What to drink with beriberi in the spring. Spring beriberi - what vitamins to drink? Diseases that occur due to a lack of certain vitamins

Finally, spring has come, the sun has appeared, but ... the mood and well-being are below average, and the reflection in the mirror is not encouraging. Most likely, you do not have enough vitamins. Our body is a very complex system, which can get sick from a long-term lack of even one component. This is true for vitamins too. After all, these substances play a significant role. They are involved in all physiological and biochemical processes of the body, so it is clear that the absence of one of

components introduces an imbalance. The absence or lack of vitamins in the body is called "avitaminosis". And most often this condition is observed beriberi - a mass condition. Its symptoms are present in 60-90% of the population. It seems that there is nothing to go to the doctor with, but the state of health is disgusting.

Spring avitaminosis. Symptoms

  • The state of chronic fatigue, increased drowsiness, fatigue.
  • Peeling skin, dull thin nails.
  • cracks may appear in the corners of the mouth that do not heal well.
  • Reduced vision, especially in low light (in the evening).
  • Decreased concentration and attention
  • Exacerbation of existing diseases, susceptibility to colds.

The most reliable way to avoid this condition or return to normal is to establish good nutrition. In winter, we are often tempted by "unhealthy" products, which include pasta, bakery products, semi-finished products, meat. In cold weather, it is very important not to forget about fruits and vegetables. Then you won't have to suffer in the spring. Spring beriberi is perfectly “treated” with just the right and reasonable approach to nutrition. This method is much

more effective than taking medications or vitamin complexes. If there is no opportunity to improve nutrition, then you can and should use vitamin complexes. But there is nothing better than natural products.

To make it easier to defeat spring beriberi, you need to have an idea in which foods which vitamins are:

Vitamin A: carrots, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins, apricots, corn, nettles.

B vitamins: B1 - pastry, oats, rice, yeast, pork and beef, nuts, egg yolk and legumes. B2 - milk, meat, fish, yeast, fresh vegetables, cereals (to preserve this vitamin, the absence of an alkaline environment is necessary).

Vitamin C: citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, apples, sea buckthorn, strawberries, strawberries, herbs, cabbage, potatoes, sorrel, red pepper.

Vitamin D: dairy products, fish oil and various varieties of red fish, egg yolk and butter.

Vitamin E: rosehip, yolk, green vegetables, vegetable oil.

In order to get rid of or not to earn spring beriberi, you need to eat right. This means that every day your diet should consist of all food groups. There is not a single product in the world that contains all the substances necessary for life, therefore vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, and meat should be on the menu every day. Especially in winter and spring, when spring vitamin deficiency looms on the horizon.

Symptoms of spring beriberi in women and men include dull color and peeling of the skin of the face, brittleness and excessive hair loss, fragility of nails.

How to conserve beneficial compounds

In spring, people have the highest need for vitamins of groups B, C, D and A.

Complexes for men and women have been developed. Vitamins slow down the aging process at the cellular level, reduce the risk of anemia, maintain healthy skin, nails and hair. Duovit is a universal complex, and adult , and a child from 10 years of age is prescribed 1 tablet per day.

The range of drugs under this name is wide. To combat beriberi, the best solution would be to take the "" complex with lipoic acid.


Products of this brand are suitable for people from 3 to 60 years old. The complex for adults contains three tablets with different groups of vitamins: in the first B1 and iron, in the second - antioxidants, and in the third - vitamins D and A. The action of this vitamin complex is aimed at normalizing calcium metabolism in the body, strengthening bone tissue, teeth, and also improve the functioning of muscles and ligaments.

To combat developed complexes Alphabet - Our Baby, Schoolboy, Teenager.

How to avoid spring beriberi?

To overcome beriberi in the spring and make up for the seasonal lack of vitamins in your body, as well as in your family members, follow the simple rules of a balanced diet:

  • in your daily diet fresh berries, herbs, vegetables, fruits that have not undergone heat treatment should be presented.
  • Vegetables, berries and fruits are best eaten whole , without cutting into parts - so the useful properties in them are better preserved.
  • Remember that fresh frozen fruits and berries contain more vitamins. than apples and pears stored since autumn. Before the onset of cold weather, make sure that there are enough vacuum bags with red and peaches and other healthy fruits and berries in the freezer of your refrigerator.
  • Try to eat only fresh food that has not been reheated since yesterday. . It has significantly higher vitamin content. The same applies to salads - it is better to cook them for 1 time, you should not store vegetable slices for a long time.
  • Shorten the cooking time for fruits and vegetables under the influence of high temperatures. The best cooking methods with the preservation of all useful substances are baking and steaming.

What mistake do people make when buying a vitamin complex to combat hypovitaminosis? We often take pills “for everything, so that for sure” and do not know the real state of our body. To properly take a vitamin complex, you need to take a blood test for vitamins and consult a doctor about what to do next. The problem is that many vitamins are antagonists, that is, they will neutralize each other's action. A competent specialist will definitely tell you about these subtleties. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, but to follow the simple rules for the prevention of spring beriberi.

Probably not enough vitamin C or, as they like to call it, ascorbic. With its deficiency, we become lethargic, get tired quickly, catch colds very often and slowly recover. And if, moreover, at the slightest bruise, bruises appear on the body, which then do not go away for a long time, the probability of vitamin C hypovitaminosis is almost 100%.

Sources of Vitamin C: to make up for the lack of ascorbic acid, lean on citrus fruits (unless, of course, there is an allergy), chokeberries, green onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, sauerkraut. A lot of vitamin C is found in rosehip broth and kiwi fruits.

How to deal with beriberi, watch the video:

2. Eyes often turn red, jams appear in the corners of the mouth, lips dry and crack, hair and nails become brittle, hair also grows dull, and their ends begin to split.

Most likely, there is not enough vitamins of group B. Other signs of their hypovitaminosis are often also irritability and insomnia.

Sources of B vitamins: to provide the body with enough of them, in the spring, eat more fermented milk products, as well as eggs, organ meats (especially beef kidneys and liver), nuts, mackerel, buckwheat, legumes. But such sources of B vitamins as beets, carrots and various types of cabbage will help poorly in the fight against spring beriberi: by the end of winter, there are very few vitamins left in them.

Program experts will tell you more about how to choose the right vegetables and fruits in the store, how to determine by eye how many vitamins they contain, and what good or bad bioproducts are. "Beauty Week"

3. Vision is falling, eyes are very tired in the evening, redden or watery, and the skin has become dry.

Probably not enough vitamin A responsible for visual acuity, youth, firmness and elasticity of the skin, as well as the shine of the hair.

Sources of Vitamin A: in the spring it is, first of all, oily fish, eggs, carrots, sweet peppers (just do not forget that provitamin A, which gives orange vegetables their bright color, turns into vitamin A only in the presence of fats). However, the longer the path of bright fruits to the table was, the less vitamins they contain. In peaches or apricots brought from overseas, they are practically absent at all. So until the fruit and berry season begins, to combat spring vitamin deficiency, often include greens in your menu. Especially rich in vitamin A are sorrel, spinach, parsley and dill.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, host of the programs "Food by the rules and without", "Family size"

It is important to understand that vitamins and minerals do not work alone, they work as a team. Therefore, the most rational way is to take them not separately, but in the form of balanced vitamin complexes.

4. Memory, attention and ability to concentrate noticeably worsened, the skin became dry and very sensitive.

Probably not enough vitamin E or tocopherol - it improves the supply of brain cells with oxygen, helps to cope with intense mental and physical stress, is responsible for maintaining the water balance of the skin.

Sources of vitamin E: in the spring, look for it in kale, spinach, lettuce, eggs, beef liver, lean meats, and vegetable oils. So even if you are on a diet to lose weight by the summer, be sure to season salads with at least a small amount of oil, best of all - olive, flaxseed, grape seeds or pumpkin seeds. And, if you don't use bottled water, be sure to filter and stand tap water before cooking. Even a small amount of chlorine (and tap water is especially heavily chlorinated in spring) destroys vitamin E.

5. Hair and nails have become brittle, hair has lost its luster, a feeling of weakness and anxiety haunts, “aches” in the bones, appetite worsens.

Most likely vitamin D deficiency.

Sources of Vitamin D: in the spring it is dairy products, eggs and fish. And even more often walk in sunny weather, and then spring beriberi will not be terrible, because this vitamin is perfectly produced in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation!

6. Bruises under the eyes have become more noticeable, scratches on the skin bleed for a long time and heal poorly, there are also complaints of increased fatigue and disturbances in the functioning of the intestines.

Most likely vitamin K deficiency responsible for vascular tone and regulating the processes of hematopoiesis and blood coagulation in our body.

Sources of Vitamin K: in the spring it is, first of all, frozen green vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach. Another great year-round source of vitamin K is freshly brewed green tea!

7. In the evening, the legs are like cast iron, even small physical exertion is tiring, when “sipping” there is pain in the ankles, muscle cramps periodically occur.

Most likely not enough magnesium. Since this mineral is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles and vice versa, not even strong, but systematic muscle cramps or muscle pain of unknown origin can be one of the main symptoms that the body suffers from its deficiency.

Sources of magnesium: in spring, these are dried fruits (especially dried apricots), nuts, mushrooms (but not canned). Also keep in mind that excess calcium interferes with magnesium absorption, so too much dairy in the diet is not always good for health. And give up carbonated drinks, even the usual unsweetened mineral water: the phosphoric acid contained in it “washes out” magnesium from the body.

8. Dandruff, increased oiliness of the skin, exacerbation of acne, low hemoglobin.

Most likely, there is not enough selenium and zinc.

Sources of zinc and selenium: in the spring, these trace elements are best looked for not in vegetables, but in seafood, fish, nuts and seeds. For example, 150-200 g of cod or pink salmon will provide the daily norm of selenium, and 200 g of shrimp or squid will provide us with the daily norm of selenium.

9. Anemia, frequent colds, swelling, apathy, lethargy, weakness and muscle pain in the arms, sciatica, drowsiness, frequent headaches, weight gain.

Most likely not enough iodine. Without a sufficient amount of this trace element, the normal activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system is simply impossible.

Sources of iodine: in the spring, trying to find this trace element in vegetables and fruits is useless. Load up on fish, seafood and seaweed!

But do we know what we're talking about?

Most people understand the word "avitaminosis" not quite what it really means. This disease is a pathological condition of the body, which occurs due to an acute lack of vitamins. This is a rather complex disease that requires examination and treatment by a doctor. What most people usually take for vitamin deficiency is called hypovitaminosis in the medical community, which means a partial lack of a certain vitamin (s) in the human body.

What is avitaminosis?

Vitamins are indispensable biologically active substances that serve as catalysts for various enzyme systems or are part of many enzymes. Without their participation, normal metabolism, renewal and growth of tissues, biochemical support of many body functions is not possible. Vitamin deficiency entails a violation of enzymatic reactions. Fortunately, "real" beriberi, i.e. the almost absolute absence of vitamins in the body, a rather rare phenomenon: it is often found among the population of the far north.

Avitaminosis is characterized by seasonality: it usually takes you by surprise in winter or spring. After all, if in the summer we prepare fresh salads and eat a lot of juicy berries and fruits, then in the cold season we switch to flour, fat and sweets. But experts convince that the disease has long ceased to be exclusively seasonal: many people have a lack of vitamins throughout the year.

The main reasons for this chronic deficiency of valuable substances are

  • malnutrition and impaired intake of vitamins with food,
  • violation of the processes of assimilation of vitamins in the body - problems with digestion and in the work of the digestive tract,
  • violation of the synthesis of vitamins in the body,
  • prolonged use of antibiotics,
  • series of stressful situations
  • taking antivitamins (for example, dicumarol or syncumar, which are used for increased blood clotting),
  • bad habits (smokers, for example, need 5 times more vitamin C than non-smokers).

In children and the elderly, the appearance of beriberi is often associated with some age-related metabolic features.

Types of beriberi

Avitaminosis is not a harmless disease. The lack of one or another vitamin in the human body can lead to very serious consequences, for example, to the development of various diseases: night blindness - lack of vitamin A, beriberi - lack of vitamin B1, scurvy - lack of vitamin C, rickets - lack of vitamin D, pellagra - lack of vitamin PP.

Vitamin name
and its function

daily requirement

vitamin A
Required products
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

The immune functions of the body, the stability of the nervous system, the health of the gums, skin, hair, visual acuity, concentration, sound sleep, overcoming stress.

at least 70

Bleeding gums, tendency to catch colds, increased fatigue,
insomnia, depression,
poor concentration,
early formation of wrinkles,
hair loss,
deterioration of vision.

It is formed in plants and accumulates in leaves, fruits, tubers, roots.

red rosehip,
black currant,
red sweet pepper, cabbage (fresh and sauerkraut), raspberry, radish, wild strawberry, dill, sea buckthorn, parsley

Vitamin A
maintains healthy skin, mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, bronchi,

child growth factor

healthy blood,

cancer prevention.

4 - 5

Dry skin, acne,

brittle hair and nails

blurred vision,

growth retardation in children

lack of appetite,

"night blindness"

Yellow-orange vegetables and fruits - carrots, sweet peppers, apricots, tomatoes.

Sorrel, green onion, lettuce, parsley, mountain ash, sea buckthorn.

Liver, butter, fish oil, eggs, cream, sour cream.

Vitamin D

bone formation, dental health, calcium balance, nervous and immune system resilience, optimism.

Tooth decay, muscle weakness,
nervous disorders, insomnia, painful thickening of the joints.

It is found mainly in animals (butter, milk, egg yolk, in the liver and kidneys of animals) and fish products (cod liver, fatty herring, sprats, caviar).

Plants contain provitamin D, which is converted to vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Vitamin E
prevention of cardiovascular diseases, reducing the risk of tumor formation
15 - 20 Weakening of visual acuity, muscle weakness, nervousness, irritability, fatigue,
Various oils, cereals, germinated wheat and corn grains
Vitamin B1
an important role in metabolism, strengthening the nervous system, wound healing; appetite
2-3 Impaired heart function, sleep and appetite, poor concentration, irritability It is found mainly in plant products. Particularly rich in vitamin B1 are yeasts, outer parts and germs of grains of cereals and legumes.

From animal products, milk, eggs, liver, heart, kidneys are rich in vitamin B1.

Beef, veal, pork, cereals, bread, peas, spinach

Vitamin B2
participation in the process of tissue renewal, visual acuity, condition of hair, skin and nails, cheerfulness, freshness
6 - 8

Cracks on the lips

skin inflammation,

deterioration in the perception of colors.

Liver, milk and dairy products, kidneys, heart, cereals, bread, asparagus
Vitamin B6
promotes the absorption of proteins, prevents inflammatory processes in the skin
4 - 6 Poor appetite, irritability, depression, inflammation of the skin and tongue, caries, anemia Walnuts, liver, hazelnuts, garlic, yeast, buckwheat
Vitamin B12

productive work of the brain and nervous system, metabolism, production of red blood rings,

muscle activity,

growth processes
5 - 6 Fatigue, weakness, dizziness, palpitations, anemia Offal - liver, heart, kidneys; meat, fish, eggs

Symptoms of beriberi

So, beriberi usually has the following symptoms, which, alas, are familiar to many firsthand.

The lack of vitamins makes the skin dry and flaky. And sometimes you can even observe the appearance of rough scaly scales of the epidermis.

Beware if your lips are constantly cracked or peeling, acne suddenly appeared, as well as cracks and sores in the corners of the mouth. The appearance of inflamed skin, large bruises, or an unusual reaction to jewelry or clothing can all be a sign of a vitamin deficiency.

2. Nails peel off

With a lack of vitamins, nails become dull, brittle, and even care products for them - oils or special varnishes - do not save the day. The lack of vitamins is also indicated by the pallor of the nail plate, the appearance of dimples, stripes or spots on it.

3. Hair falls out

The main sign of a lack of vitamins on the part of the hair is their fragility and a tendency to fall out. But the unexpected appearance of dandruff, gray hair, sores and pimples on the scalp or its constant itching should also alert.

4. Eyes turn red and watery

Decreased vision, especially at dusk, is the most serious sign of a vitamin deficiency. In addition, hypovitaminosis can cause redness and swelling of the eyelids, constant itching and discharge from the eyes, and frequent inflammatory diseases. Often the result of a lack of vitamins is intolerance to bright light, glare, double vision, and even developing cataracts.

5. Bleeding gums

Increased bleeding gums, sores on the cheeks and tongue, loose teeth with sensitive enamel and a tendency to crumble, as well as a swollen, coated or discolored tongue are also clear signs of vitamin deficiency.

The appearance of edema on the face and hands, not associated with addiction to marinades or yesterday's alcohol intake, should alert. Sudden joint swelling, numbness, muscle pain, cramps, and poor coordination can also be symptoms of a vitamin deficiency.

7. Smell changes

In addition, muscle weakness, burning under the skin and in the joints, as well as a constant feeling of cold and even an increased or changed body odor, indicate a vitamin deficiency.

8. Apathy, poor concentration

Our nervous system also reacts to the lack of vitamins. Inability to concentrate, insomnia, depression, apathy, irritability, lack of energy, constant irritability can all be signs of a vitamin deficiency.

9. Failure in digestion

Constipation, diarrhea, changes in taste, weight gain, increased blood cholesterol levels, nausea, and malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines are symptoms of a vitamin deficiency. And even loss of appetite, smell and taste...

10. Lack of desire

In many cases of decreased sexual desire, it is not fatigue that is to blame, but an unbalanced diet.

Making up for the deficiency

If you have most or even 3 of these symptoms, don't wait for your health to return by itself, and energy to fill up like magic - take action!

In the spring, there is an urgent need for essential vitamins - primarily A, C and D, vitamins B and E are also needed.

Vitamin A or beta-carotene will help restore the skin, weakened by long cold weather.

Vitamin C has long been known as the best defender of the body against colds, because it is the main building material for the immune system.

Without vitamin D hair and nails will not do in any way, and vitamin E will give the body energy.

As for B vitamins , then they saturate the tissues of the body with oxygen, which relieves a person of fatigue.

The most important weapon in the fight against vitamin deficiency is a balanced daily diet that provides the body with the necessary complex of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Throughout the year, and especially on winter and spring days, you need to eat plenty of vegetables (if you run out of fresh ones, then canned tomatoes and cucumbers, sauerkraut can be a good alternative), various greens, fruits (both fresh and frozen), fish and poultry (for better preservation of vitamins, their meat should be baked in foil). All these products are rich in many valuable components, incl. and easily digestible amino acids.

If during the diagnosis (sometimes a blood test for vitamin levels) a clear lack of a certain vitamin is revealed, you will have to lean on foods with a high content of it. In addition, with beriberi, doctors, as a rule, prescribe vitamin-mineral complexes.
In the spring, for proper nutrition, the body also requires trace elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and many others. Both vitamins and microelements can be found today in any pharmacy - in special complexes they are already contained in a form ready for better assimilation and in a huge assortment. They are produced in tablets, powders, dragees, lollipops. But their most optimal form is considered to be a capsule - thanks to several protective shells, they allow you to correctly combine vitamins with each other and avoid mutual neutralization. Moving through the intestines and losing layer by layer, the capsule allows the vitamins to be gradually absorbed one by one inside.

Vitamin complexes are best taken in the morning, for the body to properly adjust to daily activity. When taking vitamins, be sure to follow the instructions that come with them.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of beriberi

I will give a few recipes of traditional medicine that will help to cope with spring beriberi

Additional Steps

* For a speedy recovery, adjust your regimen. In the spring, you need to rest more, eat right and regularly, lead an active lifestyle so that the body starts producing energy again.

* Every morning, do exercises in front of an open window, take a contrast shower.

* Be sure to eat an apple before breakfast - it contains a substance that helps the body rid the body of toxins.

* Try to consume dairy products daily.

* Lean on citrus fruits - they strengthen the immune system and nervous system. And bananas help fight stress! Energy is charged with fish, nuts and cereals. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate will give new strength.

* Drink a tincture of eleutherococcus, ginseng or echinacea, but do not overdo it, because they should not be taken with nervous overexcitation.

* Let there be a lot of bright colors around - change the dark curtains to lighter ones or buy bright bedding. And if green and orange tones are present in the living room and in the kitchen, this is very good, because they charge with positive energy.

* Arrange general cleaning in the apartment. Wash curtains, clean carpets, change sofa covers, do not be too lazy to wipe cabinets on top and wash chandelier shades. Then it will become noticeably easier to breathe in your apartment.

* To restore strength, you will need more time to sleep. Those who usually need eight hours now need ten. Sleep with the window open.

* Smells are able to tone up well - in the spring, add a few drops of invigorating oils with extracts of rose, geranium, lemon and sandalwood to the bath.

final blow

Any disease is better to prevent than to treat its severe consequences. Since vitamin deficiency is directly related to the diet, make sure that the diet is balanced and restores the consumption of nutrients in the body.

It is very difficult to achieve an overabundance of vitamins in our climate zone (especially for vitamin C), so we are constantly depleting our resources. It's never too late to start - pay close attention to the products of your table now. When buying vegetables and fruits, look at their appearance with particular passion - the greens should not be wilted, and the fruits should be strong. During the period of spring beriberi, it is preferable to use not fresh vegetables, but frozen ones. Quick freezing preserves all vitamins and minerals.

A common mistake is the idea that the lack of vitamins can be filled only with onions and garlic. Of course, these products are useful, but they are by no means a panacea for all diseases, and besides, their role in the prevention of beriberi is somewhat exaggerated. To restore the body, it is better to use homemade preparations: jams, vegetable and fruit juices. For example, sauerkraut retains all the vitamins found in fresh cabbage, and it is also enriched with organic acids during the fermentation process.

You should not lose sight of such sources of vitamins as dried and frozen berries. The leader of usefulness during the period of spring beriberi is rose hips, from which it is easier to easily prepare a healing infusion or just brew tea.

In order to restore the body, it is also necessary to pay attention to the ways of culinary processing of products and choose those that help preserve useful vitamins and minerals. Based on this, steamed or baked vegetables are most useful. In extreme cases, it is better to boil them in an enamel bowl. Before cooking, do not soak vegetables in water, as it takes away the vitamins we need from them. Do not store vegetables and fruits cut or peeled - they lose their nutrients.

All these simple but effective actions will definitely help restore the body during the period of spring beriberi.
According to www.km.ru, ivona.bigmir.net, nmedik.org

What to do with spring vitamin deficiency is by no means an idle question. So many people after the winter experience a breakdown, chronic fatigue, they are haunted by apathy and. All these are signs of a lack of vitamins, but this phenomenon can and should be fought.

How to deal with spring beriberi?

  1. It is necessary to reconsider your diet: increase the amount of protein foods, dairy products and, most importantly, vegetables and fruits.
  2. Pay attention to fresh greens - it is very rich in vitamins.
  3. Use sprouted grains for food - this is also a storehouse of both vitamins and minerals.
  4. Buy frozen berries and cook vitamin compotes from them. With a quick freeze, all vitamins are preserved in them, so the benefits of such home-made drinks will be huge.
  5. It is better to cook vegetables for a couple - when cooking, and even more so when frying, some of the vitamins can be destroyed.
  6. Use herbal infusions and decoctions - they also have a lot of useful substances, especially if it is a decoction of wild rose or hawthorn, rich in vitamin C.

What vitamins to drink with spring beriberi?

Many people are interested in whether it is worth drinking pharmacy vitamins for spring beriberi. Synthetic multivitamin complexes are a good alternative to “food” vitamins, although some are skeptical about them, considering them unnatural. But they have their own advantages: they are produced in a form that is convenient for taking and represent a well-balanced complex of a wide variety of substances that are not always possible to obtain from food. You can choose something very simple, the same ascorbic acid () or Aevit (an oil solution of vitamins A and E), or you can pay attention to drugs that are more complex in composition, for example, Duovit, Alphabet, Complevit, Centrum, etc., in which not only vitamins are presented, but also minerals necessary for their successful assimilation.