Card file of gymnastics after sleeping in the dhow. A set of gymnastic exercises after sleep in the younger group Gymnastics after sleep for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten


Complex No. 1

1.I.p.: lying on your back, arms extended upward. “Stretches”: press your chin to your chest, socks towards you; stretch your head and arms in one direction, your heels in the opposite direction; relax in i.p. Repeat 2 times.

2.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, raise your toes, stretch your arms forward, hold in this position for 5 counts; return IP, relax. Repeat 4 times.

3.I.p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in “wings”; stay in this position for 5 counts; return to IP Repeat 5 times

4.I.p.: the same. Raise your legs one by one, without lifting your pelvis from the bed, 5-6 times with each leg.

5.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, cross your arms over your chest - exhale. Repeat 4 times.

6.I.p.: main stand. “Birds are flying”: 1 - raise your arms to the sides, up; 2 - return to IP. Repeat 5-6 times. Perform smoothly, without rushing.

7.I.p.: legs slightly apart, arms bent in front of the chest, hands down. “Bunnies”: low jumps on two legs (8-10 jumps), pause. Repeat again.

8. Breathing exercise “The cow mooes”: on a long exhalation, say “moo-oo-oo”, inhale; repeat several times.

Walking along the path of “health”.

Complex No. 2

1.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Press your chin to your chest, pull your socks up; stretch, aiming the top of your head in one direction and your heels in the opposite direction; relax in i.p. Repeat 2 times.

2.I.p.: lying on your back, hands behind your head. Raise your head, point your toes toward you, hold in this position for 6 counts, without lifting your shoulder blades from the bed; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

3.I.p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms into “wings”; to the sides; on the belt; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

4.I.p.: the same. Raise both legs at the same time; stay in this position for 5 counts; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p.: sitting cross-legged, hands on knees. “Vanka-stand”: swaying from side to side.

6.I.p.: main stand. “Apple picking”: raise your arms forward and up, stand on your toes, stretch (“pick an apple”) - inhale; lean forward and down, lower your arms freely (“put the apple in the basket”) - exhale. Repeat 5-6 times.

7.I.p.: stand on the left leg, the right leg is bent at the knee and grabbed by the ankle with the right hand. “Sparrow”: 10 low jumps on the left leg, then the same on the right. Repeat again.

8. Breathing exercise “Play with pigeons”: on a long exhalation - “goo-goo-goo”, then sharply - “shoo!” Repeat several times.

Walking along the path of “health”.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 3

1.I.p.: lying on your back, hands on your belt. Place your chin on your chest, toes on yourself; stretch, pressing your hands on the pelvic bones; relax in i.p. Repeat 3 times.

2. I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - hands to shoulders (inhale); 2 - raise your head (exhale), arms forward; 3 - the same, but arms to the sides; 4 - return to IP. Repeat 4 times.

3.I.p.: lying on your back, hands on your belt, legs straight. Bend your leg at the knee; straighten it up; bend and lower again; do the same with the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

4.I.p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms into “wings”; hands behind the head (palms on the back of the head); hands in “wings”; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p.: the same. 1 - make wide “wings” on the bed, raise your head and shoulders; 2 - raise one straight leg; 3 - lower your leg; return to IP Repeat 3-4 times with each leg.

6. "Caterpillar". I.p.: sit in a right angle position, bring your legs bent at the knees with your heels to your buttocks, your arms resting behind you. Lifting and tucking your toes, move your feet forward as far as possible in a crawling motion. With the same movement, return to IP. Repeat 5-6 times.

7. “Weather vane.” IP: stand straight, legs slightly apart; arms forward, palms together (“arrow”). 1 - slowly turn the body 900, without taking your eyes off your hands; legs remain motionless; stay for 4-5 counts; slowly return to i.p. Repeat everything in the other direction. Perform 10 times.

8. Breathing exercise “Steam Locomotive”: IP: arms bent at the elbows. Walk around the bedroom, making alternating movements with your hands and saying: “Chuh-chukh-chukh-chukh” (20-30 sec).

Walking along the path of “health”.

Complex No. 4

1.I.p.: lying on your stomach, hands on your belt, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pulled out; stretch, with the top of your head moving in one direction, and with your hands, press on your pelvis, pulling it in the opposite direction; relax. Repeat 3 times.

2.I.p.: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the bed, hands on your belt; raise your head, arms forward, reach to your knees; stay in this position; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

3.I.p.: lying on your back, hands on your belt, legs straight. “Bicycle”: bend and straighten your legs in weight at the same time, imitating “bicycle” movements. The pace of movement is slow. Pause, repeat again.

4.I.p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers; raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms to the sides; circular movements of the arms forward and backward; return to IP Repeat 4 times.

5.I.p.: lying on your side, the lower leg is bent, the lower arm is bent and lies under the head, the upper arm is in a resting position in front of the chest. Raise the straight leg above it to an angle of 450, hold it there for 4 counts, and lower it. Do it 3 more times. Repeat the same on the other side.

6.I.p.: standing near the bed, legs slightly apart, arms down. “Rocking chair”: rolling from toe to heel, while arms swing slightly back and forth. Pause, repeat again.

7.I.p.: stand with your feet slightly apart, raise your arms straight up, palms inward. “Month”: 1 - slowly tilt your torso to the side, do not bend your legs, do not spread your arms straight; 2 - slowly return to IP. Repeat on the other side. Perform 4 times in each direction.

8. Breathing exercise “Rooster”: i.p.: stand with legs apart, arms to the sides. Clap your hands on your thighs and, exhaling, say “Ku-ka-re-ku” (4-5 times).

Walking along the path of “health”.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 5

1.I.p.: sitting on the bed in Turkish style, back straight, palms resting on the upper surface of the thighs. Clasp your fingers, raise your hands up, turning your clasped palms out, stretch the top of your head following your hands; relax in i.p. Repeat 3 times.

2.I.p.: lying on your back, hands on your belt, legs straight. Bend your leg at the knee; straighten it up to an angle of 450; lower your straight leg; repeat with the other leg. The slower the legs fall, the greater the load, so at first it is enough to keep the leg straight for 1-2 counts, then slow down to 4-5 counts. Perform with each leg 4 times.

3.I.p.: lying on your back, arms extended upward. Sit down with a wave of your arms, hands on your waist, back straight; return to IP Repeat 6 times.

4. "Snake". IP: lying on your stomach, head resting on your forehead, fold your arms behind your back so that the backs of your hands touch your buttocks. Smoothly, without jerking, raise your head, then your chest as high as possible, hiss: “sh-sh-sh”; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p.: lying on your side, the lower leg is half-bent and lies under the head, the upper leg is in a resting position in front of the chest. Raise your straight leg and make movements with it, “drawing” small circles back and forth with your toe. Lower your leg. Repeat 3 times.

Do the same on the other side.

6.I.p.: standing near the bed, legs slightly apart, arms bent in front of the chest, hands clenched into fists. “Boxing”: extend one arm forward, return to the standing position; extend the other hand forward, return to IP. Boxing movements are performed with a slight turn of the body and at different tempos, first smoothly and slowly, then faster and sharper.

7.I.p.: basic stance, hands on the belt. “Curious guys”: turns your head left to right, up and down; head tilts left to right. Perform consistently 5-6 times slowly, without jerking.

8. Breathing exercise “Geese hiss.” IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Lean forward while simultaneously moving your arms to the sides (bend your back, look forward) - slowly exhale with the sound “Sh-sh-sh”. Straighten up - inhale (5-6 times).

Walking along the path of “health”.

Complex No. 6

1.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, point your toes towards you; pull the bent leg towards your stomach, clasp your arms and touch your forehead to your knee, hold for 2-3 counts; return to i.p.; repeat with the other leg. Perform with each leg 4 times.

2.I.p.: lying on your back, hands on your belt, legs straight. Bend both legs at the knees, straighten up; slowly lower your straight legs. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Fish". IP: lying on your stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, perform arm movements simulating breaststroke swimming. 3 times for 20 seconds.

4.I.p.: lying on your side, the lower leg is bent, the lower arm is bent and lies under the head, the upper arm is in a resting position in front of the chest. 1 - raise your leg up; 2 - sock towards you; 3 - pull the toe off; 4 - lower your leg (4 times). Repeat on the other side.

5.I.p.: main stance near the bed, arms down. “We are growing”: join your hands in a “lock”, raise them up, twisting the clasped fingers; stretch your arms and top of your head up; do not lift your heels off the floor; return to IP Repeat 3 times.

6. "Mill". IP: legs slightly apart, arms down. 1-8 - alternate rotation of straight arms in the lateral plane; do the same in the opposite direction - pause. Repeat twice.

7. “Teddy bear”: walking around the bedroom on the outside of the foot.

8. Breathing exercise “Pump”. IP: legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Inhale (while straightening) and exhale while simultaneously tilting the body to the side and pronouncing the sound “S-s-s” (arms slide along the body) - 6-8 times.

Walking along the path of “health”.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 7

1.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your head, bend both legs, pull them with your knees to your chest, hold for 4-5 counts; return to IP Repeat 5-6 times.

2. "Duck". IP: lying on your stomach, hands folded in front, forehead on your hands. Raise your head, upper chest, stretch your arms back; raise straight legs; bend over and stay in this position for 4-5 counts; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

3.I.p.: lying on your back, hands on your belt, legs straight. Raise your straight legs and make movements with them in the horizontal plane - “horizontal scissors”, 3 times for 15 seconds.

4.I.p.: lying on your stomach, arms folded in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in “wings”, to the sides, behind your head, in “wings”, return to the standing position. Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p.: lying on your back, arms extended upward. Sit down with a wave of your arms, hands in “wings”, back straight; return to IP Repeat 6-7 times.

6.I.p.: sit on your heels, arms down. Bend your torso forward without lifting your pelvis from your heels; stretch forward, sliding your hands along the bed; slowly return to i.p. Repeat 3 times.

7. "Heron". IP: stand right next to the bed, legs together, hands on your belt. Raise the leg bent at the knee, extend the toe, touch it to the knee; thigh parallel to the floor. Stand for about 30 seconds.

8. Breathing exercise “Start of the spaceship”: there are a few seconds left before the launch of the spaceship, we begin to count down the time out loud in seconds - 10,9,8... Count down loudly, abruptly, in one breath without taking in air. We must try to distribute the exhaled air so that when pronouncing the word “start!”, the exhalation is free and unfettered.

Walking along the path of “health”.

Complex No. 8

1.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Press your chin to your chest, toes towards you; stretch first with one heel, then with the other; At this time, the crown of the head should strive in the opposite direction; relax in i.p. Repeat 3 times.

2.I.p.: reclining on your back, resting your hands on your forearms behind you. Raise a straight leg, attach the other to it; hold your legs for 4 counts; lower together; do the same, starting with the other leg. Repeat 3 times.

3.I.p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in “wings”, legs - “crawl” for 8-10 counts; return to IP Repeat 3-4 times.

4.I.p.: lying on your back, legs half-bent, arms extended up. Sit cross-legged with a wave of your arms, hands on your belt; return to IP Repeat 6-7 times.

5. "Kitty." I.p.: kneel, leaning on your hands, head and back in one straight line. Lower your head down, arch your back - “the cat is angry”; raise your head, bend your back - “affectionate cat.” Repeat 5 times.

6. "Reed". I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, raise your arms straight up, connect your hands with an inverted “lock.” Without bending your legs and arms, tilt your upper body to the right, down, left, and return to the i.p. (do circular rotations with the upper body). Perform 4 circles, do the same movements in reverse order. Pause, repeat again.

7. "Circus horses." IP: legs together, arms bent at the elbows, palms down. Run in place with your knees raised high, your knees touching your palms, your toes pulling.

8. Breathing exercise “The ball burst.” IP: legs slightly apart, arms down. Raising your arms to the sides - inhale, clap in front of you - slowly exhale with the sound “sh-sh-sh-sh” (4-5 times).

Walking along the path of “health”.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 9

Sipping. (“The Snow Queen uttered magic words, and the children began to grow in their sleep”).

I.p. – lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine.

Game “Winter and Summer” (muscle tension and relaxation). I.p. - lying on your back. On

signal "Winter!" children should curl up into a ball and shake all over, pretending to be cold. At the signal “Summer!” children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm. Repeat several times.

Self-massage of palms (“it’s very cold in winter, so we’ll get a fire to

get warm"). I.p. – sitting on the bed, legs crossed. Rub your palms quickly until warm. Then “wash” your face with warm palms.

Repeat 3-4 times.

Walking along the path of “health”. (Prevention of flat feet.)

Breathing exercises:

“Cooking porridge.” I.p.: o.s., one hand on the chest; the other is on the stomach. Inhale through the nose (pulling in the stomach), and exhale through the mouth, saying “sh-sh-sh” or “f-f-f” (“the porridge is boiling”) and protruding the stomach.

"Hedgehog". I.p.: sitting, legs together, arms supported behind. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Straighten your legs (“f-f-f”).

Complex No. 10

1. Stretching. I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower; do the same alternately with the left hand, right and left foot. Then raise your arms and legs at the same time, stretch, and lower.

2. "Let's rest." I.p. – lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. Self-massage of the head (“let’s wash your head”).

I.p. - sitting. The teacher gives instructions, the children imitate the movements: “Turn on the water in the shower. Touch it... Oh, it's hot! Add cold water, wet your hair, pour shampoo into your palm, lather your hair, wash your hair thoroughly from all sides... No, the back is not washed at all. Good now! Rinse off the foam again from all sides. Sasha still had foam on his temples. Now everything is clean, turn off the water. Take a towel and gently dry your hair. Take a comb and comb your hair thoroughly. Don't press the comb too hard or you will scratch your scalp. You are so Beautiful!"

Breathing and sound exercises.

"Flight to the moon"

When performing the exercises, inhale through the nose, mouth closed.

"Let's start the engine." I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands in front of your chest, clenched into fists. Inhale – i.p.; exhale – rotate your bent arms (one around the other) at chest level; At the same time, pronounce “R-r-r-r” with one breath. Repeat 4-6 times.

"We're flying on a rocket." I.p. – on your knees, arms up, palms together above your head. Inhale – i.p.; long exhale - sway from side to side, transferring the weight of the body from one leg to the other, pronounce drawn out: “U-u-u-u-u.” Repeat 4-6 times.

“We put on the spacesuit helmet.” I.p. – squatting, hands clasped above your head. Inhale – i.p.; exhale - spread your arms to the sides, say: “Chick.” Repeat 4-6 times.

"Let's get into the lunar rover." I.p. – narrow stance, arms along the body. Inhale – i.p.; exhale - full squat, arms forward, say: “Wow!” Repeat 4-6 times.

"Lunatics." I.p. – stand on your knees, arms bent at the elbows and spread to the sides, fingers apart. Inhale – i.p.; exhale - tilt your torso to the side, say: “Hee-hee.” Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

"Let's breathe fresh air on Earth." I.p. – legs apart, arms along the body. Inhale – raise your arms up through the sides; exhale - lower your arms smoothly, say: “Ah!” Repeat 4-6 times.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 11

3. Make fists with your fingers.

6. Put your hands down.

9. Pull your right leg with your heel, toes towards you.

11. Pull both legs together.

12. Bend over.

Prevention of flat feet. Walking along the path of “health”.

Breathing exercises:

1. Inflate the balloon 3-4 times. Competition between children “Who has the bigger ball?”

2. Alternate breathing through the left and right nostrils and exhaling through the mouth. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and exhale slowly.

4. Inhale through the nose and exhale intensely through the mouth. When exhaling, you can invite children to blow a feather or piece of paper from their palm and arrange a competition.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Complex No. 12

1. Inhale calmly and exhale with full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Make fists with your fingers.

4. Bend your elbows and lift them above your head, locking them together.

5. Stretch your whole body well, causing an artificial yawn.

6. Put your hands down.

7. Rub your palms until warm.

8. “Wash” your face and neck with warm palms.

Pull your right leg with your heel, toes towards you.

10. Pull your left leg with your heel, toes towards you.

11. Pull both legs together.

12. Bend over.

14. Clasp your hands and stretch, turning your palms up.

15. Mentally wish all your family, friends, health, goodness and joy, good mood.

Foot massage.

I.p. - sitting cross-legged.

Prevention of flat feet. Walking along the path of “health”.

Breathing exercises:

Healthy exercises for the throat.

1. "Horse". Remember how a horse's hooves clatter along the pavement. We click our tongue, now louder, now quieter. We either speed up or slow down the speed of the horse.

2. "Crow". A crow sat on the fence and decided to entertain everyone with its beautiful song. First he raises his head, then he turns to the side. And her cheerful croaking can be heard everywhere. Children pronounce “ka-a-a-aar” in a drawn-out manner. Repeat 5-6 times.

3. “Snake tongue.” We imagine how a long snake tongue tries to stick out as far as possible, trying to reach the chin. Repeat 6 times.

4. “Yawning.” Sitting, relax; lower your head, open your mouth wide. Say out loud “o-o-ho-ho-ho-o-o-o-o” - yawn. Repeat 5-6 times.

5. “The Cheerful Mourner.” Imitation of crying, loud sobbing, accompanied by sharp, intermittent movements of the shoulders and a noisy sigh without exhalation - 30-40 seconds.

6. “Smiley.” The laugh got into my mouth and it was impossible to get rid of it. The eyes narrowed, the lips parted joyfully, and the sounds of “ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee, gee-gee-gee” were heard.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 13

Prevention of flat feet.

I.p. - standing near the bed.

1. “Shortening” the feet.

5. Squat on your toes.

Walking along the path of “health”.

Hand massage.

1. “Wash” your hands, actively rub your palms until you feel intense warmth.

2. Pull out each finger and press on it.

3. Rub the phalanges of the fingers of one hand over the nails of the other hand, as if on a washboard.

4. Rub the “washcloth” all over your arm up to the shoulder, pressing firmly on the muscles of the shoulder and forearm; “Wash off the soap with water,” hold one hand up, then palm down and “shake off the water.”

Breathing game “King of the Winds”. Place 5-10 balls on the table between the pencils. Having stretched out his lips with a tube, with a deep, strong exhalation, the child needs to blow the balls off the table one at a time. Inhale through your nose.

Complex No. 14

1.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale; cross your arms over your chest - exhale. Repeat 5 times.

2.I.p.: lying on your stomach, arms bent in front, head resting with your forehead on the back of your fingers. Raise your head and shoulder girdle, arms in “wings”; stay in this position for 6 counts; return to IP Repeat 5-6 times.

3..I.p.: reclining on your back, resting your hands on your forearms behind you, legs straight. Bend your legs, straighten them in weight, spread them apart, connect, bend, lower. Repeat 5-6 times.

4.I.p.: lying on your back, arms along the body. Pull your knees to your chest, clasp them with your arms, touch your forehead to your knees; Having grouped yourself in this way, sway back and forth; return to IP Repeat 5 times.

5.I.p.: lying on your back, legs half-bent, arms extended up. Sit cross-legged with a wave of your arms, hands in “wings”, sit with a straight back for 4 counts; return to IP Repeat 5-6 times.

6.I.p.: standing on your knees, leaning on your hands, head and back in one straight line. Raise your right leg straight back and your left arm straight forward; stretch your arm and leg in opposite directions; return to IP Do the same with your left leg and right hand. Repeat 5 times.

7. "Herringbone". I.p.: legs together, arms down. Gradual extension of the legs to the sides: stand on your toes, spread your heels to the sides; stand on your heels, point your toes out to the sides, etc. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Gradual return to IP in the same way. Repeat 5-6 times.

8. Breathing exercise “Lumberjack”. IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your clasped hands up - inhale, lower them down - long exhale with the pronunciation “Uh-h-h” (5-6 times).

Walking along the path of “health”.

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 15

Gymnastics in bed.

1. Inhale calmly and exhale with full breath.

2. Wiggle your fingers and toes.

3. Join your palms and rub until warm. One palm crosses the other.

4. Tug the tip of your nose slightly.

5. Use your index fingers to massage your nostrils.

6. Rub behind the ears from top to bottom with your index fingers: “smear so that they don’t come off.”

7. Inhale, as you exhale, pronounce the sound “mm-mm-mm”, tapping your fingers on the wings of your nose.

8. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth onto the palm - “blow a snowflake from the palm.”

Prevention of flat feet. Walking along the path of “health”.

Walking with a flat toy lying on your head, hands on your belt, back straight. Walk without dropping the toy.

Head massage.

Breathing exercises:

“Hug your shoulders.” I.p.: o.s., arms are bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level with the hands facing each other. At the moment of a short noisy inhalation through the nose, we throw our hands towards each other, as if hugging ourselves by the shoulders.

"Tiger on the hunt." Walking around the site, put your right (left) leg forward, place your two hands with your palms on your knee, arching your back. Take two to four sharp breaths, head raised (“tiger is looking for prey”).

Complex No. 15

1. Stretching. I.p. - lying on your back. The exercise imitates a cat stretching: stretch with your arms, legs, and arm-leg diagonally.

2. "Bicycle". I.p. - lying on your back. Imitate riding a bicycle by making circles with your feet. (20 sec.)

3. “Kalachik”. I.p. - lying on your back. Pull your head and hips towards your chest (“curl”), trying to remain in this position for as long as possible (20 sec.)

Exercise for the eyes.

1. "Watch". I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight.

For one - eyes to the right, for two - i.p., for three - eyes to the left, for four - i.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

2. I.p. Same. For one - eyes up, for two - i.p., for three - eyes down, for four - i.p. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. I.p. Same. We perform circular movements with our eyes from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

4. "Blind Man's Bluff." I.p. Same. One time they closed their eyes, two times they closed their eyes, three times they winked with one eye, four times they winked with the other eye. Repeat 8-10 times.

Prevention of postural disorders.

1.I.p. – standing, legs together. One hand is up, the other is down. At one time – join your hands behind you; for two, three, four, five - hold without releasing; for six - i.p. Same thing with the other hand. Repeat 6-8 times.

2. I.p. – standing, feet together, hands on the belt. For one - raise the bent leg, for two - straighten the leg forward, spread your arms to the sides, for three - fold the leg and arms, for four - lower the leg. Repeat 6-8 times. (Pause)

3. “Walk around.” Walk in place for 1-2 minutes, maintaining correct posture.

Prevention of flat feet. Walking along the path of “health”.

Breathing exercises:

"Balloons". Perform while walking around the site. 1 - arms to the sides, up, inhale through the nose, clap your hands (“the ball burst”); 2 - arms to the sides, down, saying “s-s-o” or “sh-sh-sh” (“the ball has gone down”).

"Fungus". IP: deep squat, hands clasping knees (“small fungus”). Slowly straighten up, spreading your arms to the sides, move your head back a little (inhale) (“the fungus has grown”).

GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP (school preparatory group)

Complex No. 17

Gymnastics in bed, prevention of postural disorders and flat feet.

Physical education lesson “Gymnastics for kittens.”

The dream passed and we woke up

They smiled and stretched. The children stretched while lying on their backs.

Three paws touching each other, rubbing one hand against the other.

And we hit our palms loudly. They clap.

Now let’s raise our legs. Raise our legs one by one.

Like our mother Cat,

Left and right - we are brave kittens.

They turned on their tummy, They turned over on their stomach.

We reached out together again,

Tear off from the pillow Raise and lower the head.

Nose, head and ears,

They got up on their knees briskly - Move their hip joints to the left

They waved their “tails” and to the right.

They arched, they bent, They arched and arched their backs.

They turned on their side, turning their head to the right and left.

Sat on the crib, Sitting on the bed, dangling legs,

They scratched their heels, they scratched their heels.

They knocked on the floor a little, They knocked their heels on the floor.

Gain strength, legs!

Our legs have gained strength,

They galloped along the path, They walked along the path of health.

The path is not easy,

On the uneven, on the prickly,

Roughly - that's what it is!

We're awake, we're ready

Sing, play and run again.

Together we are not too lazy to say:

"Hello day,

A funny day!"

Foot massage.

I.p. - sitting cross-legged.

1. Pulling the foot of his left foot towards him, the child stretches his toes, strokes between the toes, and spreads his toes. Presses hard on the heel, rubs the foot, pinches, pats the toes, heel, and convex part of the foot. He makes rotational movements with his foot, pulls his toe and heel forward, then pats his entire foot with his palm: “Be healthy, beautiful, strong, dexterous, kind, happy!...” The same with the right leg.

2. Strokes, pinches, strongly rubs the legs and thighs, “puts on” an imaginary stocking, then “takes it off and throws it off”, shaking his hands.

Breathing exercises:

"Crane". I.p.: o.s. Inhale, raise your right leg, slightly bent at the knee, arms to the sides, down, say “ur-r-r.” Do the same with your left foot.

“Here is a tall pine tree standing and moving its branches.” I.p.: o.s. 1- inhale - arms to the sides; 2 - exhale - tilt the body to the right; 3 - inhale - return to standing position; 4 - the same to the left.

Complex No. 18

Gymnastics in bed.

"Stretching" I.p. – from the “lying on your back” position in bed.

1. As you inhale, the left leg stretches the heel forward along the bed, and the left arm stretches upward along the body. Breathing is held, legs and arms are stretched as much as possible. As you exhale, relaxing, the child says: “id-d-da-a-a-a.”

2. The right leg stretches the heel forward along the bed, and the right arm goes up, along the body - inhale. After holding your breath, as you exhale, pronounce “pin-gal-la-a.”

3.Both legs are stretched with their heels forward along the bed, both arms are stretched up along the body. Hold your breath and, as you exhale, slowly say “su-shum-m-m-na.”

Head massage.

Use your fingertips to massage the scalp, moving the skin.

Prevention of flat feet.

I.p. - standing near the bed.

1. “Shortening” the feet.

2. Rolling from heel to toe and from toe to heel.

3. Picking up small objects (fabrics) from the floor with your toes.

4. Bringing and spreading your heels while standing on your toes.

5. Squat on your toes.

Walking barefoot along the health path.

Prevention of postural disorders.

Walking with a flat toy lying on your head. Hands on the belt, back straight, look straight. “Walk without dropping the toy.” (1-2 min.)

Breathing exercises:

"Meadow Flowers" While walking along the platform (hands on your belt), turn your head to the right (left) side, while simultaneously taking two breaths through your nose. Exhalation occurs between cycles of turning the head in one direction or another.

"Slug". Walk with your knees high. For 2 steps - inhale, for 4-6 steps - exhale. As you exhale, say “ti-sh-sh-she.”

Gymnastics after nap 3-4 years

Card No. 1

1. "The cockerel is sleeping"

I.p. lying on your back, arms extended behind your head, legs together. 1 - raise your straight legs up, arms up, stretch, the cockerel wakes up; 2-I.p.

2. "The cockerel is looking for grains"

1 - head tilt to the left;

3 - head tilt forward;

Same to the right.

3. "The cockerel drinks some water"

I.p. sitting on your heels, arms down.

Get on your knees, hands up;

Bend forward downwards with arms outstretched;

Straighten up, arms up; 4-I.p.

4. "The cockerel rode a bicycle"

I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. Imitate riding a bicycle with your feet.

5. "The cockerel is jumping"

I.p. socks together, hands on the belt.

Breathing exercises


Card No. 2

1- “Tilting the head” I. p. sitting on the bed, hands on the belt. Issue: 1 - tilt to the right;

3 - tilt to the left;

2. "Show your palms"

I. p. too, hands to shoulders. Issue: 1 - hands forward, palms up. 2-I. P.

Arms to the sides, palms up,

3. "The cat is good, evil"

I.p. get on all fours. Issue: - arch, arch your back.

4. "Rise on your toes"

I. p. standing near the bed, toes inward, heels apart, hands on the belt. Issue: 1 - 2 rise high on your toes, 3 - 4 I. p.

"Jumping in place"

Breathing exercise

Hardening procedures.

Card No. 3

Gymnastics complex after a nap.

I.p. - feet at the width of the step, arms along the body. Bring your hands out in front, clap your hands in front of you, return to standing position.

"I.p. - feet at the width of the step, hands on the belt. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, return to i.p.

"I.p. - feet at the width of the step, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, return to I.p.

"I.p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs in alternation with a short pause

Breathing exercises

Hardening procedures.

Card No. 4

1. "Let's do it together"

I.p. lying on your back, legs together, arms along your body.

1 - arms to the sides, legs apart;

Hands up, feet up;

2. "Turned around together"

1 - tilt to the right;

3 - turn the body to the right, touch the bed with your hands;

5 - 8 - the same to the left.

3. "Bent over together"

Hands up through sides;

Bend forward - down, touch the bed with straight arms;

Straighten up, arms up; 4-I.p.

4. "Bicycle"

I.p. sitting with your feet together, hands resting behind you. Pedal movements of the legs, accelerating and slowing down the pace.

5. "We jumped together"

I.p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs together forward and backward.

6. “Breathe together” I.p. o.s.

Hands up through the sides, right leg back on the toe, bend inhale;

I.p. exhalation;

4 - the same with the left foot.

Card No. 6

1. "The kittens woke up"

I.p. lying on your back, legs together, arms along your body, eyes closed.

Raise your hands up, stretch, open your eyes;

2. "Kittens are looking for a mouse"

I.p. sitting, legs wide, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the head to the left; 2-I.p.

3. "Paws - scratches"

I.p. sitting, legs together, hands behind your back. 1 - extend your arms forward; 2-I.p.

4. "The kittens hid"

1 - bend your knees, clasp your knees with your hands,

bow your head, “hide”;

5. "Kittens are jumping"

Breathing exercises


Card No. 6

1. "Stretched"

I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. 1 - arms through the sides up, stretched; 2-I.p.

2. "Tilts"

I.p. kneeling, hands on head. 1 - arms up, body tilted forward; 2-I.p.

3. "The shell opens"

I.p. sitting, bend your knees, clasp your arms. 1 - straighten your legs, arms down; 2-I.p.

4. "The snail crawls"

I.p. lying on your stomach, hands on your belt, legs extended, head raised.

Arms to the sides, legs apart;

5. "Turn on your side"

1 - 4 - turns from the back to the left, right side alternately.

6. "Jumping"

I.p. standing, feet together, arms up, palms together. Jumping, legs apart, arms to the sides, alternating with walking.

Breathing exercise


Card No. 7

1. "Let's stretch"

I.p. lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body.

Hands up;

A) legs up,

b) touch your toes with your hands;

Lower your legs, hands behind your head;

2. "Head tilts"

I.p. sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt.

Head tilt to the right;

Tilt to the left 4-I.p.

3. "Turns of the body" I.p. - Same.

Turn your torso to the right, arms to the sides;

4 - the same to the left

4. "Scissors"

I.p. hedgehog on his back, hands behind his head. Raise your legs and perform crossing movements.

5. "The cat is good and evil"

I.p. get on all fours, arch, bend your back.

6. "Jumping"

I.p. standing near the bed, hands on the belt. Jumping legs crossed.

Breathing exercise


Card No. 8

1. "Get the ear"

I.p. sitting on the bed, arms down.

1 - raise your left shoulder, lower your left ear onto it;

3 - 4 - the same to the right.

I.p. Elbows together, hands to shoulders.

1 - connect elbows;

3 - 4 - the same.

3. "Torso tilt"

I.p. kneeling, hands on waist.

Tilt to the right with your left arm above your head;

4 - the same to the left

4. "Reach your knees"

Il. sitting on the bed with your hands behind your head.

1 - lean forward, reach your knees with your elbows, do not bend your legs.

5. "Cyclist"

I.p. lying on the bed, press your legs to your stomach. 1 - leg rotation, cycling.

6. Jumping + breathing exercises; pulling up on posture.

Card No. 9

S. "Elbows forward"

I, p. - sitting, hands on heels, elbows to the sides. 1 - head tilt forward and elbows

I.p. legs crossed, hands behind head.

1 - bend forward, with your right elbow, reach your left knee;

3 - 4 - vice versa

3. "Alternating bending of arms and legs"

I.p. lying on your back, one leg bent at the knee, hand to shoulder.

Change the position of your arms and legs;

Another hand and foot.

4. "Leg back"

I.p. lying on your stomach, hands at your chin.

Raise your right leg back;

4 - left foot.

5. "Reached up"

Sitting on your heels, arms down, slowly rise from your heels, arms up, inhale, lower, exhale.

6. "Jumping"

Jump on 2 legs, on 1 leg, on 2 legs, on 1 leg.

Breathing exercise


Card number 10

1. "The kittens woke up"

I.p. lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body, eyes

1 - raise your hands up, stretch, open your eyes;

2. "Kittens are looking for a mouse"

I.p. sitting, legs wide, hands on the belt.

1 - turn the head to the left;

3 - 4 - the same to the right side.

3. "Paws - scratches"

I.p. sitting, legs together, hands behind your back.

Extend your arms forward;

4. "The kittens hid"

I.p. sitting, legs together, hands on the belt;

Bend your knees, clasp your knees with your hands, bow your head, “hide”;

5. "Kittens are jumping"

I.p. legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs together.

Breathing exercises


Card No. 11

1- "Head Shaking"

I.p. sitting legs crossed, hands on the belt.

Head tilt to the right;

2. "Turns of the body"

I.p. Same. Turn your body to the right, left.

3. "Scissors"

I.p. lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1 - raise your legs, spread them apart; 2, 3, 4, 5 - “scissors”; 6 - I.p.

4. "Cotton"

I.p. too, arms along the body.

Raise your right leg with cotton under the knee;

Same with the left foot.

5. "The cat is good and evil"

I.p. standing on all fours, on the bed.

Bend over;

Stretch your back.

6. "Pull up"

jumping + breathing exercises.

7. Hardening procedures

Card number 12


1. "Clapperboards at the Top"

I.p. lying on your back, legs apart, arms along the body: 1 - clap your hands above your head, look at your hands; 2-I.p.

2. “Clap behind the leg” I.p. Same

1 - leg raised, clap your hands behind the leg; 2-I.p.

3. "Clap behind your back"

I.p. sitting on your knees, arms along your body.

1 - kneel down, clap your hands behind your back;

4. “Clap in front of yourself” I.p. Same

1 - lean forward, stretch your arms forward, clap your hands; 2-I.p.

5. "We jump while clapping"

I.p. standing near the bed, arms along the body.

Jumping, arms up, clapping hands;

Breathing exercises

Hardening procedures.

Card number 13

1. "Shaking your head." IP: standing, hands on

belt "1 - 3 - shaking the head to the left, to the right;

2 - 4 - I.p. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

2. "Turns of the body."

I.p.: - 3 - turns the body to the left, to the right with

simultaneously straightening your arms to the sides;

4 - I.p. Repeat 4-5 times.

3. "Scissors".

IP: lying on your back with your hands behind your head.

1 - 4 - raise your legs and perform crossing movements. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "Cotton". IP: the same, arms along the body.

1 - raise your right leg with cotton under the knee; 2-I.p.;

5. "Pulling up."

I.p. o.s. - stretch up - inhale;

Lower your hands down - exhale.

6. Breathing exercise

7. Hardening

Card number 14

Let's stretch

1. "Bend in"

I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body

We stretched, arched our backs, arms up;

2. "Get your socks"

I.p. - sat down, legs straight, hands on the belt.

1 - bent down and reached for your fingertips with your hands;

3. "Rocking chair"

I.p. lying on your stomach, grab your feet from the outside, bend over.

Roll forward and backward at a comfortable rhythm;

I.p. rest in a comfortable position.

4. "Bicycle"

I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body, palms down

Characteristic rotational movements of the legs;

Relax in a comfortable position.

5. "Put your hands out"

I.p. standing, legs wide apart, arms to the sides.

1 - tilt the torso forward until your palms “meet”;

Breathing exercises

Hardening procedures.

Card number 15

Our legs are good

1. "Stretched"

I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. 1 - stretched, arms up; 2-I.p.

2. "Our knees are good"

I.p. lying on your back, arms up.

Bend your right and left leg at the knee, reach the knee with your hand;

3. "Our heels are good"

I.p. lying on your stomach, arms extended in front of you.

Reach the heel with the opposite hand, bend the leg at the knee “cross”;

4. “Our socks are good” I.p. o.s. standing, hands on the belt.

Bend your torso forward, touch your toes;

5. "Our feet have fun"

Jumping on 2 legs with a stop signal.

Breathing exercises

Hardening procedures

Card number 16


1. "Monkeys have big ears"

I.p. sitting on your knees, hands at your head, thumb to the sides, all others widely spaced. 1 - turns the body to the right, left (“show their ears to each other”)

2. "The monkeys have itchy backs"

I.p. Same. Scratching your back from the side and over your head.

3. "Monkeys are clever"

I.p. while sitting, reach your ear with your foot. First one thing, then another.

4. "Monkey acrobats"

I.p. lying on your back, rolls to the right, left (from side to side) (who can forward backward)

"Monkey runners" Running in place

Breathing exercises

Hardening procedures.

Card number 17

1. "The dog wakes up"

I.p. lying down pulling movements.

2. "The dog is washing itself"

I.p. rest your feet and hands on the bed on all fours.

1 - rotation of the head to the right side from palm to shoulder, and

the same to the left (imitation of licking)

3. “The dog is happy” I.p. Same.

1 - bend your back, lift your leg up, lift your head

up, stick out tongue;

3 - the same with the other foot.

4. "The dog serves"

From I.p. Take a kneeling position with your hands in front of your chest;

5. "The dog is jumping"

Jumping on 2 legs, hands in front of the chest.

Breathing exercises

Hardening procedures.

Card number 18

1. "Tick-tock"

I.p. sitting legs crossed, hands on the belt. Tilts the head to the right - to the left.

2. "We are strong"

I.p. sitting, legs crossed, hands to shoulders. 1st force, arms to the sides; 2-I.p.

3. "Show your heels"

I.p. lying on your back, hands behind your head.

Raise your right leg, pull your toe towards you;

Raise your left leg;

Lower your right leg;

Lower your left leg.

4. "The cat is good and evil"

I.p. get on all fours.

Arch your back;

Arch your back.

5. "Lean over"

I.p. kneeling, hands down.

1 - body tilt to the right, left arm up;

Torso tilt to the left, right arm up;

6. “Rise on your toes” I.p. o.s. hands on the belt.

1 - 2 - rise high on your toes; 3 - 4 - return to i.p.

7. "Jumping"

I.p. o.s. hands on the belt. Jump on the right and left legs alternately.

Breathing exercise


Complexes of playful health-improving gymnastics after naps for children of senior preschool age

Senior preschool age, 5-6 years

Complex No. 1

Sipping. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hands up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time, stretching the spine. (3-4 times)

Game “Winter and Summer” (muscle tension and relaxation). I.p. - lying on their backs, at the signal “Winter”, children should curl up into a ball, pretending that they are cold. To the signal "Summer"! children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm. (3-4 times)

Self-massage of palms (“It’s very cold in winter, so we’ll get a fire to warm ourselves”) I.p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed. Quickly rub your palms until warmth appears, then “wash” your face with warm palms. (3-4 times)

Walking barefoot along corrective paths. Walking on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot.

IP - sitting on chairs. "Let's warm our feet." Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes. (6-8 times)

I. p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward, pull your legs first with your toes, then with your heels. (6-8 times)

I.p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward and connect, draw various geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) with your legs in the air. (6-8 times) - I.p. - the same, legs - feet on the floor. Raise your toes up without lifting your feet from the floor (6-8 times).

“My back is straight” I.p. - narrow stance, hands behind the back, clasped.

“My back is straight, I’m not afraid of bending” (bending forward)

“I straighten, bend, turn” (actions in accordance with the text)

“One, two. three, four, three, four, one, two!” (turns of the torso-arms on the belt).

“I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight” (walking in place)

“One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two” (torso turns)

“I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again” (actions in accordance with the text)

“I’ll bend over here and there!” Oh, my back is straight!” (torso bends, hands slide over hips).

Complex No. 2

IP: - lying on your back, arms along your body. 1- Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull your socks towards you; 2-i.p. (3-4 times)

IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out. 1- stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction; 2- I.p. (3-4 times)

Game “Winter and Summer” IP: lying on your back. At the signal “Winter”, children should curl up into a ball, pretending that they are cold. At the signal “Summer!” - open up and relax.

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Walking one after another (barefoot)

“We’ll go to our garden.

We’ll pick up vegetables there.”

- (Walking on toes)

“The road is short and narrow.

Let's go, we step on our toes!

- (Additional step sideways with a “spring”)

"We're walking along the curb

We squat on it"

- (Walking with a heel-to-toe roll, keeping your torso straight and looking forward)

"Tired legs

We walked along the path."

- (Sitting on a chair, raise and lower your toes without lifting your heels from the floor. (6-8 times)

“We sat down on a pebble,

Sit down and sit."

(Stroke the muscles of the legs and feet)

"Legs are resting,

Muscles relax"

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

“Sunflower” - There is a golden head in the middle of the courtyard.

I.p. - o.s.1 - raise your arms up through your sides, stand on your toes; 2- return to the starting position.

“Carrot” - For a curly braid

I drag her out of the hole. I.p. - kneeling. 1- bend forward, arms forward-down; 2- return to IP.

“Turnip” - “Round side, yellow side,

The bun is sitting in the garden bed.”

IP - with straight legs, arms in front, below, 1 - raise your arms up through the sides, 2 - return to IP.

"Potato" -

The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.

Dig a little - there are potatoes under the bush.

I.p. - lying on your back. I - raise your arms and legs at an angle of 45° upward; 2- return to IP.

"Cabbage" -

Shred upon shred - green patch,

1- bend your knees upward, place your hands on your back; 2- return to IP.


"Who stands on a stick

With a beard made from a washcloth

The wind blows - it makes noise,

He twitches his legs and creaks."

Jumping on two legs, arms to the sides, down, alternating with walking.

5. Water procedures (washing, dousing with cool water).

Complex No. 3

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

- (Children lie down on the bed, “curled up”)

And our kittens are sleeping. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

They don't want to wake up. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

They sleep quietly back to back and purr in their sleep:

- (Turn on your back and do rotational exercises with your arms and legs)

Everyone lay down on their backs. Mur-mur, pur-pur!

They all got crazy. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

Paws up, and everything in a row, everyone purrs and plays pranks.

Mur-mur, pur-mur! .pur-pur-pur!

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

- (Silent tiptoeing)

“We’ll show you a little,

How a cat walks softly

Barely audible - thump, thump, thump,

Ponytail from below: op-op-op"

– (High, easy jumps from foot to foot in a circle)

“But, raising your fluffy tail,

A cat can be fast"

- (Jumping on two legs in place, as high as possible).

“He rushes upward bravely.

Jump and jump, jump again."

- (Meow loudly and run away to the chairs)

“And then “Meow” meows!

I’m running away to my house!”

Self-massage of feet

IP - sitting on chairs, cross your legs. On the right hand, bend the fingers, making a “pinch”, and move them vigorously along the foot of the left foot; repeat everything on the right leg.

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

“Angry cat pose” I.p. - kneel down, then place your arms and hips perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. Lower your head and gently arch your back upward. Focus on the spine. (10-15 seconds)

“Good cat pose” I.p. - Same. Raise your head, smoothly bend at the waist as much as possible (10-15 seconds)

"Tail" I.p. - Same. Move your hips left and right, like a “cat” twirling its tail,” first at a slow pace, then gradually accelerating.

"Cat is a scratcher." I. p. - standing, arms extended forward. Inhale through the nose - hands to the shoulders, moving the elbows back and clenching the fingers into fists; The shoulder blades should come together. Exhale sharply through the mouth (f-f-f-..). - Throw your arms forward with your fingers widely spaced, making energetic movements, as if scratching the space in front of you.

Back massage “Rain”

The rain runs on the roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

On the cheerful ringing roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom! (stand behind each other like a train and pat each other on the back)

At home, sit at home - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

Don’t go out anywhere - Bom-bom, bom-bom! (tapping with fingers)

Read, play - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

If I leave, then go for a walk... Bom-bom, bom-bom! (pumping with fists)

Repeat verse 1 (stroking with palms)

4. Water procedures (washing, dousing with cool water)

Complex No. 4

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping (“The Snow Queen uttered magic words, and the children began to grow in their sleep”)

IP - lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time.

Game "Winter and Summer". (muscle tension and relaxation")

IP - lying on your back. On the signal “Winter!” children should curl up into a ball and shake all over, pretending to be cold. On the signal “Summer!” children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm.

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Attention game "Pathway". At the teacher’s command “path”, the children stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, squat, lowering their heads slightly down. At the command “Hump”, children go to the center of the circle, raising their joined hands up. On the word “Humps”, children squat with their hands on their heads.

Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)

“Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

Jumping in place on two legs, arms slightly bent (“paws”). “Grey balls of hares are jumping and jumping in the forest.” – Jumping back and forth “Jump-jump, jump-jump- - Stand up straight, lower your arms. “The little bunny stood on the stump. He lined everyone up in order. He began to show exercises - Step on the spot,” once, everyone walks on the spot. - With your hands in front of you, perform the “scissors” movement “Two!” They wave their hands together. Sit down. Stand up. "Three!" We sat down and stood up together! - Scratch behind the ear. “Everyone scratched behind the ear” - Straighten up. “Stretched for four” - Bend over, lean forward “Five!” Bend over and bend over” “Six! Everyone stood in a row again” - Marching in a circle. “We walked like a squad”

4. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 5

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right and left hand up, stretch, and release. (the same thing alternately with the left hand, right and left foot)

- “We’re resting” I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Exercise with hoops.

Children stand in a circle. Everyone holds onto their own hoop and the other child’s hoop. It turns out to be a vicious circle - a “carousel”. To the words “Barely

The carousel was barely spinning” - everyone begins to move at a slow pace. Then, to the words “And then, then, then, everyone run, run, run!” - everyone runs, to the words “Hush!, hush, don’t rush, stop the carousel!” - the children start walking. The teacher suggests disassembling the carousel and doing exercises with the hoop.

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

The children are walking happily, they are carrying hoops.

(walk one after another, holding a hoop on your shoulder)

They began to raise the hoop, they began to lower the hoop (raise the hoop up and lower it down)

We looked out the window,

And everyone sat down together (sit down, stretching your arms with the hoop forward)

Let's tilt together,

And let’s all bend our backs (bend forward, stretching our arms with the hoop in front of us)

Turn the hoop to the right, turn the hoop to the left (turn to the right, turn the hoop to the left)

We don’t let go of the hoop, we crawl through the hoop (pass the hoop from top to bottom)

Let's take it with our hands and step over it with our legs (holding your hands side by side, take the hoop with both hands and step over it forward and back, raising your legs high)

We lower the hoop to the floor and we begin jumping (jumping on two legs in the hoop and stepping over it)

4. Back massage

The rain is running on the roof - Stand one after another like a train,

Bom! Bom! Bom! and pat each other on the back to the cheerful ringing roof

Bom! Bom! Bromine!

At home, at home, sit down - Tapping with fingers

Bom! Bom! Bom! Don't go out anywhere - Bom! Bom! Bom!

Read, play - Fist Pumping

Bom! Bom! Bom! And if I leave - then go for a walk - Bom! Bom! Bom!

The rain runs on the roof - Stroking with palms Bom! Bom! Bom! On the cheerful ringing roof Bom! Bom! Bom!

5. Water procedures (washing, pouring cool water on hands)

Complex No. 6

1. Gymnastics in bed.

I.p. - the child lies on his back, arms along the body: press his chin to his chest (without raising his head), pull his socks towards himself; stretch, aiming the top of your head in one direction, heels in the opposite direction, return to the starting position.

IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out: stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction, relax.

2. Self-massage to prevent colds (2-3 min.)

Educator: It snowed, but it’s a shame - We’re not ready for winter. We don’t need to catch a cold. Let’s give ourselves a massage!

(Children give themselves acupressure of biologically active zones to prevent colds):

The duck quacks, calling all the ducklings with him,

(Stroke your neck with your palms from top to bottom)

And the cat follows them, as if to a watering hole.

(Rub the wings of the nose with your index fingers)

The cat looks cunning and dreams of catching them!

(He strokes his forehead from the middle to his temples with his fingers)

Don't look at the ducklings -

You can't swim!

(Spread your index and middle fingers, make a “fork” and massage the points near the ear)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

“Skier”: simulation of skiing for 1.5 minutes

“Tree”: the legs and torso stand motionless, and the hands and fingers imitate the swaying of branches in the wind. The trees stand in the frost

Either white or blue.

“Bird”: the arm is brought forward 45 degrees from the body, thumb down. Then it is pulled up and to the side.

Look at the trees

The bullfinches have arrived.

“There will be firewood for the winter”: stand in pairs, holding your right hands, hide your left hand behind your back and imitate the movements of your fingers.


We are now sawing the log, sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing

One-two, One-two!

There will be firewood for the winter"

4. Finger game “Snowman”

Come on my friend, be brave my friend,

Roll your snowball in the snow

(Show snowballs flying)

It will turn into a thick lump.

(Show a big lump with your hands in front of you)

And the lump will become a Snowman.

(Put your hands on your belt, shake your head and smile)

His smile is so bright (smile)

Two eyes, a hat, a nose... a broom...

(Point with your hands to your eyes, head, nose, raise one hand up, spreading your fingers (“broom”)

But the sun will be a little hot -

Alas, there is no Snowman.

(Spread your arms to the sides)

5. Water procedures. (washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 7

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-Zmin.)

I. p. - lying on your back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms along the body, press your chin to your chest. Socks for yourself; stretch first with one heel, then with the other; the crown of the head should tend in the opposite direction; return to the starting position.

Gymnastics complex after sleep

for children 3 – 4 years old

Educator: Zorinova I.S.

New Nekouz


1 complex

  1. In cribs

1. "Stretch"

    i.p. – exhale (4-6 times)

2. “Catch a mosquito”

    return to IP (4-6 times)

3. "Bicycle"

    i.p. lying on your back (10–12 seconds)

The bears were riding a bicycle

And behind them is a cat, backwards.

II.Near the cribs


We play the harmonica

We clap our hands loudly.

Our legs: top, top.

Our hands: clap, clap!

We lower our palms down,

Let's rest, rest.

III . Breathing exercise “Pipe”.

I.P. - O.S. Fold your hands into a pipe and bring them to your mouth. Inhale through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth while listening to the sounds




2 complex

I . In cribs

1. Warm up in bed, self-massage

Children wake up to the sounds of melodic music, then lie in bed on their backs on top of the blanket and perform 5-6 general developmental exercises.

Turn your head right, left.

Lightly stroking the arms, abdomen, legs, heels.

Bend both legs with your hands clasping your knees and gradually straightening them.

II. Near the cribs

"Happy Legs"

Legs up! Top, top!

More fun! Gop, hop!

Bell, don, don!

Louder, louder, ringing, ringing!

Hop, horse, gop, gop!

Whoa - ru - y, horse:

Stop, stop!

III . Breathing exercise “Lumberjack”.

I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raise your clasped hands up - inhale, lower them down - slowly exhale with the pronunciation “UH-H-H” (5-6 times).

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


3 complex

      1. In cribs

1. "Kolobok"

(lying on your back, arms along the body. Turn the body left - right)

2. I.p. – lying on your back, raising your legs.

Inhale – raise your right leg, exhale – lower it.

The same with the left leg.

The same two legs together. Raise your legs at right angles to your body.

(4 – 6 times)

3. "Kitty"

I.p. - On knees

“Merry cat” - bend your back down, raise your head;

“Angry cat” - bend your back up, lower your head.

II. Near the cribs


Early morning in the clearing

This is how monkeys frolic:

Left foot: stomp, stomp!

Right foot: stomp, stomp!

Hands up, up, up!

Who will rise the highest?

Hands down - and bent over,

They put their hands on the floor,

And now on all fours

Let's have a nice walk

And then we'll rest

Let's all go play together.

III . Breathing exercise “Kach-kach”.

Rise on your toes - inhale, lower on your heels - exhale. The back is straight.

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


4 complex

I. In cribs

Warm up in bed

"You woke up?" - "Yes"

“Did you smile?” - "Yes"

Have you reached out? - "Yes"

“Turned from side to side” - turns

“We move our legs”

inhale - raise your right leg, exhale - bend;

the same with the left leg;

the same – two legs together.

II.Near the cribs

1. "Chanterelle" » - hands in front of the chest, gently step on your toes, turning your head to the right, left, looking at the tail.

2. “Balls” - i.p. standing. Jumping near the bed.

3. “Big - small” - squats (breathing exercises)

III . Breathing exercise “Dandelion”.

I.P. – standing with your feet apart, hands in front of you.

Inhale (through the nose), exhale, blow on your hands “like a dandelion” (4 times)

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


4 complex ( part 2)

I .In cribs

Elements of self-massage

I.p. – sit down, cross your legs.

    “Washing” the face with hands;

    arms crossed on the chest, palms on the shoulders, rubbing;

    hands on knees - rubbing;

II.Near the cribs

1. "Watch" - stand straight, legs slightly apart (the car will pass between your legs), lower your arms. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock” (6-7 times)

2. "Chicken" - small steps on straight legs, elbows pressed to the sides, clap the sides with the hands.

3. "Sparrow" - jump on two legs, then run, waving your arms, and squat down.

III . Breathing exercise "Crow".

I.P. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Raise your arms up to your sides and inhale through your nose. Squatting, place your hands on your head and say “Kar-kar-kar” (exhale)

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


5 complex

I. In cribs

1. “Warming our hands”

I.p. – lying down, arms along the body, turning the hands;

2. "Sunny"

I.p. - sitting on your heels.

Raise your arms up to your sides, “look at the sun.”

Lower your arms down to your sides and return to the i.p.

3. “Big and small legs”

I.p. – sitting, resting your hands behind you.

Bend your knees, clasp your knees with your hands (small legs), return to standing position. (big feet).

II. Near the cribs


Skok - skok, skok - skok

The rabbit jumped onto a stump.

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites everyone to warm up.

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up onto your toes.

We put our paws on the side

On your toes, hop, hop, hop.

III . Breathing exercise “Clock”.

I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “Tick-tock” (10-12 times).

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


6 complex

I. In cribs

Warm up in bed. Self-massage.

    Turns the head, right, left.

    Light stroking of arms, legs, abdomen, heels.

    Raising and bending arms.

II. Near the cribs

1. "Bear" - arms down, body tilted forward, shift from foot to foot.

A clumsy bear walks through the forest

He collects the cones and puts them in his pocket.

Suddenly a cone fell

Right in the bear's forehead

The bear got angry and stamped his foot

I won't collect pine cones anymore

I'll get in the car and go to bed.

2. "Frog" sit down, jump forward, stand up.

There are no roads in the swamp,

I jump and jump over the bumps.

3. "Cockerel" - walk, raising your legs high, clapping your hands on your sides, raising your head high - Ku - ka - re - ku.

III . Breathing exercise “Flower”.

I.P. - standing with your feet apart, tense up.

Hands to the sides - inhale, slowly exhale the air with a tube, relax (the flower has wilted), lower your head down, lower your arms (4 times).

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


7 complex

I. In cribs

1. "Pump"

I.p. lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows near the chest.

Straighten your arms forward, return to i.p. (5 – 6 times)

2. “Vanka - stand up”

I.p. - lying along the body

Gradual raising of the torso, following the arms. (4 – 6 times)

3. “Warming your feet”

I.p. – lying on your back, alternately bend your legs to your chest. (5 – 6 times)

II. Near the cribs


On a smooth path,

On a smooth path,

Our feet walked. (walking)

Over bumps, over bumps (jumping)

Thump into the hole (sit down).

Educator: Where are my kids?

(children stand up) - Here they are.

III . Breathing exercise “Helicopter”.

I.P. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands at sides. Inhale deeply through your nose, without changing the position of your hands, turn to the right - exhale through your mouth; return to I.P. Keep your back straight. Same for females to the left.

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


8 complex

I. In cribs

Our cockerel is loud

In the morning he shouts “hello”

He has boots on his feet

Earrings hanging on the ears

There is a comb on the head

This is our cockerel.

(movements, in accordance with the text)

II. Near the cribs

Three cheerful brothers

Walked around the yard

Three cheerful brothers

We started a game

They made heads: nick - nick - nick.

With dexterous fingers: chick-chick-chick.

They did it with their palms: clap - clap - clap

They stomped their feet: stomp, stomp, stomp.

III . Breathing exercise “Ball”

I.P. - o.s. “Inflate the balloon”: spread your arms wide to the sides and inhale deeply through your nose. Blow it through your mouth with the sound (f-f-f), slowly bringing your palms together. Then the ball “bursts” - the children clap their hands. Air comes out of the “ball”: children make the sound (sh-sh-sh).

IV . Walking along the path of “Health”

(correction track: rubber mats, buttons)


9 complex

I. In cribs

1. "Stretch"

i.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. As you inhale, stretch your two arms up, the heels of your two legs forward;

i.p. – exhale (4-6 times)

2. “Catch a mosquito”

i.p. – lying on your back, arms across your sides, clap in front of you

The importance of sleep for the full development of a child is difficult to overestimate. But proper awakening is also very important so that the baby spends the rest of the day in a good mood, which means he is active and cheerful. Children of the second youngest group, due to age characteristics, have a rather difficult transition from a state of rest to physical activity. The teacher faces the difficult task of choosing a suitable set of exercises and combining physical activity.

Definition of the concept of “gymnastics after sleep”

Gymnastics after a nap is a set of exercises that organizes a leisurely transition from the calmness of sleep to continued activity, which is carried out to the accompaniment of rhymes and slow, quiet music. For children of the second youngest group, that is, 3–4 years old, the complex should be in the nature of a game with a plot, where a familiar character acts, who is a model for repeating all actions after him.

Physical activity is distributed in such a way that the complex includes exercises:

  • to perform while lying in bed (stretching, swinging legs and arms);
  • active block (running, squats, as well as elements of gymnastics for fingers, etc.);
  • for the development and improvement of the respiratory system.

The total time for performing the exercises is 5–7 minutes.

It is worth noting that the selection also depends on the overall strategy of the educational program of the preschool institution. So, if hardening groups are practiced in kindergarten, then children do most of the exercises outdoors at any time of the year.

How the baby wakes up determines his mood and physical condition for the rest of the day.

Goals of exercise after sleep

Like all program elements of working with children in kindergarten, the main task of conducting classes is to preserve and strengthen health. In this context, the goals of post-sleep exercise are:

  • tone muscles;
  • improve mood;
  • prevent curvature of the spine, development of flat feet;
  • instill in children the habit of stretching after sleep.

It is important to note that during exercises after sleep there should be no sudden body movements, otherwise muscle strain, increased excitability and dizziness cannot be avoided. In the second younger group, the emphasis is on walking on toes barefoot, as well as lifting.

Types of awakening gymnastics

Typically, educators try to create a complex that is aimed at achieving all the goals of the warm-up. But the educational plans of many kindergartens include only certain types of gymnastics aimed at solving a specific problem. In this case, planning is done for a month. In other words, for example, September - children do warm-up in their cribs, self-massage; October - work on simulators or in a hall with sports equipment, etc. We can distinguish such types of invigorating gymnastics as:


In order for children to maintain a positive emotional attitude, you need to adhere to time limits.

  1. Exercises in bed - 1.5–2 minutes.
  2. Active block loads and breathing exercises - 2–3 minutes.
  3. Hardening procedures, if any - 3 minutes.

Card file of awakening gymnastics

As already noted, you can achieve the goals determined by invigorating gymnastics by alternating with a combination of different types of gymnastics (usually after half a month). For the second younger group, it is rational to use a combination of two or three types, since in this case it is easier to create a single plot for the entire set - that is, to satisfy the main requirement for carrying out such health-improving work: putting physical activity in the form of a game. Combinations of exercises are compiled in accordance with the planning of work with children of a particular group.

Exercises in bed and music-rhythm block

The most common type of combinations: gymnastics, poetry and music. Let us give an example of several complexes of such gymnastics.

  1. Exercise "Stretching".
    1. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your body.
    2. We inhale and at the same time stretch our arms up and our heels forward.
    3. We return to the starting position and exhale.
  2. Exercise “Catch a mosquito”
    1. Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides.
    2. We clap in front of the chest.
    3. We return to the starting position.
  3. Exercise "Bicycle".
    1. Lying on your back, bend your knees.
    2. Let's simulate riding a bike.
    3. Perform for 10–12 seconds.
  4. Exercise "Musicians".
    1. We play the harmonica
      We clap our hands loudly.
      (Children clap).
    2. Our legs: top, top.
      (Kids stomp).
    3. Our hands: clap, clap!
      (They clap again).
    4. We lower our palms down,
      (We relax our arms and lower them along the body.)
    5. Let's rest, rest.
  5. Exercise “Fun legs”.
    1. Legs up! Top, top!
      (Children stomp).
    2. More fun! Gop, hop!
      (They jump up).
    3. Bell, don, don!
      (They make a movement with their hand, as if there is a bell in it.)
    4. Louder, louder, ringing, ringing!
    5. Hop, horse, gop, gop!
      (They jump up).
    6. Whoa, horse:
      Stop, stop!
      (They stop and lower their arms along the body.)

Instructions for general developmental exercises and self-massage:

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. We turn our heads to the right, to the left.
  3. We stroke the arms, tummy, legs, heels.
  4. We bend our legs, clasp our knees with our hands and gradually straighten our legs.

This is interesting. Combinations of different types have one feature: the first in these sets will be exercises in bed.

Poem for exercise in bed with elements of gymnastics for the respiratory system.

  • The bird sat on the window,
    A cat meows in the yard -
    They decided to wake us up.
    All! Quiet hour is over!
  • Wake up kids, I want
    invite you to play hide and seek.
    (The children lie down on top of the blankets.
    Calm music sounds.
    Children perform movements according to the text).
  • Our sleepy palms
    We woke up little by little,
    We had fun playing hide and seek -
    Fingers clenched into fists.
  • Our toes
    They know all the paths in the park.
    They check where the heels are,
    And they play hide and seek with us.
  • We're almost awake
    Our hands reached out
    They waved it over the sheet,
    They hid behind the back together.
  • We will clasp our hands together in a “lock”
    Over your head.
    Right, left elbow
    We will bring it together in front of us.
    My knees don't want to sleep,
    It's time for them to get up.
  • We stuck out our knees
    The legs were quickly straightened.
    Our mouths are silent,
    We train the tongue:
    We'll hide it and show it.
    "Good afternoon!" - we will say loudly.
  • Let's breathe deeply
    Blow out the air noisily.
    Our noses woke up
    We smiled at each other!
    (stand on the mats next to the crib).

Instructions for the exercise “Grow Big”:

Summary of gymnastics in the second junior group, author Ershova Irina

Typically, educators use complexes that have a plot basis:

  1. Educator: “Children, it was interesting to watch you while you were sleeping. Some were snoring like a little kitten, some were stretching in their sleep like a little fox, some were buried in the pillow like a little bear cub. Let’s now use our exercises to depict some animals.”
  2. Gymnastics complex.
    1. "The animals have woken up."
      I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Yawn and stretch well. Repeat several times; the pace is slow.
    2. Educator.
      Guess the riddle:
      In the forest in cold winter
      He walks around angry and hungry.
      He clicks his teeth!
      This is gray... (wolf)
    3. "Welcome to the wolf cubs."
      I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Bring your hands to your chest, then stretch them forward. Return to i. p. Repeat five times; the pace is moderate.
    4. "Owl".
      I. p. - lying on your back, one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Drawing in your stomach - inhale, sticking out your stomach - exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat four times; the pace is slow.
    5. "Nimble Monkeys"
      I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. At the teacher’s command “tummy”, turn onto your stomach. On the command “back”, turn onto your back. Repeat five times: first moderately, then quickly.
    6. "Bear cubs growling."
      Inhale through your nose. As you exhale, pull out “mm-mm-mm-mm,” while simultaneously tapping the wings of your nose with the fingers of both hands.
  3. Educator: What a wonderful zoo we have. You not only beautifully and correctly showed the proposed animals, but everyone has already woken up (children perform hardening procedures).

Video: how to organize an awakening in the second junior group

A selection of exercises for awakening allows the baby to wake up in a good mood, helps maintain health, and also fosters a culture of awakening. Just 5–8 minutes is enough for children 3–4 years old to return to active activities. And the path of this return is determined by the teacher, who combines different types of invigorating gymnastics within one complex.

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

We all know the expression “I got off on the wrong foot.” The mood that these words characterize is also familiar - such a state cannot be called pleasant, and it is not conducive to active activity.

We strive to ensure that our kids sleep soundly, wake up in a good mood, and are charged with vivacity and energy for rich and meaningful activities in the afternoon.

Therefore, we tried to fill the traditional invigorating exercises after a nap with some of our findings.

The possibilities of audio equipment in the kindergarten allow us to conduct invigorating gymnastics accompanied by musical accompaniment. At the end of the day's sleep, the garden is filled with the melodic sounds of “awakening” music. For musical “uplifts”, mainly classical works and children's songs were selected. Each such “collection” consists of three different melodies in accordance with the structure of invigorating gymnastics:

1) quiet, leisurely, smooth (E. Grieg “Morning”, P. Mauriat “Blue Water”, C. Saint-Saens “Swan”, J.S. Bach “Air”) - for gradual awakening, stretching, quiet exercises in cribs ;

2) more dynamic, rhythmic (F. Schubert “Serenade”, I. Strauss “Radetzky March”, S. Nikitin “To the Music of Vivaldi”, B. Savelyev “What Our World Is Made Of”) - for walking along corrective paths;

3) and in conclusion - energetic, cheerful, positive (B. Savelyev “Big Round Dance”, “All Together”, “Colorful Game”, T. Spencer “Puffed Corn”) - for performing general developmental exercises or a game program.

In addition to general health-improving goals, each of the structural parts of invigorating gymnastics also solves its own narrower, specific tasks.

Ipart – gymnastics in cribs - designed to ensure a smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness, gradual awakening of muscles, systems and processes of the body. The complex contains exercises for relaxation stretching, relaxation and tension of individual muscle groups, exercises for strengthening and developing the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, lower extremities, and back muscles. Breathing exercises included. Nothing brings more joy to a child than play, so all exercises are presented in a playful form, involve the transfer of some image in movement, and are combined into a single play plot.

IIpart – corrective exercises, hardening procedures – aimed at preventing flat feet, training children in basic movements, and providing a hardening effect on the body.

This part of the gymnastics is carried out in a well-ventilated group room, which provides an additional hardening effect. The corrective path, located in a circle for children to go through it multiple times, includes:

Different textured surfaces: ribbed, studded, smooth, hard-hairy, inclined, etc.;

Aids for performing basic movements: jumping, climbing, stepping over, walking like a snake, etc.;

Aids for hardening: in the younger groups - salt paths, in the middle and older groups - contrasting foot baths.

Periodically changing the sequence and arrangement of equipment, adding new aids forces children to adapt to new conditions, find other ways to perform movements, and this in turn increases interest in walking along the “difficult” path.

III part - the final one - increases the physical and emotional tone of the child, creates a positive emotional mood in the group, and encourages further active activity. It can be carried out on the basis of performing general developmental exercises with gymnastic aids (massage balls, rubber rings, etc.) or on the basis of play-based gymnastics using outdoor games, games, and simulation exercises.

The duration of each part of invigorating gymnastics is 4-5 minutes. The transition from one part to another is carried out in accordance with the changing musical accompaniment. The musical “collection”, like the gymnastics complex after sleep, is used for two weeks.

The system we have built for invigorating gymnastics helps to solve the assigned tasks: implementing a gradual, soft transition of the child’s body from sleep to active wakefulness with a simultaneous health-improving and hardening effect. We try to make sure that our kids get off the wrong foot.


We pull the left leg forward with the heel, and pull the left arm up along the body while inhaling. We hold our breath and as we exhale we say “Id-d-a.”

We pull the right leg with the heel forward, the right arm up along the body while inhaling. We hold our breath and as we exhale we say “Pingalla”.

Lying on your back. Pull both legs with your heels forward and both arms up along your body. We hold our breath and as we exhale we say “Shusumna.”


1. Stretching.

2. “Like a cat’s mustache...”

I.p. - standing on all fours. Turns the head to the right, left

3. “Show your paws.”

I.p. - Same.

Alternately raising the right and left arms and legs.

4. “We crawl under the fence.”

I.p. - Same.

Bend your elbows, sit with your buttocks on your feet, slowly, with your head down, imitate moving under the fence. Rise on outstretched arms - i.p.

5. “Wagging our tail.”

I.p. - Same.

Movement of the closed legs to the right and left.

6. “They were scared of the dog.”

I.p. - Same.

Arch your back with the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

7. “Catch up with your tail.”

I.p. – o.s.

Jumping on two legs around yourself.

8. “On soft paws.”

Walking on your toes.

A story about a little fox

Once upon a time there lived a little fox. And he was very cheerful. Like this:

1. I.p. - standing on all fours.

Head turns.

Back arching

Movement of the closed legs to the right and left.

The little fox loved to walk on the lawn in front of the mink...

2. I.p. - Same.

Crawling on all fours back and forth.

…. and tumble in the grass.

3. I.p. - lying on your back.

Rolls back and forth. From side to side.

One day a little fox saw a beautiful butterfly.

4. I.p. – sitting, legs bent at the knees.

Raising the knees to the sides.

The butterfly fluttered and sat on a stump...

5. I.p. - lying on your back.

Reach the headboards of the bed with your straight legs.

…. and flew away. The little fox was upset.

6. I.p. - standing on all fours.

Lower your head, shoulders, arch your back.

But then mom came and petted the little fox...

7. I.p. - Same.

Raise your head, arch your back.

…. and the little fox became happy again.

8. I.p. - Same.

Movement of the bent shins to the right and left.


1. Stretching.

2. "Snake".

I.p. - lying on your stomach.

Raise your head and shoulders with outstretched arms. Proudly turn your head left and right, pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

3. "Crocodile".

I.p. – the same, arms bent at the elbows, palms under the chin.

Alternately raising the right and left legs - a huge mouth.

4. "Panda".

I.p. - lying on your back.

Pull your knees to your stomach, clasp your arms, bend your head.

Rolls back and forth, left and right - somersaults in the grass.

5. "Monkey."

I.p. - lying on your back.

Raise your straight leg, clasp it with your hands below the knee and, moving your hands towards the ankle, try to sit down - monkeys climb a tree.

6. "Giraffe".

I.p. - standing on all fours.

Raise your right hand up, fingers closed, thumb up, palm rotated left and right. The same with the left hand.

7. "Kangaroo".

I.p. – o.s.

Jump on two legs, pulling your knees towards your stomach.


1. Stretching.

2. Exercise to strengthen the neck muscles: sculpt a nose for Pinocchio.

Pinocchio draws a big cloud and rain with his nose.

I.p. - sitting on your knees.

3. “Heavy rain.”

I.p. - the same, hands behind your back.

Extend your right hand forward, palm up, etc.

The same with the left hand.

4. “The wind is blowing.” Breathing exercise.

Inhale through your nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds, exhale through your mouth with the sound “oooh”.

5. “The trees sway in the wind.”

I.p. - Same.

Raise your arms up, tilt left and right.

6. “Let’s put on rubber boots.”

I.p. – lying on your back, arms up.

Raise your straight leg up and reach your foot.

7. “Jumping over puddles.”

I.p. - standing.

Jumping from foot to foot.


1. Stretching.

2. “Look out the window.”

I.p. – sitting, arms bent at the elbows, palms together, pressed against each other, elbows down.

Raising bent arms to the sides.

3. “Look around.”

I.p. - Same.

Turn the body to the right, i.p.

Turn the body to the left, i.p.

4. "Slide".

I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body.

Raise the pelvis up, return to the i.p.

5. "Snowball".

I.p. - lying on your back.

Tuck (pull your knees to your stomach, clasp your arms, tilt your head). Rolls back and forth on your back.

6. “Slide on your stomach.”

I.p. - lying on your stomach. Hands forward, palms together, legs extended.

Bend over, return to IP.

7. “Let’s blow the snow off our palms.”

Inhale through the nose, exhale fractionally through the nose, pronouncing the sounds “fu-fu-fu”.

8. “Let’s shake off the snow.”

I.p. - standing.

Jumping on one leg.


1. Stretching.

2. "The sun is rising."

I.p. – sitting cross-legged, arms along the body.

Raise your arms up to your sides, look at your hands, inhale.

Lower your hands, exhale.

3. "Rainbow".

I.p. - the same, arms to the sides with palms up.

Tilt to the right side, touch the palm of your left hand to the palm of your right, etc.

The same in the other direction.

4. "Butterfly".

I.p. – sitting, legs bent at the knees, hands on the belt.

Spread your knees to the sides, return to standing position.

5. "Swallow".

I.p. – lying on your stomach, legs together, arms bent at the elbows.

Straightening your arms, raise your head, chest, bend, and pull your toes. (Condition: When bending, bend your knees, pull towards your head).

6. “Let’s roll around in the grass.”

I.p. - lying on your back.

Group yourself by pulling your legs to your chest and clasping them with your arms, bending your head. Rolls back and forth.

7. “Spring flowers” ​​- breathing exercise.

Let's smell the flowers - take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath. Exhale through your mouth.

8. “Sunny droplets.”

I.p. - the same, eyes closed.

We expose our face to the sun, warm our nose, cheeks and neck.

9. “On one leg.”

Jumping on the right leg, on the left leg.


1. Stretching.

2. "Weightlifters."

I.p. – lying on your back, hands to your shoulders.

Extend your arms forward, fingers clenched into fists.

Return to i.p.

3. "Footballers."

I.p. – lying on your back, knees pulled up to your stomach.

Hit an imaginary ball with your right or left foot, then with both feet at once.

4. "Oarsmen".

I.p. – sitting, legs apart, hands to shoulders.

Bend over, reach your toes with your hands, return to standing position.

5. "Cyclists".

I.p. - lying on your back.

Raise your legs up and bend and straighten them alternately, trying to make circular movements.

6. "Yachtsmen".

I.p. – lying on your stomach, hands clasped behind your back.

Raise your head and chest. Bend over. Raise your clasped hands as high as possible - a sail.

7. “Wrestlers” - breathing exercise.

I.p. - sitting cross-legged.

Take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath, exhale through your mouth.

8. "Jumpers".

5 jumps, 5 high jumps.


1. Stretching.

2. “Climbing the rope.”

I.p. – lying on your back, right hand at the top, fingers clenched into a fist, left hand along the body.

We change the position of our hands, squeezing and unclenching our fingers, imitating the movement of climbing a rope.

3. "On a rope ladder."

I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body.

Raise your leg bent at the knee and lower it.

4. “All hands on deck.”

I.p. - Same.

Sit from a lying position on your back, arms forward, leaning towards your feet.