What breast at the beginning of pregnancy. What happens to the breasts during pregnancy and how to properly care for them

The breast begins to change from the very beginning of pregnancy, it can be the first to inform the expectant mother about the new position. After all, the stomach will grow much later, and the chest already in the second or third month is filled and enlarged. True, changes in the breast during pregnancy are as individual as the shape of the abdomen of the expectant mother.
Not only the appearance differs, but also the sensations in the mammary glands, in some mothers the chest hurts a lot from the early stages of pregnancy, while others experience practically no discomfort.

Breast changes during pregnancy.

Breast changes during pregnancy are caused by hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and prolactin. Under the influence of hormones in the first trimester, the ducts and alveoli of the mammary glands grow, the breast slowly increases. Blue wreaths, translucent through the skin of the chest, become more visible.

The tubercles of Montgomery also change - glands that secrete a secret that lubricates the nipple and protects it from drying out. If before pregnancy there are 3–4 Montgomery tubercles and they are barely noticeable, then the expectant mother has an average of 10–12 (although it can be more), and they increase in size.

In the second trimester, the breast becomes even larger both inside and out, glandular tissue grows. In the third trimester, about 12 weeks before delivery, colostrum begins to be produced in the breast. A white or yellowish fluid may come out of the nipples.

The breast increases even more, because the ducts are filled with colostrum. Full-fledged milk is not yet produced, this is prevented by progesterone, a rush of milk will occur within a few days after childbirth and the breast will increase again.

Changes during pregnancy are subject not only to the mammary glands themselves, but also to the nipple and areola (peripapillary circle). The areola becomes darker due to pigmentation, the skin of the areola and nipples becomes thicker, and the nipple itself increases.

All changes are necessary, they are conceived by nature. So the thickening and compaction of the nipples makes them more resistant to sucking. The darkening of the area allows the baby to find the breast faster, because the dark nipples are more visible.

Sometimes pigmentation affects not only the nipples, but also the skin of the breast becomes covered with age spots. These are natural changes during pregnancy, after some time after childbirth, everything will pass.

Feelings in the chest during pregnancy.

The sensations in the chest during pregnancy in women can be completely different. Usually at the beginning of pregnancy, most mothers experience pain, tingling, itching.

The breasts may become more sensitive, and touching them may be unpleasant or even painful. In most cases, discomfort and pain disappear in the second trimester, however, firm and swollen breasts will be throughout pregnancy. Occasionally, women suffer from chest pains for almost the entire pregnancy.

If the breasts are swollen and enlarged, but do not hurt - this is also completely normal, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman.

Stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy.

The appearance of stretch marks on the chest depends on heredity, but care also plays a role. From the first weeks of pregnancy, as soon as breast changes begin, you can moisturize and nourish the breast skin with olive oil or special products for expectant mothers. Unfortunately, manufacturers of creams and oils for pregnant women cannot guarantee 100% safety for the fetus. If you do not understand the components of cosmetics, it is better to use natural products.

To maintain the shape of the breast, it is important to choose the right bra. It can be a special maternity bra or one that is made from natural materials and supports the breast well (preferably with wide straps and pitted).

Hair on the chest during pregnancy.

Under the influence of hormones, hair can appear on the chest. Vellus hair is all over the body, but during pregnancy, the life cycle of the hair increases, so it can become more or darker due to hormonal changes.

It is not recommended to remove non-breast hair during pregnancy; you can injure delicate skin and even cause an infection. However, you should not worry about the appearance of excess hair, although it is unpleasant, after a while after childbirth everything will return to normal.

Although the feel and appearance of breasts varies greatly between pregnant women, almost all expectant mothers have very beautiful, full and rounded breasts. Often, changes in the breast are one of the first signs of pregnancy, so mothers perceive them with joy.

At the initial stage of pregnancy, there are not so many signs of successful conception. First of all, women are guided by sensations in the chest area, since it begins to change in the first months after fertilization. What should be the breast at different times and which of the changes are the norm?

How does a woman's breasts change during pregnancy?

To understand what happens to the breast during pregnancy, it is important to know its structure. The breast consists of the mammary gland, or parenchyma, adipose and connective tissues. Parenchyma is formed by glandular cells in which milk is produced. Sometimes cells can also be found in the armpits, which is why this area changes during pregnancy and lactation. Connective tissue divides the mammary gland into 15-20 lobes and connects it to the pectoral muscle. Adipose tissue is located between the lobes of the gland and protects the parenchyma from damage. The volume of adipose tissue affects the size and shape of the bust.

The lactiferous ducts leaving the alveoli of the mammary gland unite into the lactiferous sinuses, which form the nipple. The pigmented area of ​​skin around the nipple is called the areola. When this area is stimulated, milk is released.

The changes mainly concern the parenchyma and how the areola and nipples look. The breast during pregnancy changes gradually under the influence of hormones, and the nature of the changes depends on the period.

In the early stages

Swollen breasts are one of the first signs of pregnancy. The hormones progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and prolactin, which are produced during pregnancy, stimulate the division of glandular tissue cells. This process is often accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands and armpits, an increase in their size and an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples.

The breast at the 6th week of pregnancy changes externally. Many girls have dark areolas. This is due to the increased production of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin. There is a version that the dark color of the nipples serves as a visual signal for the baby. In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the breasts sometimes begin to grow in the last months, and the above signs may be absent.

In 2-3 trimesters

Sometimes at the end of the 1st trimester, the pain disappears. This may signal the death of the fetus. If the mammary glands stop hurting by the beginning of the 2nd trimester, it is worth being examined by a doctor to exclude a missed pregnancy. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the pain will return soon.

In the 2nd trimester, blood circulation in the chest increases and a venous network appears on the surface of the skin. A viscous yellowish liquid is released from the nipples - colostrum (more details in the article:). At first, a little colostrum is produced - a few drops a day, but by the 30th week, the volume of secretions increases.

The skin of the bust does not have time to adapt to the rapid growth of the mammary glands, which causes stretch marks. Fresh striae have a purple or reddish tint, but fade over time. The skin in places of rupture becomes thinner.

Montgomery's tubercles become more noticeable - anatomical formations on the areola. Their function is currently unknown. Presumably, the Montgomery glands, the excretory ducts of which open at the tops of the tubercles, secrete a secret that contains a substance that is captured by the child's olfactory organs. This substance encourages the newborn to suckle at the breast.

By 9 months, a pregnant woman's breasts increase by 2-3 sizes. If in non-pregnant women the mammary glands weigh 150-200 g, then by the time of delivery, the weight of each gland is 900 g.

Why do the mammary glands hurt in pregnant women?

Breast pain during pregnancy is normal. Pain and increased sensitivity are due to the growth of glandular tissue.

Preparation for lactation in different women occurs in different ways: some feel aching pain, while others only feel tingling. You need to be wary in cases where only one gland hurts or the pain has become too strong.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by tight clothing. This is especially true of the bra. Incorrectly selected underwear interferes with normal blood circulation. When choosing a bra, you should make sure that it does not squeeze the mammary glands. It is advisable to choose underwear, the size of which is adjustable, because during pregnancy the volume of the breast will change.

Early and late breast examination

Pregnant women are prescribed the following types of examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands. Ultrasound is performed if there is a suspicion of the presence of neoplasms. The intensive growth of glandular tissue makes it difficult to diagnose, so ultrasound reveals only large formations.
  • Palpation and examination of the glands and axillary lymph nodes. It is performed in a lying or sitting position. Can be used for self-diagnosis prior to admission.
  • Blood test for prolactin and macroprolactin. Assign to confirm or rule out the presence of a pituitary tumor.
  • Test for tumor markers.
  • MRI of the brain. Carried out for the diagnosis of prolactinoma.

Why did the breasts swell and shrink?

The first 10 weeks of pregnancy, when the endocrine system is rebuilt, the bust increases, but after that it may decrease. This is a variant of the norm - in the early stages the body adapts to hormonal changes. When colostrum begins to be produced, the breasts will grow again. However, a decrease in bust size can be a sign of a miscarriage. If a woman notices that her breasts are deflated during pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a specialist.

Another possible reason is weight loss. A significant part of the mass of the breast is adipose tissue. When a woman loses weight, the fat layer decreases and, as a result, the volume.

When should you see a doctor?

The first sign of mastitis is hot mammary glands during pregnancy. Inflammation is caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus and some other types of bacteria that enter the mother's body from the mouth of the baby. Lactostasis and difficult emptying of the milk ducts create favorable conditions for pathogens. Mastitis is more commonly diagnosed in breastfeeding women, although it also occurs in girls. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the breast "burns" if the glands are overflowing with milk. The disease is treated with antibiotics and novocaine blockade.

Seals are a wake-up call. The breast becomes denser due to lactostasis. Often the stagnation of milk in the ducts is accompanied by swelling, touching the chest can bring pain. Also, the seal may be a cyst or fibroadenoma. The cyst does not interfere with feeding, however, if it is detected, it is advisable to follow an anti-estrogen diet. In order not to provoke the growth of cysts, you need to eat less sweets and fatty meat.

Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor. If it does not grow and does not hurt, do not touch it until the end of lactation. Otherwise, in the 2nd trimester, the tumor is removed surgically.

Regardless of whether the chest hurts or not, a specialist consultation is necessary if:

  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • blood flows from the vagina.

Prevention of stretch marks on the chest

When a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should take care of increasing the elasticity of the skin. The doctor will select a complex of vitamins. If there is excess weight, it is better to get rid of it - with excess body weight, the risk of stretch marks is higher. Regular contrast showers and massage with oils will also help improve skin turgor.

It is important to pay attention to the diet. The menu of a pregnant woman should contain low-fat fish and meat, fruits and vegetables. You need to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein in early pregnancy and 1.7 g 6 months after conception per 1 kg of body weight per day - protein is necessary for the growth of the mammary glands. Drink at least 6 glasses of water every day.

From the 6th week of pregnancy, you can start using creams for stretch marks. They should contain moisturizing agents (for example, aloe extract or hyaluronic acid), amino acids and collagen. As a preventive measure, their use is recommended at the planning stage.

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the tone and elasticity of the breast. Before you begin to engage in any complex, you need to consult with your doctor. A less dangerous alternative to training is walking and swimming in the pool.

It is worth buying a bra for pregnant women - underwear should be made of stretchy and absorbent materials. Microfiber or stretch cotton will do. It is better to give preference to closed seamless models with a plastic frame. The stitches and metal plates compress the glands and irritate the sensitive skin of the breast. The bra back extension should have several rows of fasteners.

Preparing for lactation

It is worth buying a nursing bra (photo below) or with a fastener in front. It is comfortable to wear clothes that are easy to take off. So you can quickly expose the chest for feeding and dress after.

A woman should remain calm - due to stress, milk can be lost. You need to try to exclude irritating factors from your life at the time of feeding.

To prevent cracks on the nipples, you need to prepare the skin of the chest. Take air baths for 10-15 minutes a day, then rinse the chest first with warm, then cool water. After the procedure, massage the nipples with a terry towel. Glue sanitary pads to the inside of the bra - they will absorb colostrum and excess milk. It is better to wash with mild surfactants instead of soap, so as not to overdry the skin of the areola. It is important to ensure that the child captures the nipple with the areola in his mouth. After feeding, you can lubricate the nipple with lanolin oil.

A woman's body undergoes great changes during pregnancy, and the breasts are the first to undergo these changes. What happens to it and what processes can be considered the norm, and what should you pay close attention to?

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy?

Changes in women's breasts occur throughout the entire period, but they feel them differently.

Some experience discomfort and pain, while others experience tingling; breasts increase during pregnancy and this pronounced sign indicates the onset of the most crucial stage in the life of every woman.

Enlargement and compaction

Many of the fair sex, preparing for the birth of children, are wondering: when does the breast begin to grow during pregnancy. It should be noted that hormonal changes occur immediately after conception.

Already in the early stages, you can notice how the breast changes during pregnancy: it significantly increases in volume, thickens and becomes heavier.

If in a nulliparous woman the weight of the mammary gland is about 200 g, then during lactation it increases by 300-900 g, and all changes occur gradually. Breast augmentation during pregnancy occurs until childbirth.

Hypersensitivity and pain

Pain and discomfort is the result of what happens to the breasts during pregnancy; the activity of hormones, as in the period of menstruation, provokes the sensitivity of the nipples, causes a feeling of constriction when wearing underwear.

The hormonal explosion in women affects the improvement and change of the breast during pregnancy in order to prepare the body for the next stage - lactation. The amount of hormones during this period is much higher than in the premenstrual period, so the pain is more pronounced and more intense.

Areola darkening

The breast of a pregnant woman looks different, already in the early stages, the areas around the nipples, called areolas, begin to grow and darken. The increase occurs by approximately 1-2 cm. This sign also indicates that a new period will soon begin in a woman's life - breastfeeding a baby.

Gradually, after the end of lactation, the color and size of the areolas are restored.

Discharge from the nipples

This is what happens to the breasts during pregnancy and is quite normal. The release of colostrum in some young mothers begins as early as the beginning of the second quarter of pregnancy and you should not worry about this. This phenomenon is associated with some features of the woman's body, therefore, with such manifestations, great attention should be paid to caring for the mammary glands.

There are special replacement breast pads during pregnancy that will prevent colostrum from getting on linen and get rid of stains.

Venous mesh

Due to what happens to the breast during pregnancy: increase in volume and active growth, blood flow to it also increases.

This leads to the fact that a venous network is secreted under the skin. Such a physiological phenomenon is fully justified.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks on the chest in pregnant women also appear due to its rapid growth.

This occurs in the first trimester, and the second stage is closer to childbirth. If the skin is not elastic enough, unseemly stretch marks or stretch marks appear.

Reasons for change

Hormonal changes are to blame for what happens to the breasts during pregnancy. Active production of estrogen and progesterone begins immediately after conception. It is these hormones that regulate the preservation and safe bearing of the fetus. The presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood also characterizes the onset of pregnancy, it is its content that is detected by modern tests.

Prolactin is produced in connection with the formation of the placenta, it is involved in all processes associated with changes in the mammary glands.

When does the pain start and how long does it last?

Many women are wondering: when does the breast begin to increase during pregnancy and how long does it last. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, each organism is individual, and it is impossible to accurately predict what will happen next.

However, most often, chest discomfort disappears closer to the 12th week, when the hormonal background normalizes. By this time, the sensitivity decreases, but the preparation for lactation continues, so the breasts increase both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later ones too.

The way the breast changes during pregnancy is inherent in nature, and this physiological process is necessary not only for the survival of human offspring, but also for the prevention of breast cancer.

What to do if the changes stop?

Very often, expectant mothers in this crucial period trust the opinion of girlfriends and other women who, referring to their own experience, give advice, but, unfortunately, not always good. And the question: why the breast does not grow during pregnancy, or it has stopped growing, is accompanied by terrible doubts or bad forebodings.

There is no reason for concern! This is quite normal, given that the body of each woman is individual. Some notice breast enlargement by several sizes, while stretch marks appear on the chest during pregnancy, while others do not observe such changes, the mammary glands increase by a maximum of half a size.

However, if the cessation of growth is accompanied by other negative manifestations, then you should consult a doctor, in other cases - do not panic.


You should immediately contact a medical institution if at least one of the following signs is observed, regardless of how the breast changes during pregnancy:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • high body temperature;
  • asymmetric breast enlargement;
  • general malaise.

Such symptoms, combined with a sharp cessation of breast growth, are a cause for concern, as they can be caused by a dangerous pathology.

Care and relief of symptoms

Women who are interested in whether the chest can hurt in the early stages need to know that it all depends on individual characteristics.

However, to reduce discomfort and pain, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Choosing the right bra (it is advisable to prefer pitted models with wide straps).
  2. Periodically visit a mammologist, especially with sharp and severe pain, as well as when nodules or seals are found.
  3. Use special overhead replacement gaskets.
  4. Use reliable cosmetic products for the care of the chest area.

Preparing for lactation

To facilitate the process, you need to take care of a special comfortable bra that fastens in front and comfortable clothes in advance. Special measures to prepare for lactation during pregnancy are not recommended, as this can provoke unpleasant consequences, for example, loss of the fetus.

Every woman wants to know what her breasts should be like during pregnancy, but the emotional background plays a major role. Stressful situations and troubles should be avoided.

As necessary, you need to use special creams that will give the skin elasticity. Well, of course, no one has canceled the rules of hygiene: the chest should be washed with soap to prevent the formation of crusts.

Fighting stretch marks

Many women know what stretch marks look like during pregnancy, but what can be done to prevent their appearance?

In many ways, the appearance of stretch marks depends on the diet, so that a woman does not have stretch marks on her chest during pregnancy, she must take care of this in advance. Before conception and during the gestation period, you need to consume foods rich in vitamins A and E, you should also give up bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol.

There are cosmetic products that are used to care for the skin, regardless of what stage of pregnancy the breasts begin to grow, but when buying, you should make sure that they can be used by pregnant or lactating women. For this, a special marking has been developed, which is applied to the packaging.

Modern aesthetic medicine offers many ways to correct this external defect, but it is not recommended to resort to them immediately after childbirth, since the woman's body has not yet recovered during this period.

Timely high-quality care for the mammary glands will relieve many health problems, and the advice of an experienced specialist should not be neglected!


How to properly care for the mammary glands during pregnancy, you will learn from our video.

Pregnancy is a magical time of waiting for a baby. The breast during pregnancy also undergoes a magical transformation. But these are also colossal changes for the whole organism as a whole and for the chest in particular. From the earliest dates, the female breast during pregnancy is preparing for a very important mission - feeding the baby, so the breast begins to change from the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Changes in the mammary glands by trimester

First trimester

The entire period of waiting for a child is usually divided into 3 trimesters. What happens to the breasts during early or late pregnancy? Many women note that with the onset of pregnancy, the breasts in early pregnancy swell and begin to hurt. But the female body is individual. Everyone's pain threshold is different. A swelling of the bust is often observed before the onset of menstruation. The onset of pregnancy and the premenstrual period are often similar. This is especially true for those women who are looking forward to pregnancy. They look for signs that are not there, and the power of self-hypnosis does its job.

How should change begin? How does the breast change? Due to hormonal changes in the body, the mammary glands in early pregnancy also undergo changes from the very beginning. The shade of the nipples may change, it will become darker or brighter. Indeed, under the influence of the hormone progesterone in the early stages, they can be somewhat pulled. And some women have dull tolerable pain. It all depends on the individual pain threshold of a pregnant woman.

When does breast enlargement occur during pregnancy? By the end of the first trimester, it increases slightly in size. In some women, especially swarthy, dark-haired and brown-eyed, there is a darkening of the areola.

If a woman's breasts were asymmetrical, i.e. different sizes, then pregnancy is able to give them the same shape, so the breast changes during pregnancy. And during lactation, the child should be given the mammary gland that was before the expectation of a smaller baby. But if the breasts were symmetrical, and asymmetry appeared under the influence of hormones, then this is a reason to visit a doctor. After all, an uneven increase in the mammary glands can be a wake-up call of dangerous diseases.

Second trimester

How does the breast change? Most breast changes during pregnancy occur during the second trimester. Sometimes already in the first trimester, clear, yellowish or whitish discharge from the nipples appears. But most often for the first time this phenomenon occurs in the second trimester. The bust of a pregnant woman is thus prepared for the lactation period.

How much is the increase? The breast of a pregnant woman increases in trimesters by about 150-250 g in each trimester. By the end of pregnancy, the mass of the mammary gland sometimes reaches 1 kg (in the photo - breast augmentation in trimesters).

From 12-15 weeks - this is just the beginning of the 2nd trimester - the milk ducts begin to appear, the glandular tissue of the mammary gland grows (in the photo - the breast before and during pregnancy).

The nipple itself becomes a little larger, and the area around the nipple is covered with small pimples resembling pimples. You shouldn't be afraid of them. These are the tubercles of Montgomery. They are rudiments, but scientists still do not agree on what exactly they are rudiments. In some women, these tubercles are pronounced, in others they may not appear at all.

Breast enlargement and change during pregnancy will become especially noticeable towards the end of the second trimester. Often during the same period, a venous network appears. After the birth of a child, when the lactation period comes to an end, the venous network gradually disappears.

Often, expectant mothers feel discomfort in the mammary glands, aching and pulling sensations. By the end of the second trimester, the level of hormones levels off, there are no sharp jumps during the normal course of pregnancy, so the pain should go away. But because of the rush of colostrum, the chest swells, it feels tight.

third trimester

The third trimester is the most responsible. The mammary glands are already ready for lactation. Nature designed it this way because some babies are born prematurely. During this period, the breast actively builds up adipose and glandular tissues, therefore it noticeably increases in size. But its size does not affect the volume of breast milk. There are cases when flat-chested mothers nursed babies. And, on the contrary, the owners of magnificent forms suffered from a lack of milk. But all this is very individual.

Most often, during pregnancy, the breast increases, and milk flows 2-3 days after childbirth, until this time, colostrum is released from the nipples - a nutrient fluid for a newborn baby. So the breast is preparing for lactation (in the photo, the structure of the breast).

The most unpleasant phenomenon can be breast diseases and stretch marks. This often happens in the third trimester. The mammary glands need proper care.

How to take care of your breast while expecting a baby?

The female breast does not have its own muscles, only ligaments that are stretched under the action of hormones during the period of expectation and feeding of the child. Therefore, a woman needs to wear a special bra. Shapewear is able to maintain a beautiful shape and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

How to choose a comfortable bra when breasts begin to grow during pregnancy:

  1. You need to pay attention to the clasp. It should be wide and located at the back. This will provide better cup support for the breasts.
  2. Shoulder straps must be wide. This is better because the weight of the chest increases, and the thin straps will cut painfully into the collarbone area and cause discomfort.
  3. The bra must be made of natural fabric, have a fixing support, and its frame must be securely hidden so as not to accidentally injure the pregnant woman.

How long does it take for stretch marks to appear? This is only in the third trimester for a period of 25 weeks or more. Stretch marks appear due to the sharp growth of the mammary glands. Collagen is produced less, and the skin becomes less elastic. Special creams for stretch marks will help to partially cope with this problem. To prevent stretch marks, you need to monitor weight gain. A woman in expectation should not gain more than 500 g per week. If the increase is greater, then you can sit on a salt-free diet after consulting a gynecologist.

In order to avoid various diseases and inflammations, you need to monitor breast hygiene and dress warmly, avoid drafts, and refuse to tan.

A warm shower will help prepare the mammary glands for feeding. Every evening or morning, you can take a warm, but not hot, shower. This procedure will perfectly prepare the nipples for breastfeeding. And on prepared teats, the risk of cracking is significantly reduced. The pool is also an excellent stimulation of the mammary glands. But after the pool you need to dress warmly.

2-3 times a week you can take air baths: the mammary glands are exposed for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, drafts should be avoided.

Vitamins A and E will help prevent stretch marks.

You can also prepare the nipples for feeding using a coarse cloth. It is necessary to make lining in a bra out of it. Friction will strengthen and prepare the nipples, and their sensitivity will decrease somewhat. Linings, in addition to preparing the nipples, perform another important mission - they protect underwear from colostrum released from time to time.