Healthy eating. Strictly prohibited

The problem of oversupply is well known to our members. Unfortunately, the accumulation of excess body weight is accompanied by many officials: health problems, the rhythm of life, a large number of conditions for Swedish food, and so on. Until then, most of us find it difficult to stand up to the composure of eating a luscious piece of cake, greased chicken and other, far from cinnamon-colored hedgehogs. It turns out that at one fine moment you will show an increase of 5, 10, or even 20 kg. And not only does it improve your figure, but it also truly supports people’s health. Impaired speech metabolism leads to the development of hormonal imbalance, cellular diabetes and other serious illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to fight against excess weight not only for the purpose of plumping up your figure, but also for your self-esteem. Moreover, it is necessary for both adults and children to follow the rules of healthy eating. About how to organize it correctly menu for this week , let's say.

Menu for the week - savory and crispy food

For many of us, the popular phrase “healthy food” is associated with a dry diet, supplemented with tasty hedgehogs and all sorts of ingredients. It's not like that at all. Insanely, adhering to the principles of healthy eating, you will find yourself looking at greased chicken, French fries and cowbass sandwiches, which can be replaced with no less appetizing herbs that will benefit a healthy figure.

Dieticians sing that healthy food is based on tasty products and does not have strict restrictions. You can eat what you love, as long as you prepare food properly and control portion sizes. For example, the same chicken and potatoes can be cooked in a slow cooker or boiled with spicy spices, thereby removing the low-calorie savory herb. In addition, it is not good to see yourself as satisfied, eat a piece of dough, a piece of chocolate or a delicious bun. Ale such products are guilty of clogging in your menu for this week no more than twice.

Menu for the week - the basic principles of healthy eating

The first meal of a hedgehog should consist not only of a cup of kava or tea, but also include eggs and cereals. On the right, in the first half of the day, all vitamins and microelements are more quickly absorbed by the body, and the metabolism of speech operates in a stronger mode. Moreover, in the morning you can allow yourself more high-calorie foods, which serve as a source of energy. Until the evening, it’s time to get to grips with the ease of life.

Healthy food is transferred to menu for this week probably 4-5 meals. This way you will improve your speech metabolism, you will be able to control hunger and avoid overeating. Don't mind snacking. 1-2 years after lunch and dinner, you can eat one fruit each.

Drink enough radish per day. Get some pure still water for this. Zhaga is the first signal that indicates the body is getting sick, don’t let yourself get to that point.

If your goal is to reduce your vagina, then practice chewing days. It is enough to “sit” on kefir once a week so that excess water can drain your body.

Yakim maya buti menu for this week healthy food? Let's take a closer look at how to properly formulate a diet for each day of the week in order to provide yourself and your household with delicious cinnamon.

Menu for the week - Monday

End the day with a healthy meal with a bowl of oatmeal porridge. This herb is extremely rich in the coli-intestinal tract, and there are also a lot of brown streams in it. Cook oatmeal in water, adding honey instead. And if you put a banana, an apple, dried fruits in the porridge, then such sweet treats will “repay for hurt cheeks” for children.

For a snack, try some peas or an apple. Before speaking, you can take fruits to school with your children. The stench doesn’t take up much space in the bag, but it will miraculously eliminate hunger.

It’s better to start with the first bite. You can have soup with meat and vegetables. Serve beetroot bread before the soup. On the other hand, it’s best to have a salad with fish.

The afternoon consists of low-fat yogurt or fruit. And for supper, it’s best to prepare a pastry from syru or lean meat. Before going to bed, drink a bottle of kefir. Following the same principle of healthy eating, the menu for all other days will be difficult to create. Ale mi, nevertheless, we encourage you to quickly use your own “cheat sheet”.

Menu for this week - Tuesday

Snack: buckwheat porridge, tea with honey.

Another snack: an orange.

Lunch: soup or a piece of boiled chicken with vegetables.

Midday: low-fat yogurt with berries.

Supper: pasta (from durum wheat) with vegetable sauce.

Menu for this week - Wednesday

Snіdanok: rice porridge.

Dinner: steamed fish with vegetable salad.

Midday: fruit salad.

Dinner: zucchini pancakes with mushroom sauce.

Menu for this week - Thursday

Snіdanok: omelette with two eggs.

Dinner: mushroom soup.

Noon: galetne pechivo.

Dinner: boiled yalovichina with vinaigrette.

Menu for this week - Friday

Snіdanok: wheat porridge with fruit.

Lunch: vegetable soup, baked chicken with vegetables.

Noon: a piece of marshmallow.

Supper: sirn casserole.

Menu for this week - Saturday

Food: porridge or boiled eggs, toast with butter.

Lunch: soup with chicken and vegetables.

Midday: fruit salad with yogurt.

Supper: baked vegetables with hard cheese.

Menu for the week - week

Snіdanok: pancakes with jam.

Dinner: sweet borscht.

Midday: fruit jelly.

Dinner: baked fish with vegetables.

If you want to take control of your special day, then drink only kefir, water, juices and green tea. If you can’t bear it at all, you can treat yourself to fruit.

I have completed another episode for nutritionists: thinking about your menu for a week , ensure the quality of other products and their calorie content. For example, after a big dinner with a lot of herbs, it’s better to skip midday.

Sport, fitness – for many these are no longer just words, but a way of life. These people, no doubt, are aware of how it is advisable to eat during regular (albeit at an amateur level) exercise. However, there is another category - novice athletes. Those who finally made up their minds overcame laziness and joined the gym. This text about proper nutrition when playing sports will probably be more interesting last. Although, perhaps, the “pros” will also emphasize something new for themselves. ›

The healthiest food products are available to everyone; they can be bought in any supermarket and at any time of the year. But this does not mean that only these ten products will now “settle” in your refrigerator. Just don’t forget about them, let them be present in your diet and benefit your body. ›

A significant place in the system of prevention and treatment of the problem is occupied by foods taken in food that lower blood pressure, which have a direct effect on chemical reactions and processes in the body and help keep blood vessels in order. ›

We present to your attention a menu for the week, which can become a kind of transitional step from a regular diet, with an abundance of semi-finished products, store-bought sauces and fried foods, to a proper, balanced diet. Not everyone can change their habits dramatically, so try just a little to change the way you prepare your usual foods and add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your menu. ›

Every day we all eat something, and most people are interested in the beneficial properties of the food they eat. Thus, everyone knows about the benefits of plant foods, but most often they talk about the high content of all kinds of vitamins and nutrients in them and rarely mention such an important element as fiber. Meanwhile, it has already been called one of the components of the recipe for longevity and an excellent means for maintaining good health. ›

For some reason, it is generally accepted that only the rich can afford to eat healthy food, while people with average incomes have to save on their health and choose foods not based on their nutritional value, but on cost. KEDEM.R has undertaken to dispel this myth. We've discovered plenty of healthy products that are still cheap no matter what. ›

The question of the proper diet for school-age children worries all parents who care about the health of their offspring. Pocket money given out for “small expenses” is most often spent on unhealthy goodies, which means you need to not only meticulously study the menu in the school canteen, but also create a diet yourself in which all the needs of a growing body will be fully satisfied. ›

It often happens that the new is the well-forgotten old. At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity turned its attention to spelt (emmer or spelled), one of the first cereals in history, the ancestor of modern wheat, whose history goes back more than 10 thousand years. This wonderful cereal turned out to be almost forgotten, unable to withstand competition with wheat, which is more productive and easier to process. However, when it comes to health benefits, spelt is far superior to all modern wheat varieties. ›

In the sea of ​​information pouring into our poor heads, it is sometimes very difficult to find a grain of truth... One of these controversial topics is cholesterol and the problems associated with its excess levels in the blood. Cholesterol scares irresponsible citizens who are overweight and are not particularly keen to part with it. Some products are either disgraced or rehabilitated... ›

All the talk that over the summer you need to have time to replenish the reserves of vitamins in the body, which will last for a whole year, in this case does not make sense. The body's supply of B vitamins should be replenished daily. In addition, we should not forget that vitamin B is destroyed by alcohol, refined sugars, nicotine and caffeine, so most people are deficient in it, which is why it is so important to know which foods contain vitamin B. ›

Fish and seafood are an important part of a healthy diet. Any modern nutritionist will tell you this. Seafood contains high-quality protein and many essential nutrients. At the same time, fish and seafood contain almost no saturated fat and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. A well-balanced diet that includes two to three fish or seafood dishes reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by at least half. ›

Each of us sooner or later comes to the understanding that food should not only be tasty and satisfying, but also healthy. With a lack of knowledge in this area, there is a danger of immersing yourself in the study of all kinds of nutritional systems, food properties and ingenious recipes, especially since in our information age this is available to everyone. But there is another way, safer and more enjoyable - studying the principles of traditional cuisines. ›

We all think about our diet sooner or later: problems with weight, skin, and health in general force us to open our refrigerator and skeptically examine its contents. We ask ourselves the questions “what to exclude from the diet?” and “how can I start eating right?”, we are looking for our way to a healthy and beautiful body.

Meanwhile, healthy and proper nutrition is not a strict, exhausting diet, not a mockery of the body and not depriving it of its joys, it is just a series of rules, if followed, you can radically change yourself, acquire new useful habits, a beautiful figure and significantly prolong your life.

Our body is a reflection of what we eat

It's no secret that obesity has become a huge problem for modern people - we move less, consume large amounts of fatty foods, high-calorie sauces, and sweets. There are endless temptations everywhere, and manufacturers compete to see who can offer the next super product that no consumer can resist. The result of this race can be observed on the streets of any metropolis - according to statistics, almost every second resident of developed countries is overweight. Obesity, unfortunately, leads to problems not only in aesthetics and self-esteem, but also to serious consequences for the body: the risk of many diseases is directly proportional to the amount of excess weight. Diabetes, problems with the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and reproductive function are only a small part of the possible diseases that arise when the diet is not followed.

The good news is that in recent years, taking care of your body has begun to become fashionable: more and more calls to exercise are being made by the state and public organizations, organic and dietary products are appearing on store shelves, and advice on how to eat healthy is being disseminated in the press. .

The basics of healthy eating, or how to eat healthy

When creating a healthy eating menu, you should remember several general rules: firstly, you need to eat often and in small portions. It’s most convenient to get yourself a small plate that can hold a handful-sized portion. No need to be afraid of hunger! A healthy diet involves 5-6 meals per day. It is also good to accustom yourself to eat at the same time - this will stabilize the functioning of the stomach and will promote weight loss.

The second important rule is to remember about calories. There is no need to scrupulously calculate them throughout your life every time you eat; just watch your diet for a week or two, and the habit of automatically “estimating” the calorie content of food will appear by itself. Everyone has their own calorie intake; you can find it out, for example, by using a special calculator that is easy to find on the Internet. For example, a 30-year-old woman weighing 70 kg with a height of 170 cm and little physical activity needs about 2000 kcal per day. To lose weight, you need to consume 80% of calories from the norm, that is, in our example, about 1600 kcal per day. Additionally, there is no point in cutting down your diet - the body will simply slow down its metabolism, and such a diet does more harm than good.

Rule three - we maintain a balance between “income” and “expenses”, that is, the energy that is spent by the body on basic metabolism, work, sports, and calorie intake. Food includes four main components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and dietary fiber - all of which are necessary for our body. The only question is which of them (fats and carbohydrates are different), in what quantities and proportions to consume. Approximate recommended values ​​are 60 g fat, 75 g protein, 250 g carbohydrates and 30 g fiber. The fourth rule is to drink water. Often we don’t want to eat, our body simply mistakes a lack of fluid for hunger and forces us to eat something that we really don’t need. One and a half or more liters of clean drinking water will help get rid of pseudo-hunger, make the skin more elastic, improve the general condition of the body, and speed up the metabolic process.

And the fifth rule is to choose products wisely. Read labels, composition and calorie content of products, exclude fast food, mayonnaise sauces, products with chemical additives, preservatives, and dyes from your diet. You must know what you eat, and then the path to beauty and health will become quick and enjoyable.

Healthy food

We will try to answer the age-old question “what to eat to lose weight?” The main thing when creating a menu for a healthy diet is maintaining a balance between expenses and consumed products.

So, you definitely need to include in your healthy diet every day:

  • cereals, in the form of porridges and muesli, rich in slow carbohydrates, which will provide our body with energy;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots) provide the body with dietary fiber - cellulose;
  • legumes are a rich source of vegetable protein, especially necessary for those who rarely or do not eat meat;
  • nuts, especially walnuts and almonds, have a beneficial effect on the entire body and are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, microelements;
  • fermented milk products: natural yoghurts (without added sugar), kefir, low-fat cottage cheese provide calcium and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • saltwater fish contains protein and essential omega-3 fatty acids;
  • fruits and berries are a storehouse of vitamins, heal the skin and protect the body from diseases;
  • lean meat - chicken breast, rabbit, beef - a source of protein.

Healthy products should not contain preservatives, artificial colors, or palm oil. It is better to limit pickles - you can treat yourself to them from time to time, but you should not get carried away.

If you have a problem with excess weight, then you should give up sugar altogether, even if you have a sweet tooth and cannot live without a cup of sweet coffee in the morning - sweeteners will solve this problem. Don't be afraid of them; high-quality natural-based substitutes are harmless, contain virtually no calories and taste good.

Strictly prohibited!

We've decided on healthy foods, let's look at the list of foods that are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition:

  • Sweet carbonated drinks. They do not quench thirst, irritate the gastric mucosa, and, as a rule, contain a monstrous amount of sugar - about 20 g in each glass, artificial colors and flavors, and preservatives.
  • Deep fried food. French fries, chips, crackers and anything that is fried in large amounts of oil should be eliminated from the diet. Carcinogens, lack of nutrients and fat are not what a healthy body needs.
  • Burgers, hot dogs. All such dishes contain a mixture of white bread, fatty sauces, meat of unknown origin, appetite-stimulating seasonings and a large amount of salt. What do we get as a result? A real calorie “bomb” that instantly turns into folds on the body and does not carry any nutritional value.
  • Mayonnaise and similar sauces. Firstly, they completely hide the natural taste of food under spices and additives, forcing you to eat more, and secondly, almost all mayonnaise sauces from the store are almost pure fat, generously seasoned with preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and other harmful substances.
  • Sausages, frankfurters and semi-finished meat products. There is hardly any need for any explanation at this point - just read the product label. And this is only official data! Remember that under the “pork, beef” items in the composition, skin, cartilage, and fat are most often hidden, which you would hardly eat if they were not so skillfully processed and beautifully packaged.
  • Energetic drinks. They contain a heavy dose of caffeine combined with sugar and high acidity, plus preservatives, dyes and many other components that should be avoided.
  • Instant lunches. Noodles, mashed potatoes and similar mixtures, which just need to be poured with boiling water, contain large amounts of carbohydrates, salt, spices, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives instead of nutrients.
  • Floury and sweet. Yes, yes, our favorite sweets are one of the most dangerous foods. The problem is not only the high calorie content: the combination of flour, sweet and fatty foods multiplies the harm several times and instantly affects the figure.
  • Packaged juices. Vitamins and other beneficial substances almost completely disappear during processing. What benefit can there be from a concentrate diluted with water and flavored with a fair amount of sugar?
  • Alcohol. Enough has already been said about its harm to the body, we will only note once again that alcohol contains calories, increases appetite, interferes with the absorption of nutrients, and if the minimum doses are not observed, it slowly destroys the body, because ethanol is a cellular poison.

The transition to a balanced healthy diet will not be a burden if you follow simple recommendations.

First of all, don't starve yourself. If you feel discomfort, eat an apple, some nuts, dried fruits or muesli.

Secondly, drink a lot and choose healthy drinks. Chicory is good for weight loss - it suppresses hunger due to the large amount of fiber in its composition and has a beneficial effect on the body. Green tea is also beneficial, especially with ginger.

Diversify your diet! The more different healthy foods you consume, the more your body receives various microelements, vitamins, and amino acids.

If you really want something forbidden, eat it for breakfast. Of course, it’s better to give up unhealthy foods altogether, but at first it helps to think that sometimes you can still pamper yourself.

The fewer unnatural ingredients in food, the better. If you want to eat healthy foods, it’s better to choose a piece of meat instead of sausage, fresh vegetables instead of canned ones, muesli instead of buns.

Creating a “Healthy Eating” Menu

How to start eating right? First of all, you need to find out how many calories your body needs. Let's say it's 2000 kcal daily. In order to lose weight, you need to consume 1600 kcal per day, distributing it over 5-6 meals.

So, let's create a healthy food menu for every day:

Breakfast. Should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins, it can include:

  • oatmeal, muesli or grain bread;
  • kefir, unsweetened yogurt or a piece of cheese.

Second meal– light snack between breakfast and lunch:

  • any fruit weighing approximately 100-200 grams, or some nuts, dried fruits;
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.

Dinner should be the largest meal of the day:

  • 100 grams of buckwheat or brown rice, pasta made from durum flour. You can add carrots, onions, peppers to the dish;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • A salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with yogurt, a small amount of soy sauce or flaxseed oil.

Afternoon snack, between lunch and dinner - another light meal:

  • A small piece of fruit or a glass of freshly squeezed juice, preferably from vegetables.

Dinner– light and tasty:

  • 100-200 grams of lean beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, fish or legumes;
  • Salad made from cabbage, carrots and other fiber-rich vegetables.

And finally, a couple of hours before bed:

  • A glass of kefir, chicory or drinking unsweetened yogurt.

Throughout the day, you can drink unlimited quantities of water, green tea and chicory drinks with natural extracts of rosehip, ginger or ginseng.

Serving sizes are indicated approximately and will depend on individual parameters - daily calorie intake, rate of weight loss and other individual factors. In any case, it is better to consult a nutritionist.

There is so much talk and writing about healthy and balanced meals these days that people no longer want to think about it, and most of us give up when they smell something similar. It is understandable that there is a wealth of information, and besides, there is a whole lot of knowledge - even on one topic, but very early on it starts to be very painful, because you have the patience of an angel - and we, apparently, are not angels - people.

For example, what are mono-diets? Just try to eat healthy, lose weight, recover from illness, and become more beautiful - with a tan, in order to have a rich look, but in reality it will most often turn out that it becomes even worse, even worse.

Let's take an apple. The stench is even brown, full of words that are completely unnecessary for us, but if you try to eat only them all day long, you won’t want to be amazed at them, and during this time you will confuse your mouth and intestines, so you will be more nervous, but Let it ring.

Vershkov oil is highly respected. Stop eating it and make sandwiches with algae butter: you may be fine for the first time, but soon you realize that what you feel is “not the same”, and irritation cannot help but manifest itself, as in the case of apple juice. here.

The Basics of Healthy Eating

And why is everything so complicated? Because we need all the products that exist in nature, and not just any other - the axis of this is called a balanced diet, although this word - because of the frequent living to the point and not to the place - has also become a Tuvati is rich in people.

It’s easy to guess what You can only use products that are effectively created by nature: nature does not have canned food, cowbass, prepared drinks, ketchup, mayonnaise, chips, dough, soda water and many other words that our grub industry calls grub products. Alcohol, by the way, does not exist in nature - in the way people live it, although natural wine has more rights to be called a product than dry foods or canned goods, it’s unclear why they are prepared, then packaged in beautiful and jars and boxes.

Healthy food products: fat

So from, From food products we both need fats: vegetable oils and cooked fats, which are found in the tissues of meat and poultry, fish and sea lumps, as well as milk fats, which are added to top butter. Neither margarines nor butter sums are called fats - these are their substitutes, which, with regular use, bring harm to health, and not measles at all.

There is no need to eat fats: for example, add 30 g of top oil per serving, and 2-3 tbsp of almond oil. Fats can also be removed from fish, meat, cheese, sour cream, and tops; in fact, vegetable products contain fat, so with the right approach, there will be no fat in them.

Healthy food products: proteins

The most important component of our diet is proteins: they contain those words, without which we simply could not live and function - for example, amino acids, which the body cannot produce itself. Proteins are found in cooked products - eggs, meat, fish, milk and vegetables, and there is also a stench in vegetables: it is clear that legumes, peas, many grains and vegetable mixtures contain protein, and for It has better, lower protein z yalovichini or lamb.

Healthy food products: carbohydrates

When talking about carbohydrates, the most common thing to think about is zucchini, but to be honest, it is unhealthy and dangerous, and it threatens with caries, diabetes, obesity, etc. etc. So is it possible to do without tsukru? It is possible, if you want a lot of ingredients, to strengthen what is missing: natural carbohydrates - including zucchini - abundant in honey, fruits, berries, vegetables; There is stench in cereals, potatoes, milk, these same legumes, and other vegetables - without carbohydrates you won’t get rid of them.


Axle with folded cellulose: in processed and refined products, as we called them, they are simply not enough, so the healthiest foods can include salads from raw vegetables and fruits, greens and whole grain bread, dried vegetables and cinnamon Evy Fig. There is cellulite in other grains, legumes, nuts, peas, and in pasta made from durum wheat, but there is not much of it. Cooked products do not contain any cellulose.

So it is necessary to clearly understand ready-made schemes in order to create a healthy diet of food for yourself - it is difficult to create it yourself, since you should take it seriously, and not just stupidly (unfortunately, this is often the case) to follow the recommendations of the government vtsіv, and then call in your problems .

Adherents of separate meals, to the point of speaking, say that it is impossible to call a healthy diet in which unhealthy products are mixed. It’s not all good with them - you don’t even want to imagine yourself in love with passions, but evidence shows that it works that way. Of course, one should not reach the point of fanaticism - for example, sitting at a party, eagerly marvel at the potatoes and meat, or you can eat eggs from the cheese salad: healthy food is on the right voluntary, and here no one is bothered by anyone.

Healthy food menu for 2 days

And still, for a healthy food menu for a couple of days, bring it up Moreover, if you customize those menus that are familiar to most fakivts, it still happens that they often contain nonsensical food products.

Yes, on the menu Monday
The food is served with cheese and rodzinki and green tea - which is good, but the main part of the meal is still “wrong”: lean boiled meat with rice and tomato, and also black bread. Everything here is absurd: although rice with tomato, you can still have your own doses voliti - stretched, or axis "meat with tomato, rice with meat and bread - this is the same, since all these products require exactly one type of one. Replace the tomato with cucumber, and instead of rice, prepare stewed cabbage; or "I'll take it away , and cook rice with top oil; The bread is baked, like rice. Evening: pasta with a lot of durum wheat is normal, but you don’t need to eat tomato sauce - it’s better to eat tomatoes from now on. Add a little syrah, chasnik, a little peas and olive oil - it will be tastier and the food will digest better.

And drink low-fat kefir not immediately after the evening, but at night; Or eat an apple.

Baked fish with mushrooms should be washed down with juice - this is not required. In principle, you can eat all this if you want to eat fish for lunch or dinner, or drink juice for the first time, and then eat something else every other day.
Dinner - boiled meat with pasta. Well, cook it yourself, what’s this for dinner? Prepare a tasty vegetable salad before the meat, or stewed vegetables - without potatoes; The best option would be broccoli or green kale. It is recommended to drink herbal tea in the drink - just as long as you don’t need to drink it right away. There is no need to drink your food, but it greatly affects the poisoning: after rinsing your mouth with clean water, you can drink a few drinks, but no more, then drink at least 30 drinks, and then drink it.
Evening: rice with cheese is completely normal, just add some to the salad, and you can also add natural yoghurt.

Principles of healthy eating

In general, a reasonable approach: there is no need to mix unhealthy products, that’s all. Eat proteins and carbohydrates together, do not mix fats and proteins with proteins; Do not eat protein products with acidic fruits or vegetables - although there is a difference here: tomatoes and meat are not cooked well, but cheese and tomatoes are entirely possible. Do not mix acids with carbohydrates and carbohydrates one after the other; cream like mustache; milk or drink alcohol, or don’t drink at all.

Initially, there is nothing complicated, but most people are overwhelmed: what then? Opponents of separate meals like to criticize him, emphasizing the fact that in nature everything is missing in its pure appearance proteins, carbohydrates, and everything is mixed in all products. However, if you think about it, there is definitely no need to worry about this: since it is mixed in products by nature itself, there are no problems - for example, legumes have carbohydrates, fats, and a lot of protein, and potatoes have proteins and richly in carbohydrates.

And now a small butt - how you can prepare a delicious meat soup, and may not violate the rules of healthy and separate eating. Put green sochevitsa to cook together with finely chopped chicken meat without skin, after ten hours add simmered in melted butter.

The desire to improve the quality of life is a normal desire of a reasonable person. The first thing to start with is a healthy diet based on proper distribution of calories, taking into account the compatibility and environmental safety of products.

What is proper nutrition

The goal of proper nutrition is to:

  • supply the human body with enough nutrients so that all life systems work normally, the person remains cheerful and active;

Attention! Any strict restrictions (including fasting) lead to stress. You can have a fasting day once a week, but under no circumstances exhaust yourself with hunger.

  • the daily menu brought gastronomic joy and a feeling of fullness;
  • energy balance was maintained (the correct ratio of calories consumed and consumed is necessary - depending on whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or leave the weight parameter unchanged);
  • slow down the aging process at the cellular level (healthy nutrition differs from “ordinary” in that benign and natural products become a priority - with a complete rejection of various synthetic substitutes);
  • correct some diseases (for example, eliminating sugar against diabetes, avoiding marinades and smoked foods against gastritis, a diet rich in calcium to strengthen bones, etc.).

Basic principles of healthy eating

There are general principles underlying proper nutrition, regardless of a person’s age, gender and type of activity. Each of these principles contributes to the final positive result.

Meal frequency

Make a menu for the week in such a way that the body receives food daily in fractional parts, at least 3 times a day. The 5-day option is considered optimal;

Attention! With frequent intake of food into the stomach, digestion is adjusted to a gentle regime - the organs work without stress, easily coping with each successive portion of material.


Let all your menu items be sold on the clock - at approximately the same time every day. And so on all week. This approach adjusts the stomach to timely release digestive enzymes in the right quantities.


Avoid overeating, but at the same time, do not starve yourself for the sake of “greater goals.” Think over your diet so that you never feel hungry. It is a well-known fact that fasting people often begin to gain weight quickly after their weight loss diet ends;

Attention! The body, hungry for food, is in a state of stress, so it automatically adjusts to creating energy (and therefore fat) reserves.


There should be harmony in everything. Plan your fat, protein, carbohydrate, water and salt intake throughout the week in advance. Don’t try to “fulfill the plan” in terms of how much you eat. Emphasis on uniformity and reasonable protein/fat/carbohydrate ratios (BJU).

Also, always be mindful of calories. It is not visible from the outside, but each product, when included in the diet, supplies a certain amount of calories. Their excess will lead to an increase in fat reserves. Deficiency leads to depletion of the body.

Attention! People who are actively involved in sports or undergo a lot of physical activity should not underestimate their daily calorie intake.

According to scientists, the daily calorie requirement is:

Only the most useful

A healthy diet should include only good quality foods. Excessive heat treatment is also undesirable. The closer the structure remains to the original, the better.

Write down a set of basic rules in a visible place:

  • reduce the amount of fried, smoked, pickled foods;
  • preference - stewed and boiled food, as well as steamed;
  • Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible every week, and if possible raw. After heat treatment, fruits and vegetables lose the lion's share of nutrients.

Attention! The benefits of plant fiber are unprecedented as a natural intestinal cleanser. The body gets rid of toxins and carcinogens, which in today's environment cannot be avoided.

How to create a healthy menu for the week

Start planning your menu for the week in advance. You probably have your favorite dishes, but try not to repeat the same dish more than once every 3 days. Invent new recipes to achieve variety.

To begin, select any example from the list of recommended dishes for one day and count the calories. After that, go further, write down your diet for the whole week (then for a month). Here are some indicative meals to get you started with your planning.


Take any example from the list or modify it:

  • buckwheat, millet, rice, oat, wheat, barley porridge - prepare the dish with low-fat milk or water, season with vegetable oils;
  • a handful of nuts (various varieties, both individually and in the form of mixtures);
  • steamed dried fruits (no more than ½ standard bowl at a time);
  • curdled milk, kefir, whey with berry juice - 1 glass;
  • whole grain bread (110-135 g per meal);
  • low-fat cheese 3-4 slices;
  • a slice of lightly salted fish;
  • vegetable salad with fresh herbs;
  • fruit salad;
  • cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • omelet from 3 chicken or 5 quail eggs.

Attention! The diet should include items that correspond to the table of caloric content and ratio of BZHU.

Healthy eating for lunches

  • fresh fruit - apple, pear, a couple of kiwis, citrus fruits (orange, tangerines, ½ pomelo), banana;
  • dark chocolate - no more than 25 g;
  • kefir or yogurt - 1 glass;

Attention! Add a spoonful of pureed fresh berries, homemade jam or honey to kefir or yogurt. This will add sweetness and diversify the range of dishes.

Lunch on your menu

Your diet will be quite varied if the following dishes appear on the lunch menu:

  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • low-fat cheese for dressing pasta;
  • vegetarian pizza;
  • vegetable cream soups (tomato, onion, vegetable), seasoned with rye bread croutons;
  • lean meats (chicken breast, turkey fillet, veal, lean beef);
  • stewed vegetables (cauliflower and cabbage, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, celery, beets);
  • soy meat goulash with the addition of low-fat sour cream and flour for gravy;
  • fish boiled or baked in the oven;
  • low-fat lasagna (for example, mushroom, vegetable or mixed);
  • vegetable soup with lean meat (shurpa);
  • legumes stewed in water (lentils, beans, peas);
  • fresh vegetable salads;
  • boiled seafood (squid, shrimp).


Try to plan 5 meals a day throughout the week. The afternoon snack takes on part of the load from the upcoming dinner, thereby unloading the body and reducing the load on the digestive tract.

Interesting options:

  • natural juice from vegetables, fruits or berries - 1 glass;
  • a handful of steamed dried fruits;
  • cottage cheese with jam;
  • sweet yogurt;
  • buckwheat, rye or rice bread 2-3 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with fresh chopped herbs;
  • some fruits (grapes, plums, apricots, peaches);
  • unroasted nuts.


It is advisable that the evening menu contain as little animal protein as possible. Preference for dishes such as:

  • cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes;
  • vegetable casseroles with low-fat cheese in the oven;
  • vegetable salads, possibly with the addition of seafood;
  • a little boiled chicken white meat or a piece of steamed fish;
  • light omelette of 2 chicken eggs with vegetables;
  • chopped fresh herbs;
  • olives, olives;
  • boiled or steamed brown rice;
  • pancakes made from vegetables, sometimes with mushrooms;
  • kefir, yogurt - 1 glass;
    a couple of slices of black bread.

Menu for one week for a girl

Here is a good example of a balanced diet for a week for girls and young women. This category is most concerned about their diet, since it most directly affects their appearance.

It is the girls who are concerned about cellulite (it doesn’t threaten girls yet, it doesn’t bother older women anymore, and it doesn’t concern men at all). What should you eat all week in order to maintain both internal health and external beauty?

Attention! Cellulite occurs due to lipid metabolism disorders. Eat as little animal fat as possible. Against this background, drink 1.8-2.5 liters of clean water per day.


  • cocoa with sugar and milk - 1 glass;
  • unsweetened cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole;
  • dried fruits - 1 handful.


  • fresh berries (150-200 g) - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, etc. at your discretion;
  • whipped cream 100 g;
  • black tea with honey - 1 glass.
  • seafood soup with vegetables;
  • boiled brown rice;
  • a piece of fish, steamed or baked in foil;
  • sweet corn 2-4 tbsp. l.;
  • you can drink ½ glass of dry wine.
  • oatmeal cookies or light biscuit with added bran;
  • fruit juice (oranges, tangerines, kiwi, pineapple, etc.).
  • vegetable salad;
  • a piece of dietary meat cooked on the grill or in the oven (rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • tea from currant leaves with honey.


  • milk porridge - millet or rice;
  • Cup of coffee;
  • bran bread;
  • 2-4 slices of low-fat cheese.


  • citrus juice;
  • crackers or large grain cookies;
  • sweet cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • thick borscht with meat broth;
  • sour cream for dressing 1 tsp. or tbsp. spoon;
  • potatoes stewed with meat;
  • vegetable mixture (green peas with onions or olives with bell pepper);
  • Rye bread;
  • a glass of any tea.
  • dried fruits with nuts;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk (can be without sugar, as dried fruits will provide enough sweetness).
  • light meat salad (vegetables, some boiled white chicken, chopped herbs);
  • green tea with honey.


  • coffee or tea - 1 glass;
  • fruit and cottage cheese casserole;
  • buckwheat bread with jam.


  • dried fruits;
  • sweet curd.
  • canned stewed meat;
  • side dish of vegetables or legumes;
  • green salad;
  • Rye bread;
  • tea or fruit juice.
  • tomato juice;
  • 1-2 crispy slices;
  • 3-4 slices of cheese.
  • a piece of steamed fish;
  • stewed cauliflower and cabbage with tomatoes;
  • brown or red rice;
  • lemon balm tea with oregano.


  • boiled buckwheat with mushrooms;
  • cheese 3-4 slices;
  • tea with milk;
  • crackers.


  • yogurt with fat content no higher than 6-11%;
  • fresh fruits (banana, pear or apple, kiwi or grapes);
  • green tea.
  • Rye bread;
  • vegetable stew (green beans, beets, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, green peas, bell peppers, cabbage);
  • a piece of turkey baked in foil;
  • cocoa with low-fat milk and honey.
  • berry compote;
  • light biscuit or oatmeal cookies.
  • low-fat cottage cheese with herbs;
  • a glass of cocoa or tea;
  • a handful of dried fruits.


  • oatmeal with milk;
  • fruit salad (banana, apple, nuts, tangerine, kiwi);
  • Cup of coffee;
  • a handful of nuts.


  • 20 g dark chocolate;
  • green tea;
  • yogurt.
  • pea soup with chicken giblets;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • chicken or rabbit cutlet;
  • greens, any vegetable salad;
  • tomato juice.
  • cheese 2-3 slices;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • crispy crackers 2-3 pcs.
  • Steamed fish;
  • vegetable stew;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • black bread.


  • omelette with mushrooms;
  • bran or black bread;
  • fresh sliced ​​vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers);
  • cocoa with milk or coffee with honey.


  • sweet curd;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt.
  • fish soup;
  • boiled brown or red rice;
  • fresh vegetable salad;
  • biscuit or marshmallow (1 pc.);
  • fresh fruit juice;
  • oatmeal cookies 2-3 pcs.
  • steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, etc.);
  • boiled pasta made from durum flour;
  • a piece of lean meat or light steamed fish;
  • green tea.


  • oatmeal, millet or barley groats, boiled in low-fat milk;
  • fresh berries;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • Cup of coffee.


  • dark chocolate 20-25 g;
  • crispy slices 2 pcs.;
  • uncooked coarse bun;
  • fruit juice.
  • chicken soup;
  • vegetables stewed with garlic;
  • hard cheese 2-3 slices;
  • tomato juice.
  • a handful of nuts;
  • fruit salad;
  • whipped cream with jam or berry syrup;
  • stewed fish;
  • fresh vegetables in the form of salad or sliced;
  • brown rice or pasta made from coarse flour;
  • herbal tea (mint, oregano, thyme).

No matter how carefully your menu is, remember about additional measures to improve your health: good sleep, physical activity, positive thinking. As for the nutrition system, you need to monitor its effectiveness, monitor weight and other vital indicators. If you feel better, then you are moving in the right direction.

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