Better to do for others. Be like others (be with others, be for others) Having found friends, rely on them to expand your social circle

If you've never suffered from depression yourself, then you probably don't understand all the fuss about this disease. Why did everyone suddenly become depressed?

But, believe me, this state cannot be fully imagined. Depression is like an unwanted guest who has dropped out of the blue and is not going to leave. It takes away your strength and creates chaos. Depression doesn't care that you have a job. She doesn’t care that a mountain of dishes has accumulated in the sink, and it’s high time to throw out the trash. She greedily absorbs all your time and all your energy. All in all, not a very pleasant time.

So let's talk about what you can do if a loved one is suffering from depression.

1. Help with action

Depressed people need everything the same as everyone else. Food, water, a million dollars in small bills - everything is like everyone else. But it's hard to get these useful things when your head feels like it's full of cotton.

Yes, empathy and solidarity are wonderful, like flowers and touching notes. But sometimes the best thing we can do for another person is to come to them, throw some clothes in the laundry, bring food and clean up a little.

2. Be patient

A depressed person does not know how long this condition will last, and irritation from friends only makes the situation worse. So calm down. Sooner or later the depression will pass.

Believe me, it is much more difficult for your friend than you can imagine. Try not to rush him and don't ask him what's going on in his head. Just look him in the eyes and say: “You are a strong person. I'm here and I'll help you get through this. You'll feel better soon."

3. Don't talk nonsense

The most idiotic things you can say:

  • You need to eat healthy foods and exercise.
  • Why are you sad?

If your friend is acting strange and you can't figure out why, think about the all-knowing Google. You can find detailed information on the Internet, although it would be more advisable to consult a doctor.

Don't bother your friend with questions about how he feels. Don't force him to convince you that depression is a real and serious illness that is not at all like small bursts of sadness. He doesn't have time for this. Now he is busy only with his illness.

Treatment for depression is only delayed due to the condescending attitude of others. It is impossible to feel comfortable in such a situation.

That’s why when you’re depressed, it’s so necessary for a friend to say, “There’s no need to hide anything. This is a real disease, but it is not your fault. Would you like a piece of apple pie? Here you go. A very tiny piece. Quite tiny, right? You see, it’s much better now.”

4. Don't forget about yourself

Don't become a hostage to another person's emotional state. It won't be easier for anyone. Do only what you can do. And nothing else. Don't waste your powers trying to make your friend have them.

Your well-being is also important. And if you become a babysitter for a depressed friend, you will only exhaust yourself.

At times, a depressed person simply cannot be a good friend, which can, of course, upset you. Then take a break. Understand that minding your own business does not mean that you are abandoning your friend. He still loves you. It's just too hard for him to put it into words right now.

Don't react to his attacks. Unacceptable behavior should not be forgiven just because someone is depressed. You don't deserve to be abused, so don't be afraid to speak up directly if he's crossing boundaries. Even if not immediately, then at least when the peak of depression is behind us.

5. Help maintain good habits and a proper daily routine.

Needed every day. A walk in the evening is also a great idea. Green tea may help. Everyone needs water. The medicine must be taken as written in the instructions. These seem to be simple and obvious things, but they become extremely important when a friend is fixated on depression and does not notice anything around him.

A depressed person needs help with these little things because they seem completely unworthy of attention.

Polite reminders and caps typed messages like “SO WHAT, ARE YOU DRINKING WATER TODAY? And look at the photo of this French bulldog eating donuts. So cute". Gestures like these work wonders and help your friend get back to normal life again.

When the fog clears and a person can look at his life, what he sees will not plunge him into horror because of how neglected everything is. And if you suddenly find yourself in trouble, you can rest assured: your friend will not forget your support and will answer you in kind.

Every person dreams of having many good and reliable friends. But there is no point in waiting for them to appear in your life out of nowhere. There are certain methods that you should become familiar with. The secrets you will find in this article will help you become a better friend to other people. And with this, you will have more than one best friend.

Chat with other people

Communicate with others honestly and tactfully. Always try to openly express your point of view, as well as your sincere feelings, but do so with kindness and respect for other people's feelings.

Keep your word

Always keep your word and keep the promises you make, no matter what your relationship with the people you made them to. Be the friend that people can trust by default.

Trust your friends

As a result, be prepared to trust your friends. Most people feel good when other people can trust them. Many people take pride in being considered trustworthy. You should continue to convey these positive emotions by showing a desire to trust other people. Too many people have difficulty trusting that other people can support them. Take the first step and set an example for others, and then they will understand how to trust and gain the trust of others.

Help your friends

You need to support your friends in every way, especially if you say you will. You should always try to reach out to a friend because you must understand that there may come a time in the future when you will need someone to reach out to you.

Recognize that everyone has their flaws

It is very important to understand that every person has their own shortcomings, and it is also important to accept this fact in order to build relationships based on loyalty and trust. Don't turn away from friends who make mistakes or who aren't as present in your life as you'd like. When you remain loyal to your friends, you create a strong and reliable support network. You cannot know at what point in life you will stumble and fall, and if you have a network of friends who are ready to support you at any time, then you will be able to overcome problems faster. But this will only happen if you yourself are loyal to your friends.

Practice empathy

Practice a very valuable ability - empathy towards other people, and try to achieve excellence in this aspect. Be willing to put yourself in the other person's shoes and give up the need to convince everyone around you that your opinion is correct. Imagine the world from another person's point of view, and you'll soon begin to appreciate this skill, which will come in handy when building strong relationships based on mutual understanding.

Be present and listen

Learn to always be present in the present moment and listen to what the other person is telling you, without having to insert your word every time there is a pause in his story. People grow through learning, and unless you are willing to listen to others, you won't be able to learn more than you already know.

Know how to admit when you are wrong

Don't assume that your approach is necessarily the right one. Try to develop your ability to look at the world from different points of view. This will help you be empathetic towards your friends and will also allow you to let go of any judgments and prejudices that you may bring into your conversations with other people. Empathy and non-judgment are two key skills that are great fuel for the growing fire of friendship.

Help your friends

Be there for your friends when they are going through difficulties in life. But at the same time, you should not forget that you also need to be there for your friends when they celebrate their triumphs. Every person wants to be surrounded by those people who care about him at the moment of his greatest triumph.

Learn to laugh

You definitely need to learn to laugh at the humor in your life, and most importantly, learn to laugh at yourself and stop taking yourself too seriously. Yes, life is a serious thing, but if you don't find room for joy, lightness or wonder, you will spend too much of your energy on the seriousness of life.

Elena Balabanova
Essay “Work for yourself and for others, as a way to develop the personality of a preschooler”

Article by educational psychologist E. V. Balabanova

« Work for yourself and for others as a way to develop the personality of a preschooler».

Today I was surprised by one incident from one day in the life of the group. The teacher complained to me that one mother was indignant that she was trying to teach her child to clean up after put your toys in place. The mother stated that the child does not clean up toys at home and will not do this in the group either. This situation simply led the teacher into a stupor. The mother was outraged that they were trying to teach the child to labor. How could my mother not understand that her son’s future is just like her old age? "forged" Now. How can a child begin to respect the labor of strangers without knowing what it is?

Our generation was raised on ideals another company where everyone friend and comrade to another. And, therefore, helping one’s neighbor was not perceived as out of the ordinary. Our generation has been replaced other, which was brought up in the chaos of the formation of a new statehood. The USSR collapsed and on its ruins, new states were built, with a new mentality, new ideals. Apparently, that generation did not receive something if it does not realize that the readiness to perform positive actions is laid here and now, while the child is small. Exactly at preschool childhood lays the foundations of moral education: friendly attitude towards peers and juniors, towards labor, establishing friendly relationships in a team based on mutual assistance and support, the desire to avoid bad deeds, the ability to negotiate together, to interact.

It is necessary for us to teach the child that “A good person is in a world where there is evil.” Every day a person finds himself in a forced position, makes a moral choice, develops a negative attitude towards immoral acts, rudeness, offensive words and actions.

The thin thread between moral education and education hard work, creative attitude to learning, labor, to life. Work both for yourself and for others. Upbringing hard work is the engine to active cognition abilities. Value labor, zach

it turns out that:

Teaches you to evaluate your results labor;

Teaches neatness and the ability to maintain order in the workplace;

Gives an elementary concept of the rights and responsibilities of a Russian citizen;

Gives an idea of ​​the meaning of the active role of a person in society;

Provides initial teamwork skills;

The child receives the necessary skills cooperation and co-creation;

Disciplines, teaches discipline, consistency, and persistence in execution work assignments;

Instills a caring attitude towards the results of one’s work labor and labor of other people, to someone else's property, personal belongings;

- develops communication skills;

- develops desire to actively participate in the affairs of the group;

- develops ability to present your achievements;

Fosters a desire to be useful to others;

Fosters a need work;

- develops observation skills;

- develops independence in following rules and norms of behavior;

- develops organizational skills;

- develops initiative;

- promotes socialization of the child, i.e., introducing the child to the system of social relations, assimilation of initial ideas of a social nature;

- develops interest in various professions;

Fosters a negative attitude towards laziness and carelessness in labor, careless attitude to results people's labor;

Fosters a negative attitude towards violations of order in the group, as well as at home and on the street;

Fosters the ability to rejoice in the results of a collective labor;

Fosters a caring and humane attitude towards all living things;

Fosters a negative attitude towards a person’s failure to fulfill his duties;

Develops the ability to be responsible for one’s actions;

Develops respect for people labor.

IN preschool institution labor development activities take place in such directions:

Self-care (the ability to quickly dress, undress, put clothes in a closet, take care of shoes, etc.);

Household work(the ability to maintain order in the group and on the site, wipe and wash toys, building materials, repair books, toys together with the teacher and make the bed after sleep, sweeping paths, clearing snow, setting the table, wiping the table after meals, sweeping the floor);

- labor in nature(raking snow towards tree trunks and bushes, watering flowers, sowing seeds, planting seedlings, weeding and hilling plants, collecting seeds, harvesting vegetables from the garden, feeding birds);

Manual work(working with paper, cardboard, working with fabric, natural materials).

The child’s personality develops in the environment that surrounds him, This: family, kindergarten, and also the people who surround him. There are also intermediaries - societies - television, books, computers. This education usually takes place spontaneously. The education of a teacher is a purposeful process, depending on the assigned tasks. The child’s acceptance of specific values, such as your own and other people’s work, is provided through: more meaningful values ​​and practical actions.

More meaningfully includes myself familiarity with the rules. The value begins to be accepted by the child’s inner world, comprehending it and trying to use it in his speech and words. At the next stage developmental preschooler performs actions value-directed is a specific situation that requires the choice of “carrying out an action, but taking into account the rules of behavior known to the child (values). In moments like these, value labor accepted by the child’s inner world. Then he uses the value not only in words, but also in deeds.

Therefore, the system of educational influences includes myself:

1) Simulation of situations requiring choice, when the implementation of the rule goes against one’s own interests or is contrary to circumstances.

2) Reflection on situations with children - discuss and comprehend actions after they are completed.

3) Actually, participation in labor activity. This could be group work on caring for plants in the garden in a kindergarten, or a group craft project, etc.

Group work is gaining experience in providing mutual assistance and support, experience in resolving conflict situations, and communicating in different roles. Working together brings the team closer together, but in turn requires the ability to interact and support one’s colleague. In adulthood, a person who has a rich

experience of living together will be easier to interact with, he will be positively oriented toward participating in joint activities.

Thus, introducing children to labor activity in preschool childhood, is of great importance for child's personality development. And perhaps at this moment it is being decided whether you will have someone to bring a glass of water to in your old age.

Publications on the topic:

“Non-traditional appliqué techniques as a means of development for preschoolers.” Consultation for teachers Preschool childhood is an age stage that decisively determines the further development of a person. It is generally accepted that this is the period of birth.

Modern concepts and principles of social and moral education and social development of the personality of a preschooler Municipal preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 28 “Zhuravushka”. “Modern concepts and.

Decorative and applied arts. By doing manual labor with your child, we contribute to his all-round harmonious development. Manual.

Playing with kinetic sand as a way to develop a preschooler In my work in kindergarten, I use games in a kinetic sandbox as one of the methods that shape the comprehensive development of the child, First.

Consultation for teachers “Object-spatial environment as a condition for the development of a child’s personality” A developing subject environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, which in turn models the content of the spiritual.

Consultation for parents “Folk holidays as a means of moral and cognitive development of a preschooler” Consultation for parents “Folk holidays as a means of moral and cognitive development of a preschooler” “Childhood is the most important.

Consultation for educators “Arts and crafts as a factor in children’s personality development” MDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 227” Consultation for educators Topic: “Arts and crafts as a development factor.

Methods for identifying the level of personality development of a preschooler The theoretical study of the problem of personality development in preschool children aged 4-5 years allowed us to determine our goal.

Nurturing the sound culture of children’s speech, its importance for the development of the personality of a preschooler Goal: development of auditory attention, formation of correct sound pronunciation, development of correct speech breathing, skillful use.

Educator Rogalevich L.V. LG MADOU “DSKV No. 10 “Squirrel” Langepas Children are natural explorers of the world around them. The world opens up to the child.

Image library:

Living with other people, we must be wary of both becoming completely dependent on them and completely absorbing our own personality with their problems. The interaction should be mutually beneficial, one in which each party develops in accordance with its own aspirations, while simultaneously helping its partner achieve this. But finding such a mutual balance is very difficult. Therefore, the question often arises: how to stop living for others and develop your own personality? How to stop being a servant of your partner, ready to fulfill his slightest wishes and listening to his every word. Try to apply these recommendations in your life that will allow you to become happy and maintain relationships.

1. Test yourself

Have you become overly emotionally dependent on your partner? Do you think that the only way to become happy yourself is to make your partner happy? Is your universe built around your relationship with this partner? Do you worry a lot about how your partner will react to your words or actions? Do you get very upset if your partner does something without you?

If you answered yes to most of these and similar questions, then you are highly dependent on this relationship. This does not mean that you are some kind of wrong person. It's just time to change something.

2. Look for happiness within yourself, not outside.

Today, most people try to find happiness in what surrounds them. But the true source of happiness is within us.

3. Find the good in being alone.

There is one expression: “you cannot love others if you do not know how to love yourself.” Think about it. There is a deep meaning here.

4. Explore and develop your potential

You will never understand how to stop living for others unless you appreciate your own potential and make an effort to develop it. Often people become completely immersed in relationships because they are afraid to look inside themselves. Break this vicious circle. Find something you like. Try doing different things: fitness, music, various interest groups, drawing, create your own website, etc. Try it!

5. Complain less

Instead of focusing on the negative, pay attention to the positive aspects of life (no matter how trivial it sounds). Try to “rewrite” your way of thinking.

6. Try to be less in demand

Give your partner more independence. If you live for others, then they take advantage of it, because this is the easiest way to exist. Change your habits and theirs.

7. Take responsibility

Once you agree that you can act independently, you will have to take full responsibility for yourself. Just don’t confuse this with responsibility for everything that happens around you. Make your own decisions and do not shift the solution of unpleasant consequences to others. Take a step forward, no matter where you are now.

another or different

How do you spell the word “other” or “drugovo”?

The word “other” is written with the ending - oh - another .

Etymology of the word

Russian written culture has a long history, and this is reflected in various spelling rules. The spelling of many Russian words is supported by tradition: we write them the way we wrote them hundreds of years ago. In adjectives in the genitive singular form the ending is written - wow, -him: big, good(although instead of g it is pronounced v). In such cases, the rules for spelling words are dictated by tradition.

Case form of the pronoun another goes back to the same basis as friend. Pronunciation historically differs in the stressed vowel: it used to sound - other(second). Gradually, the emphasis moved to the usual location in the Russian language - to the ending. The spelling error is explained by pronunciation norms, which do not coincide with the spelling.

There is no need to doubt how the pronoun is spelled correctly “ another“, – ending – Wow.


  • Passers-by walked along one side of the road, afraid of losing their way, not imagining another directions.
  • There was only one option for solving the problem, another it couldn't be.
  • I had no thoughts another city, possible relocation and change of residence.