Pickup courses for men. School of flirting or pickup with love

Hello man, in this article I will tell you about what should include professional pickup courses and what it is and what it is eaten with. I will also help you make the right choice.

Let's start with a little lyrics, a pickup truck appeared in Russia about 14 years ago, and during this time a huge number of men and young guys were carried away by it. A lot appeared, among which there are about 4 main ones, including ours and a lot of some small ones. There are many books on this topic, a lot of information on YouTube and on the Internet.

What is important, I want to tell you - in spite of your delusions, only real men come to such trainings, who have found the strength to recognize the need for their own development. You want to be the best at everything (It's normal for a man), so why not be the best with the girls?

So, what do the average pickup rates for men consist of. Let's look at the example of both group and individual. Although, nevertheless, I will tell you more about individual training. First, how to choose correctly and not make a mistake. If I were you, I would be guided by such a criterion -

Before enrolling- ask as many questions as possible at the interview and see how they answer you, if they say - “You will learn this at the training”, then it is unlikely that you have come across a good teacher.

And the most important thing you should do is ask him to show you how he seduces himself. It so happened that most coaches are theorists who themselves do not know how to do anything in practice.

And what will you learn in theory - nothing! Learning to seduce is first of all practice and very competent feedback from the trainer.

So, you came to the training, choosing a hopefully good pickup coach. What should happen. First, they will tell you in general what is the mission of a man on earth and that before that you did not communicate correctly with women, it was not effective for yourself and it is effective only for women. You will be brainwashed in a good way. You will be simply shocked by what you heard, and you will understand that everything was actually quite obvious, only for some reason you did not know this.

Then they tell you the basics of dating and give you the most basic exercises that you go and do on your own under the supervision of a coach or supports. The training should consist of theory and practice, but practice should be at least 70 percent.

It all starts with the easiest exercises so that you gradually get used to the fact that being with girls next to you is not scary at all. Together with you we will kill your fear of approach and fear of rejection. After some short time, you will be able to approach yourself without our kicks. By the way, about how you can meet on the street, I have some great training videos on my YouTube channel, which you can watch right now by clicking over here. In these videos, I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like writing on the blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to speak on camera;). So, I'm better off not reading.

And here is the video

We continue to talk about pickup courses in Moscow, or in any other city. After you get used to the girls a little and this is no longer a “Cage with Tigers” for you, you are already purposefully taught to meet. What to say, how to speak, how to stand, how to look, how to shake hands. How to arouse interest in yourself during an acquaintance, how to interest and inspire confidence. How and when to take her phone, how to say goodbye.

The next step is to overcome fears., which interfere precisely with the acquaintance.
Then you do certain exercises on the topic of what to say to a girl. This is the most painful issue for most men. After the exercise "Throat", for example, you have races and this question will disappear forever. You will learn to get sincere pleasure from, while you will say whatever you want, even what you don’t like, and the most interesting thing is that she will be simply delighted!

After you get a lot of useful information and work it out in practice, they will tell you about calling out - how to call a girl out on a date. They tell you in detail how to invite a date, when to call, how many times to call, and so on.

Then comes the big topic of dating. In general, it consists of two main parts - dating and dating. You will learn how to conduct dates, how to choose the right place for a date, how it should be. How to put a girl next to you, how to change a place during a date, like. using two streams: speech and kinesthetics. How and when to touch her. A buildup of emotions, that is, a girl should not know what to expect from you next, you are either rude and impudent with her, then gentle and romantic, or cheerful and playful.

You will learn how to move to the place of sex so that she is guaranteed to go to your house. Checking women before sex, the last resistance and sex, what you need, how to do it, so that the girl wants only you. How to build relationships in which you are the boss, but at the same time everyone is happy. You will also learn how to make girls fall in love with you and a lot of other things.

Concerning prices for pickup courses for men, then it is different for all coaches. Of course, there are some average prices in Moscow, but, basically, who evaluates himself in what. Since there are many amateur trainers who have just been trained by someone and immediately decided that they can teach, you can stumble upon suspiciously cheap offers.

How much do you think your new life will cost? The prices for such training are not the cheapest, but it is worth it a thousand times, plus the training starts to pay off from the very first day. For example, guys even came to me, specially taking a loan for this business.

As for the cost of my trainings, and how you can get to them - you leave an application on the blog or website vsetvoi.ru or call us, my assistant contacts you and appoints you either a Skype interview or a personal one. Then you go through an interview, our psychologist offers you the best product for you and you get to the training.

In general, I believe that only one who himself had at least a hundred women, who understands psychology and constantly attends various trainings and seminars on related topics, who has read many developmental books and has a sincere desire to help people, can be called a trainer. A person must have experience.

You can watch the pickup video courses here in the "Video" section and see what you can easily learn by coming to the training on. We are waiting only for you!

This course is about flirting and how to become a female magnet for men. Flirting is an exciting game, a way to achieve goals and a way of life at the same time. In the modern world, a woman who knows how to flirt beautifully will never be left alone. She will always be in demand among men, among colleagues, and among friends.

Love is always in the face of a woman. And thanks to this course, you will master new knowledge, techniques and techniques that allow you to become a true Queen of Flirting, and get stunning results that you could only dream of before! You just need to unleash your limitless potential and hone your skills a little.

Seduce with just a glance… Easily get what you want from men… Keep their interest in you for years… You can do it all!

1 lesson- Magnetism inside and out. They are greeted by clothes! What do you need to be to meet exactly HE? You will learn which women men never lose sight of and how to become a woman who is always surrounded by male attention. You will receive valuable tips and advice on creating a seductive image and make a plan for a happy life for a month.

2 lesson- “Where to look for men? Work, traffic jams, the Internet, for men - YES! Loneliness - NO! You will master effective methods of online dating, create an attractive profile, learn to distinguish serious candidates from gigolos and don juans, and learn how to build a dialogue with a man on the Internet in order to get an invitation to a date.

3 lesson- Dating in the big city. Rules for successful flirting. You will feel like a born temptress by learning how to send sexual signals to a man and mastering the technique of “seducing space”. You will learn how to overcome fear and embarrassment when meeting, how to get acquainted first, doing it at ease, gracefully and beautifully.

Learn to turn on a beautiful seductive voice and attract a man with just his sound.

4 lesson- “Conquer him on the first date. Don't worry, just worry!" You will work out special techniques that allow you to enter the state of “single flow” with the man you like, understand how to program him for a positive and interested attitude towards you. You will define dating goals for yourself and build your own hierarchy of admirers.

5 lesson- "Sexual terror and other ways of influencing his unconscious." Is there friendship between a man and a woman? And what is it based on? Men want sex and women want relationships. You will learn how to use this law to your advantage. You will master unique seduction techniques, come up with special ways to attract and "encourage" your man. “SMS, phone. Let him think only of you."

6 lesson- "Game, or What to do with bad boys." You will learn to predict a man’s reaction to your words and actions, master the methods of controlling a man’s behavior - “closer / further”, “carrot / stick”, you can easily and imperceptibly manipulate a man without succumbing to his manipulations. “First fall in love, then fall in love! The main thing is not to confuse!!!” You will learn how a man's interest in a woman is formed, and you will understand how to fall in love with a man you like.

What will be in class?

  • You will learn where and how to meet the right man.
  • Learn to communicate on the Internet, fueling interest in yourself.
  • Master the rules of SMS correspondence and telephone conversations.
  • Understand how to create intrigue and awaken the imagination of a man.
  • Learn to manage your own emotions.
  • Master the technique of "emotional buildup" of a man.

What will happen after class?

  • Fill yourself with the energy of happiness and joy.
  • Enhance your attractiveness.
  • Become a real temptress.
  • Learn the secrets of love art that make men tremble with passion.
  • Get a lot of fans.
  • Find your one and only man.
  • You can keep his attention and strengthen his love.

The course "School of Flirting or Pickup with Love" is your chance to master the art of flirting and seduction to perfection and take the first steps towards the Man of your dreams!

Pickup training for girls, organized in the capital, provides an opportunity to gain in practice the knowledge and skills of professional relationship building, as well as seduction. In these classes, you can fully relax, get rid of pressing problems, relax in a comfortable atmosphere, gaining invaluable experience.

Pickup training for girls takes place according to different programs. You can choose the most suitable for you or consult with professionals. All courses include not only theoretical but also practical part. The theory involves your familiarization with applied information, as well as examples that are subject to practical implementation. Practical training takes place in the field, allowing you to put into practice what you have learned.

A significant advantage of the female pickup truck is that it is taught by highly qualified coaches who not only have higher coaching and psychological education, but also rich life experience, as well as a successful personal life. Therefore, you can quickly master the art of seduction.

Pickup truck for women: the feasibility of learning

Its importance is difficult to overestimate. After all, it is necessary in order not to wait for gifts from fate, but to start acting. And the victory will surely be for those who take the initiative into their own hands. All ladies want to find a decent man who would make them happy. But desire is not enough, you need to start acting. But you may not know how, or, on the contrary, experience insurmountable blocks within yourself. In such cases, a female pickup truck comes to the rescue. In the course of its study, you will be initiated into the main secrets of dating, they will help you get rid of indecision and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

During the course, you will be able to gain a lot of useful information, as well as practical knowledge and experience. In an atmosphere of absolute comfort and friendliness, you will learn:

  • How to overcome the fear of dating;
  • How to approach the person you like;
  • How to get to know him;
  • How to talk to a young man;
  • How to behave during dating;
  • How to please a man;
  • How to be confident and charming.

Do you want to know more?

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as well as more useful information on the topic of building relationships

Almost exactly what happened in October 1995, when the non-commercial computer network Fidonet (Fidonet) Sergey Ogurtsov opened the Ru forum. PickUp, which discussed the issues of "acquaintance with the opposite sex and the development of relationships." And although the participants of the conference were not world famous as the great Casanova, but the totality of their experience gave impetus to the development experiential approach to seduction.

That's how it came about pickup community, where each man's observations about how to succeed with women were discussed, systematized and entered into a knowledge base about specific qualities and behaviors that attract most women.

On this basis, formed pickup technology- a set of measures and actions designed to effectively attract an object of the opposite sex.

The term itself Pickup(English pick up - colloquially pick up) means acquaintance for the purpose of seduction. In such a narrow sense, it originated in the West, as a kind of gambling. However, over time, they started talking about a pickup truck as a scienceseduction and seduction, attracting attention, building strong relationships with the opposite sex.

Developing as a science, the pickup began to use the techniques of non-verbalism, neuro-linguistic programming, covert hypnosis and other manipulative techniques. A large number of seminars and trainings appeared, pick-up specialists began to publish manuals, blogs and forums. Pickup truck ideas have become popular among the youth.

At all pickup training mainly give practical adviсe to the following questions:

How to find a girl ("pickup victim")? Experienced seducers offer the most suitable places for dating, days of the week and even times of the day when girls are most inclined to contact, evaluate the likelihood of a successful pickup in certain conditions, offer suitable options for pickup methods and techniques.

How to meet a girl? Pickup gurus tell what types of girls there are, how to find out as much as possible about the "pickup victim", how to hook her at first sight, from a half-word, or even by a smell or a familiar melody. In accordance with the situation, they will teach you how to choose words for dating.

How to attract her? Here opens a wide field of various ways to impress:

  • Creation of a unique personality mythology ("I am one in a million!" or "I am one of those very ones!");
  • The embodiment in the details of the image corresponding to the image of the desired man (prince, scoundrel, superman, psychic, etc.); from clothes to demeanor and speech - everything should harmoniously fit into the legend of a unique personality;
  • Creating an illusion in a girl that individuality is valued in her, emphasizing the merits of her mind and body;
  • etc.

What is the fastest way to get close to her and seduce her? In this matter, pick-up artists often use neuro-linguistic programming techniques, tuning techniques, and other manipulations. The aerobatics of pick-ups is considered to be the creation of conditions and relationships so comfortable for the girl that the "victim of the pick-up" herself goes to the stage of seduction.

The pickup also touches on such problems as jealousy, painless separation, maintaining long-term relationships, unplanned pregnancy, and so on.

Exists ideological division among pickup artists on those who have turned the seduction of women into a "sport" to train their communication skills and use psychotechnics, and those who, using pickup methods, establish and maintain a comfortable relationship with "the one".

Now the movements of pick-up artists have begun to change in the direction of developing themselves as individuals. The seducer is no longer trying to hide his real self from the girl and build an image of a tough guy in front of her. He is constantly improving to actually become such a tough guy and win the unshakable right to date "the girl of his dreams." This movement in the ranks of a pickup truck is called Natural Game.

Also included here are green pickup rules, here are some of them:

  • Parting should be the least painless, the best option is her decision to remain friends;
  • At any parting, the girl should have pleasant memories of the seducer;
  • If a pick-up artist is only interested in sex, he should be frank with her and set her up accordingly;
  • And so on

Thus, the once-valid criticism of the pickup truck as "pure seduction without love" is slowly fading away as the art of seduction has moved beyond sporting interest to deeper issues of personal development and interpersonal relationships.