the Leningrad and Novgorod regions, there are some of the lowest minimum wages in the region - about 8.8 thousand rubles.

In the Southern District, pensioners from the Volgograd and Rostov regions can count on the highest “minimum wage”; here the benefit amount is fixed at 9.4 thousand rubles. At the same time, residents of Adygea and Kalmykia receive the smallest amounts in the region - less than 8.7 thousand rubles.

About 9-9.3 thousand rubles - this is the “minimum wage” for residents of the Volga Federal District in Udmurtia, Tatarstan, and the Kirov region. The Saratov and Orenburg regions are an order of magnitude behind them - here the minimum pension is 7.7 thousand rubles.

Quite high rates of minimum pensions are recorded in the Ural District. In the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs, pensioners live on 12-14 thousand rubles, while in the Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions the pension will be much lower - about 9.3 thousand rubles.

The highest minimum pension in the Siberian District is 9.7 thousand rubles. recorded in the Republic of Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory, Novosibirsk Region. But in Kemerovo, the lowest pension figures barely reach 8.8 thousand rubles.

The highest levels of pensions are intended for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District. In Yakutia, Kamchatka, Chukotka, pensioners receive benefits in the range of 17-21 thousand rubles. At the same time, the lowest figures are observed in the Amur region and Primorsky Krai - about 9.6 thousand rubles.

But in the North Caucasus Federal District, pensioners receive benefits - the lowest in the country. In Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, and Stavropol Territory, these payments are in the range of 7.6-8 thousand rubles.

Minimum pension in 2018 by region of Russia: table

Item no.Regionrubles
Central Federal District
1 Belgorod region8 836
2 Bryansk region7 327
3 Vladimir region9 233
4 Voronezh region9 567
5 Ivanovo region8 194
6 Kaluga region9 338
7 Kostroma region9 629
8 Kursk region7 044
9 Lipetsk region9 479
10 Moscow region9 864
11 Oryol Region8 597
12 Ryazan Oblast7 998
13 Smolensk region9 516
14 Tambov Region8 231
15 Tver region8 726
16 Tula region9 354
17 Yaroslavl region8 930
18 Moscow17 500
Northwestern Federal District
19 Republic of Karelia9 703
20 Komi Republic10 556
21 Arhangelsk region12 315
22 Nenets Aut. district18 199
23 Vologda Region9 701
24 Kaliningrad region9 703
25 Leningrad region8 672
26 Murmansk region12 497
27 Novgorod region9 299
28 Pskov region9 606
29 Saint Petersburg8 817
Southern Federal District
30 Republic of Adygea8 970
31 Republic of Kalmykia8 296
32 Krasnodar region9 279
33 Astrakhan region8 759
34 Volgograd region9 380
35 Rostov region9 355
Volga Federal District
36 Republic of Bashkortostan8 644
37 Mari El Republic8 781
38 The Republic of Mordovia8 231
39 Republic of Tatarstan9 175
40 Republic of Udmurtia9 371
41 Chuvash Republic8 146
42 Kirov region9 077
43 Nizhny Novgorod Region8 809
44 Orenburg region7 761
45 Penza region8 401
46 Samara Region8 326
47 Saratov region7 971
48 Ulyanovsk region8 707
49 Perm region9 011
Ural federal district
50 Kurgan region9 226
51 Sverdlovsk region9 703
52 Tyumen region9 402
53 Chelyabinsk region9 368
54 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug11 830
55 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug14 797
Siberian Federal District
56 Altai Republic9 499
57 The Republic of Buryatia9 703
58 Tyva Republic9 245
59 The Republic of Khakassia9 349
60 Altai region9 217
61 Transbaikal region9 703
62 Krasnoyarsk region9 270
63 Irkutsk region9 701
64 Kemerovo region8 882
65 Novosibirsk region9 703
66 Omsk region9 057
67 Tomsk region9 275
Far Eastern Federal District
68 The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Zone 1:
17 435
Zone 2:
14 763
69 Kamchatka Krai17 151
70 Primorsky Krai9 637
71 Khabarovsk region12 009
72 Amur region9 695
73 Magadan Region16 280
74 Sakhalin region13 225
75 Jewish Autonomous Region9 700
76 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug20 944
North Caucasus Federal District
77 The Republic of Dagestan8 707
78 The Republic of Ingushetia8 104
79 Kabardino-Balkaria8 922
80 Karachay-Cherkessia7 491
81 North Ossetia7 606
82 Chechen Republic8 989
83 Stavropol region8 293