A man wants a woman but is not looking for a meeting. Why does a man in love avoid meeting?

Situations often occur that put girls in an awkward situation. Meetings, conversations, relationships are sometimes suddenly interrupted by the constant attempts of the other half to hide and distance themselves. What should you do if a man loves and avoids? And does he love if he avoids?

Why does a man avoid communication?

A man can avoid communication for various reasons, much depends on the circumstances and duration of your acquaintance. So, let's look at the most common reasons why a man avoids communicating with a woman:

  1. He planned only one-time sex, he has an official wife or girlfriend, and he is worried that your importunity will become an obstacle to his measured life.
  2. He suspects you of infidelity and has pulled away to conduct his own investigation.
  3. He cheated and feels guilty (in such cases, a man often avoids making eye contact).
  4. He leaves after a heavy quarrel and simply does not want to start the showdown again.
  5. He wants to make it clear that he is no longer interested in your company.
  6. He has problems at work or in other areas of his life, he withdraws into himself.
  7. He learned some unpleasant fact about you, and he wants to rethink the situation.
  8. He is deeply depressed and avoids communication with everyone, not just you.
  9. He met someone else and is captivated by communication with her, while you remain on the sidelines.
  10. He is seriously ill and does not want to cause you any inconvenience.

As you understand, there can be a lot of reasons. Moreover, if a man in love avoids a woman, this is doubly strange, since a truly in love person is always looking for communication.

What to do if a man avoids?

If you have known a man for a relatively short time, it is quite possible that in this way he is trying to refuse communication with you. Not every person has the courage to come up and say directly: “Sorry, we can’t meet anymore.” In such cases, weak people do not answer calls, avoid meetings and indirectly make it clear that they are not interested in communication. In this case, you don’t need to do anything, just let the person go and proudly move on.

If you have been in a relationship for a long time and see no reason for such behavior, then you have no options except one: dig up your arguments and talk to the man. Observe him for a couple of weeks, if possible, noting evidence of abnormal behavior in the form of text messages, etc. When you collect enough facts, analyze and make sure that this is not your invention, but the real state of affairs, it’s worth talking to a man.

It is better to structure the conversation according to this scheme:

As a result of such a conversation, it is worth finding out the reasons and asking how you can help him fight them, since his behavior spoils yours.

In any case, avoidance is always an alarming symptom. A loving person strives to spend as much free time as possible with his beloved, and if this no longer works for your relationship, perhaps it is no longer the same. Don’t give up ahead of time, find out everything you can and make a decision based on that.

Is it really true that if a man doesn’t call, doesn’t write, doesn’t look for meetings, then he simply doesn’t need you? And all the excuses - busy, busy, no time, and if you read the answer to such a question on the Internet - they also give a bunch of “reasons” for such behavior - is this all nonsense? I am 22 years old, and it seems to me that I can understand anything in the behavior of any person and explain it to myself, but I cannot understand this. I’m the kind of person who always wants to get to the point where I understand that that’s it—nothing can be done. It's the same in dating. If I see that there is no initiative from a guy, I try to try everything, sometimes I’m even ashamed to remember what I didn’t do to, so to speak, “achieve.” There is one guy whom we met on the Internet a couple of years ago, later we met and something happened between us that is still not clear to me. It's a long story. But the point is that he said that he doesn’t want a relationship in the near future, and he’s fine alone. But also that I am not indifferent to him. Two years later, he sometimes writes to me. And that always gives me hope. But at the same time, I don’t understand, does this really happen? I like you, but don't want a relationship? Or is this just a polite refusal? Although I asked him then to tell it like it is, I didn’t like it - tell me, such things don’t offend me. But I never found out anything. But for me it’s crazy, if you like someone, then you don’t want to see/hear this person. He has friends in the city where I live, and sometimes he comes. Sometimes I ask if he is going - he says yes, maybe I will come. I am writing, if you come, write. But he doesn’t react to this at all. I don’t know why I’m doing this, I just still have feelings for him.
I believe that there are people here who are older than me and who understand more about life. I won’t say that I get “stuck” on a person. I live on and I like others, but the constant thoughts that maybe it’s worth trying again... and achieving it don’t leave me. Although usually in life I “break up” quickly with everything that I don’t see the point in.
Tell me how to rid yourself of constant hopes and worries

    I lived with similar thoughts for a very long time. There were different stories, and this knowledge always gave me hope that what if, maybe. But at some point I realized what you already wrote above. That if a man needs you, then he himself will write, look for a meeting, and only really serious reasons can prevent him from doing this. And as soon as you realize this, it’s not strange that it becomes easier. You stop clinging to various incomprehensible stories and rid yourself of stupid thoughts, maybe I said or did something wrong. Therefore, I advise you to do the same. It's true, if a man needs you, he will show you that he cares about you, that he wants to be with you. And at this moment you will have no doubts whether he likes me, you will be practically sure of it.

    Internet... The person is indifferent to you and holds you like a spare raft, sometimes feeding illusions with promises.
    You should not start a short relationship, but just try to have a good time in friendly meetings or dates without the goal of “urgently finding a match.” Meet the person who will prove that he wants to hear your “I love you” in response to his own, having recognized you.
    The past should remain in the past; if he wants to write, let him write as a friend from the past and nothing more. Believe me, even once very loved people become just pleasant memories and sometimes write, but you can’t forever hope that they will turn back time and correct themselves/say different words/take a step/not make a mistake, etc.
    You are young, live in the future and look forward, follow the road of life without looking back and expecting those lost in the past to catch up with you.

    If you don't value yourself, that's your main problem. It is not you who should achieve, but you.
    And if you waste your money like this, then the man will simply not be interested, you are too easy prey, since you yourself are going to get into trouble.
    As for that guy, I think it was really a polite refusal. You stick, they don’t like people like that. Often people simply cannot decide on a relationship, but do not tolerate being pushed. A woman should not act as a knight.
    I would advise you to move your desire to achieve something in a slightly different direction. Reproject to work, for example. It will come back to you in a lot of ways. Build a career, grow your value, cultivate the woman in you, and I assure you, there will be someone who will bend over backwards to achieve your gaze!

    It’s not just men who behave this way, all people!
    You can be the most wonderful person in the world, but at some point you don’t need someone in particular. If we draw an analogy with commodity-money relations, then “the client is not mature.” Wait for something else, your value and need have not changed in any way from the disinterest/indifference of this particular person. Although this is offensive and very upsetting.

    There is no need to woo men. This belittles the woman in the eyes of both the man and in her own, and therefore greatly reduces her self-esteem. She just doesn’t understand this in the fog of love. The more a woman clings to a man, the less value she is to him. This is pure psychology. And the psychology of men is instincts at a primitive level. He needs to conquer! He is a warrior, a hunter, a breadwinner! And if the game falls at his feet, he steps over it and moves on. He didn't get the drive he gets when hunting. Do you understand? And he will appreciate the girl who escapes. After all, he will have to make an effort. At the moment, you are simply stroking his pride, and he is playing with you and your feelings. Turn on your self-esteem. There is no need to continue trying to “try” with a person who essentially does not need you. His words don’t mean anything about “I like you”, “I’m not indifferent to you”, etc. All this is nonsense, said for you. Noodles don't suit you, shake them off. Don't respond to his messages, don't pick up the phone, and especially don't hope or fantasize about him. Nothing will happen. Look for the guy who will like you. And you will see the difference in attitude.

    Read about male psychology. It will change the way you look at men. The more you read, the more you will behave correctly. Automatically. What are you doing? You are achieving. You have grabbed onto a person and are trying to earn respect and love. I'm good, but you don't see. Look - I'm here, devoted, a slave of love. I find out with tenacity worthy of better use. What to do? 1. Love yourself more than anyone else, more than men. 2. Take care of your appearance so that there are many admirers. For example, you have 5 different fans and for you this guy, to whom you dedicated half a page of text, will turn into a bug. It crawls and gets boring. Give yourself back to yourself. Make friends with men, evaluate them the way they value you. If I were you, I would tell this guy that I have plans and the guy is so awesome, he’s inviting me to the States or Australia to work on a project for breeding mushrooms (butterflies, elephants, snails). Let his face go in waves. And into the garden of this inaccessible one, for compost. Set the bar high and men will feel it. Otherwise they will smear you and trample you. You need to respect yourself. My recommendations are simple. I myself use this simple technology. This is how they send me romantic text messages. They remind you of yourself. And I, sorry, am a pensioner! It's not about them, it's about you. Give yourself an order - I am a star, I want to warm up, I want to cool down. My love must be earned.

    You can understand that 99.99% of people do not feel any obligation to other people, you can ask them about this and I myself struggle with the lies that go
    from them, I think you will meet the only one who will not lie to you and
    will be obligatory in front of you, let those who are not obligatory have their own cohort-brya
    -whip each other and leave - that’s how their life is!

    Well, that doesn't happen!! Can not be!!! If a man needs you and he likes you, he will grab hold of you, call, write, come, find ridiculous reasons to meet. And all this... yes, I like you, but I don’t need a relationship now means one thing: “I don’t need a relationship with you, but seeing how you like me and how you pursue me flatters my vanity, and if I’m completely bored, I’ll I will turn to you, and I know that I will not receive a refusal." I used to be like this too and tried to justify to a man that he had no time or was busy at work. Really, it's all about priorities and respect. Men are very simple and straightforward. Therefore, if he needs you, then his actions are simple and straightforward. Now, by the way, there are a lot of stories like yours. Men didn't behave this way before. But this twisting and turning began to occur often. Apparently the men have become shallow. How can you keep a girl on low heat?? This is mockery and masochism, and also the selfishness of this person. Spinning around as if in a frying pan. So I would advise you to break up with this person, and with others, too, if they behave in a similar way. Because there really is no point here. There is no need to indulge yourself with excessive hopes. This will not lead to anything good.

    “If a man needs it, he will find an opportunity.”...etc. and so on. Don’t believe this, it happens extremely rarely, and even then not to everyone. By and large, no one needs anyone in this life. We must proceed from this. Yes, men need to be pursued. Those who do not do this sit alone until they are 50 years old, reveling in their self-sufficiency and dreaming of the impossible. And women are more cunning and live with men and get from them what they need. Cynically? But it's true. You need to find an approach to men if you don’t want to be alone. But there’s no need to impose yourself, there’s no need to whine, it doesn’t work. Ask: liked it or didn’t like it, too. Men and women have different approaches to relationships. A man wants sometimes, but a woman always wants.

You see a question that one of the site users asked the Universe, and the answers to it.

The answers are either people very similar to you, or your complete opposites.
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“The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” - some actively apply this formula, including in relation to those who are truly interesting to them. This is one, but not the only reason that explains the strange behavior of representatives of the stronger sex.

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Not perfect enough?

So why does a man ignore the woman he likes? This can come from being honest with yourself. The man realizes that he is not ready for a serious romance, and increases his distance in order to freeze his feelings. It is clear that coping with this is not an easy task, so the young lady sometimes cannot understand what is happening: sympathy towards her is obvious, but the plot does not develop. Another reason, flattering for girls, but not solving the problem, is doubts that he is not too good for you. This is a good reason why a man avoids the woman he likes. Fear of being uninteresting, the risk of not being able to withstand competition, fears for your financial insolvency turn your potential boyfriend into a cautious and cold one.

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Not ready to be first

This also includes the fear of being rejected in one’s advances, especially if the “gentleman” is deeply in love. So, wondering why a man still ignores the woman he loves, do not rule out that he is simply afraid of being rejected. Fearfulness may also underlie passivity. What if you are faced with a type who prefers to be led, someone who cannot take the initiative? In this situation, the answer to the question of why a man avoids the woman he likes will be sad - because he wants her to play ahead.

And I want it, and it injects me

Oh, and we forgot about the version called “Doubt”. He likes you, but he's not sure if he needs to date someone right now. He weighs the pros and cons, tries to listen to himself. This can be annoying, because no one will like such slowness, but, you see, such thoroughness is a good sign. The only question is a certain balance of both sides, how long it will take him to sort himself out and his intentions towards you. Everything is good in moderation, right? And, by the way, there is one important nuance. He may hesitate because he is not free and is already tied up in a relationship. Will he find the strength to free himself and start a new page in his life? Here, as they write on social networks, “everything is complicated.” And it’s up to you to decide whether to force the situation or still leave it to him.

in itself. If you are not being seen because you are not mature enough for a full-fledged romance, do not cling to this relationship. Yes, the line between the efforts that must be made to get what you want and pointless attempts to change the essence of things is thin. But if he's really interested in you, he'll figure out how to show it. Let him slowly, but he will begin to take some steps. If movement towards you never happens, forget it. And the most important truth is that no man likes excessive attention to himself. Keep this in mind. Good luck.

The behavior of a man who is in love is somewhat different from the behavior of a woman in love. In particular, women tend to openly express their feelings towards a representative of the stronger sex. But a man, on the contrary, can behave absolutely normally when meeting with his object of affection.

Many women are concerned with the question of how to recognize that a man is in love with you and plans to build a serious relationship with you. Knowing a man's attitude towards his person, women make contact more easily and openly flirt with a man who is deeply attracted to them. Therefore, for the further development of relationships, it is very important for women to understand whether a man is in love or whether this is an easy, insignificant flirtation on his part.

Despite men’s skillful hiding of their feelings, it is their behavior that reveals their true feelings.
The first feeling that arises is confusion. A confident, narcissistic and strong man, who is used to always winning, and to some extent arrogant, suddenly falls into the power of emotions and feelings and loses all his ability to think in the presence of the culprit of this state. He becomes a shy and insecure person, but he cannot do anything. After each such meeting, he begins to reproach himself for such behavior, feeling like a complete idiot that he cannot open his feelings.

A man in love shows persistent attention to the object that interests him. At the same time, persistence can manifest itself in a variety of forms, for example, in the form of an invitation to the theater or cinema. But at the same time, every such surprise is carefully planned by him, thought out with the fear that he may be rejected. Attention can also manifest itself not in a friendly form, but even aggressively, in the form of ridicule and sarcastic remarks addressed to the woman, which also indicates his concern for her.

A man in love tries to communicate as much as possible with the object of his adoration, tells a lot about himself, his childhood, family, habits and hobbies. Constantly looking for meetings with this particular woman, while inventing the most ridiculous reasons for this. In one company, he also prefers her as an interlocutor. This behavior of a man in love is explained by the fact that subconsciously he wants this woman to become a part of his life. But since the relationship between them is not yet so close, his only option is to tell her as much as possible about himself; for him, the positive opinion of the woman he loves about him is of great importance. In addition, a man who has fallen into the power of love feelings will listen carefully to his interlocutor, be interested in her aspirations, goals and desires. He will be glad to find any coincidences in his life priorities and his woman.

Very often, a man who is seriously interested in a woman tries to bring some benefit to the woman, takes care of her, is ready to help in all the difficulties she encounters, spending his money and time, sometimes connecting existing connections. In general, he tries to become a positive character in the eyes of a woman.

A man in love always ends up not far from the object of his love. At the same time, the woman herself feels his piercing gaze on herself. Such a man is always ready to accompany this woman. He is always aware of where the woman is and what she is doing, although she does not tell him about it.

If suddenly a man began to carefully monitor his appearance, hairstyle, often appear in new clothes, or started working out in the gym, then all this indicates that he is in love.

A man in love is very jealous, especially if there are men hovering around his woman, in whom he sees real rivals. His assertiveness and aggression towards them betrays his feelings. The feeling of jealousy will eat him up from the inside, so in order not to worry even more, he may even begin to avoid meeting the woman he loves.

A man in love begins to think about his financial situation and ways to improve it, which indicates that thoughts about a joint future with the woman he loves are hovering in his head. Therefore, one should soon expect a confession of feelings.

However, not all men can show their feelings because of their pride and strong character, or because of a lack of faith in love. Such men may deliberately avoid communicating with the woman they are interested in, show coldness when communicating, and not look in her direction. Men are most afraid of showing their weakness, and a woman confuses them. But this behavior also indicates that a man is in love. For example, if at a party with all his friends he is equally friendly and sweet, but noticeably avoids you, while you did not give any reasons for such behavior, most likely he is trying to hide his attitude towards you. In this case, you need to approach him yourself and start a conversation on a neutral topic, while carefully studying his behavior, breathing, facial expressions... Being in potential proximity to you, he will no longer be able to behave like a statue.

Gestures and facial expressions also reveal a man in love.

  • For example, when meeting in the same group of friends, look in which direction the toes of his shoes are turned. If in your direction, all the facts are clear.
  • If, when communicating with you, a man puts his hands on his hips and hooks his fingers on the belt, this indicates obvious sexual attraction, which, in turn, is the main sign of falling in love.
  • The behavior of a man in love is subconsciously aimed at reducing the distance between you, so when talking to you, a man in love will most likely enter your personal space, that is, reduce the distance (up to half a meter).
  • The look reveals a man's love. If you are of more than just friendly or business interest to a man, then his gaze will wander over your entire silhouette rather than focusing on any specific point.
However, often women, out of naivety, take wishful thinking and see sympathy where there is none. For example, if during a conversation with you a man tugs or tugs at his earlobe, this indicates that the conversation is not of interest to him. Or, for example, if a man hints at sexual intercourse with his entire appearance and behavior, then do not expect a serious relationship from such a person. It is unlikely that your communication will develop into something more and lasting. As soon as he receives what interested him in you, all interest will disappear, and he will switch to another object.

Based on the man’s behavior, you saw all the signs of his falling in love and you want him to be the first to take the initiative, then support him in this. A radiant look and a friendly and flirtatious smile will do the trick. Know how to listen to a man, show with your appearance that you are not indifferent to him, that only with him you feel like a happy person. He will definitely notice this and take steps towards it.

Despite the fact that male love is significantly different from female love, it is still sincere. It is quite easy to see and recognize it. The main thing is not to miss it.

People meet, people fall in love... What happens in our lives. Meetings do not occur so rarely, and the state of love and interest pleasantly warms and paints extraordinary pictures of future dates. But he doesn’t call, doesn’t write and avoids meeting, what’s the problem? You begin to make various guesses - he probably has problems at work, he lost his phone or, even worse, had an accident, something must have happened, because there must be some kind of explanation and justification! Nevertheless, the reason is very simple - you did not interest him, did not leave an impression, and there are quite common signs of such behavior in men:

If a man tells you that he doesn’t want to rush things, that he needs to think and make a decision, this is evidence that he is not indifferent to you, but he has objective reasons why greater rapprochement is impossible at the moment, but at the same time he does not wants to lose you and disappoint you - give him the opportunity to think and sort out his affairs, you still won’t be able to influence the course of events, so you will only need patience and time.

Most men derive satisfaction from the very process of conquering a woman, and this behavior triggers the hunter's instinct, which has been embedded in them since the beginning of time. They never know whether they will succeed or not, but when winning a woman’s attention succeeds, for a man it is a triumph and an adrenaline rush that he will remember for a long time, and he will anchor himself on this event, associating your appearance in his life with pleasant and impressive events, in this case, the prospect of continuing the relationship is most likely.

Any excuse he makes for not dating you shows that he is not interested in you, and men are not as tactful as women and are not afraid to ruin a relationship.

Why doesn't a man call you, despite all his promises? The obvious answer is that he doesn’t like you, is it worth getting hung up on someone who doesn’t keep his promises and doesn’t want to show concern for you, even with a phone call. If he doesn’t call you, it means he doesn’t think about you.

If he makes promises to you and doesn't keep them in small things, you can be sure that he will soon do the same in bigger things, and all this happens because it costs him nothing to disappoint you, since it means nothing to him, perhaps he will be somewhat uncomfortable in front of you, but nothing more.

If he does not make any effort to resolve or eliminate conflicts between you, then he does not have the slightest respect for you and your feelings, and your needs do not bother him at all.

If he wishes, he can find you on his own and invite you to a meeting; if he doesn’t do this, it means he doesn’t have enough interest in this. Do not call him yourself and do not ask for a date, in this way you will only push him away with your excessive activity.

He says that he is very busy at work, that he had a crazy day, that he does not have enough time for anything, that this is why he did not find even a minute to call you. This is nonsense, you yourself understand that if he really liked you, he would have found the time to call you and hear your voice, and this event itself would have lifted his spirits for the rest of the day and painted the everyday environment in rainbow colors.

Don’t let him fool your head with excuses that where he’s going, the cell phone doesn’t work, and that only his friends will be at the event, all this is just normal shock. He doesn’t want to take you with him - because he doesn’t value you so much and is not afraid of losing you, in case a more interesting option for him suddenly turns up at this event.

Be confident in yourself, he is not the last man in the world who paid attention to you, you don’t need to cling to him as the last chance in your life, especially if he himself does not take the initiative to meet you. Remember, you are good enough to value and respect yourself.

Happiness to you and mutual love!