What does a girl have a long tongue mean? The longest languages ​​in the world

Some birds have very long tongues, and there are animals with extremely long tongues. In addition, there is evidence regarding long tongues in humans. It is interesting to know about all these “champions”.

The longest tongue of a bird

Oddly enough, the woodpecker has the longest tongue among all birds. This is not a large bird, its size varies from fifteen to fifty-three centimeters, while the tongue reaches sizes from fifteen to twenty centimeters. It turns out that the length of the tongue is several times longer than the beak.

Woodpeckers live almost everywhere, but wooded areas are preferred for their residence. The reason is the lifestyle and diet of these birds. Their main food is tree-dwelling insects. When obtaining food, the woodpecker uses its beak like a jackhammer, making holes in the bark of trees in this way. This opens up the food passages in which insects hide. With its amazingly long tongue, the bird takes them out of these holes.

It’s amazing that a woodpecker’s tongue can stretch out and become so thin that it can easily penetrate even an ant passage. There is a special gland on the tongue, thanks to which the tongue is covered with a sticky liquid, which is why insects simply stick to it.

The tongue is fixed in the right nostril, and not in the mouth. At the same time, it, dividing into two parts, encircles the head and neck, then is inserted into the beak through a special hole, where it connects again. It turns out that when the woodpecker does not use its tongue, it is located at the back of its neck, under the skin, and also in its nostril.

A number of experts argue that such a structure of language is evidence of intelligent activity, and not the result of gradual evolution.

Girls with long tongues

There is such an expression as “too long tongue.” This is often said about those who are not averse to gossiping or discussing a person. However, in the world people have long tongues in the literal, and not just the figurative sense of the word. It is not clear how such people have an extra-long tongue that fits in their mouth.

There are a lot of photographs on the Internet in which you can see girls and others showing off their long tongues. Annika Imler is the official owner of a long tongue among women. The outer part of her tongue is seven centimeters. Another record holder is Chanel Tapper, who lives in California. The length of her tongue is 9.8 centimeters.

The longest tongue of an animal

There are a large number of animals that have very long tongues. Until recently, it was believed that the chameleon had the longest tongue. In this animal, the length of the tongue and the length of the body are always approximately the same. On average, the length of the tongue reaches fifty centimeters. In a large and long individual, the tongue is correspondingly longer. It is impossible to see it extended to its full length with the naked eye. Only slow motion can help, since the chameleon throws out its tongue only for 0.05 seconds. By making well-aimed “shots” with their tongues, animals provide themselves with food.

The South American bat, which is considered quite rare, has the longest tongue among known mammals. Its tongue is as much as 1.5 times longer than its body. The bat stores its tongue in the chest, and the tongue is somehow compressed three times and is located between the heart and sternum in a special place.

This mammal was discovered only in 2003 in Ecuador. The discoverer was an American biologist, who was very surprised when he determined that the tongue is fifty percent longer than the mouse’s body. So, its length is about 8.5 centimeters, and the body length of this bat is about 5-6 centimeters.

The South American bat feeds on the nectar of a flower with an extremely long corolla. Its name is Centropogon nigricans. Only the tongue of this little bat can “reach” the nectar inside this flower. In half a second, the tongue of a mammal manages to dive for nectar into the “flower tube” seven times. It turns out that these flowers can only be pollinated by this species of bat. It seems that nature created them for each other.

The longest tongue in the world

We can sum it up by finding out who speaks the longest language in the whole world. The longest tongue in the world among animals is the chameleon, among all species of birds - the woodpecker, but among mammals - this is a rare species of bat that lives in Ecuador. Among people, the record holder is Stephen Taylor. With the average length of the human tongue being five centimeters, his tongue fell short of ten centimeters by only two millimeters. Measurements are taken from the center of the upper lip to the very tip of the tongue, that is, only the outer part is measured.

It is impossible not to mention the length of the tongue of some other representatives of our planet. Thus, a snake’s tongue can reach a length of twenty-five centimeters, a cow’s tongue reaches forty-five centimeters, a giraffe, trying to reach the leaves, extends its tongue forty-five centimeters. The anteater, deprived of teeth, is forced to obtain food through a sixty-centimeter-long tongue. The largest lizard (Komodo dragon) has a tongue that reaches seventy centimeters in length.

The blue whale, which is also called the blue whale, is recognized as having the longest and at the same time largest tongue in the world. Its tongue can be three meters long. The whale uses its tongue to filter the krill, which enters its oral cavity along with water.

The chameleon and blue whale are certainly unique animals. But there are creatures that are simply amazing. As the site's correspondents found out, some dogs' fur is longer than a meter, and some animals are more like plants. You can read more about this in the article about the most unusual animals in the world.
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Recently, a friend showed her new photos. I noticed one strange thing - in many photos it looks something like this:

or like this:

Well, in general, photos with a tongue sticking out appear everywhere.

Moreover, in some, the face is horribly distorted, as in the 1st photo, while in others, the tongue is simply stuck out and the face is normal.

I just remembered that my other friends also take pictures like this...

I scoured the Internet for the topic “photos of girls with their tongues sticking out,” and it turned out that Miley Cyrus loves taking photos like that, and it probably all came from her.

Miley Cyrus with her tongue hanging out...

And I still can’t understand why some girls stick their tongues out to their chins in photographs?
Is it fashionable or what do they want to say with this?

Or maybe they want to demonstrate the length of the tongue)))

Perhaps you should ask photographers, they should understand this issue.

Do you like it when people take pictures like this? Maybe you also like to take pictures, tell me)

For me personally, for some reason this irritates me in some way... Although, of course, this is everyone’s business, but I don’t like looking at bare parts of the body in photos, for some reason it’s disgusting...

18-year-old Adrianne Lewis from Twin Lake, Michigan, USA, received a rather unusual gift from nature - a very long tongue. Her tongue is so long that she can even lick not only her own elbow, but also her eye. Adrianna herself considers her tongue to be the longest in the world and expects its registration in the Guinness Book of Records.

This is Adrianna Lewis, owner of one of the longest tongues in the world, and now she will show you her talents

And here is her tongue, the length of which is 10.16 cm

Adrianna considers her language to be the longest language in the world, and at the age of 13 she even appeared on the pages of a publication that collects unusual things from around the world. Now the girl is trying to get into the Guinness Book of Records

Try licking your elbow, it's impossible for most people, but not for Adrianna

And with a little help from her hand, Adrianna can even touch her own eye with her tongue.

“My followers often ask me, ‘Have you always had a long tongue?’ The answer is yes!” Adrianna Lewis captioned this photo

Although having a long tongue is not far from fun, especially for teenagers. In elementary school, the girl was often ridiculed.

“I just stuck my tongue out at the bullies and they fucked off.”

Adrianna is busy posting videos of herself and her tongue on YouTube. Unfortunately, as you might guess, under these videos sometimes there appear comments that are very unpleasant for her boyfriend

At the moment, the owner of the longest tongue is officially Nick Stoeberl, whose tongue length is 10.08 cm

The Guinness Book of Records has already rejected Adrianna's proposal to recognize her tongue as the longest in the world three times, but she is not going to give up

Adrianna and her unusually long tongue in motion: