How to choose a cream for massage. Massage cream: tips for choosing

Almost all massage practices require the use of lubricants. For example, lotions, gels, oils and more. Most specialists prefer to use cream for massage. It is chosen depending on which area needs to be massaged and what effect they want to achieve. It can be warming, moisturizing, anti-cellulite and others.

Today, choosing the right cream is not a problem at all - modern cosmetic companies offer a choice of completely different massage products. In addition, they have many advantages over oils.


Any lubricant for massage is designed to ensure that the hands glide gently over the body and do not cause discomfort to the person. After all, without additional hydration, such a procedure can cause not only unpleasant sensations, but even painful ones. Massage cream is perfect for lubricating your hands.

Thanks to it, the specialist can perform massage movements without any additional effort. He also has the ability to calculate the depth of rubbing and their effect on the skin. Light stroking is used for the preparatory stage of massage or relaxation of the body. More intense movements are needed for deep movements.

The main advantages of the cream

Compared to liquid lotions and oils, massage cream has a thicker and greasy consistency. This allows you to use it longer and more economically. In addition, the cream will cost much less than oil, since you can use it twice as long.

It is very important to maintain moisture on the skin at any time, and this is especially necessary in cold weather, when the skin is prone to drying out and chapping. That is why it is better to use cream for massaging the whole body. When applied to the epidermis, it will create an invisible protective layer and prevent moisture from evaporating.

The cream does not leave stains at all. And this is very important for the client and the master. The client does not have to get rid of stains on clothes. And the specialist will not need to often buy new towels and sheets for the massage parlor.

How to choose the right cream?

First you need to decide exactly what effect you want to achieve from the cream: just relax, moisturize the skin, get rid of cellulite or get an analgesic effect. And also decide what should not be in the cream: allergens, unloved odors, other components. If you approach the choice of cream correctly and draw up this simple list of requirements, you can minimize the search for the necessary product and find the ideal massage cream much faster.

It is important not to be afraid to experiment. For example, you have already found your best option, got used to it and use it regularly, buying several packs at once for future use. But! No matter how ideal this cream is, using only it for a long time can be harmful. From time to time the products need to be changed.

The range of massage creams is constantly updated with high-quality new products. Why deprive yourself and your clients of the opportunity to enjoy something new?

Time of year and cream

It is best to switch to another massage cream from the new season. In hot weather, you need to use light, non-greasy, and in winter - thick, with a fatty structure and with a warming effect. You should try to buy only high-quality creams from organic cosmetics, without harmful impurities such as parabens. The Belarusian company Vitex has a very good reputation in the cosmetics market. The cosmetics of this company are of quite high quality and biologically pure.

But even the safest cream can cause a skin reaction, dizziness or allergies in some people. That is why every massage parlor or individual specialist should have several different products in stock, including hypoallergenic and as neutral as possible.

Caution: allergen

Basic advice: try not to purchase creams containing nuts. Walnut is the most important allergen. If a client has a food intolerance to such a fruit, then creams with its extract will have a detrimental effect on his body. In addition, if a person is allergic, it is better to use a hypoallergenic drug for him so as not to risk it. You also need to pay attention to whether the cream contains fragrances (specific odor). A creamy aroma can also cause a negative reaction from the client: headache, nausea, vomiting, rash. Therefore, it is better if the massage cream is odorless or has a light neutral aroma.

Features of choice

When choosing a massage product, it is important to pay attention to the content of alcohols, parabens and mineral oils in the cream. These are the main skin irritants. It is better if your cream does not contain these components. But vitamins are very welcome. The main thing is to know which ones your skin needs. The most common is cream with vitamin A. Most often, this product is used for the face.

Should be chosen individually. It is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the body and skin. Some women use anti-wrinkle cream instead. This is not always useful. After all, such a cream is completely unsuitable for young skin. Therefore, it is better to entrust your face to a professional.

for massage

  1. Cream "Soothing Touch". A biologically pure product that does not contain parabens or harmful additives. It can be used to massage the most sensitive skin. The cream can also be applied simply to moisturize. There are two versions of it: original and unscented.
  2. Biotone massage cream oil. This remedy is loved by many specialists. The consistency is very specific - it is something between a cream and a delicate oil, non-greasy and very soft. Contains ivy and arnica extracts to reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. Biotone is suitable for all areas of the body and face.
  3. Bon Vital - cream with vitamin A, a favorite of professional massage therapists. Created on the basis of only natural substances. The cream does not contain parabens and is odorless. But it has a number of useful substances: purified water, natural oils, provitamins. Can be used to massage the whole body, including the face.
  4. An excellent cream for therapeutic massage with an anti-inflammatory effect “Esobel”. This is a hypoallergenic product. It is well suited for the treatment of neuralgic diseases and injuries. Also used for general purposes and is excellent for relieving pain. The cream contains beneficial muds.
  5. Amalgam Lux relaxing body massage cream has a tonic effect not only on the skin, but also on the entire body. It is good to use the cream after heavy physical work or at the end of the day. It relieves pain from sports grass, bruises and fatigue. The main components of the product are tea tree oil and menthol. Thanks to them, the cream has a cooling effect and soothes the muscles.
  6. Austrian body massage cream “Jouvena” is intended for all skin types. Used to nourish tissues, rejuvenate and restore elasticity. The product is well absorbed and has a light structure. The peculiarity is that the cream must be applied with very gentle, light touches. Thanks to this, every cell of the epidermis is restored. The main components are vitamins F and E. After a massage with this product, the rejuvenation effect remains for a long time.
  7. The Vitex company has proven itself to be good. There are many cosmetics from this brand, but the most popular are figure correction creams. Vitex massage creams help get rid of excess fat, tighten the skin after losing weight, and reduce the visibility of stretch marks and cellulite throughout the body. Cosmetics are hypoallergenic and contain exclusively natural ingredients.

For the back

What products are suitable for your back? Now we'll tell you. The “classic” back massage cream can be used not only for a professional procedure, but also individually. The cream has an antiseptic and moisturizing effect. While it is on the skin, it protects it from damage. It has a very pleasant, unobtrusive smell and does not leave stains on clothes.

For pain in the back or joints, massage cream with ant extract based on alcohol is very helpful. It accelerates the blood and warms up the muscle fibers. Relieves swelling, eliminates pain, indispensable for injuries and sprains.

For face

What products are suitable for the face? If a client has capricious, hypersensitive skin, many massage therapists prefer to use a time-tested baby cream. It is practically harmless, besides, it is quite greasy and allows the hands to “walk” well on the skin and is perfectly absorbed. And most importantly, it is always available - you can buy it at any pharmacy. Can be used for body and face.

French facial massage cream "Lancaster" is developed on the basis of a unique formula with a high content of beneficial microelements. A massage based on this product will help your face stay fresh and young for a long time. It contains coconut milk, honey extract and antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and activate skin protection.

Anti-cellulite creams

  • French body cream "Bioderm". Used for deep anti-cellulite massage to correct the figure in the shortest possible time. The first results from the massage can be seen within a few days. This happens thanks to intensive components that remove all excess from the skin and nourish it with the necessary substances.
  • Anti-cellulite massage cream Clarins. An excellent modeling tool for improving your figure. Many French massage therapists use this cream in their work. They note that at the end of the course, cellulite completely disappears, and the skin is tightened and smoothed. The product is hypoallergenic, suitable for any skin type.

  • Another anti-cellulite gel-cream for weight loss SHISEIDO. Developed in the USA specifically for women with problem skin. Contains three main components: caffeine, European bug and hawthorn extract. Gel-cream completely eliminates the deepest cellulite within a few days. The components of the cream make it very airy and prevent it from sticking to the skin. Can only be applied to the skin of the buttocks, thighs and legs.


Only creams, thanks to their oily base, can perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. And in combination with massage, the effect is multiplied several times.

Naturally, it is simply impossible to cover all worthy creams in one article. Cosmetic companies offer a wide variety of products for professional or self-massage. Therefore, by trial and error, you can find a cream that will meet all the necessary requirements.

For better sliding of hands over the massaged body, various means are used - talc, baby cream, aromatic oils, ointments,

special creams and gels for massage. You need to know in what cases this or that remedy can be used.

Talc has a good effect on the skin. It absorbs sweat and oil well, makes the skin smooth and almost never causes irritation. Another advantage of talc is that it is easily washed off with water. Talc is used for massage on oily and sensitive skin.

It is not recommended to use any massage products for certain mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches) and for skin diseases (dermatitis). If the skin is dry and flabby, then it is better to use products containing vegetable oils and glycerin. When giving a baby massage, it is better not to use massage products at all.

Previously, Vaseline was used during massage. Nowadays it is practically not used, since it stains the skin, clogs the excretory ducts of the skin glands, disrupting metabolic processes.

Many experts advise doing massage only on dry skin. Of course, such a massage has a number of advantages: the pores of the skin are opened and cleansed of fat, sweat, lard, and there is also a rapid flow of blood to the massaged area. Dry massage cannot be done for a long time, as vigorous rubbing may cause abrasions and scratches, especially on sensitive skin.

In therapeutic massage, various ointments, gels and creams are often used for injuries and certain diseases. Depending on the properties of the ingredients included in their composition, these products have different effects on the massaged areas. A number of ointments cause tissue hyperemia, that is, increased blood flow into the area of ​​rubbing. Such ointments include finalgon, efkamon, gymnastogol.

When rubbing these ointments, the patient feels a surge of warmth in the massaged area, as well as a slight burning and tingling sensation. Blood flow to the diseased area helps accelerate metabolic processes, which is beneficial for healing.

There are ointments that have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. These include venoruton, heparin ointment, lazonil and a number of other ointments.

With injuries, painful swelling occurs due to damage to small vessels, tissue hypoxia and increased capillary permeability. Along with this, blood circulation and, accordingly, regeneration, that is, tissue healing, deteriorate. Special ointments, gels and creams help relieve pain, reduce irritation and relieve inflammation.

The massage therapist must know where and when to apply this or that ointment. Thus, in case of acute injury, hyperemic ointments should not be used. In this case, a remedy that has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is suitable. The composition of such ointments includes heparin, plant extracts, and antirheumatic agents. Also, for fresh injuries, you should not rub in ointment, but rather use gels that do not require active rubbing and have a cooling effect.

During the rehabilitation period after injury, ointments and creams are prescribed that do not have a strong irritating effect and improve microcirculation in tissues.

When using warming ointments, certain rules must be followed. First of all, you need to check whether the use of the ointment will cause an allergic reaction in the body. To do this, a small amount of ointment (0.5 cm) is applied to the skin.

If irritation does not appear, then apply 2-3 cm of ointment. After a burning sensation appears, the ointment is rubbed in. Pain may occur in the massaged area, then you can rub the ointment above or below this place.

The first massage session with warming ointment is best done in the evening, before bed. The next day, if tolerance is good, the same dose is applied three times - morning, afternoon, evening. On the third day only in the morning and evening, but the amount of ointment can be increased. After such a massage, the sore spot should be wrapped in a woolen cloth and not allowed to cool.

Ointments such as finalgon and dolpik, when rubbed, form a film on the skin that must be washed off before each rub. When using such ointments, you need to be careful and make sure that they do not get on the mucous membrane. After the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

The massage technique using warming agents is as follows: first, a deep warming massage is performed and only after that ointment is applied and a massage is performed, starting with light techniques and ending with deep ones. Dry massage is done for 3-5 minutes, and with ointment - 2-4 minutes.

Folk remedies are often used for rubbing. For example, for inflammation of the joints, myositis, gout, rheumatism, use an infusion of birch buds in alcohol in a ratio of 1: 5. After 3-5 minutes of massage, this tincture is rubbed into the sore area.

For bruises, muscle pain, and lumbosacral radiculitis, horseradish root pulp is used. Grated horseradish is applied to the gauze in a layer of 0.5 cm. In order to deprive such a compress of the burning effect, the gauze with the gruel is dipped into hot water and quickly pulled out. The compress is placed on the sore area for 20-30 minutes.

Warming cream is a product that perfectly stimulates blood circulation in muscle tissue. Such drugs are used in cosmetology, as an anti-cellulite agent, in medicine in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in sports, as a warming drug for muscle strains.

When such an ointment is applied to the skin, increased metabolism and blood circulation begin in the tissues. The muscles are warmed up, which helps them relax and eliminate spasms.

If we consider warming creams that are used in therapeutic
purposes, their action is aimed at relaxing and toning the nerve endings. Such remedies soothe, relieve pain and relax tense soft tissues.

Warming creams, which are used to burn cellulite, help normalize metabolic processes. This stimulates the burning of fatty tissue and accelerates the removal of broken cells from the body.

Warming creams are aimed at improving blood circulation, helping to relieve spasms in tissues, and eliminate pain after injuries or stretch marks. Regular use helps to tone tissues and also effectively eliminates muscle discomfort.

Warming creams for cellulite and weight loss

The main task of warming products in cosmetology is figure correction. Thanks to such creams, the skin tightens faster, and the contours of the body acquire clear boundaries. The products effectively reduce cellulite areas, making them almost invisible.

The main components that should be included in a warming ointment for weight loss and against cellulite:

With this composition, ointments and creams not only stimulate lymph flow and improve blood circulation, but also make the skin smooth, elastic and tightened.

Used for weight loss and getting rid of cellulite ointment "Capsicam", turpentine And heparin ointment. It is worth noting that any ointment that increases heat transfer can be used to combat problem areas of the body. The main thing is to remember the contraindications: skin damage, pregnancy, menstruation, kidney and heart problems.

Effect of warming creams for pain in the back, arms, legs, joints

The warming agent is applied topically. The components of such creams help dilate blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the affected tissues. They heat up and increased heat exchange occurs. This process helps to quickly remove waste from the tissues that surround the joints. This improves metabolism, pain goes away, and the functioning of joints and muscle tissue returns to normal.

The composition of ointments and creams that create increased heat exchange includes: hot pepper extract (red), snake and bee venom, methyl salicylate.

Among the means that have a universal effect - treatment, pain relief and warming, stand out as the most effective Finalgon ointment, and cream-oil “Red Star”.

If we consider homemade creams for joint pain, the most effective remedy is fly agaric ointment. It is used to treat injured skin areas. It also helps against rheumatism, fights arthrosis and eliminates the manifestations of arthritis.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory ointment from fly agaric:

You need to mix 50 g of Vaseline and 50 g of dried mushrooms. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass. The product must be applied to the affected areas and lightly massaged until the skin is warm, then insulate the joints with a warm scarf or scarf and leave overnight.

Fly agaric ointment has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation and swelling well, and helps normalize metabolic processes in diseased tissues.

Warming creams for therapeutic massage

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, therapeutic massage is often prescribed. With its help, you can return displaced intervertebral discs, which can pinch nerve endings, back into place. The procedure helps restore the functioning of articular tissues affected by various injuries (bruises, dislocations, torn ligaments). This is where warming ointments help well, as they have the following effects: relieve pain, relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and promote normal blood flow.

Among the most common warming creams used for massage are:
very effective are:

  1. Viprosal– ointment based on camphor or fir, contains viper poison. The product acts locally, relieves pain, removes swelling, and promotes intensive blood circulation in the affected tissues of muscles and joints.
  2. Capsicam– ointment with a pronounced analgesic effect. It acts quickly and relieves discomfort in muscles and joints for a long time. During massage, it warms and relaxes soft tissues, improves blood circulation.
  3. Apizartron. The product is used both for therapeutic massages and to eliminate pain in the arms, legs, and back. The ointment actively reduces muscle tone, helps increase the elasticity of tissues, improving metabolism in them.

The listed means increase the healing properties of massage. With their help, you can eliminate pain and restore normal functioning of the joint muscles.

Warming creams for athletes

Sport is always movement, during which minor sprains and minor bruises, as well as injuries of varying severity, can occur. Therefore, to minimize or avoid injuries, many athletes use warming ointments. They promote the growth of new tissue in the muscles, reduce congestion in the joints, which eliminates discomfort and stiffness of movement.

Ointments used before training:

In addition to warming ointments, which should be applied before training, athletes also use creams after finishing exercise. They must be chosen carefully so as not to harm tired muscles.

Among the many creams we can highlight sports cream "42", which has a warming effect. It is based on medicinal components of natural origin (essential oils of eucalyptus, lavender, bee venom, extracts of chamomile, horse chestnut and wormwood, vitamins and nutrients). The list of active components does not end there. Therefore, the product is safe and active for sprains, bruises and dislocations. It relieves pain well, relieves swelling and inflammation. The cream is indispensable for sports injuries and muscle fatigue.

A good remedy is BenGay cream. This remedy reduces muscle tone and also helps relieve fatigue after various exercises and physical exertion during training.

Another good cream that is recommended to be applied after the gym is Myoton-A. This remedy has a relaxing effect. The cream, with the help of warming, restores muscle function, relieves pain and discomfort in the joints.

If an injury occurs during training (bruise, dislocation, torn ligaments), it helps a lot Fastum-gel. It relieves inflammation and swelling in injured joints, relaxes muscles, relieves their tone. At the same time, blood circulation and metabolism in soft tissues are improved.

Another remedy that has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect is "Flexall". This is a cream that is recommended to be taken in sports after training. Contains aloe extract, vitamin E and camphor.

Warming creams for children

The child's body is very sensitive to many medications. Many products can cause allergies or have many contraindications. In such cases, warming ointments help out. They are recommended for use for coughs and colds in children. The main thing is to remember that you can rub with warming creams if the child does not have a fever.

Effective warming creams for children:

When using warming ointments in the treatment of colds in children, you should remember that you cannot overdo it with doses. Otherwise, you can provoke a skin burn or an allergic reaction in the form of hives.

Warming creams for solarium

Warming ointments are widely used in cosmetology. There are also a number of warming agents for solariums - creams with ant poison. Such ointments penetrate the upper layers of the epidermis, accelerate blood circulation, which helps saturate the skin with oxygen. Fabrics become more susceptible to tanning, it lies evenly and deeper.

The most common warming creams for solariums:

There are many tanning creams and lotions that increase heat transfer in tissues. Their main goal is a long and deep tan.

Warming ointments and creams are widely used both in medicine and in cosmetology and sports. They relieve pain, relieve inflammation, help with bruises, and also treat colds. In cosmetology, warming products are popular for weight loss, getting rid of cellulite, and also as a good tanning product. When using warming creams, it is important to remember the doses and contraindications.

Video about warming ointment for athletes

The benefits of massage procedures have been proven in a number of cases; this method will be relevant for both the body and the face. Proper impact on the skin not only improves blood circulation, but also relieves muscle tension, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and promotes active relaxation. It would seem that the procedure itself is effective and self-sufficient, but it can also be done better. The effect is improved by using a special massage cream, which not only increases the level of comfort, but also additionally saturates the skin with useful components.

How to choose a good massage cream

Massage cream has two main purposes:

  • improved gliding on the skin;
  • additional effect on the skin due to the inclusion of beneficial components.

Before you buy a cream, pay attention to its composition - it is preferable to include natural ingredients among the ingredients. They will provide a positive effect on the condition of the skin, saturating it with useful substances, thereby making massage an even more useful procedure.

If you are using a cream for facial massage, then you need to focus on your skin type. If your face is dry, then it is advisable that the product contains avocado, olive oils, grape seed or seaweed extracts. If the skin is oily, then it is preferable to have chamomile, tea tree, calendula or fruit acids extract.

Review of the best massage creams for face and body and their composition

Massage cream is an important element of the procedure, and in most cases such a product is quite affordable, so do not neglect purchasing it. The buyer is offered a lot of options, the main share of which are domestic products. You can decide on a purchase based on the basic properties and composition of a particular cream.

Freedom "Ballet"

The cream is available in an aluminum tube, volume 40 ml. It is worth noting the affordable price of the product and its high quality. Suitable only for body massage, you should not use it on the face - it will create an unpleasant feeling of oiliness. The product has several important properties: it helps improve blood circulation in the area of ​​application, relieves accumulated tension and muscle fatigue. Contains chamomile extract. It is consumed very economically; only a few peas will be enough for one procedure. Has a pleasant menthol refreshing aroma. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it soft and tender.

Avanta "Nega"

Nega massage cosmetic cream is designed specifically for an effective massage session. The product is quite greasy and is slowly absorbed by the skin, due to which it provides easy and long-lasting glide. The composition includes carrot seed extracts, peppermint oil and eucalyptus, the aroma of natural ingredients relaxes during the session and gives the effect of light aromatherapy. The cream helps restore muscle tone after exercise, and is also indispensable for relieving pain from injuries. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic. Be careful - the product should not be used on legs with varicose veins.

Dikul balm

Valentin Dikul's massage balm has a higher cost; it is recommended for use for diseases of the spine and joint elements. The composition includes a large number of natural ingredients that provide a healing effect: badger and bear fat; Shilajit - helps restore tissue of joints and bones; propolis – stimulates immune defense; plant extracts are necessary to activate natural metabolic processes, stimulate blood circulation and provide an anti-inflammatory effect;
sea ​​buckthorn, flaxseed, olive and cedar oils - relieve inflammation and relax muscles.

The product is available in a 100 ml plastic tube. The consistency of the product is thick, oily, it does not absorb into the skin for a long time, thereby providing excellent conditions for massage procedures.

Warming cream Muravivit for back massage

The main active component of the product is formic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic effect. It also contains natural extracts of medicinal herbs and vegetable oils. The manufacturer recommends using the cream for acute pain attacks, for traumatic injuries, or for aching pain in joint elements or muscles. A massage with this cream warms up, significantly improves blood circulation, and in the process the skin becomes softer and more elastic. Suitable for any type of massage; the list of contraindications only includes individual intolerance to individual components of the product.

Collagen cream for face and neck massage “Farmona”

The product is produced in a convenient and economical container with a 500 ml dispenser, the country of origin is Poland. The unique composition of the product has the effect of long-term moisturizing of the skin and increasing its elasticity. The main active ingredients are hyaluronic acid and seaweed extract.

A massage procedure for the face and neck brings not only a feeling of comfort and relaxation, but also incredible smoothness and silkiness of the skin. Suitable for all skin types.

Children's cream "Fox"

The product is produced in a memorable bright blue aluminum tube with a painted red fox (volume - 45 ml). The consistency of the product is thick and oily, and it takes quite a long time for it to be completely absorbed into the skin.

The cream has good moisturizing, softening and protective properties, prevents the occurrence of peeling and areas of irritation. Since it is produced for use on children's skin, there are no perfume components in the composition, and the product does not provoke allergic reactions.

Anti-cellulite cream Belita-Vitex “Bath, massage, sauna”

The cream is part of the “Bath, Sauna, Massage” series and is available in a 200 ml plastic tube. The cream has an anti-cellulite effect due to a special complex of components with a warming effect: lemon, fir and rosemary oils, red pepper, caffeine, grapefruit and seaweed extract. After use, the skin becomes smooth and even.

The manufacturer promises that regular use of the product will have a preventive effect, preventing the formation of new fat deposits.

Making massage cream at home

There are many ingredients for preparing massage cream at home, the most popular of which are:

  • cocoa butter;
  • Peach oil;
  • olive oil;
  • pink water;
  • beeswax.

You can also use any cosmetic oil; you should select it based on the properties that are always disclosed by the manufacturer in the instructions or on the packaging.

You need to prepare the massage cream in a water bath. Here they use one rule: the solid components are grated before melting, and the liquid ones are added after the solids have dissolved. The specific set of components depends on the purpose of using the cream and age. So, the simplest recipe: 3 teaspoons of cocoa butter (base), a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil and 2 teaspoons of rose water. This product should be stored in the refrigerator.

What is better for massage, cream or oil?

If you contact a massage therapist, the specialist will use the product that is most convenient for him. When doing a self-massage, you can only choose a cream or oil experimentally, testing the properties of each on yourself. So, each product has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Facial massage is a procedure performed, as a rule, for the purpose of rejuvenation. The visible effect of skin manipulation is achieved only if special techniques are followed. In particular, all movements should be smooth, with the fingertips following the massage lines. However, complete adherence to the technique will not help if the cream is chosen incorrectly. It is extremely important for the procedure, as it provides easy gliding, softening the skin, increasing skin tone, and relieving tension. It is advisable to use a special cream rather than a regular one. It enhances the effect of massage.

Which facial massage cream to choose?

Massage creams are divided into types depending on the following characteristics:

  • Scope of application (professional cosmetic products are purchased for salons).
  • Compound.
  • Effects (rejuvenating, moisturizing, toning).

Massage products are usually characterized by high cost. If you want to save money, you can make the composition yourself.

Professional products

Professional creams have the following advantages:

  • Impeccable glide without the use of additional lubrication.
  • Possibility of adjusting the depth of rubbing.
  • Thick consistency, which ensures economical use of the product.
  • Deep hydration of the skin.
  • The composition does not leave difficult to remove stains on clothes and towels.

You can make your own massage cream.

Let's look at some of the professional creams:

  • BELLITAS. Professional product with geranium oil. Suitable for all skin types. Does not damage delicate integuments. The composition includes bee oil, paraffin wax. The product tones tired skin, reduces stress, and softens the skin.
  • OPSIDERM. The composition includes almond oil, vitamin C and E. The product moisturizes the skin, but does not make it oily. Goes great with massage oils.
  • Re-Generic. Product from a Polish manufacturer. Typically used in beauty salons. The composition includes almond oil, which provides a restorative and moisturizing effect.

Professional cream can be used not only in the salon, but also at home. It makes sense to purchase the product only if a person is really interested in massage and performs it often, since the cost of one jar is high.

Cream for home use

Modern manufacturers offer creams for home use, the effect of which is comparable to visiting a salon. Let's look at some of them:

  • Ever Prime. The product has a rejuvenating effect. The desired effect is achieved by removing toxins, eliminating swelling, and smoothing the skin. The production of collagen and elastin is also activated.
  • Asterope Cold Cream. This is a low-molecular cream with a nourishing, rejuvenating, regenerating effect. The composition helps eliminate irritation, redness, and peeling. Suitable for long massage. One application of the product is sufficient to complete the entire procedure.
  • Lift Massage. A product with a lifting effect. Provides perfect glide. Helps improve blood circulation.

The compositions can be easily found in pharmacies or online stores.