Why do I like gigolos? Should a man provide for a woman - the opinion of a family psychologist Why a man does not want to support a woman.

The roles of men and women in relationships are different. Each party has its own rights and obligations to each other. The issue of financial security often becomes a stumbling block: should a man support his woman?

The first thing you should pay attention to, what is the meaning of the word "contain"? If the meaning comes down to the fact that a woman will not earn at all, then this also means that she will never have her own money. There is no need to talk about any independence in this situation. Such an imperious position of a man is not bad in itself. But it can develop into a desire for total control over a woman, and not only financially. And this can already become a serious barrier to a happy relationship.

If the meaning of the phrase "support your woman" means that a woman earns much less than a man, then a wider discussion can be developed on this topic. Arguments based on the specifics of the relationship between the partners, on their possible agreements, and even on the age difference, if any, will be used.

Some men take the position that a woman cannot earn much at all, this should not be expected from her. And although now many women show their ambitions to the world and achieve heights, there is still a certain genetic predisposition to the idea that in nature the fair sex is weaker, and its work is easier, therefore, it should be paid less. But not always both partners agree on such conditions for building relationships. The “bone of contention” can be sudden success or a woman’s rapid movement up the career ladder. The self-esteem of some men will not allow them to allow this.

One of the common mistakes in relationships is too rigid separation of spheres of influence. A man only earns money, a woman only takes care of the house. Their paths intersect only in the kitchen and in the bedroom. Why can't a man help his lover cook dinner together, and why can't a woman arrange a meeting with her own money?

A woman (as well as a man) needs self-realization. Lack of development leads to age-related crises, depression and the collapse of relationships. That's why it's so important to let women's talents develop, no matter what it comes down to: housekeeping or building marketing strategies.

There are many reasons why a man might be opposed to his woman working. One of them is subconscious distrust based on the fear of losing a loved one. But relations built on distrust will sooner or later “shoot into the negative” for both sides.

You respect yourself and, accordingly, you respect your choice - the woman with whom you decide to build a relationship.

Sometimes one solid heart-to-heart talk is enough to understand the position and find an option that suits each other. Both partners always work on harmonious relations, which means that all issues, including financial ones, should be discussed together.

The main component of harmonious relations is the mutual pleasure from the union. If both partners recognize the state of affairs as convenient and comfortable, then there will be no disagreement, even if their union is contrary to all generally accepted rules!

Be attentive to your partner, learn to hear and listen to each other - and then harmony will dominate in your relationship, regardless of who earns more.

In today's modern society, many men and women very often discuss the question: "Should a man support a woman?" The topic is really relevant and is sometimes leading in social networks, various forums and sites. In this article, the words will be devoted to this topic and, as always, you will recognize the view of the author of the blog.

Let's all together go a little deeper into the past of mankind, and dig a little in the school history textbook, but not for long. Let's try to figure out why it was the man who was engaged in providing for his family, and not the woman? The answer is pretty simple. At the beginning of human civilization, the physical strength of the hunter occupied a decisive role in obtaining food, and in those days it was almost impossible to do without it. Many scientists have long proven the superiority of men over women in this indicator. Most likely, for this very reason, as well as the ability of women to give birth to children and be tied to a newborn child for some time, family responsibilities were distributed in such a way that a man is a breadwinner and a woman is a keeper of the hearth. And from that time on, a man had to support a woman.

I think nothing would have changed by today if it were not for scientific progress! So in our time, to make money, the physical superiority of men is not mandatory, and in some cases or professions it is not necessary at all. To work today, a thin laptop, a mobile phone is enough, even money is stored on a small plastic card with the same weight, regardless of the amount in the account, and not, as before, they were carried in bags. And any woman can already cope with this, unless of course she studied at school. Therefore, in modern society, women compete on equal terms with men. In this competition, women increasingly began to outperform men and earn more, and sometimes significantly more, than their soulmates.

Increasingly, in the evening, walking around the evening city, I began to notice how fathers without mothers go for a walk with children and this is an ordinary working day, not a day off. I can also add that I am not the only one who knows many families in which women earn more than their husbands.

Do you remember the plot of the good old Soviet Oscar-winning film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”? When the main character Gosh, a simple locksmith at the institute, found out that his beloved woman was a director and earned more, he disappeared and took to drink for eight days! But still, love won. Despite the different social status in the society of the main characters, they remained together. I believe that mutual love should always win! And you shouldn't scatter it in your personal life.

And if a woman wants to become a businesswoman, and as a result begins to earn more than her husband, should she be limited? To answer this question, I advise men to put themselves in her place. Just imagine for a moment that if you dream about something and intend to realize your goals and dreams, and someone (for example, your wife) forbids you, period. I would definitely not like it, and by all means I would try to get rid of the barrier. Therefore, if a girl or wife decides to do her own thing, never interfere, but rather try to help. Or maybe her idea will turn into your family business.

Sometimes seeing a girl in an expensive car, some men hint at her night profession and nothing else. They cannot admit or accept within themselves that she has achieved more in life. Girls, do not be offended by such guys, and if you meet, then smile and they will tell their friends for a long time what “Mega” girl smiled at him today, and you will become the star of his dreams for a long time.

Every family is different. For example: a husband earns more, but sometimes less, sometimes enough, sometimes not, tries hard or everything is indifferent, etc. In each case, the woman will lead differently. And some girls, in order to avoid uncertainty in the future, try to build their own career and move up the career ladder. What if a divorce and there are children, and the former will not pay alimony and help, how then to live? Indeed, there are many such cases. In addition, more couples are now statistically getting divorced than ever before. Therefore, I don’t understand how you can reproach or interfere with a girl to provide for children and herself in the future and become independent.

In my opinion, a man should use every opportunity, and not sit back, and adequately provide for his family, wife and children. After all, since ancient times, this is his direct duty. If a man doesn’t succeed now, but he strives, support his girls and then he will definitely succeed, because the role of the wife in such cases is actually colossal and should not be underestimated. If the wife strives, everything should also be only mutual on the part of the husband.

Therefore, is it necessary to judge whether a man should support a woman or not? Is this correct or not correct? I propose to find a solution on your own at the family council, and it will be better for the family, for the husband and wife. But men should understand, especially those who have not yet married, that if he achieves a significant position in society with a good salary or income, then to put it mildly, women's respect for him will increase significantly, because a woman thinks not only about herself, but also about well-being your future children.

If you have any questions, ask or share your opinion in the group or in the comments to the article.

It has long been believed that it is the man who should be the breadwinner in the family. Even if a woman works and earns money, this does not mean that the husband has the right to lie on the couch with the TV remote control in his hands. In the modern world, there is gender equality, so that in each family, both make decisions.

Should a man support his woman or his family? From the point of view of many modern men, this is absolutely not necessary. They will gladly give their wife the right to earn money and will use it without a twinge of conscience. Now, of course, many ladies are smart and businesslike, have their own business and are able to support not only themselves, but also their husband - gigolo. As a result, which of them becomes the head of the family and makes all the important decisions? The one who makes money.

There is another option - both work, but what happens in the evening when they come home? The man announces that he is tired from the terribly hard service and collapses exhausted on the sofa. A woman can't say or do that. She needs to feed hungry children and her husband dying of fatigue and hunger. Consequently, she stands at the stove, prepares dinner, then washes the dishes and the kitchen after a delicious dinner, helps the children do their homework, or does something with the kids who have come from the kindergarten.

A rested man late in the evening also begins to demand attention. Is a woman prone to caresses after a working day and a second shift spent doing chores around the house? The answer is obvious, but, in the opinion of such a man, the wife is again to blame. Either she fell out of love with him, or she has someone on the side. The solution to the problem is quite simple - to share household responsibilities, or a man must support a woman and earn enough so that she can take care of the house and children calmly and without stress.

Every family deals with problems differently. The question is who a man needs - a beloved woman, or a domestic servant, who, moreover, brings her share to the family budget. And who does a woman need - a beloved husband, on whom you can rely on everything, or a creature lying on the couch and requiring various services.

There is a category of girls who do not want to study and strive for independence. They prefer to look for a rich husband or at least a lover. If a man chooses one, then, of course, he must support it. There is no question of love or equality here. A woman receives money for her whims, expensive gifts and trips to foreign resorts. In return, she becomes a kept woman, the property of her lover and must do what he orders.

There are pitfalls in this position. A kept girl will be needed by her roommate only while she is young and beautiful, then he will easily leave her and find another beauty. Whether a man should support a woman, in the end, he decides for himself. If a lady gives birth to children for him, takes care of them and turns the house into a cozy corner where you want to return after the labors of the righteous, then why not? In such a family, everyone has his own job - he earns money, it provides home comfort.

Everything should be in moderation, if a man from the very beginning of the acquaintance does not consider it necessary to pay for lunch in a restaurant, give flowers or another gift, it should be foreseen that the same will happen in the family. But every woman wants at least a little attention. On the other hand, a girl who, from the first days of their acquaintance, demands diamonds and other expensive things, is not trustworthy. She will sell herself for money, but she cannot fall in love.

Since ancient times, a man has been considered the main earner in the family, the head of the family, hope and support. And if he relies on a woman in everything, and he doesn’t even want to lift a finger, then this is not a man at all. Whether a woman will earn money or take care of household chores, the husband and wife should decide together.

A man is not obliged to support a woman if he does not want to, but then you should not expect reciprocal steps from her. Providing financial support for his wife and children is the responsibility of the husband, especially if there are many children and the house is large. A working woman gets tired in the service, she simply does not have enough strength for everything else.

In today's modern society, many men and women very often discuss the question: "Should a man support a woman?" The topic is really relevant and is sometimes leading in social networks, various forums and sites. In this article, the words will be devoted to this topic and, as always, you will recognize the view of the author of the blog.

Let's all together go a little deeper into the past of mankind, and dig a little in the school history textbook, but not for long. Let's try to figure out why it was the man who was engaged in providing for his family, and not the woman? The answer is pretty simple. At the beginning of human civilization, the physical strength of the hunter occupied a decisive role in obtaining food, and in those days it was almost impossible to do without it. Many scientists have long proven the superiority of men over women in this indicator. Most likely, for this very reason, as well as the ability of women to give birth to children and be tied to a newborn child for some time, family responsibilities were distributed in such a way that a man is a breadwinner and a woman is a keeper of the hearth. And from that time on, a man had to support a woman.

Who maintains whom?

I think nothing would have changed by today if it were not for scientific progress! So in our time, to make money, the physical superiority of men is not mandatory, and in some cases or professions it is not necessary at all. To work today, a thin laptop, a mobile phone is enough, even money is stored on a small plastic card with the same weight, regardless of the amount in the account, and not, as before, they were carried in bags. And any woman can already cope with this, unless of course she studied at school. Therefore, in modern society, women compete on equal terms with men. In this competition, women increasingly began to outperform men and earn more, and sometimes significantly more, than their soulmates.

Increasingly, in the evening, walking around the evening city, I began to notice how fathers without mothers go for a walk with children and this is an ordinary working day, not a day off. I can also add that I am not the only one who knows many families in which women earn more than their husbands.

Do you remember the plot of the good old Soviet Oscar-winning film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”? When the main character Gosh, a simple locksmith at the institute, found out that his beloved woman was a director and earned more, he disappeared and took to drink for eight days! But still, love won. Despite the different social status in the society of the main characters, they remained together. I believe that mutual love should always win! And you shouldn't scatter it in your personal life.

And if a woman wants to become a businesswoman, and as a result begins to earn more than her husband, should she be limited? To answer this question, I advise men to put themselves in her place. Just imagine for a moment that if you dream about something and intend to realize your goals and dreams, and someone (for example, your wife) forbids you, period. I would definitely not like it, and by all means I would try to get rid of the barrier. Therefore, if a girl or wife decides to do her own thing, never interfere, but rather try to help. Or maybe her idea will turn into your family business.

Sometimes seeing a girl in an expensive car, some men hint at her night profession and nothing else. They cannot admit or accept within themselves that she has achieved more in life. Girls, do not be offended by such guys, and if you meet, then smile and they will tell their friends for a long time what “Mega” girl smiled at him today, and you will become the star of his dreams for a long time.

Every family is different. For example: a husband earns more, but sometimes less, sometimes enough, sometimes not, tries hard or everything is indifferent, etc. In each case, the woman will lead differently. And some girls, in order to avoid uncertainty in the future, try to build their own career and move up the career ladder. What if a divorce and there are children, and the former will not pay alimony and help, how then to live? Indeed, there are many such cases. In addition, more couples are now statistically getting divorced than ever before. Therefore, I don’t understand how you can reproach or interfere with a girl to provide for children and herself in the future and become independent.

In my opinion, a man should use every opportunity, and not sit back, and adequately provide for his family, wife and children. After all, since ancient times, this is his direct duty. If a man doesn’t succeed now, but he strives, support his girls and then he will definitely succeed, because the role of the wife in such cases is actually colossal and should not be underestimated. If the wife strives, everything should also be only mutual on the part of the husband.

Therefore, is it necessary to judge whether a man should support a woman or not? Is this correct or not correct? I propose to find a solution on your own at the family council, and it will be better for the family, for the husband and wife. But men should understand, especially those who have not yet married, that if he achieves a significant position in society with a good salary or income, then to put it mildly, women's respect for him will increase significantly, because a woman thinks not only about herself, but also about well-being your children.

Should a man provide for a woman?

I never understood why most women are sure that a man owes a woman. First of all, this is manifested in some despotic and absolutely arrogant women's thesis - "A man must provide for a woman."

I will tell you from my own experience, many females, including my wife, consider a man to be something like a kind of substance that is created and generally lives on this planet only to make it, unique and unique, happy and carefree. The financial component here often comes to the fore. The man must earn money, and the woman spends it. Think about it! It looks like a slave-owning way of life in society. There is not enough money for dresses and beads - the man is to blame, there is no way to go on vacation - the man is to blame, they refused to buy some kind of tsatsachka - there is no limit to resentment. It starts (and often continues), they say, you earn little, go look for another job, see what a good husband my girlfriend has, this is a man! And all this instead of at least supporting and getting into position, but in fact go and do something yourself.

Every girl wants to be a princess, and such a mentality is formed in them from childhood, from fairy tales, thanks to the fact that their parents take care of them. But when we enter adulthood, a man grows up in fact, understands that he has responsibilities, but women, unfortunately, very often remain in this childhood. So, returning to the princesses, they also dream of a prince. Only in fairy tales, princesses never saw the brains of princes and do not say that you owe me.

In fact, nowhere, except for the strange female brain, there is no such law that would say about the financial obligations of a man to a woman. In front of children - yes, in front of parents - yes, it can be like that. But in front of a woman - no! If there are financial difficulties in a family or couple, then both are equally to blame, and not one man.

And do not forget, because a woman needs much more expenses for herself than a man. All sorts of mascaras, lipsticks, every time a new dress, tanning beds and the like, you can list for a very long time. And all this, in their opinion, falls on men's shoulders. For some reason, we have to plow like Papa Carlo, and you spend. Is it fair? And this phrase is also touching - “After all, I buy and do all this to be beautiful for you.” Pure deception! For myself! You are selfish to the point of horror, and besides, you are liars.

Recently, a familiar married couple struck me. The husband works two jobs. She goes without him for the third time on vacation at sea (financially, everything is not so good with them). I asked why you are going again, but he is not, because you have problems with money. To which they answered that I was a girl and I needed to psychologically rest at least once every six months. I received an award and I can afford it. To which I recalled that quite recently her husband received an award, and even more than she did. But they told me without a twinge of conscience that we were saving his money for a car, and I needed to rest. Only here is the question - which of them needs to rest psychologically, she or he, after everyday sawing of the mind.

In my opinion, the one who earns more should spend more on himself. And it's mostly men. I'm not talking about family expenses for food, utilities, a minimum of clothing, and so on. I'm talking about the fact that it's better to buy yourself 100 fishing rods than she already ... the second dress.

After all, women today earn a little less than men. If you need something, don't get a man, earn it yourself. Get out of childhood - you are not a princess, and life is not a fairy tale! Get out of your head that the man is to blame for everything, that only financial obligations are on him, on you in a wounded way.

And I will also say this, again the men themselves are to blame, many cannot refuse a woman. I myself was like that for the time being. I was driven to the fullest, and in such a way that I did not even understand it. All the money I received somehow magically turned into rings, boots, etc. Just at one moment I realized this, now there is no such thing in my house - “Girls need all the best, first buy me a fur coat, and then you will go to visit your parents in your homeland. The money should go to the woman in the first place, and if something remains, then it will go to the peasant.” Believe me, this is exactly the kind of thought process that goes on in their heads. Stop it, otherwise we will really be those slave ants who live only to make their queen feel good.

And much more can be said on the topic - why a man owes a woman. This is not only a financial aspect, there are also others. For example, why should a man yield to a woman and always approach, call and write first. But more on that next time.