On April 7, the Annunciation will accept what is impossible. What not to do for the Annunciation

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most important Christian holidays. In Orthodoxy, this event is of great importance for every believer.

History and meaning of the Annunciation

This is the twelfth holiday, which means it has a fixed date - April 7th. Its second name is the Annunciation. This is absolutely no coincidence, because on this day, according to legend, the Virgin Mary was notified by the archangel Gabriel that she would soon give birth to the savior of all righteous people - Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Luke wrote in his Gospel that the Mother of God learned about the holiness of her unborn child and its great significance in the life of every person in the sixth month of pregnancy. The Virgin Mary was in Nazareth, where the angel appeared. He said the following words, which later became the basis of prayer:

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. Do not be afraid, for you have found the grace of God. You carry the Son of God in your womb, and after his birth you will call him the name Jesus. He will reign forever with his Father, and his kingdom will have no end.

The significance of the Annunciation in Christianity is enormous. This holiday and the very fact of the secret holy conception atones for the sin of Eve, who was the very first woman who knew him. In fact, church leaders and sages believe that Mary became the second Eve. Exactly the Eve that she was to become later - submissive and humble, kind and respectful of God.

Traditions April 7

The Annunciation is the twelfth holiday, which is categorically not celebrated if it falls on Holy Week. In terms of its significance, this day is put by the clergy on a par with the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany.

On April 7, a special liturgy is held in churches, the features of which depend on the day of the week and on the date. Many points are very important, so you should clarify in the church what can and cannot be done. One interesting point is that sometimes this event falls on Easter itself. Then the holidays are combined and celebrated in succession - first Easter, and then the Annunciation.

The Ecumenical Council established one important rule in view of the exclusivity of the holiday. On this day, a full liturgy is celebrated in all churches, despite Great Lent. Recall that this is prohibited in any other cases. If the day does not fall on Holy Week, then you can eat olive oil, wine and fish. If the holiday falls on Good Friday or on the Saturday before Easter, then it is celebrated on Sunday - the first day of Easter.

April 7 is a great date for every self-respecting Christian. If you do not have the opportunity to visit the church, then read the prayer "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice" at home. Believe in God, love your family and live righteously. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

What Orthodox holiday falls on April 7, 2019? On this day, the church celebrates the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (the full name is the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary).

This is an enduring holiday, that is, its date remains the same every year. It is celebrated 9 months before Christmas, which falls on January 7 (December 25, old style).

We will tell you more about this church holiday, celebrated on April 7, 2019. On this day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, who announced to Her about the coming birth of Jesus Christ - the Son of God:

“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father; and shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom shall have no end.” Mary answered the angel: “Behold, the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:26-38).

What is the Orthodox holiday today, April 7?

Today, on the Annunciation in churches, a liturgy is served and the rite of breaking bread is performed, when consecrated bread and wine are distributed to believers.

It is believed that the consecrated prosphora, which is kept at home, protects family members from illness and various troubles, brings good luck and prosperity.

According to the tradition that developed in Rus' back in the pre-revolutionary years, in some churches white doves are launched into the sky, which personify the good news. It is believed that the birds fly straight to the Lord, because on the day of this holiday the heavens open.

Also on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, birds are released from their cages into the wild. As the people say, on the Annunciation "the bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids."

Believers are not allowed to do housework (cleaning, sewing, knitting, embroidering), work in the garden, or cut their hair. There are other restrictions as well.

So, it is not customary to wear new clothes on the Annunciation, which, according to legend, can get dirty or torn. In the old days, girls who wanted to show off their new clothes wore them secretly for several days before that.

What is the Orthodox holiday today, April 7, 2019? In Rus', this Orthodox holiday, which falls on April 7 (March 25, old style), often coincided with the start of agricultural work.

It was believed that before this date nothing could be sown in the field and in the gardens, since the earth was still asleep. Peasants uttered conspiracies on the grain prepared for planting, performed other magical rites that contribute to a good harvest.

It must also be said that the date of this church holiday falls on the time of Great Lent, however, indulgences are allowed in the diet.

If the Annunciation does not fall on Holy Week, fish, wine and oil (vegetable oil) can be included in the menu. For this holiday, housewives bake flour products from lean dough in the form of larks.

Orthodox people around the world celebrate the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Unlike Easter, whose dates change every year, the Annunciation is celebrated on April 7 every year. Why is the Annunciation celebrated as a special day in the life of every believer, and what is its meaning, and what event is this day dedicated to?

On the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, Christians rejoice at the bright news that the Archangel Gabriel once told the Most Holy Theotokos. The news was that, being a virgin, she carries a child under her heart, who will be born and become the Savior of all mankind. Like many religious holidays, the day of the Annunciation has its own traditions, rituals and signs. On April 7, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated, what cannot be done on this day, and what can be done. perfect for the holiday table.

What not to do on the Annunciation

In the old days, the Annunciation was considered not only a great religious holiday, but also the day from which the new grain-growing year was counted. But, despite this, land work could not be carried out on the holiday, because God blesses the earth and awakens the vital energy and forces of nature.

Therefore, we can safely say that it is impossible to do on April 7 at the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos - this is to carry out land work, and in principle to refuse other works, and especially, from starting any new business. The fact is that if you start something new on April 7, then everything will certainly turn into a crash and will not bring further success. Many ancestors also believed that it was not enough to hold the Annunciation according to the rules and refrain from any work, but you also need to remember this day, what holiday they celebrated, what it means, and every month on this day also refrain from any undertakings.

Important! If April 7 falls on a working day, and there is no way not to go to work, then, of course, there is no choice. Such work is not considered a sin.

Young girls were not even allowed to comb their hair, because it was believed that this action on the holiday shortens the lifespan. In small villages and villages, on the Annunciation, it was customary for all families to gather in a certain place and talk about future plans, dream, share thoughts, goals. These fees are also conditioned by the fact that on April 7, on the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, one cannot light a fire in the house, therefore, in order not to sit in darkness in the evening, one should go out.

What else can not be done on April 7: the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary? Among the strict prohibitions on this day are various rituals, which mainly came from paganism, and some of them persist to this day. So, for example, one should not follow such superstitions as burning old things in the house at the stake. From your favorite entertainment, which is customary to meet spring, namely jumping over a fire, you should also refrain. What can be done.

In addition to all of the above, on the Annunciation you can’t lend anything to anyone, give something from the house, and refrain from borrowing yourself. This is explained by the fact that by giving something from his karma or home, a person gives away his well-being, energy and health. This applies even if the neighbors asked for some sugar or salt. In such cases, you should politely refuse, and explain that April 7 is a big holiday, and on this day it is unpleasant to give anything away.

What else can not be done on April 7: Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The most important prohibitions on the day of the holiday should always be remembered and tried to be followed, especially if faith and religion play a big role in a person's life. However, there are also other signs that came to us from our ancestors. Such prohibitions are not strict, and it is not at all necessary to follow them. This is a personal matter for everyone. What else can not be done April 7: Annunciation
of the Most Holy Theotokos and what are the signs that are not related to prohibitions?

New clothes should not be worn, as it is read that they will wear out quickly;
Among the peasants on the Annunciation it was customary to sow peas;
If the day of the Annunciation turned out to be warm, then bad weather and cold are expected ahead;
If the sun shines on April 7 and the sky is cloudless, then there will be a good harvest of millet in the year;
Rainy weather for the holiday promises fishermen a good catch and a lot of mushrooms in the fall;
On the Annunciation, you should definitely go to the service in the church;

April 7 of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holiday and a bright day, so you need to meet and spend this day with dignity, adhere to traditions, follow prohibitions and rules, otherwise the holiday loses its meaning. Also, you should not forget to prepare the Annunciation salt, which can be used all year round for various ailments and troubles. To do this, on the day of the Annunciation, burn salt in a frying pan or in an oven with prayer.

Happy holiday!

According to the Bible, on this day the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and told the good news: she would become the mother of the Son of God. Then the conception of Christ took place.

The church holiday, which was based on this event, over time acquired amazing traditions.

Traditions of the Annunciation

Sanctify water and salt. On the Annunciation, consecrate water and salt in the church, take home the Annunciation prosphora. They will help if someone in the family gets sick.

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Relax post. On the Annunciation, believers are allowed to eat fish dishes, eat olive oil and even drink wine.

Remember your husband. According to popular belief, on this day, from morning to midnight, you need to call your husband "beloved" forty times. It was believed that this would help keep the love in the family for many years.

Bury bread. If you have a dacha, a garden, or at least a flower bed under the house, bury pieces of Annunciation prosphora in the corners of the plot. According to popular belief, this will bring a good harvest, protect against thieves and pests.

Photo: pexels.com

Collect herbs. It is believed that on this day God blesses all life on Earth, and the healing power of medicinal plants is doubled. Therefore, it is worth collecting them for the Annunciation.


No work! On the Annunciation they say: "A bird does not nest, a girl does not weave a braid." It is impossible to work on this day, labor will be stupid and unnecessary.

Don't comb your hair. Previously, by the beauty of a girl's hair, grooms judged the health of the chosen one. It was believed that if you comb your hair on the Annunciation, cut it, dye it or make complex hairstyles, it will become dry and begin to fall out. There is also a sign that you can "confuse" your fate.

Photo: pexels.com

Don't borrow anything. On this day, you can not give anything from home. Neither lend money, nor share salt or sugar with a neighbor who suddenly appeared. It is believed that this way you can give your health and well-being.

Do not wear new. On the Annunciation, new things will tear or get dirty, says a popular sign (and in such a way that you don’t wash it later). If the temptation is too great, there is a trick: wear the thing in secret so that no one sees.

Switch the lights off. It is believed that candles, torches and lamps should not be burned in the evening, so as not to miss the light of an angel.

Set aside the glanders and rake. You can’t plant anything on the Annunciation, work on the ground and cut trees - there will be no harvest.

Photo: umhoz.com

Have a bright holiday and be healthy!

A very revered holiday of Orthodox people is approaching - this is the Annunciation. Christians will celebrate it in 2017, as always, on April 7th. Like any holiday, it has its own traditions and customs, as well as some prohibitions. Annunciation April 7, 2017:

On the Annunciation it is strictly forbidden to work, clean the house, wash, sew, knit. No wonder it says: “On the Annunciation, the bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids” . Of course, if you work and you have a working day, then this will not be a sin.

There is a sign that has come down to our days that you do not need to cut your hair on the Annunciation. Therefore, you should not go to the hairdresser on such a holiday. If possible, then you do not need to comb your hair at all on this day, otherwise it will fall out a lot.

People also say that you can’t put on new things, otherwise they will quickly become unusable, torn.

It is strictly forbidden to swear, gossip, and condemn others on this great holiday. You can not swear on this day, quarrel. Also, you can not lend money or lend some items and things, otherwise there will be losses in the house. Belief says that giving something from your home on the Annunciation on April 7, you are wasting family peace and tranquility.

The essence of the prohibitions is not that the feast of the Annunciation prohibits certain actions, but that initially it is a holiday dedicated to God. The Church advises at least on this day to distract from worldly concerns and devote yourself, your thoughts to the Almighty. Be tolerant, show warmth and care not only for relatives and friends, but also for people in need.

: What must be done on this day.

Believers on this day always strive to visit the temple. During the service, they glorify the Mother of God, honor the Archangel Gabriel, who brought the good news to Her, and thank God.

Also on the Annunciation, you can prepare special salt. For this, in the old days, women got up very early and heated salt in a pan, reading prayers. The process took at least 20 minutes. This salt was believed to have healing powers. It was not only added to dishes, but used to treat relatives.

The Feast of the Annunciation on April 7, 2017 falls on the time of Great Lent. However, on this holiday you can taste fish and some wine. The Church gives permission for this.

Also, people say that on this holiday the sky opens for prayers and requests of people.

Happy holiday to you!