Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for September. Haircut lunar calendar for the second half of September Days for hair coloring in September

In the first month of autumn, a woman often seeks to update her hair, because in September many of them return from vacation - how not to impress colleagues and bosses in a new way? And the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for September 2019 will help you choose the best and most favorable days to bring your hair to perfect condition.

In addition, in September, mothers take their beloved children to school, and on such days you want to look especially attractive.

In a word, the motives and reasons are different, but the result is the same - the hairdressers have everything scheduled by the hour, the salons work to the maximum. However, do not rush and make an appointment with the master without specifying before that which days are suitable for hair manipulations. When to cut hair in September 2019 and when can it be dyed?

You will find all the answers in the lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for September 2019: auspicious days

  • The first successful day for dyeing and cutting hair will be September 3rd. By cutting your hair on this day, you will not only attract good luck, but also return a good mood to your life, and again become a more cheerful person. In addition, astrologers even approve of hair extensions, because this way you will look more feminine and mysterious.

Now you know when you can cut your hair in September 2018. And when is it absolutely impossible to visit a hairdresser? What does the lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for September 2019 say about this?

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for September 2019: unfavorable days

  • The very first day of the month of September is considered unsuitable for haircut changes. Despite the fact that many children happily go to school on September 1, hair manipulation can bring you serious financial problems. The only thing that is allowed today is hair coloring in your usual shades.
  • 2 September. Don't cut or dye your hair if you don't want trouble. The same applies to any hair changes on the 4th: disobeying the lunar calendar and changing your hair on this day, be prepared for problems in school or at work.

  • Considering that the full moon falls on September 6, astrologers strongly recommend that you refuse to go to the salon today. Even if you do cut your hair, you will not like the final result at all, not to mention the fact that various troubles will begin to occur in life.
  • Are you planning to cut your hair on September 8th? Then try to do it before lunch, because after 12 noon it is no longer possible to paint or cut your hair.
  • September 11 will be a somewhat mixed day. On the one hand, thanks to the haircut, you will look much better, but on the other hand, the hair will not react positively to it, it will grow worse, slower. It's better to dye blonde.
  • 12 number. By cutting your hair on this day, you will not have the best effect on the condition of your own hair, as it will begin to thin out almost immediately. However, today you can change the color of your hair, nothing bad will happen to you because of this.
  • The next day, that is, September 13, is very unsuitable for any manipulations with curls. In no case do not go to the hairdresser, otherwise your chronic diseases will worsen or new ones will appear. It is better to wait out this unfavorable period.

The lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for September 2019 shows that the next three days are also considered a little unlucky.

  • On the 14th, you can dye your hair, but do not cut your hair, because in this way you will activate your ill-wishers and envious people, and you probably do not need their attention.
  • On the 15th, it is recommended to give the hair a complete rest - do absolutely nothing with it.
  • And on the 16th, the moon will be waning, and therefore cutting hair is also not recommended. However, staining is possible, but only on condition that it is basma or henna. It is advisable to pay attention to hair care, make masks - then the hair will become more beautiful and thick.
  • September 18th. Haircut - no, but coloring - a sure yes.
  • September 19th. The new moon will come very soon, so it is better to take care of your health and not cut your hair on this day.
  • While the moon is moving from one phase to another day after day, you should not visit a hairdresser during this period. The 20th of September is one of those days.
  • September 22nd. You do not need to go to the salon if you are in a bad mood, otherwise you will simply ruin it completely.
  • Cancel all hair and hair color plans scheduled for September 26th. But on the 27th, you can sign up for a haircut, but only for her - painting is still not desirable.

The last three days of September - from the 28th to the 30th - are also considered unfavorable.

  • If you visit the salon on the 28th, then after that you will notice how you begin to gain extra pounds.
  • The 29th is more suitable for hair care, various procedures aimed at strengthening and improving their health. In addition, a head massage will have a great effect on the condition of not only the hair, but also the whole body.
  • On September 30, you should not sign up for a hairdresser for the reason that this trip will take away your health.

In September, there are enough successful days for making changes to your hairstyle. It is only important to look carefully at the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for September 2019 and decide when is the best time to visit the master.

Summer is over and it's already September. By the way, this is a wonderful time when you can take care of your hair or give your appearance an unforgettable chic. Women become more elegant and emotionally restrained, which is reflected in everything and especially in their hair.
The lunar haircut calendar for September 2017 advises you to mark for yourself the favorable days of the autumn month, when you can cut, dye and curl your curls. From September 1 to September 5, the Moon gradually grows, and on the 6th there is a Full Moon. So, planning a haircut for this day is not recommended. Otherwise, the hair will become split at the ends, lose shine and energy. But you can, without fear of spoiling the hair structure, massage, make masks and change color.

The moon begins to "thin" from September 7 to September 19, and then is born again on the 20th. From 21 to 30 - there is a New Moon. You can plan a trip to the hairdresser in order to cut curls, do a hairstyle or a nourishing mask.

Lucky days in September for a haircut according to the lunar calendar 2017

If you have an irresistible desire to change your look and get a haircut, then choose those days for this procedure when the moon is growing. Then, the curls will grow more intensively, and the hairstyle will look well-groomed and attractive.
The lunar haircut calendar for September 2017 recommends cutting hair on the days when the moon is “losing weight”. In this case, even weak and thin hair will not suffer from scissors, and the haircut will turn out great. The moon wanes in September from the 7th to the 19th, which means that hair growth slows down, and their structure improves.
Without a doubt, you can visit the master hairdresser on the days when the Moon is visiting in the signs of the zodiac - Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Leo and Virgo.
- Moon in Capricorn: September 28 and 29;
- Moon in Leo: 16th and 17th;
- Moon in Taurus: September 10 and 11;
- Moon in Libra: 21st and 22nd;
- Moon in Virgo: September 18
Auspicious days in September, when you can visit the master and experiment with a haircut:

September 1: attract positive energy to you;
- September 2: wealth;
- September 3: health will become stronger, intuition will increase, and money will flow like a river;
- September 7: life will change radically for the better;
- September 8: health will improve, and charm will increase;
- to become more optimistic, the lunar haircut calendar for September 2017 advises you to get a haircut on September 10, 14, 15;
- September 12: the authority will noticeably increase;
- September 18: you will become more attractive and brighter in appearance;
- September 20: if you cut your hair short, then radically change your life;
- September 22: energy will arrive, and the body will become younger;
- September 23: financial success;
- September 25: creativity will increase;
- September 26: Profit and getting rid of the disease
It's no secret to anyone that doing a haircut, we can help or harm our condition. By the way, this applies not only to mental health, but also to physical health. The lunar haircut calendar for September 2017 recommends trimming your hair on auspicious days of the month. This will allow us to strengthen the immune system, cheer up and even recover from serious diseases.

Wise advice

It is one thing to grow hair and quite another to properly care for them. To make them always look neat and attractive, you need to trim the ends once a month (one and a half). Oily ends of hair - once in 3 months.

Negative days for a haircut in September according to the lunar calendar 2017

When the Moon is in the zodiac sign Cancer, it is better to cancel the haircut - September 14, 15. In addition, it is better to refuse to visit the hairdresser on the following September days:
- September 4: possible blues, stress and depression;
- 5, 6, 9, 21 September: health will worsen;
- September 13: quarrels and conflicts with people;
- September 16: emotional state is unstable;
- September 17: internal discomfort and irritability;
- September 24: unsuccessful haircut;
- September 28: negative emotions, people and situations;
- September 30: health and mood will deteriorate

Wise advice

Do not be upset and panic if the haircut did not turn out the way you expected. Make your makeup brighter and the situation will change for the better in an instant! The haircut lunar calendar for September 2017 recommends making an original styling. You can decorate your hair with ribbons, crabs, hairpins and other fashionable things.

When should you curl your hair in September according to the lunar calendar 2017

If the Moon dominates the sign of Virgo, then you can go to the master and do a perm. Hair at this time is not so vulnerable and whimsical, so it will steadfastly withstand the onslaught of chemicals. Well, the curls turn out the way you imagined them. So, favorable days for "chemistry" in September are the 19th and 20th.
Women whose perm is too weak can do it during the period when the Moon is "visiting" in Leo - September 16 and 17. In this case, cute and soft curls will amaze even those around you, and not just you.
Those who have curls on their heads from birth should avoid perm on “lion” days. Otherwise, a huge sheaf of curls will appear on the head, and not a stylish hairstyle. The lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2017 does not recommend these days to do "chemistry" to owners of weak, thin and "capricious" hair.
Remember the negative days of September when you should not do a perm:

Moon in Aquarius: September 3, 4, 30;
- Moon in Cancer: 14th and 15th;
- Moon in Scorpio: September 23 and 24
If on these days you entrust your hair to a real professional, then they will still seriously suffer after the “chemistry”. Curls will become dull, weak and thin.

Wise advice

After you make a perm, provide your hair with 100% protection from harmful influences, bouffant, varnish and styling. Even washing your hair is recommended after 3 days.

We dye our hair in September according to the lunar calendar 2017

On the New Moon, you can not only accumulate positive energy, but also boldly dye your hair in the desired shade. In September, this can be done from 5 to 5 and from 21 to 30. To restore the hair structure after dyeing, you need to make nourishing masks and rub healing oils into the ends of your hair.
The haircut lunar calendar for September 2017 recommends paying attention to the favorable days of the month when you can change your hair color without a doubt. The new shade will refresh, give self-confidence and affect all areas of life.
- September 2: financial prosperity; - September 4: success in business and business;
- September 5: dark hair color will help get rid of negativity and solve numerous problems;
- September 7: light and red color will improve relations with relatives and friends;
- September 8: if you color your curls in your most “happy” color, then you will attract luck, success and love to life;
- September 11: the shade of "blonde" will help you get to know worthy people;
- September 12: if you give your hair a natural shade, then you will establish financial affairs;
- September 15: dye yourself dark, which means you will find a common language with your boss or get a prestigious job;
- September 18: The lunar haircut calendar for September 2017 promises good health and profit to those who decide on a sharp change in shade;
- September 23: for coloring, choose natural-based preparations, then you will become more persistent and achieve success in your work;
- September 25: become more proactive and active in your work;
- September 30: find a common language with the leadership
On September 3, the 13th lunar day will come, when a change in hair color can adversely affect the condition of the hair and general well-being. The result after visiting the master will disappoint and upset you.

Attention! If you dye your hair on the following days of September, then this will affect the areas of your life:

September 10: become irritable and emotionally unbalanced;
- September 16: quarrel with people and will not find understanding from relatives;
- September 26: Scandals and quarrels are possible

Wise advice

In order not to disturb the structure of the hair after dyeing, you should prepare a tincture based on hot pepper. The recipe is very simple: fill the pod (half) with alcohol (100 ml.). The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the scalp to improve blood circulation.

Lunar Resume

If you constantly turn to the mysterious but wise Moon for a hint, then there will be no problems with hair and creating the desired image. Surely, you have already seen that a haircut and other manipulations with curls can seriously change not only mood and health, but also the fate of a person.

The haircut calendar for September 2017 is based on the lunar calendar and the influence of the moon on hair growth and health in general. Lunar days can be unfavorable, favorable and neutral for the effect on the hair.

In the lunar calendar of haircuts for the current month, the days of the new moon, full moon and others are indicated, as well as the location of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, which is also of no small importance.

The haircut calendar will allow you to plan a visit to the hairdresser based on an auspicious day of the month for cutting hair. Different events have a certain impact on hair cutting.

A well-chosen auspicious day will help preserve positive forces and get rid of negative life factors, find and maintain harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Favorable days for a haircut in September 2017

September 2, 3, 10-13, 16, 17, 24, 28 and 29 September the Moon is in Capricorn, Taurus or Gemini - these are dates that will bring only positive emotions and strength to the hair. Save yourself

Bad days for haircuts

1, 4-9, 14, 21-23 and 26, when our satellite passes through the constellations of Pisces, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Sagittarius. These days it is possible to attract trouble in life, and the work of a hairdresser is unlikely to suit you.

Haircut lunar calendar for september 2017 by day

September 1 - the growing moon in Capricorn. If you don't want to attract trouble, pick another date to change your hairstyle.

September 2 - the growing moon in Capricorn. A prosperous date that promises happiness and high spirits. Don't get carried away with trifles.

September 3 - the growing moon in Aquarius. A wonderful day that will attract good luck and prosperity. Try to spend the evening with loved ones.

September 4 - the growing moon in Aquarius. In the case of going to the hairdresser today, health may be shaken - problems with pressure will appear, you will be overcome by an anxious feeling.

September 5 - the growing moon in Pisces. The date is not suitable for even the slightest changes in the hairstyle, as they can attract unpleasant people.

September 6 - Full Moon in Pisces. There is an opportunity to converge on work with a person who will interfere and lead you astray. Postpone the haircut and try not to get annoyed.

September 7 - Waning Moon in Aries. Absolutely inappropriate date - you can lose an expensive thing, attract theft or damage to property.

September 8 - Waning Moon in Aries. A new hairstyle will not bring satisfaction, immunity may decrease, a chronic disease will appear.

September 9 - Waning Moon in Aries. After a haircut, you will feel a breakdown, a depressive state, and an unwillingness to develop. It is worth postponing a trip to the hairdresser for another date.

September 10 - Waning Moon in Taurus. The day is ideal for cutting and coloring in any color. Keep a sense of joy from the successful work of the master to improve your personal life.

September 11 - Waning Moon in Taurus. If you need money, getting rid of bad energy along with hair will help you find the amount you need.

September 12 - Waning Moon in Gemini. Good day for hair. A hairstyle will increase attractiveness and make facial features more expressive.

September 13 - Waning Moon in Gemini. Despite the waning moon, hair will grow rapidly. The stars do not recommend repainting in a cardinally new color for you.

September 14 - Waning Moon in Cancer. Unfavorable date - today you can not see the coming opportunities and not take advantage of this fate.

September 15 - Waning Moon in Cancer. Today, styling, adjusting hairstyles is possible, but it is better to rid your hair of chemical procedures.

September 16 - Waning Moon in Leo. A wonderful date that will bring a lot of positive. Everyone around will admire the new hairstyle.

September 17 - Waning Moon in Leo. Your life will be filled with joyful events, and a haircut will only add positive emotions.

September 18 - Waning Moon in Virgo. Benevolent people will reach out to you, all things will end happily. Go to a trusted barber who knows his stuff.

September 19 - Waning Moon in Virgo. Try to avoid short hairstyles - today it is better to change your hair color, make a nourishing mask and cut off split ends.

September 20 - New Moon in Virgo. Move the haircut to another date, because today's manipulations will only harm the hair. Perhaps the appearance of such an unpleasant problem as dandruff.

September 21 - the growing moon in Libra. Not a suitable date, as the first lunar day can affect life expectancy.

September 22 - the growing moon in Libra. Due to the imbalance of energies, troubles in life and discord in the inner world can be attracted.

September 23 - the growing moon in Scorpio. Don't cut your hair today. Better try to strengthen them with masks and oils.

September 24 - the growing moon in Scorpio. The date is suitable for a radical change in appearance: a new haircut, coloring in dark or light colors will bring a good mood.

September 25 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. Going to the master can bring trouble in the form of dandruff and split ends.

September 26 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. By adjusting the hairstyle, it is possible to attract ill-wishers and even enemies.

September 27 - the growing moon in Sagittarius. Any procedure will bring luck and wealth, but beware of new methods used on you by a hairdresser.

September 28 - the growing moon in Capricorn. Look for a new master, then the haircut will succeed. If you need money, you will begin to attract it like a magnet.

September 29 - the growing moon in Capricorn. Try not to attempt to completely change the image. It is recommended to make a simple and light haircut.

September 30 - the growing moon in Aquarius. A good day to experiment not only with hair, but also with your life. Do not be afraid to take risks moving towards the goal.

A visit to the stylist can be timed to coincide with the most favorable days of September. With the help of the recommendations of the lunar haircut calendar, you will not only be able to create a unique image, but also enlist the support of Fortune.

Hair has been treated with respect since ancient times. They are not only decoration, but also contain the power that can give protection from negativity. Women know the magic of hair, and they actively use it, achieving success and well-being. Beautiful and well-groomed curls complete the image and allow you to feel confident in your own abilities.

Auspicious days for cutting hair

September 1-2: The waxing Moon will spend the beginning of the month in the constellation Capricorn. This time is good for visiting a beauty salon and hair manipulation. A haircut on September 1 and 2 will help to cope with brittleness and split ends. In addition, changing hairstyles and using natural dyes these days will provide an opportunity to bring material well-being into life. The most successful manipulation will be a simple trimming of regrown hair.

September 3-4: The influence of the Aquarius constellation will not affect the hair in any way. These days will be neutral for haircuts. However, ladies should remember that the rise of the moon provokes rapid hair growth, so a new hairstyle will quickly lose its shape and volume. This can lead to frustration and embarrassment in business. Whispers to attract good luck and a natural hairstyle that adds femininity will help correct the situation.

September 5-7: the growth of the moon in the constellation of Pisces will be reflected in the hair and scalp. After changing the hairstyle, dandruff may appear, and the hair will fade and lose strength. Infusions of medicinal herbs that replenish the necessary elements in the hair will help to avoid problems. During the Full Moon on September 6, hair needs a rest. Refrain from going to the hairdresser in favor of homemade masks that strengthen your curls.

September 8-9: The waning moon in the constellation of Aries is favorable for haircuts that will retain their shape for a long time. However, under the influence of this sign, the hair will become stiffer. A haircut these days should be done by ladies whose hair does not have natural strength. With trimming, you can get rid of split ends and give the image a complete look.

September 10-11: thanks to the harmonious union of the waning moon and the zodiac Taurus, the condition and color of the hair after the haircut will be much better. The positive energy of the constellation favorably affects the hair follicles, strengthening and healing the hair structure. These days, a haircut will bring not only a good mood, but also help you tune in to success in business. In addition, the new styling will give you the vigor you need to perform energetic tasks.

September 12-13: The moon moves into the constellation of Gemini which will negatively affect the hair. These days, haircuts should be abandoned in favor of using masks to strengthen hair. A haircut will speed up hair growth, but it will become less manageable and may begin to fall out.

September 14-15: a haircut these days under the influence of the constellation Cancer will worsen family relations. If you need to get rid of the obsessive influence, then on September 15 you can use the services of a hairdresser. However, these days, a haircut can cause a lot of hair loss, which will weaken your curls.

September 16-17: these days the Moon will be in union with the zodiac Leo, which will positively affect the condition of your hair. These days can become significant for success. In order to be at your best, use the services of your stylist. A hairstyle made between September 16-17 will add thickness and strength to your hair, and the haircut will last a long time.

September 18-20: Virgo's influence on your hair will be positive, however, during the New Moon on September 20, you should refuse a haircut so as not to lose strength and not harm the hair structure. However, the following days, the growth of the moon and its positive energy will help you create a unique image with which you will regain self-confidence. Astrologers recommend choosing complex hairstyles, cascading haircuts or asymmetries.

September 21-22: the constellation of Libra and the energy of the growing moon on these two days will slightly affect the condition of the hair. After a haircut, they will actively grow, so there is no need to dream of long-term preservation of shape. Trimming will be successful, which will return your hairstyle to shape and get rid of split ends.

September 23-24: the unstable influence of the constellation Scorpio will greatly affect the condition of dull and lifeless hair, making it harder and thicker. Owners of light curls these days will be lucky after a haircut, while thick and heavy curls will be stressed and may lose elasticity.

September 25-27: under the influence of the zodiacal Sagittarius, the hair grows quickly and loses its shape after a new haircut and styling. A visit to the stylist on this day is undesirable, as your curls will become naughty and may begin to curl. However, naturally curly ladies will benefit from a haircut and make their curls more elastic.

September 28-29: With the help of a haircut under the influence of Capricorn, you can get rid of hair loss, help them gain strength and elasticity. The positive energy of the Moon will make your curls more obedient and thick. In order for the days to be successful, astrologers recommend choosing bold hairstyles that emphasize your individuality and charisma.

September 30th: The waxing moon will spend the last day of September in the constellation of Aquarius. The energy of the day will not affect the state of your curls in any way, so today you can safely start experiments to change not only the shape of the hairstyle, but also bold coloring and styling.

Save a new hairstyle will help you days favorable for cutting hair. Remember that the health of your curls depends not only on caring procedures, but also on the diet, timely rest and positive mood. We wish you beauty and success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Most people do not take into account the lunar days and therefore cut their hair when they have a mood or time, but this is fundamentally not true. Not only hair growth, but also further developments in life depend on a haircut made on a favorable or unfavorable day.

When it is better to cut hair in August and September 2017 according to the lunar calendar - we will tell you in our article.

At the end of August and September, many return from vacations, and some, on the contrary, are just about to go on a trip. And whatever the case, it is still necessary to visit a hairdresser, since you always need to monitor your appearance.

Favorable days for cutting hair in September 2017 for women according to the Oracle

Cutting your hair today to problems with money, people and difficulties in work and study.

Hair coloring - it’s better not to do anything new, use only proven colors.

Haircut - cut or dye your hair today to failures in work, study, business.

Hair coloring - hair coloring should be taken seriously and today is not the most favorable day for this.

Haircut - the day is perfect for hair extensions, and if you are depressed or in a bad mood, cut your hair today and everything will change.

Hair coloring - feel free to sign up to your master.

Haircut - do not cut or color your hair today if you do not want to incur problems in work, study, career.

Hair coloring should be postponed.

A haircut is a good day to strengthen the hair roots, cutting your hair today or even trimming the ends is a bad idea. It will affect your promotion at work and attract the trust of others.

Hair coloring is an auspicious day for hair coloring.

Hair coloring - refrain today.

Haircut - do not cut or trim your hair today, there is a possibility of ailments and poor health after such a haircut.

Hair coloring will have a beneficial effect on the resolution of business disputes.

Haircut - after lunch, the lunar calendar does not recommend getting a haircut.

Hair coloring - do not risk your attractiveness.

Haircut - a haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles.

Hair coloring - today you can drastically change the color of your hair, you will even look sexier with a new color.

Haircut - the hairdresser's work on your image on this day will make you look irresistible for the next month.

Hair coloring - dye your hair today with natural dyes, then you are sure to succeed.

Haircut - cutting your hair today, remember that after such a procedure, they will grow more slowly, but you can get rid of depression.

Coloring - only if you want to become a blonde.

Haircut - after a visit to the hairdresser today, your hair may begin to fall out and split.

Coloring - you can safely change the color of the hair.

Haircut - cut your hair today to illness and malaise.

Haircut - do not cut your hair today, so as not to attract envious, evil and greedy people. They will bring with them problems, the solution of which will take you your time.

Coloring - you can experiment with hair color.

Haircut - cutting, coloring or hair extensions will ruin your plans in the future.

Coloring is an unfavorable day.

A haircut is the perfect day to start your herbal rinse course.

Haircut - cut your hair today, it will help you reconcile with offenders, find out peacefully relations with relatives, friends and loved ones.

Coloring - do not risk your beauty.

Haircut - on this day, a haircut is strictly prohibited, as it can further adversely affect your fate.

Coloring - if you dye your hair with natural dyes today, then success awaits you.

Haircut - it is worth postponing the haircut for another day, so as not to attract problems with vision and eye health.

Coloring - you can dye your hair today in any color.

A haircut is an unfavorable day.

Coloring - should be transferred.

Haircut - cutting hair today, although it will accelerate hair growth, will make it naughty.

Coloring is an auspicious day for hair coloring - your health will improve, and life will become much brighter.

Haircut - today it is better not to cut your hair for those who are depressed or prone to melancholy, as negative thoughts will firmly set in your head.

Hair coloring is a neutral day.

A haircut is a very good day to experiment with hair.

Hair coloring is an auspicious day, do not miss the opportunity.

Haircut - people who decide to get a haircut today may soon acquire property, and also feel favorable changes in their careers.

Hair coloring is not desirable, headaches are possible.

Haircut - favorable in the morning.

Hair coloring - the use of natural dyes promotes career growth.

Haircut - the lunar calendar advises to move to another day.

Haircut - starting from the second half of the day, you should not get a haircut.

Haircut - cutting your hair today, you can slow down the biochemical processes in the body, which will provoke the accumulation of excess weight and toxins in the body.

Hair coloring - will not benefit today.

Haircut - If you start a course of head massage or root strengthening treatment today, your hair will grow faster and become healthier and more well-groomed.

Hair coloring - a change in color will positively affect your karma.

Haircut is the most unfavorable day for cutting, coloring and hair extensions in September. Reschedule your visit to the hairdresser for another day.

Hair coloring is an unfavorable day. It should be rescheduled for a more favorable day.