Woman wants a man ad. Looking for a mistress

« A wealthy woman wants to meet ... " - a frequent announcement on the Web and on the pages of newspapers.business woman or simply Wealthy woman looking for a man , lover or friend.The girl will become a sponsor for a young man who can be a support and a reliable shoulder, will give care, affection and attention.

The desires and aspirations of beautiful ladies are understandable and natural. In the dynamic modern life, a business lady most often does not have time to go on dates and build relationships for years. Therefore, the schememan - woman - money " works. From the outside it may seem thatwealthy women looking for sex , and their feelings are of little concern. However, this is not true, and any representative of the fair sex wants not onlysleep with a man for money , but dreams of tenderness and care that a real knight gives.

Find a man for serious relations, trying to get acquainted on the street or in a restaurant is a hopeless idea. There are too many hunters of easy money, and the result of such a meeting can only besex with a man for money Or even complete disappointment. To meet a person who is able to surround with care, warmth and understanding,Wealthy women are looking for different ways, the most reliable of which can be the help of a real professional team.

Contact Guarantee 100% privacy!

Dating agency "Aquamarine" - just such meeting website VIP , where lovely ladies can get professional advice and
help. Our company has several undeniable advantages:

  • if you are ready to indicate in the application "become a sponsor for a young man “, we will offer you several resumes of applicants, among which you can choose the most worthy.
  • we think that ifwoman helping man - it is modern and reasonable, and therefore we will take into account any of your preferences and wishes.
  • it seems to us thatsex for wealthy women - this is quite a suitable solution for a business lady who "burns" at work and does not have the opportunity to waste time on obviously losing relationships.
  • we maintain complete confidentiality, and your application "help the lonely man" will never become the property of third parties.

Dating agency "Aquamarine" is ready to help its esteemed customers in all situations. If you are ready to advertiseThe woman will provide the man “, we are pleased to offer you worthy candidates for a mutually pleasant partnership. If your goal is a handsome driver or a strong security guard, our company will introduce you to the most professional applicants for such positions.

In cooperation with us, lovely ladies will not have to worry about anything! Your wish " Become a sponsor for a man » quite
understandable, and we will introduce you to someone who will not disappoint and will not betray under any circumstances. "Aquamarine" is a supporter of a long and permanent relationship, which every day brings more and more joy and satisfaction. In our opinion,if the sponsor girl is looking for a man , then she deserves only the best and most reliable.

Your desire to provide a worthy person, help him solve the housing problem, give him the opportunity to look stylish and drive a good car should come true! "Aquamarine" is ready to support any wishes of its partners, and therefore you just need to leave a request "Help find a man " on our website. You yourself knowhow to help a man become successful , and our task is to make sure that you meet him.

Aquamarine isVIP dating agency, and we do not do one-time escort services. Our goal is your stable well-being and excellent mood, and therefore we will select for you a worthy candidate who will not justa man for money in Moscow or any other city , but also a partner for a stable and pleasant relationship. Write to us at any time, our specialists are in touch around the clock and will be happy to help you become happy!

Guarantee 100% privacy!

Wealthy men and those who are not used to spending time on dating are now actively looking for women for one-time meetings. Our website will make your search easier. The resource is specially created for people who are used to being honest and who choose an open relationship without obligations.

It so happened that many women today consciously choose wealthy men for dates. Many become kept women, and for some time live on the provision of the chosen sponsor.

It's very easy these days. It's much easier than finding a regular date partner. Our site will help you find a decent woman or girl for a pleasant pastime.

What is a relationship without commitment?

Men who seek to establish relationships without obligations understand this relationship without any encumbrances. For a man, a one-time meeting is likely to be one-time. But most women and girls still have illusions about this. That is why it is important at first to dot the "i" and agree that in the future there will be no more meetings and you should not rely on calls. Of course, it is possible that the man himself will change his mind and decide on the second, third, etc. goodbye.

It is not necessary to pay for a one-time meeting by mutual agreement with a woman. Although not a single freedom-loving and proud girl will refuse a certain amount for pocket expenses.

What precautions should be taken when meeting women for one-time meetings?

No matter how hard a man tries to explain to a woman that he does not need to call, there will certainly be a stubborn person in his environment who will call with or without reason. To avoid such unpleasant incidents, communicate with women using our anonymous calling service.

Try not to reveal your identity. By the way, it is not necessary to give your real name and occupation. This is exactly what many wealthy men do who would not want to be exposed. This behavior is also characteristic of married men who want to take a break from marriage.

Do not invite women and girls to your apartment for one-time meetings. It is best to organize dates on neutral territory. A hotel room or an apartment rented for a day is perfect for this. Men who meet women regularly prefer to rent an apartment in good condition for a long time.

When choosing a woman for one-time meetings, you should be puzzled by searching for her profile on other resources, this will help our convenient function. Often, behind the guise of a plausible girl, experienced representatives of the most ancient profession are hiding.

As you can see, it is very easy to meet a woman for one-time meetings thanks to our site!

A man of any age can easily get a mistress. The only problem will be that the relationship on the side does not come to the attention of the wife and does not become a threat to family relations. However, there are recommendations, the observance of which makes the risk practically equal to zero.

Search for a mistress

If a man is looking for a lover, he must know an important thing - the ideal lover is one who does not pretend to be married. You should pay attention to the fair sex, looking for a sponsor and offering mutually beneficial conditions, as well as relationships for one night. Those who decided for themselves "I am looking for a married mistress" made the right choice. After all, such a woman, most likely, does not plan to divorce her own husband and will do everything to keep the romantic relationship a secret.

For men whose goal sounds like “I am looking for a lover”, online dating will be an ideal option. Our site contains profiles of women who indicate their goal is to find a lover. If a guy is looking for a mistress, then our resource will be more useful to him than a regular social network or any way of offline dating. Places such as:

  • Friendly parties;
  • Night clubs;
  • Offices

are far from the best option for finding a partner.

Resource Benefits

Registration on our website will take just a few minutes. Leaving information about himself, a man gets access to numerous profiles. Special filters will help those who decide "I am looking for a permanent lover". Housewives who have a large supply of free time will be happy to meet those who say "I am looking for a married mistress."

Virtual dating has a significant advantage, because in the first few weeks of communication there is no need to make an appointment. During this time, you can get to know the girl better and arrange a date only if she is really interesting.

Wealthy men often say "I'm looking for a young mistress." A young beauty will brighten up the days of a successful man, relationships with her will return to him the sensations and feelings that he experienced in his youth. If you have firmly decided for yourself - "Looking for a lover", private ads are not the best option. It is much easier to register with us and get to know the girl you like closely in the process of virtual communication. Convinced of the interest and sincerity of the chosen one, you can safely invite her to a romantic meeting.

Secret dating - the thought of them sooner or later comes to many people who are in a relationship or married. Boredom, domestic and financial difficulties, routine - all this leads to the fact that monotony kills feelings and you want to feel the same emotional intensity for at least a few hours. Sometimes a person from the immediate environment is selected for this adventure. But most often, among your acquaintances, you should not look for someone to play the role of a lover or lover. After all, the likelihood that a permanent partner finds out about this is too high.

In this case, dating for married people takes place via the Internet. On special sites you can find a person who will be attractive physically and as a person.

What is a love connection for?

Before jumping into the pool with your head, you should think about what you want to get from the connection on the side. It is possible that after weighing the pros and cons, you will come to the conclusion that it is better to talk with your half and try to improve your family life. But this is not always possible. In a love relationship, you get not only sex, but also communication. These 2 directions develop simultaneously and give rise to a special emotional state in a person that does not appear at home.

The difference between spouses and lovers

If secret connections are exactly what the soul needs at the moment, then you should try to find your ideal using special dating sites. First, analyze what you lack in a permanent partner. Rewrite all the qualities that you think are important, and your current spouse will probably have some of them. The other part will have to be looked for on the side. Thus, your ideal will be collected. For example, a caring wife will be waiting at home, and a mistress will show class in bed. Combined, both of these women will make you happy. This is the meaning of secret dating.


Surely many are wondering if the mistress is so good, then maybe leave the family for her? Not so simple. Partners on the side live by their own rules. They choose where and with whom to go and are not always happy to hear from you. This is the degree of freedom that spurs emotions and kindles passions. In the family, everything goes according to one scenario. The instinct of a hunter is dulled in a man and a desire to tame some obstinate beauty appears.

The advantage of dating for married women is to receive only positive emotions from a lover. You do not have to deal with domestic problems with him or discuss paying bills. Such relationships are like a holiday and, in fact, are them. Your partner is trying to please you and rare meetings only further kindle this fire.

Another plus is more for men, but rich women also like to pamper their lovers. We are talking about financial support, expensive gifts, trips to resorts and other material benefits that wealthy people generously share with partners. In return, such a sponsor receives unforgettable sex, attention, admiration and all that he is deprived of at home.

Perfect connection

Dating for married men or girls is associated with a certain risk. What if the wife finds out? The fairy tale will turn into a reality, and there is not far from a divorce. Even if the other half forgives betrayal, quarrels, reproaches and tantrums cannot be avoided in the future. The ideal option in this case is relationships with married people. A person who is married himself will not ask for expensive gifts, because it is rather difficult to explain their appearance. The mistress will not require to register the relationship and is unlikely to want to make them public. Secret connections in this case are beneficial to both sides.

Special Sites

Today, to find a couple and maintain privacy, you don’t even have to leave your home. There are special sites where anyone can post their profile and honestly talk about their intentions. Convenient navigation will allow you to select an applicant in accordance with your wishes for external data, age, gender or hobbies. It doesn't matter if it's a one-night stand or if you're counting on occasional meetings. Usually, users indicate different options and openly write what they want to receive in return for their attention.

Dating for married men will not require any effort, except for a couple of mouse clicks. You can also fill out your own questionnaire. By visiting the page, it will be possible to judge whether your personality is of interest to users. And the search process will go faster. Marital status is better to indicate the real. After all, some girls expect to find a husband on the network and they are not on the way with you.

You should not write a lot about yourself, a couple of sentences are enough. Posting a real photo is not always advisable. You can get by with the image of a part of the face, according to which acquaintances are unlikely to identify your personality, but at the same time, potential partners will be interested. When communicating in private, photos can be exchanged. You should not delay with the first meeting if you like the person, because the first date does not oblige you to anything. And to understand whether a network user is suitable for the role of a lover, you can only get to know him personally.

What you need to be ready for

If you decide on secret dating, then reflect on the following points:

1. Financial expenses - communication on the side of the event is costly. You will have to spend money on gifts, going to a restaurant and organizing a meeting place (a rented apartment or a hotel room).
2. Meeting time - even if you meet with a partner once a week, this time must be found in your busy work schedule. It is definitely impossible to pay attention to a mistress at the expense of children, otherwise a sense of guilt will be mixed with pleasure.
3. Place - you must try to make sure that you do not accidentally stumble upon one of your friends or relatives.

Be careful, and dating for married women will not become a reason for discord in the family. And a man, thanks to communication on the side, will be able to restore the imbalance in relations with his wife.

February 11th, 2018

City: moscow looking for a kind gentle man lover under 55 years old .... I'm 32 (chubby girl) Sender's contact information [email protected]

February 9th, 2018

City: Moscow I am looking for a lover on mutual sympathy 35-40 years old with material support for constant meetings and without interfering in each other's personal lives. I am 26, slender (170/45) blonde with gray-blue eyes, adequate, calm, without cockroaches in my head. I will send my photos in exchange for yours. Sender's contact information [email protected]

February 6th, 2018

City: Moscow I am looking for a lover, I have a husband and a son. Complete privacy required! And something else (I'll tell you later). Brown hair, height 1.70, weight 50. Small chest! I will send a photo in response to yours. The best option for meetings, in MO Pushkino. Why I decided to have lovers will tell in the course of communication! Sender's contact information [email protected]

February 2nd, 2018

City: Moscow I am 34, passionate, temperamental, chest 6. Height 160, weight 75. I am looking for a lover who will pamper, and I will relax him. [email protected] Sender's contact information [email protected]

January 14th, 2018

City: Moscow Slender brunette, 26 years old, 170 years old, looking for a permanent lover with material support [email protected] Sender's contact information [email protected]

January 12th, 2018

City: Moscow looking for a nice kind male lover under 55 years old..I'm 32 years old….(chubby girl) Sender's contact information [email protected]

January 9th, 2018

City: Moscow I am looking for a permanent lover, with whom it will be good and simple, without interference in personal life! Email kristi.kris [email protected] Sender's contact information [email protected]

December 22nd, 2017

City: Moskvm Moscow is possible Peter, I will consider offers from Alpha - a male who is in search of a Female. Tall, strong, independent, with a desire to dominate and take care of. I'm looking for you. I am 31, height 180. Wise, bright, calm. I know what I want. Sender's contact information [email protected]