- Mom, everyone says I’m a fool! - Who is speaking, daughter? - Flies. Dialogue and direct speech What can you call a conversation on VK

Our newspaper has many times published materials from a new experimental textbook on Russian philology, created by a team of authors under the leadership of G.G. Granik. We offer readers another chapter from the 5th grade textbook, dedicated to direct speech. Textbooks for grades 5–9 are a continuation of the Russian philology course for primary schools (textbooks for grades 1–4 are certified by the Ministry of Education, experimental textbooks for secondary schools have been widely tested in a number of schools in Moscow and other Russian cities and are being prepared for publication .

The topic “Direct Speech” in the 5th grade is given in a somewhat expanded form (sentences with direct speech are introduced, broken up by the author’s words, since schoolchildren widely use such constructions in their own speech). If not all children immediately master this material, nothing bad will happen; they will learn it later.

The study of direct speech is part of the chapter “Speech that sounds and speech that is silent” and is directly related to the main objective of the Russian philology course - awakening in schoolchildren love and interest in the school subject “Russian language”, raising a cultured person who is fluent in literate oral speech. and written speech, having an idea of ​​the basic patterns of language development.

5th grade


Fragment of a chapter from the new
textbook on Russian philology

1. What is dialogue, monologue, polylogue?

In any type of speech there can be monologues, dialogues and polylogues.

Let's take a closer look at these words. Each of them consists of two Greek roots: logos is translated as “word”, “speech”, “thought”, monos – “one”, dia – “between”, poly – “many”.

monologue- words, speech of one;

dialogue– conversation, conversation between two or more persons;

polylogue- a conversation among many.

The latter term is rarely used, and a conversation between several persons is also called a dialogue.

Parts mono-, dia-, poly- And -log- included in many words, bringing their own meanings to them.

Knowing them will make it easier for you to understand difficult words of foreign origin. For example, one-man show – This is a performance in which only one actor participates. Museum of Science and Industry will introduce you to many branches of technology, and in Polytechnic Institute They train specialists in many areas of technology.

Greek root - log with the meaning “word” is also included in the word philology, which, as you remember, refers to the sciences of language and the art of words - fiction. With the meaning "teaching" the root -log- included in the names of many sciences, for example, zoology, geology...... And in the meaning of “thought” it forms the word logic – the science of the rules of thinking.

Thus, words with Greek roots are log- carry the following meanings: “word”, “speech”, “thought”...

To the collection of words

dial O G

1. Retell the text you read.

2.1. Remember and write down as many words as possible with Greek roots mono-, dia-, poly- And -log-. Make sentences with these words.

2.2. Repeat what meanings the root can carry - log-.

3.1. Read the story. Find the dialogue in it.

Katya, Tanechka and Robinson

There are two people in the room - Katya, who is eleven years old, and Tanya, who is four. Katya is reading a book, and Tanya is walking back and forth next to her, waiting for her sister to pay attention to her.

-Have you not read the whole book yet?

– If I had read it, why would I look at it?

– What do you see in her?

- Leave me alone! I read to myself.

- About myself? Why don’t you read anything about me?

- Because nothing has been written about you.

-What has been written about you?

- About me? Why on earth? I'm reading about Robinson.

- And she said: to herself. Deceived? Speak. Why are you silent?

“Because I’m bored talking to you, you know, it’s not interesting.” Go wash your hands, I’ll feed you and let’s go for a walk.

- I will not eat. And I won’t go for a walk with you.

- And why is that?

- Because I'm bored and uninteresting with you.

(R. Kovalenko)

3.2. Can we say that eleven-year-old Katya knows how to communicate? What does it mean, in your opinion, to be able to communicate?

3.3. Rewrite the highlighted sentence, adding punctuation marks along the way and doing a graphic analysis. Draw an outline of the proposal.

In addition to everyday dialogues, there are also those that are stored in the memory of many people for many years. These are short, witty dialogues with unexpected endings. They are called anecdotes.


Khoja Nasreddin was asked:

– How are tall towers built?

“Very simple,” he replied. – They dig deep wells and turn them inside out.

Khoja Nasreddin is also called a mullah. In the old days, in the East, any educated person was called this as a sign of respect: teacher, poet, scientist, doctor. Many interesting stories are told about Nasreddin.

To the collection of words


4. Remember and tell each other as many funny dialogues as possible. And if you can, come up with them yourself.

5. The TV shows, plays, and movies you watch involve a variety of different types of speech. You can hear both a large text spoken by one character - a monologue, and a conversation in which two or more people participate - a dialogue. Try to notice for several days when a monologue is heard on television or radio programs, and when there is a dialogue. Retell one of them.

2. How are punctuation marks used in dialogue?

You probably understand that dialogues occur not only in oral speech, but also in written speech. Written dialogues are found in stories, fairy tales, plays, anecdotes...

Let's observe how dialogues are recorded, that is, how the speech of the characters is formatted.

Read the English folk song translated by S.Ya. Marshak:

-Where were you today, pussy?

- The Queen of England.

-What did you see at court?

– I saw a mouse on the carpet.

How many people do you think are involved in the conversation? How did you find out about this? How does each person's speech stand out in writing?

In addition to replicas, the dialogue often contains the words of the narrator (the words of the author) 1 . They indicate who owns a particular replica.

6.1. Read the dialogue from the book by E. Uspensky, which you know well.

Uncle Fyodor is walking up the stairs and eating a sandwich. You can see the cat is sitting on the window. Big, big, striped. The cat says to Uncle Fyodor:

- You’re eating a sandwich wrong, Uncle Fyodor. . You hold it with the sausage up, but you have to put it with the sausage on your tongue. Then it will taste better.

Uncle Fyodor tried it - it really tastes better. He treated the cat and asked:

- How do you know that my name is Uncle Fyodor?

The cat answers:

“I know everyone in our house.” I live in the attic, and I can see everything. Who is good and who is bad. Only now my attic is being renovated and I have nowhere to live.

-Who taught you to talk? - Uncle Fyodor asks.

- Yes, where you remember the word, where there are two. And then I lived with a professor who studied the language of animals. So I learned. Nowadays it’s impossible to live without language. You will disappear right away, or they will make a hat out of you, or a collar, or just a rug for your feet.

Uncle Fedor says:

- Come live with me.

The cat doubts:

- Your mother is kicking me out.

- He won’t kick anything out. Maybe dad will intercede,” Uncle Fyodor began to persuade the cat.

And they went to Uncle Fyodor.

6.2. Are the punctuation marks the same if the narrator’s words are: 1) before the cue; 2) after the cue? Write down two examples for each of these cases.

6.3. Distribute verbs with unstressed personal endings into two columns: 1) verbs of the first conjugation; 2) verbs of II conjugation. Underline the exception verbs.

6.4. Make a graphical analysis of the highlighted sentence and make a diagram of it.

To the collection of words



Again, note that dialogue punctuation is placed differently depending on where the narrator's words appear.

Now read the rule:

7. Using this rule, fill in the missing punctuation marks in the following texts.

1. Clown Lenya rushed to the police station and said

My cat was stolen. Crisis.

What other cat did Captain Ugorelov ask listlessly?

Not an ordinary cat, understand! Speaking. Circus performer! The performance is being disrupted! the clown explained feverishly.

What is unclear here? Indicate the signs of the kidnapped person, the captain said still sadly.

2. And now the Crisis has returned. Lenya pressed him to his heart(?)

Isn't this a dream? Are you real, Crisis?

What else? Are you real, Lenya? The cat immediately responded resourcefully.

What else? (According to L. Matveeva)

When I walked home from the pool I was in a very good mood. I took third place in butterfly and now I’ll tell my dad about it.

Mom immediately asked

Why are you shining so much?

We had a competition today.

Dad said

Third place!

Dad just blossomed

Well, yes? That's great! And who took first place?

I answered

Vovka took first place. The second is a red-haired boy. And I'm third.

Well, who took fourth, dad asked.

I said: … .

(According to V. Dragunsky)

8.2. Come up with your own ending to the story, and then compare it with the author's.

8.3. Copy it using missing punctuation marks. Outline the first sentence.


Read the beginning of L. Carroll's poem.

“Papa William,” said the curious kid. –
Your head is white.
Meanwhile, you are always standing upside down.
Do you think this is right?
“In my early youth,” the elder said in response, “
I was afraid to spread my brains
But, having learned that there are no brains in my head,
I stand calmly upside down.

(Translated by S.Ya. Marshak)

3. What is direct speech and how is it formalized in writing?

Someone's speech, which is transmitted without changes, is found not only in dialogue.

There is also direct speech.

What is direct speech and how does it differ from dialogue - now you will find out.

Dialogue, as you remember, is a conversation between two or more persons. Speakers' remarks are often introduced by the narrator (author). However, not always. There are sentences with dialogue and without the words of the author. (Go back to the previous paragraph and look again at how the dialogue is formatted.)

IN sentences with direct speech only one person speaks. And this speech is necessarily conveyed verbatim, “directly” by another person. It's called by the author. The author does not participate in the conversation, but only conveys someone’s speech, without changing anything in it, “directly.” Therefore, sentences with direct speech necessarily have two parts:

1) direct speech, that is, the verbatim utterance of any person; And


A fish swam to him and asked: “What do you want, elder?”(A.S. Pushkin)

“Stop, dishonorable fugitive!” - an unknown person shouts to Farlaf.(A.S. Pushkin)

“Grandma, wait a little,” she shouts to her through the window, “I’ll threaten the dog myself and take something away for you.”(A.S. Pushkin)

9.1. In each sentence, name the direct speech first, and then the words of the author. Find requests. Remember how they stand out in writing.

Now we will introduce you to the diagrams in which punctuation marks are placed. Using these diagrams, you yourself will formulate the rules for placing punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech. An example is given after each diagram.

Let’s agree to denote direct speech like this: "P".

Direct speech is always enclosed in quotation marks.

When opening the rules, be careful. Please note that

1) with which letter does direct speech begin, and with which letter does the author’s words begin;

2) where are the quotation marks;

3) think about when to use a question mark, when to use an exclamation mark, and when to use a comma;

4) where these signs are placed: before or after quotation marks;

Pavel said: “In half an hour we will approach Moscow.”

A: "P".

Pavel asked: “How long is it left to Moscow?”

A: “P?”

Pavel joyfully exclaimed: “We’ll be in Moscow in half an hour!”

A: “P!”

Please note: the period is placed after the quotation marks, because it completes the entire sentence, and the question and exclamation marks are placed before the quotation marks, because they only refer to direct speech.

“In half an hour we will approach Moscow,” said Pavel.

“P” – a.

“Is Moscow coming soon?” – little passengers asked every now and then.

"P?" - A.

“Moscow coming soon!” – the conductor announced loudly and cheerfully.

Such options may appear here.

“Help me, please,” my mother asked, “to take the suitcase out of the carriage.”

“P, – a, – p.”

“We’re approaching,” my mother warned. “Let’s get dressed quickly.”

“P, – a. - P".

“Will you help me take things out? – Mom turned to her compartment neighbor. “Only to the platform.”

"P? - A. - P".

"Hooray! We've arrived! – I shouted at the top of my lungs. - Moscow!"

"P! - A. - P!"

Test yourself.

Here are the rules for placing punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech that we discovered with you.

What do you think: which of these cases of recording direct speech is the most difficult?

Of course, the last one.

You will learn more about the rules for placing punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech, broken by the words of the author, in high school. But if you need such proposals now, refer to the diagrams. They will serve as your guide to action.

9.2. Read the sentences with direct speech from the fairy tale by P.P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse". What place do the author’s words occupy in relation to direct speech? How are punctuation marks used in these cases?

1. So Ivan appeared to the king, bowed, cheered himself up, grunted twice and asked: “Why did you wake me up?” 2. “What, Ivanushka, aren’t you happy? Why did you hang your head? - the horse tells him, spinning at his feet. 3. The next day, early in the morning, Ivan’s horse woke up: “Hey! Master! Get some sleep! It’s time to fix things!” 4. The horse says to him: “There is something to marvel at! Here lies the feather of the Firebird, but for your happiness do not take it for yourself.” 5. “Oh, Ivanushka Petrovich!” - said Mesyats Mesyatsovich.

9.3. Write it off. Make diagrams of the 1st and 5th sentences. Find the requests, mark them with a letter ABOUT .

Sentences with direct speech have special signal words that help distinguish the author’s words from direct speech. This verbs of "speaking". They warn that someone’s words will now “sound” or have already “sounded.”

What do you think: which “speaking” verbs are used most often?

You probably guessed it: verbs said, asked, answered.

In fact, verbs say, ask, talk There are many synonyms that allow you to avoid endless repetition of the same words and diversify the author’s speech.

Read the list of direct speech signal words from Nikolai Nosov’s book “The Adventures of Dunno,” which many of you probably read in childhood: agreed, suggested, explained, thought, muttered to himself, grumbled, mimicked, yelled, picked up, muttered under his breath, swore, interjected, added, warned, exclaimed, greeted, was indignant, joked, yelled, howled...

You have probably seen that signal words in direct speech are not only “speaking” verbs, but also words with the meanings “heard”, “thought”, “rejoiced” and their synonyms.

10.1. What verbs of “speaking” are used in the following sentences with direct speech?

1. Dunno ran home as fast as he could and let’s shout: “Brothers! Save yourself! The piece is flying!” 2. “Stop, brothers! - Rasteryaika shouted. - Stop the ball! I forgot my hat at home!” 3. “Why did we fly down?” – the kids got worried. 4. Footsteps were heard behind the door again, and then someone’s whisper was heard: “Where is he?” 5. “Don’t push, don’t push!” – there was an angry hiss. 6. “I hate tooth powder! - Dunno grumbled. “Tasteless!” 7. “Don’t get up, you’re sick!” – Sorreltail said sternly. 8. “Listen, Dunno, help me out of here,” Grumpy whispered. 9. “Are you still sleeping, Shurupchik? – Bublik greeted him. “It’s already morning already.”

(According to N. Nosov)

10.2. Write down the sentences, explaining punctuation marks. Make diagrams. Are there appeals in these sentences? Indicate them with a symbol.

10.3. In words with unstressed vowels being tested, underline the error-prone places. Orally select test words.

11. Imagine that you want: 1) to make the reader laugh; 2) scare the reader; 3) provide useful (harmful) advice. To do this, you will need sentences with direct speech. Come up with and write down several such sentences. The author's words can come before direct speech, or after direct speech, or will break direct speech.

12. Test your memory! Remember and write down sentences with direct speech from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. Find requests.

1. How did the old man address the goldfish?

2. How did the old woman address the old man?

3. What words did King Elisha use to address the sun, wind and moon?

4. How did the evil queen turn to the magic mirror?

13. Direct speech “disappeared” from the following sentences. Come up with it yourself, write down the suggestions you receive.

1. ... Dimka suddenly screamed to the whole class.

2. Elena Leonidovna slammed the magazine and smiled radiantly...

3. ... Katya generously suggested.

4. ... he asked mysteriously.

5. The cat squinted contemptuously and suddenly said very clearly...

(According to L. Matveeva)

14. And now vice versa: supplement the direct speech with the words of the author. Be careful not to repeat the “speaking” verbs.

1. Tomorrow is a math test...

2. Studying comes easy to me...

3. ... Ekaterina Semyonovna, well, please forgive me. Last time.

4. And before you treated me differently...

5. ...Are there any other news?

To the collection of words


Remember : word Please separated by commas on both sides.

15.1. Read the sentences. Find in examples from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin's words from the author and direct speech. Count how many sentences the direct speech consists of in each case.

1. "Zdra V become a prince h you are my beauty sn oh! Why are you as quiet as daylight? T ny? Why are you sad?” - she tells him. 2. The prince sadly replies: “Sadness and melancholy ъ eating, overpowered molo d tsa: I would like to see o T tsa". 3. Lebe d to the prince: “This is the grief! Well, listen: do you want to fly to the sea for a ship? Boo d“You’re a mosquito prince.” 4. Tsar Saltan seats guests at his table and O says: “Oh, you gentlemen, guests, have you been traveling for a long time, where? Is it good or bad overseas? And what miracle is there in the world?”

15.2. Copy using missing punctuation marks. Explain the spellings in place of the underlined letters.

15.3. Indicate addresses and explain punctuation marks for them.

16. From the book you are reading now, or from any other book, write down five interesting sentences that match the diagrams:

2) “P?” - A.

3) “P, – a, – p.”

5) “P” – a.

Hold a competition in class for the most interesting direct speech sentence.

17.1. Remember what you learned about chronicles and legends. (If you don’t remember, return to the “Oral speech” paragraph.) Now we want to introduce you to a legend that tells about one of the exploits of the Russian prince Alexander Nevsky.

Alexander Nevskiy

That was a long time ago. Our enemies, the Swedes, came to Rus'. Their leader, Birger, sent his soldiers to the city of Novgorod and ordered to tell the Novgorod prince Alexander: “We have come to fill your land, and we want to make you, prince, and your children our slaves.”

Prince Alexander heard these daring words, called the Novgorod residents and told them: “The Swedes want to take our land. Let's go fight them! We are few and the enemy is strong, but God is not with the strong, but with the right.”

“Lead us against the enemies, prince!” - the Novgorodians cried out and joyfully followed the prince to meet the Swedes in order to defend their land.

And there was a certain man named Pelguy. When he stood on the seashore on morning watch, he heard a terrible noise on the sea and saw a ship, and on it the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb2. And Boris said: “Brother Gleb, let’s help Alexander!”

Pelguy happily told Alexander about his vision. The prince told him: “Don’t tell anyone about this.”

And after that he decided to attack his enemies. And there was a great battle, and there was a victory for Prince Alexander. After this victory, Prince Alexander began to be called Alexander Nevsky, because the battle took place on the banks of the Neva River.

(From the book “Tales and Legends of Russia”)

17.3. Write down sentences with direct speech, explain the punctuation marks in them. Which of these sentences have appeals?

To the collection of words


20. How to enjoy... dialogue?

Let's return to the dialogue.

Are you always satisfied with the dialogues in which you took part? It probably happens differently for each of you. Sometimes both you and your interlocutor enjoy the conversation and you want to meet and talk again and again. And sometimes quarrels and grievances arise that spoil the mood for a long time. Today it is no coincidence that scientists think a lot about culture dialogue– the ability to speak to each other kindly and meaningfully.

Conversations turn out unsuccessful when each interlocutor repeats his own, trying at all costs to “talk over” the other. They say about such people that they are deaf to each other, that they speak different languages. This kind of conversation was mockingly described by A.S. Pushkin:

The deaf man called the deaf man to court.
The deaf man shouted: “They killed my cow!” –
“Have mercy,” the deaf man cried out in response: “
This wasteland was owned by the late grandfather.”

It’s good when conversations with people bring joy to the interlocutors, not grief.

18.1. Read on for some tips on how to have a conversation.

1. Be genuinely interested in other people. Talk about what interests your interlocutor.

2. Talk less about yourself, listen more.

3. Don’t rush to impose your opinion.

4. Don’t immediately tell a person that he is wrong.

5. When talking, try not to wave your arms or speak louder than your interlocutor.

6. During a conversation, watch your facial expression as well as your speech. A natural and friendly facial expression emphasizes respect for the person.

7. You cannot interfere in someone else’s conversation without permission. If it is absolutely necessary, use the expression: “Excuse me, I will interrupt you.” If you accidentally interrupt your interlocutor, you should definitely say: “Sorry, I interrupted you. Please continue.”

18.2. Which of these tips do you find most important? Read them several times and then write them down from memory.

18.3. Which mood verbs are used most often in these sentences? Name them.

19.1. Read the dialogue from Valery Medvedev’s story “Barankin, be a man!” in their faces.

- Yura! – said Zinka Fokina. (That’s strange! Previously, she always called me only by my last name.) - Yura... Well, be a man!.. Well, correct the deuce tomorrow! Well, will you fix it?

“It’s absolutely impossible to talk to you like a human being!” – Fokina was indignant.

And I told her calmly:

- Well, don’t talk!

- And I will not!

– And you’re talking yourself!..

- Because I want you to become a human!

– And if I’m tired... Tired of being a man! What then? – I asked.

- Well, Barankin! You know, Barankin!.. That’s it, Barankin!.. – having said all this, Fokina turned and left the class.

19.2. What do you think: is it possible to “get pleasure” from such a dialogue? Will it lead to something good? But Zina Fokina acted with the best intentions.

19.3. Write down the predicate verbs in the form of any of the moods and indicate which mood they are in.

If you want to find out what incredible events happened to the heroes of this book, read V. Medvedev’s story “Barankin, be a man!”

20.1. Read the story.


Two girlfriends walked slowly along the sidewalk and talked:

- Well, how do you like the fox?

- Yes, this is not a fox, but rather a lynx.

- No, still a fox. Redhead and sharp teeth.

“The squirrel in summer is also red and its teeth are sharp; it can chew any nut.”

“Then it’s a snake.” Pretends to be a fox, but she herself is a boa constrictor or a cobra.

A boy walked behind them. Overtaking them, he suddenly asked:

- Girls, are you coming from the forest or from the zoo?

The girls didn't answer. They were not walking from the forest, but from school to home and talking about a new classmate. If this, of course, can be called a conversation.

(R. Kovalenko)

20.2. There are no explanatory words from the author in the dialogue here. Therefore, it is difficult to understand who the girls were talking about. But the boy walking behind them guessed that they were not discussing, or rather condemning, a fox at all. Therefore, his question did not sound entirely polite.

Now answer: was there a conversation between the girls or something else? After all, the author himself doubted this in the end.

21. Come up with or find in a book a dialogue from which it would be clear that smart and kind people are talking.

Now let's practice.

22.I. Answer the questions.

1. Which way of communication between people is the most important?

2. What forms of speech do you know?

3. How does oral speech differ from written language?

4. Which speech appeared first - oral or written?

5. What is inner speech?

6. What are monologue, dialogue and polylogue?

7. How are punctuation marks used in dialogue?

8. How are punctuation marks used in direct speech? List all three cases. Don't forget the examples!

II. If you were able to answer our questions, it will be easy for you to continue with the proposals.

1. Of all the ways of communication between people, the most important is... .

2. There are three forms of speech: ... .

3. When we speak and listen, we use…. When we write and read, we use….

4. ... appeared earlier ... .

5. If we didn’t have inner speech, then... .

6. The speech of one person is... . A conversation between two people is... . Many people's conversation is also called... .

7. During dialogue, punctuation marks are placed as follows: ....

III. Complete the tasks.

23.1. Read the text. Please note that not all necessary punctuation marks are included.

Good afternoon said the little prince.

Good afternoon, the merchant replied.

He sold improved pills that quenched thirst. You swallow such a pill, and then you don’t feel like drinking for a whole week.

Why are you selling them, asked the Little Prince.

They save a lot of time. According to experts, you can save fifty-three minutes a week, the merchant answered.

What to do in these fifty-three minutes?

Whatever you want.

“If I had fifty-three minutes to spare, thought the Little Prince, I would...”

(A. de Saint-Exupéry)

23.2. Rewrite the text, adding missing punctuation marks.

23.3. How would you answer if you were the Little Prince? You can finish the text with one sentence, or you can complete the whole story.

To the collection of words


save money

24.1. Read the story. Why is it called "Waiting"?


The day was hot. At the entrance to the park they were selling ice cream, and Yura, without wasting any time, joined the back of the line. Kolya was about to appear. Yura will give him a popsicle, and they will run to the boat station. You will spend the whole day in the park on the lake. That's what they had planned.

The line was quickly thinning. Yura found himself in front of the saleswoman, but immediately recoiled from her and turned back. Kolya is late, although he assured that he would be there minute by minute. Yura stood in line again and did not notice how he again found himself in front of the saleswoman. She noticed him. “Why are you hanging around and not taking anything,” she asked, “maybe there’s no money?”

Yura had money. But he did not explain that he wanted to buy two popsicles, but his friend was running late.

He left and sat on a bench under a tree. He waited, waited, jumped up, walked around. I never thought that waiting was such a difficult thing. Annoyance was replaced by anxiety: maybe something happened to Kolya?

An hour later Kolya appeared. Cheerful, with ice cream in his hand. He was surprised that Yura wasn’t looking at him.

- Why so frowning? – he asked and held out his hand with the ice cream, “here, lick it.”

“No need,” Yura pulled his hand away, “first tell me what happened.” I wait and wait, but you are not there. I was worried.

Kolya waved his hand.

– Also tenderness to me – I was worried! I would buy myself some ice cream, sit on a bench and wait for my pleasure.

- So what happened? – Yura did not back down.

- Nothing happened. I met Leshka in the yard. He returned from a hiking trip. This and that, he began to tell us how it was during their campaign. You know how interesting Leshka talks.

Yura didn’t want to offend Kolya, but he couldn’t remain silent either.

“As Leshka tells it, I’ve known it for a long time,” he answered, “but it seems like I only recognized you now.”

(R. Kovalenko)

24.2. Pay attention to the speech of Yura and Kolya. Is it possible to judge the characters of boys from it?

Re-read the end of the story. Look how much Yura put into just one word - the word found out. What did he, having survived this day, this expectation, learn about his friend? What did you understand?

24.3. Work on your spelling: 1) find words with prefixes of the first group (unchangeable prefixes), highlight the erroneous vowels and consonants in them; 2) write down at least 10 words with tested unstressed vowels in the root, select test words for them; 3) find two verbs of the 2nd conjugation with unstressed personal endings, explain their spelling.

To the collection of words

ice cream


- The sun has set!
- For what?

– Mom, is it true that I’m scary?
“Nothing now, but when she was born, the doctor said: “If she moves, shoot...”

A female doctor with a cold throat quietly says to a patient who comes in:
- Take off your clothes...
- And you? – the patient asks quietly.

- Here I can drink a liter of vodka, and not see it in one eye!
– Why the hell should I drink then?

– My cat was a bailiff in a past life.
– Describes the property?
- Not only. Today in the hallway he also made an arrest...

Boy to girl:
- Do you have a car?
- Eat.
- Will you give it to me in the evening?
- I'll give it. Why did you ask about the car?

– Yesterday I had a fight with my girlfriend.
- Again?
– In the evening I wanted to write an SMS “pep, smack.”
- And what?
– I was in a hurry, I didn’t type the last 2 letters.

Conversation between father and son:
- Son, don’t get carried away with girls in the capital.
- Well, what are you doing, dad, how can you!
– I told you how it’s possible yesterday, but still don’t get carried away.

-Will you go alone? It's so dark outside!
- Nothing. I'll try not to scare anyone.

A small, frightened girl comes home and says to her mother:
- Mom, they wanted to kill me!
- Where did you get the idea?!
“I was sitting, playing in the sandbox, then two men came, took out glasses and a bottle, and said: “Fuck him for a little!”

– Is friendship possible between a man and a woman?
– Of course, but you should always have condoms with you.

In the bus:
- Grandma, are you coming out?
- No
– Then move to the other neck!

– The analysis showed that you have protein in your urine.
- Damn it. So is it that my egg is leaking?

Mom was away for two weeks. Upon returning, she asks her son:
– Was dad sad when I wasn’t at home?
– At first, no, but the last two days he became sadder and sadder.

Call to the sobering-up station:
– Did they bring Ivanov to you today?
- No.
- And they won’t bring it! I'm drinking at home today!

- Dad! What is dialogue?
- This is a conversation between two people.
– Is this when mom talks to you?
- No, this is a monologue.

In the courtroom. Judge:
- Man, why did you rape a little girl?
“Why did she throw sand at me?”

– How do you say “blink” in Ukrainian?
– Drink at intervals.

The son turns to his oligarch father:
- Dad, I’m going for a walk, give me some money.
- Well, take it on the shelf there.
- How long can you take?
- Take a couple of centimeters.

– Girl, you must have strong, healthy teeth.
- How did you guess?
“Can you really eat such an ass with bad teeth?”

“I tried on everything my ass could fit into!”
- So how is it?
- The shoes are great!

- Mom, everyone says I’m a fool!
- Who is speaking, daughter?
- Flies.

“What are you asking the waiter so pitifully for?”
- A book of complaints!

– Doctor, please advise how to avoid pregnancy during sex without a condom?
– You know, many people don’t remember what is said from the words, let me show you better.

- The sun has set!
- For what?

– Mom, is it true that I’m scary?
“Nothing now, but when she was born, the doctor said: “If she moves, shoot...”

A female doctor with a cold throat quietly says to a patient who comes in:
- Take off your clothes...
- And you? – the patient asks quietly.

- Here I can drink a liter of vodka, and not see it in one eye!
– Why the hell should I drink then?

– My cat was a bailiff in a past life.
– Describes the property?
- Not only. Today in the hallway he also made an arrest...

Boy to girl:
- Do you have a car?
- Eat.
- Will you give it to me in the evening?
- I'll give it. Why did you ask about the car?

– Yesterday I had a fight with my girlfriend.
- Again?
– In the evening I wanted to write an SMS “pep, smack.”
- And what?
– I was in a hurry, I didn’t type the last 2 letters.

Conversation between father and son:
- Son, don’t get carried away with girls in the capital.
- Well, what are you doing, dad, how can you!
– I told you how it’s possible yesterday, but still don’t get carried away.

-Will you go alone? It's so dark outside!
- Nothing. I'll try not to scare anyone.

A small, frightened girl comes home and says to her mother:
- Mom, they wanted to kill me!
- Where did you get the idea?!
“I was sitting, playing in the sandbox, then two men came, took out glasses and a bottle, and said: “Fuck him for a little!”

– Is friendship possible between a man and a woman?
– Of course, but you should always have condoms with you.

In the bus:
- Grandma, are you coming out?
- No
– Then move to the other neck!

– The analysis showed that you have protein in your urine.
- Damn it. So is it that my egg is leaking?

Mom was away for two weeks. Upon returning, she asks her son:
– Was dad sad when I wasn’t at home?
– At first, no, but the last two days he became sadder and sadder.

Call to the sobering-up station:
– Did they bring Ivanov to you today?
- No.
- And they won’t bring it! I'm drinking at home today!

- Dad! What is dialogue?
- This is a conversation between two people.
– Is this when mom talks to you?
- No, this is a monologue.

In the courtroom. Judge:
- Man, why did you rape a little girl?
“Why did she throw sand at me?”

– How do you say “blink” in Ukrainian?
– Drink at intervals.

The son turns to his oligarch father:
- Dad, I’m going for a walk, give me some money.
- Well, take it on the shelf there.
- How long can you take?
- Take a couple of centimeters.

– Girl, you must have strong, healthy teeth.
- How did you guess?
“Can you really eat such an ass with bad teeth?”

“I tried on everything my ass could fit into!”
- So how is it?
- The shoes are great!

- Mom, everyone says I’m a fool!
- Who is speaking, daughter?
- Flies.

“What are you asking the waiter so pitifully for?”
- A book of complaints!

– Doctor, please advise how to avoid pregnancy during sex without a condom?
– You know, many people don’t remember what is said from the words, let me show you better.

Today, tens of millions of people are users of the VKontakte social network. Along with the consumption of audio and video content, an important part of spending time on the site is the active correspondence of people with each other, both private and public. When creating any kind of collective conversation, a user may be puzzled by the question, “how can a conversation on VK with friends be called funny?” In this article, I'll offer some tips for creating funny names for your communication, as well as give you some ideas for such names.

Names of funny conversations on VK

So what can you call a conversation on VK funny? According to many, the name should be original, catch the eye, attract attention and arouse interest. Standard templates and clichés of the “conversation” level, “our communication” and other similar insipid options evoke boredom, because you want something bright and unique, something that evokes joy, positivity and a great mood.

I'll give you some tips that will be useful when creating a name:

Options for funny names

Below I will give options for how to name a conversation on VK with friends in a fun and funny way. You can use both these options, and by analogy with them, come up with something of your own.

  • Shushukalka;
  • Asylum of the Mad;
  • Chatter;
  • PONTYgushka;
  • About This and That;
  • Critics of the Higher Mind;
  • Bombino;
  • Spletnichevskaya;
  • The gods live here;
  • Balabolka;
  • αβτσρ τβσεй уλыδки;
  • Mafia;
  • Rattlers;
  • The folk song ensemble sang vodka over the edge;
  • Shelter of talkers;
  • Marijuana;
  • Dull vegetables;
  • __TrIgAdA__;
  • Pobrehalka;
  • Movement;
  • Alcove;
  • Psychiatric Hospital;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Drinking buddies;
  • Idle call;
  • Chatterbox;
  • Narnian Council;
  • we are ELITE, and everyone is a servant;
  • Ward №6;
  • Discussion room;
  • Ilita;
  • Garage;
  • The hostel is listening;
  • ŢßøƳa, ŋů į ŋē ŧøłԁkø ŧßøƳǻ;
  • Funny boys;
  • Secrets;
  • GANG;
  • Pigeon in tights;
  • Padik;
  • Do not come in;
  • Do not read;
  • Brain suckers;
  • Only the elite are here;
  • Conversations with adult schoolchildren;
  • Come in don't be afraid, come out don't cry.

How to create a VKontakte conversation

If someone doesn’t know how to create and name a conversation on VK with friends, then I’ll give you brief instructions.

Go to the site, go to “Messages”, click the plus sign at the top (“Start a conversation”).

Then mark those friends you want to include in the conversation, enter the name of the conversation below, and then click on the “Create conversation” button.

Create a VK conversation

In the settings for the conversation, you can change its name to a funny one, change the photo, add other interlocutors if desired, leave the conversation, and so on.

Dialogue Settings


Above I listed several ways and options for calling a conversation on VK with friends funny. If any of the above suits you, great, but if not, then show a little creativity yourself, and, quite possibly, you will succeed in something even cooler, brighter and extravagant. Try it - you will definitely succeed.

VK conversation name VK conversation name funny


What name for the conversation can you come up with VK

Every month the pages of the most popular Russian-language social network VKontakte are visited by millions of people. This resource provides great opportunities for communication between users. One of these methods is a function that allows you to create a separate chat in which a certain number of people participate simultaneously.

Naturally, people who come to VK for serious matters do not think about the original names of such chats. But for others, it is a great way to have fun and spend quality time with like-minded people and friends. Naturally, many of them want to know:

How can you call a conversation on VK funny and unusual? So that the name alone will set your interlocutors to positive emotions?

But, before you start thinking about the name of the VK conversation, you need to understand how it can actually be created.

How to make a conversation on VK

It is very simple to create opportunities for such communication on VKontakte. To do this you just need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. After logging in to your page, go to the “Messages” section.
  2. In the window you can see a list of previously conducted correspondence, above which there is a search bar.
  3. On the right side of this line you can see a plus sign, which allows you to use the required function.
  4. Click on plus.
  5. The list below is transformed and allows you to mark those people whom the user wants to invite for further communication.
  6. At the top there is a small line that allows you to funny name the conversation on VK.

Funny names for VKontakte conversations with girlfriends and friends

So, what name to choose for such a conversation so that it is not only fun, but also reflects the essence of such a pastime. Here you will need to use your imagination.

For example, if you are creating a chat for memories with classmates who have long left adolescence, but do not stop keeping in touch with each other, then you can choose something that could evoke positive emotions and be associated with their school years:

  • Grown-up schoolchildren.
  • Gang from school eleven.
  • Rattlers of grown-up people, but just as young.
  • Single-table tables.
  • Odnozapartovtsy.
  • And so on.

In general, such functionality does not at all limit the imagination of the creator of the conversation group. That is, you can use completely different characters, combine English and Russian letters, and so on.

For example, if a dialogue involves conversations for a class of students at a certain institution, then it can be called something like this:

  • Cool guys.
  • #deffchenki.
  • Patsyki_about_everything.
  • Rustle.
  • Shelter for the Mad.
  • BoltovNyashka.
  • About? About everything.
  • Maffia.
  • Dull tomatoes.
  • Breaker.
  • Brainstorms.
  • ELLita.
  • Movement
  • Don't be shy.
  • Young people.
  • We knock on the keyboard.
  • Best off the Best.

In general, there are a lot of options and they are limited only by the imagination of the creator of such a communication group. And, perhaps, some topic that the interlocutors expect to stick to in their conversations.


What can you call a conversation on VK? Funny and cool names

What can you call a conversation on VK when it’s just about nothing but you want to amuse your friends? To do this, you need to remember more funny phrases from KVN, comedy films, cartoons or funny incidents from life. If you don’t call it anything, then it will have no name.

To create a conference, click the plus sign at the top right in messages and add friends. Immediately after the first checkmark opposite the friend, a field for entering its name will appear below. But it is optional.

If you leave it empty, the conversation will receive an automatic name from the names of its participants.

To change the name, click the three dots and click on the desired item.

The maximum number of characters that will be displayed is 97, then the name will be truncated.

All participants, not only the creator, can change the name. But you won’t be able to make a conversation without a title at all: if you try to leave the field empty, you can’t save it.

But we won’t rest until we find a way out, right? And special symbols come to the rescue, allowing you to send empty messages (all codes are here) to friends or to the wall. Here are a couple of such magic codes:

The name should be chosen based on the topic of the content, it’s easier to navigate, for example: Unified State Exam 2017, Friday meeting, who’s in the pool today, give me money, I’m pregnant, etc. But don’t joke with the last one, there may be consequences :).

Now let's get creative and come up with funny, vulgar and cool ones.

  • Gossip Room
  • Let's whisper
  • Let's hype a little
  • Kings of Hype
  • Fight and search, find and hide
  • Whoever is silent is Yanukovo
  • Come in don't be afraid, come out don't cry
  • Adequate schizos
  • Evil never sleeps
  • If it takes a long, long time….then the guy is great
  • All women want big...and love
  • I'm looking for a guinea pig. Experienced rabbit
  • Entrance only for perverts
  • Don't enter without glitches
  • Free vodka for everyone!


How to call a conversation with friends on VK?

Very short and funny instructions. I have already shown you how to create a VKontakte conversation. Now let's think about what we can call it.

What to call a conversation on VK?

Well, the following options came to my mind:

  • Negotiations among friends;
  • There is nothing to chat about;
  • Let's talk about this, that, and everything;
  • Gossip Lodge;
  • Balabolka dot ru;
  • Dorm of talkers;
  • It's VIP only;
  • Together we are an orchard;
  • Movement of normal boys;
  • Evening gazebo;
  • School drinking buddies;
  • Evening dialogues;
  • Friends Dormitory;
  • Funny guys, cool girls;
  • Chat

If you liked it, use it. Suggest your options in the comments.