Ekaterina Vilkova: “Sometimes I make my husband hysterical with tears. Ekaterina Vilkova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo - What helps you cope with fatigue

The actress's ex-lover spoke about her nipples in a scandalous memoir-romance

Ekaterina VILKOVA today is one of the most sought-after Russian actresses. The beauty, according to her, achieved recognition herself. Talking about the conquest of Moscow, Katya modestly keeps silent about the fact that she received a little help from men, with whom she now prefers not to talk about romances.

Ekaterina Vilkova originally from Nizhny Novgorod. Her father worked at a factory, her mother worked as a watchman. The daughter’s decision to become an actress came as a surprise to her parents.

At school, we focused Katya on physics and mathematics,” says the star’s father, Nikolai. - We thought he would enter our Lobachevsky Institute. In the ninth grade, she and her friend were sent to the Sputnik camp, where there was a theater group. When she returned, her daughter announced that she would go to theater school. My wife and I thought that this was not serious, but we did not argue. Katya submitted documents to the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School. Let's see, one round has passed, the second. They have already begun to fear. Well, what kind of artist is she? There were no makings. Of course, rhythmic gymnastics classes helped her a lot: maintaining her posture and performing in front of an audience. From the age of five, Katya went to sports school.

Judging by the parent’s further story, Katenka still had acting talents. From a young age she loved to be the center of attention.

There was a funny incident with her on New Year’s Eve, when we were still living in a communal apartment, which we shared with our grandmother,” Ekaterina’s father continues, chuckling. - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden came to us from the factory. The children were asked to recite poems. The daughter was about five years old. She came out, foot first, hands on her hips, and began: “I saw you off to the station. I wanted to shit. I shit so big that I can’t see the station.” I’m terrified: our guests are colleagues from work, serious people. But everyone just laughed. It turned out that her neighbor taught her the poem.

I was amazed that at the age of 14 Katya approached her studies very consciously,” recalls the director of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School Tatyana Tsygankova. - At first she spoke too quietly. But since Vilkova is well-built, we immediately drew her to the main character, and by the end of her studies she entered the top five. In her third year, the Nizhny Novgorod Drama Theater chose her for the role of Ophelia in Hamlet. They offered her to stay in the troupe, but it seemed to me that the girl was worth more.

A graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School worked as the dean of the acting department at the Moscow Art Theater School Sergey Zemtsov. He was picking up the course, and I recommended Katya.

Things didn’t work out for the aspiring actress with the theater. Tsygankova believes that the girl did not have the impudence that is simply necessary on the capital’s stage.

Katerina went to the cinema and was right,” Tatyana Vasilievna continues. - When she comes to Nizhny, she always comes to visit. The last time I brought my groom to meet her. He is also an actor, he starred in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” Ilya Lyubimov turned out to be a church-going guy with a moral core. Works at Fomenko, while singing in the church choir. Katya also became interested in religion, although this had not been noticed before. Ilya said that the wedding will be in Moscow on Krasnaya Gorka (May 1. - A.K., N.M.).

Jealous millionaire

Close friend of Vilkova Svetlana Vaganova I studied with her in the same course at the theater school.

During her studies, Katya was in love with Anton Belova, says Sveta. - The guy is two years older than us, he studied at the puppet department. They met at the entrance exams, where he was invited to be an assistant. They didn’t have a romance because Katka came to us as a chicken: small, without breasts.

Compared to seventeen-year-old young ladies, she was a great loser: the boys did not look at her at all.

The girl blossomed by the second year.

As soon as Katya stopped doing gymnastics, her breasts began to grow. Up to size four! - Sveta continues. - She was very shy. She said that she shouldn’t wear an open T-shirt or go without a bra. And we were jealous.

During the same period, Vilkova began a real romance.

Her first man was Denis Frolov, says Vaganova. - He was older than Vilkova, he studied at the school of economics. The guy is bossy. He forbade her to go on stage in revealing costumes. I saw her dress with a deep neckline in the play “Fanfan-Tulip” and arranged it so that Katya had to “knock out” another outfit - with floor-length pantaloons, covered from head to toe.

After finishing his bachelor's degree, Frolov went to Moscow. Katya did her best to follow him. When the distribution was made, she was offered work in several theaters, but she said: “I will go where Denis is!” He entered the master's program, Vilkova entered the Moscow Art Theater School. But they soon broke up.

The former lovers met a few years later: the man became a respectable businessman.

Denis bought a luxurious Porsche Cayenne and an apartment in the center of Moscow, says Vaganova. - She and Katya celebrated the New Year, but they could not renew their feelings.

Husband of Makeeva and Gagarina

Vilkova's next hobby was Peter Kislov- a classmate at the Nizhny Novgorod School, who also entered the Moscow Art Theater.

For her, he became a kindred spirit, and to put it mildly, I was surprised,” says Sveta. - Peter has always been a womanizer. Once he was crazy about Katya, but she was not interested.

And then in the spring of 2004 they came to me together and told me that they were a couple. The affair lasted three months. There was no special love there, just sympathy. Kislov is like a sailor whom girls wait for in every port. If you ask the girls from our course who had an affair with Petya, it turns out that everyone did! He's so damn charming, he hits on everyone in such a way that it's impossible to resist! At the same time, no one was ever offended by him. Not only girls loved him, but also their mothers. All the teachers were crazy about Kislov!

After Vilkova, Peter switched to an actress Nastya Makeeva: quickly got married and just as quickly divorced. The next “muse” of the Nizhny Novgorod macho was the ex-“manufacturer” Polina Gagarina, who bore him a son. This marriage also fell apart.

Director in love

With director and screenwriter Mikhail Shevchuk Vilkova met in 2005 on the set of the film “Satisfaction”. The man was twice the actress's age.

They began to live together,” says Sveta. - Shevchuk introduced Katya to his parents, but Vilkova left him: all these pots and pans were not for her. Mikhail, by the way, was the first to write the main role specifically for Catherine. It was the series “Panther”, for which Katya refused to film “Inhabited Island”. Over time, Misha began to be jealous of his beloved’s fame. Conflicts began. They say that the girl’s departure offended Shevchuk so much that he still has not forgiven her.

Vengeful writer

Vilkova’s most scandalous romance is with a writer and restaurateur Dmitry Lipskerov.

They were introduced by Yarmolnik at the premiere of the film “Vise,” recalls Vaganova. - Dmitry said that he liked the girl’s figure in the picture.

It's about a sex scene. In fact, Katya never poses nude. There was a double in the frame - Vilkova usually carefully selects them herself.

Lipskerov gave his beloved expensive gifts: an Audi car, jewelry. He rented her an apartment, although he himself had a country house where they lived together.

“They had a strange relationship,” recalls Sveta. - Dmitry did not skimp, but also strictly controlled. He is a dictator. On Vilkova’s 24th birthday, he organized a celebration at the Ukraine Hotel. There were many guests and luxurious gifts - for example, someone gave a Rolex watch. Katya spent a long time choosing an outfit, and Dima insisted that she wear what he wanted - a white dress that he bought for her in the Emirates.

A year later, Vilkova was tired of being a grown man’s toy and left with a scandal. Lipskerov did not remain in debt: he splashed out his resentment in the novel “Bullfinch Meat,” in which he deliciously described his intimate life with a “Nizhny Novgorod actress.”

Vilkova brought a book and said: “Read about him and me! I wrote it!” - recalls Sveta. - Dima had to somehow throw out his anger at Katya.

Katya and I had a full-fledged relationship between a man and a woman,” Lipskerov commented to us. - She was still “little”: she wanted something, but was afraid of everything. I always understood that we were not a couple. I was the initiator of the breakup. I am not offended by her, moreover, I am grateful for a wonderful year. I wrote “Bullfinch Meat” after our breakup: it’s “writing feelings out of yourself.”

- Dmitry, why did Katya turn to religion after your breakup?

When we lived together, she was disgusted by the church. I understood that she was tormented by questions, the answers to which she could find in faith. I tried to explain this, but she didn’t want to hear it... After our separation, she began dating a very famous but married businessman.

By the way, Vilkova did not tell almost anyone about this “ringed” lover. And the few initiates were strictly forbidden to give a name. Her friends and colleagues hint that the man is not only a major entrepreneur, but also a prominent figure in politics.

Godly husband

Today, it seems, the beauty met her man. With an actor Ilya Lyubimov They have been together for a year and plan to get married in the spring.

Ilya is not as wealthy as all her previous men,” Svetlana is surprised at her friend’s choice. - When they arrived, he was driving her car. At the restaurant, Ekaterina also paid.

Vilkova and Lyubimov met at the casting. The second time she saw him in church, where he sang in the choir.

After her affair with Lipskerov, Katya became devout,” Vaganova concludes. - She has icons everywhere at home. I started going to services and fasting. She says the moment has come in her life when she wants a family.

Hard kiss

Excerpts from the novel “Bullfinch Meat,” which Dmitry LIPSKEROV wrote after breaking up with VILKOVA.

Once he was invited to the premiere of a film by a famous director. I watched a weak movie, and then it was introduced to the leading actress... I glanced at the actress with my experienced gaze, immediately recognizing her as a limit-maker. Tastelessly dressed, with a low, flat bottom and an overly round face. He smiled at her dutifully...

He was not an artist, but he analyzed the geometry of her body with skill, like a watch collector his favorite mechanism. Here is the winding wheel of her breasts. At first, softly smooth, pliable under the fingers, then protruding defiantly... She has breasts that are not even worth trying to describe. Divine, perfect form, the nipples are now turning brown, although in a calm state they are pink, almost pale...

You grab her neck with your right hand, press on the vertebrae for a while with the pads of your fingers, getting them into the corner of her mouth... She bites, and your whole body is instantly covered with goosebumps... you sharply lean towards her face and kiss her mouth. This is a hard kiss from a man who has suffered from abstinence... If only the enamel of her teeth, carefully protected by a foreign dentist, does not crack...

You must rush as fast as you can down her belly, and since your tongue is already dry, use your nose until you reach that place that turns the heads of all male dogs with its smell... She screamed when you found her precious stone, suddenly pulled legs, almost tightly squeezing your head...

Your tongue itself knows how to make her mouth scream indecently! She screams, and the neighbors are sure to hear her, although you have a separate house... She still manages to tear you away from her stomach and almost throw you on your back.

I love you! - she says quickly and catches with her mouth the very thing that you always remember five times a day... you can throw one hand behind your head for convenience, but try to stroke and squeeze her neck with the other...

He had a large, fleshy nose, and she loved to rub her nose, a simple one from Nizhny Novgorod, with three freckles, against him. In these seconds he almost died...

The next evening she returned from filming, and he did not find the light in her eyes, that ray that a year ago illuminated his soul... When she moved to a rented apartment, he tried to shoot himself, but only shot through the battery from a hunting rifle, with what else scared her more...


* She played in the films and TV series “Black Lightning”, “The Book of Masters”, “Hipsters”, “Palm Sunday”, “Dostoevsky”, “Christmas Trees”, “On the Hook” - about 40 film works in total.

Ekaterina Vilkova. Style: Nadina SMIRNOVA; Makeup: Anastasia BARANOVA (makeup artist at MAKE UP STORE); Hairstyles: Yana NOVIKOVA; Decor: Marina Alymova (decor and floristry workshop “Flowers in the Attic”); Dress, Yanina couture

Fragile, very feminine, with a girlish figure - you can’t tell from her appearance that she is a mother of two children. The actress admits that with the advent of her family, her life was divided into “before” and “after.” “I can live without work, but not without my husband and children” - this is how priorities are set. By the way, she adores her husband, Ilya Lyubimov, although their relationship lacks that sweet vanilla that is generously flavored in stories about happy couples.

— Katya, are you satisfied with the way your life is shaping up? Have you managed to find a balance between family and work?

— Overall, I’m satisfied, everything is fine. But for some reason I can’t constantly live in relaxation, smile and be happy. As soon as it seems to me that I have stopped caring about some things, they immediately make it clear to me that I am mistaken. She seemed to have calmed down about her own appearance, the problems of aging, losing weight and the like - and then she found herself in a situation where there was a downright competitive struggle between women. And I also unwittingly joined in. Immediately I began to tell myself: so, I am a super sexy woman, young, slender. (Laughs.) In one project, I was worried about my talent and the fact that I was, after all, a highly intelligent actress, and played this game; But I ended up in another project and other complexes emerged. I just calmed down about the availability of work - after a month I’m already worried that there are no worthy offers. As soon as I thought that I was a good mother, I soon began to reflect that I don’t devote much time to children and family. Probably, experiences are not so bad, the main thing is not to go to a psychiatric clinic.

- But you don’t have a fanatical attitude towards work? Some of your colleagues consider themselves artists with a capital “A” and talk about a mission in art...

— No, I never perceived my work like that. Although I tried to adjust myself to this wave, that I am a serious, adult person, I will read smart books, go to museums... But I am different and will not pretend that what I do in my profession is the most dear to me. No. In my case, it’s earning money, a way of self-realization and getting attention. I admit, I’m already used to the fact that on the set they take me into account, consult with me, and treat me with respect.

— Can you name some peaks, pearls in your career?

— I probably don’t measure my work in such categories. There were situations when I was approved for some film and all my friends congratulated me: “Katya, how lucky you are, this is just a dream role!” And then either the project was closed, or for some reason I could not participate in it. But even in this case, I tried to treat what was happening calmly. I just try to do my job well. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a full-length film at the Cannes festival or a light television series, such as “Hotel Eleon.” This is my first experience of participating in a sitcom - I hope it will be successful.

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— “Hotel Eleon” is a continuation of the much-loved “Kitchen”. Don't long-running stories scare you?

— There is time between seasons. Besides, this is not everyday work. And the writers will be able to take into account your plans if they appear. After filming the first season, I was left with pleasant impressions. I’ve even gotten used to going to the site like going to the office for work. This has its pros and cons. There is some kind of stability, you understand what team you are on. Probably, over time it might get boring, but I’m not tired of it yet.

— How did you get to the Eleon Hotel?

— A casting was held, and I went there to rub the nose of another actress who also auditioned for the project. Well, I think I've outdone you! (Laughs.)

— Do you have long-standing competition?

- No, not competition. It’s like with children - they have this moment of play, competition: I was the first to eat, and I was the first to run! Some kind of excitement. I auditioned for the role of Sofia, a hotel manager, and the director convinced me that I could do it. In general, the first thing that lured me into this project was the participation of my friends in it. (Smiles.) I thought that we would have more time to communicate. But once I got to the shoot, I realized that the schedule was very tight.

— The hotel manager is a fairly tough, correct young lady. Is she close to you?

— I never draw parallels between myself and my heroes. This is just a woman who performs certain actions prescribed by the scriptwriters, and you try to understand what could motivate her. And then, everything changes. You don’t know how correct and businesslike Sofia really is - maybe she’s just pretending? And in the next episode you will understand that she is soft, vulnerable and romantic...

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

—Are you a tough person in life?

- I would not say. It all depends on the situation, on the degree of fatigue. Sometimes yes: I can lose my temper and lash out if I haven’t had enough sleep or am hungry. But in front of unfamiliar people I still try to present myself as a patient, calm, pleasant person in all respects. Relatives, friends, family get more.

—Are you strict with children?

- Sometimes it seems to me that I am very soft. Due to my workload, I don’t spend much time with them. Therefore, I miss you very much and, as a result, I spoil you. But a day or two of our close communication passes, and they are already starting to get sick of me.

— Are Pavel and Petya similar?

— On the one hand, yes, but on the other, these are two different people, each expressing themselves in their own way. They perceive the world differently, are offended differently, wake up in different moods, just as they fall asleep. Some things have already taken shape in their minds, and I can only control it, and tell them about how things happen in life.

— Do you have an education system?

- No, I go with the flow. Maybe I'm a lazy person? I look at my friends with children: “Have you already started giving complementary foods? Should we start too?..” Or someone sent the kids to kindergarten. I say: “Ilya, it’s probably time to give up ours too.” I'm just too lazy to change something. Why, if it’s so good? (Laughs.) If children show interest in something, you try to encourage it. On the other hand, they cannot become interested in something until you show it to them. They don’t know what there is, for example, swimming, or fine arts, or dancing...

— Is something already emerging, some interests?

- Not yet. They like toys, candy, running wild and running around. And it is desirable that adults also be involved in this story. We played and jumped with them.

— Has motherhood changed you?

— My life was divided into “before” and “after” my family. But it’s difficult for me to even call myself a mother. In my mind, this is some kind of adult woman who has everything sorted out, who knows what a housing office is and how to pay rent...

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

- Don’t you know?

- No. My husband does all these things. Papers and government institutions scare me. Adults can and know all this. In front of the children, I play such a game that I am an adult, respectable aunt, but in fact, in my heart, I don’t consider myself that way.

— Ilya is the older one in your couple?

- Well, he is older in age, almost an old man. (Smiles.) He has a low voice, and sometimes he gives the impression of a very serious person. He understands exactly what he wants and pretends that he knows everything.

— Is there professional competition in your couple?

- No, I have a very cool husband! Yes, I never thought in such categories. On my part, competition is excluded even with my friends and work colleagues. On the contrary, I feel sorry for people if something doesn’t work out for them. There is envy only towards young, beautiful actresses: they have no special talent, but they take away my roles. (Laughs.)

— Is your work just outside the door, or do you and Ilya share your problems and experiences at home?

— My husband is the only person with whom I can talk about everything, tell me what worries me. Even play him some sketches about how my day went. Complain about the young and untalented. (Laughs.) Ilya, of course, says that I am the youngest, most beautiful and talented and I should be invited to all significant projects. It's not like I really held on to my job. Of course, I like being an actress, but I understand that theoretically I could live without my profession, especially if I have a lot of money.

- What can’t you live without?

“I can’t live without a family and children.” But they will grow up and you will have to let them go. So, only the husband remains. And I still can’t imagine how to live without him. I don't even want to think about it.

— Does the fact that you and Ilya are believers help you in difficult situations?

- Certainly. Because you can look at some problem not only from the point of view of the laws of secular life, but also from the moral side, the voice of conscience.

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— In Orthodox traditions, a man is the head of the family. Did you easily accept this, with the current emancipation of women?

— In principle, I believe that the head of the family should be a man. And I think that every woman is looking for a husband with whom she can feel weak. Besides, we are not some kind of sect. We do not go to meetings of Orthodox fanatics who bring up our family problems and condemn bad behavior. In our family, faith is like a starting point, a beacon by which we focus in our thoughts and actions.

— Did you come to this yourself or was it influenced by your meeting with Ilya?

— Ilya probably became the exclamation point. Faith came into my life and firmly settled there with him. (Smiles.) If you sit down and think, you can remember some signs, prerequisites... We like to come up with something after the fact. Be that as it may, now it’s like a given, a gift that we received.

— How did you feel when you celebrated your anniversary—five years of marriage?

— To be honest, we forgot about him a little. This year this date fell on Easter, there were some other concerns. The emotions are like this: it’s cool, five years have already passed! But it seems like quite recently... Then, scrolling back time, you realize how many important events have happened: two children, an apartment, a car, the number of jobs we both have... I don’t feel lonely - it was the right choice.

“So many marriages are falling apart now.” Do you think the key to success is the initial match between two people or is the relationship a work in progress?

— Of course, this is work, but it happens quite unnoticed by me. For example, you see a sandwich in the refrigerator. Sometimes you eat it yourself. And only then do you think: “Oh, Ilya has nothing to eat. Oh well, he’ll find something.” And another time you remember Ilya and leave a sandwich for him. Or divide it in half. In my opinion, it is already clear that when living with a person, you need to take him into account. After all, it’s not so difficult: call, warn that you will be late, come home to spend the night, ask about plans for tomorrow and sometimes do something together.

-Can you say that you know everything about each other?

- No I can not. For example, yesterday I found out that my husband was dancing alone at home. Now I’m trying to imagine this picture - how he moves with headphones on.

- How did you find out about this?

- I told you myself. I asked: “Ilya, how was your day, what did you do today?” And he answered: “Danced.” This was nonsense. I was even tempted to install a hidden camera at home.

— Are there things he doesn’t know about you?

“It seems to me that he knows too much.” Both my mother and even the priest say that not everything should be told to your husband. But I have no secrets. If there is a problem that really depresses me, I will still share it with him. And I can't hold a grudge for long. I need to discuss everything, express it, so I can go to bed peacefully.

— Do you read each other’s interviews?

— He reads my interviews. More precisely, they send me a text for approval, and I consult whether something needs to be changed or left as it is. He's probably more confident about some things than I am. And I’m too lazy to read his interview. Then I might come across an article in some magazine. At first, of course, it was more interesting. Now it’s simpler: after all, we’ve been together for five years.

Dress, WINCS; jacket, Marina De Golle; choker, DA"MU; floral decor, decor and floristry workshop "Flowers in the Attic"

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— By the way, in one of your interviews you said that Ilya didn’t give you flowers for your birthday. What was the reaction? Did he come with a bouquet the next day?

- No. In fact, I told him what a wonderful woman I am, you don’t even have to give me gifts, and I don’t care.

- But this is deceit...

- At first you seem to perceive it normally. And then it starts to push on from all sides. Friends say something, post on Instagram photos of bouquets that they were given for the Eighth of March. Maybe they weren’t even given anything, but there’s a picture! And this provokes a showdown. A couple of times I even threw tantrums with women crying. But already at that moment when I cry, I understand how stupid it looks. And in fact, it doesn’t make much sense to me that after crying I’ll beg him for this bouquet.

- Did it happen that you cried, and he said: “Fool woman, you’re wearing flowers”?

- Yes, in principle, that’s what he does: stupid woman, you can wear whatever you want! (Laughs.)

— Are you and Ilya not a romantic couple?

- I guess so. We don’t go on a boat, we didn’t go on a safari into the jungle. We're more realistic, or something. Although, of course, romance is needed. After all, this is attention, the person thought about you and made a surprise. But I don't bother with this topic. Probably, when there is little strength and fatigue has accumulated, the lack of romance can become an irritating factor.

— What helps you cope with fatigue?

— Any kind of recovery: sleep, talk with children (they give you a lot of energy), generally “change the picture.” You don’t even have to leave somewhere - you can change one set for another. Just breathe out. Sometimes the degree of fatigue is greater, and you exhale longer...

— Do you work a lot?

“I guess I don’t know how to manage time.” I don’t want to come home after work, wash my face off and go to bed. I want to do something else: play with the children, chat with Ilya, watch a movie, go to a restaurant... Therefore, there is little time left for sleep, and I really like to sleep.

— When parting with Ilya during filming, do you miss it or do you perceive it as a vacation?

— When Ilya leaves for work or visits his children (they spent the summer with their grandmother), at first I experience a state of euphoria. Freedom! I'm alone in the apartment. It’s simply impossible to go to bed - it seems like there are so many interesting things to do. And sometimes I miss you, and this is even expressed in some kind of irritation. I have to leave, and I’m starting to get angry with Ilya, so I don’t want to go. By and large, my husband doesn’t really interfere at home; he can even do something useful. (Smiles.)

— Are there people who organize your life?

— The children have a nanny. And we have a housekeeper who cleans the apartment and irons the clothes once every two weeks. We handle the rest ourselves.

- What is the rest?

— Wash the dishes, buy groceries. Cases pile up in two weeks. I can do a lot myself, but as long as I have the opportunity, I resort to the help of other people. Sometimes this is your only day off, and you don’t want to spend it on household items.

— I know some of your colleagues who perceive housework as a kind of relaxation.

— Sometimes the Cinderella syndrome wakes up. I want to scrupulously scrub the kitchen, clean the cabinets, and sort everything into shelves. Sometimes it gives me pleasure. Wipe down the stove, on which no one cooks anything, but dust settles. (Laughs.) Vacuum the apartment. And then you get such a charge of energy from a feeling of fulfilled duty - you are proud of yourself. For some reason, I like to do household chores at night, when no one bothers me.

Photo: Alina Golub; Photographer assistant: Ksenia Andrianova

— How do neighbors feel about the sound of a vacuum cleaner running at night?

“I convince myself that they don’t hear anything.” Our house has thick walls and good sound insulation. What if something has spilled and I need to vacuum it urgently? In fact, the vacuum cleaner is not very loud. The sliding structure on which we dry clothes makes much more noise.

— Times have changed: girls used to be taught household chores, needlework...

“And now the same thing happens to normal people.” I tried to involve Pavel in something, but nothing worked. She is very restless and gets bored quickly. Maybe in a year we can force her to wash the dishes.

- Do you notice that children are much more advanced in some things than we are?

- Well... They know cartoon characters better. (Laughs.) They are probably more fearless. They take any gadget and immediately start using it, pressing all the buttons. And I’m scared that I might break something, I need to read the instructions first... (Smiles.)

—Are you not a fearless person?

- I'm afraid of a lot of things. Of the phobias as such, there is only some kind of disgust towards insects. Sometimes it can be scary to take the first step—into a project, for example. I wouldn’t risk doing something extreme, and it doesn’t appeal to me. Even in ordinary life I don’t like attention to myself. In principle, I’m not particularly spoiled by them. But it happens that as soon as a film with my participation has premiered, people recognize me. And then I shrink, slouch, pull up my hood like I’m a megastar, and try to run away as quickly as possible. But Ilyusha likes to shock the audience. For example, he likes to talk loudly in public places. He sees the man standing in front of him punching sausages at the checkout counter and begins to tell some nasty things about what they are made of. (Laughs.) Ilya is always recognized: he has a bright appearance. He also gets tired of attention and says that by provoking people, he releases stress.

— Ilya is brilliant at portraying demonic personalities...

“That’s right: he’s a demonic man.” Many people think that he beats me. (Laughs.) He just has such an appearance, a deep voice.

— Were you afraid of marrying such a spectacular man? Perhaps there is a feeling of jealousy?

- No. I don't even remember such thoughts. I've probably only experienced something like this once. We were sitting in the same company, and our friend flirted too openly with Ilya. But that was a long time ago, we just started dating. Sometimes I even trust him too painfully. I don’t allow the thought that my husband might betray me. This simply cannot be. After all, by doing so he will kill me. He loves me, which means he can’t do this.

— What do you think Ilya values ​​in your marriage?

“It seems to me that Ilya’s whole life is focused on me.” (Laughs.) I don’t know what he values. But I hope that it is not difficult for him to live with me. And so far it even gives him pleasure.

Guest editor of the “Beauty and Health” column Ekaterina Vilkova is a very graceful girl. It turned out that Ekaterina owes her ideal shape not to the gym and grueling diets, but to her husband Ilya Lyubimov and children. Ekaterina wrote about her unconventional way to find harmony and maintain a good figure in her column on HELLO.RU.

When I was at school, sports occupied a large place in my life. I did rhythmic gymnastics and was even a candidate for master of sports. Then I entered drama school, and there was no time left for gymnastics. Instead, dancing and fencing appeared in my life. The load was decent, but after gymnastics it all seemed like such nonsense to me - it was easy.

At the same time, I experimented with diets. At the age of 20, in my first year of college, due to the constant rush and irregular hours, I stopped watching my diet. As a result, I ate breakfast and lunch with buns and milk, had dinner with short bread, in general, I was no different from thousands of students who dreamed of doing everything and did not want to stop to eat. As a result, the body reacted. I was never overweight, but at some point my weight began to fluctuate - I could gain 5 or even 10 kilograms, then lose it imperceptibly. I started trying different diets with a friend, but approached the issue lightly. For example, I could make the following plan: today I eat until noon, and then I drink kefir, and so on until the end of the week. Thank God, these unsafe experiments did not result in gastritis.

When I was already working, I went to the gym because I was constantly dissatisfied with my body - it seemed like there was something superfluous here that it wouldn’t hurt to remove. I worked out responsibly, didn’t feel sorry for myself - I could go to training every day. Aerobic, strength training, swimming - nothing scared me.
Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov with their son Peter in a photo shoot for HELLO!, 2014

I eventually found my ideal shape thanks to my husband. When we met, he was able to convince me that I did not have such shortcomings for which I needed to torture myself. "If you give birth, you'll lose weight!" - said Ilya. And so it happened. Today I am a mother of two children and, frankly, I feel sorry for wasting time at the gym. Don’t think, I’m not promoting laziness, I just believe that you shouldn’t look for shortcomings where there are none. Many girls look perfect, but can't stop. Look at yourself in the mirror and answer yourself honestly: does your figure need to be improved? Perhaps you are already good enough, and it would be better to spend an extra hour with your family than to lift dumbbells?

Losing weight by giving up your favorite sweets and turning your attention to sports can be oh so difficult... And yet many have succeeded!

The editors have collected top stars who prove by their example that losing 10, 20, 30 or any number of kilograms is absolutely possible.

Anna Mikhalkova

Anna Mikhalkova, who has always been a charming chick, managed to truly surprise her fans. One fine day, the actress just came out having lost 10 kg! And even after the birth of my third child. All that remains is to applaud!

Irina Pegova

Irina Pegova, a wonderful Russian actress, who was not spoiled at all by the extra pounds, nevertheless decided to get rid of them. The star demonstrated the results of her work on herself on April 16 at the Golden Mask awards. All those present immediately drew attention to Pegova’s slimmer figure, emphasized by a fitted dress, and showered the girl with compliments. It is still unknown what helped Irina lose weight, but everyone is looking forward to the fact that sooner or later the actress will share her secret to being slim.

Christina Aguilera

During the period when Christina gained a lot of weight, she was not always recognized on the street. Aguilera fought with her weight for a long time, but then she came to terms and told fans that she felt comfortable with her weight and had no plans to lose weight.

But it was not there. In a few months, Christina changed beyond recognition. In a month of hard training and a strict diet, the star was able to lose 10 kilograms!

In the first month, Christina decided not to torment herself with fasting, but chose the “1600” diet, which consists in dividing the daily diet into five meals, and its total calorie content is no more than 1600 kilocalories. This diet helps you get rid of the habit of overeating and helps you move to the next level - a more restrictive diet.

From size XL, Christina lost weight to the coveted S! “I feel sexy and seductive,” Christina does not hide from her fans.

Svetlana Hodchenkova

The beauty evolution of Svetlana Khodchenkova is truly impressive, because the actress has lost almost 20 kg, and in the film “Bless the Woman” she is completely unrecognizable. In the image of a buxom beauty, Svetlana was also attractive, but for the sake of work she decided to be closer to accepted standards.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson is an example of someone who is okay with criticism in her direction. After the birth of baby Drew Maxwell Johnson, the star mother gained more than 30 kilograms and could not lose weight, which made her very worried. When the star began to receive comments about her figure being too curvy, Simpson decided to take control and take care of herself.

The result is obvious! In six months, minus 30 kilograms! Fans of the star were shocked when Jessica shared photos of herself in a swimsuit on Instagram.

Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina on her Instagram often boasts of her pumped up abs and physical fitness. The TV presenter really has something to be proud of, because being slim is not a gift from nature, but solely her merit. Ksenia experimented with many diets until she finally came to the most correct system - healthy food plus fitness.

Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova looked very organic in the role of the plump, gossipy nurse from the TV series Interns, but she also decided to lose a little weight. Svetlana lost extra pounds after the birth of her daughter - by her own admission, the actress simply began to move more.

Tara Reid

In pursuit of the ideal figure, many people see no limit. The American Pie star gained 10 kilograms for her role in the film several years ago, but then began to lose weight, and when it was time to stop, Tara decided to lose “a little more.”

The actress never made great efforts to lose weight: a little sports, proper nutrition and fasting days - Tara’s recipe.

As a result, many fans conclude from Tara’s figure that the actress has anorexia. But Reid doesn't see the problem and believes that you can never please the public. “I’ve gained weight – I’m fat, I’ve lost weight – I’m anorexic! I don’t want to depend on the opinions of others,” the star admitted in an interview.

Renee Zellweger

Zellweger succeeds best in sacrificing her figure for the sake of the role. For the sake of “Bridget Jones's Diaries,” Renee gained weight and lost weight, then for the role in “Chicago” she lost weight... And in the end - an offer to participate in “Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.” For the last role, the star had to gain 6 sizes in a short time!

After the last “diary”, Renee turned to specialists to get back in shape. First, a gentle diet was chosen, which would prepare for a more restrictive diet. The nutritionist created a special light program for the actress, which excluded flour, sweets, fatty foods and alcohol. Zellweger's diet included turkey, tuna, salads and steamed vegetables. All products could be consumed without oil and salt.

The strict diet consisted of one grapefruit, apple and orange for the whole day, as well as 2 liters of water and herbal teas. The actress was on this diet for a whole month and achieved results. Now the “grapefruit” diet has become less strict: half a grapefruit before each meal.

Recently, Renee completely shocked the public. Zellweger not only lost weight, but with the help of specialists changed her face beyond recognition.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak began having problems with excess weight after the birth of her child, but the singer did not lose her head, pulled herself together and lost 15 kg! Anya’s secret is simple: work, work and work again. Ani was very active in sports and dancing, which, of course, is noticeable in her toned figure.

Ekaterina Skulkina

It would seem that being overweight did not bother Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Skulkina at all. On the contrary, weight was an integral part of her comic images. However, Catherine herself was tired of the image of a plump woman - the actress decided to radically change her image and lost 15 kg. We can’t help but notice that now Skulkina really looks great!

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew has never had problems with being overweight, but when a role in a promising project is at stake, stars make any sacrifice. For his role in the film “Dallas Buyers Club,” McConaughey lost almost 20 kilograms!

The actor did not hide his unusual diet from his fans. Matthew drank Diet Coke, ate a few egg whites and a piece of chicken for breakfast, and then continued drinking Diet Coke.

Having learned about this method of losing weight, experts were worried: such a diet could lead to serious health problems. The one culinary treat that Matthew couldn't resist was tapioca pudding.

McConaughey admitted that he lost 3-4 kilograms every week, but such a diet shook his psychological state.

Zach Galifianakis

The same cheerful fat man from the famous comedy “The Hangover” not only changed his image for the new role, but practically changed beyond recognition. Since the actor rarely appears in public, fans and colleagues were shocked at the premiere of the film Birdman.

Unfortunately, the actor did not comment on his changes, but only asked not to pester him with questions. Zach believes that every person, regardless of his profession, has the right to his personal life.

Ekaterina Vilkova

Ekaterina approached her role in the recently released film “Battalion” responsibly. She cut her hair into a crew cut and lost weight beyond recognition. To achieve her goal, Vilkova went on a very strict diet, but according to fans, Vilkova’s appearance can tell that she has health problems.

After giving birth, Ekaterina went on a strict diet, which, according to her, made the path to slimness easier.

Height 157 cm, lost 20 kilograms.

We remember those times when Kelly was a rebel, dyed her hair in all sorts of shades and preferred dresses that were too short and tight for her excess weight.

But a few years ago, fans gasped! Kelly Osbourne has lost 23 kg! It was not diets and workouts that helped the star adjust to changes, but participation in the show “Dancing with the Stars.” Having offered participation in the television project, the show's organizers delivered an ultimatum: either Osbourne loses 10 kg, or they are looking for a replacement for her.

After six months of training with a personal trainer, giving up alcohol and fast food in favor of healthy and light food, Kelly got rid of not the promised 10, but 20 kilograms!

To her fans, who bombarded the star with questions, Kelly gave four pieces of advice:

1. Do not limit yourself in food, but choose healthy and fresh food.

2. Eliminate flour products, sugar and alcohol from your diet.

3. Divide the amount of food into 4-5 meals.

4. Allow yourself to snack on vegetables and fruits when you really want to eat.

Height 161 cm, lost 30 kilograms.

Jessica Simpson is an example of how you can normally deal with criticism in your direction. After the birth of baby Drew Maxwell Johnson, the star mother gained more than 30 kilograms and could not lose weight, which made her very worried. After reading comments about her too curvaceous figure, Simpson decided to take her will into her fist and take care of herself.

The result is obvious! In six months, minus 30 kilograms! Fans of the star were shocked when Jessica shared photos of herself in a swimsuit on Instagram, writing: “If I’m in a swimsuit, then I should pose proudly.”

The secret of the star is four classes a day in the gym with star instructor Harley Pasternak and the famous Weight Watchers diet. This is a nutrition system in which each product is assigned a certain number of points depending on its calorie content and nutritional value. Each weight group has its own number of points for the day.

Height 165 cm, lost about 15 kilograms.

In pursuit of the ideal figure, some see no limit. The American Pie star gained 10 kilograms for her role in the film several years ago. Then I started losing weight, and when it was time to stop, I decided to lose “a little more.”

The actress did not make much effort to lose weight. Tara's recipe: a little exercise, proper nutrition and fasting days.

As a result, some fans decided that the actress had anorexia. Reid herself did not see the problem and believed that you would never please the public. “I’ve gained weight – I’m fat, I’ve lost weight – I’m anorexic! I don’t want to depend on the opinions of others,” the star admitted in an interview. But I still gained a couple of kilograms.

Height 157 cm, lost about 25 kilograms.

During the period when Christina gained a lot of weight, she was not always recognized on the street. Aguilera fought with her weight for a long time, but then she came to terms and told fans that she felt comfortable with her weight and had no plans to lose weight.

But then she changed beyond recognition. In just a few months, Christina lost weight from size XL to the coveted S! “I feel sexy and seductive,” the singer admitted to fans.

The secret was not only in hard training, but also in the right strategy. In the first month, Christina decided not to torture herself with fasting, but chose the “1600” diet, which consists of dividing the daily diet into five meals, and its total calorie content is no more than 1600 kilocalories. This diet helps you get rid of the habit of overeating and move to the next level - a more effective diet.

Height 160 cm, lost about 15 kilograms.

Zellweger succeeds best in sacrificing her figure for the sake of the role. For the sake of "Bridget Jones's Diaries" Renee gained weight and lost weight, then for the role in "Chicago" she lost weight... And in the end - an offer to star in "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason." For this role, the star had to gain 6 sizes in a short time!

After the final “diary,” Renee turned to specialists to get back in shape. At first, a gentle diet was chosen to prepare for a more restrictive diet. The nutritionist created a special light program for the actress, which excluded flour, sweets, fatty foods and alcohol. Zellweger's diet included turkey, tuna, salads and steamed vegetables. All products could be consumed without oil and salt.

The strict diet was as follows: for the whole day, one grapefruit, an apple and an orange, as well as 2 liters of water and herbal teas. The actress followed this diet for a whole month and achieved results. Then the “citrus” diet became less strict: half a grapefruit before each meal.

However, Zellweger then not only lost weight, but with the help of specialists changed her face almost beyond recognition, which completely shocked the public.

Height 163 cm, lost about 20 kilograms.

During difficult times, when Britney suffered from depression, gained a lot of weight and shaved off her hair, ill-wishers said that the singer would never be the same, either on stage or in life.

But Spears only seems weak. As soon as the singer pulled herself together, the slender and happy Spears was back on stage!

A low-carbohydrate protein diet helped Britney lose weight. The diet includes lean meat, fish, eggs, rice, vegetables and some fruits, and you need to eat small portions. Britney also began going to daily workouts and hired a personal trainer. This is what we understand, willpower!

Height 183 cm, lost 20 kilograms.

Matthew has never had problems with being overweight, but when a role in a promising project is at stake, stars make any sacrifice. For his role in the film “Dallas Buyers Club,” McConaughey lost almost 20 kilograms!

The actor did not hide his unusual diet from his fans. Matthew drank Diet Coke, ate a few egg whites for breakfast, a piece of chicken, and then continued to drink Diet Coke. The one culinary treat that Matthew couldn't resist was tapioca pudding.

Having learned about this method of losing weight, experts became worried: such a diet could lead to big health problems! McConaughey himself admitted that he lost 3-4 kilograms every week, but such a diet shook his psychological state.

Height 170 cm, lost about 15 kilograms.

The same cheerful fat man from the famous comedy “The Hangover” not only changed his image for the new role, but practically changed beyond recognition. Since the actor rarely appears in public, fans and colleagues were shocked at the premiere of the film Birdman.

Unfortunately, the actor did not comment on his changes, but only asked not to pester him with questions. Zach believes that every person, regardless of profession, has the right to privacy.