How to peel an avocado. How to Peel and Eat an Avocado

Avocado appeared on the shelves of supermarkets not so long ago, but has already won the love of buyers. The fruit looks very similar to a pear, but differs from it. The peel is dense and pimply, has a dark green color. Avocado grows in warm countries - Israel, South Africa, Guatemala.

The fruit is rich in fatty acids. Avocado has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, on the functioning of the intestines, and slows down the aging process of the skin.

The pulp of the fruit has a delicate oily texture with the taste of butter with herbs and pine nuts.

On a note! Although the avocado grows on a tree, it becomes fully ripe when removed. For quick ripening, place in a paper bag with a ripe apple or banana and leave for a couple of days at room temperature.

How to choose the right avocado

To feel the true taste of an avocado, you need to be able to choose it. Since the unripe fruit is absolutely tasteless, and sometimes even bitter.

Important! Skin color is not significant when choosing a fruit. Avocados come in different varieties, and their skin color is different.

  • If, when you press the peel, a dent appears, which is quickly restored, then the fruit is ripe. An overripe avocado does not return its shape.
  • The bone should tap lightly when shaken.
  • The fruit should not have damage and spots.

Attention! The stone in the avocado contains hazardous substances and is not eaten!

Avocado is often used in culinary recipes, but many do not dare to buy it because they do not know how to peel this exotic fruit - avocado. So let's take a closer look at the process.

Only the flesh of the fruit is edible. The bone contains hazardous substances and is contraindicated for consumption.

The avocado must first be washed and dried. The cleaning of the fetus depends on its shape:

If the fruit is pear shaped , then cut along the entire length with a sharp knife, pressing into the pulp until it rests on the bone.
Next, carefully divide the avocado into two even halves. Rotate one of the halves 90 degrees and separate from the bone. Gently pry the bone into the other half with a knife or fork.

If the shape of the avocado is round , then it must be cut with a knife along, and not across. All other actions are the same as with the pear-shaped form.

Divide half of the fruit into 2 parts again and remove the skin. It remains only to cut the halves into strips and thin slices.

By the way, you can eat the pulp of an avocado with a spoon directly from the halves.

Advice! If it is not possible to separate the pulp from the peel or the fruit is too hard, then it can be peeled like a potato.

How to cut an avocado into cubes

If the pulp is needed for a salad, then it is better to cut the avocado into small squares, it will look stylish and beautiful.
Take half an avocado, it does not need to be cut and peeled. Cut the flesh in the form of a grid with a knife. Watch the video, we made it especially for you.

How to use avocado pulp

Avocado is an excellent product for dietary and vegetarian recipes.

Its pulp is suitable for making hearty salads instead of meat or eggs, cream soups. A very bright and spectacular puree is obtained from the fruit due to the color of the pulp; such a side dish will not go unnoticed on the festive table.

The fruit is used to make rolls and sushi. As well as dishes with poultry or meat, various cold snacks.

In addition, excellent desserts, ice cream, mousses and juices are obtained from the oily fruit. Avocado pulp can be spread on toast or used as a substitute for mayonnaise in salads.

Store avocados in the refrigerator for a week or

Avocados have been known for their beneficial and nutritious properties since ancient times. Nevertheless, many housewives look at this fruit with apprehension and distrust, as they do not fully understand how to approach it. How to peel an avocado? Many people ask this question, especially after it became known about the incredible properties of the fruit, which, having a high calorie content and a high fat content, does not contain cholesterol at all and promotes weight loss.


Avocado pulp brings many benefits to the body. It has a rich vitamin composition, and a considerable content of microelements necessary for a person. Of the vitamins, everyone knows A and C, almost the complete composition of vitamins of group B, as well as K and PP. The mineral composition includes a high content of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, and in addition, avocados contain calcium, magnesium and even iron. Not every fruit can boast of such a combination.

The fruit is very useful for frequent gastrointestinal disorders, the pulp of the fruit does an excellent job of cleansing the body of harmful toxins, toxins and other unnecessary substances that accumulate over the years. And also the fruit must be consumed by people experiencing frequent mental stress and nervous tension, it strengthens nerve cells and increases efficiency and brain activity.

Women will really like the effect that avocados have on the body. Thanks to the use of pulp, the skin acquires the desired degree of moisture, and gradually tightening, smoothes wrinkles. In addition, avocado dishes are very nutritious and satisfying, despite this they contribute to weight loss, the main thing is not to mix them with animal fats.

Contraindications, except for individual intolerance, have not yet been found. Nevertheless, you should not be zealous in eating a healthy fruit, since nutrition should be varied and excessive saturation of the body with the same type of fat will not lead to anything good.


Avocados are important not only to clean properly, but also to choose. Since it is not widely used and rarely appears on the menu, not everyone is strong when it comes to choosing a product. Inexperienced buyers run the risk of purchasing unripe fruit, which will not bring gastronomic pleasure and can simply spoil the impression of the fruit and discourage eating it.

When choosing a fruit, you need to follow simple rules:

  • externally, the fruit should not have damage and foci of decay;
  • the peel should not be hard, this is typical only for an unripe fruit;
  • if you shake the fetus, the bone inside it should make noise.

The size and color of an avocado is not an indicator of its maturity, but rather differences in fruit varieties, therefore, when choosing a product, you should focus only on these three quality attributes.


The choice of product is important, but in order to fully enjoy the fruit, it is important to know how to properly peel an avocado. Many people wonder, but in general, do you need to peel avocados? Definitely yes! It should be understood that the value is the pulp of the fruit, and the remaining parts of the avocado are poisonous. This is especially true of the bone, which contains toxins; it will not work to poison the body strongly, but it is easy to worsen your well-being for a while. The peel of the fruit has a specific taste and bitterness, so most often it is also removed. But sometimes it is used as plates and filled with salad, pate and so on. It turns out a kind of stuffed fruit.

How to peel an avocado most often depends on what dish will be prepared and in what form the fruit is used in it, as well as on the degree of its maturity. The easiest way to peel is to separate the pulp from the stone and remove the peel. To do this, you need a sharp knife and a teaspoon. It is advised to start peeling the fruit by peeling, for this there are two options:

  • just peel the fruit with a knife, like a potato;
  • make four cuts along the fruit and carefully remove the skin.

The first method is preferable if the avocado is hard and slightly unripe, the second method is to peel the ripe soft fruit. After the peel is removed, you need to cut the fruit in half to the bone and divide into two parts. One part will already be ready, the second will leave a toxic bone in itself. In order to extract it, you need a teaspoon. The stone can also be removed by hand, but this process will be longer and may damage the appearance of the product, so using a spoon is faster and more accurate.

It is preferable to clean the soft ripe fruit in the second way, which is necessary, for example, for a salad, that is, even pieces are needed. Rinse the fruit thoroughly and cut it in half with the peel. Then also carefully remove the bone with a teaspoon. After that, with a sharp knife, you need to cut the flesh into pieces without injuring the peel. Then a teaspoon comes into play again, it is important to carefully separate all the chopped pieces of the fruit from the peel. The result will be intact pulp and cups of peel for filling, if the dish provides for it.

It turns out that peeling the fruit is not so difficult. It is worth following the advice and then this process will not cause difficulties even for the hostess who uses the fruit for the first time.

Avocado (alligator pear) is a tropical fruit of the tree of the same name, which appeared on the shelves of our stores not so long ago, but has already fallen in love with many compatriots. The berry, unsightly in appearance - this is what the avocado fruit is called - has a pleasant oily pulp, which is very much appreciated among real gourmets. However, the overseas product has not received national recognition: not all housewives yet know whether it is necessary to peel an avocado and what to do with it in general.

How to peel a fruit

Exotic berry covered dark green, slightly wrinkled skin. Moreover, the softness of the “skin” is directly proportional to the ripeness of the fruit: the more pliable the pulp, the more tender the skin. Whether an avocado needs to be peeled or not will depend on the cooking option, taste preferences, and the "stability" of the stomach. For example, to prepare a stuffed avocado, the skin is not removed - this way the dish will look more aesthetic. And in salads, sauces and snacks, they use a peeled fruit: a harsh crust can affect the taste of the final product.

The usual way

If the recipe requires not to violate the integrity of the fetus, then the alligator pear is cleaned in the usual way in much the same way as potatoes.

  • The fruit is washed under running water, then dried.
  • Using a sharp knife, remove the peel, being careful not to cut off too much pulp. With a ripe product, you can do the following: make four shallow cuts along the length of the fruit, then, carefully grabbing the “skin”, remove it with a smooth movement of your hand in four steps.
  • With a knife, cut the flesh along the entire length of the avocado to the bone, thereby dividing it into two parts.
  • Remove the bone. If the fruit is very ripe, you can get it with your fingers. If not, it's better to use a teaspoon.

After cleaning, it is advisable to sprinkle the pulp with lemon juice. This is necessary so that the product does not oxidize and does not change color.

Easy option

If the recipe calls for avocado slices the same shape, you can do it easier by bypassing the stage of cutting the peel from the fruit.

  • The alligator pear is thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • Using a sharp knife, divide it into two halves along with the peel.
  • Take out the bone in any convenient way.
  • The pulp is cut as required by the recipe (usually in the form of cubes), while trying not to cut through the "skin".
  • With the help of a teaspoon, the pulp is separated from the peel and used for its intended purpose.

If the shape of the product is not so important, you can simply scrape out the pulp with a spoon. This is usually done when making alligator pear purees, pates, sauces or snacks.

Useful and tasty fruit

How to cut an avocado

Before cutting an avocado, it must be wash up under running water, and then wipe with a clean cloth. The product is always eaten raw because after cooking it can become bitter or tasteless.

When the pulp is used to make salads, it can be cut in any form: straws, small cubes, large cubes, etc. Sometimes you want to surprise guests and serve the ripe fruit in some unusual way.

  • The simplest avocado snack can be arranged in the form of a circle. To do this, the alligator pear, peeled and divided into two halves, is cut into thin strips, which are then laid out in a “path” or placed on a plate in a vertical position, giving them the appearance of a circle.
  • If you cut half an avocado not lengthwise, but across, you will get “petals” of an unusual shape with a round hole inside.
  • Stuffed fruit halves look original on the festive table. What to fill them with, fantasy will tell. It can be red or black caviar, quail eggs, shrimp, soft cheese, etc.
  • Avocado salad can be laid out not in the usual salad bowls, but in half the peel from the fruit. Care must be taken to maintain its shape before peeling an avocado.

At home, creating original and beautiful snacks from a savory product is not difficult. It is not at all necessary to be guided for this by cookbooks or the advice of experienced chefs. Sometimes your own imagination suggests much more original options than the most popular culinary show.

Obviously, before peeling an avocado for lettuce or other dishes, you need to choose it correctly in the store. Unripe fruits are too dense, tasteless or very bitter, so they are of little use for food. The skin of an unripe alligator pear has a bright green color and is quite dense to the touch.

A ripe product is distinguished by a dark “skin” with small black blotches and is easily crushed when pressed. However, when choosing a ripe avocado, you should not overdo it - too soft "foreigner" does not have an excellent taste, in addition, it can be very wrinkled. You can buy a slightly unripe fruit and hold it for several days in a dark place - so it will quickly “reach” to the desired state.

Avocado is a tasty and healthy product that is desirable to regularly include in your diet to saturate the body with useful substances. It is worth learning how to properly clean the fruit - then it will definitely be to your taste and will become a frequent guest on the table, replacing more fatty and high-calorie foods.

Attention, only TODAY!

Avocado is a unique fruit in terms of physical, chemical and gastronomic characteristics. Before peeling avocados in the traditional way, like potatoes, you should familiarize yourself with simpler and more effective approaches. They will allow you to get the maximum amount of edible pulp, spending only a few minutes on it.

There are several ways to perform manipulation, which are applied depending on what the pulp will be used for. For example, if the product will be ground in a blender or rubbed with a fork until smooth, you can simply scoop it out with a spoon. Avocados for salad or rolls are cleaned by other methods.

How to choose the right avocado?

First of all, it should be remembered that you only need to peel a fruit that has already reached the desired degree of ripeness. If you remove the skin from an unripe fruit, the pulp can no longer ripen, and such a product is not eaten. A fruit suitable for use must meet the following criteria:

  1. It should be soft but elastic. A dense product has not yet ripened, a soft one is overripe and it will not work to cut it.
  2. The skin of a ripe fruit is dark green, not black or brown, which is often seen in supermarkets.
  3. To make sure the avocado is ready, press it with your finger until a small dent appears and wait 20 seconds. If the dent gradually straightens out, this indicates a high quality product.

Even before buying, you can shake the avocado by the ear. If no sounds are heard, most likely the fetus has not yet ripened. If a slight tapping is obvious, this indicates the ripeness of the stone, and, therefore, the fruit itself.

How to peel an avocado for slicing?

If you plan to use avocados for making rolls or other dishes in which the component is introduced into straws, then cleaning should be carried out according to the following principle:

  • The product is thoroughly washed under warm water and dried with napkins or a towel.

Tip: In the process of cutting the components, it is recommended to lubricate them or at least sprinkle them with lemon juice. If this is not done, the flesh will quickly darken and take on a not very appetizing appearance.

  • We take a sharp knife and carefully cut the fruit along the entire perimeter, reaching to the bone. As a result, we should get two equal halves.
  • We turn the elements in opposite directions from each other, separate them. The bone will remain on one half, it should be separated with a knife or spoon.
  • We cut the resulting half of the avocado into two more parts. It remains only to pick up the skin of the fruit and carefully remove it. If the component is ripe enough, then the skin will come off very easily. Otherwise, you will have to remove it with part of the pulp.

In the end, four pieces of even and intact pulp should remain on the hands. It can be cut as required by the recipe - straws, plates or curly pieces.

Cleaning avocado for dicing

Avocado for salad is most often cut into neat pieces. Of course, you can use the method described above for this purpose, but there is a faster option.

  • First, we do everything in the same way as in the first option to get two identical halves of the fruit.
  • Now we cut the flesh of one of the halves in the form of a grid, reaching to the very skin, but without cutting it.
  • Then you can proceed in two ways. Or, using a spoon, take out the contents of this half and use it for its intended purpose. Or we turn the product inside out, and if the pulp is very ripe, it will move away from the skin on its own.
  • We repeat the same with the second half and apply the component for its intended purpose.

But the option of cleaning the product with a vegetable peeler or a knife is not the best way out. Firstly, during such a manipulation, the pulp will be severely wrinkled, which is why it cannot be fully used in salads, rolls and other dishes. Secondly, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the skin very thinly, even if the tool is very sharp. Thirdly, the slippery, oily pulp is difficult to hold in the hands during the process of removing the stone.

It turns out that peeling avocados is easy and simple if you know how to do it. Today you can even find special devices in the form of a grid on the handle, with which you can divide the pulp into cubes before removing them from the skin.

Avocado, or American Perseus (from Latin: Persea americana) is an evergreen fruit-bearing plant.

Avocado is a very important fruit crop. The pulp of the fruits of this fruit is rich in useful vitamins and important mineral components. In addition to fruits, the wood of this tree is of the same great importance, which is mainly used for the manufacture of fittings, and is sometimes used as a very good and high-quality building material. Previously, in Russian, the name most often used to refer to this plant was an alligator pear, or sometimes an agakat.

What is an avocado

According to archaeologists, this fruit was already cultivated in the third millennium BC.

In 1553, avocados were first written about in literature - in the book "Chronicle of Peru" by the writer Pedro Ciesa de Leon.

Avocado appeared on the shelves of domestic supermarkets quite recently, although among other exotic fruits it is almost impossible not to pay attention to it. This tropical fruit attracts attention not only with a bright green pimply peel, but also with an unusual shape, similar to the most ordinary pear. Avocado is not only a delicious fruit, but also incredibly healthy. Experts from one of the Iranian universities of medical sciences found that adding avocados to the daily diet significantly reduces the likelihood of diabetes and vision problems. Also in the composition there is a huge amount of vegetable fats, fiber, vitamins B and C.

There is a lot of controversy and disagreement about whether an avocado is a fruit or a vegetable. But no matter how unusual the statement that a tropical fruit is a fruit may seem, this is the real truth. Avocado is considered a fruit due to the fact that it has a bone, which, frankly, is quite oily, and in no case should it be eaten. But the pulp of this exotic fruit has a rather neutral taste and a very delicate texture, sometimes reminiscent of pine nuts.

Few people will be able to appreciate the specific taste of this product - oily, with a predominant taste of herbs. Be that as it may, for most buyers this fruit is a real rarity, and when choosing an unripe or already decaying fruit in a supermarket, you can very easily spoil the first impressions of an avocado.

Some important information about avocado fruits and their choice

Most experts believe that dull skin prevails mainly in ripened fruits, and lighter in unripe ones. The best taste qualities are ripe, not yet overripe avocados. To select the fruit of the appropriate stage of ripeness, you need to use the following rules:

  1. The peel of the fruit should have a rich dark green color. The less dull the color of the avocado, the tougher the flesh is inside it.
  2. When you press the fruit with your fingers, there should be no characteristic dents, but softness should be felt.

From this we can conclude: a characteristic feature of the corruption of avocados is the tarnishing of the pulp, wrinkling of the peel, the appearance of characteristic darkening on the surface.

Preparing for cleaning

As you may have heard before, there are several ways to peel an avocado from its skin - now we will tell you about them.

Most often, the fruit is added to food fresh. Thus, the pulp of the fruit retains all the healing properties, its special texture and individual unsurpassed taste. Also, some people like to eat avocados without removing the peel from it, choosing pieces with a spoon.

The seed and skin of the fruit are completely inedible, as they contain harmful toxins, so before eating the fruit, of course, you need to get rid of them. Before peeling an avocado, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, like the fruit itself, rubbing it with your fingertips. The fruit is rinsed under cold or slightly heated water without the use of various detergents, and after these procedures it is wiped with disposable cloths.

To clean the fruit, you will need the following tools:

  • kitchen knife;
  • cutting board;
  • iron or metal spoon.

The first way to remove the peel

If the fruit is pear-shaped, you need to do this:

  1. First, wash the avocado thoroughly under warm water and dry the fruit using disposable paper towels (they absorb excess moisture very well).
  2. Then carefully cut the avocado in half, all the way to the pit of the fruit. It is necessary to make a circular cut along the stone so that the result is two identical halves of the fruit.
  3. Then wrap one of the halves about 90 degrees and break it off directly from the bone.
  4. To remove the seed from the remaining half, gently pick it up with the tip of a knife: it will come out without any problems.
  5. Cut the avocado half in half again and remove the peel from each of the resulting parts of the fruit. It remains only to cut the avocado in a suitable way.

This cutting method is mainly used for making sandwiches and adding to salads (for example: salad with shrimp and avocado, with salmon and avocado).

There is a more straightforward way to get rid of the stone after dividing the fruit into two halves.

You need to do the following:

  1. To begin with, wrap your hand with a towel so as not to inadvertently harm it.
  2. Then put half an avocado in the palm of your hand with the bone up.
  3. Using force, but with extreme caution, strike the bone with the sharp side of a kitchen knife. Important! The knife should cut closely into the bone of the fetus, and if this did not happen the first time, it is necessary to repeat the actions taken.
  4. After firmly fixing the knife on the avocado bone, loosen it with a knife to separate it from the pulp.
  5. It remains only to get the bone by lifting the knife.

Second way

It is also worth noting that the fruits are not only pear-shaped, but also round.

If the fruit is round, you need to do this:

  1. To begin with, cut it with a knife along, and not across, as is the case with a pear-shaped fruit. All remaining steps are the same as in the previous method.
  2. Divide the half of the fruit into two parts again.
  3. Next, remove the skin. It remains only to cut the halves into strips and thin slices.


We have also prepared for you some tips for storing avocados:

  1. To slow down the ripening of the fruit, you need to put it in the refrigerator, after wrapping the fruit with cling film.
  2. This fruit can also be stored at room temperature in a place with little or no light, such as a pantry. Under such conditions, the avocado will continue its ripening, because this method is suitable for still unripe fruit fruits. Avocados in the closet can take about 4-8 days to ripen.
  3. The proximity of avocados to bananas or peaches or nectarines in a common package can speed up the ripening process. All these fruits emit ethylene, a special substance that contributes to the rapid ripening of avocados. The fruit will become softer in just 2-3 days. If you do not want to speed up ripening, then you should just put the avocado in the refrigerator. The shelf life will depend on the maturity of the fruit and can range from two weeks to 20–30 days or more.
  4. If the avocado has already been peeled in advance or cut in half or into pieces, its flesh will fade quickly enough. Moisturizing the fruit with lemon vinegar or lemon juice, balsamic sauce can slow down this process.
  5. To preserve the integrity of the still unpeeled half of the fruit, it is necessary to wrap it in a polymer food film, it is advisable to leave the seed in place (i.e. without removing it from the fruit).
  • whole fruit;
  • halves without seed;
  • avocado, cut into cubes and placed in plastic bags;
  • fruit puree in plastic cases.

Do you even need to peel an avocado for a salad?

Adding unpeeled avocados to a salad can greatly spoil the impression of the finished dish. After all, the peel will make it taste a little bitter, and as far as we know, the peel from an avocado is harmful to the human body. Therefore, when cutting an exotic fruit into a salad, you should still get acquainted with various ways to get rid of the peel. Then home and guests will appreciate your efforts, and this exotic miracle will soon become one of the main components of festive and everyday dishes.

Do avocados need to be peeled to add to rolls?

Yes, they clean it. Although when it comes to home cooking, then it all depends on your tastes.

The algorithm for peeling avocados for rolls is actually the same, there are only minor changes. First, as always, you need to thoroughly rinse the fruit. After cutting it into two identical parts and getting rid of the bone (according to the old principle described above, we will no longer need it).

After this process, each half must be again divided into two identical parts. Now our avocado has turned into quarters. Next, each of them must be divided in half again and proceed to cleanse the fruit from the skin, which can easily move away from the fruit on its own. But in some cases, you will have to remove it with a knife. If desired, the pieces that you get can be divided into two more parts, depending on the scale of the desired rolls. Based on such cuts, up to four pieces of chopped fruit can go on one roll.

We have also prepared some useful tips and life hacks with avocados:

  1. Lemon juice and onion will help protect the avocado from oxidation. If you want to use part of the avocado a little later, you need to sprinkle it with lemon juice or put it next to the onions. Each of these methods will help you maintain the original shade of an exotic fruit. You should not pull out the seed of the fruit - with it, the avocado will remain as fresh much longer as on the first day.
  2. Avocado can easily and simply replace oil. This is a great substitute for regular butter. You can safely stop using butter, and your pastries and other dishes will immediately become not only less harmful, but even a little more healthy!
  3. You can make roses out of avocados. Creating roses from this exotic fruit at first glance seems like a real high-level culinary masterpiece. But, in truth, everything is much easier. You just need to cut half of the fruit as thin as possible, spread the resulting slices like a fan. Then it remains only to twist the resulting roses.
  4. Avocado can also replace harmful mayonnaise. In salads and appetizers made with fish or eggs, you can use avocado instead of mayonnaise. The most delicate texture of the finished dish will remain the same as with mayonnaise, and the dish itself will become much healthier and tastier.
  5. Try replacing bananas with avocados. If you really like making and drinking smoothies, but prefer to have as little sugar and glucose as possible in its composition, do not add bananas to it. Replace it with avocado. The nutritional components and smoothie consistency will remain the same, but there will be noticeably less sugar.
  6. You can grow your own avocado at home! To do this, you just need to lower the non-sharp tip of the fruit bone into a cup or into another small container of water, and to fix its position, pierce or pick it up with several toothpicks. When the seed sprouts, it must be transplanted into the ground and wait for the tree to grow.

« Important: All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before applying any of the recommendations, consult with a specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.