Pensions for working pensioners from January 1. Pension for non-working pensioners

The expected news of the beginning of 2018 for Russian pensioners is the next annual indexation of pension payments. Traditional dates of the event:

  • February 1 for insurance benefits;
  • April 1st for social.

An increase in pension benefits in 2018 will occur ahead of schedule. Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin announced what will happen pension increase from January 1, 2018. The reason for this is the need to make a real increase and improve the well-being of Russian citizens as soon as possible. This is because indexation will not be affected by 2017 inflation, as the budget includes funds to raise more than predicted price increases.

Who will receive a pension in January 2018 and for how long? This increase will affect citizens who are recipients of insurance payments and do not work. The increase will be 3.7% in line with the expected inflation rate for 2017 (at the moment, the forecast for the level of growth in the cost of products and services has been reduced to 3.2%).

How will the main components change in the cost:

  • IPK will grow from 78.58 rubles to 81.49 rubles;
  • The size of the fixed part will grow from 4805.11 to 4,982.9 rubles;
  • The average insurance payment in the country will increase from 13,700 to 14 000 rubles(old age), from 8,400 to 8 7 00 (disabled people) and from 8 600 to 8 900 (for the loss of a breadwinner).

Pensions from January 1, 2018 increase only for recipients of insurance benefits, recipients of social benefits will have to wait until April 1 for an increase in 4,1% . The average dimensions will change as follows:

  • Social from 8 700 to 9 045 rubles;
  • Disabled children from 13,000 to 13 699 rubles.

On November 30, 2017, Dmitry Medvedev, answering questions from journalists, said that increasing pensions is a priority for the state.

“If we talk about pensioners, then, of course, the main task here is to increase pensions. What we faced some time ago is the task of indexing pensions in line with inflation or even above inflation. But, in fact, we have now ensured this,” Medvedev said, speaking of support for various groups of Russians.

The Prime Minister also indicated that pensions will be indexed in full from January 1, 2018 - there is money for this.

“I would like to officially say this both on behalf of the government and on behalf of the Pension Fund. In this sense, everything is in order in the Pension Fund, there is money to pay pensions in full, and there will be no problems at all. There won't be any problems"

Pensions in 2018 will be indexed above the inflation rate:

“We proceed from the need to pay pensions and index them next year not even in February, but in January. And this indexation, it will be clearly higher than inflation.”

Increase in social pensions from January 1, 2018

Date of the annual increase in state security pensions - April 1. Increase in social pension in 2018 invalids, children and old-age pensioners will be carried out in the same period once. The changed amount of the pension will be transferred from the beginning of the month.

Zoom size established by the Government annually on the basis of the growth rate of the subsistence minimum. In 2018, it was adopted in the amount of 1.041, that is, the growth in collateral will be 4,1% .

Base social pension until April 2018 is equal to 5034.25 rubles, after - rises to 5240.65 rubles. The content for various categories of recipients is presented in the form of a table:

An increase in the social pension in 2018 will lead to its growth on average to 9045 rubles, for children with disabilities - 13699 rubles.

The value of the individual pension coefficient in 2018

After the reform of the pension system, which took place in 2015, the largest role in the amount of pension provision began to play individual pension coefficient. The number of IPC reflects the amount of the employer's insurance premiums for the employee, converted into pension points.

Minimum IPC amount, which the future pensioner must earn, is 13.8 points. It will gradually increase in the coming years. up to 30(by 2025). If the pensioner does not reach the required number, then the pension will be denied. In this case, the maximum number of points that can be earn in a year, limited:

  • 8,26 in 2017.
  • 8,7 in 2018.

The size of the IPC is also subject to change. Indexation will take place on January 1 at the budgeted value of 3.7%. As a result, the cost IPK in 2018 one point will increase to 81.49 rubles. Already assigned benefits will be recalculated in accordance with the new values, and new ones will be accrued taking into account it.

How much will the fixed payment be indexed from January 1

The second constant involved in the pension calculation formula is the fixed payment. This is a statutory amount of funds accrued to all types of insurance pensions. It is not received only by military pensioners who are entitled to receive a second security.

Fixed payment for retirement in 2018 will also be increased on January 1 by 3.7%. Its main size after the increase will be 4982.9 rubles. A feature of the appointment is that it may vary depending on the type of pension or category of recipient.

The increase in payment is due only on one of the grounds, that is, a disabled person of group 1 who is 80 years old will continue to receive a pension in the same amount, since the fixed payment has already been increased to the maximum possible amount.

Fixed payment in 2018 also serves to calculate pensioner's dependent allowance. Its size is defined as 1/3 of the base value:

  1. 1661 ruble for one.
  2. 3322 rubles for two.
  3. 4982 rubles for three. A larger number of disabled people is not taken into account.

Increasing social benefits for pensioners

Some types of collateral are additionally provided with social payments in 2018 in the form of a monthly cash supplement and a set of social services. Their beneficiaries are disabled pensioners, veterans, Chernobyl victims and a number of other special categories. The amount of the CU for each of them is different, and the NSI has a single cost and a list of services in kind.

On October 24, 2017, a government decree was published, which determined a single procedure indexation of social benefits, the need for which was outlined by Vladimir Putin. According to the bill, the indexation of social benefits will be held February 1, 2018, and its size will be equal to inflation over the past year. This value is predicted to be 3,2% , and at the end of the year can be adjusted up or down.

Increasing social benefits in 2018 will affect the size of the basic payments, which will be:

Will there be a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in 2018?

In 2016, the pension indexation procedure was changed due to the lack of budgetary funds and problems in the country's economy. On February 1, pension payments were only indexed by 4%, despite the fact that inflation for 2015 was 12.9%. Additional indexation of the collateral was scheduled for October, but was never carried out.

As compensation for this difference, the Government decided to provide pensioners with one-time payment of 5000 rubles. At the same time, it was possible to get it once, but did not participate in further indexing. The amount of compensation was calculated on the basis of the average pension multiplied by the increase factor, which was not carried out. Simply put, pensioners would receive exactly 5,000 rubles in the case of the usual indexation procedure, having a pension of 13,000 rubles.

The payment was transferred in January 2017 along with the basic pension for all pensioners, which included both working and military pensioners. Only low-income pensioners could benefit from it, and even then in the short term. For the rest, the payment did not cover the income from indexation. Lump sum payment to pensioners in 2018 not provided.

Indexation in 2018 will be carried out in full, the costs for it are already included in the budget, so the question of whether there will be a lump sum payment to pensioners in 2018 is no longer relevant. The pension increase will amount to 3.7% from January 1 for insurance recipients.

Latest news about raising the retirement age in 2018

Retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest in the world. The current standards were introduced back in the days of the USSR in 1932 and are 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

In 2018, changes in this area are not expected for the majority of pensioners. Only civil servants for which there is a gradual increase for six months. The retirement age in Russia from 2018 for men holding public office will be at least 61 years old and for women 56 years old. The final figures will be equal to 65 and 63 years, respectively.

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Bloomberg's current statistics for 2017 indicate an aging population, with 2.4 working people per retiree, which is extremely low. That is, there are more disabled by age than employed, in this regard, pension provision is only 34% of salary before going on vacation.

In order to change the current situation and improve the standard of living of pensioners, the authorities contribute bills to increase the retirement age citizens.

  • September 1 In 2017, Andrey Isaev, deputy head of United Russia, proposed to supplement the list of industries whose employees would retire the same way as civil servants: the age and order of increase are the same. At the same time, Isaev did not indicate a list of such positions.
  • 1st of February 2017, a number of media published information about the final decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to increase the retirement period.
  • Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin made similar proposals several times. On January 13, he introduced a draft law on raising the age to 63 and 65 years (for women and men). According to latest news On November 16, 2017, he also stated that there were no alternatives to this measure, and the government would have no other choice.

All these statements and proposals were rejected and refuted by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor. They noted that the issue Will the retirement age increase in 2018? or subsequent, in the government for the coming years will not be discussed.

Will the pension for working pensioners be indexed in 2018?

Working pensioners will not have to wait for indexation again. For them, a moratorium on indexing the pension payment for the period of employment will be maintained.

Recall that indexation of pensions for working citizens retirement has been suspended since 2016. The reason was called the difficult situation in the Russian economy. For example, the abolition of indexation for working pensioners in 2017 helped the country's budget save 12 billion rubles.

The growth of pension payments for employed pensioners occurs only due to recalculation on August 1. During this period, the calculation includes data on pension coefficients earned over the past year. Pensions increased in 2017 from 74 to 222 rubles depending on the number of points earned.

It should be noted that such growth cannot be compared with the growth of pensions for unemployed persons. This means that the pension benefits of working pensioners are depreciating and falling in their purchasing power.

Currently, a working pensioner can get 1-3 points per year. The abolition of this restriction is currently being actively discussed. So, for the bulk of the working population, another limitation has been established - you can earn no more than 8.26 points in a year.

Raising the minimum wage and increasing the amount of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund

The minimum wage is established by labor legislation, articles 133. From July 1, 2017, the minimum wage is 7800 rubles, which is less than 70% of the subsistence minimum for the working-age population for the 2nd quarter of 2017.

The law on raising the minimum wage to the PM was introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation in early September. The decision whether increase in the minimum wage in 2018, not adopted by law, on November 8, approval was passed at a meeting of the State Duma only in the first reading. The changes imply a gradual equalization of these values:

  • 0,85 from PM in 2018;
  • 1 RM in 2019.

In this case, the subsistence minimum will be taken for the second quarter of the previous year. Next year Minimum wage from January 1 should make:

11163 * 85% = 9489 rubles.

What will be the size in 2019 will become known after the publication of the PM for the 2nd quarter of 2018.

In addition to the employee's salary, the minimum wage affects the calculation of some compensations and social benefits, for example:

  • the minimum payment for sick leave due to illness or for pregnancy and childbirth.
  • allowances for the care of a disabled child.
  • until January 1, 2018, IP insurance premiums depended on it, but from that date a fixed amount of 7,500 rubles will apply.

The increase in the minimum wage will affect all payments calculated on its basis, which will also be increased proportionally.

Insurance premium rates employer for the formation of pensions are 22% from income for some activities, it is even lower. Its size will not change next year. Health and social insurance rates will remain the same 5.1 and 2.9%. The general rate is 30% and will not change until 2020. The amount of fixed contributions will increase by 4395 rubles and will amount to:

  • 26 545 rubles to the Pension Fund.
  • 5 840 rubles for health insurance.

Will grow in 2018 limit amount insurance premiums:

  • 1,021,000 rubles for pension insurance.
  • 815 000 rubles in case of temporary disability.

With an increase in the maximum amount of insurance premiums, payments that can be received as maternity and sick leave also increase. Their size in 2018 will be limited 61 375 rubles per month, which is 3500 rubles more than in the current year.

Pension for military pensioners in 2018

On October 25, at a government meeting, Vladimir Putin instructed to provide funds for indexation of military pensions and salaries of the active military, which should take place January 1, 2018. The increase will affect the former military and persons equated to them.

The size of military pensions in Russia depends on the size of the salary of military personnel, which should increase annually, but has not increased since 2013 due to a freeze. The growth of pension payments for the military occurs only due to a change in the so-called reduction factor. The decision to increase it is made annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2017, the growth of payments for this reason amounted to about 4% with an increase in the coefficient to 72,23% .

The latest news says that there will be no change in the size of the reduction factor. Pensions will increase due to the indexation of military salaries.

Note that military pensioners belong to the category of citizens who are entitled to receive two pension payments at the same time: from the Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of Internal Affairs and insurance in the case when, after leaving the service, they managed to earn the necessary experience and IPK for registration.

Expect military pension increase from January 1, 2018 costs those persons who, after leaving military service, managed to earn a civil insurance payment. It will increase from the beginning of the year by 3.7%.

What is the minimum pension in Russia since 2018

The important question remains minimum pension from January 1, 2018. According to the law, the amount of pension provision for a non-working pensioner cannot be lower than the subsistence level. Otherwise, an allowance is assigned, the task of which is to bring the amount of payment to the level of PM.

Living wage for pensioners since 2018 planned to be installed at 8 703 rubles. With the projected size of pension benefits based on the results of indexation, part of the payments will not reach this bar. First of all, this will affect social benefits.

The Government has long been discussing the need to bring pension payments and minimum wage to living wage. The new law is expected to come into force in 2018. However, today it remains in the status of a project, while the Pension Fund reported on the allocation of 100 billion rubles for additional payments to those persons whose payments will be below the subsistence level.

According to experts' forecasts, the government will be able to eliminate this collision at the current level of inflation and the growth of benefits, at best, not earlier than 2019.


  1. The increase in insurance pensions in Russia in 2018 has been postponed from February to January. Indexing scheduled for 3,7% ;
  2. Social payments will be indexed according to the schedule on April 1, the growth will be 4,1% ;
  3. UDV and other social payments will increase on February 1 at the rate of inflation;
  4. The retirement age will only increase for civil servants;
  5. The freezing of indexation of pension payments for pensioners who continue to work will remain. It is possible to remove the restriction on pension points during recalculation, which is currently in effect at the mark 3 IPK;
  6. The minimum wage from 2018 will be 85% of PM, and from 2019 - 100%;
  7. The minimum pension in 2018 should not be less than the subsistence minimum for a pensioner. This will probably not be done again, as the latter is planned to be set at 8 700 rubles, which exceeds part of the projected social payments;
  8. Military pensions will increase from January 1, 2018.
  9. Military pensioners should also count on a planned increase in their second insurance benefits.

Recall that since 2016, working pensioners receive an insurance pension and a fixed payment to it, without taking into account ongoing indexation. When a pensioner stops working, he begins to receive a pension in full, taking into account all indexations that took place during his period of work.

Since 2018, the procedure for paying pensions to working pensioners after dismissal will change. Amendments to the law "On insurance pensions" came into force on January 1, 2018.

After the pensioner ceases to work, the full amount of the pension, taking into account all indexations, will be paid for the period from the 1st day of the month following the month of dismissal.

Now (in 2019), the resumption of indexation of the pension and the beginning of its payment in full takes place three months after the month of dismissal (from the date of dismissal). Changes in the new law will allow the pensioner to receive the full amount of pension for the period from the 1st day of the month following the month of dismissal.

For example, a pensioner will leave his job in January 2019. In February, the PFR will receive reports from the employer (for January) indicating that the pensioner is still listed as working.

In March, the PFR will receive a report in which the pensioner is no longer listed as a worker. In April, the PFR will decide to resume indexation, and in May the pensioner will receive the full amount of the pension, as well as the cash difference between the old and new pensions for the previous three months - February, March, April.

That is, the pensioner will begin to receive the full amount of the pension after the same three months after the dismissal, but these three months will be compensated to him.

The new legal regulation concerns not only pensioners who will leave in 2019. The grounds for applying the new provisions will also apply to pensioners who retire in the fourth quarter of this year, and a decision on which will be made in January 2019.

Such pensioners will also receive an additional payment of insurance pension amounts for the period from the month following the month of cessation of work or other activities to the month of payment of the pension in the new amount. For all decisions that will be made by the Pension Fund of Russia before the end of December of this year, that is, before the entry into force of Law No. 134 FZ, no additional payment to the insurance pension will be made.

Will your pension be reduced if you go back to work?

If, after the recalculation of the pension, taking into account all the missed indexations, you again get a job, the amount of your insurance pension will not be reduced.

Working pensioners in Russia are a category on which the government continues to save budget money. For the third year in a row, pensions for working pensioners are not indexed, the government does not get tired of saying that this is not very fair, and the situation needs to be addressed as a matter of priority. But in the end it all ends with just these conversations. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 - the latest news about a possible increase in pension payments for older Russians who have remained at work on the website portal.

When indexation was canceled for working pensioners

This happened in 2016. Those elderly citizens of Russia who retired in 2015 or earlier and have been working for the past few years receive a pension at the same level as three years ago. All indexations that were carried out from 2016 to 2018 did not affect them.

In Russia, about ten million pensioners continue to work after retirement. Freezing pensions for such people gives the country's budget a substantial savings. The only question is whether this is a valid source of savings.

How much working pensioners lose in 2018 due to the freezing of pensions

  • 2016 - by 4%,
  • 2017 - by 5.8%,
  • 2018 - by 3.7%.

Thus, if an elderly resident of Russia was already a pensioner in 2015 and continues to work from the same year, then for every thousand rubles of his pension, he should have received another 141 rubles following three indexations.

That is, if the pension of such a person is equal to 10,000 rubles today, then if indexation were carried out, it would already be equal to 11,410 rubles. A pensioner loses almost one and a half thousand rubles every month due to freezing.

Of course, if a pensioner got a job in 2017, and in 2016 his pension was recalculated, slightly different numbers will turn out. As is the case with those pensioners who retired after 2016. But the general meaning, when dealing with specific numbers, becomes clearer.

Yes, the pensions of working pensioners grow slightly due to the additional length of service (more on that below), but such an increase turns out to be very insignificant, and in our example it can be neglected.

In 2018, the freeze of pensions for working pensioners remains

All indexations that were planned for 2018 have already been completed. Thus, in January, old-age pensions for non-working pensioners, as well as military pensions, were increased. In April, social pensions were recalculated.

These are all indexation of pensions that are spelled out in the 2018 budget.

Of course, one must keep in mind that only old-age pensions for working Russians have been frozen. If a person receives a social pension and works at the same time, such a payment will be indexed in any case.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 is possible only in one case

This case is the dismissal of a pensioner from work, at least formally. After dismissal from the workplace, the pension will be recalculated to the person, taking into account all those indexations that did not affect him due to the freeze.

That is, if we take a conditional pensioner from the example above with a pension of 10,000 rubles, who retired before 2016 and worked all the last years, then his pension will automatically increase to 11,410 rubles, which we received as a result of our calculation.

It is important to know that in 2018 the scheme for recalculating the amount of pensions in this case has changed!

Until the end of 2017, due to certain features of bookkeeping in organizations and the timing of reporting on employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the amount of the pension was recalculated only three months after the dismissal. In 2018, the recalculation follows from the next month after the dismissal. However, the pensioner will receive money in his hands in the same three months.

Let's see how it works:

  1. Let's assume that the pensioner retired in May 2018 (it doesn't matter what date).
  2. Since June, according to the law, he is entitled to a higher pension, taking into account indexation. But the FIU doesn't know about it yet.
  3. In June, the organization where the pensioner worked submits reports to the Pension Fund for May, where the pensioner is still registered as an employee. Even if he worked only one day.
  4. In July, a new report is received - for June. There is no longer a pensioner as an employee in it. The FIU understands that the pensioner should be indexed, since he no longer belongs to the category of workers.
  5. In August 2018, the pensioner receives a higher pension, which is recalculated taking into account all missed indexations, as well as the difference between the new and old pensions for June and July.

If we return to the conditional pensioner from our example, who received exactly ten thousand rubles of pension, then after his dismissal he will receive the same 10,000 rubles for another two months. In the third month, he will already receive 14,230 rubles in his hands. This is 11,410 rubles - his new pension, as well as 1,410 rubles for the previous two months. Then the pensioner will receive his 11,410 rubles and fall under all indexation of old-age pensions as unemployed.

In connection with the described feature, it is important for a pensioner to plan the time of dismissal correctly. It is better to do this at the end of the month, and not at the beginning of the next. Then the next month he will be entitled to indexation of his pension.

In August 2018, pensions for working pensioners will increase. Maximum for 245 rubles

August is a traditional month when working pensioners receive a small increase in their pensions. This is due to the fact that a person worked one more year and earned additional pension points.

Unfortunately, the state has set a limit on the number of points that a working pensioner can receive, namely, three points. In 2018, one pension point costs 81 rubles 49 kopecks. Thus, even in the most favorable scenario, when a person receives a sufficiently high salary, he will receive an increase in his pension in the amount of no more than 244 rubles 47 kopecks. For most, the amount will be less.

Will indexation of pensions be returned to working pensioners in 2018 - latest news from parliament

Considering that almost ten million voters feel unfair due to the freezing of pensions, this topic remains one of those that are periodically raised for the government and parliament.

So, in 2018, there is not a single faction in the State Duma, which in one way or another would not propose to return indexation. In the winter, the Communist Party faction introduced a bill to return to the practice of indexing pensions for working pensioners from February 1, 2018. LDPR deputies introduced a similar draft law on the return of indexation from July 1. “Fair Russia” proposed not only to return to indexation, but also to pay compensation to pensioners for the money that they have lost due to freezing in recent years.

Even the ruling party, United Russia, turned to Prime Minister Medvedev with a request that the new government raise the issue of abolishing the freeze on pensions for working pensioners.

By the way, the same Prime Minister Medvedev, back in April 2017, assured the deputies of the Duma, speaking in parliament, that unfreezing pensions is a priority for the government. The problem is that this problem has not been solved even a year later. In 2017, we recall, the economic block of the Cabinet of Ministers calculated the cost of the issue of returning indexations for working pensioners and considered that this was beyond the power of the budget.

Thus, while there is absolutely no specifics regarding the unfreezing of pensions. It is clear that any deputy or official, if asked such a question, will say that this is a problem that needs to be urgently addressed and that the state is concerned about this. Only in practice, you can wait for a solution to a problem for an infinitely long time.

Alas, it is not yet possible to please working pensioners with good news. It remains only to observe and hope that at least the rise in the price of oil and the additional money that the treasury receives due to this will finally allow the state to solve this protracted problem.

Maxim Topilin said that next year there will be an increase in pensions in three stages. The first increase will be in January 2018, the next - in April and August. The increase in the amount of pensioners' benefit will have some changes compared to previous increases.

The head of the Labor and Social Policy Committee Ya. Nilov said that the amendment to the bill on indexation of pensions for working pensioners was rejected by the government.

Who will increase pensions from January 1, 2018: in January, indexation will be for non-working pensioners

Pensioners who do not work will receive a pension increase in January 2018. The government will rearrange indexing a month in advance. Previously, the accrual was only from February. The level of pension depends on the rise in prices over the past year. Because of this, the Pension Fund waited for accurate inflation data, and then they gave a pension supplement. But this time the indexing will be faster.

At the beginning of next year, pensioners will receive an indexation of 3.7%. M. Topilin said that the PF is going to make an accrual earlier. Initially, a surcharge of 4% was planned. But according to Rosstat, the increase in prices was 3.7%. In 2017, the average payment to pensioners is 13,657 rubles. In 2018, it will be 14,045 rubles.

Who will increase pensions from January 1, 2018: social pensions will be indexed in April

More than four million people will receive a social pension in 2018. This category includes the disabled, veterans and other beneficiaries. Also, such a pension is received by those who do not have sufficient work experience. On average, such a payment is 8,742 rubles, but from April it will be 4.1% more.

Children with disabilities, as well as adults of the first group of disabilities, receive 13,241 rubles this year. There are pensioners who receive 5-6 thousand rubles each, their pensions will be raised to the MMR.

Who will receive an increase in pensions from January 1, 2018: those pensioners who work will receive an additional payment to pensions in August

According to the Pension Fund, there are 43 million pensioners in Russia this year. 14 million of them are still working. A few years ago, a reform was canceled that provides for an increase in pensions for working pensioners. They receive only an additional payment in connection with the increase in work experience.

The company where pensioners work pays the insurance premium. It goes into retirement points. One point is equal to 78.58 rubles, in 2018 it will be 81.49 rubles. The number of points will depend on the salary. This also has limitations. The maximum increase next year will be no more than three points and 245 rubles.