Emotional development of children. Emotional, social and mental development of the child Emotional development of the child 3 4 years old

Good evening, dear parents, (colleagues). We are pleased to welcome you to our hall. Thank you for taking the time to come to our practical seminar to discuss the following problem “Development of the emotional sphere of children 3-4 years old.”

But first, let me remind you about the topic “3 Year Crisis”. Many of you have started complaining about your children's behavior this year. And the worst thing for us, adults, is that all these emotional outbursts began to happen to your child when he started attending kindergarten.

You are often surprised to observe manifestations of their stubbornness, disobedience, self-will, protest, rebellion, and sometimes even despotism on the part of the child. His behavior is accompanied by the words “I myself.”

And indeed, the child tries to do everything on his own or, even more often, does the opposite: when called for dinner, he does not answer “I want”, when asked to get ready for a walk, he claims that he wants to eat, etc.

Game with parents “BALL” (ball of thread)

You already know about the characteristics of your children at this age, but I would like to emphasize the following....
1. The child shows the first vivid expression of his “I”; this is his attempt to independently move away from his mother, lengthen the psychological “umbilical cord”, learn to do a lot on his own and somehow solve his problems. At 3-4 years old, a child can decide for himself whether he will eat extra porridge, what toys he wants to play with now, what to draw, whether he will stay at home with dad or go to the store with mom.

2. It is gratifying to see when parents during this period begin to provide their child with more freedom and independence. By doing this, they support his new idea of ​​himself and teach him to intelligently distinguish between those areas of life in which he can truly behave “like an adult”:

3. Of course, certain boundaries on the part of adults are necessary, because the baby’s self-control is not yet sufficiently developed and he does not know how to identify potentially dangerous situations, so he cannot always protect himself from failures and sometimes injuries. Therefore, the task of adults is to teach the child to anticipate danger, and not to place a pillow on the place where he falls.

4. The child should know that a needle is sharp, fire burns, that hitting hurts, etc. Therefore, the child must be introduced into the world of dangerous things. Remember that it is important not to protect the baby from falling, because this is simply impossible, since none of the parents or educators can be with the child all the time, but if we teach the child to be careful, or, in other words, we explain how to fall correctly, then it is possible to be sure that he will not be exposed to danger again.

5. And now, dear parents. Imagine a chicken that has not yet hatched from an egg. How safe he is there. And yet, even instinctively, he destroys the shell in order to get out. Otherwise he would simply suffocate under her.
Our care for a child is like a shell. He is warm, comfortable and safe to be under her. At some point he needs her. But our baby grows, changing from the inside, and suddenly the time comes when he realizes that the shell is interfering with growth. Even if growth is painful... and yet the child no longer instinctively, but consciously breaks the “shell” in order to experience the vicissitudes of fate, to know the unknown, to experience the unknown.

Verse L.A. Buldakova, describing the crisis of three years:
I'm negative and stubborn
Obstinate and self-willed,
Social environment
Terribly dissatisfied.
You don't let me step
Always ready to help.
Oh my God! How heavy
Heart shackles.
The “I” system is boiling inside me,
I want to shout everywhere:
I am the self, brothers, I live,
Want! Can! And will!

So, let's summarize what was said above: the main discovery for a child is the discovery of himself. The child considers himself independent, he can do anything. But... due to his age, the baby cannot do without his mother and other adults. And he gets angry with her for this and “takes revenge” with tears, objections, and whims. That's why you often see the "Little Tyrant" in your child. This is a child with emotional disturbances.
And early and preschool childhood is a time when emotions dominate all aspects of a child’s life, control and regulate all his other mental functions.
Here we come to the topic of our day.

So, on today's topic:
Children gradually become more emotionally stable and less capricious. They begin to show interest in their peers as play partners (the one they play with is a friend). The opinion of a peer acquires special significance.

But it could be different. Children continue to manipulate adults, in particular their mother. This is an example of a disorder of emotional development. Forms and types of disorders of emotional development in childhood and they also occupy the first place: anxiety, timidity, fears, aggression, increased emotional exhaustion, communication difficulties, depression. Slide No.

Anxiety is a tendency to worry in certain situations. Anxiety can be episodic and manifest itself in specific cases and circumstances. This is completely normal. However, it may be permanent.
Signs of an anxious child: Slide No.
o Low performance
o When performing a task, the child is constrained, or, conversely, restless
o Restless sleep, tormented by nightmares
o Hands are usually wet and cold
o Has poor appetite
o Blushes, feels embarrassed in unfamiliar surroundings
o Not confident in yourself, etc.

And this is where the help of a psychologist is needed.

Three- to four-year-old children have a very developed imagination; they are able to imagine and experience what happened to other people. At this age, fear of the dark, water, animals, etc. may appear. In the fight against some fears, it is better not to focus your attention; explain to the child that there is nothing to be afraid of.
For example, in the case of a fear of water or dogs, you should not force him to the subject of fear, you should simply show by example that it is not dangerous, the child is curious and after a short period of time he will overcome his fear. However, you can very well help your child overcome his fear of the dark. Turn on a night light, leave the door open, or sit with your child until he falls asleep. Light will hinder the child less than imaginary fears.
There is also fear of bodily defects. For example, why girls and boys are built differently or whether a child can become crippled. Don't be afraid of such questions. You need to tell your child that all people are born different, that this is how it should be. Tell us under what circumstances you can become crippled.
Be sure to talk to your child about his fears, show that you care and understand. Hug him and tell him that you will always be there to protect him. Try to provide your child with the most interesting and educational leisure time, daily communication with other children. After all, the busier your baby is, the less time he has to invent new fears.
o Emotionally sensitive and impressionable children are most susceptible to fears. This feature is innate, determined by the type of nervous system and determines the perception of the world as a whole.
o Such children do not tolerate formal distance communication situations well, feeling comfortable
only with a friendly, affectionate and warm psychological climate in the family and in kindergarten.
o If the relationship between parents is tense, the family is on the verge of divorce, then adult conflicts begin to be projected onto the child,
o Child-parent relationships become complicated, and fear of maternal or paternal anger arises. The fear of punishment is mixed with the fear of losing parents.
o Fairy-tale characters appear in the imagination of children who are afraid of being punished, since in fairy tales, as is known, Baba Yaga carries away naughty children for punishment. Remember that fairy-tale characters are an age-related fear typical of children aged 3-5 years; it goes away with age.

o The more emotionally attached a child is to his mother, the more clearly these fears manifest themselves.
o Night terrors manifest themselves primarily in dreams, the content of which in bizarre forms reflects all the vivid impressions of the past day. The more pronounced the tension and stress state of a child is during the day, the more likely it is that there will be no rest at night.

Main areas of work:
1. Increasing the child’s self-esteem by competently explaining to him the rules of the law;
2. Teaching the child to manage himself in the specific situations that most worry him;
3. Relieving muscle tension.

MASSAGE WITH PARENTS_________________________________________________
GAME TO RELEASE MUSCLE TENSION___________________________

Another reason for a child’s emotional instability may be his/her peculiarity, such as hyperactivity.
Signs of hyperactivity:
o Attention deficit;
o Impulsivity;
o Increased physical activity.
Up to 5 years is considered normal. But, if these signs are excessively manifested in a child, then we should rather talk about his neglect by parents and teachers.

GAME ON ____

Aggression is a reaction to a certain situation. Moreover, the situation, one way or another, is unfavorable for the child.
Anger and anger are normal human emotions. By denying them, we will not be able to rid the child of them. Quite often there is a situation when a child who is calm at home becomes aggressive in kindergarten. One explanation is that negative emotions are prohibited at home.
Types of aggression:
o Physical;
o Indirect;
o Irritation;
o Negativism.
-parental relationships;
- parenting style.
o PEERS (dissatisfaction with them)


1. E. Korotaeva considered the developmental environment as a means of emotional development of preschool children. By the development environment in a preschool institution, the author understands the organization of space and the use of equipment for the safety and psychological well-being of the child. She identifies several components that influence the emotional atmosphere of a group.
o The emotionally supportive component of the environment involves creating an optimal emotional atmosphere in the group. This is the color scheme of the room, which should be calm for perception, and the surrounding environment should be aesthetically designed.
o The emotional-stabilizing component involves the systematic fulfillment of the necessary conditions for organizing the daily routine, which contributes to the good emotional well-being of children.
o The emotionally activating component provides emotional activation of the child’s experiences, which occurs in play activities. It is necessary to include games aimed at optimizing the emotional and sensory sphere in work with preschoolers. The emotional training component includes conducting psycho-gymnastics with children.

GAME with a flower___________________________
My mood.
My mood changes every day,
Because every day something happens!
Now I'm angry, now I'm smiling,
Sometimes I'm sad, sometimes I'm surprised,
Sometimes I’ll get scared!
Sometimes I’ll sit, dream, keep quiet!

2. Fairytale therapy is perhaps the most children's method of psychology, and, of course, one of the most ancient. After all, even our ancestors, when raising children, were in no hurry to punish the guilty child, but told him a fairy tale, from which the meaning of the act became clear. Fairy tales served as a moral and ethical law, protected children from misfortunes, and taught them about life. Knowing how a fairy tale influences a person’s life, you can help your child in a lot of ways. Does he have a favorite fairy tale that he asks to read again and again? This means that this fairy tale touches on very important issues for a child. with a heart that does not retreat from any obstacles, then the princess from “The Bremen Town Musicians”.
Now many teachers in their practice are faced with the fact that many parents do not read fairy tales. But this is so important! In fairy tales, children find pieces of their souls, echoes of their lives. In addition, fairy tales instill hope in a child. The longer a child believes in the magical Santa Claus, who brings gifts on New Year's Eve, the more optimistic his outlook on life will be.
Children encounter some problems and come to us, adults, but most often the methods we offer are not suitable for them. Then they come to the conclusion that we cannot help them. But what to do with the accumulated sadness, irritation, anger or joy that is already overwhelming the child?
And here fairytale therapy can come to the rescue. What is it? These are the same fairy tales, only they are focused on some problem. This is a story about certain situations that a child often finds himself in; it also describes the feelings that arise in a child, which can be associated with completely different life events. Imagination plays an important role here.
3. One of the effective means of developing the emotional sphere of preschool children is music - an emotional art in its very content. Perception of music does not require prior preparation. It is necessary to take into account that musical images and musical language must correspond to the age of the child (lullabies, P. Tchaikovsky’s album).
PERFORMANCE OF THE SONG _________________
4. Rhythmoplasty is a synthetic type of activity based on movements to music, the main goal of which is the psychological emancipation of the child through mastering his body.
Rhythmoplasty is one of the ways, one of the possibilities of “living” images, when any gesture or movement becomes a form of emotional expression of the content. Gesture, movement, plasticity have a special property of generalizing the emotional state.
Organizing movements with the help of musical rhythm develops children's attention, memory, imagination, visual-figurative thinking, verbal-logical thinking and internal composure. Musical games relieve psycho-emotional tension in a group, absorb skills of adequate group behavior, unconditional acceptance of the (situational) role of leader or follower, i.e. socialize the child (logorhythmics, speech with movement, finger exercises to music, attention games).

5. Role-playing games are also a powerful factor in the development of humane feelings. Role-playing actions and relationships help the preschooler understand the other, take into account his position, mood, desire. When children move from simply recreating actions and the external nature of relationships to conveying their emotional and expressive content, they learn to share the experiences of others (we will devote a meeting to this issue next year). Today we offer consultations “ALL ABOUT THE GAME” for parents, card indexes of games...
For preschool children, play is the main form of activity. Some spontaneous games of preschoolers have a clear resemblance to the games of representatives of the animal world, but even such simple games as catch-up, wrestling and hide-and-seek are to a large extent cultivated. In games, children imitate the work activities of adults and take on various social roles. Already at this stage, differentiation by gender occurs. Specially designed educational and therapeutic games occupy a special position.
The games reveal the individual and age characteristics of children. At the age of 2-3 years they begin to master a logical-figurative representation of reality. While playing, children begin to give objects contextually determined imaginary properties and replace real objects with them (make-believe games). The play of a preschooler is full of a wide variety of emotions, surprise, excitement, joy, and delight. When playing with children, you can feel its MAGICAL POWER.
6. Psychogymnastics can be considered one of the means of developing the emotional sphere of preschoolers - this is a course of special classes (sketches, exercises and games) aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child’s psyche (both its cognitive and emotional-personal spheres).
The main goal of psychogymnastics is to overcome barriers to communication, develop a better understanding of oneself and others, relieve mental stress, and create opportunities for self-expression.
Psychogymnastics, firstly, is aimed at young children, and secondly, the main emphasis in it is on teaching elements of expressive movement techniques in the education of emotions and higher feelings and on acquiring skills in self-relaxation. During the exercises, children develop positive character traits (confidence, honesty, courage, kindness, etc.), and overcome neurotic manifestations (fears, various kinds of concerns, uncertainty).
Game with children and parents: “PHOTOGRAPHERS”

7. One of the effective means of developing the emotional world of children can be considered children's artistic creativity, which can solve the problems of socio-cultural development of the individual. Artistic creativity is a type of creativity, the result of which is the creation of a work of art, i.e. a specific reflection of objective reality in the form of artistic images. The clarity and imagery, and often the colorfulness of the drawing, influence the emotional sphere of the child, and the images emerging from under a pencil or brush give him aesthetic pleasure.
RESULT: Rule 1. Don't expect everything at once. You need to start by training only one function (for example, only attention, and you must be tolerant of fidgeting in your chair or moving all the objects on the table in the process of this work). Remember that if you pull a child back, then his efforts will immediately switch to controlling his actions, and it will be difficult for him to concentrate on the task. Only after a long time of your joint efforts can you begin to demand not only attention, but also generally accepted behavior during your gaming activities.

Rule 2. Prevent your child from becoming overtired and overexcited: switch him to other types of games and activities in time, but not too often. It is also important to maintain a daily routine, provide the child with adequate sleep and a calm environment.

Rule 3. Since it is difficult for a child to control himself, he needs external control. It is very important that adults be consistent when setting external boundaries of “dos” and “don’ts.” It is also necessary to take into account that the child is not able to wait for a long time, so all punishments and rewards must appear on time. Let it be a kind word, a small souvenir or a token (the amount of which you will exchange for something pleasant), but giving it to the child should be a fairly quick manifestation of your approval of his actions.

Rule 4. It is better to start working with a hyperactive child individually and only then gradually introduce him to group games, since the individual characteristics of such children prevent them from focusing on what an adult offers if there are peers nearby. In addition, the child’s lack of self-control and his inability to adhere to the rules of group play can provoke conflicts among the players.

Rule 5. The games used in your correctional work should be selected in the following directions:


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Child's brain development

The brain matter is formed in the fetal cranium in the first weeks of fetal life. child development. At the tenth week of intrauterine development, the brain is divided into three parts. When a child is born, the brain is almost no different from the brain of an adult. The number of neurons is stable throughout life, and so is their location. The final formation of the brain ends by the first year of life.
The functions of the brain in the first 15 days after birth mainly consist of collecting information both from outside and from within one’s body and adapting to this information.

By the age of three, a child's brain volume is 80% of that of an adult. Moreover, the increase in brain volume is carried out due to special glial cells necessary for the existence of neurons. A few decades ago, some Western experts argued that in the first three years the brain is almost completely formed, and in the future it is almost impossible to change anything. Today it is known for certain that neural connections can be formed until the end of life.
For the development of a child’s brain, an environment rich in positive impressions is necessary. This makes the brain work more actively and stimulates its development.
Brain development before the age of three is similar to the growth of a tree. After ten years, some branches of the tree die off, and new ones grow in their place.

It is interesting that if a child has learned a foreign language before the age of 18, but practically does not apply his knowledge, the connections of neurons that were created to serve this knowledge may be destroyed and the brain will “use” this knowledge through completely different mechanisms.

Speech development in children

The main development of speech in children occurs between 8 months and 4 years. It is at this time that the child masters the language he will speak in the future. By the end of this period, the child speaks at least a thousand words. It is considered normal if words are pronounced correctly, without cutting off “inconvenient” syllables. The child can tell a short story in his own words, as well as convey impressions about the past day, and express an opinion about any events that happened to him.

Some stages of speech development:

  • 8 - 14 months – two-syllable words appear: beep, ka-ka, la-la,
  • 18 – 26 months – sentences of two simple words appear: mom give it, dad um-am,
  • 21 – 30 months – new words are added to the vocabulary,
  • 28 – 42 months – words are formed into sentences, cases, genders and numbers are used,
  • 30 - 41 months - the child comes up with his own words, based on those already known to him
  • 30 – 42 months – the child speaks out loud about what he is doing at that moment, even if he is playing alone.
The time frame of the listed stages may shift slightly in one direction or another. Girls begin to speak earlier and have a larger vocabulary at first, especially when it comes to naming objects. But they can put together phrases later. At the same time, they compose phrases more carefully, trying to be like moms and dads.

Boys first master verbs and begin to combine them with other parts of speech. They make up and distort words more often than girls. They usually start talking later.

Worrying points:

  • The baby does not want to repeat words and phrases after adults,
  • If you ask him to repeat a word, he turns away, purses his lips and pretends that it is not meant for him,
  • Tries not to ask adults for anything,
  • In communication, he makes no difference between his own people and strangers,
  • He babbles in an invented language and doesn’t worry about the fact that no one understands him,
  • Compared to peers, the child speaks much worse.
Causes of delayed speech development:
  • Improper upbringing, lack of communication,
  • Neurological or sensorimotor disorders.
What to do?
Go to a speech therapist consultation. We can talk about speech impairment only if the child is already 3 years old, but his vocabulary is limited to baby talk. Children under three years of age, as a rule, are not referred to a speech therapist. Classes should be started as early as possible, then the effect will be noticeable faster.

The influence of food on memory development in children

It turns out that a child’s diet also affects how quickly and efficiently he remembers information.
The child should eat in small portions, but at short intervals. This will maintain a constant level of glucose in the blood, which is necessary for stable brain function.

The child’s menu must include: cheese, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, buckwheat, whole grain baked goods, cereals, fruits, fatty fish, vegetables. The listed products contain large quantities of biologically active substances necessary for the development of the brain and its normal supply of oxygen and nutrients.
In addition, it is advisable that the child’s menu include olive, sunflower, soybean, and peanut oils. It is necessary to give your child vitamin and mineral supplements and fish oil from time to time.

By the way, the abundance of simple carbohydrates ( sweets) in the menu impairs the memory function of the brain. Anxious sleep in fits and starts and lack of sleep also have a negative effect on the memory function.
To improve blood circulation in the brain area, it is useful to exercise.

Mental development of a child

The development of a child’s psyche is carried out in stages:
  • 0 – 12 months mainly develop motor functions,
  • From 12 to 36 months, sensitivity develops and motor function becomes more complex,
  • From 36 months to 12 years, the formation of emotional function occurs,
  • After 12 years, the development of mental function ends.
In the first year of life, communication with adults and constant impressions are very important for normal mental development. The more communication there is with parents, the more actively the child develops.
From the age of one to three, it is important to promptly encourage or, on the contrary, suppress the actions of a child who is learning about the world. This is how the child gets an idea of ​​how to behave among people.

At three years old, children enter a period of crisis. They become stubborn, because it is now that the baby begins to recognize himself as an individual.

At the age of three to four years, the baby prefers communication with adults to playing with children. After all, an adult can bring something new and interesting to the game, but the kids themselves still lack the ability to entertain themselves. They don't concentrate well enough yet, and their memory isn't that good. You should be lenient towards some speech blots; if you try to get a child to speak clearly and competently at this age, he may become withdrawn and shy in the future.

From four to five, the baby already begins to think about what he heard from others, but did not see himself. Now it’s more interesting to play with peers, and while there is no spirit of competition in games, children interact as equals. At this age, children need to read and tell as many fairy tales as possible. This is the period of final formation of the psyche. According to psychologists, it is in the first five years that the foundations of the human psyche are laid.

Child's emotional development

The development of the emotional sphere occurs gradually and is no less important than physical or mental development. Only thanks to positive emotions does the ability to remember information and speak improve. At first, the child’s communication with others occurs only through the manifestation of emotions. Therefore, for the normal emotional development of a baby, positive emotions are needed.

During the baby's wakefulness in the first months of life, parents should try to keep the child happy and calm, play more with him or just be close to him.
Children perceive the world very emotionally. Moreover, the explosion of experiences is short, but can be so violent that the child cannot even control himself. This is not a completely conscious reaction. Such mental features explain the fact that a baby can cry and after a few seconds suddenly start laughing.

From about the age of four, children begin to experience negative emotions, such as dissatisfaction or anger. At this age, “jumps” in mood never happen without a reason ( from a child's point of view) causes.
Parents should not try to suppress such negative expressions of emotion. We need to try to figure out their cause. At the same time, adults communicating with children must control their emotions.

If a child grows up in a friendly atmosphere, then he is almost always cheerful. This state is extremely important for the formation of personality, as well as attitudes towards others. Children whose emotional sphere is in order have high self-esteem in the future.

The most effective way to develop a child's emotions is to play various games with him.
1. Journal of Emotions. You can find images of people in different emotional states in magazines, cut out their portraits and paste them into a separate notebook. Together with your child, sometimes look through pictures and discuss the person’s mood, as well as the probable reasons for this mood. You can imitate this mood and ask the child to repeat the imitation. Such classes can be carried out with children who have reached the age of one year.

2. Game of emotions. This game is suitable for children from four years old. You should offer your baby:

  • Get angry, like a bear who has had a bump fall on his forehead, like a kid whose candy has been taken away,
  • To be offended, like a child who didn’t want to play with,
  • Frown like an angry man, like a cloud before the rain,
  • To be scared, like the three little pigs when they were chased by a wolf, like a dog who saw a car, like a kid who got lost in a store,
  • Smile as if he saw a rainbow in the sky, like a cheerful person, as if he had received a gift,
  • Feel sad like Eeyore, as if it’s raining outside.

You can come up with many such examples, and all of them will help the baby learn to express his emotions and understand the emotions of the people around him. Psychologists' studies show that by the age of seven, ninety percent of children can correctly assess people's emotions.

While watching cartoons or listening to fairy tales, children sympathize with fictional characters as much as they sympathize with their brother who injured his foot on a nail.
One of the most vivid emotions experienced by children is fear. It usually appears in those children whose parents themselves are very anxious and believe that the child is surrounded by dangers. It is this condition of mothers and fathers that provokes the development of fear and anxiety in children.

Child social development

Social development is the accustoming of a child to the culture and traditions of the society in which he lives. Social development is most active in the first year of a baby’s life. Being surrounded by adults, the child, without realizing it, learns to live according to the laws of society, follow some rules, and take into account those around him.
Family is of primary importance in this case. The child looks at the relationships between family members and adopts this pattern for his future adult life.
For normal social development, a child needs communication with people of different ages.

A game– the most important form of social development. During play, children communicate, their psyche, emotions, and physical abilities develop. The child acquires socialization skills in role-playing games simulating a clinic, store, or school. It is during play that the child receives lessons on correct behavior in various situations, sometimes conflicting ones.

How to help a child socialize?

  • Discuss with him various life situations and options for getting out of them,
  • Take him to concerts, to the theater, be sure to discuss him after the performance,
  • Praise if the child helped someone with something and explain the importance of help,
  • Observe people's actions together and discuss them,
  • Always answer all your child's questions.

Development of motor skills in children

The areas of the brain that control finger movements and speech are nearby. Therefore, by activating the motor centers, we simultaneously activate the speech centers.
You can begin to develop motor skills from the first months of life. To do this, each finger of your tiny hands should be massaged several times a day. When the baby gets a little older, you can start doing finger exercises - simple finger movements that are done to the rhyme.
  • Magic bag. Place small items of different textures and sizes into a fabric bag. The baby gropes for the object and names it. You need to do it in turn with both hands.
  • Modeling from salt dough or clay, plasticine. You can even make numbers, and then touch them and guess.
  • Trace already drawn pictures, simple figures. You can draw a labyrinth. It is very convenient to do this exercise using stencils.
  • Grain-by-grain drawing. Any small grains are poured onto the tray in a thin layer. With his finger, the child draws on the cereal whatever he wants.

Diagnosis of child development

Special tests are used to diagnose a child's development. Tests are developed for children under 3 years of age, 3 – 6 years old, 6 – 10 years old. For children under 6 years old, all tests are specific aids in the form of objects for actions and pictures. After 6 years, logic tests can be given. The left hemisphere of the brain, responsible for logic, begins to actively develop only after five and a half years.

Some indicators of child development under 3 years of age

Test 1.
Give the child ten cubes of the same size, show how to make a turret, a caterpillar, or a bridge out of them.
  • At 1 year 3 months, the child will make a tower from two cubes,
  • At 2 years old, a caterpillar makes a tower of eight cubes,
  • At 3 years old, a tower of nine cubes assembles a caterpillar and a bridge.
Test 2.
Give the child a pyramid, take it apart and reassemble it. The same with the matryoshka doll.
  • At 1 year 6 months, collects rings in random order,
  • At 2 years old, he can easily handle two objects of different sizes,
  • At 3 years old, he easily assembles a pyramid, as well as four nesting dolls.
Test 3.
  • At 1 year 6 months he takes off his socks by himself, flips through hard pages two at a time, eats porridge by himself,
  • At the age of 2, he gets the key into the lock, flips through a book with thin pages, presses the doorknob and bell button, can put on socks, trousers,
  • At the age of 3, he can repeat many household manipulations after mom and dad; he buttons his own buttons and ties his shoelaces.
Test 4.
To be attentive.
Place thirty pictures with different objects in front of the child, show him a picture that repeats one of those posted and ask him to find it. A three-year-old finds half of a dozen pictures.

Test 5.
For speech development.
Place 6 - 7 ordinary objects in front of the baby and ask them to name them.

  • At 1 year 6 months the child mentions one object,
  • At 2 years old, from 2 to 5 items,
  • At 2 years 6 months he can name all objects.
Test 6.
For gross motor skills.
  • At 1 year 6 months, he easily climbs steps without help, steps over a stick, pulls a car behind him on a string,
  • At 2 years old, he can pick up an object from the ground, can play a soccer ball,
  • At 2 years 6 months, steps sequentially over a row of sticks laid out at intervals of 0.2 meters,
  • At 3 years old he jumps on both legs and can handle a bicycle ( 3 wheel), can stand on one leg for a couple of seconds.
Test 7.
For fine motor skills.
Place a piece of paper and a marker in front of the baby. Ask him to draw a triangle, cross, square, circle, horizontal and vertical stripes. Show how it's done.
  • At 1 year 6 months, draws a short line,
  • At 2 years old can draw a horizontal and vertical line ( by example),
  • At 2 years 6 months he draws a cross with several lines,
  • At 3 years old he draws a cross, a circle, and can draw the likeness of a man ( head and arms - legs).

In this article:

At an early age, children are already able to demonstrate a wide range of emotions: joy, fear, grief, interest, delight, anger, etc. The task of parents is to show them how to properly manage their emotions and understand their condition. The emotional development of young children depends on the environment in which the baby lives.

It is important to remember that the relationship between parents is a kind of template for him. The baby adopts them and uses them to communicate with others. At the age of 1-3 years, babies are capable of very deep emotions that are difficult to suppress. This is a feature of their mental development. Emotions are very important for the normal functioning of the psyche. Every day in a child’s life there should be something new that can provide unique experiences.

The importance of emotional development

Emotions are one of the components of a person’s personality. They can be suppressed or displayed too brightly. One way or another, emotions color our lives. They are necessary for the proper development of the human psyche. Moreover, the speech
It's not just about little children. We all need emotions, emotional experiences. Where can I get them? Everything we see, hear, taste, and with whom we communicate brings us impressions and evokes feelings. This is how the normal psyche functions.

If nothing pleases, surprises or upsets an adult or a child, this is not normal. This condition leads to mental stagnation. The world turns only gray, the incentive to strive for something, to achieve something disappears. After all, there is no joy from victory, no pride in one’s achievements, and losses do not grieve. This situation is unusual for humans and is very dangerous for the psyche.

As children, babies are very inquisitive. Any little thing can impress them. The psyche learns and begins to function actively. Young children are characterized by very vivid emotions.

If at this moment (1-3 years) you suppress emotional experiences and deprive the baby of impressions from life, this will lead to sad consequences.
One of them is a serious lag in mental development.

Features of children 1-3 years old

The child's mental development is in full swing. During this period, mental activity is characterized by some features:

There is a huge range of emotions in a child’s life – from happiness and joy to resentment and anger. There are even more emotions than an adult. The only problem is that the baby still doesn’t know how to restrain himself.

For a child
every experience has the same emotional force. The fact is that his brain perceives any state as permanent. This is hard for an adult to understand. For example, you are hungry. You understand perfectly well that you just need to get home, and dinner will be waiting for you there. Your hunger is a temporary condition.

In such a case, the baby may fall into severe anxiety, hysterics, and crying from hunger. His brain perceives momentary discomfort as permanent. Simply put, it seems to him that he will always feel this way. The fact is that young children do not yet have enough experience to solve such situational problems. That’s why children’s tears are always so sincere and their experiences deep. The same thing happens in moments of joy.

Emotional climate at home

The emotional development of the baby is influenced by the home atmosphere. He still does not always understand what is happening, but he is well aware of the change in his parents’ mood. Children pick up on facial expressions, gestures, and changes in the tone of conversation.

It is desirable that there be smooth, loving relationships between parents and family members at home. Then the development of emotions and psyche will follow the correct pattern. Then, once in the company of other children and adults, the baby will behave as he is used to, as he learned from his parents and immediate environment.

By the age of 2-3 years, affective reactions may occur. Anger control is not yet developed enough. Here you need to understand that if parents at home also do not know how to control their negative feelings, then it will be very difficult for the child to learn this. He sees an example: aggression, anger, manifestations of brute force. For him, this becomes a standard for solving many everyday problems. It is very important that parents can show by example how to react correctly in a difficult situation.


The development of emotions is important so that the baby can live in society, according to its laws. Without emotional communication, there can be no friendship, no love, and it will not be possible to build even the simplest relationships. Of course, the baby still has many years ahead to learn everything.

At 1-3 years of age, parents need to pay
special attention to emotional development. Due to the fact that the baby experiences positive emotions, memory and speech are stimulated. Even before the age of 1, mothers and fathers must provide the baby with peace and comfort, and emotional balance. This is not difficult, because parents approach the baby’s crib with a smile and kind words. When they appear, he very soon begins to experience the first pleasant impressions.

It is completely normal if a small child is curious and cheerful. At this age, most emotions are positive – that’s how it should be. At 1-3 years of age there should not be any special fears or anxiety - this indicates that undesirable changes are occurring in the psyche.


Now we only teach children empathy. They still don’t understand what it’s like to worry about another person. The qualitative development of empathy has already begun, but only by the age of 4-5 will they be able to use it. In kindergarten, a lot of attention is paid to this topic. Children communicate with each other, make friends, quarrel. They begin to understand another person better only after prolonged communication. Here, children's games together are of great importance.

Perception of the world

Starting from the age of 2 years, children try to gain satisfaction from their activities. New emotions appear, such as pride in achievements, the desire to be first. Only by the age of 3-4 will this desire become meaningful, but for now the child just likes to be better at something. Playing catch-up with his parents, he strives to be faster, to get there first. When this happens, the baby experiences joy.

Games between children are also of a slightly competitive nature. At the same time, the will develops. Of course, volitional development is just beginning. Kids don't know how to control themselves. Persistence manifests itself only when it comes to fulfilling a desire.

By the age of 2, adult approval is important for a child. He usually uses shouts and gestures to draw attention to what he has done. There's nothing wrong with praising your baby. This encourages him to repeat the correct action. “Success” brings him joy - the baby is ready to show every new person how he eats with a spoon, ties a bow or puts on his own shoes.

The main thing here is not to cross the line. Constantly praising only 1-2 actions is wrong. He performs an action and receives thunderous praise. The child then does not want to learn new things. It’s better to praise him several times, letting him consolidate the result, and then stop. Then he will have an incentive to earn praise again - to receive pleasure and satisfaction. Positive emotions stimulate development.

Development of the emotional sphere

Normal emotional development of young children has a beneficial effect on personality development. With the help of his emotions, the baby creates his “I”. To do this you need:


Parents need to provide positive changes for the child. For example, on a day off, walk around the city with him, go to the park, play together. Many parents get very tired - they turn on cartoons for their children and go about their business. This experience is not the most positive. Now the bulk of emotions comes from live communication with:

  • parents, relatives;
  • educators, teachers;
  • children of different ages.

But baby
you need to learn to communicate. Buying him too many toys, giving him the opportunity to watch TV unlimitedly, play on the phone, you are limiting his emotional development. Nowadays, toys no longer bring as much joy to children as they used to. They talk, sing, dance - there is no need to use imagination.

Children rejoice only at the moment of the gift, but soon emotional satiety sets in. Toys are good, but nothing can replace playing with other children, which every time creates a sea of ​​emotions - from the most positive to the negative (quarrels, resentments). All emotional experiences are important now.

When we communicate, we receive an emotional response. Even an adult, deprived of normal communication with others, gradually loses the ability to empathize. He begins to care only about his own problems, and he looks indifferently at the experiences of others. It is very bad if a child is limited in communication at an early age. He simply will not be able to learn emotional connections with people.

Why do people laugh?
Draw several dolls with different facial expressions for your child: a laughing doll, a crying doll, an angry doll. Pointing to each image, ask your baby what the doll is doing. When looking at a laughing doll, ask what could make it laugh, and come up with a funny story together with your child. Talk about what your child finds funny. Pointing to the crying doll, ask what to do when someone cries (have pity). Also discuss what may cause tears, etc.

The game promotes the development of communication and speech skills, and introduces emotions.

Two little men
Take two dolls and talk to the baby on their behalf. One doll is cheerful, the other is sad. Change the intonation of your voice according to the dolls' mood. Let the cheerful doll tell the baby something funny, and the sad doll ask her to be sorry. Invite the baby to cheer up the sad doll: sing her a song, draw something bright and cheerful.

The game promotes the development of speech and empathy skills.

Sad, cheerful
Draw for your child several little people whose faces lack mouths. Ask your child to complete the mouths in the images, taking into account that one person is cheerful, the second is sad, and the third is dissatisfied. Help your little one with leading questions: “What does a person do when he’s having fun? (Smiles, laughs). And when is it sad? (demonstrate the drooping corners of your mouth). And an angry person frowns and purses his lips.”

Play promotes a child's emotional development.

Color mood
You will need: paints.

Paint something with yellow paint. Ask your child what he thinks: is yellow paint happy or sad? What does she look like? “What color do you think can be used to paint a sad day? Fun morning? And so on."

The game promotes the development of associative thinking and the emotional sphere.

Such different music
Invite your child to listen to a funny song and dance to it. Then put on calm music. Perhaps the child will want to move to slow sounds. Please note that under fast music the movements are different. Take your baby on your lap and just listen to the music. Ask your baby what she looks like. Show how you can move your hand to the beat of the melody, ask your child to do the same.

The game promotes the development of the emotional sphere and auditory perception.
Little Bunny
Remember the heroes of your favorite fairy tales: the little fox-sister, the cowardly bunny and the gray wolf. Ask your child why they are called that. If the child finds it difficult to answer, help him: “Why is the fox called cunning? Because she is deceiving everyone. And the hare is the weakest, he doesn’t have sharp teeth or strong paws, so he’s afraid of everyone, etc.”

Ask your little one which of the listed characters he likes the most. Why? Who doesn't like it? Why?

The game promotes speech development and emotional development.

Read a poem to your child.


The cloud is hiding behind the forest,

The sun is looking from the sky.

And so pure

Good, radiant"

If we could get him,

We would kiss him.

G. Boyko

Talk about why the sun is called kind, pure, and why you want to kiss it. Compare a sunny day with bad weather. Discuss what you can do outside in clear weather and in rainy weather.

Play promotes emotional development.