Shaving correctly makes irritation a thing of the past! We do epilation of the bikini area at home.

In 1895, a salesman for the Baltimore Printing Company King Kemp Gillette I came up with the idea of ​​a disposable blade. Another 6 years later, he received a patent for the invention and began producing safety razors with double-sided blades, which soon became sales leaders in the razor market.

Today, when men have not only a sharp shaving blade, but also a safety razor and electric razors, the shaving process has become easier and faster, but a large selection of shaving accessories does not always help to avoid skin irritation and dryness, cuts and other troubles.

How to choose the right shaving products? What should the choice of razor be based on? How to properly get rid of facial hair?

Advantages and disadvantages

The machine is cheaper than an electric razor, but its blades need to be changed regularly. The advantages of the machine are that it shaves cleaner than an electric razor, since the sharp blade removes stubble well, which not every electric razor can do. In addition, wet shaving with a machine cleanses pores well and makes facial skin cleaner. The disadvantages are that the machine still injures the skin due to direct contact, and, accordingly, cuts are quite possible.

Electric shavers are good because they do not require water for shaving, and shaving itself is faster. Also, using an electric razor eliminates cuts and irritates your skin less. You won’t have to change the blades as often as on a machine.

But using an electric razor leads to dirty facial skin and acne because the pores are not cleaned. At the same time, the razor itself may seem noisy, it needs to be cleaned, and it costs significantly more than the machine.

When using electric shavers, certain rules must be followed. When shaving, the hair should be coarse, so you should not shave immediately after washing your face in the morning, only after 10-20 minutes. For greater shaving efficiency, you can powder your face with talcum powder and wipe it with toilet vinegar - the hair will become harder and better suited to the action of an electric razor.

However, shaving with a machine also requires a certain skill.

Universal rules for shaving with a machine

  • Before starting the procedure, steam your face with warm water to make shaving more pleasant and easier, and to avoid irritation after it.
  • Apply shaving cream and wait a little until it is absorbed and softens the stubble.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it.
  • After shaving, rinse the blade well so that it does not become a breeding ground for germs and lasts longer.
  • Dry your razor every time and change blades regularly.
  • Be sure to use aftershave products that soften and moisturize your skin.
  • For cuts, do not wipe the wound with cologne, alcohol or iodine - the first two dry out the skin greatly, the latter can result in a chemical burn. It is best to wipe the cut with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.


When choosing a shaving gel, foam or oil, it is important to consider your facial skin type, because the wrong product can cause irritation and inflammation. So, if the skin is dry and sensitive, then alcohol-free balms, aftershave milk, preparations with chamomile and aloe vera are suitable.

If your skin is normal or oily, alcohol-containing products are suitable. For oily skin, you can also choose a product with extracts of “drying” plants - oak bark, St. John's wort, nettle.

It is better to choose shaving products with silicone - it improves the glide of the razor.

If irritation and pimples appear after shaving, you can use preparations with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components - triclosan and salicylic acid.

How to determine your skin type?

The criterion for determining skin type is the activity of the sebaceous glands. Skin is generally classified into three main types: normal, dry and oily. Thus, oily skin types are characterized by oily shine, pimples, wide pores, and blackheads. This skin type does not respond well to oily creams. If you have a dry skin type, you will feel tightness and flaking after washing.

Skin that has oily and dry areas or oily and normal skin is called combination skin. This is the most common type of facial skin. Characterized by an oily sheen on the nose, chin, forehead and dry cheeks. In fact, this type of skin is both oily and dry at the same time.

But then I got a job where, according to the dress code, I was required to be clean-shaven and any facial hair was prohibited, which is why I had to start shaving every day, except for weekends. And the actual topic of this post will be about HOW TO DEAL WITH IRRITATION AFTER SHAVING.

Due to the daily procedure, every day I became more and more like a 9th grade student, and in principle, it didn’t bother me so much that I was covered in red spots, as a wild burning sensation and pain upon any contact with the skin, let alone walking in winter clothes wearing a high-necked jacket was pure hell. I had used various aftershave products before, but they didn’t give much effect, I smeared it after shaving, then repeated the procedure after 10 minutes, then again, and it didn’t help, it didn’t get any better, and the fact that I had to shave almost every day with already irritated skin it was simply infuriating. Afterwards, acne added to the redness, after which I started looking for solutions on the Internet. Whatever they write there, they advise using baby cream instead of gel after shaving, shaving with soap foam, buying a super razor for 2k wooden ones, various pharmaceutical drugs, and so on. The first thing I noticed was the soap suds, I immediately remembered that my grandfather shaved this way, deciding that before people were no more stupid, I started shaving this way.

It came as a surprise that you can shave with such foam no worse than all kinds of Gillette, NIVEA, etc., but the irritation did not decrease. Then I started trying all kinds of products for sensitive skin, tried a dozen different ones, branded, some unknown, pharmacy and others, the price range was from 50 to 700 rubles, there was not much difference, the irritation did not go away. I even tried triple cologne, and oddly enough, it was a little better, but the smell remained quite persistent and the result was not so good. And finally, after several months of experimenting and trying out various combinations, I found the ideal shaving option for myself, such that after it, skin irritation no longer appeared, and all the pimples and redness began to slowly go away. One fine day, I remembered how I got rid of small pimples, and decided to try using the same product after shaving. And this remedy is ordinary salicylic acid 2%, the pharmacy price of which is from 10 to 20 rubles! And this miracle began to help after just a week of use!

1. You should not shave after a hot shower. A mistake that I used to make all the time, after soaking in boiling water for a long time, I would get out of the bath and begin the shaving procedure. As it turned out, this cannot be done. At this moment, the pores on the face are quite open, and shaving at this moment can seriously harm them, and moreover, dirt (particles of skin, hairs, etc.) gets packed into the pores. This is what causes acne to appear.

2. You can’t wash your face with ice water after shaving! Because of this, the already injured skin receives significant stress, the pores sharply shrink, the skin becomes numb, and microscopic cracks can form.

3. After shaving, do not wipe your face with a terry towel! The essence is the same, the fibers get clogged into damaged areas and cause inflammation. It's best if you just press the towel to your face without rubbing your face.

4. If you suffer from excessive skin sensitivity, then it is better for you to refuse to shave against the hair growth, you will be shaved a little worse, and you will have to shave every day, but this is often the main factor of irritation, too much cut, pointed hairs will keep up with day overgrown with a layer of skin, which leads to subcutaneous hair growth, and this is accompanied by redness.

5. If you rinse the razor with alcohol after shaving, this will significantly reduce irritation. Many of you, I think, rinse your razors with running water, I actually did exactly the same thing, shaved, rinsed the razor with hot water and put it in the closet, not thinking about the fact that the germs did not die there. But there can be an incredible number of all kinds of creatures on the blades, and I certainly wouldn’t envy people who have a shared bathroom. Imagine, you did your business, flushed the water, and microscopic drops flew all over the bathtub, settling on everything, including your razor, and you, shaving with this razor, not only land all this variety of protozoa on your face, but also give there is an open path for them through wounds in the skin! This whole bouquet will cause you so much irritation and acne that adolescence will seem like a trifle to you. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to treat the razor with alcohol or the same salicylic acid at least once every 1-2 weeks, this will significantly reduce infection.

6. Use sharp razors! Personally, I used razors from the Gillette series, but the cost of 4 cassettes of 1800 wooden ones, despite the fact that the blades on them die within 1-2 weeks, did not suit me at all, the blades really began to cause discomfort and bite, as if at the snap of a finger, It seems like you're shaving normally, but the next day it's like an axe. For me, disposable razors with 3 blades were a revelation, at a price of 100 rubles for 4 pieces. But of course I wasn't going to use them just once.

To my surprise, these machines more than lasted me for a month, and they still shaved normally, and a little Jew danced in my soul.

7. You should not shave without foams, gels and other products. When my sideburns and cockroach antennae were just growing, I knocked them off without bothering, considering the use of shaving products to be a woman's activity, but later realizing that I was a pimply thing, I decided to buy these things for myself.

8. You don’t need to touch your face after shaving, it’s better to refrain, you won’t even notice how you’ve already gotten your hands dirty, grabbed a doorknob, a mouse or something else, then it’s to your face, here’s a portion of bacteria. My girlfriend has a habit of putting her hands on me when I shave, especially after vacation (Oh, you look so young, just before you got ready for 1st grade, you shaved so smoothly, let me touch it, blah blah blah). Well, in general, as usual, snot, drooling and miming, at such moments I feel like a professional boxer, and I dodge in every possible way, put up blocks, especially since I don’t like it when people come at me like that.

9. There is no need to shave your face, underarms or anything else with another razor. Why? Yes, exactly the same reason why you shouldn’t wipe your face with the towel you used to wipe your ass. Just because (well, this is advice for fewer people)

10. How to actually choose your product, maybe a baby cream will help someone, some Nivea or Gillette will help someone, you have to decide for yourself, you shouldn’t rule out that cheap products may be better, for me salicylic acid has become the ideal, after shaving I just pour it on on a cotton pad and wipe my face 2-3 times with different pads (it burns a lot, but it’s better than suffering from irritation), don’t press it too hard, and under no circumstances should you wash your face with this acid! Wipe your skin! Don't wash your face!

And I warn you, this is not a panacea, it is possible that someone will need to resort to some other procedures, it is possible that irritation is associated with other factors, so of course I would advise you to consult a doctor with the question of which product to use, I also do not I take responsibility for what you experiment with, if you are allergic to this acid and you get blisters, know that I have nothing to do with it.

A well-groomed woman always looks more attractive and feels confident. Even if we are talking about those parts of the body that are not visible to most. Caring for the intimate area of ​​women is one of these.

Shaving is the most popular way to get rid of unwanted hair in the groin area. However, for the procedure to be successful, it is important to do everything correctly.

What will you need?

For shaving of intimate areas to be successful, a woman needs to prepare everything she needs in advance:

  • Shaver;
  • shaving foam or gel;
  • After Shave Cream;
  • skin care products (cream, powder, etc.);
The shaving machine for the bikini area must be separate
  • tweezers;
  • mirror;
  • scissors.

Particular attention should be paid to the most important tool - the razor. For shaving in the bikini area, everyone without exception recommends having a separate tool..

Most girls and women give preference to advertised machines. However, they are mainly designed to remove unwanted hair from the legs.

For intimate care, it is better to choose a men's razor

And of course, the blade must be sharp, ideally new.

I would also like to say something about the choice of care products for sensitive areas. To avoid irritation, you need to choose them especially carefully. If possible, you should prefer those that do not contain fragrances or fragrances.

Besides, I need to give up my favorite soap. It dries out the skin and can disrupt the PH level in the bikini area. All these recommendations also apply to aftershave skin care products.

Preparing to shave

In addition to choosing products, it is very important to properly prepare the groin area for the upcoming shave. You can, of course, do everything without preparation, so to speak, in a hurry. But then there is a risk of getting irritation and redness in the bikini area as an unpleasant gift. This is hardly the result that most women and girls expect.

First of all, you should remove too long hairs.. This can be done using sharp scissors. You need to work carefully so as not to harm yourself.

It is convenient to use safety nail scissors for the bikini area.

Of course, the razor can also handle thick vegetation. But then you will have to make more movements, which contributes to the appearance of irritation on the skin. In addition, in this case, the razor becomes dull faster, and the blade will have to be changed frequently.

Next, before shaving their intimate areas, women should take a shower to remove dirt and steam sensitive skin. This will make further shaving easier. Removing hair “dry” is very painful and traumatic. Here it is worth taking an example from men who will remove facial hair only by steaming it well.

Maximum shaving performance

When the skin is prepared and everything you need is in stock, you can begin shaving your intimate areas. To prevent a woman from getting skin irritation as a supplement, she needs to follow a few simple rules.

So, what is the procedure for properly removing unwanted hair?

  1. The most common mistake is shaving against the direction of hair growth. In such a delicate place, this should be done in exactly the opposite direction. In this case, the fewer movements, the better.
  2. When shaving, experts recommend using a mirror to avoid injury. It doesn’t have to be big, covering the entire wall. You can take a small one that will be easy to hold in your hand. Over time, you can learn to carry out a delicate procedure by touch.
  3. Those who are planning to make a “deep bikini” should remember that there are unwanted hairs not only in front, but also in the back, in the buttock hollow.

It is not necessary to remove all hairs

You can leave some hair. The main thing is that it looks appropriate.

Then you need to properly complete the procedure and take care of the skin.

  • After shaving, carefully dry the bikini area with a terry towel. Just don't rub it. It is better to blot gently, lightly touching the skin to avoid irritation.

Wrap yourself in a soft terry towel and walk around for a while to let your skin breathe
  • Apply aftershave balm or cream to dry skin, avoiding the labia area. It is important not to upset the PH balance. This can lead to the appearance of unloved thrush, itching in this area and other minor troubles.
  • If possible, you should not immediately put on underwear. Let the irritated skin breathe and let the cream absorb. It is best to leave it in this state overnight. If this is not possible, then you should walk around without panties for at least 15-20 minutes.

Prevention of redness and skin irritation

The best prevention, of course, is proper preparation of the skin for shaving and subsequent care. However, even if you follow all the recommendations, your skin may still be irritated. What else could be the reason?

Firstly, a woman should only use a sharp razor to shave her intimate areas. A dull blade will not only cause skin irritation. This can cause cuts, which are extremely undesirable in such a delicate place.

Secondly, you need to be very careful when choosing shaving and care products. Before using them for their intended purpose, you should try them on other parts of the body. New products can cause allergies, which are even more pronounced on delicate skin.

Smooth and healthy skin in the bikini area is an indicator of a competent shaving procedure.

Third, Talc should not be used to care for the skin in the bikini area.. It clogs pores, which can lead to redness and pimples. Getting your delicate skin in order after it is not easy.

Note! Even the most thorough shave can leave behind fine hairs. They are easier to remove with tweezers. It's not as painful as it seems. But the skin will not be unnecessarily irritated.

On the one hand, shaving a woman’s intimate areas is necessary from a hygienic point of view. On the other hand, this procedure is quite traumatic.

To avoid cuts, you should work with the razor very carefully. Therefore, the best time to remove unwanted hair in the bikini area is in the evening, when there is no hurry. If trouble does occur, the cut should be immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide..

At first, even with the most careful approach to the procedure, skin irritation may occur. The thing is, she's not used to it yet.

To relieve irritation and reduce itching, you should use a special aftershave balm or cream.. You can also use a baby diaper rash cream with salicylic acid. It will have a soothing and healing effect on the skin.

The skin has time to recover during this period, and irritation from the procedure will be minimal.

I would like to note that the razor should be stored dry and separate from other care items. And, of course, you shouldn’t use someone else’s. After all, we are talking about intimate hygiene. When using certain care products, you can accidentally become infected with various infectious diseases.

Homemade scrub for bikini area

If ingrown hairs appear after shaving, they can be removed with a scrub.. There are special ones for caring for delicate skin in the bikini area. If this is not the case, then you can replace it with homemade one. For it, mix ground coffee, honey and olive oil so that the mass resembles a paste. Apply gently to skin and rinse with warm water.

How else can you remove hair in the bikini area other than shaving?

Of course, shaving is the most popular method of getting rid of unwanted hair. However, in recent years, many other methods have emerged. Each of them has its own pros and cons. First things first.

All methods of removing body hair are divided into 2 large categories: hair removal and depilation. In the first case, we are talking about completely getting rid of the hair along with the bulb. In the second - only from its visible part.

The most well-known hair removal methods include:

  • photoepilation,
  • laser hair removal,
  • sugaring,
  • waxing,
  • hair removal with epilator.

And also some others. In most cases, hair removal is performed in beauty salons.

Laser and photoepilation are considered one of the most expensive procedures. The principle of their operation is similar. In one case, the hair is removed under the influence of a laser, in the other - with light.

Laser hair removal

The advertisement promises that after these procedures the hair on the body will disappear forever. In reality, everything is individual. In addition, if exposed incorrectly or for too long, you can get irritation and burns at the site of exposure.

Waxing and sugaring are more affordable.

In the first case, warm wax is applied to the desired area, and then, using strips of special fabric, it is removed along with the unwanted vegetation. It is worth noting that the procedure is quite painful. After it, irritation often occurs, especially after the first procedures. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on a soothing cream.

Sugaring is a more delicate procedure where sugar paste is used instead of wax.. Recently, it has been used no less often than shaving intimate areas.

In addition to a razor, a woman can recommend an epilator at home. It removes hair delicately, without the risk of cutting. In this case, the procedure needs to be carried out less frequently than shaving. Over time, no more than once every 3-4 weeks.

For home hair removal to be successful, it is better to use a special attachment. After the procedure, be sure to treat the groin area with a softening cream..

Sugaring bikini area

Depilation methods other than shaving include removal with a special cream. When exposed to chemicals, hair can be easily removed with a scraper.

True, their impact is very individual. Some women claim that this method of depilation is not effective for them. In addition, no one can predict how the cream will affect the intimate area. No one is immune from irritation and allergies.

To remove or not to remove hair in the bikini area is a personal decision for every woman. However, do not forget that both extremes are equally bad - both dense vegetation and its complete absence.

That's why Lately intimate haircuts have become popular and even dyeing the hair in the groin area, which undoubtedly adds piquancy and extraordinary sexuality to any girl.

How to shave your bikini area without irritation? Watch video tips:

Learn how to properly depilate the intimate area from the following video:

A few simple rules for a perfect shave. Find out from this useful video:

We all strive for excellence. Social networks, gloss and TV literally shout that every woman should have a round butt, high breasts, thick hair and smooth skin. But is this really so? Is it really possible to be a living Barbie? Anything is possible if you take care of yourself. In the summer, several important questions arise: how to lose weight in 3 days, how to get a chocolate skin color, and how to shave the bikini area without irritation.

Excess hair on a woman's body is always ugly and repulsive. But it is not necessary to go to special hair removal procedures every time; this can be done at home. There are several methods of hair removal, but shaving is still the safest, fastest and most painless. True, there are some points that girls who shave their bikini area do not always observe, which results in irritation, causing discomfort and creating an unflattering appearance.

What do you need for a proper shave?

It’s the things that will help make your bikini area perfect after shaving that we’ll talk about.

To shave at home, you will need:

  • razor (if you are using a disposable razor, then take a new one, and if you are using a razor with removable attachments, then put on one that you have not used yet);
  • special softening shaving cream;
  • aftershave.

How to prepare your skin for shaving?

The procedure for getting rid of hair in the bikini area should be carried out in several stages, since the skin in this part of the body is very delicate, it must first be prepared.

  • If you shave steamed and moisturized skin, then in this case you can forget about irritation. To do this, you need to lie in a hot bath for about ten minutes. Then you need to apply shaving cream and also leave for a few minutes. By the way, if you don’t have shaving cream on hand, then hair balm will do the job perfectly. You need to apply it to the skin for five minutes and then start shaving.
  • You need to shave against the hair growth, so there are no points left after shaving.
  • After washing off the excess, blot the bikini area with a towel, but do not wipe it off, as this can cause irritation.
  • Apply after shaving cream. If you don’t have one on hand, you can use baby cream.

Remember that it is simply necessary to treat your skin after shaving! Otherwise, the likelihood of ingrown hairs increases.

You can shave completely at your own discretion - you can remove all the hair completely, or you can draw a small and simple drawing, here your imagination and skill will help you. Nowadays there are many stencils on sale that will help you create the silhouette you like on the bikini area.

Tricks to help avoid irritation

Still, there are a few tricks to keep in mind before shaving your bikini area:

  • if the hairs are longer than 5 mm, then they need to be trimmed with scissors before shaving;
  • To avoid cuts and damage to the skin, do not press too hard with the razor;
  • It is recommended to use machines in which the blade has recently been changed; if it is a disposable machine, then let it remain that way;
  • proper care of your razor will help keep it in working condition for a long time, so do not forget to rinse the razor thoroughly after shaving and dry it thoroughly;
  • after epilation of the intimate area, it is best not to wear underwear, but to give the skin the opportunity to breathe;
  • do not use a razor with rotating blades - this increases the likelihood of cutting yourself;

How to get rid of irritation?

And yet, it also happens that following the rules is not enough, the skin is so delicate that any intervention with a razor still ends in irritation in the bikini area. How to be in this case?

For sensitive skin, it is best to use olive oil for shaving, and instead of aftershave cream, herbal infusions (they will not cause an allergic reaction and will quickly soothe the skin). To make a herbal infusion you need dry herbs: mint, sage, celandine and a glass of water. Mix herbs and cook for 7 minutes. After straining the broth, you can use it - generously moisten a cotton swab, apply it to the just shaved bikini area and leave for ten minutes. Then pat dry with a towel. Also, the almighty aloe, or rather its juice, will help to cope well with the irritation that appears.

When shaving, men adhere to a long-established hygienic tradition of personal care. Most men learned to shave from the example of their father, uncle or older brother: those who passed on these skills to the younger generation. But, unfortunately, many people learn from their relatives not only incorrect shaving techniques, but also bad habits. If you constantly experience burning, irritation, and razor bumps after shaving, read these tips. Follow them and soon your skin will be healthy and smooth.


Part 1

How to prevent shaving irritation

    Take a hot shower or simply wash your face with warm water. A hot shower will cleanse your facial pores much more effectively than just washing your face. But in the morning there is not always time to take a shower. When you wash your face, wash your face with warm water and soap. This will soften the hairs and cleanse the face of accumulated bacteria that clog pores and lead to irritation.

    • Plus, it opens the pores and cleanses the skin (the skin should be warm too). Thus, you not only prevent the occurrence of irritation, but also eliminate uneven skin in advance, which makes the shave softer.
  1. Apply shaving oil to your skin in advance. This is an optional step, but using an oily base will add another layer of protection and hydration to the skin, plus it will help keep the hairs aligned more evenly. The smoother and straighter the hairs are, the less likely they are to curl, grow into the skin and form bumps (this is why shaving is a little more difficult for people with curly hair).

    Apply shaving gel to the skin and rub it until a thick foam appears above the hairs. The thicker the foam layer, the better. Never shave dry skin!. Some men find it easier to apply the gel and create lather using a shaving brush. Apply a new portion before each razor pass.

    Always use a clean, sharp blade. A dull and dirty blade will scratch and damage your skin much more than a sharp blade. Don't forget to change your razor blade on time, especially if you shave frequently. Clean the blade after shaving, wash off hairs from it - this will prolong its life. If you notice rust on the blade, throw it away immediately.

    • You can extend the life of your razor with good care. Wash away any hairs stuck in the blade, but do not leave the blade wet - water will damage the blade.
  2. The razor movements should be directed in the direction of hair growth. You probably think that shaving against the direction of hair growth makes your skin smoother. But after this method of shaving, hair grows differently, which increases the risk of razor irritation and ingrown hairs.

    • Apply gentle pressure to the razor. If you apply too much pressure to the razor or run the razor over the same area of ​​skin several times in a row, irritation will occur.
    • Don't stretch your skin! If you are shaving your pubic area, you will need to tighten the skin a little, but you don't need to do this when shaving your face.
  3. Take care of the brush you use to apply shaving gel. You may think that the cause of irritation after shaving is a dirty razor blade. This is partially true, but, in fact, the brush can also pose a danger to the skin. Therefore, you need to make sure that the brush is clean. After shaving, you need to wash it - this is necessary in order to prevent bacteria from getting on the brush and multiplying.

    Rinse off the shaving gel or foam with cold water. Warm water opens the pores, making it easier for the razor to grab hairs. Cold water closes the pores after shaving, making it harder for bacteria to get inside the pores. You started your shaving routine with a hot shower, right? So finish it off with a cold shower!

    • You can apply a damp, cold cloth to your face for five minutes and finish the shaving procedure. In fact, the longer you cool your skin, the better.
  4. You can apply an alum stone against cuts, Alum block, to the shaved area. It looks like soap, but it can be used as a blood coagulant. You can order it online or buy it at any professional cosmetics store - this stone closes pores more effectively than just cold water. This step is optional, but many people prefer to use stone.

    Apply aftershave lotion to your skin, or spray a special lotion or balm. Choose a product that has a pleasant scent that you will enjoy. Using aftershave lotion will help prevent infection. If you're the Chuck Norris/MacGyver type of man, why not make one yourself? However, it is better not to use gasoline instead of lotion, as Chuck Norris does :)

    • This step is essential to hydrate your skin. Buy an aftershave lotion without alcohol to avoid dehydrating your skin. Previously, not everyone knew this, but now it is important to remember it.
      • You can choose a lotion designed specifically for sensitive skin. If you are well aware that your skin reacts to everything under the sun, it is better to spend the extra 100 rubles and buy a good product.

    Part 2

    How to shave your pubic area
    1. Trim your hair. If you have a whole forest on your pubic area, you won't give the razor a chance! Trim the hairs to about 0.6 cm before using the blade. Don't want to use scissors? No problem! You can use an electric trimmer to trim your pubic hair. But be careful not to cut yourself!

      • You don't need to cut your hair to make it look perfectly straight, it just needs to be short enough for a razor. Don't forget about the most inaccessible areas!
    2. Wet your hairs. If you've taken the time to read the tips for shaving your face, the same rules apply. You need to soak your hair follicles with warm or hot water to open the pores. The skin will be more receptive to shaving, resulting in a smoother appearance.

      • This can be done in different ways. Firstly, you can take a shower or bath - this is the best option. The more time you spend in the water, the better. However, you can simply wet the groin area if you are short on time.
    3. Now start exfoliating the dead skin cells. Did you think that this should be done a little later? If you want to get rid of dead skin cells (relax, everyone has them!) and get straighter, more even hair (which makes it easier to shave), you need to exfoliate the dead skin cells. Shower gel can do this task perfectly.

      Lather the groin area thoroughly. Yes, it's not very pleasant, but try to step over your pride and take your girlfriend's (wife's) shaving gel. Honestly, women's shaving foam/gel is better for sensitive areas and doesn't contain harsh fragrances. If you don't mind a pink tube or container, great!

      • Don't use the same gel you use to shave your face. Choose a product that is designed for shaving intimate areas (and is fragrance-free). You most likely already understand that the skin of the face and groin area is different.
    4. Pull the skin a little and shave. The razor (preferably a new one) should glide on a smooth, level surface, so it is necessary to stretch the skin and shave in the direction of hair growth to prevent cuts and irritation. Yes, yes, yes, shaving against the grain of the hair will help you achieve a closer shave, but that’s not what our article is about. If you really want to avoid cuts and irritation, it's best to shave in the direction of hair growth.

      • Use a good razor. Throw away your razor after you've used it a few times. After a certain number of shaves, the razor (or replacement blade) loses its sharpness, which can lead to skin infection and razor bumps and irritation. Handle the razor carefully; after shaving, rinse off hairs and dry it, otherwise water will quickly damage the metal blade.
    5. Exfoliate your skin again. Now that you've shaved your skin, it's time to exfoliate the “extra” dead skin cells again. Take regular soap (if you know it won't sting) and rub it over your groin area. This way, you will straighten your hair, get rid of dead skin cells and ingrown hairs, and open clogged pores. Triple victory!

      • If you decide to exfoliate, follow this step. You don't want bacteria to get into the hair follicles and ingrown hairs and multiply there. All of these steps help prevent this from happening!
    6. Dry and moisturize your skin. Once you've gone through the steps above, it's time to dry and moisturize your skin. First, when drying your skin, do not rub it too hard because this will cause irritation. Just pat your skin dry with a towel. Then apply unscented lotion, aloe vera product, or baby oil. Remember that a ruble invested in prevention will help you save 100 rubles on treatment.

    7. Wear loose clothing. Have you noticed that when you wear tight clothes to the gym and then do exercises, you get pimples soon after? Therefore, wear loose clothing that will reduce the risk of irritation. The shaved area should breathe - this is a reason to wear sweatpants.

      • In fact, the same applies to your face if you wear clothes that cover your face. If you're wearing turtlenecks and scarves to cover up razor burn, be aware that you're only making the situation worse!
  5. Keep your skin healthy by washing your face regularly and using moisturizing lotions, even on days when you don't shave.
  6. If the razor still turns out to be too aggressive for your skin, change it to another razor. A safety razor puts less pressure on the skin, resulting in less irritation.
  7. Always use shaving cream. Shaving dry skin or skin wet with soapy water is a VERY BAD decision that you will most likely regret very soon.
  8. Mix some talcum powder, aloe gel and/or Sudocrem until you have a paste. Then apply this paste to the affected area by patting lightly. Finally, add a few drops of tea tree oil and a little more talcum powder to the mixture. It may be complicated and a little messy, but it has an instant cooling effect!
  9. A safety razor will help you avoid putting too much pressure on your skin because the weight of the safety razor is enough for it to glide well over the skin. After such shaving, the skin will remain smooth.