Where to learn to be a lactation consultant. How to choose a lactation consultant course

At the heart of any training program for a lactation consultant is the WHO course. Its materials are publicly available, they can be studied independently. But the person contemplating becoming a lactation consultant certainly wants more.

In Russia today there are two main directions for modifying the basic WHO course and adapting it to local realities.

First type- this is the addition of WHO materials with modern knowledge and methods from foreign textbooks and teaching aids for consultants, master classes from international conferences, and recent scientific research in the field of lactation.


At least part of the classes are held online, course participants have the opportunity to communicate with teachers and ask questions directly.

In addition to theory, teachers give students assignments, analyze real cases in order to understand the implementation of theory in practice.

There is a website with a useful, constantly updated database of information in the field of breastfeeding counseling.


All topics are read by one teacher.

The curriculum focuses on the psychology of relationships in a mother-child pair, there is a separate block on perinatal psychology, at least one lesson is devoted to the proper care of a child, the phrases “mistakes in care”, “violation of relations” are contained. (Psychology is very exciting. But you don’t have much study time with your teacher, during which you need to have time to pass from hand to hand the very best, a set of essential working tools. And indeed, a mother with a breastfeeding problem invites consultant for what? If she wanted to establish a "mother-child relationship," she would turn to a psychologist. And for problems with weight gain, cracked nipples, the need for relactation, you need practical skills, not the techniques of perinatal psychology).

It would be useful to ask how many living mothers with feeding problems have recently been seen by a specialist who undertakes the training of breastfeeding consultants. Your task is to learn the skill. A non-working master, tired of a job you once loved, or a nimble seller of “a little bit of everything” trainings will only in words help you start a successful career in the field of lactation.

Since 2004, our Center has been conducting a course on "Breastfeeding Counselling". Course participants successfully apply the acquired knowledge to provide practical assistance and support to nursing mothers.

This course was developed based on the recommendations of WHO / UNICEF, the International Dairy League (LLL) and modern scientific and practical knowledge about the physiology of lactation, psychology, development and upbringing of a child in the first 3 years of life.

Since 2017, you also have the opportunity to supplement and deepen your training trainings and master classes, not included in the basic course of study, but held at the same time - for everyone. ( pay attention, additional practical exercises paid )

Forms of study:

The course is designed for:

  • professionals working with future and current parents;
  • specialists in related fields (medical workers, psychologists, etc.);
  • women with personal experience of breastfeeding who want to become a lactation consultant;
  • women with experience in breastfeeding counseling;
  • mothers in breastfeeding support groups.

Studying on the course makes it possible to obtain the following documents:

  • Certificate of advanced training of the established (state) standard from ANO DPO "Academy of Medical Education"
  • Certificate of TsPSiOSR "Rainbow of motherhood"

We invite everyone who is not indifferent to the topic of breastfeeding, who wants to become a specialist or simply gain professional knowledge in the field of breastfeeding.

As a result of studying theoretical information and passing practice, our students receive the knowledge necessary to join the IPO "AKEV".

This course can be taken full-time(Moscow) or remotely.
It is also possible to organize field training seminar In your city.

full-time course

Schedule: by popular demand, classes are held ON SUNDAYS! Duration of one session - from 10.30 to 17.00.

Course duration: 9-10 lessons.

Address: Yurlovsky proezd, 14k3 (m. Bibirevo) Entrance from the outside of the house to the children's center "Attraction". See the map of the passage from the metro.

Cost of education:

  • with the issuance of a certificate 23 000
  • with the issuance of a certificate 18 000

distance course

On our online course, you will not only gain knowledge in the field of breastfeeding counseling, but will also be able to communicate with the lecturer and other students, sharing experiences and discussing the nuances of certain situations that arise during breastfeeding.

Schedule: Classes are held 2 times per week(Tuesday Friday), from 10.30 to 12.30-13.00 by Moscow time.

Course duration: 18-20 lessons.

Necessary equipment: Computer with internet connection, headphones and/or speakers, microphone, video camera (preferred).

Cost of education:

  • with the issuance of a certificate 23 000
  • with the issuance of a certificate 18 000

Payment methods and instructions for connecting to a distance course You will receive it at the e-mail address indicated in the questionnaire.

Express course

We are reviving the undeservedly forgotten course format - EXPRESS. The express course is an immersion in the topic of breastfeeding counseling, daily classes. The format is especially suitable for non-resident students who do not want to deprive themselves of all the advantages of full-time education, and can come to study during the course. Also, if there are several in your city who want to learn breastfeeding counseling, you can unite and invite teachers to your place. Experience shows that in this case, the cost of training for course participants is reduced compared to how much money would have to be spent on traveling to another city and living there.

Dear mothers!

We welcome you to the breastfeeding support group, organized at the initiative of the leadership of the Center for Labor and Social Development.

Who are GW-consultants and when can their help be relevant?

A lactation consultant provides psychological support, informational and practical assistance in all situations related to breastfeeding, nutrition and lifestyle of a nursing mother, introduction of complementary foods, weaning, etc.

Helps the mother to make the best decision, taking into account her life circumstances and wishes.

If you need advice on breastfeeding, newborn care, ways to calm anxious babies (or anxious moms?). If you just want to speak out, to be listened to, understood, accepted and supported - call the numbers listed below!

Facts about breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural process that replaces pregnancy and childbirth. A newborn and his mother equally need breastfeeding.

    Breastfeeding fully satisfies all the basic needs of the child.

    Breast milk contains the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, more than 15 hormones, lactobacilli, growth and development factors.

    Mother's milk is rich in antibodies that protect the baby from infections.

    Breast milk changes composition depending on the needs of the child at the moment.

    Breastfeeding helps a woman recover faster after childbirth.

    Breastfeeding is a prevention of depression and enhances the maternal instinct.

    The size and shape of the breast does not affect the amount of milk and the duration of breastfeeding.

    Flat or inverted nipples are not an obstacle to successful breastfeeding.

    Any woman is able to give her child as much milk as he needs and can continue breastfeeding indefinitely.

    Breastfeeding does not require financial costs and saves from 36 to 120 or more thousand rubles a year.

Principles of Successful Breastfeeding

WHO/UNICEF provide a list of factors on which successful breastfeeding is built. Which, in turn, has a positive effect on the health of children and their mothers.

    Early breastfeeding within the first hour after birth.

    Lack of supplementary feeding of the newborn before the mother puts it on her breast.

    Coexistence of mother and child after birth.

    Proper attachment of the baby to the breast provide effective sucking and comfort for the mother.

    Feeding on demand. Attach the baby to the chest for any reason. Let him breastfeed whenever he wants and for as long as he wants. Then he will be full and calm.

    The duration of feeding is regulated by the child. Feeding will end when the baby himself releases the nipple.

    Co-sleeping (optional) With this arrangement of sleep, parents can sleep better, since they do not have to constantly get up to the child, and most children sleep better in the immediate vicinity of mom or dad.

    Breastfeeding at night is very important for good milk production. For a child, they are the most complete.

    An exclusively breastfed baby does not need to be supplemented with water. If the baby is thirsty, it should be applied to the breast more often. Breast milk is 87-90% water.

    The chest does not require frequent washing. This removes the protective germicidal layer of fat from the areola and nipple, which can cause abrasions, irritation, and cracks. It is enough to rinse the chest 1-2 times a day during a shared shower and preferably without soap.

    Frequent weighing of the child does not provide objective information about the nutritional value infant, unnerves the mother, lead to a decrease in lactation and unreasonable introduction of supplementary feeding. It is enough to weigh once a week.

    Additional pumping is not needed. With the correct organization of feeding, milk is produced exactly as much as the child needs. Pumping is necessary in case of problems: the forced separation of the mother from the child, the mother's going to work, etc.

    Only breastfeeding up to 6 months. The child does not need additional nutrition and complementary foods up to 6 months. He can be up to 1 year of predominantly breastfeeding without compromising his health (according to separate studies).

    Retention of breastfeeding up to 1.5 - 2 years(or longer at the request of the mother and child). Feeding up to 1 year is not a physiological term for stopping lactation, so if you need to stop breastfeeding, consult with specialists to make an informed, informed decision.

    The use of bottles and pacifiers is undesirable. They can cause the following problems: not enough milk, sore nipples and anxiety under the breasts. If supplementation is needed, it should only be given from non-sucking objects (cups, spoons, cups, pipettes, or syringes without a needle).

Breastfeeding and nursing positions

You can feed your baby in any position that is comfortable for you and your baby. During breastfeeding, mom has the opportunity to relax, so try to position yourself so that you do not feel tension and discomfort.

In a comfortable position for mother and child:

    Mom is relaxed, she is comfortable and does not hurt

    The baby's body is close to the mother's body

    The baby is facing the chest and does not need to turn his head

    The baby is located at the breast so that the nipple is directed to his nose and he has to tilt his head back slightly

    The child breathes freely

    The kid is calm

Within a month after giving birth, increased sensitivity of the nipples may be felt during feeding. If discomfort persists for more than 10-15 seconds after the start of feeding, it is recommended to pay attention to the correct application.

Postures for feeding

Check out some of the most common nursing positions.

1. Cradle

The most common feeding position. Mom sits down and takes the baby so that his head is on the elbow. She turns him to her tummy and gives breast. With the palm of the other hand, the mother supports the ass and back of the child.

For proper breast latch, it is important that the glans is at the same height as the nipple. To do this, at first, you will have to raise your elbow high (you can put a pillow under your arm to avoid tension or discomfort).

Please note that the baby's head is slightly tilted back. This ensures the most efficient suckling, in which the baby sucks the most milk.

2. Reverse cradle

This kind of “cradle” position will help the baby to properly latch onto the breast in the first days after birth. This position is especially convenient in the case of premature and underweight babies.

Mom supports the baby’s head not with her elbow, but with the palm of her hand. This provides more reliable support, and also makes it possible, if necessary, to control the baby's head. For support, use the hand opposite the breastfeeding breast. The mother's palm is located under the back and shoulders, and the baby's head is between the thumb and forefinger. With the second hand, the mother supports the breast from below, when the baby has taken the breast well, the hand can be removed.

In order for the supporting arm not to get tired, you can put a pillow under it. Or, after making sure that the baby took the breast well, change hands and feed further in the “traditional cradle” position.

3. Lying on your side

Most often, this position is used during night feedings, if the baby sleeps with the mother, as well as after a cesarean section or episiotomy, when the mother experiences pain and is limited in movement.

Mom and baby lie on their sides facing each other. In the first days after childbirth, this position may be uncomfortable due to the difference in the height of the baby's nipple and mouth.

4. Relaxed position

This position will help mom and baby relax and unwind as much as possible during feeding. Mom is reclining, with her head and shoulders slightly raised, surrounding herself with comfortable support from pillows and providing herself with complete comfort. The baby lies on the mother, who helps him find the breast and attach. In addition to the fact that the mother herself is relaxed, the baby himself calms down perfectly in this position: it is especially good for restless children who wave their arms and legs and twist their heads.

We've listed some of the most common feeding positions to help you navigate the first few days after your baby is born. In fact, the variety of feeding positions is limited only by the comfort of mother and baby, as well as the surrounding circumstances and the availability of aids (pillows, slings, etc.).

Signs of proper attachment

    the child's mouth is wide open, the lower lip is turned outward

    the baby's chin is pressed to the chest

    sometimes you can see the baby's tongue above the bottom lip

    When suckling, the baby makes first short, quick movements, then changes the rhythm to a more constant deep sucking. During feeding, the baby makes pauses, which become longer and longer as they are satiated.

    the baby's cheeks are rounded, sometimes the ears may move when sucking

    the baby does not make extraneous sounds (does not smack, does not champ - only breathing and swallowing)

Newborn baby nutrition

From the moment of birth and up to about 3-5 days after birth, the child will receive colostrum as food, which in terms of quantity and composition fully meets the nutritional needs of the baby.

During the first days of life, most babies lose up to 10% of their birth weight. This is due to the physiological loss of fluid due to changes in environmental conditions and getting rid of the original feces (meconium).

With the advent of "mature milk", children usually regain their birth weight within 5-10 days. However, for some children, 3 days may be enough for this, while others will need 3 weeks.

Is the baby getting enough milk?

After discharge from the hospital, mothers may doubt whether the child has enough milk? There are only two objective criteria by which you can determine whether the child receives enough milk:

    Weight gain (at least 500 grams per month or 125 grams per week) *

    The number of urination (at least 10-12 times a day, the urine is light, transparent, without a strong odor)

* After the baby regains the physiological weight loss after birth. If the physiological loss is more than 10% or weight recovery is delayed for more than 3 weeks, consult a doctor.

Breast fullness, "feeling of a rush", tingling or lack thereof, and other subjective sensations of the mother are not an indicator of the amount of milk.

Medical treatment of the mother

Many medications are compatible with breastfeeding (including antibiotics). In most cases, it is much more harmful to stop breastfeeding than to continue it while the mother is on drug therapy.

A lactation consultant will help you check your prescribed treatment for compatibility with breastfeeding. If necessary, will provide information on the availability of analogues that are safe for the child, the possibility of using which you can discuss with your doctor.

It should be noted separately that any local anesthesia does not require a temporary cessation of breastfeeding or additional pumping after the procedure.


Pumping is a procedure for removing milk from the breast, which is carried out according to specific indications. Such as:

    Unpleasant or painful sensations in the chest caused by excess milk, congestion, mastitis, etc. – you need to effectively empty the chest.

    Need to increase the amount of milk

    The baby is not able to take the breast or refuses to breastfeed

    Mom needs to leave and leave the baby breast milk

    Mother undergoes treatment with drugs incompatible with breastfeeding

    The child and mother are separated. Pumping is necessary to maintain lactation.

You can express milk with your hands or with a breast pump, but manual expression is usually more effective.

In the absence of the above difficulties, it is not necessary to express after feeding. This can provoke hyperlactation (excess milk), which forces the mother to pump regularly, since the child cannot cope with such an amount of milk. This condition takes a lot of time and effort from the mother and increases the risk of milk stagnation and mastitis.

Talk to a lactation consultant to find out if pumping is right for you.

How to express milk?

Handle your breasts with care while pumping. Breast tissue is very sensitive to any physical impact.

When decanting, you can not compress, wrinkle, put pressure on the chest, as well as “break” the seal and lumps with your hands. It can be dangerous for your health!

The process of expressing milk consists of two stages:

  1. Breast massage. It is done to "warm up" the breast and push the milk forward a little.

    If you need to express the right breast, then fold your right hand in a boat and lift your chest with it. Place your left hand on top so that your fingers hug the axillary lobe too. The right hand goes up, the left down - clockwise. You gently stroke your chest. It is enough to make 3-4 movements.
  2. Pumping.

    If you have a fairly large chest, it is better to lift it up and support it with your palm. Place the pads of your thumb and index finger on the areola, about 3 centimeters from the nipple. Slightly press your chest with these fingers to yourself, then connect your fingers together, thereby squeezing the nipple a little. It shouldn't hurt. If you feel pain, then you have placed your fingers too far away from the nipple and are grasping the glandular tissue. Move them a little closer to the nipple.

    If you did everything right, then after several such movements, milk will drip or even pour out of the chest - then just continue. You can try to put your fingers a little further or closer and you will find the most comfortable position.

Pumping does not cause pain. If it hurts while pumping, then you are doing something wrong and it may be better to seek advice from a lactation specialist.

Storage and use of expressed milk

The main way to store expressed milk is to cool or freeze it.

Freshly expressed breast milk can be given to the baby for several hours, leaving it at room temperature. During storage, the milk may separate into bulk and thick cream rising to the top. If you are sure that the baby will eat the entire portion - gently mix the milk, and if he often does not eat the whole portion - then it is better, on the contrary, not to mix, so that the child is guaranteed to receive the valuable fatty part of breast milk.

If you are going to use milk within the next week, then do not freeze it, but store it on the refrigerator shelf: all this time it remains fresh and at the same time does not lose many of the immune properties, which still happens to some extent when frozen. If you decide to freeze milk, then before placing it in the freezer, cool it in the common compartment of the refrigerator. Be sure to mark the date of pumping!

When defrosting, a portion of milk moves from the freezer first to the common chamber of the refrigerator, and then it is heated under a stream of warm water from the tap. Milk is heated only to body temperature - approximately 36.6 ° C. Higher temperatures destroy enzymes and reduce the immune properties of breast milk. The temperature of milk is usually checked on the wrist - a drop should feel neither cold nor hot.

Milk should not be heated on the stove or in the microwave., since it is very easy to overheat, and in the microwave oven most of the valuable anti-infective factors will also be destroyed. In addition, so-called superhot zones are created in the microwave oven, which can remain in the milk even after mixing.

Frozen milk often has a somewhat soapy smell and sometimes changes color. This is completely normal, as some of the fatty acids of breast milk manifest themselves when frozen. Most children do not react to changes in smell.

If, after storage, the milk has a pronounced sour smell, it has deteriorated and should not be given to a child.

Nutrition and lifestyle of a nursing mother

Nutrition of a nursing mother should be complete and consistent with her eating habits and preferences.

  • WHO recommends sticking to your usual diet, which you ate before and during pregnancy. Eat foods that you enjoy, as long as they don't cause negative reactions in you or your child.
  • If the first line of kinship (you, your husband, grandparents of the baby) has an allergy or intolerance to any food product, you can exclude it from your diet for the first time.
  • If you notice an allergic reaction in a child to a product, exclude it from the diet for several weeks, then try to introduce it again. Start with small portions and watch your child's reaction.

The well-being of the mother is very important for herself and for the baby, so use every opportunity to relax:

    sleep with your baby during daytime naps

    do not hesitate to ask relatives, friends or use the services of housekeepers for help

    go outside and socialize with friends and family

If circumstances develop in such a way that you do not have housekeepers, do not forget that you can use a sling, ergo backpack, cocoon, deck chair and other devices that allow the mother to “free her hands” and do household chores. In this case, the child will always be with you and safe.

Remember to share experiences - communicating with women who have breastfed their children for 1 year or longer will help a young mother gain confidence in her abilities and receive practical advice to help breastfeed.

Breastfeeding is the first lesson in love and trustbetween mother and baby.
It's simple and natural.

If you need advice on breastfeeding, newborn care, ways to calm anxious babies (or anxious moms?). If you just want to speak out so that you will be listened to, understood, accepted and supported - write to us by e-mail support for breastfeeding at the Center for Breastfeeding:

Since 2004, our Center has been conducting a course on "Breastfeeding Counselling". Course participants successfully apply the acquired knowledge to provide practical assistance and support to nursing mothers.

This course was developed based on the recommendations of WHO / UNICEF, the International Dairy League (LLL) and modern scientific and practical knowledge about the physiology of lactation, psychology, development and upbringing of a child in the first 3 years of life.

Since 2017, you also have the opportunity to supplement and deepen your training trainings and master classes, not included in the basic course of study, but held at the same time - for everyone. ( pay attention, additional practical exercises paid )

Forms of study:

The course is designed for:

  • professionals working with future and current parents;
  • specialists in related fields (medical workers, psychologists, etc.);
  • women with personal experience of breastfeeding who want to become a lactation consultant;
  • women with experience in breastfeeding counseling;
  • mothers in breastfeeding support groups.

Studying on the course makes it possible to obtain the following documents:

  • Certificate of advanced training of the established (state) standard from ANO DPO "Academy of Medical Education"
  • Certificate of TsPSiOSR "Rainbow of motherhood"

We invite everyone who is not indifferent to the topic of breastfeeding, who wants to become a specialist or simply gain professional knowledge in the field of breastfeeding.

As a result of studying theoretical information and passing practice, our students receive the knowledge necessary to join the IPO "AKEV".

This course can be taken full-time(Moscow) or remotely.
It is also possible to organize field training seminar In your city.

full-time course

Schedule: by popular demand, classes are held ON SUNDAYS! Duration of one session - from 10.30 to 17.00.

Course duration: 9-10 lessons.

Address: Yurlovsky proezd, 14k3 (m. Bibirevo) Entrance from the outside of the house to the children's center "Attraction". See the map of the passage from the metro.

Cost of education:

  • with the issuance of a certificate 23 000
  • with the issuance of a certificate 18 000

distance course

On our online course, you will not only gain knowledge in the field of breastfeeding counseling, but will also be able to communicate with the lecturer and other students, sharing experiences and discussing the nuances of certain situations that arise during breastfeeding.

Schedule: Classes are held 2 times per week(Tuesday Friday), from 10.30 to 12.30-13.00 by Moscow time.

Course duration: 18-20 lessons.

Necessary equipment: Computer with internet connection, headphones and/or speakers, microphone, video camera (preferred).

Cost of education:

  • with the issuance of a certificate 23 000
  • with the issuance of a certificate 18 000

Payment methods and instructions for connecting to a distance course You will receive it at the e-mail address indicated in the questionnaire.

Express course

We are reviving the undeservedly forgotten course format - EXPRESS. The express course is an immersion in the topic of breastfeeding counseling, daily classes. The format is especially suitable for non-resident students who do not want to deprive themselves of all the advantages of full-time education, and can come to study during the course. Also, if there are several in your city who want to learn breastfeeding counseling, you can unite and invite teachers to your place. Experience shows that in this case, the cost of training for course participants is reduced compared to how much money would have to be spent on traveling to another city and living there.

There are no random people in this profession. Usually, such women once encountered the problems of breastfeeding themselves and were able to successfully solve them. And when they finally started to receive, they saw how many women around them refuse breastfeeding simply because they don’t know who to turn to - and they couldn’t stay away.


  • I want to become a consultant
  • where to become a lactation consultant
  • training for lactation consultants
  • study as a consultant on GV

The path to becoming a GV consultant is difficult and tortuous. This profession does not yet exist in the register of professions, because in the post-Soviet space, this activity is still too new. After all, before the duty to establish GW lay only on physicians. But breastfeeding is not a pathology, but a natural process, so most often the mother needs only education and support, not treatment.

To become a consultant, you need have your own feeding experience at least 1.5 years or be a medical specialist (although the latter is not required). Personal experience of breastfeeding is not only a requirement of “local” programs, but of all international educational programs as well.

Also need undergo special training And pass certification exams. In almost every country you can find a training program for breastfeeding consultants. Before anyone in the post-Soviet space, the Moscow center "Rozhana" began to train such specialists. Counselors and organizations that are members of the Association of Breastfeeding Consultants (AKEV) train. Each country also has an international program for doctors “WHO / UNICEF Breastfeeding Counseling” - mothers from breastfeeding support groups can also join this program.

After receiving a certificate of a specialist, you can start gain practical experience. There is a lot of volunteer work here: lectures for pregnant women, meetings with nursing mothers, articles in magazines, participation in events and counseling by phone and the Internet.

Like any consulting activity, the profession of a breastfeeding consultant can become quite difficult psychologically. It happens that hands simply drop when mom asks for a pill to quickly curtail lactation without any evidence. But on the other hand, inspiration comes so often - for example, in the case of the return of a child to the breast in case of refusal or artificial feeding! ..

Counselors provide informational support to nursing mothers by phone and in person, in maternity hospitals, clinics or other medical institutions. Breastfeeding consultants have not only their personal experience of breastfeeding, but also theoretical and, most importantly, practical knowledge and skills to help other nursing mothers.

At the same time, the GW consultant should clearly know the scope of their knowledge and not exceed the limits of their competence. For example, the scope of a consultant does not include the treatment of infected mastitis - in this case, the consultant's work should go hand in hand with the surgeon.

Courses for breastfeeding consultants in Minsk

In Belarus currently, one can train as a consultant through the WHO program, which is conducted for health workers. True, when and where they take place is a big secret :) Theoretically, mothers from breastfeeding support groups can get there, because. this is one of the conditions of the WHO program. Practically in Belarus, I don't know such examples yet.

Periodically, other events have been held in Minsk for several years now. Sometimes field trainings are held (see for example “