Cool color combination cheat sheet. The combination of olive color in clothes Goes olive

What color goes with olive, and how to successfully use this color in your image - read on с

Olive color combination table according to I. Itten's color wheel:

Have you been wanting to try olive color in clothes for a long time, but are you afraid?
Can't match an outfit with an olive coat?
Are you looking for a blouse for an olive manicure?
You are on the right track.
This elegant and cozy green will help you outshine everyone around you.
How to do it - read on.

You don't like to stand out.
You prefer the lightness and conciseness of the image.
You will always make your choice in favor of elegance, but not brightness.
If you mentally answered “Yes” three times, then you should read this article very carefully.
Why? olive color as if it was created especially for you, so unusual and capricious.

Undoubtedly, the olive color is self-sufficient. It’s not so easy to figure out which color goes with olive.

Also, this shade of green is not suitable for every color type.
You are incredibly lucky if you are a brunette, brown-haired or red-haired with a golden tan.
Olive will only emphasize the beauty of your skin and hair.
If you are snow-white with blond hair, you should start with olive-colored details in the image - a scarf, shoes, a handbag or a perky hat.
Olive color in clothes and the most interesting combinations: look and remember.

Light elegance: a combination of olive and beige

This is exactly the combination that in any case will put you in the best light ... and color.
Wear beige trousers and an olive shirt for a walk. A brown belt and ballet flats are the must-have attributes of your outfit.

Romantic date or your birthday? A laconic beige dress with olive shoes and a handbag is a great option.

Autumn look: olive + brown

The combination of olive and brown is very warm and cozy.
Try a brown skirt along with a light green top. Complete the resulting image with jewelry and a bag to match the skirt.

For an important meeting or to a girlfriend for a holiday, try on an olive skirt, a silk beige blouse and a brown belt. The image will be complemented by a light green bag and brown shoes.

Want to light up the party? Make your choice in favor of a golden vest, short denim shorts and a handbag with a brown print.

Cheerful and updated: a combination of olive and purple

Nature itself gave us this combination and we have no right to fight it.
See how beautiful it can be:
An olive-violet print summer blouse, beige shorts, purple pumps and an olive handbag - just a little bit to create the perfect look.

If you are going to a ball, a luxurious dress in light green colors with purple shoes and a clutch will make you the queen of the holiday.

For an autumn walk in the park, choose a cozy short dress in olive-purple stripes. Complete the look with ballet flats and a matching bag.

Color experiment? combination of olive and red

What color goes well with olive?
Of course, red and orange.

A bright olive red dress with scarlet shoes and a light green bag will instantly make you stand out from the crowd.

Do you love vintage? An olive skirt, a tulip blouse and burning orange shoes are a bright look for gatherings with friends.

Yulia Tishchenko

Home » Color in the interior

Olive color in the interior - 20 ideas

Striving for fashionable and interesting solutions in the interior design of the apartment, you can implement the olive color as the main and secondary shade of your room.

The combination of olive color in clothes with other colors

Olive color is quite calm and moderate. That is why when drawing up a sketch of the decor of your room, you should take this into account.

One of the important rules: You should not paint the whole room in olive color, as the color will absorb light and the interior will be dark dull and heavy.

To somehow brighten up the shade of olive color, we need:

  • Use brighter and lighter shades of decor.
  • Try to choose the light so that your interior becomes elegant and fashionable
  • Lighting close to the sun is perfect, as an option it can be a floor lamp or a floor lamp.

Furniture color: oily

Dark furniture looks opposite (for example: black - white) against the background of olive walls, giving some solidity and elegance to your room. This style is suitable for lovers of the classics and such trends as art deco.

Dairy or beige (light) furniture enlivens the olive walls and makes the interior cheerful and pleasant. It can be used both in bedrooms and in the living room and in different living areas.

Furniture made of light wood harmonizes coolly against the olive background. This combination of colors is perfect for small apartments or rooms of any style where less attention is required.

Olive-colored facades are extremely rare, but can be an excellent option in the interior of the kitchen and in the design of the kitchen set.

Benefits of olive

  • White and olive interior is perfect for any room. The combination of these colors will harmonize and complement each other.
  • Olive walls are a decorative element that looks great with pale yellow or milky brown. However, to emphasize these colors, we need furniture in dark colors.
  • For lovers of something non-standard, you can try a combination of colors such as pink and red, light green and blue.

Color in the interior - conclusion

The olive color can be the backdrop for different styles, while the bright and exclusive interior will give the required atmosphere.

olive color or warm light brown has recently been gaining more and more popularity.

What color is combined with olive: we select a harmonious range

This natural shade allows you to make any image or any interior more refined and close to natural conditions. It is the olive neutral color that many people choose for their surroundings due to its ability to calm and set in a positive way. The characteristics of brown-eyed people, which you can read about in other articles on our website, are also distinguished by similar properties. We also have an answer to the question: “Why do people have blue eyes?” Click on the link and read.

Olive color in the interior

Often olive color used for interior decoration. This warm shade can be used both as a background and as discreet but very effective accents. The most favorable from the point of view of designers is the so-called olive-chocolate-white triad. These three shades are very well combined with each other, creating a truly elegant and stylish interiors. A little darker chocolate - we get an exquisite office, a little softer beige and olive - a cozy bedroom or living room. In addition, the latest fashion trends suggest combining olive color with gray - this creates an illusion of environmental friendliness and cleanliness of the room. Bright juicy shades of accessories - carrot, lingonberry, bright orange, etc. will help to revive a slightly calm and dull olive color.

Olive color in clothes

Using olive color in clothes, a person speaks to the world around him with his firm intentions. This calm shade, of course, requires the presence of bright contrasts and the same pastel combinations. Try to combine olive with yellow, orange or blue - these natural shades will harmonize perfectly with a low-key olive background. You should not use olive color as the main background - you need to apply this shade in a dosed manner, trying not to weigh down the image.

More articles on this topic:

Olive is one of the shades of green. The olive color in clothes attracts attention, it goes well with both neutral shades and bright and saturated ones. Olive is a natural color found in nature. Therefore, it gives a feeling of comfort and tranquility.

Olive suits girls with red and dark hair, but the blonde can make pale. In this case, you can choose some accessory of this color - a handbag, a scarf, or wear olive trousers - then this color will not be near the face and make the skin pale.

What to combine with olive color?

Colors that match olive in clothes

Photos of olive-colored clothes and various sets made up with it will help answer this question.

A few facts about the olive color

  • Olive is good in quality base shade, because it is combined with many bright colors and prints.
  • Olive combined with fabrics such as silk and satin looks luxurious and feminine.
  • Depending on the cut, olive goes with any style and is suitable for everything from frivolous shorts to a dressy dress.
  • Olive - Enough calm color, but in combination with orange, purple, hot pink looks bright and provocatively.

What to combine with olive?

Olive has many shades, and when choosing color combinations, one cannot ignore this.

  • Light olive looks good with mint and blue.
  • Olive green is combined with golden, hazel and yellow-orange.
  • Dark olive looks luxurious paired with chocolate, rich green and purple.

If we talk in general about the olive color, with what color it is combined, then all neutral colors can be used with it - black, white, beige. Burgundy, brown, yellow, red, pink, purple, blue colors look good with it. So, if you choose olive-colored clothes, you will have a lot of options for making up a variety of sets.

Combination options

You can compose monochrome set, for example, wearing an olive-colored suit and complementing it with beige shoes. You can use several shades of olive: put on an olive-colored sweater dress, and put on an elongated gray-olive vest on top. Complete this look with long boots of the same tone as the vest.

For getting bright image combine olive color with red, orange or pink. For example, wear a red dress and an olive coat on top. A short olive-colored summer jumpsuit can be complemented with a pink T-shirt and accessories - a handbag and a scarf.

Beige color is neutral, so it goes well with many shades, including olive. The best will be a dark shade, or brown-olive. The combination of a beige blouse and an olive-toned skirt is a perfect combination for the office. A leather belt and heels or wedges will help to complete the look. And for a date, you can choose a beige dress and complement it with olive shoes and a handbag.

White color and olive - a classic combination, looks fresh and very summery. You can combine a white skirt or pants with an olive top, or vice versa. If you want to make the image more vivid, then you can complement the set with a bright thing: a jacket, bag or shoes. But do not overdo it - there should be few bright accents, only one or two.

Olive with black always combined, regardless of the shade of olive, but it looks a little gloomy and gloomy. To dilute such an olive-black set, add a “zest” to the image - a thing of bright, saturated color. Gold looks good, it gives elegance and sophistication to the outfit. Pair a black and white striped sweater with olive pants for a chic and trendy look.

Olive color is very interesting and beautiful. Depending on what you combine it with, it can look businesslike, elegant, or be feminine and gentle. And it can look rough or gloomy. Choose color combinations depending on what kind of image you want to create.

How to wear olive clothes: photo ideas of images

monochrome image

Add feminine pink or red

Wear olive trousers instead of your usual jeans

Add olive to the office look

Choose feminine olive styles

Choose olive outerwear

Being a derivative between green, yellow and gray, the olive color in the interior of a living space is not used as often as it could. And the reason for this is the intense absorption of light and, as a result, the darkening of the room. If you plan to apply this shade of green in the design of the living room, hallway or bedroom, then you cannot do without a thorough study of the topic and techniques that will allow you to create a harmonious interior.

How to use olive color in a living space

We’ll warn you right away if you are not sure that you can use the olive color in the interior without losing the quality of the “picture”, then it is better to abandon this idea at the initial stage and choose shades that are easier to combine. If your decision is firm and not subject to appeal, then our advice will help to give the room organicity and completeness.

First of all, it must be said that this color shades the room and makes it a bit gloomy. To avoid this effect, you need to use two tricks:

  • saturate the room with a sufficient number of light sources - moreover, the light should be white, not yellow;
  • use light shades in interior design, in particular, olive perfectly refreshes white.

In the first option, equip the room not only with a traditional chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, but also with spotlights and even directional spots and wall sconces. In the second option, use white inserts as accents - these can be white stripes on the walls, white curtains or snow-white bedspreads and tablecloths. Be that as it may, the white color will do its job and dispel the boredom of the muted olive.

What shades are combined with olive color in the interior

As with all plant colors, the combination of olive color in the interior turns out to be the most successful with natural shades - the color of the sky, green grass, yellow leaves and bright flowers. In each case, companion colors are chosen individually, depending on the purpose of the room and its orientation in space.

For example, you should not include bright accents, for example, raspberry color, in the interior of your office - they will simply distract you from work. But this shade will make olive cuisine more cheerful. The same rule applies in other rooms - if the living room can be saturated with fuchsia accents, then in the nursery this color will seem somewhat bright.

The olive color of the walls is especially well combined with chocolate brown and white. You can use them one by one, or all together - then white inserts will perfectly dilute the “dryish” interior.

If such a cardinal contrast does not suit you, then adopt a softer combination of muted olive with “delicious” colors of the caramel palette - soft cream, milk or coffee with milk. In this case, the differences between colors will be smoothed out with pleasant light shades.

Brightness and ambiguity in the olive interior will bring colorful accents in the form of fuchsia chair covers or an orange shelf on the wall. Such cheerful colors go well with olive. Among the others, no less bright, it can be noted: carrot, red, brick, orange, bright yellow. From deep shades, it is good to combine olive with aquamarine, mustard, burgundy. How to use them? It can be a mustard-colored sofa or sea-green curtains - in any case, this combination will not violate the harmony of the interior.

Olive color in your kitchen

Let's see how to use olive color in the interior of the kitchen. Usually in the kitchen space there is one of two types of olive color combination with others (and in some cases they can even be combined in the same room):

  • with a brown palette - chocolate, brown, light brown;
  • with contrasting colors - light gray, white, yellow, red, purple.

In the first case, we get a peaceful atmosphere, which is more typical for classical interiors, in the second, the olive kitchen turns out to be dynamic and “lively” and fits well into newfangled styles.

How best to use these colors in the interior of the kitchen? You can install olive-colored furniture with a brown countertop, and make the main background light gray. Or, on the contrary, you can paint the walls in olive color, and the kitchen set in the color of baked milk will act as a bright spot. In this case, you can even add bright accents - an orange tablecloth, textile napkins of the same color and a wall picture or clock in a life-affirming orange color.

Living room in olive tones

The living room, decorated with a predominance of olive color and not having bright "flashes", is usually made in a classic style. It is not characterized by fanciful, bright finishes and color contrast, so the olive color in the interior of the living room is not diluted with opposite shades, but is left in a muted range.

Striped sofas or olive wallpaper with a light milky pattern fit well into such interiors. Otherwise, he remains intelligently prim and unflappable.

Olive Bedroom: Arrangement Rules

In the interior of the bedroom, olive color is found in a lightweight format, i.e. in its light colors. As a rule, bright color accents are not made in this room. On the contrary, the color scheme remains calm and conducive to relaxation. The combination of light olive color with soft green and milky in the bedroom looks interesting - try combining these shades on curtains or furniture stickers to feel their originality. And to make the room at least a little more fun, you can interspersed with mustard and brick colors, for example, use them on a bedspread or on the lampshade of a floor lamp.

Olive is one of the shades of green. The olive color in clothes attracts attention, it goes well with both neutral shades and bright and saturated ones. Olive is a natural color found in nature. Therefore, it gives a feeling of comfort and tranquility.

Olive suits girls with red and dark hair, but the blonde can make pale. In this case, you can choose some accessory of this color - a handbag, a scarf, or wear olive trousers - then this color will not be near the face and make the skin pale.

What to combine with olive color? Photos of olive-colored clothes and various sets made up with it will help answer this question.

A few facts about the olive color

  • Olive is good in quality base shade, because it is combined with many bright colors and prints.
  • Olive combined with fabrics such as silk and satin looks luxurious and feminine.
  • Depending on the cut, olive goes with any style and is suitable for everything from frivolous shorts to a dressy dress.
  • Olive - Enough calm color, but in combination with orange, purple, hot pink looks bright and provocatively.

What to combine with olive?

Olive has many shades, and when choosing color combinations, one cannot ignore this.

  • Light olive looks good with mint and blue.
  • Olive green is combined with golden, hazel and yellow-orange.
  • Dark olive looks luxurious paired with chocolate, rich green and purple.

If we talk in general about the olive color, with what color it is combined, then all neutral colors can be used with it - black, white, beige. Burgundy, brown, yellow, red, pink, purple, blue colors look good with it. So, if you choose olive-colored clothes, you will have a lot of options for making up a variety of sets.

Combination options

You can compose monochrome set, for example, wearing an olive-colored suit and complementing it with beige shoes. You can use several shades of olive: put on an olive-colored sweater dress, and put on an elongated gray-olive vest on top. Complete this look with long boots of the same tone as the vest.

For getting bright image combine olive color with red, orange or pink. For example, wear a red dress and an olive coat on top. A short olive-colored summer jumpsuit can be complemented with a pink T-shirt and accessories - a handbag and a scarf.

Beige color is neutral, so it goes well with many shades, including olive. The best will be a dark shade, or brown-olive. The combination of a beige blouse and an olive-toned skirt is a perfect combination for the office. A leather belt and heels or wedges will help to complete the look. And for a date, you can choose a beige dress and complement it with olive shoes and a handbag.

White color and olive - a classic combination, looks fresh and very summery. You can combine a white skirt or pants with an olive top, or vice versa. If you want to make the image more vivid, then you can complement the set with a bright thing: a jacket, bag or shoes. But do not overdo it - there should be few bright accents, only one or two.

Olive with black always combined, regardless of the shade of olive, but it looks a little gloomy and gloomy. To dilute such an olive-black set, add a “zest” to the image - a thing of bright, saturated color. Gold looks good, it gives elegance and sophistication to the outfit. Pair a black and white striped sweater with olive pants for a chic and trendy look.

Olive color is very interesting and beautiful. Depending on what you combine it with, it can look businesslike, elegant, or be feminine and gentle. And it can look rough or gloomy. Choose color combinations depending on what kind of image you want to create.

How to wear olive clothes: photo ideas of images

monochrome image

Add feminine pink or red

Wear olive trousers instead of your usual jeans

Add olive to the office look

Have you ever noticed how in boutiques there are certain sets of clothes: trousers, shirts, dresses, jumpers, scarves? What is it that attracts you so much to buy these particular trousers, for example? Color?

Yes, you seem to know for sure that just this color of trousers suits you and will suit the clothes that you already have. But, when you come home, you find that you have chosen ordinary trousers, which in the end are not suitable for anything. What is the secret?

Table of color combinations in clothes

class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small">
Primary colors Harmonizing colors and shades Colors that don't harmonize
Green color, blue-green, yellow and its shades, shades of blue and blue, black. Warm red, terracotta, orange, pink (mostly), shades of brown, olive.
The color of green grass, shades of yellow, achromatic (white, black and gray), blue. Terracotta, orange, black, purple colors.
Blue, burgundy, gray, brown, blue, shades of green. Warm shades of red, gold, chestnut, orange, olive.
Violet and lilac, blue, green, yellow-green, brown gamma, white. : red, pink, purple.
Color indigo, sea wave, warm green, orange, blue, olive. Purple, pink, magenta, lilac.
Olive, golden, gray, blue with a greenish tinge, beige. Bordeaux, chestnut, lilac, pink.
Green, olive, golden, ultramarine, mignonette, lilac, grey. : red, burgundy, pink.
Greenish-yellow, violet, lilac, yellow-green, ultramarine. Pure red.
Ultramarine, Pure Red, Deep Green, Sky Blue, Purple, Violet, Deep Gold, Olive, Brown, Grey. Reseda color, pink, lilac.
Green, brown, golden. Bordeaux, beige, pink.
Bright scarlet, brown, cinnabar, violet, purple, blue, yellowish green. Ultramarine, sky blue, golden yellow.
Blue, brown, gray, chestnut, golden, ultramarine, greenish blue, dark olive, orange, green, red. Bordeaux, beige, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Violet, magenta. Blue, yellow, orange.
Brown, chestnut, red, pink, lilac, grey. Blue, green, olive, burgundy, beige, golden, ultramarine.
Brick, cinnabar, yellow. Purple, red-violet.
Blue, brown, red, burgundy, chestnut, ultramarine, grey. Green, olive, golden, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Red, brick, cinnabar, ultramarine, orange, purple, light purple. Bordeaux, dark purple, lilac.
Red, golden, orange, sky blue, olive, brown, burgundy, gray, chestnut, beige. Yellowish green, purple, purple, green, blue, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Olive, red, gray, golden, burgundy. Green, mignonette, lilac, brown.
Golden, yellow, orange, light green, grassy green, seawater color. Red, cinnabar, brick.
Gray, chestnut, beige, mignonette, light purple, green. Blue, olive, brown, red, burgundy, golden, ultramarine, pink.
Golden yellow, yellowish green, sky blue, canary. Violet, orange, brick, ultramarine.
Green, gray, beige, ultramarine, pink, blue-green, olive, blue. Lilac, chestnut, red, golden.
Black, green, ultramarine, red, crimson, blue, pink, beige, lilac, sky blue. Brown, warm orange and yellow.

A bit of humor in the subject ;-)

How to wear blue?

Blue is a universal color that combines two opposites in its spectrum: from delicate blue and turquoise to gloomy dark blue. We are accustomed to associate blue shades with light, heavenly, summer-spring, dreamy, and dark colors of blue - either with a boring business style, or with something like "if only not black."

In fact, all blue colors can be extremely beneficial to decorate and complete your wardrobe. Blue light colors of clothes are well suited to contrasting dark blue or red, orange, brown.

It also combines fresh and original blue with gray, golden sheen, olive soft color.

It's not worth the risk of wearing blue with pink or green: such a splash of colors can inadvertently make you look like a parrot.

Combination of blue and orange

The color of the sea wave (or simply - turquoise) goes well with purple, yellow and brown, cream shades are also suitable.

Dark blue and cream color in clothes

The electric blue color will decorate your golden dress or light brown cream trousers. Strict blue, almost dark, the color goes well with:

People who prefer blue color have strong, confident personalities. That is why it is the most winning option after black in the business world.

How to use green clothes?

Green is a popular color these days. The Eternal Sunshine of Green makes our mind dream more, strive for victory, self-control and self-confidence.

Green reminds us of youth and spring, this color of Saturn is able to revive any boring look and even an old gloomy wardrobe.

Dark green is a very good choice for business attire, in which you will instill confidence in your interlocutors, stability and success.

For yourself, green can become a harmonious, pleasant and soothing color.

Green is especially fond of red-haired people, so it can be assumed that green is friends with:

  • orange;
  • blue
  • blue
  • yellow;
  • white.

Pale green will not look "too" if you wear such wardrobe items under black or gray clothes. It is worth being careful when combining green and red, purple, brown.

What to do with purple?

Purple is a mixture of red and blue, two opposites, elements. However, purple is unique in its calming effect on the human psyche, its harmonious and attractive appearance.

This color is good for women, especially creative, pregnant, romantic, young and mysterious.

Clothing in purple colors goes well with:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • white;
  • with lighter or darker shades of the same purple in one look.

For a meeting, it is good to match purple to black, and for a romantic walk - to white.

For fair-haired or fair-haired girls, lilac, lilac, the color of grapes or ripe plums will look especially touching, and if you are a brunette, then an almost inky color, blueberry rich, thick indigo color will be good.

In order not to overdo it with purple, do not choose it for red or green.

brown shades

Brown is the favorite everyday color after black. Clothing in this range of colors looks great as a base in your bow.

You can wear brown accessories, shoes, jewelry (leather straps, bracelets, beads), and the rest of the wardrobe - at the behest of the soul, and you will look right, harmonious.

The brown color depends on the texture of the fabrics in which it will be served.

It harmonizes well in the form of leather elements - jackets, shoes, bags, straps.

Brown goes well with:

  • white;
  • denim, blue;
  • bright blue flowers;
  • creamy light tones;
  • fuchsia-style pink, fawn, beige;
  • green.

What to do with beige?

Beige color is the base of the image. It will serve well as a tint background for bright colors: red, yellow, crimson, turquoise.

Beige, almost like white, you can wear under everything: it does not attract attention, it looks even and appropriate in the image, restrained, but not as deliberately elegant as white.

Turquoise - what to wear with?

Turquoise is the color of spring, summer and early autumn. In this color, it is important to understand what clothes can be made in this tone.

Turquoise or more mint shade

Turquoise is good in the form of light blouses, trousers, tops, dresses, scarves.

The color of the sea wave will look good with light colors: white, yellow, golden, cream, purple, light orange, light gray, brown.

Turquoise is not suitable to match red, pink, light green, green.

Red - passion and challenge

Red is the king of all existing colors and shades. Associations with red - love, thirst, strength, power, challenge, emotion.

But red must be able to be combined, since it is one of the most insidious colors: from an emphasizing accent, it can slip away into unceremonious vulgarity.

Red is worn with black - this is a classic, with white - this is a bold contrast. This color can be added to burgundy, green, blue, yellow.

This color is beneficial with purple, lemon, light green, but it is especially pleasant with beige or blue. Taboo applies only to combinations of red-brick, red-brown.

Bordeaux color in clothes

Bordeaux is a deep shade of red. Depending on which color burgundy is combined with, the image can look elegant or touching.

Despite the fact that the olive color in clothes is associated with military style, it makes the image sophisticated and elegant. Deep or muted shades of olive are more pleasing to the eye than, for example, bright and acid greens.

Olive color is neutral and natural, so it will suit all fashionistas. But different color types are recommended their own variants of the olive range. The shade looks spectacular on tanned brunettes.

Girls of the autumn color type with red or brown hair and brown eyes prefer rich tones to create a contrast with their appearance.

"Spring", on the contrary, muted options are suitable. Spring girls do not have a contrasting appearance, they are distinguished by fair skin and hair. Against the background of bright clothes, the face looks dull.

Blondes should be careful with green things, otherwise blond hair will visually acquire a marsh hue. If you want to add rich olive accents to the image, choose a bag or shoes - something that is far from the face.

Combination with warm colors

The olive range is warmer than the classic green, so it is easier to combine with a warm palette. In nature, it exists next to various variants of brown, which is why the tandem looks harmonious in clothes. A light brown blouse looks stylish with a skirt or olive-colored trousers.

Associated with an olive wardrobe. But using details in beige or peach tone will help make the look soft and feminine.

The combination of olive and yellow is reminiscent of lemons growing on a tree. The combination is considered bright, but looks natural. A similar situation with the orange tone.

To compose a romantic bow, give the main role to pastel peach, dusty pink, salmon tones. Use olive color in the form of shoes or accessories.

Combination with cold shades

Combining olive clothes with cool colors is more difficult, so there are fewer options here.

A tandem with blue hues resembles a spring forest against a clear sky. The combination is suitable for summer or spring attire. Fashionistas with blond hair are advised by stylists to choose a blue blouse or jacket and an olive shade skirt or shorts. Complement the image with accessories and shoes in a neutral tone.

Correctly combining with olive is difficult, but if you succeed, you get an elegant look with a touch of mystery. The basic rule is to combine a dark olive tone with a deep purple hue, and a light olive tone with a lilac color. In the second case, you get a delicate and fresh look, reminiscent of a flowering bush of fragrant lilac. The combination is recommended for girls with a soft, non-contrasting appearance.

monochrome image

To look stylish, make a total bow in olive tones. Choose an olive-colored jumpsuit or dress. Complete with accessories and shoes in a neutral tone, for example, beige pumps.

Monochrome sets are gaining popularity. The outfits are simple and minimalistic, look fashionable and elegant. A monochrome bow is easy to adapt to everyday life - clothes and details of the same shade are easier to combine correctly.

To prevent a monochromatic outfit from looking boring, use:

  • dark and light, warm and cold shades;
  • various materials and textures;
  • loose, flying blouses in tandem with tight trousers and skirts, or, conversely, short, tight-fitting tops with or wide culottes.

A monochrome look is feminine, fresh, relaxed and sporty - it all depends on the type of clothing that is chosen.

casual bow

The olive palette is considered neutral, so it is suitable for everyday attire. An option for every day is olive-colored trousers in combination with a beige or gray T-shirt. Pants will become not only a stylish wardrobe item, but also a practical thing, as they are combined with a wide palette of shades. In tandem with a neutral range, the image looks calm and confident. And with gentle ones, for example, lilac or salmon, it is feminine and romantic.

Consider the style of clothing. Trousers of a sports cut remind a military uniform. In this case, it is important not to overdo it so as not to turn into a soldier - choose a more feminine or neutral top and accessories.

Olive pants are preferred for summer and spring. Instead of trousers, you can choose a skirt - loose styles will smooth out associations with military style. In combination with a blouse and pumps in a lavender tone, the outfit looks stylish and romantic.

office wear

Olive color looks restrained and unobtrusive, so it is suitable for office wardrobe. The classic version is olive and white. The combination will refresh the image, but not make it too bright and flashy. Combine dark trousers and skirts with white blouses or shirts. From footwear, boats in beige, gray and black are preferred.

A thin leather strap, matched to the tone of shoes or a handbag, will help to make the image strict. For those who do not wear white, it is recommended to purchase beige or light gray options.

A popular set is black trousers, straight or slightly flared from the hip, and an olive skin-tight turtleneck. The outfit is suitable for girls with warm, golden skin color and dark or red hair. To complete the look, choose shoes in black or dark gray.

Do not lose relevance. However, keep in mind that strict styles and coarse fabrics, combined with an olive palette, will make the image masculine and “military”. For a feminine look, opt for a fitted blazer and fitted trousers. Tops of light pink, lilac and beige colors will serve as an addition.

Evening look

The olive shade is called restrained and strict, but on flying or knitted fabrics it looks soft and cozy. This color is easy to adapt for an evening look when combined with deep shades, quality materials and feminine silhouettes. Suitable color combinations are wine, burgundy, dark purple.