Is there discharge during early pregnancy. Discharge during early pregnancy: when should you sound the alarm? What does discharge during pregnancy mean?

In almost every case, the expectation of a child can be associated with some anxieties and worries. And often they are caused by discharge in early pregnancy. It is worth noting that they are present in any woman throughout her life. This is a kind of indicator of natural origin, which assesses the state of the female reproductive system.

And after a successful conception, vaginal discharge changes, in connection with which every woman wonders what they should be like at the initial stage of pregnancy. After all, not all of them say that the bearing of a child proceeds in a favorable way.

About what is normal

The secret that is released from the vagina is a special substance of a rather complex composition, which includes:

  • Mucus - is a "product" during the activity of the glands of the reproductive system, which are located in the uterus, neck of the reproductive organ, vagina.
  • Microorganisms - their permanent habitat is the vagina, and the number and type are constantly changing. Under normal conditions, many lactic acid bacteria predominate here, which prevent the development of other microbes that have got here. At the same time, the presence of microorganisms of a different type is not yet a pathology.
  • Epithelial cells - they cover the surface of all genital organs and often change. Their dead remains are an invariable component at the initial stage of pregnancy.

What are the discharge during early pregnancy? In terms of functionality, selections play a major role because:

  • Provide protection against pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Humidification of the environment during intercourse.
  • Contribute to the self-cleaning of the vagina.

Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, the discharge may have a different shade and consistency. In the ovulation phase, they are mucous in nature, stretch well, transparent, and in appearance they look like egg white. But some time after conception, usually 10-14 days, the discharge is already slightly different, which is associated with hormonal changes in the female body in case of successful fertilization of the egg.

In this case, the discharge becomes scarce, thick and no longer transparent. This is due to the production of progesterone, which, in fact, is the hormone of pregnancy. As for the shade, in the early stages of the selection of white, and among the people they are called dairy. Their thickening is caused by the need to create a plug in the cervix. And she has an equally important role - to close the access of various pathogenic microorganisms to the fetus throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

According to numerous reviews, there are always discharges during early pregnancy, but they should not bother the expectant mother. After all, this is a necessary physiological process, during which her body prepares for the maturation and bearing of the fetus. Therefore, there is no reason for panic and concern.

However, this applies to those cases when the discharge is transparent, white in color and they are not accompanied by discomfort, itching, unpleasant odor, burning. If you have at least one sign, you should visit a doctor.

What is not included in the norm

  • Unusual consistency.
  • Sharp unpleasant odor.
  • They have a yellowish, greenish, brown tint.

Often, blood impurities can be seen in this case. What all this may indicate should be analyzed in detail.

White discharge during early pregnancy

The white discharge familiar to many women can be accompanied by many troubles. Often it is itching with a burning sensation, which usually occurs after taking a shower, sexual intercourse, and even during sleep. The discharge may have a curdled consistency with an unpleasant sour smell.

The reason for this is the disease - vaginal candidiasis, which is also known as thrush. The causative agent is the Candida fungus, and it is present in the vagina of any woman. At the same time, under normal conditions of pregnancy, he behaves calmly and does not cause anxiety. Its activation can be facilitated by uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

The acidic environment of the vagina also changes, which also gives rise to the development of the fungus. Many future mothers already know this enemy by sight, and are trying to get rid of it with the help of the usual medicines.

However, you need to not only know what kind of discharge occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, but also make informed decisions. Taking medications without the consent of a doctor is accompanied by a certain risk to the fetus. And trying to protect herself and the child, a woman thereby gets the opposite result. This is due to the fact that most drugs should not be taken during pregnancy.

The secret of the yellowish tint

Not always yellowish discharge in early pregnancy can be considered the norm. At the same time, if they are not accompanied by pain and irritation, then there is no reason for concern. Otherwise, this may signal the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process in the presence of staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli.

Companions of yellow discharge may be the following manifestations - a sharp unpleasant odor, fever, pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible, since the onset of inflammation poses a potential threat to the child, provoking a miscarriage.

Why should the discharge of a yellow-green or gray-green hue against the background of foamy vesicles cause concern in early pregnancy? They may be a symptom of a disease that is only transmitted sexually. Among them:

  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis.

The treatment of such diseases is associated with certain difficulties, since doctors will have to choose those medications that will not harm the child.

Green discharge

In some cases, a woman may find green discharge with a characteristic fishy "flavor". This can be regarded as a sign of bacterial vaginosis. With this disease, the vaginal microflora is disturbed. In some cases, there may be a yellowish tint, but in the presence of the same smell. If the appearance of these signs is ignored by a woman, then inflammation can subsequently affect the bladder, appendages, and the inner surface of the walls of the uterus.

Any woman, upon discovering such symptoms, immediately begins to wonder, what should be the discharge during pregnancy in the early stages? And the green tint at least alarms her. As for the treatment itself, it is not carried out during pregnancy, the doctor's efforts are aimed at eliminating the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. A full course will be scheduled later, after the birth of the child.

What does brown discharge mean?

The appearance of brown discharge may be due to natural physiological processes, which is the generally accepted norm. If at the same time they are scarce and short-term (several hours or days), then there is nothing to worry about. This is due to the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus and the beginning of the germination of the chorionic villi.

In the case when brown discharge occurs in early pregnancy, there are good reasons for this:

  • Implantation bleeding.
  • Chorionic detachment.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Frozen pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding can usually be observed by 7-13 days after conception. This is also associated with the fixation of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus. There is no danger here, unless they persist for quite a long time.

Partial detachment of the chorion can lead to incomplete fixation of the fetal egg on the wall of the uterus. It can also happen during the formation of the placenta. In this case, a certain space is formed, filled with blood, which gradually begins to collapse. It is the dead red blood cells that give the discharge a brown tint. A timely visit to the doctor will help keep the pregnancy. For this, a special therapeutic course will be prescribed, which must take place in a hospital.

Sometimes the cause of brown discharge during early pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg, under certain circumstances, can not be fixed on the wall of the uterus, as expected, but in places completely unintended for this. And in most cases it is the fallopian tube. In this case, there is nothing left but to terminate the pregnancy. Moreover, the sooner such a pathology is detected, the better for the woman. Otherwise, the consequences are very dangerous, even fatal.

There are a variety of reasons for a missed pregnancy. In this case, the development of the fetus stops and it dies. For some time, the fetal egg begins to be rejected by the mucous membrane of the uterus, and this happens unevenly. As a result, hematomas are formed like retroplacental. In this case, the discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, intoxication of the body against the background of a deterioration in the general condition. Treatment in this case is only surgical, which is performed by curettage.

Bloody discharge in early pregnancy

No wonder the color red is associated with danger for many people. Moreover, you don’t need to go far for examples in nature itself, there are insects that disguise themselves with this shade to ensure their own safety. The same applies to spotting, which indicates a threat to the course of pregnancy or the health of a woman. It is worth taking into account only pronounced highlights. A few drops on underwear or a sanitary napkin mean nothing.

Blood impurities can be in the presence of certain diseases such as uterine fibroids, or due to polyps in the cervix, a bleeding defect, trauma. As a rule, the woman herself is well aware of the presence of such a condition, but a specialist consultation will not hurt.

And if this is not a discharge in the early stages of pregnancy without pain, then the causes of the appearance of blood can be:

  • Risk of spontaneous abortion.
  • Pseudo-erosion of the cervix.
  • Bubble drift.

Among all cases of blood in the discharge, the threat of abortion is in the first place. At the same time, the woman feels pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen, which are given to the sacrum and lower back. In this case, you should not hesitate - urgent hospitalization is needed, accompanied by preserving therapy. If the miscarriage that has begun has passed to the next stage, the pain becomes cramping in nature, accompanied by heavy bleeding. It is no longer possible to save the pregnancy, the woman must be hospitalized because this condition threatens her life.

Fresh blood inclusions in the secretions are insignificant and may appear after intercourse, intimate hygiene. In some cases, they are discovered by chance during a routine gynecological examination. It can also provoke small ones in early pregnancy. There is no threat to a woman or a child here.

Fortunately, hydatidiform mole occurs in very rare cases. This pathology is characterized by the fact that the chorionic villi, instead of starting to form the placenta, begin to transform into small vesicles. In this case, the embryo cannot develop and dies. For the woman herself, this condition threatens not only with heavy bleeding, chorionepithelioma begins to form. Urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention by curettage are necessary.

At the same time, in the first week of pregnancy, you can notice small blood blotches. This is due to the fact that the uterine blood supply increases. But in any case, at the slightest suspicion, you need to visit a doctor for advice.

Features of treatment

Based on the cause of the discharge, the necessary treatment is prescribed, which is individual in each case. If this is placental abruption, then help is required urgently. The treatment course will be aimed at maintaining the pregnancy when using hormonal drugs.

In the event that the cause of discharge in early pregnancy before the delay is the threat of premature termination of pregnancy, the woman must be hospitalized as soon as possible. At the same time, it is extremely important to observe strict bed rest, hormone therapy is carried out, and with abundant bleeding, hemostatics are prescribed.

With cervical erosion, a woman will be examined and she will be prescribed the necessary medications. As for cauterization of erosion, this manipulation is not done for the period of pregnancy for obvious reasons.

The situation is different if, during a routine examination of a woman or in connection with her complaints, the doctor discovers an alleged missed pregnancy. The patient is urgently delivered to the gynecological hospital. And with a confirmed diagnosis, the fetal egg is removed from the uterine cavity using curettage, mini-abortion or vacuum. It all depends on how long the pathology was detected. Whatever the reason, only the attending physician has the right to prescribe treatment!

Elementary Rules

Every woman monitors not only her health, but also personal hygiene. However, not everyone does it the way they should. But these rules are elementary and uncomplicated. And so that the discharge in the early stages of pregnancy does not bother with its appearance, sometimes it is enough to do the following:

  • Before daily procedures, wash your hands well with soap and water.
  • When washing the external genital organs, this should be done only with your own hands, without sponges and washcloths. So you can protect delicate skin from damage.
  • Washing itself should be done from front to back, which will avoid the penetration of various kinds of microorganisms.
  • During the entire period of pregnancy, do not take a bath or is in the pelvis, as the risk of infection is high. It is better to do with a light shower, and in its absence, use a ladle or a plastic bottle.
  • Douching or special baths are recommended only with the approval of a doctor.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to blot the surface of the skin with a clean towel, and it should be individual. If there are several women in the family, each has her own.
  • The genitals should not be vigorously rubbed, it is enough to blot with a towel several times to remove moisture.
  • It is not recommended to immediately put on underwear, you need to walk for at least 10-15 minutes without it - the skin will have time to rest.

By following these easy rules, many women will be able to protect themselves from the development of diseases of the female genital organs associated with improper hygiene. Discharge in early pregnancy worries every woman, but you just need to pay attention to their nature. What they should be has already been said, therefore, if even the slightest suspicion is found, it is necessary to immediately visit a doctor.

And what can you do while on long trips where it is impossible to take a shower? In this case, you can use napkins for intimate hygiene. In addition, the gasket should be changed every 4 hours in order to avoid the development of various microorganisms.


On the Internet, you can find a considerable number of sites where women share their experience with each other regarding pregnancy and give practical advice. But one correct conclusion should be made - in no case should you neglect a visit to the doctor if you find uncharacteristic discharge. There is a chance that things can still be improved.

At the beginning of pregnancy, almost any woman notices discharge, as they are the result of hormonal and physiological changes in the body. The body of the expectant mother adapts to the new position and begins to work differently to provide the fetus with everything necessary, because of this, the immune system becomes more vulnerable. What discharge in the early stages should not cause concern and when should you see a doctor?

The vaginal secret protects the mucosa and pelvic organs from infections and damage. It consists of the mucus that the cervix produces, the secretions of the sex glands, and desquamated epithelial cells. The "formula" of the vaginal secretion also includes microorganisms, in particular lactic acid bacteria. They perform a protective function and in the absence of health problems are characterized by low activity. Thanks to the secret, the genital tract has the ability to cleanse and bring out opportunistic pathogens, and the environment in them is maintained in a favorable state.

During the menstrual cycle, 3 phases change, each of which is characterized by a certain physiology and hormonal background. The latter also affects the state of the vaginal secretion. So, at the beginning of the cycle, while the dominant follicle with the egg matures in the ovaries, the functional layer - the endometrium - is rejected from the walls of the uterus, because of this menstrual flow occurs. Immediately after the end of this process, the endometrium begins to grow again, preparing to "accept" the fertilized egg. This process takes place under the influence of estrogen. It also makes the vaginal secret more liquid - in such an environment it will be easier for sperm to pass through the cervical canal. By the way, on the eve of ovulation, women who closely monitor changes in their body may notice liquid and even watery discharge.

What happens at the very beginning of pregnancy?

After ovulation, progesterone comes into play. Its level will increase during pregnancy, and one of the consequences will be an increase in the density of the vaginal secretion - thick mucus will better protect the uterus from infections. It is this pattern that determines which discharge during early pregnancy will be “safe”.

What discharge in pregnant women in the early stages is considered normal?

On the eve of ovulation, preceding conception, the vaginal secretion liquefies, on the days of ovulation, due to the activation of progesterone, the discharge becomes gel-like, and if the egg and sperm do not meet, the secret liquefies again due to estrogen. If there was a fact of conception, then under the influence of a growing concentration of progesterone, the vaginal secret will retain a dense consistency.


Normal discharge in early pregnancy is clear and moderately thick. They may become more abundant compared to previous cycles without conception, and such a change is not considered pathological. The main thing is to make sure that the discharge does not have an unpleasant pungent odor, there are no inclusions in it. "Side" symptoms such as dryness, burning or discomfort in the intimate area should also not be - such signs indicate the addition of an infection or the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.

Colorless discharge and leucorrhea without clots is the norm


White discharge in early pregnancy is considered a normal variant if it has a uniform consistency without clots, and resembles egg white in texture. A change in color from clear to whitish or milky white may be due to the onset of a mucous plug that will protect the fetus from infections and bacteria over the following months. You also need to consider that due to hormonal changes and increased activity of the functional layer of the uterus, the vaginal secret can also become more cloudy. Determining and accurately describing the exact color of vaginal secretion can be difficult, and for many whitish discharge during pregnancy appears light gray. In the absence of signs of irritation of the mucous membrane, it is not necessary to be afraid of such secretions.

implantation bleeding

Blood on underwear or panty liners after conception is an alarming symptom, but a small discharge in early pregnancy with streaks in the first two weeks may well be a manifestation of the so-called implantation bleeding. Its cause is the introduction of the fetal egg into the endometrium. This usually happens in the second half of the cycle, 3-7 days after ovulation, when the fertilized egg, having made its way through the fallopian tube, reaches the uterine cavity and is fixed in it. In the process of chorionic villi, the eggs covering the outer shell penetrate into the mucous lining the uterine cavity. It, in turn, is corroded by special enzymes that are produced by the shell of the embryo.

When does implantation bleeding occur?

All this can lead to minor and harmless damage to the capillaries of the uterine wall. As a result, yellow-brown or pale pink discharge appears in early pregnancy. They are very scarce, smearing, persist for several hours or a maximum of 2 days. The expectant mother, who does not know about her interesting position, may take them for the onset of menstruation earlier than the expected date, especially since implantation may be accompanied by a slight tension of the uterus and tingling in the lower abdomen. Similar symptoms, characteristic of implantation bleeding, are noted by about 30% of women, and they occur with a standard menstrual cycle of 28-30 days on the 24th day.

No discharge during early pregnancy

Allocations at an early stage of pregnancy before the delay may be absent. The fact is that each organism is unique and reacts in its own way to the changes taking place in it. Not always implantation and the first days of intrauterine development of the embryo will be accompanied by abundant and thick vaginal secretions, a similar sign may well remind you of itself in other weeks of the first trimester.

It can be extremely difficult for a woman for whom pregnancy is her first to figure out what is happening with her body and what variables are considered normal. If any discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is in doubt or concern, you should seek the advice of a doctor. Such a measure, firstly, will eliminate any risks, and secondly, communication with a specialist will reassure the expectant mother.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, discharge may not be

Discharge during early pregnancy: when to see a doctor

In the first trimester, a woman's body experiences real stress. The invading embryo, in which half of the genes are foreign, is perceived by the body as a threat. It begins to attack him with antibodies, but the activity of aggressive immunity from the moment of conception is suppressed by progesterone. This hormone "works" to maintain pregnancy. As a result - a decrease in the body's defenses and a greater susceptibility to inflammation, infections and pathogenic bacteria. Such diseases have characteristic symptoms and in the vast majority of cases their development is accompanied by changes in the vaginal secretion. So, what discharge in early pregnancy can be considered an alarming sign?


Curd discharge during early pregnancy is a sign of thrush. This disease, which is also called urogenital candidiasis, develops due to excessive activity of fungi of the genus candida. Most often, its cause is immunosuppression and weakening of the body. Increase the likelihood of the initial appearance or recurrence of such a disease such factors as:

  • medication, such as antibiotics, glucocorticoid hormones, and immunosuppressants;
  • non-compliance with basic standards of personal hygiene;
  • unbalanced diet with excess sugar and fast carbohydrates;
  • chronic diseases like diabetes;
  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, hemorrhoids, microflora disorders;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

Thrush in the first trimester should be treated as early as possible

In addition, under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal secretion becomes more acidic, the mucous membranes of the pelvic organs soften, and their blood supply increases. All this makes the conditions for the development of thrush almost ideal.

Curdled discharge during early pregnancy should not be ignored. The sooner the treatment of thrush begins, the faster its unpleasant symptoms will pass - itching, burning and severe discomfort. With timely therapy, such a disease is not dangerous, but if it is “launched”, the risks of delayed complications during the period of bearing a child, natural childbirth and cesarean section increase. In addition, the mucous membrane affected by the fungus becomes more vulnerable to infections, which in turn can become a direct threat to the child.

Yellow highlights

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy most often accompanies reproductive system problems such as inflammation and infection. They are a typical symptom of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and other bacterial lesions. All these diseases are especially dangerous during exacerbation or primary accession in the first trimester, when all organs and systems of the child are laid, and there is no placenta that protects it yet.

Yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor - a sign of infection

Yellowish discharge can be seen with the development of "pre-pregnant" diseases that have been activated due to immune suppression, as well as with bacterial vaginosis, allergies to panty liners, synthetic underwear or personal care products. Such changes in the color of the hormonal secret, especially if they are accompanied by the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor, itching or painful sensations, are a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can conduct a high-quality diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will minimize the risks for the baby and mother.

Green and frothy discharge

Greenish discharge at the beginning of pregnancy, which can be joined by foamy or purulent inclusions, indicates the addition of trichomoniasis. Pathological leucorrhoea in this case is accompanied by severe itching and even painful sensations, the vaginal secretion has a sharp and strong odor. Under normal conditions, this disease is quickly treated with pharmaceuticals, but the main problem is that many drugs are toxic to the fetus. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. It is necessary to seek help if such a symptom appears as soon as possible: trichomoniasis in the first trimester can provoke an abortion.

When urgent medical attention is needed

In the first trimester, pregnancy is very “fragile” and sensitive to a huge number of external factors. Wrong lifestyle and bad habits, excessive physical activity, severe stress, infections and high temperature - these and dozens of other factors provoke threats to the development and life of the fetus. The most dangerous discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is bloody.

Scanty brown discharge in early pregnancy

A brown "daub" a week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation may be implantation bleeding. If brown discharge during pregnancy appears after the 5-6th week, you need to urgently call a doctor or go to the hospital: it is this symptom that accompanies the detachment of the fetal egg. A similar condition can develop due to problems with the endometrium, adhesions and scars inside the uterus, inflammation or neoplasms. Detachment can lead to miscarriage, in some circumstances - at the earliest stages, it can be stopped. But this requires hospital treatment and continuous medical supervision. "Safe" brown discharge may occur due to irritation of the sensitive cervix or after sexual intercourse. In any case, such a symptom should not be ignored.

Bloody discharge is a dangerous symptom

Blood on the linen or daily pad of a woman “in position” is always an alarming sign and a reason for emergency hospitalization. Scarlet, dark red and even black discharge during early pregnancy may accompany:

  • detachment of the fetal egg;
  • fading of embryo development due to hormonal, chromosomal and mechanical factors;
  • an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo implants in the fallopian tubes, the rudimentary horn of the uterus, or the ovary.

If red discharge appears at any stage of pregnancy, if there is pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and in the absence of any associated symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Vaginal discharge is a physiological norm and is present in all women who have reached puberty. They are needed in order to irrigate, cleanse and protect the genital tract. After ovulation and the attachment of the fetal egg, the entire body is rebuilt and is preparing to provide everything necessary for a new life that originated in its depths. The nature of the mucus is also changing, because the hormonal system hastily adapts to carry out the biological program. Consider whether there can be discharge at what is considered the norm in this case and what is a pathology.

What is considered normal

Normal vaginal discharge consists of:

  • epithelial cells in a small amount;
  • mucus produced by the cervical canal;
  • some microorganisms - representatives of the vaginal microflora.

During the menstrual cycle, vaginal discharge changes as follows. The first half is accompanied by a meager secretion of mucus, which becomes more abundant due to the onset of ovulation in a woman.

Ovulation itself can be marked by spotting, indicating a rupture of the follicle. That couple of days while they last is the perfect time for.

Did you know? The vagina is a self-cleansing organ, its secret is intended, among other things, to serve as a barrier to pathogens. A healthy microflora prevents the penetration of bacteria, fungi and other alien organisms, but, unfortunately, is not able to protect against STDs.

After this event, the amount allocated becomes scarce and is replaced by menstruation in due time, if conception did not occur. In case of successful fertilization, after three weeks, single or bloody discharges lasting about a day may appear. They indicate the implantation of an egg fertilized by a spermatozoon into the wall of the uterus.

But even before this happens, two weeks after conception, hormonal changes begin in the body, which are carried out in a hurry. The appearance of vaginal discharge changes due to the work of the hormone - progesterone.

They are thick, not abundant, painted white. Their thickening is necessary in order to form a mucous plug in the canal, which clogs the access of all kinds of infections to the unborn child and serves as protection throughout the entire gestation period.

The first 12 weeks are ruled by progesterone, and from the 13th week estrogen comes to replace it, making the secret more liquid and much more abundant.
It should not be accompanied by a burning sensation or smell and resembles raw egg white in appearance and consistency - transparent or slightly whitish and certainly of a homogeneous structure: lumps, clots, flakes and other evidence of its violation are not the norm.

Important! Sometimes they are so plentiful that it makes sense to use pads. It is better to use daily odorless and additives, it is strongly not recommended to use tampons.

It happens that the discharge looks suspicious, may be of an unusual color, accompanied by uncomfortable sensations and even a syndrome that can hardly be considered the norm. The reason for this can be various infections of the genitourinary system, pathologies of internal organs and other adverse factors.

When to See a Doctor Immediately

Bearing is not an easy job, and it should be treated as an interesting, exciting, useful, but very responsible and sometimes not very easy favorite job. In particular, the duties of the expectant mother include careful self-care, which becomes the key to the successful bearing and birth of a child.
The doctor who accompanies the pregnancy becomes an ally in this matter. At a scheduled appointment, he, among other things, asks questions about the discharge.

An alarming signal is the appearance discomfort in the vagina and in the area of ​​the external genital organs from itching to burning. They indicate the presence of microorganisms that are not representatives of the normal microflora.

Painful and pulling sensations in or that do not lose their intensity and / or intensify are a reason to seek medical help as soon as possible, and rapidly growing and severe pain requires an immediate response and an ambulance call.
A change in the color of the vaginal secretion almost always indicates a pathological process that can harm both the unborn child and his mother, especially if this color of the "bloody" spectrum is from pink to brown, or unnaturally bright - yellow, green, etc.

Important! It must be understood that any self-medication can be fraught with undesirable and even dangerous consequences that endanger the health and life of two people: the expectant mother and her child.

No doctor has the right to make a diagnosis based on the external characteristics of vaginal discharge alone. Only complex of surveys and their results gives grounds for diagnostic conclusions.

If you find unusual discharge, you should not wind yourself up by studying the Internet and making terrible assumptions, but you should contact your doctor, who will prescribe treatment as soon as possible or eliminate causes for concern, because pregnant women do not need to expose themselves to unnecessary stress.

Important! If time does not endure before a doctor's appointment or it happens on weekends, while the pain increases, bloody or other unnatural discharge appears, you need to call an ambulance that will take you to the hospital.

Coloring of all kinds of secretions

The fact that the nature, appearance, smell and color of discharge during pregnancy change is the norm, especially on. But sometimes they can signal pathologies, infections and other troubles, therefore, you should be vigilantly monitored and promptly inform the doctor about suspicious discharges.

One of the indicators is the color of the allocated secret. Let us characterize the most common pathological discharges.


  • Threat of abortion. When spotting appears, especially in the early stages, the doctor should first of all exclude the beginning process of terminating the pregnancy. A short-term miscarriage due to detachment of the fetal egg is characterized by scarlet spotting and aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Lack of adequate timely therapy leads to an irreversible process. The uterus during spontaneous abortion is reduced, which responds with cramping pains. In some cases, profuse bleeding occurs, which is a direct threat to the life of a woman.

Did you know? A healthy vagina of a woman of reproductive age secretes about 1 teaspoon of secretion per day.

  • Pseudo-erosion of the cervix. With this pathology, blood is released after sexual intercourse, gynecological examination, some hygiene procedures, in general, after contact exposure.
  • bubble skid. A rather rare pathology in which the chorionic villi are reborn into cystic formations, as a result of which the fetal egg dies. This is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate intervention in the form of curettage of the uterine cavity. It threatens not only blood loss, but also a possible degeneration into a malignant formation.
  • uterine fibroids. If a fetal egg is attached to the surface of the myomatous node, bleeding may begin, which means its death and the danger of blood loss for a woman.
  • Polyp of the cervix or cervical canal. It can respond to mechanical damage with spotting and even bleeding.
  • Diseases in which blood clotting is impaired.
  • Abdominal injury.

Did you know? Sometimes the hormonal system can “remember” the menstrual cycle and, on the days when it should have been, show meager spotting. As a rule, after a maximum of three months, she “forgets” about menstruation, busy with more pressing needs.


  • Implantation of the ovum. Dark discharge may appear one to two weeks after fertilization has occurred, they are the norm in early pregnancy and indicate that the implantation was successful. Implantation bleeding is so meager that it can go unnoticed, but in some cases it can last a day, a maximum of two. Usually it is a spot about the size of a pea. During the connection, a woman feels short-term pain or discomfort in the abdomen, but this process may well go unnoticed, especially if she is unaware of the “interesting position” that has come. The color of such secretions varies from light brown to quite dark.
  • Chorionic detachment. For some reason, the fetal egg exfoliates from the uterus in some area, as a result of which a retroplacental hematoma is formed between the uterus and the chorion. The accumulated blood during the continuation of the detachment comes out in the form. This case requires medical intervention that can help keep the pregnancy going.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Brown discharge in the presence of pain in the iliac region of a moderate or severe nature indicates an ectopic pregnancy and rejection of the endometrium from the uterus, which began in the early stages. The process may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. The condition requires immediate medical intervention, as it threatens the woman's life.
  • Frozen pregnancy. After the death of the embryo, which occurred for any reason, the fetal egg detaches from the uterine cavity, as a result of which dark discharge appears. Conservative treatment in such cases is not carried out, this is a direct indication for surgical intervention.

Important! Brown discharge is the same blood, with the difference that scarlet blood indicates the bleeding that is currently taking place and the need to stop it in order to avoid blood loss, while the brown color indicates that the blood has had time to clot, that is, the integrity of the blood vessels was broken some time ago.


  • Inflammatory process. The presence during pregnancy most often indicates that the infection occurred before the moment of fertilization, but, oppressed by the immune system, did not show any symptoms. After the immunity of the pregnant organism weakened its "grip" and took up more pressing issues, the infection revived and took up its direct task - reproduction. The causative agents can be cytomegalovirus, ureaplasma, chlamydia and others. Such secretions have an unpleasant odor and carry a serious threat to - from miscarriage to a serious developmental disorder.
  • Started miscarriage. It can be signaled by discharge of a dark yellow color. Medical attention should be sought immediately to increase the chances of maintaining the pregnancy.
  • . Inappropriate hygiene products or uncomfortable underwear can cause yellow or beige discharge, which in the early stages can be confused, for example, with implantation bleeding, which occurs at the beginning of pregnancy.
  • Inflammation of the ovaries. The bright yellow color of the discharge indicates an inflammatory process occurring in the ovaries or fallopian tubes, which requires timely and adequate treatment prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his control.
heterogeneous structure, reminiscent of cottage cheese and having a sour smell. Due to some suppression of the immune system, as well as hormonal activity, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, the conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is suppressed by the immune system for the time being, begins to develop rapidly when favorable conditions arise for this. Candidiasis is a very unpleasant condition that is easy to get rid of: the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment, and at the same time exclude concomitant diseases.
  • Trichomoniasis. This disease is characterized by abundant foamy discharge, which has a green tint, causing burning and itching in the genitals and having an unpleasant odor. This is a very dangerous disease during pregnancy, threatening miscarriage and miscarriage. Treatment of trichomoniasis is unsafe for a child, since drugs that affect the bacteria are toxic to the fetus. However, you should definitely consult a doctor for a strategy and treatment, since inaction is extremely dangerous, and the symptoms of the disease worsen over time.

Discharge from the vagina is quite physiological and naturally changes its character during pregnancy.

If they seem suspicious in color, are accompanied by discomfort or have an unpleasant odor, you should contact your doctor for the appointment of the necessary treatment.

If the anxiety has no reason, the doctor will reassure, if there are reasons, he will prescribe timely therapy, which will help to endure a healthy child.

Discharge in women is a regular phenomenon. However, this is not always evidence of any abnormalities or diseases of the reproductive organs. Not an exception and discharge during pregnancy in the early stages, which are considered the norm. Which ones are natural and what, accordingly, indicates the onset of the disease, find out further.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes restructuring. This happens due to natural physiological processes and under the action of the hormone progesterone. At the start of pregnancy, light discharge is the norm.

But in this period, bloody discharge is also not uncommon, namely on the days when menstruation occurred before pregnancy. The complete absence of vaginal discharge during pregnancy is not excluded.

What is discharge during pregnancy

Clear discharge during pregnancy is a consequence of hormonal changes. If a mucous secret is secreted, similar to raw chicken protein, everything is normal. It represents a kind of protection of the female genitalia and accelerates the advancement of the sperm to the egg. This secret is subject to change. So:

  • at the time of fertilization, the discharge is distinguished by viscosity, density, it is opaque;
  • when conception occurred, it is a slimy, meager secret produced by the vaginal mucosa;
  • during pregnancy, it can become either transparent or white; it is possible that - red, brown or yellow.


The main reason for the occurrence of discharge in the first trimester, as mentioned above, is the hormonal restructuring of the female body.

What secretions are dangerous and safe

A transparent secret is safe. If it is with a brown tint, this is usually characteristic of the first month of pregnancy on the expected days of menstruation. In case of aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, go to the hospital.

The appearance of an abundant brown secretion may indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy. In this case, the pain in the lower abdomen can already be quite strong.

The bloody secret, similar to that observed during menstruation, is also very dangerous: it can threaten placental abruption, and is also characteristic of ectopic pregnancy.

The impact of progesterone

The second week of pregnancy is characterized by discharge of a creamy nature and opaque. This is a consequence of the production of the main hormone for the gestation period - progesterone.

Pain and discharge - a reason to see a doctor

The increased concentration of the latter favors the reliable fixation of the embryo in the uterine mucosa approximately 10 days after conception. Therefore, the above discharge in women before menstruation may be evidence of pregnancy.

fertilized egg: implantation

Allocations at the very beginning of pregnancy can be insignificant, colored brownish or pink, and also be blood-streaked. The fact is that at this stage, a fetal egg is introduced into the endometrium of the uterus.

Blood vessels are often damaged, hence the temporary mini-bleeding. It is worth noting that such discharges do not pose any danger. If in doubt, consult a doctor.

Mucus plug formation

In the first month of pregnancy, a mucous plug is formed: it is necessary to protect both the internal cavity of the uterus and, accordingly, the fetus from the penetration of infectious agents during the entire gestational period. Therefore, the growing transparent secret at this time is quite natural.

Hormonal fluctuations

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body undergoes serious transformations, primarily associated with changes in the hormonal background. Often, such a hormonal rearrangement is somewhat late, since each organism is individual.

If minor spotting during the planned period is not painful, and your well-being does not worsen, do not worry.

Allergic reaction

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of a woman increases significantly. Therefore, even ordinary, previously familiar means can now cause an allergic reaction, which is manifested by the release of abundant liquid leucorrhea and, in addition, is accompanied by irritation or itching.

First of all, you should identify the allergen and eliminate its effect. Often, this is enough to stop such discharge during pregnancy.

bubble skid

Such a pathology of the development of the fetal egg is quite rightly considered very serious. And it is very rare (it can be one case in 1000).

At first, this manifests itself similarly to normal gestation: a positive test, mostly quite intense toxicosis, “jumps” in blood pressure, and general weakness. Further, the appearance of blood like foam is possible. And the pregnant woman herself feels worse and worse.

Unfortunately, if this happens, surgery is the only possible method of therapy. You should also take the rehabilitation period seriously and throw all your strength into restoring health, without fail doing everything prescribed by your doctor.

Frozen pregnancy

The appearance of brown discharge in some cases may be evidence that the development of the embryo has stopped. The death of an embryo inside the mother's womb is possible if at first the woman had gestational signs, then abruptly stopped, and in parallel with this, brown spots appeared on the linen.

The latter (brown secretion) is due to the fact that the embryo began to exfoliate from the walls of the uterus. In this case, only an examination will help dispel doubts.

Cervical erosion

Brown discharge may also appear with erosion of the cervix. In this case, their appearance is explained by mechanical damage to the surface of the area that is affected by the disease.

A similar secretion can be observed after a gynecological examination. It should be noted that erosion therapy during pregnancy is not provided, but is postponed for the postpartum period.

Only a doctor can prescribe medicines

Allocations in the early stages of bearing a child: what can be

The vaginal secret is the best evidence of the condition of the pregnant woman. In the early stages, the smell, texture, color of the discharge or the sensations that accompany the appearance of a secret are important. The normal discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy is:

  • colorless;
  • odorless;
  • watery.

But you should definitely consult a doctor if mucus appears:

  • yellow or greenish hue;
  • brown;
  • white curd.

What discharge is considered the norm

Transparent color, small amount, lack of smell - all this is considered the norm for discharge from the genital organs during pregnancy. A small amount of transparent, odorless mucus forms a plug, indicating successful attachment of the embryo to the cervix.

Discharges that are considered pathological

Allocations in pregnant women in the early stages, which are accompanied by painful sensations and are caused by fungi or bacteria, are classified as pathological. So, the reproduction of the Candida fungus can be caused by candidiasis. Its treatment in pregnant women is impossible due to the fact that the necessary therapeutic agents are contraindicated for them.


Candidiasis with white discharge, but with a bad smell and with a change in consistency (which has become curdled), as well as accompanied by reddening of the genital organs and burning, can affect the fact that deep ruptures of the genital tract occur during childbirth. The tissues near the vaginal walls become loose, lose their elasticity: in this case, the woman will have a difficult birth.

At the beginning of pregnancy, there may be bleeding provoked by the implantation of a fertilized egg.


The most dangerous for a pregnant woman is the appearance of a scarlet secret. If the bleeding is severe, with intense pain in the lower abdomen, such a secret may be evidence of a threatened miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

If in the early stages the discharge is brown or light brown and not abundant, they are considered not fatal to the fetus.

The reasons for the appearance of a scarlet secret can be:

  • cystic skid;
  • cervical erosion;
  • polyp of the cervical canal;
  • "Incorrect" gynecological examination;
  • careless douching;
  • diseases associated with the problem of blood clotting;
  • myoma nodes.


Gray secretion in the early stages, as a rule, is accompanied by a burning sensation in the genitals and an unpleasant odor. This may indicate a sexual infection. In particular, trichomoniasis is extremely dangerous for pregnant women. A woman with such a diagnosis is subject to hospitalization. It is not easy to bear a baby and pregnant women with bacterial vaginitis.


Discharge of this color may indicate a lack of the same progesterone hormone in the blood of a pregnant woman, which supports her body during this period, contributing to the tone and growth of the uterus, and so on.

Also, a small amount of cream or beige discharge with discomfort in the vulva in the early stages of bearing a baby can mean an inflammatory disease. The reasons may be:

  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis or gardenellosis;
  • staphylococci;
  • coli.


A slight secret of a light brown color may occur during the period when a fetal egg is attached to the uterus. If such discharge at the start of pregnancy is one-time and short-term, and also scarce, then they do not pose a danger.

But dark brown discharge with discomfort in the lower abdomen may indicate detachment of the outer fetal membrane of the embryo or the future placenta.

A brown secret that occurs from time to time or its single appearance in the first three months of pregnancy may indicate an ectopic or frozen pregnancy. This is due to the death of the embryo and the fetal egg remaining in the uterine cavity.

Soon, the placenta begins to exfoliate from the uterine walls, which is why a brown secret appears in the pregnant woman. Such a pathology requires immediate medical attention.

Treatment of discharge in early pregnancy

If tests for pathological discharge in early pregnancy confirm a fungal or vaginal infection, the woman is given safe treatment that will not harm either the fetus or herself.

Bloody secretion during this period of pregnancy is treated by taking medications and a special diet.

The erosion of the cervix that occurred after the onset of pregnancy is removed using electrocoagulation. If there are complications, anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated.

Discharge during pregnancy is not always a pathology, but requires confirmation from a doctor

Therapy of foamy secretions is carried out with the help of effective medications, but such remedies are not suitable for all pregnant women.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, the woman is prescribed hormonal drugs.


In the first three months of pregnancy, a woman's discharge is especially strong, but this is natural for the restructuring of the hormonal background and the adaptation of the body to future changes.

It is necessary to systematically monitor hygiene, use special daily pads. Do not allow the development of an infectious process.

Discharge from the genitals in women immediately after conception or a little later scares expectant mothers. This phenomenon is completely different from the menstrual cycle, so many women mistakenly believe that discharge during pregnancy is a pathology.

Only a qualified gynecologist can establish the initial cause, as well as diagnose the nature of the released substance. The substance comes in different colors: colorless, yellow, red and even dark tones.

Normal secretions do not have a characteristic odor and leak in small quantities. You need to know in which case this is considered a pathology and why this happens in women in position.

How does the female body change after conception

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes.

Some time after conception (at 6,7,8,9-14 weeks), symptoms of early pregnancy begin to appear, characterizing changes in the female body:

  1. The sensitivity of the breast increases. In the early stages, uncharacteristic chest pain is felt. The nipples increase in size, a light touch brings discomfort to a woman. In addition to pain and discomfort, colostrum is released from the chest - a colorless, odorless substance. As a rule, this phenomenon is a positive factor and is not considered a pathology;
  2. Increase in basal temperature. This factor is due to the fact that in the female body, 2-3 weeks after conception, progesterone begins to be produced. The optimum temperature, which will be kept on an ongoing basis, is 37 degrees, but sometimes, the indicator will rise to 38 degrees;
  3. Toxicosis. One of the first signs. The frequency of vomiting increases, some smells cause nausea. The phenomenon occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background;
  4. Blood clots. After the sperm cell has successfully entered the uterus, blood clots may be released from it. This is normal. However, if they continue to stand out on the 29-30th day after conception, this is a reason to contact a specialist.

For each woman, pregnancy takes place on an individual basis, so the above phenomena may occur in a more or less intense mode.

Secretion in early pregnancy - the norm or pathology

Throughout her life, a woman has discharge - menstrual, daily, as a result of a viral or infectious disease, etc. This is a natural process provided by female physiology. But is it considered a pathology in early pregnancy? It's all about the nature, color and intensity of the discharge.

A few weeks after conception, the first outflows appear - thick, transparent masses. The phenomenon is due to the fact that a new hormone appears in the female body - progesterone, which is a key factor in a successful pregnancy.

Some of the fair sex may begin menstruation if the conception occurred on the "red" dates of the calendar. In some cases, the menstrual cycle can harm the female body or the unborn fetus, so for your own peace of mind, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.

An important factor is the absence of pain, unpleasant odor or abundance. If these symptoms are present, the situation is considered a pathological abnormality and urgent intervention is required.

What is discharge in pregnant women - possible causes

Discharge from the genitals is the result of a "large-scale reconstruction" of the body. The hormonal background undergoes the greatest changes due to the production of a new hormone - progesterone. This is an indispensable element that actively “works” for the first three months of pregnancy.

Its production is accompanied by the appearance of a thick and viscous mass, vaguely resembling mucus. This is not considered a pathology and is considered normal. It is enough to use a daily gasket to correct the current situation.

Another symptom that occurs at 5-5 weeks is the appearance of blood clots. As a rule, they occur on the day when the menstrual cycle was supposed to begin. The factor is determined by the fact that the body has not “rebuilt” completely and functions according to the previous routine.

In the absence of pain, blood clots do not pose a threat to a woman in position. It is worth contacting a gynecologist for a control check.

What is considered normal discharge

In the early stages, there is practically no discharge, which can be a sign of pathology.

Consider several types that are considered the norm:

  • Colorless, odorless. As repeatedly mentioned earlier, this phenomenon is caused by the work of progesterone.
  • Blood clots. Occur as a result of the penetration of the embryo into the uterus.
  • Liquid colorless discharge, odorless. Closer to the second trimester, new changes occur in the hormonal background, and instead of progesterone, estrogen begins to actively act. It helps the body adapt to the ongoing pregnancy and restores the changed hormonal background;
  • Discharge resulting from poor hygiene. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. Due to impaired daily hygiene, an allergic reaction occurs on the genitals, accompanied by redness on the skin, a rash and other unpleasant aspects. The end result of such negligence is irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of purple mucus (due to damage to the walls of the vagina). By treating the affected area with antiseptics and stabilizing daily hygiene, this deviation can be eliminated.

It is very important to remember to use sanitary napkins, as well as to change underwear several times daily. Follow all the rules established by a specialist, and then the pregnancy will pass without complications.

When to See a Gynecologist

Some manifestations of fluid and clots in the first trimester indicate a pathology present. If you do not contact a medical institution in a timely manner, the subsequent consequences can greatly affect the condition of the fetus, which will lead to uncontrolled complications.

Blood clots that are released with pain or an unpleasant odor are the primary sign of abnormalities. There is a possibility of violations inside the uterus or loss of cervical tone. As noted earlier, blood clots signal the menstrual cycle if, for any reason, conception occurred during the period of menstruation.

Yellow-green clots indicate an infection that develops inside the genitals. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to delay. If the spreading infectious process reaches the uterus, then the risk of miscarriage will increase significantly.

Pink fluid sometimes indicates internal bleeding, but there is no significant cause for panic. Contact a medical institution for diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment.

The specialist talks about the discharge at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy:


In the first trimester of pregnancy, discharge is especially pronounced, accompanied by a restructuring of the hormonal background and the body's adaptation to future changes.

Maintain daily hygiene. Use special pads. This will help prevent the development of an infectious process. If you experience any abnormalities, severe pain or bloody clots, you need to urgently seek help from a gynecologist.

In medical statistics, it is noted that similar symptoms are present in an ectopic pregnancy or sudden internal bleeding.