How to peel bananas: interesting options. Fruit table etiquette: how to eat fruits and berries at ceremonial receptions How to eat plums at the table

Eating fruits and berries is undoubtedly a pleasant process. At home, no one thinks about the rules of etiquette and how to eat fruit. If at home a banana skin or a peach pit can be put in a fruit bowl, then in a restaurant or at a party you should behave appropriately, that is, follow the rules of fruit and berry etiquette.

What is the right way to eat fruit?

Pears and apples are usually on the table in a common vase. They take the fruit with their left hand, and with the right hand, remove the skin with a knife. By the way, you need to start cleaning an apple or pear from the stem and in a spiral. Move the cut skin to the edge of the plate, and put the peeled fruit in its middle. Now gently wipe your left hand with a napkin, take a fork into it and cut the fruit into two halves with a knife. Remove the core of the fruit with a knife, hold it with a fork, and place it on the skin scraps. If you are at an official reception or in a restaurant, then slices of an apple or pear should be eaten with a fork.

Peaches also need to be peeled, but only the part where it can be easily removed. Move the cut skin to the edge of the plate and put the fruit in the middle. To remove the stone, the fruit is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle. After breaking the peach into two parts and removing the stone, they put it on a plate and cut it into pieces, sending it to the mouth. An apricot does not need to be cut into pieces, as the halves are much smaller than those of a peach.

As for the grapes, they are eaten with their hands - they hold the brush with the left, and the berries are torn off with the right in turn. According to table etiquette, grape berries should be eaten whole, that is, with seeds and peel. If you were served grape berries in a bowl, that is, you need them with a spoon. In this case, it is permissible to spit out the bones on the edge of the spoon, and then transfer them to a special plate.

For some reason, many of us are afraid of not being able to handle the peeling of an orange. Take the orange in your left hand, cut off the circle around the peduncle and make circular cuts vertically. Moreover, circular incisions should not reach the stem. Now put the fruit on a plate and open the skin along the cuts to the stalk to get a kind of flower with a whole fruit inside. Then, using a knife and fork, cut an orange slice and free it from the seeds, cutting it in half. You need to eat orange slices with a fork. But the use of mandarin does not require appliances.

Pineapple is eaten with a knife and fork. As a rule, this exotic fruit is served sliced ​​or in bowls, so you need to use it with a small spoon (dessert, teaspoon).

This is at home, sitting comfortably in front of the TV, you can fill a fruit bowl with apple cores or banana skins. At a party, and even more so, in a restaurant, such a number will not work ... In order not to be left without dessert in the end, I suggest you take a short course in fruit and berry etiquette, an indispensable thing in your culinary self-education, capable of putting you in the most favorable light, at least for romantic date, even at an official banquet.

Apples and pears. An apple is taken from a common vase in the left hand and with a fruit knife over a plate, the skin is thinly cut in a spiral, starting from the stalk. The cut peel is pushed with a knife to the edge of the plate (far from the eater), and the peeled apple is placed in the middle of the plate. After wiping the left hand with a napkin, using a knife and fork, cut the apple in half. One half is set aside a little, and the second is cut into slices. Holding the slice with a fork, cut out the core with a knife and put it on the cut skin. At an informal meeting of friends, you can take slices with your fingers, but in a restaurant and in a formal setting, an apple is eaten with a fork. Pears are eaten the same way.

Peaches and apricots. Peaches and apricots are eaten differently. The peach is taken from the vase by hand and over the plate, with a knife, that part of the skin that is freely removed is cleaned with a knife. The peeled skin is shifted to the edge of the plate with the end of the knife, and the peeled peach is placed in the middle of the plate. A large peach is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle to the bone, then broken. The bone is removed with a knife. Pitted peach halves are not eaten whole, but cut off from it piece by piece. An apricot is much smaller than a peach, so they do not cut it into pieces, but put it in half at once in the mouth.

Plums. Large plums are broken in half with your fingers and the pit is removed. A small plum is squeezed from the ends so that it bursts, and then the stone is removed.

Grape. Grapes are taken not with instruments, but with hands. Hold the brush with two fingers and alternately tear off the berries. Grapes are usually eaten whole. If for some reason you cannot eat grapes with seeds or skins, it is better not to treat yourself to them in society at all. Sometimes grapes are served without twigs to each guest in bowls. In this case, it is eaten with a teaspoon or dessert spoon. At the same time, the bones are carefully spit on the tip of the spoon, and then transferred to a front plate, and if there is none, then to the edge of their plate.

Orange. The orange is taken in the left hand and the skin is cut off with a knife over the plate from the side of the pedicel. After that, circular cuts are made with a knife on the skin, without cutting it from the side of the stalk. The more cuts there are, the easier the orange will peel. After that, the orange is placed in the middle of the plate and, holding it with your hand, open the skin to the stalk along the cuts. Thus, a peeled orange is obtained in the middle, and on the sides there are petals of the peel in the form of a flower. Then, wiping their fingers on a napkin, they take a knife and a fork in their hands, separate a slice of orange with their help and, if it is large enough, cut off a half, free it from the seeds with the end of the knife, and put it into the mouth with a fork. If a seed accidentally enters the mouth, it is removed from the mouth to the tip of the fork and transferred to the edge of the plate.

There is an easier way to deal with an orange, less formal, let's say. First, the peel is cut crosswise, then it is removed, and the orange itself is divided by hand into slices.

Tangerines. The tangerine is taken with the left hand, and the skin is peeled over the plate with the right. Then the slices are separated and eaten without using appliances.

A pineapple. Pineapple is served peeled and core, cut into circles or slices. Sometimes sugar or powdered sugar is served separately. Pineapple is eaten with a knife and fork. Pineapple in syrup, cut into slices, is served, as a rule, to everyone in bowls, and eaten with a teaspoon or dessert spoon.

Bananas. Bananas are served with cut ends. Taking a banana by the stalk with your left hand, with your right hand with a knife, or without it, peel it and put it in the middle of the plate, and the skin on the edge of the plate. Banana pulp is eaten with a knife and fork, cut into slices.

Watermelons and melons served in slices with peel. The slice is placed on a plate with the skin down, and with the help of a knife and fork, the flesh is cut into pieces. The pulp can also be eaten with a teaspoon until the skin is firm. Or a slice of watermelon is placed on a plate with the pulp towards you, and the crust away from you. Eat with a knife and fork in small pieces, after freeing them from the bones with the tip of the knife.

Have you been invited to a restaurant or family dinner? Have a party with friends, corporate? Remember to bring good manners and etiquette with you. This article will discuss how, according to the rules etiquette should be consumed at the table fruits.

How not to get lost in fruit abundance

For example, as is apple? Thinking about tasting this fruit, first take it in your left hand and remove the peel with a knife over a plate. Then cut in half and each half in half again. Holding the quarter with a fork, carefully cut out the core with a knife and place on the cut peel. Quarters are eaten with a knife and fork. The same method should be used when using pears.

Bananas served to the table with cut ends. Taking a banana by the stalk with your left hand, peel it with your right. Banana pulp is eaten by cutting into thin circles.

Watermelon served cut into slices with a crust. Place a piece of watermelon on the plate with the flesh towards you. They eat by cutting off small pieces and cleaning them from seeds. From a common plate, a watermelon is taken by hand.

melon, cut into small slices, put on a plate crust down. Holding with a fork, cut the flesh in several places to the crust. Then cut off small pieces. The pulp can be cut all at once.

A pineapple served peeled and cut into slices. It is eaten with a knife and fork. By the way, when peeling a pineapple, do not be greedy - cut off the peel until brown dots disappear from the fruit, since a poorly peeled pineapple can burn your lips.

Orange they take it in the left hand and cut off the peel from the side of the stalk over the plate. They make circular cuts with a knife, and the more cuts, the faster the orange will peel. Then separate the slices with a knife and fork.

And here tangerines do not require any equipment. Just clean - and in your mouth.

Large peaches they take it in the left hand and cut it in a circle to the bone, then break it. The bone is removed with a knife. When eating, the fruit is gradually cut.

Grape eat with hands. True, sometimes he gets to the banquet unwashed, but then a bowl of water must appear on the table nearby. And, of course... do not forget to follow the ritual: first, a small bunch of grapes is cut off with special scissors, rinsed in water, dried with a napkin, and only then the berries go into the mouth one by one.

apricots And plums they are divided into halves with their hands, they take out the bone, put it on the edge of the plate, and eat the pulp with their hands. When the fruits are too juicy not to get your hands dirty, it is better to use a fruit knife and fork. You need to carefully cut the fruit in half, remove the stone in the same way and eat with cutlery.

cherry And sweet cherry they take petioles from a common dish, put them on their plate and send one berry to their mouth with their hands. If the petioles are removed from cherries and sweet cherries, then the berries are served in bowls, from which they are eaten with a spoon. In both cases, the bones are quietly spit out on a spoon and left on the edge of the plate.

Pomegranate very rarely served at the table. It's not easy to deal with him. In addition, it has a very bright and caustic juice, which, once on a tablecloth or clothes, is very poorly washed. So it’s better to feast at home, alone, because not everyone manages to cope with it beautifully in society. In a formal setting, pomegranates are eaten with a spoon, separating the pulp from the seeds in the mouth, then the remnants are delicately spit into a spoon and put on the edge of the plate.

grapefruit served usually cut into halves, the pulp is sprinkled with powdered sugar. They eat with a teaspoon (sometimes a special spoon with a pointed edge is served with grapefruits), carefully scooping out the pulp. For convenience, you can separate the edible part from the peel and films with a knife.

Kiwi in restaurants, they are cleaned and served cut into pieces, which allows you to eat this overseas miracle with a fruit fork. But most often, kiwi is served cut into halves and eaten with a teaspoon, choosing the pulp.

Persimmon if the fruits are very ripe, serve after cutting the base so that the fruit "stands" on the plate. In this case, it is convenient to eat persimmons, scooping out the pulp with a spoon. The fetus is held with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. The peel is left on a plate, and the bones are separated from the pulp in the mouth, carefully removed with a spoon and put on the edge of the plate. Hard-fleshed fruits are easier to eat with a knife and fork. If you're not sure you can handle a certain "tricky" fruit in terms of etiquette, it's best to ditch it altogether and opt for something less labor intensive. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to explain the reason for your refusal.

Bon appetit!

It can be found on the shelves all year round, while it is inexpensive, tasty and healthy. It is used not only for snacks and as an additive to desserts, but also for cosmetic purposes, which few people know about. Let's take a closer look at the product.

Calorie content and nutritional value

Among athletes, a banana is considered a complete snack, and all thanks to its increased nutritional value. 100 g of this product contains 96 kcal, and this is almost 7% of the daily norm. There are 21 g of carbohydrates alone, which equals almost 16.5% of the required dose for normal human activity.
In addition, the product is rich in proteins and dietary fiber, almost 70% of its composition is water, and even less than 1% fat. Due to this, the fruit satisfies the feeling of hunger and helps the body stay full of energy.

Vitamin and mineral composition

This product is very useful due to the large number vitamins in the composition are A, C and group B. Also there are such chemical elements like iron, sodium, phosphorus and potassium.

Important! It is worth remembering that the whole usefulness of a fruit can be crossed out by a large amount of sugar in the composition (its glycemic index is more than 41) - therefore, it is not recommended to consume more than three fruits a day.

Benefits of bananas

In addition to the fact that a banana is able to saturate and provide energy, it is easily digested and does not burden the digestive tract. It contains pectin and fiber, which improve the digestive process.

This fruit contains vitamin C no less than in citrus fruits, so frequent use helps maintain immunity and fight diseases. It is also important to take it for the prevention of cancer.
By eating this fruit, you will ensure the beauty and health of your nails and hair. It will have a positive effect on vision and the cardiovascular system - vitamin A will take care of them.

If you want your bones to be strong, your muscles to be in good shape, and your liver and brain to be healthy, you will need potassium and magnesium, which are enough in a banana.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the effect of the yellow fruit on the nervous system - a person becomes calmer, more active and even happier due to the sweet taste and the presence of the amino acid tryptophan.

For men

This fruit is directly related to improvement of male power. Moreover, magnesium not only increases potency, but also improves the quality of the seed - there is a stimulation of the production of motile spermatozoa. Therefore, the product is advised to be used by those who want to become a parent as soon as possible.

It also increases the duration of the erection. Banana acts as an aphrodisiac - increases libido and allows you to get excited much faster.

For women

In women, fruit is the first increases sexual desire. But that's not all. Premenstrual and critical days will become easier to bear if you eat at least one fruit a day. The pain sensations will be dulled, and the bleeding will become less profuse.

And, of course, beauty directly depends on the diet. If it contains a banana, then you can not worry about problems with the skin, hair or nails. This product will replenish the amount of vitamin B in the body.

For children

Dessert and source of vitamin - banana for children is the number one fruit. Moreover, doctors are allowed to introduce it into the diet of the baby almost from 6 months. Naturally, from 6 to 8 months, extremely small doses should be given, you can just give the child a nibble. A little banana can be added to porridge if it is without sweeteners and the child refuses to eat it.

Important! This fruit should not be the first to be introduced as complementary foods - otherwise the baby may refuse to eat other, unsweetened foods after it.

This product is very useful for the development of the baby's body - vitamins and minerals are involved in the formation of muscles, bone tissue, brain and blood.
Another plus is that the fruit is soft and tender; even if you accidentally bite off and swallow a small piece, it's almost impossible to choke them- it just slips down your throat. It is also one of the most non-allergic products.

Can bananas

As with any product, the banana has its limitations. It will not be useful for everyone, and in rare cases it can even be harmful. Therefore, we will figure out when it should be deleted from the diet.


You can eat bananas and even need to. Just this fruit will help expectant mothers to survive not the most pleasant condition that accompanies pregnancy - toxicosis. Banana suppresses nausea and gives strength.

Fruit will help heartburn- due to its delicate texture, it lubricates the stomach, removing inflammation. And other troubles, such as constipation or heaviness in the stomach, will also quickly stop bothering you.

The constant desire to eat can lead to unwanted weight gain - and snacking on a banana can save you from this.
Iron, which is a lot in the composition, will increase the level of hemoglobin and prevent the appearance of anemia at the fetus.

Nursing mothers

A woman whose child is breastfed should eat well. Therefore it is worth forget about Soviet diets, which provide for a meager diet. This applies to cases where children do not have unexplained allergies to certain foods, including bananas. They help to restore strength after childbirth and provide milk rich in useful elements.

In this case, the amino acid tryptophan helps mom and baby sleep normally. It enhances the production of the hormone of joy, and for a sleep-deprived and tired mother, this is important. A banana can both strengthen the baby's stool and weaken it, so it's better not to overdo it with the number of fruits - one per day will be the norm.

It is very rare for a banana to be allergic, but still in the first months of a baby's life it is better to carefully monitor his reaction.

Losing weight

But for those who set themselves the goal of losing weight, it is better to avoid bananas. Or use them until 12 noon- so that sugar goes into the creation of energy, and not fat reserves. It is also better to limit yourself to one fruit a day.
This product is perfect for those who cannot imagine life without sweets. It is best added to plain yoghurts, cottage cheese, or oatmeal.

Did you know? Record number of meals eaten in one hourbananas- 81 pieces.

With diabetes

The American Diabetes Association allows people with this disease to consume these fruits. As for the doctors of the CIS countries, opinions differ radically. So it's better consult with your doctor and clarify the amount of permitted fruit per day. You also need to understand that the type of diabetes can also affect the doctor's decision - if the disease is complex, it is better to refuse bananas.

The main thing is to eat fruits evenly so that there are no unnecessary jumps in blood sugar throughout the day. It is better to eat one fruit, and not as part of desserts, yogurt or cottage cheese.

How to choose a quality product when buying

Choosing a delicious and ripe fruit is not so difficult if you follow these rules:

  1. We pay attention to the shape of the fetus - it should be streamlined, in no case ribbed. Usually these fruits are without dents and protruding parts.
  2. Matte, smooth and yellow peel without darkening, cracks, dents.
  3. The color should be uniform - yellow. The green tint indicates the unripeness of the fruit, but if it lies a little in the sun, it can be eaten. Darkening yellow indicates that the fruit has been on the counter for a long time. The taste of this fruit is not very pleasant.
  4. The smaller the fruit, the better - in the homeland of this fruit, only dwarf bananas are generally eaten, and large ones are used to feed animals.
  5. The grayish color of the fruit indicates frostbite - this is not worth taking. But black dots are not scary, but it’s still better to eat fruit on the day of purchase.

How to store at home

Bananas are perfectly stored in a room or in the kitchen on a windowsill or in a vase. They are thermophilic and can even fill up with vitamin D in the sun. But there are certain the norms at which the fetus is best stored:

  • temperature up to 13 °С;
  • humidity in the room is not lower than 90%;
  • fruit in a bunch is better preserved.

Unripe fruits can be stored in such conditions for about a month.

You should not store the fruits in the refrigerator - it is better for them not to be preserved, but only to darken and lose their taste.

Features and rules of use

Banana is one of the foods that do not need instructions for use. But there are some rules to follow.

Did you know? Banana is a berry. It grows on a stalk of grass up to 10 m high.

Should I wash bananas before eating?

You cannot know under what conditions fruits were transported from hot countries - where they lay, whether dust and dirt fell on them. So take a minute and wash the skin of the fruit. This will protect you from unwanted bacteria that can get on the pulp.

How much can you eat per day

Feel free to eat up to 3 bananas per day. This will be especially useful for athletes, active people, those who need to energize the brain. Children should not eat more than one fruit. You also need to limit the amount for those who:

  • losing weight;
  • eats other fruits and moves little;
  • has gastrointestinal problems.

In these cases, more than one fruit is not worth eating, so as not to harm the body.

When is the best time to eat bananas: morning or evening

Any fruit, including bananas, nutritionists recommend eating before lunch. Then the body will be filled with energy and will be in good shape, so it will become easier to work. And at night, extra strength is not needed, and extra weight will not be a pleasant bonus.

What can be done and where to add

Bananas make best smoothies, milkshakes, and desserts. This fruit is compatible with others, moreover, mixes from it will always be delicious. If you mix banana, strawberries and yogurt without filler in a blender, you get a delicious snack. With dairy products, this fruit will always be a winning option.

Banana will be a good filling for cakes and other desserts. It can be baked in a pie, fried for pancakes, or simply put on a peanut butter sandwich.

Semolina or other porridge will become sweeter and tastier from this fruit - children will like it.

How can it be used for cosmetic purposes

For cosmetic procedures, this fruit is ideal - it is easy to knead and add anywhere. It will nourish the skin with useful substances, moisturize and soothe it. Organic acids will help normalize oily skin and get rid of acne.

Before using the mask:

  • make sure that the skin does not show an allergic reaction - spread the mixture on your wrist and hold for five minutes;
  • take only ripe fruits and knead not with a fork, but with a blender - without lumps, the mixture will better lie on the skin;
  • on sensitive skin, do not keep the mask for more than 10 minutes.

Refreshing mask

Half a banana is mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mixture should be held for 15 minutes and washed off with cold water. Instead of lemon can be used and orange. If after that you also wipe your face with chamomile, the pleasant sensations on your face will not leave you until the end of the day.

Toning and nourishing mask

We take half a banana, two teaspoons of milk and one yolk. Mix until a thick slurry is formed and apply for 15 minutes. Mineral water will complement the tonic effect of such a mask - unlike running water, it will not dry the skin. Instead of milk, you can take sour cream or kefir.

You can also mix half the fruit with oatmeal and lemon juice - this mask soothes inflammation, tones and nourishes the skin.

Rejuvenating mask

We take the pulp of half the fruit, two tablespoons of yogurt without filler and honey. Mix the ingredients and apply to cleansed face and neck. After 10 minutes, wash off with warm water and moisturize the skin with a day cream.

If you use this mask several times a week, the skin will tighten and will not be bothered by dehydration.

Contraindications and harm

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes in most cases require the exclusion of the product from the diet. But the doctor decides. Varicose veins and thrombophlebitis can also become contraindications to eating fruit.

So, we found out that a banana is good for both children and adults. This is one of the few fruits that rarely causes allergies, so it can also be given to babies as a sweet addition to cereals. And if you eat it in the morning, then you will have enough strength and energy not only for work, but also for sports activities.

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24 times already

Fresh fruit serving as dessert can be set in the center of the table before guests sit down, but fruit can also be served by the maid at the beginning of the dessert. Guests can also pass the fruit platter to each other. When fruit is served as a dessert at a formal lunch or dinner, a fruit knife is placed on each fruit plate. It is brought on the bottom plate of the hand dish. In less formal circumstances, at the beginning of a meal, a knife and fork are placed on the table - just above the main plate, parallel to the edge of the table.

With baked and boiled fruit, as well as fresh fruit compotes, a dessert-sized spoon is usually served, but teaspoons are often used. A dessert spoon and fork is often served with large fruit that is cooked whole.

Fruit bowls are seven to eight inches in diameter. A salad bowl can be used instead. The diced and baked fruits are served in dishes, usually made of glass and on a matching bottom plate.

As a rule, cheese or dry biscuits are served with fruit. Usually only cheese is offered, but a cheese plate can have several types of food besides cheese. The cheese plate is served after the guests have finished eating the fruit. A serving of cheese is placed on the fruit plate, not directly on the biscuits. A small amount of cheese can be placed on the cracker with a fruit knife or fruit fork.

Apricots. Fresh apricots are taken with hands and eaten, biting off the pulp. Do not take an apricot kernel in your mouth.

Pickled or seasoned apricots, served with a meat dish, are placed on a dinner plate. They are cut and eaten with a fork or knife and fork. The kernels are not taken into the mouth.

Apricot compote is served in a small dish on the bottom plate. Apricots from compote are cut with a spoon. A small apricot is taken into the mouth completely, the core is taken out with a spoon and placed on the bottom plate.

A pineapple. Pineapple can be served unpeeled. In this case, it is cut into wedge-shaped slices. Small slices can be eaten with a fork, while large ones are controlled with a knife and fork. Fresh pineapples are cut open and left for a while in sugar, honey, or perhaps liquor. They are eaten with a spoon, like canned pineapples.

oranges. An orange cut in half unpeeled is eaten with a spoon. Before this, the seeds are removed with the tip of a spoon; if the seeds still get into the mouth, they are removed with a spoon. The remaining peel with orange pulp is not picked up and squeezed to squeeze out the remaining juice.

Whole oranges (except Temple oranges, which are as easy to peel as a tangerine) are not recommended for dessert at the table, as peeling them looks ugly, especially without a fruit knife. If oranges are to be served, the peel should be cut into quarters with a fruit knife and pulled back to look like flower petals. This opens access to the inside of the orange, while the orange itself is eaten by hand. Seeds are also removed with the help of hands. If a fruit knife is not available, the orange should be completely peeled, breaking off small pieces of the peel. Spiral cleaning is a hassle, especially without a sharp enough knife.

Watermelons. Watermelons are usually served in sliced ​​semi-circular slices or wedge-shaped pieces. Their large size requires the use of a dinner plate. Watermelon is eaten with a fork or knife. Before sending a piece into the mouth, seeds are removed from it with a fork. If the seeds still get into the mouth, then they are removed with a fork, although it is also permissible and much safer to get rid of the seeds with your fingers.

Bananas. When bananas are served whole, you should not peel them only partially, bringing them to your mouth with the peel still hanging down. Eating bananas in this way is only permissible at a picnic. At the table, bananas can be peeled either completely or partially, after which you should put the banana near the plate and, breaking off pieces, eat it with your hands. If guests are offered a knife and fork, you can cut off small pieces of bananas and eat with a fork, as they do in Europe.

Grape. Individual grapes separated from the bunch should not be served in a fruit dish. Separate parts are torn off or cut off with grape scissors from the bunch, which are served on a dessert plate. Only after that separate grapes come off. You should not bring small bunches to your mouth and bite off the grapes with your teeth. It is better to use grapes with hard skins, as soft skins tear easily, and a bunch of skins from used grapes is a very unattractive sight.

In Europe, grapes are not washed before serving, as this spoils the color; particles of a bunch of grapes are dipped in a dish for hands or even in glasses for water.

Cherries. Fresh cherries are served with cuttings. The stalk is removed after the berry is placed in the mouth. The bone is removed with the fingers.

Compote cherries are eaten with a spoon. The bone is removed from the mouth with a spoon and placed on the edge of the lower plate, and not on the back of the dish.

Grenades. There is only one answer to the question of how to eat this fruit: eat this fruit without company. Pomegranates should not be placed in a fruit dish except for decoration. The pomegranate is cut into wedge-shaped pieces, a piece of fruit with seeds is bitten off, the seeds are then removed into the hand. At the table it looks ugly.

Grapefruits. Grapefruit can be peeled and divided into segments; the thin shell is removed, the slices are served on a dessert dish. If half a grapefruit is served, then it is placed on a dessert plate. Before the grapefruit is put on the table, usually the white flesh is removed, the peel is peeled off and the shell separating the slices is removed; sugar, honey, sherry, liquor are often added. Grapefruit should be cooked carefully so as not to pierce the skin, which could cause the juice to spill onto the plate. If you do not cut the grapefruit exactly into slices, then it is better not to cut it at all, although if the grapefruit is served hot, it must be divided into slices. Grapefruit is eaten with a teaspoon or with a pointed grapefruit spoon. The bones are taken out of the mouth with a spoon.

Pears. Fresh pears are cut into quarters. The core is removed. The pear is eaten with the hands or with a fruit fork. Usually the pear is peeled, but this is not necessary. Only at picnics is it permissible to keep an uncut, unpeeled pear and bite off pieces of it.

Served uncut pears are best handled with a knife and fork.

A large, very juicy Komis pear is cut in half and served unpeeled with the core removed. This pear is eaten with a spoon like half a cantaloupe, leaving the skin intact.

Melons. A classic addition to melons of all kinds is a slice of lemon. Many season the melon with salt and black pepper, so you should not remove them from the table if melon is served for dessert. It is best to serve the slices well chilled.

Often melons are made in the form of balls marinated in honey or sugar, and possibly also in wine and liquor. Melons in the form of balls are served on a dessert dish; these balls can be piled up in a half cantaloupe. The balls are eaten with a spoon.

Cut into slices - semicircular or wedge-shaped - melons are served in a dessert plate unpeeled. Melon is eaten with a dessert spoon or a dessert knife and fork.

Thin slices can be peeled and served on a dessert plate in this form; these slices are eaten with a spoon or with a knife and fork.

Semicircular and wedge-shaped melon slices with recesses in them are often filled with sherbet, ice cream, berries, green grapes and other fruits.

Strawberry- the only berry that is served with a stalk. Strawberries are placed on a dessert plate either only with powdered sugar, or with sugar or sour cream (not with sweet cream). They eat it with their hands. You can put separate containers with powdered sugar and sour cream on a plate; sugar and sour cream can be put in a small amount on a plate, but not on the berries themselves. Each strawberry is taken by the stalk, dipped in sugar or sour cream and eaten, biting off a couple of times.

Bones. The general rule is that whatever is put into the mouth with a fork or spoon is taken out of the mouth by the same object; everything that goes into the mouth with the hands is taken out by the hands. An exception is made for small and slippery seeds, which are removed from the mouth with the fingers, but under no circumstances should the palm of the hand be used. If processed fruits are served on the table in a dish, then the bones and seeds are placed on a plate under the dish.

Mango. This delightful fruit is so full of juice, holds its seeds so tightly, and stains tablecloths so indelibly, that it is best served already peeled and sliced. Sliced ​​mango is eaten with a fork.

Tangerines. Tangerines are an excellent component in a dish with different fruits. The peel is easy to peel off. One slice is detached at a time and eaten by hand, usually taking a couple of bites. The seeds are returned to the plate by hand.

Nectarine. Large nectarines (smooth peaches) are cut and eaten with a dessert knife and fork. Small nectarines are eaten with the hands, biting off piece by piece like plums. The bone is not taken in the mouth.

Peaches. It is best to serve fresh peaches with an easily detached stone on the table, since the pulp firmly attached to the stone makes the process of removing the stone very ugly. Small peaches are cut in half, large ones into several parts. Usually, peaches are peeled (although this is not necessary) and eaten with the hands or with a fruit fork. Only at a picnic, they hold a peach in their hand, biting off a little of it. Do not remove fluff with a tissue.

Pickled peaches are placed on the dinner plate, but not on the butter plate; pieces are eaten with a fork.

Whole peaches boiled in syrup are best eaten with a fork and spoon.

Plums. Fresh plums are taken by hand and eaten, biting off a piece. Bones are not taken into the mouth. It is best to serve plums already peeled - both fresh and processed.

Figs. Fresh figs are taken with the fingers, they are eaten by biting off several times.

Dates. Dates are best eaten by biting off a couple of times so that there is no need to take a bone in your mouth. If dates are taken into the mouth as a whole, the pit is removed with the fingers.

Persimmon. When this fruit reaches maturity, it becomes so soft and juicy that it is convenient to handle it at the table only with a dessert knife and spoon. Persimmon is placed on a plate tail side down. The peel is cut from top to bottom into four parts. The rind can be eaten, but is usually not eaten because it has a sharp taste, even though the flesh is sweet like honey. After removing the peel, the pulp is cut into pieces, the seeds are separated. Less often, the upper part is cut off from the persimmon, in order to then extract the pulp with a spoon. You can cut the peel, and then, before serving the persimmon on the table, pull the pieces from the pulp, like flower petals. The persimmon is then eaten with a knife and fork.

Prunes. Unprocessed prunes made from sun-dried plums are sometimes served on the table in a fruit platter. Prunes are taken with hands, they eat it, biting off a little. The bone is not taken in the mouth.

Prunes from compote are cut with the edge of a spoon; the bone is left on the platter. If small prunes are taken into the mouth as a whole, the stone is removed with a spoon and placed on the edge of the plate under the fruit dish.

Apples. The apple is never held whole in the hand, biting off piece by piece. If a fork and a fruit knife are served, then the apples are cut into four parts, the core is cut out, the peel is peeled off and eaten with a knife and fork. In the above way, apples are usually eaten in Europe. If only a fruit knife is served, the apple is peeled and cut into pieces so that it can be swallowed by biting off a couple of times; pieces are eaten by hand.

Berries. IN on the most formal occasions, the peeled berries are served in small glass dishes placed on a dessert plate. On less formal occasions, the berries are served in a platter without a bottom plate. Berries can be served directly in a dessert plate if sour cream is served instead of sweet cream. Powdered sugar is often used instead of sugar.

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