When to get a pedicure in March.

  • Haircut - cut your hair today and color your hair if you want to get rid of depression and bad mood. True, the hair will begin to split and break more - this is the price of getting rid of melancholy and sadness.
  • Hair coloring - light colors can bring the energy of money.
  • Manicure, pedicure - so that your nails do not exfoliate and are healthy, do a manicure and pedicure today.
  • Facial care - refrain from cosmetics today.
  • Body care - rest, the moon is not conducive to physical activity.
  • Haircut - it is better not to cut your hair today and not even trim the ends, otherwise the hair will become naughty, although it will grow faster.
  • Hair coloring - should be postponed, you can incur trouble.
  • Manicure, pedicure - don't cut your nails today and don't do facials, don't push your luck.
  • Facial care - give rest to the skin of the face.
  • Haircut - cut your hair today or trim the ends, because that's where all the negativity accumulates. A haircut on such a day will help to forget all grievances.
  • Hair coloring - hair coloring with a tint balm or foam will fix financial problems.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today massage your hands, face, neck, foot bath, and you can take a break from problems, concentrate and just relax.
  • Facial care - anti-aging treatments are favorable.
  • Body care is the best day to start a diet and get rid of bad habits.
  • Haircut - do not cut or trim your hair today, there is a possibility of ailments and poor health after such a haircut.
  • Hair coloring - it is better to transfer to a more favorable day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today it is worth doing a manicure in the evening, after sunset, to increase your attractiveness for men.
  • Facial care - care for eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Body care - favorably go to a massage parlour.
  • Haircut - cutting your hair today, you can slow down the biochemical processes in the body, which will provoke the accumulation of excess weight and toxins in the body.
  • Hair coloring - will not benefit today.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today to problems and quarrels with people. This will lower your self-esteem.
  • Facial care - masks made from natural products will have a beneficial effect.
  • Haircut - if you want to attract new people into your life, diversify your everyday life with exciting events, meet your love, then cut your hair today.
  • Hair coloring is a good day, you will be satisfied.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today to build relationships with people, especially with loved ones and loved ones. It will also help speed up the receipt of news that you have been waiting for a long time.
  • Face care - allergic reactions are possible.
  • Body care is an auspicious day for depilation.
  • Haircut - going to the salon can develop not only the sharpness of the senses, but also improve the insight of the mind.
  • Hair coloring is a great day to experiment with hair color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure or pedicure today will help to build relationships, reconcile old friends, or just clear up all the problems to the end.
  • Facials are a good day to treat skin problems.
  • Body care - anti-cellulite procedures.
  • Haircut - if you cut your hair on this day, then you will not lack male attention.
  • Hair coloring - to strengthen your immunity, dye your hair today with natural dyes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today is the perfect day for the treatment of legs and varicose veins. Also, if you start treating an ingrown toenail today, it will heal quickly. Get a pedicure today, remove corns and calluses, and you will improve your health and even “pay off” some of your karmic debts.
  • Facial care - cosmetics with herbal extracts of lavender, chamomile, thyme will be especially useful for the skin.
  • Body care - only relaxation and relaxation.
  • Haircut - dream of getting rich - go to the hairdresser.
  • Hair coloring - to attract business partners - we dye with natural dyes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - neutral day.
  • Body care - depilation is not recommended.
  • Haircut - people who decide to get a haircut today may soon acquire property, and also feel favorable changes in their careers.
  • Hair coloring - today increases your authority, contributes to the normalization of relations in the team.
  • Manicure, pedicure - only the most necessary procedures.
  • Facial care - soothing baths and masks.
  • Body care is an auspicious day to start a diet.
  • A haircut is a rather unfavorable period for a haircut, leading to a weakening of the overall immunity of the body, which increases the likelihood of various kinds of diseases.
  • Hair coloring - it is also not recommended to color hair on this day, it is better not to touch it at all.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure on this day will bring success in the business you have begun.
  • Facial care - try not to overdry your skin today and moisturize it well.
  • Body care is not the most favorable for complex procedures and operations, but it is great for aromatherapy and relaxation treatments.
  • Haircut - not desirable, headaches are possible.
  • Hair coloring is a bad idea.
  • Manicure, pedicure - refrain from procedures.
  • Facial care - the beauty calendar does not recommend using a lot of cosmetics today.
  • Body care is just relaxation.
  • Haircut - if you cut your hair, get ready for serious problems.
  • Hair coloring - hair will retain color for a long time.
  • Manicure, pedicure - take care of the health of your nails.
  • Facial care - today use a minimum of cosmetics.
  • Body care - physical activity is favorable.
  • Haircut - you should not carry out any procedures.
  • Hair coloring - give up this idea today.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a bad day. A manicure done today will attract bad luck and evil, prudent people into your life. There is a possibility of making an enemy.
  • Facial care - it is good to make berry and fruit masks.
  • Body care - visiting a bath or sauna will benefit the body.
  • Haircut - cutting hair on this day is strictly prohibited, as it can affect your fate in an unfavorable way.
  • Hair coloring - reschedule for another day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today it is better to carefully trim nails and cuticles, as there is a chance of cutting yourself, and a wound, even a shallow one, will heal for a long time.
  • Body care - this day is ideal to devote to massage and any water procedures.
  • Haircut - you can safely go to a beauty salon.
  • Hair coloring - dark tones will attract good luck.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails on such a day, you lengthen your life, improve your health.
  • Facial care - rejuvenating and toning masks.
  • Body care is an auspicious day for epilation and depilation.
  • Hair coloring - today you can drastically change the color of your hair, you will even look sexier with a new color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nails cut today will grow worse later, but will help get rid of loneliness and saturate your life with interesting events.
  • Facial care - use only proven cosmetics, there is a possibility of allergies.
  • Body care - anti-cellulite procedures, body wraps.
  • Haircut - the day is good for changing the image. A visit to the hairdresser today can change your life 180º.
  • Hair coloring - lightening and coloring hair in light shades.
  • Manicure, pedicure - if you want to reveal your talent, cut your nails today, get a manicure and pedicure.
  • Body care is an auspicious day for epilation and depilation, body hair will grow slowly.
  • Haircut - cut your hair today if you want to meet an interesting person of the opposite sex soon. Whether this acquaintance will have a romantic or business continuation is up to you two to decide.
  • Hair coloring is a good day, the hair color will turn out bright and persistent.
  • Manicure, pedicure - if you do not want toxins and fats to accumulate in your body, then give up manicure and pedicure before sunset.
  • Facial care - pluck your eyebrows well.
  • Haircut - let your head and hair rest today.
  • Hair coloring - only if you want to become a blonde.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, luck can turn away from you.
  • Facial care - effective facial cleansing and acne treatment.
  • Body care - unfavorable physical activity on this day.
  • Haircut is an auspicious day for cutting hair this month. After today's haircut, you will feel better, your health will improve.
  • Hair coloring - you can safely change the color of your hair.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today you can cut your nails, do manicures, pedicures, build up nails, this will not affect your fate in any way.
  • Body care - any procedures will be successful.
  • Haircut - do not cut your hair today, so as not to attract envious, evil and greedy people. They will bring with them problems, the solution of which will take you your time.
  • Hair coloring - today it is optimal to use tinted shampoos and hair gels.
  • Manicure, pedicure - get a manicure and pedicure today to protect yourself from enemies and envious people.
  • Facial care - neutral day.
  • Body Care - Body hair removed today will grow back slowly.
  • Haircut - money haircut. Cut your hair today to attract money, success in business, trade into your life. Transactions after such a haircut will end better than they could.
  • Hair coloring - you can experiment with hair color.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure and pedicure on this day will help you get together to implement plans and ideas, and lengthen your life.
  • Facial care - use only natural, natural remedies.
  • Body care is a favorable time for physical activity, they will help to lose weight.
  • Haircut - be sure to cut your hair on this day to make your life brighter and more interesting.
  • Hair coloring - It is also better to choose another time if you want to radically change the color of your hair.
  • Manicure, pedicure - if you cut your nails on such a day, you can quarrel with friends and relatives over trifles. You may also lose faith in yourself.
  • Facial care - moisturizing and rejuvenating masks will be a real gift for facial skin.
  • Body care - playing sports today will not only keep your figure, but also help you get in the right working mood.
  • Haircut - A new haircut will make you feel more confident.
  • Hair coloring - any coloring will make you more beautiful and more attractive.
  • Manicure, pedicure is a good day for a manicure and pedicure. It will help you get rid of loneliness. Just do not build up your nails, but do a trimmed manicure.
  • Facial care - use masks and anti-wrinkle products.
  • Body care - when to epilate hair? Of course today!
  • Haircut - It is not recommended to cut your hair today. Give preference to voluminous styling - this can bring prosperity.
  • Hair coloring - today you can dye your hair only with gentle dyes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure is not recommended today, because later they will grow worse, exfoliate and break.
  • Facial treatment is an effective acne treatment.
  • Body care - today is a great day to give up bad habits.
  • Haircut - a haircut today will help you implement your plans and achieve your goals.
  • Hair coloring - coloring today will slow hair growth and also degrade their quality.
  • Manicure, pedicure - make yourself a manicure, pedicure, build nails, paint your nails in your favorite color. All this will be your amulet from bad mood and depression.
  • Facials are a good day for cleansing pores.
  • Body care - this day is suitable for tattooing, piercing.
  • Haircut - better not cut your hair on this day, if you do not want your loved one to go to the side.
  • Hair coloring is an unfavorable day for hair coloring. Hair will lose its shine, and you will lose vitality.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today to quarrels and failures. It is better to start a course of foot, hand and whole body massage today. This will help you strengthen your immunity.
  • Facial care - soothing masks and baths will be useful.
  • Body care - take care of yourself, make relaxing baths for legs and elbows, do exercises, visit a sauna or a solarium.
  • Haircut - save for later.
  • Hair Coloring - Dye your hair blonde and red to attract "bright" people.
  • Manicure, pedicure - feel free to sign up to your master.
  • Facial care - this day is very unfavorable for complex procedures, but especially for plastic surgery of the face and neck.
  • Body care - a visit to the pool will tone your body.
  • Haircut - a haircut performed these days will become a talisman for your realization and recognition in business circles.
  • Hair coloring - the day is suitable for a radical change in hair color. The new color will make you sexier.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a very good day for manicure, pedicure, nail extension and face and body skin care. Trim your nails today, it will give you self-confidence, help you establish yourself in society.
  • Facial care - exfoliating masks, peeling.
  • Body care - it's good to take a bath today with the addition of sea salt, which tones up blood circulation.
  • A haircut is an unfavorable day for cutting hair. Haircut can attract health problems.
  • Hair coloring is not the best idea. Refuse such a venture. If you want to change something in your image, then give preference to voluminous styling.
  • Manicure, pedicure - relax yourself today and let your nails rest. Reschedule your manicure and pedicure for another day.
  • Facials are a good day for cleansing pores.
  • Body care - if possible, spend more time in the fresh air, breathing exercises are useful.

The lunar calendar for haircuts and beauty for March 2017 was compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova especially for the Vedmochka website.

Our ancestors also noted that any manipulations with nails and hair, especially a haircut on certain days, makes it possible to moderately adjust the number of procedures: on favorable days, hair / nails will grow more intensively, become strong and strong. In unfavorable - on the contrary, the degree of risk increases.

These tips are just as relevant today as they were many years ago. Therefore, today for everyone who adheres to traditions, we recommend an article on the topic: cutting nails according to the lunar calendar for the upcoming 2017 (oracle). We will describe favorable and unfavorable times by month and give recommendations on their use.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar

Neither a male nor a female image today will be complete without neat nails (manicure and pedicure today are a privilege not only for women). Today, many beauties prefer to cut their nails according to the lunar calendar, taking into account the phase of the moon and its location according to the signs of the zodiac (lucky days and / or weeks, a table based on the recommendations of the oracle).

It is the oracle that helps to find out the most favorable (successful) days for this procedure. The presented description will help to freely navigate this difficult issue today.

Lunar calendar for cutting nails for January 2017 auspicious days

In January, good days for a manicure will be: 1, 3, 14, 15-30. These days it is recommended to carefully “clean the feathers”:

Remove cuticles;
cut and / or build up;
paint with varnishes (artistic design);
perform therapeutic/prophylactic procedures.

Unfavorable days will be: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 27, 28 and 29 numbers.

During this period, the maximum that is permissible to correct the form, but only in case of urgent need. The oracle warns that a manicure on such days can not only spoil the shape and skin for a long time, but also appear in such consequences, for example, as trouble at work, for example.

The 2nd, 3rd and 31st are neutral days, you can do a manicure and pedicure at this time, but you don’t need to get carried away, it’s better to wait for a favorable period.

Lunar calendar for cutting nails for February 2017

February next year is not so generous for a good time. Here you can select days only in the middle of the month: 12th-23rd. But there are a few more unfavorable periods: 1-12, 24-28. Take the right time for a manicure and you will not have any negative consequences, remember that beauty and human health are inseparable.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar for March 2017 auspicious days

Good days in March, but they are almost evenly distributed throughout the month: 1-5, 12-17, 23-26. These days, beauties can safely plan a visit to the manicure / pedicure master and carry out all the necessary manipulations.

If there is no need to correct the shape and trim the cuticles, you can also use the neutral periods that fell on the 6th-11th, 28th, 29th and 30th of the month. On other days, it is better to postpone the visit to the master.

Lunar calendar of nail cuts for April 2017 auspicious days

April is the middle of spring, this is the time of flowering, saturation of nature with bright greenery and just pleasant expectations of summer holidays. At this time, I want to add even more colors to life and manicure, like nothing else helps to create the right mood.

Auspicious days in April will be: April 1-7, 14-18, April 26-30. Do not forget that spring is the best period for medical and vitamin procedures. Feed them with the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements and they will thank you with firmness and health.

May nail clipping lunar calendar

May was also divided into dosed parts of a good time: 2-7, 12-15, 28-31 are a great time to visit the master or work on your own nails on your own.

You can add brightness and grace in neutral periods: 1, 11, 19-21.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar for June

Nail cutting in June according to the lunar calendar is recommended to be oriented: 1-6, 11-14, 21, 25-28 of the month.

The oracle advises to refrain from any manipulation: 7-10, 15-20 and 30 numbers.

On the remaining days, you can carry out minor adjustments, for example, create beautiful nail art, if necessary, slightly adjust the shape, but it is better to postpone work with cuticles and medical procedures until a more successful period.

Lunar calendar for cutting nails for July

July was divided into three equal parts according to the favorable time for manicure / pedicure: 1-5, 10-15 and 25-31. On other days, it is not recommended to perform significant work (haircut, correction or cuticle trimming), as you can seriously harm your health.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar for August

The lunar calendar for August in the context of cutting nails also gives beauties and fashionistas three successful intervals: 1-7, 12-17, 21-25.

Do not forget to take care of the health of your nails at the end of summer, give them the opportunity to nourish themselves with natural vitamins that the outgoing summer will give, remove all unnecessary and allow yourself to enjoy this wonderful period to the fullest.

Nail cutting in September 2017 according to the lunar calendar

In September, favorable periods: 1-4, 7, 11-15, 21-26. This is the best time to fully prepare for the coming autumn:

Change design;
change shape;
carry out therapeutic / preventive procedures;
remove cuticles, etc.

You can slightly tweak the shape and design, but without radical methods, from September 8 to 10. These are neutral days of the month and simple manipulations will not leave a negative. At other times, it is better to refrain from such work.

Favorable days for cutting nails in October according to the lunar calendar

October is one of the brightest and most romantic autumn months, manicure during this period should correspond to the call of nature. Perhaps that is why at this time combinations of bright and warm colors are considered the most stylish. During this period, it's time to change the design to elegant and romantic.

For this, in October allotted: 1-4, 9-12, 14-17, 20-24, 28-31.

As can be seen from the data, October is very generous with good periods of time and it will not be difficult to choose the right time to cut your nails according to the lunar calendar.

When can you cut your nails according to the lunar calendar in November

November is not as loyal to fashionistas as its fellow October, however, it is not against a well-groomed manicure / pedicure.

According to the lunar calendar in November, the best time to cut your nails: 2-7, 11-15 and 21-26 of the month.

In other periods, it is recommended to refrain from radical work (cutting, trimming, correcting the shape, etc.). You can change the design and create a new artistic masterpiece at neutral times: 8-10 and 17-19. The rest of the time it is better to refrain.

Lunar calendar for cutting nails for december

The last month of the year is the most modest for a favorable time for working with marigolds. December provides this opportunity in two long periods: 7-15 and 20-31.

This time should be enough for all manipulations and corrections. On the eve of the New Year, it is recommended to immerse yourself in the New Year's atmosphere and create nail designs typical of this time, for example, today the coloring of the nails on the hands and feet of the world of space (astrosphere) will look original. You can come up with other variations, everything here depends only on the flight of fancy and your own attitude.

Perhaps not everyone thinks about the signs of fate, about the location of celestial bodies, however, mysterious phenomena affect a person. Even manicures and pedicures should be done on certain days. We bring to your attention the lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure for March 2017 indicating favorable days for nail care.

4 lunar day from 08:37, moon in Aries

Do not perform any operations on the nails. And if someone ignores and goes against fate, he will attract failure into his life.

5 lunar day from 09:02, moon in Taurus from 10:44

6 lunar day 09:28, moon in Taurus

Unfavorable day for nail operations. And even if someone wants to do a manicure to please themselves with the beauty of their nails, then this joy will be short-lived. Such a manicure will be short-lived.

7 lunar day from 10:00, moon in Gemini from 3:07

Good day for manicure and pedicure. It is necessary to provide proper care to your nails, because the people around you will certainly appreciate such beauty. Among them will be not only close people, but also colleagues at work.

8 lunar day from 10:37. moon in Gemini

To paint and cut nails on this day is simply necessary. Thus, you can attract good luck. Profit or monetary gain is not excluded. Do not refuse manicure and pedicure, which will allow every woman to discover her inner talents.

9 lunar day from 11:24, moon in Cancer from 15:55

If you take the time to care for your nails on this day, then there is a high probability that you will get the perfect manicure. Beautiful nails will not only please the eye, but will immediately change your thinking for the better. Nails can be cut, trimmed manicure and pedicure.

10 lunar day from 12:19, moon in Cancer

A happy day that will give you a great mood after manicure and pedicure activities. Having done a nail cut, pedicure and manicure means to provide yourself with reliable protection for the whole month from unwanted communication and bad people. On this day, a feeling of cheerfulness will be felt, and all disturbing thoughts will fade into the background.

11 lunar day from 13:24, moon in Leo from 19:47

On this day, it is better to refuse any trips to the salons, and you should not take care of your nails on your own either. After all, with improper care, you can cause severe damage to your body. And on a holiday it is better to relax and have fun.

12 lunar day from 14:34, moon in Leo

Nail care on this day will cheer you up. Things will be successful both at work and in school. It will give you the opportunity to unleash your creativity. A very auspicious time for nail design. Nail design can be done not only on the hands, but also on the legs.

13 lunar day from 15:48, moon in Leo

Take the time to treat your nails. To become especially attractive to a man, it is recommended to cut your nails only after sunset.

14 lunar day from 17:02, moon in Virgo from 01:08

On this day, you just need to cut your nails. It is believed that thanks to this procedure, all diseases will go away. Manicure and pedicure will not hurt, as it will make the female image more elegant and attractive.

15 lunar day from 18:16, Full Moon in Virgo at 17:52

A very auspicious day for nail care. They can be painted in any color, create an unusual decor. Everything will look very beautiful and elegant. Do not put off going to the salon, there is a chance to attract good luck.

16 lunar day from 19:28, moon in Libra from 08:29

No need to devote time to nails, just waste your time and effort. All attempts will be futile, just nothing will work. Let your nails rest on this day, and manicure and pedicure can be transferred to the next day.

17 lunar day from 20:39, moon in Libra

A manicure made on this day will give a charge of vivacity and a great mood. And if it is made with high quality, then its owner will be endowed with protective forces.

18 lunar day from 21:48, moon in Scorpio from 18:12

It is very dangerous to do something with nails on this day, there is a risk of losing loved ones. It is better to postpone all manicure and pedicure procedures for another day so as not to tempt your fate.

19 lunar day from 22:55, moon in Scorpio

The day will not give positive emotions in terms of manicure and pedicure, even if you have already signed up for a master for this date. The beauty of the nails will not last long. But cutting your nails will be a useful thing that will not only improve your health, but also lengthen your life.

20 lunar day from 00:00. moon in scorpio

Manicure is able to influence this day so much that you can even avoid depression. Trimmed nails will grow poorly, but they will give a lot of interesting events and relieve loneliness.

20 lunar day. moon in Sagittarius from 06:01

A favorable day for a manicure, it is impossible to go unnoticed. Women who have not previously attracted much attention from the opposite sex are likely to be very successful. Perhaps someone will find a life partner.

21 lunar days from 01:03. moon in Sagittarius

The day is unfavorable for cutting nails. And if you do not want to lose money, it is better not to risk it. Manicures and pedicures must be done before sunset so that toxins and fats do not accumulate in the body.

22 lunar day from 02:01, moon in Capricorn from 18:32

Great time for a manicure. There is a chance that they will be promoted at work. Hands should be especially neat and well-groomed.

23 lunar day from 02:54, moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for manicure and pedicure, even at home. You can cut them, dye them, build them up - nothing will change in fate.

24 lunar day from 03:41, moon in Capricorn

These days it is better to avoid manicure, otherwise you will quarrel with your relatives. Cutting your nails is also not worth it, as this action can provoke fullness and contribute to the accumulation of toxins.

25 lunar day from 04:21, moon in Aquarius from 05:29

On this day, you can do manicures and pedicures, and this will be protection from enemies and envious people. All this will help build relationships in the family. And if there are any unresolved problems, they will be solvable.

26 lunar day from 04:55, moon in Aquarius

You should not cut your nails, quarrels with friends over trifles are possible. If someone ignores this information, they will lose faith in their strength. It is also better to refuse manicure and pedicure, let the nails rest.

27 lunar day from 05:25, moon in Pisces from 13:08

The day promises to be favorable for both manicure and pedicure. And you should not miss such a chance. It's time to go to the masters of their craft and enjoy their work.

28 lunar day from 05:51, moon in Pisces

So that money does not decrease, you should not cut and paint your nails on this day. Possibly damage both nails and skin. And you can go to the salon on another day.

29 lunar day from 06:15 , moon in Aries from 17:12

If you want to assert yourself in society and become self-confident, you need not only to cut your nails, but also to give them a plausible and neat appearance. Manicure, pedicure, nail extension procedures will be successful.

1 lunar day from 05:57, 2 lunar day from 06:39. New Moon in Aries at 05:57

It is worth refraining from taking care of your nails, as you risk damaging them and making them brittle. No procedures should be done, otherwise unexpected conflicts and disagreements at work will arise.

3 lunar day from 07:03, moon in Taurus from 18:49

Auspicious day for love, which means that nails should be attractive. Nail care will have positive energy and will contribute to recovery.

4 lunar day from 07:29, moon in Taurus

No matter how much a woman would like to do a manicure, it is better to abstain. And the costs can be significant. Cutting your nails is also not worth it, as the day promises quarrels and failures.

5 lunar day from 07:59, moon in Gemini from 19:41

Any actions with nails will benefit, and even profit. So you shouldn't put off going to the master. The right shade of lacquer will attract happiness and good luck.

Helpful Hints

In March, Venus will turn into retrograde direction while being in an uncomfortable position for her the sign of Aries. This event will have a rather serious impact on everything related to beauty, because Venus controls this area of ​​our life.

Now astrologers do not recommend any complex cosmetic surgeries, as there are great risks that these surgeries will not bring you due satisfaction. The results of operations may disappoint you, or you will quickly dislike what happened. It mainly concerns operations on the face.

You can read more about what procedures and operations are most recommended for women this month in the article. Horoscope of health and beauty for women according to the signs of the Zodiac for March 2017

OUR ADVICE: do not do complex operations in March 2017, and if you still decide on a surgical intervention, be sure that this is for you really need. By the way, there is good news: it is quite possible to do repeated operations even on retrograde Venus (but look at the lucky days according to the lunar calendar).

In general, this month is good for various care procedures, Venus has no unfavorable aspects. And what procedures are best done on a particular day of the month, the Moon will tell. For a list of procedures and the best days of the month, as usual, look at the end of the article in.

Other useful articles heading Lunar calendar for March 2017:


♈ 1 MARCH, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:37.ARIES

If you are not particularly happy with what you saw in the mirror today, know that on this day the growing Moon in Aries provides an excellent chance to change the situation for the better. Direct all your efforts to improving tone and health in general, the skin of the face.

A contrast shower is the minimum of what you can do today. Harden your skin by rubbing your face ice cubes from infusion of chamomile, sage, other herbs and do not forget about head massage. Today, face masks based on natural ingredients will be especially effective. Relatively complex procedures (deep peeling, teeth whitening, removal of neoplasms) should be abandoned on this day. Limit sun exposure (or tanning beds). And no dyes or perms!

Fitness: you can feel a special lift on this day, but you should not rush into the "sport pool" with your head. Today, there is an increased risk of injury, which is especially dangerous against the background of a high likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you're confident and don't feel sick, take the time to do some aerobic exercise. If there is a feeling of discomfort, it is recommended to abandon active training in favor of meditation practice or simple yoga exercises for beginners.

♈♉ 2 MARCH Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:02.ARIES , CALF from 10:43

Moon without a course from 05:18 to 10:42

Today, most of the day will pass under the sign of Taurus. This means that, in addition to the skin of the face, it's time to take care of the beauty of your neck and décolleté areas. We continue to use masks based on natural ingredients (olive oil, fermented milk products, egg yolk, etc.). Wellness treatments can be combined with hair coloring. In a word, take care of your face even more actively; but about serious procedures (removal of warts, tattooing, and so on) on the upper chest and neck today should be forgotten.

Fitness: the morning greets us not only with the early March coolness, but also with the moon without a course. Pay attention today strength exercises aimed at strengthening the middle part of the body, including the pelvic region. Eliminate stress on the cervical vertebrae by including neck relaxation exercises in your training program.

♉ 3 MARCH, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:28.CALF

Moon without a course from 18:20

We continue to use moderate procedures (nourishing masks, massage), taking care of the beauty and health of the neck and décolleté. On this day, it is recommended to visit a hairdresser: the problem of split ends will not be so relevant, and the hair itself will grow more beautiful and voluminous. Today it makes sense to replenish your collection cosmetics and perfumes(but it's better if you buy something that you already had and you are sure that you like this product). However, we advise you to go shopping before 18:20. After sunset, you can do a manicure, pedicure.

Fitness: a good day to keep the body in good shape, on which strengthening exercises for the torso and pelvic region are recommended. As on the eve, the neck area is extremely vulnerable (especially the cervical vertebrae), so be vigilant in drawing up a training program. Today, simple ones will also be useful relaxation exercises, which will relieve tension from the neck, help get rid of headaches and shoulder pain.

♊ 4 MARCH, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:00.CALF , TWINS from 13:06

Moon without course until 13:05

In general, it is quite an auspicious day to take care of the beauty of your body in complex. General strengthening massage will return the tone to your body; contact a chiropractor who, as part of chiropractic, will help you solve some problems with musculoskeletal system. Taking care of the condition of the skin of the hands and nails will be of great benefit on this day. However, it is worth giving up manicure, as well as deep peeling of the skin of the hands (such as, for example, laser peeling). Also on this day you can not build up, cut and file nails.

You can read more about what awaits all the signs of the Zodiac in March 2017 in the article.Astrological forecast for the signs of the zodiac for March 2017 .

Fitness: today it is recommended to evenly distribute the load throughout the body. At the same time, if you have planned a visit to the gym for the afternoon or evening, do not overload the shoulders, forearms and muscles of the upper limbs. Direct your efforts to pumping gluteal muscles and thighs. An evening run is recommended.

♊ 5 MARCH, Sunday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:37.TWINS

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 14:31

Today, be especially careful: you can not start new business. Sign up for complex procedures, and even more so to do at least some operations. This day can be devoted to rest: you can book a massage, go to the sauna or bath. When the Moon is in Gemini, it is also not recommended to do a manicure, use hand creams based on active chemical components, and do deep peeling of the skin of the hands.

Fitness: give up loads on the upper torso, and also take care of the upper limbs - there is a high probability of sprains in these areas. As for the rest of the body, the day is quite favorable for the use of general strengthening programs, but very simple ones. Be careful after visiting the pool - on this day it is easy to catch colds. But it is best to give up complex loads or in general make yourself a rest day.

♊♋ 6 MARCH, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:24.TWINS , CANCER from 15:54

Moon without a course from 11:22 to 15:53

If you did not have time to visit a massage therapist or your favorite beauty salon the day before, you have the opportunity to do it in the first half of today. After 16:00 It is not recommended to visit a hairdresser, a solarium. Also in the afternoon, you should not use cosmetics based on potent chemical components, carry out deep peeling of the skin of the whole body, and do a perm. The best way to please yourself before going to bed in the mirror- this is an active healthy pastime (long walks, jogging, moderate exercise). Dress for the weather, as there is a chance of catching a cold.

Fitness: in the first half of the day, general strengthening exercises are shown. If you prefer evening workouts, the emphasis should be on pumping calf muscles, strengthening back muscles, spine generally. At the same time, it is strongly recommended not to overload the body, since today there is a high risk of injuries and exacerbations of chronic sores. To avoid trouble, it makes sense to abandon training with many shells in favor of aerobic exercise. Hiking, jogging and an exercise bike will help tone your body today.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

♋ 7 MARCH, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:19.CANCER

As the Moon transits Cancer, it's time to pay special attention to health and beauty of your breasts. Of course, in a day or two it will not be possible to restore elasticity and external attractiveness, so attention to this zone should be paid regularly. However, today breast massage (including massage with water jets), nourishing masks (based on kefir, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products), and simple hygiene procedures can be of great benefit. Tattoos in the chest area, peeling of the whole body and the use of active cosmetics today can harm the body.

Fitness: a traumatic day, which, moreover, is also distinguished by an unfavorable emotional background. In the gym, pay special attention to the muscles lower limbs, buttocks. Be active, don't avoid the opportunity walk. Physical activity on the upper body should be minimized or eliminated altogether.

♋♌ MARCH 8, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:24.CANCER , A LION from 19:46

Moon without a course from 17:59 to 19:45

The main part of this holiday will be held under the sign of Cancer. This means that many of the fairer sex have time to put yourself in order and in the late afternoon to please your loved ones with an irresistible view. The bulk of the time should be devoted to taking care of the appearance of the breasts. As for cosmetic procedures, today should pass under the auspices of natural beauty. Use natural cosmetics. Unfortunately, the day is not favorable for any action with hair, so be careful in your experimenting with hair.

Fitness: despite the holiday, there is no reason to relax, because taking care of the health and beauty of your body is an ongoing process. Find time for jogging, work on a stationary bike, a treadmill. The main emphasis should be on exercises for the legs, however from 18:00 to 19:45 it is better not to strain yourself in the gym - the result will be almost invisible. Be careful - high risk of injury.

♌ 9 MARCH, Thursday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:34.A LION

Despite the fact that the festive day is behind us, the most favorable time is coming to take care of the health and beauty of your hair. This day is open for experiments, but it is better to use classic and old methods, so keep that in mind. that Venus is still retrograde. If you visit a hairdresser today, there is a high probability that your hair will grow strong and healthy. You can not limit your imagination when coloring your hair (although preference should be given to natural dyes). It's time to take care of the eyebrows and eyelashes as well. But the hair in the bikini area, armpits and legs should be left alone for now. Also, do not remove warts, visit a solarium, sauna.

Fitness: The training program for today should include strength exercises. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles of the lower extremities. Cardio exercises, as well as exercises that form the press, should be postponed for another day, since today one of the vulnerable organs is heart, back, spine.

♌ 10 MARCH, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:48.A LION

Moon without a course from 20:05

The day continues to favor hair care. If you want to impress, you can use bright and saturated colors when staining. Body hair cannot be removed yet - they will grow back rather quickly. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light today can lead to skin problems. Due to the high stress on the heart, a hot bath and a steam room are contraindicated on this day. Deep cleansing of the face should also be postponed until later.

Today is simply created for those who actively care about their appearance and health. If you have in mind good beauty salon, which provides a full range of professional services, take the time to visit it to improve your mood.

Fitness: we continue to protect the heart, so we exclude aerobic exercises on this day. From the whole complex of exercises, preference should be given to those that are aimed at strength training. In this case, the muscles of the legs should take on the main load. It is not recommended to download the press.

♌♍ 11 MARCH, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:02.A LION , VIRGO from 01:07

Moon off course until 01:06

The Moon in Virgo sets us up for business even in matters of beauty. We pay more attention to practices within alternative medicine; we are beginning to be interested not in superficial events, but in a complete and detailed set of measures that allows us to maintain the beauty of the body as a whole. Today, you can devote time to almost everything - from trimming ingrown toenails and foot massage, to perming, highlighting and straightening hair on your head. The only thing to wait for now is the removal of hair from the area. bikini, legs and underarms.

Fitness: the perfect day to work on your musculoskeletal system in general. Any self-respecting fitness center will offer you a whole range of exercises (and equipment for them) aimed at training balance, eliminating problems with a sense of balance, and strengthening the muscles of the whole body. Today, exercises for ankle joints and calf muscles.

♍ 12 MARCH, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:16.VIRGO

FULL MOON at 17:55

The day promises emotional instability, stress. From the entire list of procedures favored by the Moon in Virgo, it is recommended to choose those that will help to cope with nervousness of the day. Spend time relaxing massage treatments in the area of ​​hands and feet; take a relaxing bath or visit a sauna (if there are no contraindications in the form of chronic diseases); use the magical possibilities of aromatherapy. More positive emotions in general: if visiting a hairdresser or beauty salon can cheer you up, you should not deny yourself this. If possible, try to avoid places with a lot of people - today it is easy to catch a cold.

Fitness: the training program on this extremely unstable day should not be overloaded with strength and aerobic exercises. Expand the range of exercises aimed at improving coordination and stability control, but do not overdo it - a high risk of injury. Ideally, it's best to go to yoga workout or practice meditation practices.


♍♎ 13 MARCH, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 19:28.VIRGO , SCALES from 08:28

Moon without course from 05:36 to 08:28

Spring has come into its own, and summer is just around the corner, and the condition of the skin of your body makes you discouraged? While it's cool, you can still mask these unpleasant "faults of nature" with clothes. But it is better to devote time to moderate measures to release toxins from the body. In particular, it is recommended to massage problem areas (stretch marks), rubbing cosmetic oils that help remove toxins.

Fitness: Isn't it time to give your body a moderate shake-up? Go to Pilates today, swim in the pool, pay attention to exercises on yoga stretches and asanas. Be active, mobile and multitasking. Strength exercises, as well as additional loads on the hips and buttocks, are recommended to be postponed for another day.

Beauty lunar calendar 2017

♎ 14 MARCH, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 20:39.SCALES

Today it is recommended to devote the whole day to improvement facial appearance and fight stretch marks. You can remove neoplasms, restore damaged eyelashes and apply nourishing masks for face, neck, hands.

Today it is also possible to remove warts and springs from the face, apply tattoos on the neck, head, make eyebrow and lip tattoo and piercings in the area faces. But remember that these procedures should be done only if you have no doubts about their expediency!

Do not get tattoos in the area abdomen and back. On this day, it is also recommended to visit dental office, where today not only teeth whitening is shown, but also their “major” repair - from the installation of fillings and braces, to complex prosthetic procedures.

Fitness: continue to heal your body with Pilates yoga technician. You can visit the pool and generally devote more time to water procedures. When doing yoga, be extremely careful, as today threatens us with injuries and sprains. Eliminate stretching exercises, focusing on relaxation techniques. take care buttocks and thighs.

15 MARCH, Wednesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:48.SCALES , SCORPION from 18:11

Moon without a course from 13:05 to 18:10

We continue to work with our appearance, fight stretch marks, put in order eyelashes and eyebrows. In the evening (after 18:00) you can go for face and neck peeling. Not a bad day for teeth whitening, but it is better to refuse serious dental treatment today. As for nourishing skin masks: today it is recommended to abandon all types of ointments and creams that have at least some (even extremely minimal) hormonal effect.

Fitness: on this day there is a high probability injury, and therefore intensive training and strength exercises in the gym are recommended to be postponed for another time. Given the high level of injury risk, today it makes sense to completely refrain from exercise for hips and thighs in particular. Yoga asanas and facial exercises will bring the greatest benefit on this day.

♏ MARCH 16, Thursday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:55.SCORPION

The day is favorable for complex dental treatment. Today, you can put not only crowns and whiten your teeth, but also insert implants. The result will please you. Those who want to get pierced can make their dream come true. Keep in mind that it is better not to do piercings in intimate places these days. It is also undesirable to remove hair in the bikini area, visit a solarium and stay in the sun for a long time.

Fitness: with the Moon in Scorpio, it is highly undesirable to overload your body, so the recommendations remain the same: facial gymnastics, yoga. The training regimen should be thought out in such a way that after exercising in the gym you feel emotional uplift, not exhaustion.

♏ March 17, Friday, 19th lunar day.SCORPION

The day is almost a mirror image of the previous one, so we act strictly according to the above recommendations. If everything is in order with your teeth and skin, you can sign up for general massage. What you should not do today is to cleanse the body of toxins through enema. In general, today it is worth saving your intestines, since the rectum is very vulnerable in the days of Scorpio.

Fitness: Even if you really miss an intense workout, it is recommended to keep yourself in control, continuing the average mode of training. Work on stretching, take a swim in the pool, take a long evening walk.

♐ 18 MARCH, Saturday, 20th lunar day from 00:00.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 06:00

Moon without course from 00:56 to 05:59

Sagittarius days are generally conducive to healthy activity. However, there is a risk of overeating, so you need to do exactly the opposite: go to Anticellulite massage, use non-hot compresses from simple decoction recipes (horsetail, sage, plantain, chamomile).

Fitness: Did you miss the real work on yourself? Then do not waste time in vain, and immediately take the bull by the horns. Your workout program today may include a combination of aerobic and strength training. But for the time being, we will have to refrain from intense loads on the legs - today our lower limbs are a vulnerable area.

♐ 19 MARCH, Sunday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 01:03.SAGITTARIUS

We actively fight cellulite (using also folk remedies), but we avoid using hot compresses(especially if there are problems with capillaries). No overeating. In the days of Sagittarius, you should also not visit a solarium, get tattoos and make a tattoo. Today, you can quite successfully fight with ingrown nails. If possible, spend more time outdoors: this will favorably affect the color of your face.

Fitness: We continue intensive training, with special emphasis on pumping the upper body. Exercises on press today are given quite easily, bringing the expected result closer. We keep the same legs, so no squats with weights and jumps.

♑ 20 MARCH, Monday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:01.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:31

Moon without a course from 13:37 to 18:30

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 18:57

Today it is better not to build far-reaching plans, because the result (or rather, its absence) will disappoint you. From lunch to 18:30, it is recommended to completely relax at home (if, of course, you can afford it on a Monday day!). Can be removed in the evening unwanted hair, and in general to deal with the skin of the face and body. However, you should not use aggressive cosmetics, as today you can provoke an exacerbation of chronic skin diseases ( psoriasis, dermatitis And so on).

Fitness: it is best to rest on this day or choose very light loads. We completely exclude jumping and stretching exercises, exercises that load the back and spine (especially if there is at least minimal chronic anomalies).

Beauty: lunar day calendar

♑ 21 MARCH, Tuesday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:54.CAPRICORN

Saved unfavorable atmosphere caused by the risk of exacerbation of chronic and colds. It is also recommended not to abuse being in public. At home, you can continue to take care of your skin. Be careful when using scrubs if you have problem skin. For the treatment of acne, it is recommended to use simple and affordable means preferably based on natural ingredients. Today you should not visit tattoo parlors and solariums. You can do not too aggressive peeling of the skin faces and bodies.

Fitness: next week ( until March 26 inclusive) it is worth planning the easiest workouts of the whole month. Get busy today chest muscles. Priority should be given to those exercises that are guaranteed not to lead to injury on this unsafe day. guard back, do not load vertebral bones. Include aerobic exercise in your workout plan, but don't push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

♑ 22 MARCH, Wednesday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:41.CAPRICORN

Moon without a course from 16:20

Use the first half of the day ( until 16:20) in order to clean up your skin with cleansing masks and scrubs. Today, skin peeling is not contraindicated either. You can also visit a dermatologist for acne treatment. Still, you can’t stay in the sun for a long time without sunglasses and go to the solarium. In no case do not plan to remove scars and scars today - the result will disappoint you. The day is quite nervous, so it makes sense to save your nerves: stress will invariably have a negative impact on your appearance.

Fitness: if you followed our recommendations in the previous days, then you have done enough work on chest muscles. In the first half of the day, you can still devote a little time to this muscle group. A after 16:20 it makes sense to visit the pool, where water aerobics classes are held. Experts will tell you how to pump up muscles in the water buttocks, thighs and abs.

♑♒ 23 MARCH, Thursday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:21.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 05:29

Moon off course until 05:28

Recommended to visit massage parlor, where you will receive a massage stimulating the removal of toxins from the body with the help of special oils shins and lower thighs. Today you can get rid of freckles and age spots. You can go to the solarium (but do not abuse the ultraviolet). But visiting a hairdresser, shops for buying perfumes, clothes, jewelry should be rescheduled for another day. Also this day is not recommended To dye hair.

Fitness: The Moon is entering Aquarius and you want some hardcore fitness, but don't overdo it right now. Exercises should be excluded from the list. shins. If you are planning a cardio workout today, it is recommended to remove exercises related to jumping, as well as those that load lower leg.

♒ 24 MARCH, Friday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 04:55.AQUARIUS

An ideal day for those who believe that we all came out of the water and must return to it. Sauna, swimming pool, contrast shower- today everything connected with water will benefit you: it will bring vivacity, improve complexion, strengthen immunity. You can also troubleshoot small problems in the form neoplasms on the face. On this day, popular anti-stress face masks will have a good visible effect. For shoppers, it makes sense to use this day to visit jewelers and fashion stores: there is a chance to choose something extraordinary, however quick buy not worth doing.

Fitness: since water is shown today, it makes sense to look for water aerobics courses. It makes sense to focus on exercises aimed at strengthening the spine and back as a whole. Keep in mind that exercises that stress the ankle joints can do more harm than good today.

♒♓ 25 MARCH, Saturday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:25.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:07

Moon without course from 08:56 to 13:06

First half of the day up to 13 hours, it makes sense to use it with benefit and sense for your skin (especially for the skin of the face, décolleté, neck). After lunch, the day invites you to visit the massage parlor, where your feet will be given the opportunity to enjoy unforgettable relaxation massage. Today, the fight against foot fungus with the help of salt baths or tea tree baths will also please with a successful result. But any cardinal procedures associated with the beauty of your legs are recommended to be left for another, more favorable day. Unwanted hair will be removed well.

Fitness: manage this day correctly, and your body will thank you. In the morning it makes sense to swim in the pool, try a complex of sparing aerobic exercise. Afternoon is recommended to devote to strengthening back, spine, pumping abdominal muscles. Today you can not overload legs high risk of injury lower limbs.

♓ 26 MARCH, Sunday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 05:51.FISH

The waning Moon in Pisces loves cleanliness. Sort out your toilets, get down to putting them in order. The result will surely please you. On this day, do not forget to pay attention to our legs, which require special treatment with the Moon in the sign of Pisces. On this day, any moderate procedures that can heal and give beautiful view your legs. You can and should fight the fungus, take a contrast shower, massage the reflex zones of the feet. You can not do a pedicure, remove ingrown nails, calluses and keratinization.

Fitness: do not hesitate to make efforts to combat unnecessary calories. Today will open for you the undoubted benefits of the so-called aerobic metabolism, so pay attention to cardio loads. Also use this day to work with torso muscles. Exercises that can lead to overload or injury to the lower extremities should be excluded from today's training program.

♓♈ 27 MARCH, Monday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:15.FISH , ARIES from 17:11

Moon without a course from 13:19 to 17:10

A very difficult day, which is unlikely to be used in order to radically change anything in your appearance. Recommendations are simple: from the whole range of cosmetic procedures, it makes sense to opt for a relaxation massage, aromatherapy. Leave uncomplicated face masks based on natural ingredients for the evening. In general, if the situation allows, this Monday is generally recommended to be spent at home. Solitude will do more good today. Noisy companies are contraindicated.

Fitness: forget about the fight against excess weight - today you have little chance of success. Moreover, you should not bet on a daytime workout (from 13 to 17). If you have the opportunity to take time for your health at the beginning of the day, you can recommend visiting morning yoga classes. In the evening, try simple facial exercises. A good and correct conclusion of today will be an internal dialogue with oneself and meditation. This practice is not easy to learn, but it is necessary to try.


♈ 28 MARCH, Tuesday, 29th, 1st lunar day from 05:57, 2nd lunar day from 06:39.ARIES

NEW MOON at 05:57

Not the easiest day in terms of emotional background. To look good, turn to folk remedies to maintain facial skin tone. Recommended nourishing masks based on fermented milk products. Use simple massagers to massage your head. It will help improve blood circulation will benefit your hair. Today, give up complex cosmetic procedures, as well as the use of cosmetics based on hormonal drugs. Skin peeling is also best left for another day. This day is good for planning things for the next month.

Fitness: despite the high level of injuries, physical activity should not be avoided on this day. Do not force your body, training on this day should be fun. If you're feeling tired, it's best not to exercise at all. If you still decide to work out, pay special attention today to exercises for legs, glutes, abs. Combine strength training for these areas with aerobic exercise.

♈♉ 29 MARCH, Wednesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:03.ARIES , CALF from 18:48

Moon without a course from 15:07 to 18:47

Day to evening almost until 19:00) will pass under the sign of Aries, so use the recommendations for the previous day today. It is worth taking the time to collect information that you can use in the future to improve the appearance and maintain the health of the body. An evening shopping trip will not only allow you to replenish your wardrobe, choose perfumes and jewelry, but also improve your mood.

Fitness: the purpose of today's training is to improve performance lymphatic system. Use the surge of internal energy for strength exercises aimed at strengthening pelvic region, pumping press. Simple exercises will be useful for neck aimed at relaxation of this area. However, don't overexert yourself today. neck muscles. At the slightest feeling of discomfort, stop exercising.

♉ 30 MARCH, Thursday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 07:29.CALF

Go to the hairdresser. With the Moon in Taurus, a haircut is a guarantee that new hair will grow more lush and healthy. What to do is not recommended: today you can not remove warts, use chemical methods to combat papillomas. It also makes sense to postpone a visit to the dentist for another time. Do not try to get tattoos, especially in the area neck and decollete.

Fitness: include general strengthening exercises with an emphasis on work in the training program pelvic floor muscles(especially for muscles) pelvic diaphragm). In addition to strength training, it is highly recommended to use simple and useful kegel exercises. To make sure that there are no contraindications and to make training more effective, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist in this field.

♉♊ 31 MARCH, Friday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:59.CALF , TWINS from 19:41

Moon without a course from 02:12 to 19:40

The final day of this month is not conducive to new beginnings and implementation. far-reaching plans. The moon without a course for a whole day will cause a feeling of futility in your attempts to radically improve your appearance. Finding inner balance will help a quiet pastime. It will be useful to make refreshing masks for face and neck. For masks today it is recommended to use natural oils, egg yolk, fermented milk products. In no case do not take on any complex cosmetic procedures that, in your opinion, should lead to a quick result.

Fitness: today is absolutely not suitable for introducing into the training program new exercises. The usual routine workouts aimed at the general improvement of the body will help restore muscle tone somewhat. This is especially true for those who spend most of their time in a sitting position. Keep working on your muscles buttocks, thighs and abs. Despite the fact that today they will have little effect on the relief of these zones, these exercises will in any case be useful.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for March 2017

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 1-11, 28-31
Purifying masks: 12-27
Scrub, light facial peeling: 14-17, 20-22
Rejuvenating treatments: 9, 10, 14, 15
Skin Treatment:20-22
Removal of age spots and freckles, alignment of complexion: 14, 15, 23
Dentist, teeth whitening: 13-17
Manicure:3, 10, 17, 20-22, 24
Hand care:4-6, 31
Pedicure:3, 10, 17, 20-22, 24
Sunburn, solarium:23-25
Facial piercing:14, 16
Facial plastic surgery (simple): 14, 18, 19
Tummy tuck: 18, 19, 21, 22
Breast plastic:21, 22
Massage:4-6, 12-15, 17, 23-25, 31
Stone therapy:23-25
Lymphatic drainage massage: 13-15
Aromatherapy:6-8, 15-17, 25-27
Cryotherapy:1, 2, 9, 10, 29
Depilation, epilation: 6-8, 20-22, 25-27
Removing unwanted facial hair: 20-22
Weight loss programs (beginning): 9, 10
Anti-cellulite programs (beginning): 18, 19
Healing procedures (beginning): 9, 10
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 4-6, 12-15, 23-25, 31
Eyelash extensions, hair extensions: 9-11
Coloring eyelashes, eyebrows: 9-11
Plucking and shaping eyebrows: 14, 15, 20-22
Permanent makeup and tattoos: 14
Visit to the hairdresser: 9-11, 21, 22, 30, 31
Visiting a cosmetologist, trichologist: 9-11, 18, 23, 27, 31
Makeup visit: 9, 10, 14, 15
Fungus treatment:11, 25, 26
Shopping (inexpensive): 9, 18, 29, 31
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 5, 12, 20, 27
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 9, 10, 14, 18, 19

The world of space gives us a great opportunity to plan our lives according to the lunar haircut calendar in March 2019, as well as other months of the year, of course. For thousands of years, earthlings have been adjusting their lives to the phases of the moon in order to get the desired result. See also: and.

Most often, women resort to this method. The Earth Companion helps them grow their hair and save their manicure.

Calendar by day

March will begin to grow together with the satellite of our planet. The first day of spring, as the lunar calendar of haircuts 2019 says, is unfavorable for visiting the master. Upon returning home, you will find that the hair is worse than it was.

Day 5 of the cycle will come with good news. A good time for any fraud with your hair.


Light up bangs for March
medium haircut

March, 3rd. Today, the results of a changed hairstyle will exceed all expectations, it is possible to cure old diseases and attract money. According to the haircut calendar for March 2019, these days are not created for the services of a colorist. The new hair color will not please either the family or colleagues.

The 4th day of spring will move the Moon under the influence of Taurus. Therefore, it's time for those who want to lighten, paint over gray hair or strengthen hair follicles. Well, at least correct the shape of the eyebrows.

The 8th lunar day will fall on Sunday. The oracle of the lunar calendars for March 2019 advises not to trust your hair, as well as their energy, to the opposite sex, even if it is your trusted barber.

The moon will continue to rise on the 6th. A visit to the salon today will be a real salvation from ailments, and a change in hairstyle will improve the structure of the hair.

For those who follow the haircut and color calendar, it is already known that the 10th day of the cycle has a positive effect on the emotional component. Today, literally everything will bring satisfaction, even a visit to the hairdresser.

Take care of your hairstyle on Women's Day in advance. On March 8, visiting the salon will bring you only negative emotions.

On March 9, cut your hair all day long. In the haircut calendar for March, as well as for April 2019, these days are described as the most favorable for coloring.

The 10th day of spring will create all the conditions for changing hairstyles. Feel free to give preference to an extraordinary master. The moon is favorable today.

On Saturday, the visibility of the satellite will be almost 98%. The moon, according to the astrosphere of the calendar, is under the influence of Virgo. Hair, thanks to her, grows faster, and the styled hairstyle retains its original shape longer.

The next chapter of the lunar haircut calendar on March 12, 2019 promises us to reach any heights after a little coloring, but it’s better to refuse scissors, it’s worth the full moon.

March Monday opens the waning phase. Get a haircut to strengthen and update your hairstyle.

In the lunar calendar of haircuts for the previous February and for the current March 2019, the 16th day of the cycle is indicated as negative for the services of a hairdresser. This is especially true for those who have problems with hormones or hemoglobin.

The 15th - focus as much as possible on your chosen hairstyle or color, leaving the salon, you will become a completely different person.

On the 19th day of the moon, you can only cut the ends or even out the hair color. Scorpio, under whose influence the antipode of the Sun is now, will help only the owners of poor hair, after visiting the salon, the hairstyle will become thicker and healthier.

The most high-energy day on the calendar for March is coming in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries. Visit your hairdresser, but do not change your image much. You can cut your hair short, but don't change the color.

18th of spring. The influence of the girlfriend of the Earth on changing hairstyles is good. The moon is still waning, but painting for the second day in a row is not recommended.

The 21st day of the cycle according to the lunar haircut calendar for March 2019 is the second professional holiday for hairdressers. The impact of Sagittarius has a positive magical effect on all hair procedures.

Constantly referencing tips from the haircut and color calendar? Increase your credibility in the eyes of those around you with the help of scissors. During today's visit to the salon, color yourself in the color that is most natural to you.

March 21 is a hard day for ladies who are sensitive to emotions, and especially master stylists. So until the moon subsides, do not come close to them.

The worst day to change hairstyles will be 24 lunar days. Everything here is quite tragic. Harmless bangs trimming will lead to serious consequences.

The 23rd day of the haircut lunar calendar for March 2019 also does not bode well. The worse you look today, the better for your inner state. But if you decide to create an extravagant image for yourself, with bright colors and oblique bangs, the Moon will help you.

On the 26th lunar day, the Earth's satellite will continue to lose visibility. And again, the haircut will have to be postponed.

March 25 - feel free to sit in the salon chair. After a haircut, you will become more charming and sociable. Don't know which color to choose? Consult with friends, arrange a brainstorming session.

The 28th lunar day is also suitable for those recorded to the barber. Returning home from the salon, you will tirelessly catch admiring glances.

27th day of the month. The moon continues to decrease, it is almost invisible. It's time for a short haircut.

The new moon will come on the 28th. Style your hair with collagen and wax if you don't have time for a salon. For those who managed to sign up to the master, today's haircut will allow you to establish a connection with space.

On the 29th day of the month it is better not to sign up for the master. Changing the length of the hair will lead to an imbalance of energy, and visiting the salon will lead to unreasonable spending of the family budget.

The penultimate day of the first spring month will be marked by the growing moon. It's time to dye your hair in the most suitable shade for your color type. Also see and.

The 5th lunar day will close March. A new image made today will help you find inspiration and recharge your creative energy.

When can I paint and cut my nails

Everyone who cares about the health of the hairline, and not just about a fashionable haircut, knows that the dyeing procedure must be done strictly according to the lunar calendar, for example, for March 2019.

A successful hair color change in March will take place at the beginning of the month (1,3,6-10, 13, 16-19), as well as a few days at the end - from March 21 to 23, then on the 25th, 29th and 30th.

There is also a lunar calendar for a successful nail cut for March 2019. According to it, the following numbers will be in demand for a manicure in March: from 1 to 8, 10 and 13, from 16 to 30 (every other day).

Fashionable women's and men's haircuts

We create trends ourselves. Fashion designers and stylists draw ideas for new images from the people around them and the events taking place in the world.

  1. In the spring of 2019, women all over the world can relax - on the catwalks, long hair styled in light waves or simply tousled by hands.
  2. Graduated caret and torn cascade are in fashion. With such a hairstyle, you will look attractive to the opposite sex.
  3. For men, stylists recommend paying attention to shavings called “tennis”. It is suitable for guys with round features. Another option is the well-known "semi-box", it will add brutality to your image.