What needs to be done to appear. Himself a goldfish or how to make a wish to make it come true

We all want our dreams to come true. Better yet, learn once and for all how to make your wish come true in 1 day. It would seem that there is nothing easier - to make a wish and wait for its fulfillment. But no matter how!

The subtle world, which envelops and envelops our entire reality, requires us to give back, clear formulations and, most importantly, gratitude. Yes, just shouting a desire into the void or whispering it under the pillow before going to bed is not enough. Should choose for yourself a specific and real desire, do everything possible and impossible to make it come true, and then thank the Universe for the result. And we'll be happy to teach you.

All lovers of fairy tales know that the most amazing things happen at night, when the Universe freezes in anticipation of miracles. The strongest in terms of energy are New Year's Eve and the night before Ivan Kupala. On these dates, you should pay attention to the fulfillment of desires, and before that - learn how to spell them correctly.. Read on for how.

How to make a wish?

For the fulfillment of desires, there is a certain system that must be followed. . And it does not begin somewhere beyond the clouds. It begins with the words that you pronounce during the formulation of your desire. Let's walk through the process of turning your dream into reality step by step.

  1. It should be determined what do you really want and make exactly that cherished wish that will bring you happiness and success. Everything depends on you. It is typical for a guy, for example, to make a wish that will lead to an improvement in his financial condition or gaining heroic strength.
  2. The time is also of great importance when you make your wish. It is best to do this on a big holiday: on New Year's or Easter, when the destruction of the old way of life occurs on earth and something new and bright is born (the old year is replaced by a new one, winter is replaced by spring). Perfect fit and new moon period. It is better for a girl who dreams of meeting her love to make her wish on the night of Ivan Kupala or under the full moon.
  3. So, we already know when is the best time to make a wish. But we still don't know what to think. Indeed, in order for a wish to come true, it must be articulate. Think about what wish you would ask a goldfish if it appeared right now. Health? Money? Love? How would you say it? "I want to be healthy." So, are you sick right now? So it doesn't fit. It is better to say: "I am healthy and full of strength, my energy is inexhaustible." If you want to get something material - an apartment or a fur coat - just say "I get a fur coat / apartment." And, preferably, indicate the time after which all these benefits will appear to you.
  4. It happens that a person has not one desire and not two, but several at once. Then should make a list. But even this must be done clearly and correctly so that the Universe does not have a chance to bypass you with its attention. Start by purchasing a notebook. First of all, you must like it. Next, write down your desires in a notebook. The very first should be very simple, even funny desires. It is necessary to "tune" yourself to the wave of fulfillment of desires and receive an answer from the Universe. The first desire may be to acquire some item that you have been thinking about or dreaming about for a long time. Once you've written down your wish, call a friend and prompt them to bring you the item. After, don't forget to thank and a friend and the universe. Write down in a notebook that you are very happy and grateful.
  5. Next stage - illustration of your main desire or the so-called dream card. Draw or find a ready-made image of your desired subject, or cut out a picture of your dream come true from a glossy magazine.

So you have done the path that leads you to the fulfillment of the cherished and desired. Next, you will find several “recipes” for what you need to do to make your wish come true in 1 night.

What to do to make the wish come true?

You already prepared for the fulfillment of desire you even know what you want. Now try trying out a few ways that will help you achieve what you want.

  1. Ask God for help. If you are a believer and often attend church, you can turn all your prayers to the Lord. There is a time and place for prayer outside the temple, so do not forget to turn to the Lord in everyday life, and most importantly, thank him for everything.
  2. When you have already managed to formulate a desire and visualize it correctly or write it down, you don't tell anyone about your dream. Neither mom nor girlfriend need to know about this until your wish comes true.
  3. Another effective way is make a wish on New Year's Eve. Many people know him, and many want their wish to come true right now. However, desires also have their own expiration date. Having made a wish at the beginning of a new period of time, you kind of set yourself a goal for the next year. Much depends on you, however, to enhance the effect of your desire, write it in red ink on a piece of paper and burn it in the flame of a red candle. It is better to do this at exactly 12 o'clock at night, while the chimes are striking.
  4. Dreams are very fond of when they are made in a calm atmosphere, in the twilight, by candlelight. Another cherished period - first day of any month. You are starting a new phase of your life, along with your dream. Whether it will come true in one minute or in a few years is up to you. But you help your wish come true, give it a green light, because you start the month with a clean slate. And here it’s up to you to decide, just accept and wait until the wish comes true, or still use the experience of previous generations and make your dreams come true here and now.

Little secrets of making a big wish come true

So, you managed to come up with your desire, it remains to help it come true. On the way to the fulfillment of your plans as well have their own rules, the observance of which will help the dream quickly become a reality. Let's call them secrets.

  • Secret one. You need to become a good wizard yourself. For example, find out what your loved ones dream about and help them realize their dream. By the way, a very kind and reliable way - The universe will surely respond to your kindness And you don't have to wait for the new moon.
  • Second secret. We often ask: “Why doesn’t my wish come true?” or “I want this or that and more.” Do you believe enough to make it happen? You need to believe. And act. As soon as you said: “I believe, and I will have a new phone”, as soon as you have collected all the information about the object of your desire, described all its qualities and details, you need to start moving towards this dream. And for this you need faith and work.
  • Secret third. A very efficient and effective way. Make a wish while standing under the crown of a tree. Now jump up and touch the highest branch you can. Repeat 2 more times and each time try to jump up and get even higher. Thus, you not only train your will, but also really help your desire come true.
  • Secret four. Do you know that every day there is one golden minute? This is the best time to make a wish, because a direct channel opens with the Higher Forces or with the Universe, as you wish. It is very easy to calculate this time. It equals a day and a month when you make a wish. For example, today is November 9, that is, you make a wish at exactly 9 o'clock and 11 minutes in the morning. If you decide to do this after the 25th (there are only 24 hours in a day), then you simply swap the numbers. For example, on November 25, we will make a wish at 11:25 am.
  • Secret five. Make a wish for your birthday. In the circle of relatives and friends who wish you well, your dream will surely come true.

What desire to ask a goldfish?

It is believed that the fulfillment of desire requires magic spells, the attraction of otherworldly forces. Psychologists prove that the main rule for making dreams come true is the ability to use the power of thought and faith in what you are doing. How to make a wish come true? There are 5 simple techniques that can start the process of fulfilling a dream, no matter how unrealistic it seems. They can be called magical only because they are associated with the performance of a certain ritual.

How to make a wish to make it come true

Guessing for the New Moon

The new moon in the occult is considered a favorable period for rituals. It is believed that it is great for dreaming. You should take paper, light a candle, relax and write your most cherished dreams on a sheet. Then you need to read what was written in the moonlight, put the list aside and let go of thoughts. A month later, you can get a list and see what came true from it. You can add new items to it.

If you omit all the magic, then this ritual is easily explained. A candle, especially an aromatic one, helps to relax and concentrate. Reading the list of desires under the moon is a kind of shifting the responsibility for their fulfillment to the Cosmos. It is required to write down dreams in an affirmative form, as if they have already come true.

We dream in a dream

How to make a wish come true using this technique? There are several ways.

  • Visualization. You need to draw up a map of desires, hang it in a place visible only to the author, and look at it before going to bed. Particularly susceptible people can even see in a dream how a dream comes true.
  • Reading wishes. You need to make a list of what you want, read or pronounce it before bed. To enhance the effect, you can put a leaf at night under the pillow. Suffice it to recall how at school or institute, on the night before the exam, they put a summary or a book under the pillow so that the material was assimilated in a dream. If you believe in this ritual, then it will work with a dream.
  • fantasizing. Going to bed, a person needs to imagine the life he wants. And do it as if everything really came true and is happening in reality. The more believable the fantasy is, the more positive emotions it evokes, the better. Subconsciously in real life, a person will attract situations that contribute to the achievement of desire.

flower for good luck

Everyone knows about the existence of the money tree, it is believed that it attracts material well-being to the house. And there is also an opinion that each person has his own plant (according to the horoscope, name), which is a magnet of luck for him personally. Individual plants are responsible for career growth and love, strong marriage ties.
You can choose your favorite indoor flower and put it on the windowsill. The main rule is that the owner should like the plant. Caring for a flower, which is considered a symbol of personal happiness, a person will better concentrate on what he wants.

Desirable candy

This method is suitable for people who forget to dream. Of course, the desire must be released, but this must be done when it is sufficiently thought out and charged. That is, a person imagined it in reality, visualized it, felt it. Any pack of chewing candies, gum will do. A special ritual is not required, it is enough to set yourself the installation that every time you chew it, you will come closer to fulfilling your dream.

Charging water

Water helps a lot with psychological attitudes. There are two ways to charge it. What to do to make a wish come true:

  • Glass of water. In the morning before breakfast, it is necessary to speak over it the necessary setting, for example, “after drinking this water, I get a charge of self-confidence, strength and positive energy to achieve my plan”; "This water makes me attractive." Next, drink all the water. First, it's a great psychological maneuver. Secondly, a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach is good for physical health.
  • Relaxing bath. We need candles and aroma oils. You can choose them according to the magical principle, color matching (for example, red gives energy, green attracts money, pink attracts love), smell. And you can, depending on your taste. In the evening, you should light candles, fill the bath, add oils and foams to the water, say the same affirmations over the water as over the glass and plunge into the water. In this case, water can not only endow with some qualities, but also remove unnecessary things. For example, you can "talk" her to remove self-doubt.

What needs to be done to make a wish come true?

There are several conditions that must be met in order for the wish to come true.

  1. Believe. The very essence of guessing is to believe in the fulfillment of a dream. If there is no such feeling inside, the dream will remain unfulfilled.
  2. speak more clearly. Getting married doesn't mean being happily married, having a car doesn't mean being happy with it. It is important to clearly understand what kind of result will satisfy you and bring maximum joy.
  3. Let off. Having made a wish, you need to let it go, and not dwell on the fact that it is not fulfilled.
  4. Forget about the particle "not". What comes true is what causes the greatest number of emotions, no matter positive or negative. If the desire is fed by the fear that a person will never be promoted, then this is exactly what will happen, he will lag behind his colleagues.
  5. Act. Wishing, a person gives a signal to the brain so that it generates ideas on how to achieve what was conceived. It is important to hear the inner voice and respond in time to the information it broadcasts. For example, if a person wants a new apartment, he will most likely constantly see ads with offers to take out a mortgage and new objects on the real estate market. And whether he wants to study these proposals and choose the right one for himself depends on him.

Knowing how to make a wish come true makes dreaming much easier. It remains to choose the most convenient way for yourself and reap the benefits.

There are people whose desires are fulfilled easily and quickly. Perhaps they are wizards or have some secret? How can you make everything you want come true? We offer a few tips that will help to fulfill almost any desire, regardless of its complexity.

Learn to dream

Do you think it's good to dream? If not, then you rarely get what you want. Perhaps you still have certain dreams, but they are in no hurry to come true. You just need to take a few simple steps:

  • Dream sincerely so that the Universe understands that you really want to realize this and need it.
  • Stop doubting. If you make a wish, but you are not sure if you need it, then know that it will not come true, therefore, in order for it to come true, you need to clearly know that your plan will come true.
  • Separate dreams that are real from those that are obviously impossible. Want to become a pilot, but health does not allow.

What is the point of dreaming about it if you know that it will never happen. Replace it with another desire, like going up in a hot air balloon or learning how to fly a boat, or maybe becoming an aeromodelling master.

Wish Fulfillment Methods

  1. Keep a diary where you write down what you want to do. For a harmonious distribution of desires, use.
  2. Forget about the “not” particle. In order for a wish to come true, dreams must be written in a positive way: “I want to buy a car.”
  3. Indicate a specific due date or approximate period. If you say, “I want a car,” but don’t specify when, then the wish will be delayed indefinitely. It would be more correct to say: “I will buy a car in March.”
  4. Instead of a diary, you can make a “wish board”. We take a large sheet of paper. From any magazines, we cut out pictures that symbolize your dream, or we draw it ourselves. The board should be hung in a place where you will see it daily.
  5. In order for a dream to come true, it must be clearly articulated. Not - "I need a job", but - "I want to work as a procurement manager in such and such a company."
  6. Enhance the action with visuals. Visualize how your wish came true. Feel what you feel, what kind of people surround you, how the dream came true.
  7. You don't have to constantly think about what you want. It is enough to mentally imagine what you want and let it go, sending energy into the Universe.
  8. Give thanks for any joys, any blessings that come into your life. The more often you give thanks, the more positive energy is attracted.

The principle of “like attracts like”

Have you noticed that what we think hard about often comes true? Some people believe that the reason for this is a highly developed intuition. In fact, there is another principle at work here. We send thoughts into the world.

Thought is energy.

The world, the Universe "hears" us and gives what we think about. For people who think positively, a lot of good things happen in life precisely because they drive negativity away from themselves.
Attracts to life the bad and the discussion of negative events. How often do you watch the news on TV? How much good is there? And what feelings arise after watching such TV shows? Passivity, aggression, sadness, fear - these are the main emotions.

Negative emotions are also transmitted to us by other people who have a habit of telling others about their problems. Stay away from such individuals so as not to become infected with depression and fear. If you want to become lucky, associate only with lucky people and learn from them how to think and act.

Boost your energy levels

Luck comes only to active people. You can make your wish come true by increasing your overall energy level. For these purposes, you need to exercise and eat healthy foods that increase the level of activity. Asthenics and people with low energy levels often have problems in their personal and professional areas, and in order for their desire to come true, they have to spend a lot of effort on it.

Energy is also the ability to act to fulfill your dreams. Desire does not materialize out of nowhere, for this you need to do something, make some effort, force yourself to go towards the dream. The level of well-being will not increase by itself, for this you need to work. Love will not find you at home, you will have to look for it in the outside world.
How to increase the level of energy?

  • Go in for sports.
  • Eat right.
  • Engage in energy practices such as yoga.
  • Meditate.

Move towards your dream

Let's say you think of a car. What needs to be done to make it appear? Of course, start taking action to make your dreams come true.

  • Decide how much you need to make your wish come true.
  • Think about what needs to be done.
  • Set a deadline for the dream to come true.
  • Make a step by step action plan.
  • Decide how much you will save to complete your plan, determine the monthly contribution.
  • Choose a brand of car - the dream must be specific.
  • Decide on approximate timelines.

Sometimes it happens that the deadline for the execution of what we want is delayed. In this case, you should not be nervous, just be sure that the plan will come true anyway.

Set yourself realistic goals

We can dream of flying into space, descending to the depths of the ocean, but are such desires feasible? It is important to understand how real what you want to get is whether you are physically and mentally ready for it. It also happens that our dream comes true, and in the end we feel only disappointment or discomfort, because we chose the wrong direction.

Approach life, your needs and opportunities realistically. Remember that optimism and positivity help us get what we want. Rejoice in every success and give thanks for every little thing, every joy that life gives you.

The world around a person is saturated with energy that can create any miracle - the main thing is to learn how to correctly ask the Universe about it. Each of us wants his wishes to come true, however, it is not enough just to say your dream or just think about it. If you want the subtle, shrouded in mystery world to help you, tune in so that it hears you. And how to make your wish come true, right now we will tell in this article.

As we have already noted a little higher, it is not enough just to say your desire to the void and look forward to the result. But do not despair. Below we will consider several simple and effective methods that will allow you to get what you want with a 100% probability.

Half of the way has been passed - now not only you know what you want, but also the almighty Universe. Now what? Don't dwell on your desire, let it go. And the best way to do this is take action to achieve your dreams You now know exactly what needs to be done to make your wish come true. Very soon you will see from your own experience that opportunities for the realization of your own desire are tucked up at every corner. The Universe will help you, it will push you with new and new chances. Your task is not to miss them, and your cherished desire will surely come true.

Rituals for the realization of the plan

You already understand what you want and even know how to act correctly. You can also use simple rituals and practices that will help you achieve what you want in a very short time. The advantage of such rituals is that all actions can be performed at home without resorting to complex machinations.

magic notepad

One of the most common ways that can ensure the fulfillment of a wish in 1 day. The notebook is not suitable for the fulfillment of a huge, global dream. But to attract a bunch of amenities into your life, such an easy way will definitely help.

So, we need a small, nice-looking notebook. It is important not to give it to anyone, as this is a purely personal item. You need to use a notebook on the new moon - on the first lunar day. However, many people do not choose good days, but simply start using a small notebook for its intended purpose. Worth repeating that your notebook should really please you, it should be pleasant to the touch, beautiful and most magical. If you are already charged with positive energy and emotions, you should start!

Open the first page and write a wish, observing a certain form - "I gratefully accept a large ripe peach from the Universe." An object can be any little thing that you are able to realize(apple, hand cream, powder, orange and so on). Once you have identified your little dream - go to the store and make it come true! Did the wish come true? Certainly! So notepad works!

The next step is gratitude. Under the first entry, write something like: “Come true! Thank you very much!". Now, instead of the old fulfilled desire, write down two new ones. That's the whole principle - as soon as one small goal is achieved - write down two new ones. It is important to leave one desire for your own fulfillment (for example, you made a trip to a cafe - go to it today and after reaching it, do not forget about gratitude).

Thus, a certain cycle of desires is obtained, and instead of one achieved goal, two new ones appear. Take over part of the execution, and entrust the second part to the magic notebook. Don't forget gratitude and also periodically review your pages with fulfilled desires - this will not only charge you with positive emotions, but also give you a huge heap of motivation. You will feel that you can absolutely everything! Isn't that the reason for true happiness?

Magic from under the bed

Another simple way that will ensure quick and effective fulfillment of desires. The secret lies in what exactly is under your bed. If there is only dust, old torn things and dirt, there is nothing good to expect. Urgently get rid of everything that can symbolize something bad and negative. Wipe the floor and throw away the old trash - get rid of the unnecessary and hindering your success. And instead of dirty and negative, put notes with desires and things that cause you positive and pleasant emotions under the bed.

For example, a beautiful bright card with roses under the bed will lead to the fact that you will definitely receive flowers as a gift, or make some nice flower-related purchase. In any case, the Universe will respond to the sign given to it and will pleasantly surprise you.

Looking for a job? Place a work book and a note under your bed explaining exactly what you want from your new position. Now, don't despair and keep looking. You will see, the long-awaited vacancy will appear soon and will definitely surprise you.

Dreaming of a date with a man from the most beautiful fairy tale? Put on a tie and socks. Do you need to improve your financial situation? Send a piggy bank or a regular jar of coins under the bed. And if you put a pen - it will lead to stunning luck.

The main thing is to experiment and come up with your own associations. Sincerely believe in your success and do not give up on opportunities that come your way. After all, who knows, maybe the Universe gave this sign to you?

Desirable gum

This method is not only incredibly effective, but also delicious. All you need is to buy chewing gum at any store (Orbit, Dirol, Khuba-Buba, and so on). And that's it, the magic begins!

It is worth correcting one letter and “chewing” quickly turns into “desirable”. Now just chew gum. Take your time. Such a pack can even last for a whole week.

It all depends on the taste of your gum. For money, financial desires - mint is suitable, for love - strawberry, for travel - with exotic fruits, and so on. Use your rich imagination and experiment. It is important to chew gum thoughtfully, imagining your dream in detail. Sincerely believe in your own success and the response of the Universe will not be long in coming!

Little secrets to make big dreams come true

We will tell you a few more special tricks that will answer the question - how to fulfill your desire right now. You have already come up with, formulated a goal, made an action plan, felt a charge of motivation. What else is needed for magic and miracle? Let's reveal all the secrets!

How to make a wish come true in 1 day

Anyone can become a wizard, however, it is not so easy. The modern world is not a fairy tale, so wands that instantly grant wishes do not exist. But if you are reading this article, it means that you are not afraid of anything, you like to experiment. and manage your own life. Consider the main qualities of a successful, achieving heights of a person:

As it turned out, fulfilling a dream is within the power of every person. Often, people do not believe in their own strengths and capabilities, they are afraid of change, they are afraid to leave their comfort zone, they think about the opinions of others and simply do not accept their own desires, considering them stupid. Believe in yourself, give good, smile, set yourself new goals. And finally, fulfill your dream right now! You will succeed!

Attention, only TODAY!


To make a wish come true, you need to ask, believe and accept

As they say in the fundamental book about the fulfillment of desires "The Secret", in order for a desire to be fulfilled, you need to start the process of creation, consisting of 3 successive steps.

The process of creation used in The Secret is borrowed from the New Testament.

This process is extremely simple and will help you create what you want in just three steps.

I will give credit to this book, and I will say that, despite its popularity and mass character, really the right things are written in this book.

Important! The creation process is really simple. And if you apply it exactly, you can get everything you dream of.

Step 1: To make a wish come true, you need to ask

Lisa Nichols:

The first step is to ask. Command the Universe, the Universe responds to your thoughts - tell it what you want.

Bob Proctor:

What do you really want? Sit down at the table and write down all your desires. Write in present tense. You can start by saying, “Now I am happy and grateful for…” And then explain how you want your life to be in every detail.

You need to not only choose what you want, but also have a clear idea about it. That is your job. If you yourself do not understand what you want, then the law of attraction will not be able to give you what you want. You will emit an inaccurate frequency and the results will also be indeterminate. Think carefully (perhaps for the first time in your life) about what you really want. Now, when you know that you can become anyone, have and do anything and you have no limits - what do you want?

Your asking is the first step in the process of Creation, so learn to ask, make it a habit. If you have a choice to make and don't know which way to go, just ask! You will never find yourself in a dead end, you will always know what to do next - just ask!

Joe Vitale:

It's incredibly exciting. It's like the universe is your directory. You look through it and say, “Oh! I would like to experience this experience, and also to have this thing and meet this person.” You place your order in the Universe. Everything is really that simple.

You don't have to ask again and again - just once. It really is like ordering from a catalog. After all, when you order something, you are not tormented by doubts whether your order will be accepted, and you do not repeat it again and again. You do it once. It is the same with the process of Creation.

The first step is to clearly understand and choose what you want. When you understood everything clearly, you have already sent the order - asked.

How to ask the universe for the fulfillment of a desire? Answer in this video

Step 2: To make a wish come true, you need to believe

Lisa Nichols:

The second step is to believe. Trust that what you want is already yours. Let love nourish your faith and make it unshakable. Believe that your desire will materialize.

Complete and absolute faith is required. You must unshakably believe that you have already received what you want. You must know that what you want is yours the moment you ask for it. You have sent an order and you have no doubt that you will receive it, so you can relax and enjoy life.

Imagine what you want is already yours. Know that what you want will come to you at your request. Don't worry about him, don't worry. Don't think about how much you miss him. Think of it as yours, yours, already yours.

The moment you ask and believe, when you firmly know within yourself that the desired thing or event is already yours, the whole Universe is changing so that it manifests itself in the reality around you. You must think, speak and act as if you are already receiving it.

Because the universe is a mirror and the law of attraction reflects your dominant thoughts. Therefore, you need to imagine how you are already accepting what you want. After all, if in your thoughts there is a consciousness that you have not yet received your “order”, you will continue to attract non-receipt, absence.

You must believe that you already have what you want, that it is already yours. In order for the Universe to reflect the pictures of your imagination in the form of life events, you need to radiate the frequency of receiving what you want, create such a feeling in yourself.

And when you do this, the law of attraction will powerfully set in motion all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

When you book a vacation trip, a new car or buy a house, you know in advance that these things are yours. You will not book another tour at the same time, you will not buy a second car or house. If you have won the lottery or received a large inheritance, you know that this money is yours even before you take it into your hands. This is what it means to believe that what you want is already yours. This is the feeling of having what you wanted. Believe and feel that whatever you desire is yours.

Then the law of attraction will powerfully set in motion all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

How can you bring yourself to that kind of faith?

With the help of imagination.

Be like a child: fantasize, believe in the imaginary. Act like you already have what you want, and you'll begin to believe you've got it. The genie answers your main thoughts all the time, not just the moment you ask. That is why, after you have asked, you must continue to believe and know. Believe that you already have what you want; unwavering faith is your greatest strength.

Once you manage to believe it, then the magic begins!

You can get what you want if you know how to mold what you want in your own thoughts.

There is no dream that will not become a reality when you learn to use the power of Creation and allow it to work in you.

If a method works for one person, it will work for everyone.

The key to strength lies in using what you have... freely, fully... and thus opening channels through which even more of the power of Creation will flow into you.

Joe Vitale:

The universe will begin to re-arrange itself so that what you want to happen will happen.

Jack Canfield:

Most of us never allow ourselves to want what we really want because we don't know how to get it.

Bob Proctor:

Even a little research will clearly show you that everyone who has achieved something did not know how he would do it. He just knew that he would definitely do it.

Joe Vitale:

You don't need to know how it will happen. You don't need to know how the universe will rearrange itself.

How this will happen, how the Universe will deliver you what you want, is not your concern. Let the Universe itself do everything for you. When you're trying to work out how it's going to happen, you emit a frequency of lack of faith—you don't believe you already have what you want. You think you have to do everything yourself and don't believe that the Universe will do it for you. "How" is not your part of the Creation process.

Bob Proctor:

You don't know how - but they will show you. You will attract the way.

Lisa Nichols:

It happens that we do not see what we asked for and get upset.

We become frustrated and start to doubt. Frustration breeds doubt.

Acknowledge your doubt and replace it with unshakable faith: "I know everything is going the way I want it to."

Step 3: To make a wish come true, you need to accept

The third step and final stage of the process is to accept. Come on this occasion in a wonderful mood. Feel the way you will feel when what you want comes to you. Do it now.

In order for a wish to come true, you need to be in a good mood throughout the entire process, to feel happy, because when you are in a positive mood, you enter the frequency of what you want.

Michael Bernard Beckwith:

Our universe is a universe of feelings. If you only believe with your mind, but do not have the corresponding feelings, you will not have enough strength to realize what you want in life. It must be felt.

First ask, then believe that you have already received what you want, and now you just need to keep a positive attitude. How to do it?

When you are in a good mood, you are in tune with the receiving frequency. You are on a frequency that attracts all that is good, and you are getting what you asked for.

You wouldn't ask for it if you weren't going to enjoy it, would you?

Then tune into the frequency of good mood and accept what you want.

A quick way to tune in to this frequency is to say to yourself, “Now I am accepting. Now I accept all the good things in my life. Now I accept (insert what you want)." And feel it. Feel as if you have already received what you asked for.

My wonderful friend Marcy is one of the greatest materializers I have ever met. She feels everything. She feels what it will be like to accept what she asks for. Marcy materializes everything with her feelings. She does not try to figure out how, when or where she will get what she wants - she just feels it, and everything appears.

So feel great now.

Once you've managed to turn a fantasy into reality, you'll want to build bigger and bigger fantasies. And this, my friends, is the process of Creation.

Gospel of Matthew:

And whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.

Gospel of Mark:

Therefore, I say to you: whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive it, and it will be yours.

Feel the possession of what you want now

The Law of Attraction, its study and application is simply understanding what helps you feel the possession of what you want now.

Ride this car. Go to the store and buy something for your dream home. Try to get into that house. Try to create the feeling that what you want is already yours, and remember this feeling. Everything you do to get closer to what you want will help you literally draw it to you.

When you feel as if you already have it, and your feeling is so real that you believe in having what you want, you will certainly get it.

Maybe you wake up, and what you dreamed about is already there. It showed up. Or you will have a brilliant idea of ​​what you need to do to get it. Of course, you shouldn't think, "Okay, I can do this even though I hate it!" This is a false path.

You may have to take some action, but if you are in alignment with what the Universe is trying to bring you, these actions will be a pleasure. You will feel joyful and animated. Time will stop and you will be able to do business all day long.

Action is a word that for many people means about the same as "work". But inspiring action doesn't feel like work at all. The difference between inspired and ordinary action is this: if you act in an effort to get what you want, it is inspired action.

If you try to make something happen, you move away from it. Inspirational action is effortless and feels great because you are on the receiving frequency.

Imagine life as a fast flowing river.

When you try to make something happen, you are going against the flow. You feel it as hard work, as a struggle. But when you act to get what you want from the universe, you feel like you're being carried along by a river. It doesn't take effort. Such is the feeling of inspired action and being in the flow of the universe and life.

Sometimes you may not even realize that you "acted" until you get what you want because the action is so pleasurable. Then you will look around and see a miracle - and understand how the Universe brought you and what you wanted to each other.

The universe loves speed

In order for a wish to be fulfilled, one must not postpone, do not hesitate, do not doubt. When there is an opportunity, an impulse, an inner feeling - act. It's your job. And that's all you need to do.

Trust your intuition, because the Universe itself inspires you.

The Universe speaks to you on a receiving frequency.

If your inner feeling and intuition tells you something, follow them, and you will find that the Universe, like a magnetic field, draws you to receive what you asked for.

You will attract whatever you need

If you need money, you will attract money. If you need people, you will attract those people. If you need a particular book, you will attract it.

You should remember what you are striving for, pay a lot of attention to it: as long as you keep the images of what you want in your mind, you are attracted to it, and it is attracted to you.

But what you want comes into the physical reality with your help, in accordance with the law.

Remember that you are a magnet, you attract. When you have clarified in your mind what exactly you want, you have become a magnet that attracts what you want. It, in turn, draws you in.

The more you practice The Secret, the better you begin to see how the law of attraction brings you everything you want, and the more powerful the magnet you become, because the power of your faith, conviction and knowledge will grow and strengthen.

Michael Bernard Beckwith:

You can start from an empty place, and out of the void an opportunity will appear, a path will open.

All you need is you and your ability to materialize things from thoughts. Any inventions and creations of human hands began with a thought. From a single thought, a possibility was born that became a reality.

Imagine that you are driving on a night road.

The headlights illuminate only fifty meters ahead of the car. You can drive from California to New York in the dark and all you can see is fifty meters ahead.

In the same way, life opens up before us. If you believe that the next fifty meters will open up to you over and over again, your life will unfold before you like a night road.

And it will lead you to the desired goal, whatever that goal may be.

To make a wish come true, you need to trust the Universe.

Believe and keep the faith.

I had absolutely no idea how to transfer the knowledge of the Secret to the movie screen. I only strove with all the strength of my soul for the final result, which I clearly saw with my inner eye, which I felt with all my power, and everything necessary to create the film came to us, writes Rhonda Byrne.

Take the first step by believing. You don't need to see the whole staircase - just step on the first step.

And if you want to learn more about my experience of visualizing desires, come to