Foods with a low glycemic index. How the glycemic index is calculated Glycemic index 0 foods

  1. Any product (regardless of the GI level) enters the digestive tract. After that, under the influence of digestive enzymes, any carbohydrate is broken down into glucose.
  2. Glucose is absorbed into the blood, thereby raising blood sugar levels. Sugar in the blood leads to thickening of the blood and the complication of the transport function of oxygen through the veins and arteries. To prevent this, the pancreas secretes insulin.
  3. Insulin is a transport hormone. Its main task is to open the cells in the body. When it “perforates” the cells, sweet blood saturates the cells that are closed for normal nutrition. For example, muscle fibers, glycogen and fat depot. Sugar, due to its structure, remains in the cell and is oxidized with the release of energy. Further, depending on the place, the energy is metabolized into the product necessary for the body.

So, the higher the glycemic index of the product, the “sweeter” the blood becomes in the short term. This in turn affects the level of insulin secretion. There are three possible scenarios:

  • The body copes with the increased amount of sugar, insulin transports energy through the cells. Further, due to sharp jumps, a high level of insulin leads to the disappearance of the feeling of satiety. As a result, the person wants to eat again.
  • The body copes with the increased amount of sugar, but the level of insulin is no longer sufficient for complete transportation. As a result, a person feels unwell, has a "sugar hangover", slows down the metabolism, decreases working capacity - increased drowsiness.
  • Insulin levels are not sufficient to process the spike in sugar. As a result - very poor health - diabetes is possible.

For foods with a low glycemic index, things are somewhat simpler. Sugar enters the bloodstream not abruptly, but evenly and in small dosages. For this reason, the pancreas works normally, constantly releasing insulin until it is completely dissolved.

As a result, increased efficiency (cells remain open all the time), a long feeling of satiety, and a low glycemic load on the pancreas. As well as the prevalence of anabolic processes over catabolic ones - the body is in a state of extreme satiety, which is why it does not see the point in destroying cells (link catabolism).

Glycemic index of products (table)

To create an adequate nutrition plan that will allow you to successfully gain muscle mass without feeling hungry and without swimming in excess fat, it is better to use the food glycemic index table:

carbohydrate product Glycemic index protein product Glycemic index fatty product Glycemic index Ready meal Glycemic index
Glucose100 Chicken fillet10 Salo12 Fried potatoes71
Sugar98 beef fillet12 Sunflower oil0 Cakes85-100
Fructose36 soy products48 Olive oil0 Jellied26
Maltodextrin145 carp7 Linseed oil0 Aspic26
Syrup135 Perch10 Fat meat15-25 Olivier salad25-35
55 Pork side12 fried foods65 Alcoholic drinks85-95
Fruits30-70 egg white6 Omega 3 fats0 fruit salads70
48 Egg17 Omega 6 fats0 vegetable salads3
Rice56 goose egg23 Omega 9 fats0 Fried meat12
Brown rice38 Milk72 Palm oil68 Baked potato3
round rice70 Kefir45 trans fats49 Cottage cheese casserole59
White bread85 Yogurt45 rancid fat65 Fritters82
Wheat74 Mushrooms32 Peanut butter18 Pancakes67
Buckwheat42 Cottage cheese64 Peanut butter20 Jam78
Wheat groats87 Serum32 45 rolled up vegetables1,2
Flour92 turkey meat18 Spread35 Pork skewers27
Starch45 Chicken legs20 margarine32 Pilaf45

Meals with a low glycemic index can only be prepared with ingredients whose glycemic index is low. In addition, thermal processing of fats and carbohydrates increases the rate of sugar in the blood, which inevitably increases the index.

Is it possible to determine the glycemic index without tables?

Unfortunately, a table with products and their bread units is not always at hand. The question remains - is it possible to independently determine the level of the glycemic index of a particular dish. Unfortunately, this is not possible. At one time, scientists and chemists worked for almost 15 years to compile an approximate table of the glycemic index of various products. The classical system involved taking blood tests 2 times after taking a certain amount of carbohydrates from a particular product. But this does not mean that you should always have a food glycemic index table with you. Some rough calculations can be done.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the presence of sugar in the product. If the product has more than 30% sugar, then the glycemic index will be at least 30. If there are other carbohydrates besides sugar, it is better to define the GI as pure sugar. If sweeteners are used in the product, then either fructose (the only natural analogue of glucose) or the simplest carbohydrate is taken as the basis.

In addition, you can determine the relative level of GI by the following factors:

  • The complexity of the carbohydrates that make up the product. The more complex the carbs, the lower the GI. The dependence is not always accurate, but it allows you to identify high GI foods and avoid them.
  • The presence of milk in the composition. Milk contains "milk sugar", which increases the GI of any product by an average of 15-20%.

Relative GI can be determined experimentally. To do this, it is enough to find out how long it takes for a strong feeling of hunger to occur after the last meal. The later hunger sets in, the less and more evenly insulin was released, and hence the lower the GI level of the total meal. So, for example, if you feel very hungry already 30-40 minutes after eating, then the relative GI of the products included in the consumed dish is quite high.

Note: We are talking about eating the same number of calories to cover the full deficit. As you know, the human body feels comfortable if the calorie content of a meal is in the range of 600-800 kcal.

It is important to understand that this method of determining the glycemic index in products is relevant only for athletes who are not on the cutting. For people suffering from diabetes or who are on a hard carbohydrate diet, it is still better to use the tables so as not to expose your body to undue risk.


So what role do high glycemic foods play for an athlete? This is a way to eat more, but there is always the risk of overloading the pancreas.

Consumption of foods with a high glycemic index is justified only for ectomorphs during the winter weight gain. In other cases, jumps in sugar are more likely to negatively affect not only health, but also working capacity and mood.

As for foods with a low glycemic index, their digestion carries a large glycemic load, instead feeding the body more useful substances.

Maintaining a diet and following the principles of proper nutrition is the key to the successful treatment of various diseases, especially those associated with lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders. In an effort to achieve the desired result, many pay attention to the calorie content of products, the level of carbohydrates and other nutrients.

However, this is not entirely correct, since it does not objectively reflect their influence on metabolic processes. Therefore, to determine the dietary value of dishes, it is recommended to use other parameters. Foods with a low glycemic index (abbreviated as GI) are the best option for compiling a diet.

Further "behavior" of carbohydrates depends on their type. Rapidly digestible carbohydrates contribute to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, which provokes obesity, metabolic disorders, disorders of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and other pathologies. Slowly absorbed carbohydrates provide a gradual breakdown of glucose and a uniform energy expenditure during physical exertion, which helps maintain a feeling of fullness.

The degree of influence of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels displays the glycemic index. The GI of glucose is 100, the rest of the polysaccharides are characterized by values ​​of a similar parameter in the range from one to one hundred. GI is a kind of reflection of the body's response to consumed carbohydrates compared to pure glucose.

According to the GI value, all foods can be divided into several groups:

  • food with high GI (more than 70 units);
  • food with an average GI (indicator in the range of 56 - 69 units);
  • low GI food (value does not exceed 55 units).

Consuming low GI foods has a number of benefits:

  • gradual release of glucose throughout the day;
  • controlled appetite;
  • gradual weight loss;
  • obesity prevention;
  • prevention of the development and undesirable consequences of diabetes mellitus.

But at the same time, if only foods with a low glycemic index are present in the diet, the body's resistance to physical training decreases, and dishes that meet such requirements are very difficult to prepare.

Consumption of high GI foods provides a dramatic increase in energy and strength, but they have a number of disadvantages:

  • high probability of formation of a large amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • rapid onset of hunger;
  • contraindicated for diabetics.

A table showing the exact value of the glycemic index will help you navigate the variety of carbohydrate-containing foods.

Product name GI value
Vegetables, fruits, herbs
Blueberry 25
Spinach, sorrel 15
Apples (any kind) 35
vegetable marrow 15
Various varieties of cabbage 15
Currant 15
Asparagus 15
Radish 15
Leaf salad 15
Sweet pepper and chili 15
Cucumber 15
Tomatoes (fresh and dried) 30 and 35 respectively
Cherry 25
Strawberry 25
Raspberries 25
Gooseberry 25
Currant 25
Eggplant 20
Pumpkin 75
plums 35
A pineapple 45 (65 canned)
Kiwi 50
Grape 45
Potato 65 (in a uniform for a couple), 95 (free), 80 (mashed)
Apricot 30
Green peas 15 (45 canned)
Pomegranate 35
Grapefruit 30
Pear 30
Watermelon 75
Melon 60
Banana 60
Persimmon 50
Carrot 30
Mandarin 30
Peach, nectarine 35
Raisin 65
Dried apricots 35
Cereals, cereals, other side dishes
Durum wheat vermicelli 35
Wheat germ 15
whole grain cereals 45
Rice 70-90 (depending on cooking method), 35 wild
Millet porridge 70
White bread (non-gluten) 90
Whole grain bread 45
Mushrooms 15
Bran 15
string beans 15
Barley grits 25
Lentils 30
Oatmeal 60
Muesli 50 (pure)
Pearl barley 25
Buckwheat 40
Corn porridge 70
Bulgur 55
Milk and dairy products
Milk 30
Creamy ice cream 60, 35 on fructose
Cottage cheese 30
Natural fat-free yogurt without additives 35
Meat, fish, seafood
sea ​​kale 30
Natural crab meat 40
Doctor's natural sausage 40
Sausages from ground beef 30
Snacks, drinks, sauces
Honey 60
Ketchup 55
Mayonnaise 60
Store bought chocolate bars 65
Biscuit 70
Beer 110
Pistachios (natural) 15
Drink with chicory 40
Soy sauce 20
nuts 15
Juices 35 (apple and tomato), 20 (lemon), 50 (pear), 55 (grape)
Sushi 55
Donuts without filling 75
Mustard 35
Sweet soda 75
Jam 55

Dairy products are recommended by many nutritionists as the basis of the diet. They have a fairly high nutritional value, contain easily digestible proteins. Their GI ranges from 15 - 80, this figure increases as the sugar content increases.

The GI level (from 35 to 100) in bread and flour products is mainly affected by additional additives (flavor enhancers, sweeteners, baking powder). Confectionery products are also characterized by a high glycemic index. If there are no problems with excess weight, they can be consumed, but in limited quantities, in the morning and in combination with other foods that slow down digestion.

Most vegetables have a low GI, in addition, their presence in dishes reduces the rate of absorption of carbohydrates. Fruits, which include carnitine, promote fat burning and lower the overall glycemic index of the finished dish.

Drinks have a wide range of GI, and this indicator increases the presence of sugar. In addition, the absorption of carbohydrates accelerates soda. As for fat-containing foods, preference should be given to dishes prepared on the basis of vegetable fats. Nuts have a relatively low GI, but due to their high lipid content, they are difficult to digest and slow down digestion.

A number of factors affect the level of the glycemic index. For example, the GI of foods that contain starch increases during heat treatment. In the same way, the grinding of products also affects. When cut, they are absorbed much faster, which affects the metabolism of glucose, the same applies to squeezing juices. GI increases and the addition of vegetable oil in the cooking process.

Particular attention should be paid to the calculation of the GI of foods when preparing a diet for patients with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is recommended to calculate the glycemic load. Calculate it according to the formula:

GL = mass of the product in grams × GI of this product / 100

The following glycemic load scale is used to assess nutritional adequacy:

  • low level - up to 80;
  • average level - 81 - 119;
  • high level - above 120.

Consumption of high GI foods can cause uncontrolled fluctuations in blood glucose levels. In addition, it is important for patients with diabetes to maintain body weight, and such a diet only contributes to the appearance of extra pounds. Therefore, during cooking, sugar should be replaced with fructose, and there are only sweets specially designed for diabetics.

Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index: the use of an indicator for dieting, "healthy" and "bad" carbohydrates

When compiling a diet for diabetes, calculating the glycemic index and load is not enough. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in the diet. Carbohydrates should be a significant part of the diet, otherwise the risk of both hypo- and hyperglycemia is high.

However, preference should be given to foods with a glycemic index of up to 60-70, and ideally less. And while cooking, it is necessary to avoid frying in oil or animal fat, adding fatty sauces based on mayonnaise.

Recently, low-carbohydrate diets have become more and more popular.

Perhaps they contribute to weight loss, but on the other hand, a lack of carbohydrates can cause such undesirable symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • depressive state;
  • prostration.

Especially low-carbohydrate diets are dangerous for diabetics. Therefore, you should adhere to the rule of the "golden mean". It is necessary to consume carbohydrates, but they must be “healthy”, that is, slowly absorbed.

Complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index are found in such foods:

  • legumes;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • some vegetables.

Dishes prepared from these products should make up a third of the diet. This provides a gradual release of energy, has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, and does not cause sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

The rest of the diet includes food with a minimum amount or complete absence of carbohydrates, these are:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • fruits (citrus fruits, green apples) and vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms.

The glycemic index of a product can be both reduced and increased. For example, you should eat more raw vegetables and fruits, avoid heat treatment. And if you cook them, it is better in an unpeeled form. Also, you do not need to finely chop food. A decrease in the GI index can be achieved by adding vinegar and marinades based on it.

Food with a low glycemic index: daily diet, sample menu, basic rules

The daily diet should include dishes from products with a low and medium glycemic index, proteins and fats. A low glycemic diet is essential for anyone who wants to lose extra pounds and suffers from a predisposition to being overweight.

The principles of such nutrition must be followed by all patients at risk for diabetes (with aggravated heredity, insulin resistance), with diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary systems, and endocrine pathologies.

The approximate diet for the week is as follows:

  • Monday.
    Breakfast: boiled meat, fresh vegetables, coffee or tea without sugar.
    Second breakfast: apple and carrot salad.
    Lunch: Vegetarian soup, fruit or juice for dessert.
    Snack: a glass of low-fat and unsweetened yogurt, rosehip broth or juice.
    Dinner: boiled fish with green peas.
  • Tuesday.
    Breakfast: steam omelet with vegetables.
    Second breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese.
    Lunch: mushroom or vegetable soup with boiled chicken fillet.
    Afternoon snack: a few fruits, kefir.
    Dinner: minced chicken or turkey peppers without sauce.
  • Wednesday.
    Breakfast: oatmeal, vegetable salad with vegetable oil and herbs.
    Second breakfast: apples, a few pieces of dried apricots.
    Lunch: borscht in a non-concentrated chicken or beef broth, fresh or sauerkraut salad.
    Snack: fat-free cottage cheese, you can add berries.
    Dinner: baked fish, buckwheat porridge.
  • Thursday.
    Breakfast: scrambled eggs, carrot and apple salad.
    Second breakfast: yogurt.
    Lunch: fish soup without rice, boiled fish with peas.
    Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir, a handful of dried fruits.
    Dinner: whole grain porridge, boiled fillet, some fresh vegetables.
  • Friday:
    Breakfast: Hercules, boiled eggs.
    Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese.
    Lunch: lean soup, boiled meat with vegetables.
    Afternoon: fruits.
    Dinner: boiled hake fillet, boiled unpolished rice.
  • Saturday:
    Vegetable salad with low-fat cheese, whole grain toast.
    Second breakfast: fruit or juice.
    Lunch: mushroom soup, boiled meat, stewed vegetables.
    Afternoon snack: yogurt.
    Dinner: seafood salad, herbs and vegetables.
  • Sunday:
    Breakfast: any porridge, 2 egg whites.
    Second breakfast: seasonal fruits, yogurt.
    Lunch: lean vegetable soup, boiled fish, vegetables in any form.
    Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits.
    Dinner: buckwheat, baked turkey fillet.

Menus and recipes can be selected independently.

The main thing is to follow these rules:

  • avoid eating high GI foods;
  • the maximum content in the diet of slowly digestible carbohydrates;
  • do not add sugar to coffee and tea, completely exclude sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • give up quick snacks - you must clearly follow the established diet;
  • take bottled yogurt or kefir with you on long walks to prevent feelings of hunger and subsequent overeating;
  • cook dishes need to be steamed, boiled or stewed with a minimum of oil.

Already after a few weeks of following a low-glycemic diet, excess weight gradually begins to go away, cheerfulness appears, and overall well-being improves. Physical activity is easier to tolerate, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and hypertension disappear. The craving for sweets and junk food gradually decreases, the tendency to overeat disappears.

Compared to rather "extreme" diets, the principles of low glycemic nutrition have their advantages:

  • variety of allowed products;
  • wide scope for imagination and making new recipes;
  • frequent meals that do not cause hunger;
  • affordable cost;
  • suitable for almost all family members.

To be successful in dieting, low glycemic foods don't have to be monotonous. The main thing is to get rid of psychological dependence on tasty, but of little use food.

However, almost everyone from time to time visits the desire to try the "forbidden fruit" - something sweet, very harmful and fatty. In order to prevent a breakdown in the diet, you can treat yourself to candy, a small piece of cake or chocolate once a week (for example, on a weekend) for a second breakfast.

For the convenience of diabetics, a complete table with glycemic indices was compiled. With its help, you can quickly find the product of interest or choose what to cook a dish from. Focus on the glycemic index from top to bottom - at the top are the most useful foods for diabetes with a low GI index.

The lower you go, the less benefit and more harm to the diet.

The lowest positions are foods that need to be treated with special attention and eat as little as possible.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about diabetes

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aronova S. M.

For many years I have been studying the problem of DIABETES. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to announce the good news - the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has managed to develop a drug that completely cures diabetes mellitus. At the moment, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 100%.

Another good news: the Ministry of Health has achieved the adoption special program which covers the entire cost of the drug. In Russia and CIS countries, diabetics before can get a remedy FOR FREE.

Learn more>>

What is the glycemic index, the advantages of the table

For those who do not yet know what the glycemic index is, go to the general section. By the way, they will soon appear there, or maybe at the time you are reading, more convenient articles with specific tables have already appeared - a table of products with low GI, high GI, a table of cereals, fruits, etc. I will try to fill the section as far as possible.

Briefly about GI(glycemic index), it is a measure of the rate of increase in glucose levels in the body after eating a product. The maximum index number is 100. This is pure glucose.

Anything between 70 and 100 is high. These are chips, sweet bars, etc. You need to eat such foods as little as possible, but not completely eliminated. Remember, with proper nutrition, it is important to eat in a balanced way, but in moderation.

From 50 (55) to 69 - the average glycemic index. Pasta, bananas and other carbohydrate goodies got into it. We eat such foods with an accurate count of bread units in the morning.

Well, our favorite zone up to 50 (55) is green. Here are all the products allowed and useful for diabetes - vegetables, berries, tofu ...

be careful

According to the World Health Organization, 2 million people die every year from diabetes and its complications. In the absence of qualified support for the body, diabetes leads to various complications, gradually destroying the human body.

The most common complications are: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can also lead to the development of cancerous tumors. In almost all cases, a diabetic either dies while struggling with a painful disease, or turns into a real invalid.

What should people with diabetes do? The Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences succeeded make a remedy completely curing diabetes.

Currently, the Federal program "Healthy Nation" is underway, within the framework of which this drug is issued to every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS FOR FREE. For detailed information, see official website MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

Values ​​50(55) are indicated, since different sources have different values ​​for the border of the green zone.

The convenience of the table is its simplicity. No need to calculate anything, just find the right product and find out what you will cook today's dinner from. The index allows you to better adjust nutrition.

The disadvantage of the GI table

Of course, the glycemic indexes of foods in the table are conditional values. It should also be borne in mind that the table contains the values ​​​​of raw products. Heat treatment increases GI. But since no one can accurately calculate the indices for each degree of cooking, fortune-telling and estimates are already taking place here. That is why I like to control the eaten bread units.

So, the full gi table is given below:

  • Short
  • Average
  • High

Glycemic index - low index table

Parsley, basil, oregano 5GI
Leaf salad 9GI
Avocado 10GI
Spinach 15GI
Soya 15GI
Tofu 15GI
Rhubarb 15GI
Pickles 15GI
Peanut 15GI
Olives 15GI
Leek 15GI
Pesto 15GI
Onion 15GI
Mushrooms 15GI
Ginger 15GI
Asparagus 15GI
Hazelnut, pine nuts, pistachios 15GI
fresh cucumber 15GI
Chilli 15GI
Cauliflower 15GI
Brussels sprouts 15GI
Bran 15GI
Celery 15GI
Cashew 15GI
cabbage 15GI
Broccoli 15GI
Almond 15GI
soy yogurt 20GI
Eggplant 20GI
Artichoke 20GI
Peanut butter (no sugar) 20GI
Gooseberry 25GI
Pumpkin seeds 25GI
Strawberry wild-strawberry 25GI
soy flour 25GI
Red Ribes 25GI
Raspberry fresh 25GI
golden beans 25GI
green lentils 25GI
Cherry 25GI
Blackberry 25GI
Mandarin fresh 30GI
passion fruit 30GI
Milk (any fat content) 30GI
Almond milk 30GI
Bitter chocolate (over 70%) 30GI
Blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries 30GI
yellow lentils 30GI
Fat-free cottage cheese 30GI
Tomato (fresh) 30GI
Fresh pear 30GI
Jam (no sugar) 30GI
fresh beets 30GI
fresh carrot 30GI
Garlic 30GI
Green bean 30GI
fresh grapefruit 30GI
brown lentils 30GI
fresh apricot 30GI
Soy milk 30GI
Yeast 31GI
Tomato juice 33GI
fresh peach 34GI
Pomegranate 34GI
fresh nectarine 34GI
Beans 34GI
Low fat natural yoghurt 35GI
Flax flour 35GI
Pea flour 35GI
Soy sauce (no sugar) 35GI
fresh quince 35GI
fresh plum 35GI
fresh orange 35GI
Sesame 35GI
Chinese noodles and vermicelli 35GI
fresh green peas 35GI
dried tomatoes 35GI
Dijon mustard 35GI
fresh apple 35GI
chickpeas 35GI
Wild (black) rice 35GI
Prunes 40GI
Dried apricots 40GI
Carrot juice (no sugar) 40GI
Pasta cooked al dente 40GI
dried figs 40GI
Buckwheat 40GI
Rye flour 40GI
Whole grains (flour, breakfast, bread) 43GI
Orange fresh 45GI
Oat flour 45GI
Grape 45GI
Coconut 45GI
Brown basmati rice 45GI
canned green peas 45GI
Grapefruit juice (no sugar) 45GI
Cranberries (fresh or frozen) 47GI

These are fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar and high in fiber. Also in this table are soy products based on vegetable proteins. Low glycemic foods also include greens and brown rice.

Our readers write

Subject: Defeated diabetes

From: Lyudmila S ( [email protected])

To: Administration

At 47, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In a few weeks I gained almost 15 kg. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, vision began to sit down. When I turned 66 years old, I was already steadily injecting myself with insulin, everything was very bad ...

And here is my story

The disease continued to develop, periodic attacks began, the ambulance literally brought me back from the next world. I always thought that this time would be the last...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article helped me completely get rid of diabetes, a supposedly incurable disease. For the last 2 years, I started to move more, in spring and summer I go to the country every day, my husband and I lead an active lifestyle, we travel a lot. Everyone is surprised how I manage to do everything, where so much strength and energy come from, everyone will not believe that I am 66 years old.

Who wants to live a long, energetic life and forget about this terrible disease forever, take 5 minutes and read this article.

Go to article>>>

Glycemic index - average values

Apple juice (no sugar) 50GI
brown brown rice 50GI
Persimmon 50GI
Mango 50GI
Lychee 50GI
Pineapple juice without sugar 50GI
Kiwi 50GI
Cranberry juice (no sugar) 50GI
basmati rice 50GI
canned peaches 55GI
Bulgur 55GI
Mustard 55GI
Ketchup 55GI
Grape juice (no sugar) 55GI
Sweet canned corn 57GI
Arabian pita 57GI
papaya fresh 59GI
Cocoa powder (with added sugar) 60GI
Oat groats 60GI
Melon 60GI
long grain rice 60GI
Chestnut 60GI
Banana 60GI
Sprouted grains of wheat 63GI
Whole wheat bread 65GI
Yam (sweet potato) 65GI
Jacket boiled potatoes 65GI
Rye bread 65GI
Maple syrup 65GI
Raisin 65GI
canned pineapple 65GI
Marmalade 65GI
Black yeast bread 65GI
Beets (boiled or stewed) 65GI
Orange juice 65GI
Instant oatmeal 66GI
fresh pineapple 66GI
Wheat flour 69GI

Foods with a medium glycemic index include sweet fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, sauces, and some canned foods. Defeated diabetes at home. It's been a month since I forgot about sugar spikes and taking insulin. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant fainting, emergency calls ... How many times I went to endocrinologists, but they say only one thing - "Take insulin." And now the 5th week has gone, as the blood sugar level is normal, not a single injection of insulin, and all thanks to this article. Anyone with diabetes should read this!

Read full article >>>

The glycemic index of products, the table of which is presented above, will help a diabetic to better control their sugar levels and proper nutrition.

Try to eat more foods with a low index to avoid sudden spikes in blood glucose.

Use the values ​​from the table to ensure that a person with diabetes always has the right diet.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones have diabetes.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and drugs for diabetes. The verdict is:

All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the reception was stopped, the disease sharply intensified.

The only drug that has given a significant result is Difort.

At the moment, this is the only drug that can completely cure diabetes. Difort showed a particularly strong effect in the early stages of the development of diabetes.

We made a request to the Ministry of Health:

And for readers of our site now there is an opportunity

Attention! Cases of the sale of counterfeit Difort have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, ordering official website, you get a money back guarantee (including shipping costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

The glycemic index (GI) is an indicator of the effect of carbohydrates on blood glucose levels, which is actively used in medicine (in particular, in the treatment of diabetes, insulin resistance and obesity), as well as in dietetics.

Carbohydrates are nutrients for energy. Breaking down into simple sugars, carbohydrates provide the following functions in the body:

  • energy storage in muscles and liver;
  • normal brain function;
  • synthesis of DNA, RNA, ATP molecules;
  • are part of enzymes and hormones;
  • regulate the metabolic processes of fats and proteins.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

  • Fast or simple carbohydrates, which lead to an immediate increase in blood glucose and supply the body with “fast energy” (as a rule, they have a high GI).
  • Complex carbohydrates - do not cause high blood sugar levels, but increase glucose slowly, which contributes to a uniform supply of energy for long-term performance. Complex carbohydrates are in the table with medium and low GI.

Regular release of high doses of insulin after overeating carbohydrates with a high GI leads to the development of insulin resistance (cell resistance to insulin) and diabetes mellitus.

What does GI depend on?

First of all, the GI level of a particular product depends on the amount of monosaccharides in the composition. At the same time, the glycemic index of foods is a relative concept, which can be influenced by multiple factors, such as:

  • Cooking - Cooked fruits and vegetables have a higher GI compared to raw.
  • The degree of grinding - the more the fiber structure in food is disturbed, the higher the GI level. So, the index of potatoes in the form of mashed potatoes and boiled in their skins differs by several tens of units.
  • The presence of fiber. The more fiber in the food, the slower the digestion of carbohydrates occurs, without causing sharp spikes in blood sugar.
  • Freeze. After freezing, the structure of starch changes, resulting in a decrease in GI (fruits, vegetables, rice cooked with vegetable oil).
  • Different varieties of the same fruits and vegetables may differ in GI.
  • In each case, the GI is affected by the presence of proteins consumed simultaneously with carbohydrates, somewhat reduces the rate of absorption of sugars. This item does not apply to people with a pathological increase in insulin (hyperinsulinization).

High GI foods (table)

Foods with a high glycemic index (greater than 70) are made up of processed ingredients (white flour pastries, chips) or high in glucose (fruits). At the same time, nutrients are completely absorbed by the body without any effort, providing the body with an excess of glucose in the blood.

GI Name of products
110 Dates, beer
105 Baton, hamburger
100 Glucose syrup, white bread toast (fried in oil), cakes, cream puffs
95 Fried potatoes, rich pastries, premium flour bread
90 Mashed potatoes, yeast dough pastry, honey, hot dog
85 Chips, white pasta, crackers, popcorn, boiled carrots
80 Rice porridge on the water, muesli, waffles, caramel, lollipops
75 Baked pumpkin, fried zucchini, croutons, condensed milk, watermelon
70 Boiled corn, rice with milk, millet porridge on the water, semolina, pearl barley, pancakes, cheesecakes, ice cream, milk chocolate, chocolate bars, jam, halva

Regular overeating of foods with a high glycemic index leads to weight gain, insulin resistance and the development of diabetes.

Medium GI Foods

Foods with a glycemic index between 40 and 65 tend to have fewer simple sugars in their composition, and also contain soluble and insoluble fiber, which stabilizes blood glucose levels, lowers cholesterol, etc.

In particular, we are talking about insoluble fiber (lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose) contained in bran, cereals from whole grains, in products made from whole grain flour.

GI Name of products
65 Boiled beets, boiled potatoes (whole), pineapple, raisins, oatmeal in water, brown rice in water, semolina in milk, rye-wheat bread, dumplings with potatoes, pizza, marmalade
60 Melon, bananas, oatmeal with milk, dumplings with cottage cheese, dumplings, mayonnaise, canned corn, dried fruit compote, cocoa with sugar
55 Persimmon, mango, fruit yogurt, feta cheese, melted cheese, sour cream, margarine, ketchup, cheese
50 Kiwi, barley porridge with milk, buckwheat with water, durum wheat pasta, fish and meat cutlets, fried beef liver, scrambled eggs, eggs, grapefruit juice, coffee
45 Cranberry, whole grain bread, Borodinsky bread, cottage cheese with sugar, dry wine, champagne
40 Fresh green peas, boiled beans, eggplant caviar, blueberries, blueberries, tangerines, gooseberries, grapes, whole grain bread, crab sticks, carrot, apple, orange juices unsweetened, cocoa unsweetened

Foods with an average glycemic index should be in the daily diet in moderation, as they provide the body with energy for life. The use of dishes with an average GI is optimal after heavy physical exertion, to restore glycogen in the muscles, in diseases with manifestations of hypoglycemia.

Low GI foods (table)

Foods with a low glycemic index can be eaten with diabetes, insulin resistance and during weight loss. A normal diet should be based on low GI foods, namely, fresh vegetables and fruits, proteins, nuts, etc.

GI Name of products
35 Raw carrots, roasted cauliflower, apples, sesame seeds, chickpeas, oranges, pomegranate, nectarine, plums, figs, plain fat-free yogurt, mustard, beans
30 Fresh apricots, raspberries, red currants, peaches, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, raw beetroot, tomato, garlic, boiled sausage, low fat cottage cheese, soy milk, dark chocolate, dietary fiber, kvass, dessert wine, liquor
25 Lentil porridge on the water, blackberries, strawberries, cherry plums, cranberries, cherries, prunes, seaweed, low-fat kefir, almonds, pumpkin seeds
20 Cucumber, eggplant, lemon, soy sauce, peanuts, dark chocolate
15 Dill, almonds, spinach, asparagus, radishes, broccoli, cabbage (sauerkraut and stew), Brussels sprouts, walnuts, mushrooms, soybeans, red peppers, olives, black olives, hazelnuts, pistachios
10 Lettuce, fresh tomatoes, raw onion, avocado, green pepper, sunflower seeds
5 Parsley, basil, boiled crayfish
0 Meat, fish, poultry, caviar, raw mushrooms, Dutch cheese, sausages

A diet in which 70-80% of the food is low glycemic index foods is considered healthy and complete in terms of healthy eating.

Diet for type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an endocrine disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to distribute glucose in the blood and is accompanied by peripheral insulin resistance.

One of the main causes of the disease is obesity, so it is important for diabetics to limit the diet to normalize blood sugar and reduce weight.

There are basic rules for a low glycemic index diet for type 2 diabetes:

  • In the presence of diabetes, it is necessary to eat carbohydrates with a GI below 40. This measure contributes to low blood sugar in patients with impaired pancreas function.
  • Carbohydrates in the diabetic menu should contain a lot of dietary fiber (whole grain cereals, etc.).
  • 2-3 times a month, it is allowed to consume foods with a high glycemic index (from 90 to 70) in moderation.
  • The amount of protein in the daily diet should not exceed 0.8 grams per 1 kg of body weight to avoid the development of diabetic nephropathy.
  • Limit trans fats in food, since unlimited consumption of this type of fat leads to high cholesterol, obesity and the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • It is necessary to take into account the calorie content for weight control.
  • Eat regularly every 2-3 hours to avoid hunger.

Nutrition by glycemic index for weight loss

In the process of losing weight, it is important to take into account the glycemic index of foods, since choosing the right diet will significantly speed up the process of weight loss. For this purpose, the Michel Montignac diet, which consists of two stages, is suitable.

The first stage of the diet is focused on losing weight. The menu at this stage consists of products with low GI, while the rule of separate nutrition is used: do not eat carbohydrates with fats at the same time.

To quickly see the result of using a low GI diet, you need to properly organize your menu for the day:

  • Breakfast should consist of several parts: be sure to eat fruit or drink fruit juice on an empty stomach, after which one of the breakfast options is chosen: carbohydrates (whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread, coffee, tea, milk), or proteins with fats (ham, sausage, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, cheese).
  • Lunch should be completely protein (fish, pork, beef) with the addition of green vegetables (lettuce, cucumbers, cabbage, etc.).
  • For dinner, they eat protein-carbohydrate foods (raw vegetables, fish, sausages, cheeses, mushrooms).

The second stage is aimed at maintaining weight. At the second stage, products with an average and high index are introduced into the diet in a limited amount. Also, sometimes you can neglect the rule of separate consumption of carbohydrates and lipids (for example, whole grain bread with butter).

It is forbidden to consume sugar, bananas, corn, potatoes and pastries every day, but 2 times a month you can make an exception.

  • eat 3 times a day without snacks;
  • if it is impossible to endure hunger, then it is allowed to eat fruit or a piece of cheese, but, over time, the number of snacks is reduced to a minimum;
  • eat good fats, including fish, olives, walnuts in the diet;
  • exclude sugary carbonated drinks, giving preference to freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
  • It is allowed to drink a glass of dry wine once a week.

Additional carb options

Carbohydrates consumed with food affect not only the amount of sugar in the blood, but also other processes occurring in the body. In addition to GI, carbohydrates can be classified according to other parameters:

(GN) products - a parameter taking into account the amount of carbohydrates in the product relative to GI. GN can be calculated independently using the formula: glycemic index * calories (per 100 g) / 100. The lower the resulting parameter, the better:

  • the minimum level is less than 10 units;
  • medium - from 10 to 20 units;
  • high - more than 20 units.

insulin index(II) - a measure of insulin production in response to the breakdown of food after the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. At the same time, the GI and AI indicators of carbohydrates can differ significantly. It is necessary to be guided by both tables in order to build an optimal diet for diabetes and for weight loss.

Saturation index(IN) - the ratio of calories and satiety after eating foods. So, 100 kcal of proteins, fats and carbohydrates saturate the body in different ways. The satiety signal occurs when a person eats approximately 250 grams of food, while the total calorie content should not exceed 500 kilocalories at a time.

Modern society carries the following ideas as a banner: how to make more money, how to become healthier and how to lose weight. Unfortunately, we will not answer you on the first point, but we will consider the last two, based on such concepts as the glycemic index and calorie content of foods (the table will be provided below).

We will also consider the main ideology of the adherents of this system, consider all the pros and cons.

Brief educational program

The glycemic index (GI) is an additional characteristic of all those substances that contain carbohydrates and can be digested by the human body. The harsh reality tells us that calorie content is not the final indicator that you should focus on. Moreover, the calorie content of products does not grow either in direct or inverse proportion. At the same time, GI is able to have an almost more active influence on the process of weight loss than nutritional value.


By and large, this index is a symbol that characterizes the rate of breakdown of products containing carbohydrates, when compared with the rate of breakdown of pure glucose, the index of which is considered a kind of standard and equals 100 units. The higher the index, the higher the rate of degradation of the product. In the process of weight loss, do not neglect such an indicator as the glycemic index of products. A weight loss table based only on calorie content will not give a high-quality and long-term result without taking into account GI.

Dietetics prefers to divide all products containing carbohydrates into three groups - low, medium and high glycemic index. To take it to the extreme, all high GI foods contain an abundance of fast, empty carbohydrates, while low GI foods delight us with slow, complex carbohydrates. More details (table or graph) can be studied in the relevant medical literature.

Give your brain some sugar!

As mentioned earlier, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle guides many minds. Some, in a fit of hysteria, utterly limit carbohydrates, preferring pure, unclouded protein foods with glucose. In this mode, you can live a day or two, after which the “sleepy fly” mode becomes active - a person feels constant fatigue and does not understand what is happening to him, because he eats so healthy and right! However, the correctness in such a diet does not smell. Let's reveal a little secret that has set everyone on edge with its obviousness: there must be a balance in everything.

Lack of carbohydrates leads to starvation of the muscles and brain, a person becomes weak and dull. Great picture, isn't it? Naturally, you don’t have to give up anything, you just need to learn how to make the right choice among the abundance of products containing carbohydrates. The glycemic index and calorie content of foods (table below) will help you with this.

Good carb, bad carb

Carbohydrates are different from each other, but during digestion, all are converted into glucose, which serves as fuel for the body, providing it with the energy it needs. Supervises the processing of insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. As soon as you eat, insulin starts working. Thus, the processing of carbohydrates is completed first.

The result of carbohydrates is one - glucose, but the speed of "circulation" varies.

Faster, even faster!

These speedy sprint carbohydrates are absorbed almost instantly, stimulating an increase in blood sugar levels. And so the energy went to waste, sugar fell just as sharply, as a result of which you felt a brutal hunger, although you ate quite recently. The body tactfully hinted that it was ready to refuel one more time. If you do not spend all this abyss of energy immediately (hello office workers!), Then it immediately settles on your sides in the form of fat.

The study of such an indicator as the glycemic index (a table or just a list) allows you to avoid this. In order to maintain vital activity, it is enough for a person to consume as many calories as he spends - this is in theory. In practice, chewing only sugar for 1500-2000 kcal is very harmful, as the pancreas suffers. Indeed, you have to produce a wild amount of insulin in a short period of time. This mode causes cells to wear out faster, which can develop into serious diseases. Using a combination of "glycemic index and caloric content" (table this or just a list) when forming a diet, you will achieve excellent results in maintaining your health.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Slow carbohydrates behave exactly the opposite. In order to digest them correctly, insulin is produced gradually, that is, it functions in a mode that is comfortable for her.

The level of sugar in the blood does not jump, but remains at the proper level, allowing the body to feel full for a long time. Therefore, for example, they are recommended with proper nutrition despite all their calorie content. This is one example of how the glycemic index of foods + a weight loss table that takes into account calorie content can contradict each other.

Basic food table

And here is the table of products, which was mentioned more than once in this article.

Table showing foods with a low glycemic index (recommended to consume as often as possible, despite the calorie content)
ProductGlycemic indexCalories per 100 grams
1 Sunflower seeds8
2 Garlic10 46
3 lettuce10 17
4 leaf lettuce10 19
5 Tomatoes10 18
6 Bulb onions10 48
7 White cabbage10 25
8 Mushrooms fresh10 28
9 Broccoli10 27
10 Kefir15 51
11 Peanut15 621
12 Nuts (mix)15-25 720
13 Soya16 447
14 Fresh red beans19 93
15 Rice bran19 316
16 Cranberry, lingonberry20 26
17 Fructose20 398
18 Cherry22 49
19 bitter chocolate25 550
20 Berries25-30 50
21 boiled lentils27 111
22 Milk (whole)28 60
23 Dry beans30 397
24 Milk (skimmed)32 31
25 plums33 43
26 Low fat fruit yogurt33 60
27 Pears35 50
28 Apples35-40 44
29 Wholemeal bread35 220
30 barley bread38 250
31 Dates40 290
32 Hercules40 330
33 Buckwheat porridge40 350
34 strawberries40 45
35 fruit juice40-45 45
36 Durum wheat pasta42 380
37 Citrus42 48

Glycemic index and calorie content of foods (table consisting of foods in the middle group. Moderate consumption is recommended)
ProductGlycemic indexCalories per 100 grams
1 Canned peas43 55
2 Melon43 59
3 apricots44 40
4 Peaches44 42
5 Kvass45 21
6 Grape46 64
7 red rice47 125
8 bran bread47 210
9 green fresh peas47
10 grapefruit juice49 45
11 Barley flakes50 330
12 Kiwi50 49
13 Wholemeal bread + bran50 250
14 canned beans52 116
15 Popcorn55 480
16 brown rice55 350
17 oatmeal cookies55 440
18 Oat bran55 92
19 Buckwheat55 320
20 Boiled potatoes56 75
21 Mango56 67
22 Bananas57 91
23 Rye bread63 250
24 boiled beets65 54
25 Semolina porridge with milk66 125
26 Raisins "Jumbo"67 328
27 Dried fruit mix67 350
28 soda67 50
29 White bread70 280
30 Rice white70 330
31 boiled corn70 123
32 Mashed potatoes70 95

This visual list of products will allow you to make your diet as accurately as possible from all points of view, since the table covers the glycemic index and the calorie content of foods at the same time. You just need to choose those foods that have an acceptable GI, and make a diet of them "weight" with your daily calorie content.

Glycemic index of foods for diabetes

It turns out that the concept of "glycemic index of products" did not just appear (table). Diabetes requires a special diet that keeps blood sugar at the proper level. The principle of selecting foods according to the GI first saw the light of day 15 years ago in the process of developing a nutrition system that is favorable for people with diabetes. It was by combining the glycemic index and the calorie content of foods that experts deduced the formula for proper, sparing nutrition for diabetics.

Based on the information above, which describes the effects on the body of fast and slow carbohydrates, we can conclude that sick people are strongly recommended to make their diet from the products of the first table. This measure will allow you to keep your blood sugar at the right level, bypassing unwanted jumps and fluctuations. It is also recommended to keep information on the topic "glycemic index and caloric content of foods" on hand. A table of this kind will allow, if necessary, to quickly navigate what you need to eat for the best result.