Alexander Litvin November. Forecast for the month of November from Alexander Litvin

In order for 2017 to become a time of change and fulfillment of desires, it is important to know what this period has prepared for us. The forecast of the winner of the 6th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin will help you plan your time in the best possible way and carry out your plans.

From an interview with a psychic to Elle magazine, each month of 2017 will have a unique energy that will affect people's mood and activities in different ways. Some periods will be successful for strengthening interpersonal relationships, others for self-development and learning new things. Alexander Litvin's forecast starts from February. This is no coincidence: the psychic insists that the energetic beginning of 2017 falls on this month, and January is the time of transition.


According to Alexander Litvin, February energy is the energy of an influential mentor who, by his example, is able to make even risky things to be done. The greatest luck this month should be expected by those who are involved in the field of military service and education. In communication, extreme caution must be exercised: during this period, people will first of all pay attention not to the meaning of what was said, but to intonation. The request will certainly be heard, but the order will at least push the interlocutor away from you. To allow yourself an orderly tone means to fail and destroy the relationship.


According to Alexander Lytvyn, March will be the most conflict month in 2017. To avoid negativity, it is important to be diplomatic. However, even diplomacy can bring a negative effect: after all, sometimes people perceive reticence as distrust or, even worse, as an attempt to hide something and strike on the sly. Sincerity, directness and openness are what will help you survive this month as productively as possible and maintain friendly ties.


In April, a surge of energy is expected, which will lead to some rigidity and emotional callousness. According to Alexander Lytvyn, this is the month when people will often take on the role of a totalitarian mentor, whose words should be accepted as truth and not questioned. However, the "disciples" will be capable of rebellion. April energy is the energy of independence in everything. In order to build an adequate dialogue, tact will be needed.


The energy of the last spring month in 2017 is unique. It disposes to learning strategically important things. First of all, this concerns the study of fundamental sciences - mathematics, languages. In addition, Alexander Litvin believes that at this time it will be easy to unleash your creative abilities, so learning art should not be postponed until later - especially for those who want to try their hand at the music field.


According to the forecast of Alexander Litvin, June is a favorable time to take a break from intellectual activity and engage in improving your physical form. During this period, learning to control the body, the development of plasticity will be good. The energy of June will help athletes learn how to perform new elements, and those who want to try their luck in this path, master any section of physical culture.


July energy has to rest. In the second month of summer, you should allow yourself a little unloading from physical and intellectual activity, replacing them with contemplation and calmness. However, this will be the best period for teaching young children. According to Alexander Lytvyn's forecast, children's curiosity will reach its peak in July 2017, so you shouldn't miss such an opportune moment. But you need to keep in mind one serious factor: you can start teaching children from the moment when they begin to dream. Unfortunately, many parents do not know when a child has this stage. In this case, a confidential conversation will help: if it turns out that dreams are already visiting the baby, then he is ready to receive information.


August energy is good for learning partnerships. Partnership implies a whole mixture of energies: it combines both criticism and diplomacy. Harmonious interaction between people is one of the main success factors. It is during this period that it is worth learning constructiveness, the ability to correctly convey one’s thoughts and resolve disagreements peacefully.


According to Alexander Litvin's forecast, September energy will be sharp and critical - the most critical for the whole of 2017. Due to the harshness of statements and rudeness, a large number of conflicts can be provoked. To prevent this from happening, the dialogue should be conducted carefully, choosing words carefully. Criticism is best accepted silently, without giving any counterarguments, without making excuses. If the conversation turns into an exchange of critical remarks, especially at the family level, then this can lead not only to disagreements, but even to a break.


According to Alexander Litvin, October is the most favorable time for studying history, and, first of all, the history of one's kind, family. According to the psychic, this is especially important for each of us, because knowing our past is the key to success in the present. Studying the family tree, we can calculate the "patron" of the clan - our ancestor, who "raised" the clan and helped the descendants get the maximum degree of freedom in choosing their life path.


November is good for learning good manners, rules of etiquette, for updating your style. This is also a kind of science necessary for life: as you know, they see off according to the mind, but they still meet according to their clothes. To adjust your image, you need to listen to the opinions of others and actively use their recommendations. Do not forget that the first impression is very important: if people like us, they will meet us halfway.


December is a month for reviewing your life experiences. At this time, you need to ask questions not to a specific person, but to the universe. Alexander Litvin is sure that the Universe always gives answers to questions, but, of course, not directly, but in the form of signs. You need to learn how to interpret them correctly. Feelings and intuition help in this, but logic is often powerless. That is why in December you need to maximize your susceptibility to the outside world.

May 2017 fulfill all your dreams. The recommendations of astrologers will help to avoid possible difficulties and spend this period most productively. We wish you success and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

- the year of autumn energy. But, I repeat, do not confuse with the revolutionary 17th year of the last century, they are absolutely energetically different, which cannot but rejoice, of course. At the end of this autumn, boldly carry out the planned strategically important things until the energy of December comes into its own, broadcasting to us the signs of fate and the plans of the universe for the future. But that will be another New Year's Eve story...

Watch the video! Alexander Litvin: energy of November 2017

Capturing us all November 8energy although it provokes emotional instability, on the whole the month is not bad, you just need to try to settle comfortably in it in order to live the same way. Nature was overtaken by the transition from autumn to winter hibernation - everywhere the sun and dynamics begin to be missed. In addition, we tend to respond to gravitational changes after recent solar and lunar eclipses. Many people who are prone to depression need support. More acute than others feel the gloom of pre-winter born in May and early June give them special attention.

But the rest are suddenly not very satisfied with their successes in all areas of life: partnerships, relationships, careers. And how do we usually explain such a state to ourselves? Yes, it's very simple - nobody loves Me, but what is it, isn't it true?! Just do not think, please, that only the female labile psyche and its inherent emotionality are manifested in this way. Believe me, the stronger sex feels about the same. I advise you not to prove or demonstrate anything to each other in November - women are their femininity, men are brutality. Be yourself, accepting and loving the dear ones with all the flaws. Let the other feel that he is not alone in this world - don't be afraid, I'm with you, that's what's important. children do not scold, praise even for little things and give targeted gifts without waiting for Santa Claus.

We often run and rush, forgetting about the main thing, but it should always be ahead of any urgent ... So let's study diligently november lesson, well assimilating the most important topics: sympathy, compassion, tolerance, charity. Moreover, these classes will be credited to us already in February. Without having the slightest intention to intimidate, I must nevertheless warn you - if you bypass someone's grief by closing your eyes and refusing pity and sympathy for people, then February will be especially hard on you. Learning capacity for compassion it will also seriously affect the bonuses that each of us earn for our descendants for the future, mind you.

November is good for relaxing, this is traditional, as well as what is better, while resting, to exclude physical activity, completely indulging in relaxation. If there is such a happy opportunity, then take a short break and spend time in comfort and beauty - this is a must. In the end, visit our beautiful northern capital at the weekend: museums, palaces, theaters. Take good care of women spare no money for a good gift, a restaurant with an exquisite interior and author's cuisine. Become a Hedonist in November and enjoy life! At home, you also set the table according to all the rules of etiquette. Be sure to cook meat and fish on the grill, and everything is the most delicious,. Chocolate, honey, nuts, sweet fruits - allow yourself everything nutritious and high-calorie in the last month of autumn. All diets are postponed until better times.

dangerous moments, perhaps this month may lurk in the problems and problems of shipping. Even hardened sea wolves should not go to sea, I warn you.

People, stop in the hustle and bustle of life, give moments of love and care to loved ones while you have each other! ..

Solar and lunar eclipses have significantly affected the planet and its inhabitants. The Earth has somewhat changed its geometry and tends to return to its original position, all this causes emotional instability.
Not only humans, but also cats will mope - we react sharply to gravitational changes and the unsteady state of the crust. In other words, we all need support in November! In a word, deed, gift, simply, outstretched hand or hug, speak words of approval to each other.

LOVE AND FAMILY To eliminate depression in loved ones (even if at this time you yourself are not sweet), you need a complement associated with the correct choice. It is easy to find a reason: delicious borsch or a suitable color in clothes, beautiful hands or handwriting - people have many advantages, and if you wish, you can positively evaluate any person. Do not forget that a high score should be associated not so much with a physical action, but with an intellectual decision. This applies to relationships at all levels. Fathers and children, mothers, brothers, sisters and even the boss at work - after the pandemonium of October, everyone needs real support.


In November, pay attention to the prevention of infectious diseases in boys, especially in relation to mumps or mumps. First of all, this applies to children born in May and early June. Examine the symptoms of this disease, timely treatment will help to avoid formidable complications associated with fertility. If adults need support in November, then children even more so! Agree, it is easier and more pleasant to praise them, it is easier to pick up a gift. Do not scold them once again, do not make me sad.


In the first place are problems with the psyche, low blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Focus on maintaining emotional health and show maximum endurance, this is a temporary period and after November it will end. It is necessary to control people who are touchy and depressed.


Despite all the frugality of the year, November will require the expenditure of funds on tasty, high-calorie food forbidden by doctors. The table should be served as in the best palaces, where some delicacies replace others. Original dishes, author's recipes and other delicacies that meet the high requirements of November are an indispensable attribute of family dinners on weekends. All diets can wait. Grilled meat and fish are an important item in your diet.


Best of all, in November, work is obtained that is not related to creative aspects, but wholly and completely regulated, routine, on a fixed salary. It is also a good remedy for depression. If you do get creative, remember the old adage: “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Doubt can spoil any masterpiece, it is important to stop in time!


Moving in space should not be a test. The best journey is the Orient Express car, but a compartment is also suitable, especially if the train is moving towards the Northern capital with its beauty, museums, shops and restaurants.


Money flows away in November like brut champagne through an elegant sieve inlaid with pearls. Broad gestures can ruin, and the desire to taste an overseas delicacy can provoke a potato and pasta menu in New Year's December.


This is the best month for learning social manners - for yourself, and not for seducing potential partners. Take etiquette lessons from professionals and reinforce them at work and at home. Do not be afraid to seem like a person from the past. This knowledge will always come in handy!

Solar and lunar eclipses have significantly affected the planet and its inhabitants. The Earth has somewhat changed its geometry and tends to return to its original position, all this causes emotional instability. Not only humans, but also cats will mope - we react sharply to gravitational changes and the unsteady state of the crust. In other words, we all need support in November! In a word, deed, gift, simply, outstretched hand or hug, speak words of approval to each other.


To eliminate depression in loved ones (even if at this time you yourself are not sweet), you need a compliment associated with the correct choice. It is easy to find a reason: delicious borsch or a suitable color in clothes, beautiful hands or handwriting - people have many advantages, and if you wish, you can positively evaluate any person. Do not forget that a high score should be associated not so much with a physical action, but with an intellectual decision. This applies to relationships at all levels. Fathers and children, mothers, brothers, sisters and even the boss at work - after the pandemonium of October, everyone needs real support.


In November, pay attention to the prevention of infectious diseases in boys, especially in relation to mumps or mumps. First of all, this applies to children born in May and early June. Examine the symptoms of this disease, timely treatment will help to avoid formidable complications associated with fertility. If adults need support in November, then children even more so! Agree, it is easier and more pleasant to praise them, it is easier to pick up a gift. Do not scold them once again, do not make me sad.


In the first place are problems with the psyche, low blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Focus on maintaining emotional health and show maximum endurance, this is a temporary period and after November it will end. It is necessary to control people who are touchy and depressed.


Despite all the frugality of the year, November will require the expenditure of funds on tasty, high-calorie food forbidden by doctors. The table should be served as in the best palaces, where some delicacies replace others. Original dishes, author's recipes and other delicacies that meet the high requirements of November are an indispensable attribute of family dinners on weekends. All diets can wait. Grilled meat and fish are an important item in your diet.


Best of all, in November, work is obtained that is not related to creative aspects, but wholly and completely regulated, routine, on a fixed salary. It is also a good remedy for depression. If you do get creative, remember the old adage: “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Doubt can spoil any masterpiece, it is important to stop in time!


Moving in space should not be a test. The best journey is the Orient Express car, but a compartment is also suitable, especially if the train is moving towards the Northern capital with its beauty, museums, shops and restaurants.


Money flows away in November like brut champagne through an elegant sieve inlaid with pearls. Broad gestures can ruin, and the desire to taste an overseas delicacy can provoke a potato and pasta menu in New Year's December.

Horoscope forecast from Alexander Litvin for 2017

In order for 2017 to become a time of change and fulfillment of desires, it is important to know what this period has prepared for us. The forecast of the winner of the 6th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Litvin will help you plan your time in the best possible way and carry out your plans.

From an interview with a psychic to Elle magazine, each month of 2017 will have a unique energy that will affect people's mood and activities in different ways. Some periods will be successful for strengthening interpersonal relationships, others for self-development and learning new things. Alexander Litvin's forecast starts from February. This is no coincidence: the psychic insists that the energetic beginning of 2017 falls on this month, and January is the time of transition.


According to Alexander Litvin, February energy is the energy of an influential mentor who, by his example, is able to make even risky things to be done. The greatest luck this month should be expected by those who are involved in the field of military service and education. In communication, extreme caution must be exercised: during this period, people will first of all pay attention not to the meaning of what was said, but to intonation. The request will certainly be heard, but the order will at least push the interlocutor away from you. To allow yourself an orderly tone means to fail and destroy relationships.

According to Alexander Lytvyn, March will be the most conflict month in 2017. To avoid negativity, it is important to be diplomatic. However, even diplomacy can bring a negative effect: after all, sometimes people perceive reticence as distrust or, even worse, as an attempt to hide something and strike on the sly. Sincerity, directness and openness are what will help you survive this month as productively as possible and maintain friendly ties.

In April, a surge of energy is expected, which will lead to some rigidity and emotional callousness. According to Alexander Lytvyn, this is the month when people will often take on the role of a totalitarian mentor, whose words should be accepted as truth and not questioned. However, the "disciples" will be capable of rebellion. April energy is the energy of independence in everything. In order to build an adequate dialogue, tact will be needed.

The energy of the last spring month in 2017 is unique. It disposes to learning strategically important things. First of all, this concerns the study of fundamental sciences - mathematics, languages. In addition, Alexander Litvin believes that at this time it will be easy to unleash your creative abilities, so learning art should not be postponed until later - especially for those who want to try their hand at the music field.

According to the forecast of Alexander Litvin, June is a favorable time to take a break from intellectual activity and improve your physical form. During this period, learning to control the body, the development of plasticity will be good. The energy of June will help athletes learn how to perform new elements, and those who want to try their luck in this path, master any section of physical culture.

July energy has to rest. In the second month of summer, you should allow yourself a little unloading from physical and intellectual activity, replacing them with contemplation and calmness. However, this will be the best period for teaching young children. According to Alexander Lytvyn's forecast, children's curiosity will reach its peak in July 2017, so you shouldn't miss such an opportune moment. But you need to keep in mind one serious factor: you can start teaching children from the moment when they begin to dream. Unfortunately, many parents do not know when a child has this stage. In this case, a confidential conversation will help: if it turns out that dreams are already visiting the baby, then he is ready to receive information.

August energy is good for learning partnerships. Partnership implies a whole mixture of energies: it combines both criticism and diplomacy. Harmonious interaction between people is one of the main success factors. It is during this period that it is worth learning constructiveness, the ability to correctly convey one’s thoughts and resolve disagreements peacefully.


According to Alexander Litvin's forecast, September energy will be sharp and critical - the most critical for the whole of 2017. Due to the harshness of statements and rudeness, a large number of conflicts can be provoked. To prevent this from happening, the dialogue should be conducted carefully, choosing words carefully. Criticism is best accepted silently, without giving any counterarguments, without making excuses. If the conversation turns into an exchange of critical remarks, especially at the family level, then this can lead not only to disagreements, but even to a break.

According to Alexander Litvin, October is the most favorable time for studying history, and first of all, the history of one's kind, family. According to the psychic, this is especially important for each of us, because knowing our past is the key to success in the present. By studying the family tree, we can calculate the "patron" of the clan - our ancestor, who "raised" the clan and helped the descendants get the maximum degree of freedom in choosing their life path.

November is good for learning good manners, rules of etiquette, for updating your style. This is also a kind of science necessary for life: as you know, they see off according to the mind, but they still meet according to their clothes. To adjust your image, you need to listen to the opinions of others and actively use their recommendations. Do not forget that the first impression is very important: if people like us, they will meet us halfway.

December is a month for analyzing your life experience. At this time, you need to ask questions not to a specific person, but to the universe. Alexander Litvin is sure that the Universe always gives answers to questions, but, of course, not directly, but in the form of signs. You need to learn how to interpret them correctly. Feelings and intuition help in this, but logic is often powerless. That is why in December you need to maximize your susceptibility to the outside world.