Emotional, social and mental development of the child. Development of the emotional sphere of children aged from one to three years Emotions of children 3-7 years old

Without emotions it is impossible to imagine our life. They accompany us in all areas of activity and sensory experiences, often dictating our behavior and conditioning actions. But if an adult is able to correctly not only express, but also control emotions, then kids only learn this, gradually increasing the volume of a variety of feelings. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how the emotional development of the child occurs at preschool age.

Since birth

The development of the emotional sphere begins at a very early age with the expression of the simplest feelings. What is an emotion? This is the state of the human psyche, which expresses his attitude towards himself and the world around him, his processes. It follows that emotional development is a process in which a person gradually learns to respond to various phenomena of the surrounding reality, as well as to be the master of his emotions, to control them.

From birth, the baby is endowed with the simplest emotions. This is crying, and a little later - a smile and laughter. Crying is a way to signal to parents about their needs, illness, discomfort, lack of attention. A smile is the first expression of joy and well-being. Gradually, surprise and interest are added to them - natural companions of the cognitive development of an early age baby.

From 1 to 3 years old, a child learns to use crying to ask for help and for psychological protection. He has the first tantrums (as a rule, peeped from other children) as a way to achieve what he wants or protest against what he does not want.

The sources of emotions at an early stage are, firstly, communication with others (primarily parents). In addition, everything that surrounds him causes different feelings in a child: toys, melodies, cartoons, books, animals, etc.

Starting from the age of 3, the baby is actively developing in speech, intellectual and emotional terms. We can say that during this period the foundation is laid for his future character and ability to understand the emotions, desires and motives of other people.

Why is it necessary to develop the emotions of a child?

As you know, kids need to be taught everything: walk, talk, serve themselves, think. Express, recognize and control emotions - including. Why?

If you do not pay enough attention to the emotional education of a preschooler, he will not learn how to correctly express joy or resentment, share his feelings with others. And this is a serious communication barrier. Accordingly, the baby will grow insecure, not as happy as other children.

Emotions are reflected in the character of the child, his behavior. They help (or hinder) him to correctly perceive what is happening around him, to respond to the events of reality.

In early childhood, emotions are quite impulsive. They need to be "grow" to stable likes or dislikes, which over time will develop into such feelings as friendship, mutual understanding, love, hatred. In our days, when violence and cruelty pour down on us from television screens, newspaper and book pages, the correct emotional development of the child is of paramount importance. The ability to express and control emotions helps him adapt to various situations, form social interaction, develop socially and morally.

In addition, we cannot ignore the fact that children learn by example (often from the example of the dysfunctional behavior of other children). Therefore, if adults do not control the process of the formation of their child's emotions, most often he develops negative emotions in himself - as a way of self-defense and ensuring his own well-being in the children's understanding (so that they do not deprive, do not prohibit, buy what they want, etc.). In the arsenal of such a child, resentment, fear, shyness, boredom, fatigue, anger, despair will prevail.

Features of children's emotions

Emotions develop progressively, in connection with the general development of the child, the emergence of new skills, needs, motives, and social experience.

In general, in preschool age, the following features of emotional development are distinguished.

  • The child learns social ways of expressing his feelings, which is facilitated by the expansion of the sphere of his communication (parents - relatives - neighbors' children - kindergarten staff).
  • Emotional anticipation appears: the child learns to understand what feelings his actions will cause in others, what result this will lead to.
  • Feelings develop: gradually they become more conscious, arbitrary, reasonable, extra-situational.
  • Intellectual, moral, aesthetic feelings begin to form.

In more detail, the conditionally emotional development of the baby can be divided into 2 stages.

  1. Up to 3 years most emotions are due to the needs of the child, the ways of expressing them are rather primitive (mostly facial expressions, laughter or tears). Such emotions are aimed at satisfying the basic instincts (nutrition, self-preservation). During this period, the first unstable ideas about the surrounding reality appear, an attitude towards close people is formed. The first social form of anger appears - the child's jealousy (or envy) towards other children if his mother pays attention to them. Including the younger children in the family. If a child at this stage is deprived of the opportunity to fully express his emotions, his emotional sphere does not develop.
  2. From 4 to 6 years biological needs are preserved, but the child gradually learns to control his emotional state (for example, to suffer a little if he is hungry). Higher moral emotions begin to form under the direct influence of the environment. The child learns to evaluate the actions of others (good or bad). Emotions become less impulsive. The child develops stable feelings for relatives and others (love, affection, friendship).

Do not scold your child for whining, asking him to feed or quench his thirst when, for example, you are still riding public transport. Children in general can hardly control their biological processes. Even at the age of 4 - 5 years, the baby will not be able to restrain himself for a long time. It is better to distract him with something interesting, say that there is very little left before the house - show understanding.

What influences the development of children's emotions?

The emotional development of a preschooler depends on his personal development, in particular on the emergence of new motives, needs, interests, and the development of cognitive activity.

Motives include, for example:

  • interest in the environment;
  • interest in the game;
  • maintaining good relationships with family, other significant adults, and peers;
  • self-assertion, self-esteem, etc.

That is why social emotions are formed in the first place at preschool age.

In cognitive development, the change in emotions is influenced, first of all, by the inclusion of speech in the emotional processes of a preschooler, which makes his feelings more generalized and conscious.

Emotions of the child develop in society - small (family) or wider (yard, kindergarten). The baby learns the emotions that will allow him to control his parents, while they teach him the emotions that they consider right. Communicating with others, the child gradually learns the norms of behavior and manifestations of emotions adopted in a particular society. A preschooler learns friendship, gratitude, patriotism, love.

Boys master their role (man, protector, future father), girls - the role of a woman, housewife, mother.

What helps develop the emotional sphere?

The humane feelings of a preschooler are perfectly helped to develop gaming activities, in particular role-playing games. Playing with other children, the baby learns to understand others, to sympathize with them, to understand their desires, state, mood. By the senior preschool age, the child gradually moves from a simple recreation, playing situations or feelings to the transfer of those emotions that the game contains. The child learns to empathize with others, to share their feelings.

Introducing a preschooler to work, which is aimed at achieving a useful result for others, gives the baby new emotions: sympathy for the efforts of other children, the joy of achieving a common goal, satisfaction from their work or dissatisfaction if they did it poorly.

Playing sports also brings a lot of emotional discoveries to the child. He learns to be self-possessed, strive for a goal, experience the first failures and rejoice in achievements. In group sports, children learn cohesion, responsibility for their actions to others, learn to work together for a sports result.

Any cognitive activity will certainly enrich the emotional baggage of a preschooler. This is the joy of a new discovery (albeit not such a global one), doubts, surprise, the desire to make another discovery for yourself.

Aesthetic feelings develop in preschool children in the process of their own creative activity and communication with art. Beautiful sculptures, paintings, literary works help the child learn such concepts as "beautiful", "harmony", "taste", "terrible", "true", "false", "truth", "good", "evil". A preschooler learns not only to express his emotions through artistic means, but also to defend the truth, to protest against lies and evil, to appreciate the good and the beautiful in people.

Useful games

So, one of the main types of developmental activities of a preschooler is a game. Here are some examples of games that promote the emotional development of children.

  • Artist.

You can play in a group, you can play alone. The participants of the game are offered several cards with images of children expressing various emotions. You need to choose a card for yourself, and then come up with and draw a story in which this emotional state will become the basis of the plot. In the group version, at the end of the game, an exhibition is organized where you can guess the hero and the author of the picture, and the author can tell the story he has drawn.

  • Who goes where?

Similarly, a toddler (or toddlers) is presented with several images of children with different emotions. The task of the child is to choose from all the pictures images of children who, for example, can be invited to the festive table, taken to the doctor, calmed down, those who are offended by adults, do not want to obey, etc. It is necessary to explain on what grounds it was made just such a choice.

  • Little Raccoon.

Group game. One kid portrays a little Raccoon from the famous cartoon. The rest become a "river" in which he sees his reflection. The raccoon stands in front of the river and depicts various emotions (joy, anger, fear, interest), and the children must accurately repeat his facial expressions and gestures. In turn, everyone can become Raccoons.

So, the program for the development of the child's emotions should, in addition to active socialization, include playing activities, familiarizing the preschooler with sports, work, art, reading books, and one's own creativity. And one of the important points here is the example of parents.

Emotions distinguish a person from an animal, help him communicate with other people, cope with difficult situations. They determine our future and present. The ability to own one's own feelings, to express them using various means is an important skill for every person. But this skill does not appear just like that.

A newborn child has limited opportunities to express his own displeasure or joy: cry or silence. The task of each parent is to help the baby learn to understand his inner world, express it in an accessible form, and restrain it if necessary. This is a difficult process that requires attention and time.

Why Develop an Emotional World

Among the many reasons for the development of the emotional sphere are:

  • Brain development. Expanding the range of emotions stimulates the work of nerve endings, contributing to the formation of new neural connections. The brighter and more multifaceted the emotional life of the baby, the faster the physical and sensory development occurs;
  • Action regulation. Mastering the surrounding space and learning the world, the baby experiences a variety of feelings, based on the reactions of adults forms a line of behavior. Mom's fright at trying to explore the outlet will cause an understanding of the danger of the planned action;
  • Development of gaming activity. Children learn through play. Emotional response to game actions can form the basis for future learning;
  • Socialization. Children with a wide range of feelings go through the stage of socialization more easily, treat others more gently, form friendly relations;
  • Preparing for a three-year crisis. Parents involved in the development of the emotional sphere of the baby overcome negative manifestations easier and faster;
  • Feelings management. Through the knowledge of the inner world, the little one learns to understand them, to manage them.

Directions of emotional development

The development of the emotional sphere of the child includes several areas of activity:

  • Expanding the spectrum of emotions. At birth, the baby has the opportunity to express any sensations through a cry or silence, gradually growing up, starting to master his own speech, facial expressions, movements; the spectrum of manifestation of feelings expands, emotional experience accumulates. The growth of knowledge about one's own sensual abilities occurs throughout a person's life, allowing him to cope with all emerging issues.
  • Deepening awareness of experience. Each feeling is caused by certain events, actions and there are not always enough words to describe the entire spectrum experienced. Emotion comes to the rescue in this matter.
  • Learning to control behavior. A newborn cannot restrain his own cry from hunger or another unpleasant event; a preschool child already knows how to restrain emotions.

Children learn by copying their parents and the people around them. In the period up to 3 years, it is good to show the baby options for the manifestation of internal sensations.

At the first stage, the baby will be very happy to see how your face, intonation, voice change. He will be amused by the change that has arisen, and over time he will be able to conduct logical chains connecting your mood and certain events. Seeing this connection, he will try to repeat after you, not always successfully choosing the necessary option at first, but over time, showing his feelings more and more clearly.

Depending on the age of the crumbs, his emotional spectrum has different characteristics, allowing him to work on the basis of the classes necessary for a certain age.

Emotions and their development from birth to 1 year

The first and main emotion at the beginning of a child's life is a cry. Immediately after the birth, the baby notifies the world about his appearance, and subsequently this type of manifestation of feelings becomes the main one for reflecting all the sensations of the crumbs.

The emotions of the first year of life are characterized by instability, short duration and, at the same time, violent manifestation. The presence of factors that bring inconvenience to the newborn (hunger, sadness) are expressed by a cry. After a short time, the first smile appears, followed by laughter. The cry gradually begins to differ depending on the cause that causes it. Many mothers quickly begin to distinguish intonations and apply the necessary actions to normalize their emotional state. If the mother, hearing the crying of the child, understands the reasons for his appearance, clearly reacts, then the baby will very quickly understand how to ask for the necessary actions.

The emotions of a child up to a year are formed from sensations. Feelings become a motive for certain behavior, impulsive expression of wishes. Through the correspondence of internal experiences to actions, future actions are formed. One of the tricks of shaping behavior is to observe the reaction, control your own actions.

It’s good when mom doesn’t panic in simple situations, doesn’t show horror from small flaws, doesn’t overprotect the baby. It works very simply. If the baby fell, but did not hurt himself, the faithful will miss him in his arms and feel sorry, and embracing him calmly to say that nothing terrible happened.

In the opposite situation, children, growing up, resort to tricks, demanding increased attention, begin to cry for no apparent reason.

Forming the emotional sphere of a child up to a year old, parents should show by their own example what different reactions can be to similar situations. When falling, the mother may regret and even cry with the baby if the blow is obviously strong. But in another case, it can simply regret and console.

Characteristics of emotional development from a year to 2 years

The formation of the emotional sphere of the child after 12 months begins to change.

The kid masters walking and begins to actively play with a variety of objects. The direction of development of the sensuality of the crumbs passes from the environment of sensations to objective activity. The presence of certain emotions begins to manifest itself as a result of successful or unsuccessful activities. Often negative feelings are directed directly at the object that caused dissatisfaction. There is a desire to change the situation through pressure on adults, using already studied options for emotional behavior.

Among the most common manifestations of a negative direction in children from one year to 2 are present:

  • Anger;
  • Anger;
  • chagrin;
  • Displeasure.

Seeing these manifestations, parents must understand what kind of object or action does not work for the crumbs, and explain or show how to do it right. Explanations should be calm and affectionate. Already at this age, it is worth telling the baby that everyone once did not know how to do this, but gradually, with effort, everything will work out. As a reward for parental patience and help, children show a wide range of positive emotions:

  • smile
  • Joyful exclamations;
  • Laughter.

The emotional development of the child in this period occurs along the path of consistent socialization. Feelings are more often used as an opportunity to show their independence, to attract attention, to emphasize success. Closer to two years, kids begin to emotionally perceive not only actions, but also the plots of fairy tales, ideas in organized games.

Emotional development from 2 to 3 years: from action to empathy

A child of the third year of life is already actively mastering his native language. Experiences slowly move from reaction to action to the plot of the game. The kid often creates a fictional world himself, developing the initial idea according to familiar patterns. If the baby sees how mom washes or cooks, then the heroes of his games will use this action. A distinctive feature of such a game will be the complete copying of the emotions of an adult.

By this period, it is desirable to fully control your feelings, to prevent negative reactions to the situation. You should not use abusive expressions by hitting your finger with a hammer. Their emotional coloring will interest the little one, after a couple of seconds you will hear a clear repetition of your words and actions.

In the period from 2 to 3 years, aesthetic reactions appear. The kid begins to perceive the nature of music, the beauty of nature and clothing. An attempt to distinguish between the beautiful and the not so beautiful is clearly captured. These emotions appear on the basis of the infant's experience of exploring the world around him. Gradually, surprise from new objects is transformed into curiosity, the first questions appear related to the essence of things and events, and not external characteristics.

General positive manifestations of feelings are complemented by new negative emotions:

  • Envy;
  • Jealousy;
  • Greed;
  • Rivalry.

The manifestation of negative emotions is facilitated by the emerging interest in peers. The lack of experience in social communication, an attempt to focus on oneself, a lack of understanding of possible communication options lead to the formation of incorrect emotional reactions. The task of parents at this stage:

  • Show how to communicate with other children;
  • Learn to play in a team
  • Explain why the reactions shown are not desirable.

The stage of emotional development of a child from 2 to 3 years is a turning point ending. Before the child reaches the age of 3, it is necessary to help him as much as possible to master the basic emotions, to teach him to express them with the help of creativity, words.

For the harmonious development of the emotional sphere of a child under 3 years old, parents must take into account some features of the approach to this work.


All your actions and emotions should be constant and logical. Do not react differently to the same situation or manifestation of negative feelings. It is good if a common line of conduct for basic situations is built at the family council. In order for the baby to clearly understand how to react to certain events, all family members must be united in the emotions shown.


To minimize negative emotions, it is good to control your own feelings. Problems, workload, fatigue are not a reason to take it out on a child. Your ability to restrain your impulses will be the best example of control for the little one.


Introduce your baby to different aspects of life and work. Walk, draw, dance. Fill your life with colors and wonder. Through the discovery of a new baby learns not only the surrounding space, but also his own inner world. Suggest at the moment of anger to draw his feelings, to mold the cause of the disorder from plasticine. Let him try to transfer the internal negativity to physical objects, look at them from the outside.

Conversation as a correction tool

Developing the baby's ability to express their feelings, try to correct unwanted manifestations with the help of a conversation. Try to find the reason for the negative reaction. In children under 3 years old, it most often lies in ignorance of what to do. Tell me the way out, tell me that you shouldn’t shout and get angry, but you just need to say. When explaining to your child the importance of staying calm, carefully monitor your own emotions. No words will teach better than an example to which you can refer.

A game

It is desirable to play the appearance of new sensations together with the baby, showing how it looks from the outside, suggesting in what situations to use it. Any negative emotion is easy to explain on toys. Let the car or doll become greedy, rude or jealous. Seeing visually how the sensation looks, options for relating to it, the baby will be able to understand why it needs to be controlled.


One way to develop the emotional sphere is to train the facial muscles in front of a mirror. Together with the baby, try to portray anger, pain, joy and other emotions. Let the kid see what they look like. Ask which one he likes and which he doesn't.

The emotional development of a child is an important stage in the formation of a personality, affecting not only his social abilities, but also his physical and mental development. Each person develops his sensuality throughout his life, learns to cope with negative manifestations. In order for your today's little one to be able to resist criticism, internal urges, social injustice in the future, start working on improving his inner emotional world today.

Emotions are a person's reactions to positive or negative life events. They are of great importance in the life of every child, since this is a part of communication that helps him express his attitude to what is happening.  Interaction between people is impossible without understanding each other's emotional state. An important component of the formation of the personality and growing up of a child is an understanding of his own emotions and sensations.

Why does a baby need emotions?:

Understanding the feelings of other people greatly facilitates the process of communication for the baby. If the baby does not understand the emotional world of others, fears, alienation and hostility appear in him. When a child can understand well the personal emotional state, as well as the state of others, then he shows empathy, sympathy, respect for others.

Communication cannot be effective if the interlocutors do not feel the emotional state, do not have the ability to manage their emotions. The child's personality is formed correctly only if he has developed the ability to distinguish and understand his own feelings, emotions and feelings.

Understanding emotions and expressing them is a very complex process that requires some level of development of the child. Attention should be focused on the development of both intellectual and moral emotions, which are of great importance in the formation of an active life position. Such emotions are important for educating a child's humanity, compassion, responsiveness.
In physically weakened children, low mood prevails, which negatively affects mental performance. Children who have a well-developed emotional sphere are more responsive, socialized and popular among their peers. These babies have highly developed abilities for empathy, understanding feelings and making deliberate actions. Therefore, it is very important to develop the emotional side of their character in children.

Emotional well-being will ensure the formation of such sides of character:

adequate self-esteem
self-control skills
success orientation
emotional comfort

Age features of emotional development:

newborn babies
A newborn baby receives emotions from the closest people - parents. The first smile, laughter, joy of the child are indicators of his successful development and health. Positive emotions help in the development of memory, speech and movement. This is the key to the normal development of the baby. In order for the child to develop normally, it is necessary to support him during activity in a joyful mood.

The development of the emotional sphere of babies is impossible without the participation of parents. Lively emotional communication between adults and children enriches the emotional side of the character, and also affects development. The emotional state is no less important than the physical and psychological.

Children under three years old
Children of the first months of life communicate only through the manifestation of emotions. The child perceives the surrounding reality very emotionally. But such reactions of the baby are very short. The baby may cry, but after a short period of time - laugh.

Children after four years
From the age of four, children begin to show different types of negative emotions. Now mood changes do not occur without significant reasons.

Children 5-6 years old already able to correctly identify the emotional state of others. They can easily distinguish joy, admiration, but with difficulty recognize sadness, fear, surprise. The child pays closer attention to facial expressions and facial expressions, but still does not show much interest in posture, gestures. In the process of interacting with people, the baby is able to feel affection or injustice.

If a child is treated with kindness, then he will have the same feelings for others.    If you offend a child, then in response he will show aggression. By the age of seven, a child can correctly and adequately assess almost all the basic emotions of a person.

Factors that influence the development of emotions:

1. Communication with other people

2. Active activity of the baby - dancing, music, vocals, sports

3. Game activity. Role-playing games have a positive effect on the emotional sphere

4. Labor activity of the baby. As a result, emotions are formed from the child's experience of the feeling of joy that success brings, as well as disappointment from failures.

How does the family affect the emotional development of the child:

The psychological climate within the family has a strong influence on the emotional development of children. Harmonious development occurs only in families where a favorable psychological climate reigns, as well as highly developed cohesion, mutual respect and goodwill. Parents in prosperous families show love to the child in different ways:

with a friendly look

gentle touches

With tender words

By caring actions

If there is an unfavorable situation in the family, then relations between its members are characterized by tension, conflict, and a negative attitude towards people. A child in such a family feels unprotected, constantly in a state of discomfort.

Groups of parents according to the type of reactions to the experiences of the baby:

1. Parents showing indifference to children's emotions. Such adults are confident that their main task is to satisfy the physiological needs of the child: to feed, clothe, cure. They do not have time for emotional contact with the child

2. Parents who show emotional support. These adults teach their children the basics of self-regulation.

3. Parents who punish the child if he shows negative emotions with prohibitions, physical violence
A big and serious mistake of many parents is the oppression and suppression of the emotional reactions of the baby, which prevents his full emotional development. Adults should be able to determine the mood of the child, correctly and reasonably point out his shortcomings. To teach a child the basics of emotional literacy, adults must be able to find a common emotional language with him. The task of family education is to create within the family a prosperous atmosphere of security, love and respect for the child.

Listen to musical fairy tales with your baby, empathizing with the characters
enrich the child's vocabulary with words that indicate shades of feelings: happy, angry, upset, dissatisfied, offended
introduce the rules for the manifestation of emotions by the child: “You have the right to be offended, but it is forbidden to fight!” etc.
discuss life situations with the child, offer to describe the feelings and sensations of the participants in the events
discuss with the child his feelings, giving him the opportunity to cope with the emotions that have arisen
offer your child options for activities that will help him calm down: dance, sing, draw, chat, run. Let the child choose the activities that suit him
show attention, care, respect, love to the child to form emotional well-being
create an atmosphere of mutual love in the family so that the child learns to love himself
when talking with your child, give him the opportunity to talk about his feelings about the events that happened
read to your child literary works saturated with emotions
relieve the emotional stress of the child with physical exercises.

Games aimed at developing emotions in a child:

Adults need to develop the emotional sphere of babies with the help of a variety of simple games:

Album of Emotions. Cut out photographs or pictures of people in various emotional states from magazines or newspapers, stick them in an album. Look at the images together, discuss the mood of people, the reasons for its appearance. You can demonstrate any emotion, and then invite the child to repeat what he saw. Play with children over 1 year old

"Show some emotion." The game is suitable for children over 4 years old. Ask the baby to show the following emotions: an angry bear, an offended baby, an angry person, a frightened pig, a cheerful person, etc.

The emotional development of the child is the basis of his normal mental state, communication, development and success in the future. It is very important to engage in the development of the emotional sphere from an early age, using a variety of activities, mainly games.

In this article:

At an early age, children already know how to demonstrate a wide range of emotions: joy, fear, grief, interest, delight, anger, etc. The task of parents is to show them how to properly manage their emotions and understand their condition. The emotional development of young children depends on the environment in which the baby lives.

It is important to remember that the relationship between parents is a kind of template for him. The kid adopts them, uses them to communicate with others. At the age of 1-3 years old, babies are capable of very deep emotions that are difficult to suppress. This is a feature of their mental development. Emotions are very important for the normal functioning of the psyche. Every day in a child's life there should be something new that can give a unique experience.

The Importance of Emotional Development

Emotions are one of the components of a person's personality. They can be held back or displayed too brightly. One way or another, emotions color our lives. They are necessary for the proper development of the human psyche. And speech
It's not just about small children. We all need emotions, emotional experiences. Where to get them? Everything that we see, hear, try, with whom we communicate, brings us impressions, evokes feelings. This is how the normal mind functions.

If nothing pleases an adult or a child, does not surprise, does not upset, this is not normal. This state leads to mental stagnation. The world is painted only in gray, the incentive to strive for something, to achieve, disappears. After all, there is no joy from victory, no pride in one's achievements, and losses do not grieve. This situation is unusual for a person and very dangerous for the psyche.

As children, babies are very curious. Any little thing can impress them. The psyche learns, begins to function actively. Young children are characterized by very vivid emotions.

If at this moment (1-3 years) you suppress emotional experiences, deprive the baby of impressions from life, then this will lead to sad consequences.
One of them is a serious lag in mental development.

Features of children 1-3 years old

The mental development of the child is in full swing. During this period, mental activity is characterized by some features:

In the life of a baby there is a huge range of emotions - from happiness and joy to resentment and anger. There are even more emotions than an adult. The only problem is that the baby still does not know how to restrain himself.

For a child
every experience has the same emotional force. The fact is that his brain perceives any state as permanent. It's hard for an adult to understand. For example, you want to eat. You perfectly understand that you only need to get home, and there dinner is waiting for you. Your hunger is temporary.

In such a case, the baby can become very anxious, hysterical, crying from hunger. His brain perceives momentary discomfort as permanent. Simply put, it seems to him that he will always feel this way. The fact is that young children still do not have enough experience to solve such situational problems. Therefore, children's tears are always so sincere, and experiences are deep. The same thing happens in moments of joy.

Emotional climate at home

The emotional development of the crumbs is influenced by the home atmosphere. He still does not always understand what is happening, but he feels well the change in the mood of his parents. Children catch facial expressions, gestures, change the tone of the conversation.

it is desirable that at home there are even loving relationships between parents and family members. Then the development of the emotions and the psyche will follow the correct pattern. Then, once in the society of other children and adults, the baby will behave as he is used to, as he learned from his parents and his immediate environment.

By 2-3 years, affective reactions may occur. Anger control is not yet well developed. Here you need to understand that if at home the parents also do not know how to control their negative feelings, then it will be very difficult for the child to learn this. He sees an example: aggression, anger, manifestations of brute force. For him, this becomes the standard for solving many everyday problems. It is very important that parents can show by example how to respond correctly in a difficult situation.


The development of emotions is important so that the baby can live in society, according to its laws. Without emotional communication there can be no friendship, no love, it will not be possible to build even the simplest relationships. Of course, the crumbs still have many years ahead of them to learn everything.

At 1-3 years old, parents need to pay
special attention to emotional development. Due to the fact that the baby experiences positive emotions, memory and speech are stimulated. Even before the age of 1, moms and dads should provide the baby with peace and comfort, emotional balance. This is not difficult, because parents approach the baby's crib with a smile, affectionate words. When they appear, he very soon begins to experience the first pleasant impressions.

It is perfectly normal if a small child is curious, cheerful. At this age, most emotions are positive - as it should be. At 1-3 years old, there should not be any special fears, anxiety - this suggests that unwanted changes are taking place with the psyche.


Now we only teach children empathy. They still do not understand how it is to worry about another person. The qualitative development of empathy has already begun, but only by the age of 4-5 they will be able to use it. In kindergarten, a lot of attention is paid to this topic. Children communicate with each other, make friends, quarrel. They begin to understand another person better only after a long communication. Here the joint games of children are of great importance.

Perception of the world

From the age of 2 years, kids try to get satisfaction from their activities. New emotions appear, such as pride in achievements, the desire to be the first. Only by the age of 3-4 will this desire become meaningful, but for now, the child simply likes to be better at something. Playing catch-up with his parents, he strives to be faster, to run first. When this happens, the baby experiences joy.

Games between children are also of an easy competitive nature. At the same time, the will develops. Of course, volitional development is just beginning. Babies don't know how to control themselves. Perseverance is manifested only when it comes to the fulfillment of a desire.

Already by the age of 2, the approval of adults is important for the baby. He usually shouts and gestures to draw attention to what he has done. There is nothing wrong with praising your little one. This encourages him to repeat the correct action. “Success” brings him joy - the kid is ready to show every new person how he eats with a spoon, ties a bow or puts on his own shoes.

The main thing here is not to cross the line. It is wrong to praise constantly only for 1-2 actions. He performs the action - receives stormy praise. The child then does not want to learn new things. It is better to praise him several times, allowing him to consolidate the result, and then stop. Then he will have an incentive to earn praise again - to get pleasure, satisfaction. Positive emotions stimulate development.

Development of the emotional sphere

The normal emotional development of young children has a beneficial effect on the formation of personality. With the help of his emotions, the baby creates his "I". For this you need:


Parents need to provide positive changes for the child. For example, on a day off, take a walk with him around the city, go to the park, play together. Many parents get very tired - they turn on cartoons for their children and go about their business. This experience is not the most positive. Now the bulk of emotions comes from live communication with:

  • parents, relatives;
  • educators, teachers;
  • children of different ages.

But baby
you need to learn how to communicate. Buying him too many toys, giving him the opportunity to watch unlimited TV, play on the phone, you limit his emotional development. Today, toys no longer cause as much joy in children as they used to. They talk, they sing, they dance - there is no need to use imagination.

Children rejoice only at the moment of the gift, but emotional satiety soon sets in. Toys are good, but nothing can replace playing with other children, from which every time there are a lot of emotions - from the most positive to negative (quarrels, insults). All emotional experiences are important now.

When we communicate, we get an emotional response. Even an adult, deprived of normal communication with others, gradually loses the ability to empathize. He begins to care only about his own problems, and he looks indifferently at the experiences of others. It is very bad if the baby at an early age is limited in communication. He just can't learn to connect emotionally with people.

Baldina Olga

Games for the emotional and volitional development of children 2-3 years old.

Target: introducing children to basic emotions.


Introduce children to basic emotions.

Teach children to recognize and express feelings freely.

Teach children how to control their feelings.

Teach children the ability to take into account the feelings of another person.

To create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests of the educator, parents and children.

Speech begins to be actively used in the emotional life of two-three-year-old children. Although, due to the insufficiency of its development, they often use only separate phrases, and sometimes just sounds. With purposeful pedagogical influences, the formation of a dictionary of emotional vocabulary takes place. The child can adequately perceive the words angry wolf, frightened hare, cheerful bear, etc.

Games are the main means of developing the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children.

Didactic game "Emotional animals"

Goal: mastering the skills of managing their emotional sphere: developing in children the ability to understand, be aware of their own and other people's emotions, express them correctly, and fully experience them; removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Game description:

Draw a joyful bunny (bear cub, frog, etc.);

Draw an angry (sad, cheerful, etc.) bear cub (hare, etc.);

Let's turn into forest animals and depict different moods.

Mood theater game

Purpose: promotes the development of self-understanding, introduces children to the ABC of expressing emotions.

"Emotions in poetry"

Purpose: to stimulate the development of imagination by reading specially selected literature to children, to select a picture with an emotion corresponding to the text.

"Cut Pictures"

Purpose: to expand ideas about emotions and their manifestations, to teach children to make up a whole image from parts.

"Find the same emotion"

Purpose: to teach to find two identical emotions, to develop children's speech, attention, logical thinking.

"Our emotions"

Purpose: to teach children to recognize feelings and emotions by facial expressions.


Purpose: To understand and distinguish between the emotional states of people (joy, anger, tears, surprise)

Card file of games for the development of the emotional sphere of children.

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