Voronezh participant of “Tomboy”: “Because of the threats, I’m afraid to leave the house. Buzova's fans caught Tarasov cheating on his pregnant wife Kristina from the boy on Instagram

After the football training camp, he did not go home, but to the club, which gave rise to many questions. Not only that, according to the majority, he had to miss his wife, whom he constantly confesses his love to, so rumors about the probable betrayal of the football player add fuel to the fire.

On the net, fans of Olga Buzova, Dmitry's ex-wife, whom he cheated on, assure that the football player has not changed and the new marriage has not become an obstacle to his next adventures. The reason for this is the mysterious video that was published on her Instagram by the finalist of the reality show "Tomboys" on the Pyatnitsa channel Kristina Belokopytova. Only Dmitry Tarasov can put everything in its place, but no one seems to believe him anymore. It was enough for Christina to just hint at flirting and courtship from Tarasov, as rumors spread massively on the network that Dmitry was cheating on her wife with her. The girl posted a number of photos and videos on her Instagram stories in which she has fun at the club. Nearby is a man who looks like Tarasov. The signatures unequivocally stated that Dmitry was caring for the girl and even gave her flowers, although the man himself did not show any signs of attention to the girl.

It is worth noting that the name "Buzova" automatically changes to "Butova" when speed dialing on the phone. And although it seems to some that we are talking about another Olga, and the man is only remotely similar to Tarasov, accusations from Kostenko's fans still rained down on Christina, the girl was stigmatized for having a relationship with a married man. Kristina has limited the ability to comment on her account and removed unnecessary photos. The last caption that appeared after the incident reads: “Whoever said that “revenge is a dish served cold” must have suffered from gastritis. The main course is never cold. Ask any chef about it."

The network was outraged by the behavior of Tarasov, who had already divorced twice due to infidelity, and left his first wife even with a child. “The fate, probably, is like that for him” “Why did he get married, and even get married .. He would walk to his health” “Divorce is not far off” “Nastasia will be silent and endure for the sake of a beautiful life, and he will walk, a very comfortable wife got caught this time! And then everything is according to the old scheme: a divorce, a broken trough for Nastya, a new wedding! “Even if it’s a fake, then after a while it will be true ... Tarasov fancies himself a super-duper dog of the whole country ... He liked that the whole country is talking about him ... And he will throw this girl out over time ... "" The fourth wife is on the way "I don't believe it, just because it would be too perfect. He knows that everyone is watching him now. I would have gone to the hotel for this, but it’s too affected”

And although some doubted whether Tarasov was captured in the photo and video, his wife did not deny that Dmitry spent time in this club. She only noticed that she considers the video not evidence of betrayal and thinks that Dmitry was not interested in Christina, and this whole story is a figment of her imagination. For the majority, the husband’s trip to the club after a two-week absence from home already seems suspicious: “Where the club is, there are women.” But Anastasia is still sorting through wedding pictures and seems to believe her husband unconditionally.

When the couple Kostenko and Tarasov got married, the scandalous blogger Lena Miro decided to predict the future. No, the woman did not go to conquer the heights of the "Battle of Psychics", but decided to express her opinion regarding the third marriage of football player Dmitry Tarasov. She believes that this couple will break up in a few years.

Last weekend, Dmitry Tarasov, presumably, rested in one of the nightclubs with friends. According to some reports, the finalist of the show "Tomboys" Christina Belokopytova also spent time there. The girl said that the athlete showed her signs of attention. “When the former Olga Buzova tries to stick to you. This is a failure, ”Kristina wrote in her Instagram story, posting a video that“ compromises ”Dmitry. Belokopytova also published a photograph of a bouquet of flowers allegedly given to her by Tarasov.

Christina's posts provoked heated discussions on social networks. Many believed the girl and decided that Dmitry Tarasov was cheating on his wife Anastasia Kostenko, whom he married at the end of January this year. Spiteful critics noted that not even a month had passed since the moment the lovers had a magnificent wedding ceremony.

After some time, Belokopytova deleted posts on Instagram. Apparently, the girl decided that she already attracted attention, or maybe she didn’t like the reaction of the public. Be that as it may, some suspected Christina of trying to promote herself at the expense of Dmitry Tarasov. The blonde even turned off comments on recent publications, not wanting to receive negative feedback.

Users of social networks wrote about the alleged betrayal of Dmitry Tarasov to his wife Anastasia Kostenko. The girl made it clear that she doubts the veracity of the rumors that are being discussed on the Internet. According to Anastasia, her husband was slandered.

“From the video, it’s obvious that no one there is up to her,” Kostenko answered the question of one of the subscribers with these words, referring to the behavior of Christina Belokopytova.

Anastasia's fans supported her and expressed doubt that Dmitry Tarasov was depicted in the video. They noticed that the quality of the video leaves much to be desired, which means that it is impossible to say with absolute certainty about the betrayal of a football player.

The athlete himself did not comment on the speculation of the public. It is known that Dmitry Tarasov is reluctant to speak on the subject of his personal life. Anastasia Kostenko became the third wife of a famous football player who has a daughter Angelina from her first marriage with Oksana Osinkina. By the way, recently the ex-wife of Dmitry said that she had faced severe threats against her. Oksana was attacked by ill-wishers who continue to discuss her separation from Tarasov even after seven years.

A student of the Voronezh Technical University, Kristina Belokopytova, became a TV star thanks to her participation in the reality show "Boys". Millions of viewers watched the transformation of "ugly ducklings into beautiful swans" for 2.5 months. entered the top three finalists, but remained without a victory. The jury members decided that Yulia Kovaleva, a project participant from the city of Bor in the Nizhny Novgorod region, has changed more. the winner was awarded a gold brooch and 500 thousand rubles.

The final episode of The Kid was filmed in early October and aired on November 10. Immediately after filming, the girls went home. Queen Christina (as the Voronezh participant was called on the project - RIA "Voronezh") returned to her hometown, where she became the object of attention of fans of the show "Tomboys". On the street, the girl is photographed, asked for autographs, the “yellow” media monitor every glass of alcohol drunk in nightclubs, ill-wishers insult and threaten in social networks, and fans send numerous complimentary comments. Christina has more than 3,000 unread messages on VKontakte alone.

Kristina Belokopytova told RIA Voronezh correspondents how her life changed after The Little Boy, what difficulties she faced on the set of the reality show, and who came up with the nickname "Queen".

“I was shocked that I got into a TV show”

Kristina, how did you get into the TV project "Boys"?

- I filled out a questionnaire on the channel's website - they called me, asked me to send a video about myself, and then they invited me for an interview in Moscow. To be honest, even when they shot a video about me, I was not sure that I would end up in "The Boys". Before that, she did not participate in the show. When I was told that I was among the participants, I was shocked. Yes, and my parents were also dumbfounded, but they said that I needed to change something in my life, that they were tired, that I was constantly hanging out in clubs, drinking, smoking.

Did you really have a conflicting relationship with your parents or did you exaggerate when you spoke on camera?

Christina with mom
Photo - screenshot of the show "Boys"

- Everyone has problems with their parents, but in everyday life we ​​don’t notice them, we don’t understand how we hurt our loved ones with behavior and rude words. I realized this when I was on the project. We were not allowed to communicate with relatives, for all the time they were only allowed to call them once and then there was a meeting with relatives at the project. During the separation, I realized how offended mom and dad. I am very ashamed and hurt for my behavior in the past. Someone wrote in the comments that my tears after meeting my mother were staged - this is a big stupidity. I'm not an actress to cry at the operator's command. The tears and emotions from the memories of the parents were real.

"I've always considered myself a kid"

- You are one of the most discussed tomboys on social networks. Many wrote that they did not understand how you were even taken to the project. They wrote that you are the most beautiful, smart, elegant, bitchy on the project - not a tomboy at all. Here is a jock Julia or a swearing Masha - yes, but Christina is not a tomboy. Did you consider yourself a tomboy before the project, or did you just want to get into the show?

- I always considered myself a tomboy, as a child I was engaged in boxing, football. I have a lot of boys in me. And in general, any beautiful, elegant woman who pulls the blanket over herself in a relationship with a man can be a tomboy. You may be a lady on the outside, but a tomboy on the inside. That's exactly what happened with me. Of course, the rest of the girls from the project needed to make more efforts to become a lady. They needed to change both externally and internally. I'm just on the inside.

Did you manage to change on the project?

Yes, I have really changed. I became more restrained in clothes, began to wear longer and closure dresses. I don't want to be the perhydrol blonde I was before the project anymore. On the project, I was repainted in a darker shade. At first I didn’t like it very much, but when the paint washed off a little, I liked the color. If earlier I could get drunk in a club in order to forget myself, now I don’t allow myself this. I watched an episode about a Japanese party where we got very drunk, and I felt so ashamed of it. Now I can afford to drink a glass of wine in the company of friends, but no more.

From smoking, too, weaned on the set?

- Yes, at first I really wanted to smoke, because during the filming you are constantly nervous, the situation is tense. I was looking for someone to have a cigarette. Did not find. The girls also searched, found some gobies, I don’t know if they managed to smoke them out or not, since we were thoroughly searched. Now I do not smoke and thank you very much for this project. After all, cigarettes affect health, skin, teeth, voice, and I already have a very hoarse voice, although initially it was not so.

- Once I came home from the club after a wild booze, I wanted to drink, I took out cold milk and drank it. After two weeks she could not speak, and then there was such a transformation of her voice. Now many fans are asking me how to make such an erotic hoarse voice for themselves. I always joke, they say, drink a liter of ice-cold milk - that's the whole secret. In fact, this is not worth repeating, it is harmful to health!

Where was the shooting of "The Kid"?

- Filmed in the summer in the suburbs in one of the country houses.

“We were accompanied everywhere by security”

What were the restrictions on the set?

- It's easier to say what could be done there - to count on the fingers of one hand. We were left without the Internet and telephone connection. We couldn’t watch TV either, so I only saw the releases of “Tomboys” when I returned home - in October. We could not leave the bedrooms without the permission of the teachers - there were guards at the doors. We had only one day off a week, when we could take a walk near the house where the shooting was going on. Security guards always walked with us so that we didn’t do anything. The feeling that you were in prison was always present.

- The husband of one of the “boys” and the participant who first left the project said in an interview that you were soldered to record a scandalous video card for the first release. They also soldered when you were riding in a limousine, when there was a fight and bottles were broken on your head. This is true?

“No one can make me drunk if I don’t want to.” Everyone then decided whether to drink it or not. At that moment I was adequate and very much afraid for my life due to the fact that the bottles were flying around the car. And if I could somehow close and dodge, then the operators were not protected at all. I can say that in the limousine we drank real alcohol and the bottles were real.

Were you limited in food on the project?

- And how! We were kept on a salt-free diet, we ate only boiled vegetables, chicken and more chicken. Once a day they could drink coffee and twice tea without sugar. Apparently, the teachers wanted all the nonsense out of us with the help of such a diet. Everyone lost a lot of weight, I personally lost 5 kg.

"The queen must have a positive and solvent king"

And why on the project you were called the queen? Who came up with the nickname?

- It's a funny story. Before the project, I made myself a manicure - on two fingers with rhinestones I asked to lay out the letter "k". The administrator saw this and asked what it was? Maybe two "kk" means "Queen Christina"? I laughed and started making fun of the nickname "queen", so it stuck to me. When this became my feature on the project, I began to play along, behave like a queen. In fact, I don’t have any star disease.

Is Queen Christina's heart free?

- Currently free.

The queen and the king need a match?

- Yes, it must meet the three "P" - positive, attractive and solvent.

Finalists of the Boys project: Nastya, Yulia, Kristina
Photo - screenshot of the show "Boys"

Toward the end of the project there were guesses who would win?

- It always seemed to me that Nastya would win (participant from St. Petersburg, reached the final - RIA "Voronezh"). It was strange for me and the girls that none of the teachers noticed that she was acting like an actress on the set, she was often not herself. I told her why you are doing this, we are living a real life here, you are not on stage. I'm glad Julia won. She really deserved it. Julia has done a great job on herself: she has changed externally and internally. And the fact that she endured pain in her leg for the sake of participating in the project, by the way, she was taken to the doctor every week for pain relief procedures, shows how strong she is in spirit.

Do you communicate with other participants of the project?

- Yes, with Yulia, for example. She recently had surgery and is doing well now. We communicate with Masha, with the Empress (Olesya Petrovitskaya - RIA "Voronezh"), Leroy sometimes.

"I want to go to Moscow"

Do they recognize you on the street?

- They will know. They run after me, shout, ask for an autograph, take pictures on the sly. Basically - schoolchildren who, due to their age, could not yet watch "Tomboy". Many write personal messages on social networks, and often those from which you then go and drink valerian. Threatened, insulted. To be honest, I'm even afraid to leave the house because of such crazy people. I do not understand why such aggression in my direction. I didn't do anything wrong to them. Apparently, the problem is envy, self-doubt. Some people just don't like more successful people.

- What are your plans for the future?

- Next year I will graduate from the university and go to Moscow. I don’t want to work by profession - I’ll try to realize myself on television.

The show "Boys" was released on the channel "Friday" in August 2016. The project started with 11 participants. Girls with the help of teachers for 2.5 months eradicated bad habits and transformed.

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Member Name: Kristina Belokopytova

Age (birthday): 25.07.

Voronezh city

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The blonde beauty Kristina Belokopytova stands out from all the tomboys on the project of the Friday channel. Why is she on this show? Is she unfeminine or rude? What is missing in her life?

Let's get to know her better and perhaps understand why she decided to come to this project.

Christina comes from the glorious city of Voronezh. Her family is quite wealthy and the girl is not used to denying herself anything. It should be noted that Christina is simply obsessed with her appearance, so she follows all the latest in cosmetics and spends a lot of time in the gym.

Another hobby of Christina is ... parties in nightclubs. In any case, she loves them much more than studying, and she doesn’t think about a career at all. Although the girl is still a student at a technical university, she clearly does not want to devote her life to the profession of an innovator, which she will receive there.

The favorite entertainment of this resident of Voronezh was meeting men and carousing at their expense.

All the girl's thoughts are aimed at getting married successfully.. As her companion, the girl sees an adult, handsome and, most importantly, a rich man. Well, or at least very promising in terms of earnings.

For all her attractiveness, Christina honestly admits that she has problems communicating with the opposite sex.

She does not know how to present herself, she clearly lacks good manners, the girl's vocabulary is very poor. Moreover, in ordinary life, the girl is very straightforward, overly conflicting and demanding.

Because of this, men see in Christina only a passion for one evening in a restaurant or an hour in a hotel room. No one has yet called Belokopytov to marry, and if she does not change, then she will not call.

Her parents are very dissatisfied with Christina's frivolity and, in general, her behavior. It was at their request that she first sent her profile, and then she herself went to the show "Boys". On this project, Christina wants to find out what good manners are and, in general, completely reconsider her behavior, become different, more interesting and even more attractive.

By the way, after the release of the first issues of the project, it was the parents who got the first portion of their daughter's glory.

The truth was expressed not in enthusiastic exclamations and approval, but in the angry comments of the audience, who noted that mom and dad, apparently, were not at all involved in raising their daughter.

Christina's dad says that even his daughter's teachers called him, who were surprised at how she behaves, how much she drinks and smokes. Moreover, after the end of the project, their daughter began to receive threats and she was even afraid to leave the house.

This is the reverse side of popularity that went to the Voronezh beauty, who was called the queen among the tomboys.

We will not judge whether Christina's parents raised her well, but I must say that she pulled herself together and changed a lot during her participation in the show. She became more calm, balanced, began to think first, and only then speak. She also lost 5 kilograms and began to dress more modestly.

Moreover, it was thanks to the project that the girl quit smoking! True, the judges of the project considered that Belokopytova did not change enough and there are those who did much more than her, so they gave the victory to another girl, but Christina does not lose heart.

She liked television so much that now she wants to devote her life to it.

True, she is not interested in news programs, but entertainment projects attract Belokopytova. Whether Christina will become a TV presenter is unknown, but she has already become a lady. And it happened thanks to the show "Boys".

Christina's photo

The girl had a lot of fans even before the show, but now the whole country knows her, there are more than 100 thousand subscribers on Instagram.