Everything for breakfast in bed. Breakfast for your beloved - to help men Romantic breakfast for your beloved at home

Most of us consider eating in bed bad manners. It’s strange to eat, having just opened your eyes, without having done your morning toilet and without getting dressed for the table. And almost the same majority, in the depths of their souls, cherishes the thought of the day when a loved one will wake you up with a smile, bring coffee to the bedroom and surprise you with a beautifully served tray with a delicious breakfast, designed to create a special mood of love and magic from the very morning.

10 secrets to a successful breakfast in bed

Of course, below are not all the subtleties that need to be taken into account when planning to please your loved one with a new romantic touch in your relationship. However, do you need to start somewhere? Read carefully, memorize, remember - by taking these recommendations into account, you can surprise, amaze, and give a sea of ​​delight and smiles. But this is exactly what is required, right? Of course, you also need to eat in the morning, but in the format of coffee and treats served in bed, the main thing is not the food, but what can be expressed with it.

1. It’s better to think about the breakfast concept in the evening. Impromptu, of course, is a wonderful thing, but in this case it is unjustified: a morning meal in bed must be stylish, neat, beautifully presented, and hastily chopped salad and “naked” toast bread, cut in a factory, will not produce the expected effect.

2. The heirs spend the night with their grandmother. Coffee spilled by playful children's hands on your favorite blanket is not the picture you want to see in the morning.

3. You need to get up to prepare breakfast in bed not at your usual time, but at least half an hour earlier - there is nothing sadder than picking up a tray of food and, turning to go to the bedroom, finding the one on the threshold of the kitchen who is the surprise intended for?

4. A cute postcard, a simple note, a piece of paper with a couple of warm words - don’t neglect the details, they, like pieces of a puzzle, add up to the overall picture of romance, comfort, warmth.

5. A breakfast table is not just a nice interior detail. It's convenient, practical and very useful (do you know how great it is to use it as a laptop stand? Try it sometime!). Eating a sandwich while constantly holding a cup of coffee in your hand is, of course, possible, but difficult, and this is not the same calico - breakfast in bed should bring bliss and relaxation, not tension and incredible effort.

6. However, the breakfast table in the bed is successfully replaced with a tray or - oh, horror for aesthetes! - a large cutting board covered with a beautiful napkin. The main thing is imagination and a little creative initiative.

7. A lot is not necessary. Smaller is better, but stylish, elegant and from the heart. You should not fill the tray with numerous plates of snacks, saucers with all kinds of sweets and bowls of jam. Focus on the main idea and develop it. Sometimes it’s enough to serve in an original way a couple of donuts that your husband or wife adores, complement them with a cup of cocoa - and an incredible in its brevity, beautiful, tasty, the most delicious of all possible breakfasts is ready.

8. Pleasant little things that you don’t enjoy every day should be included in the menu for breakfast brought to bed. A piece of mother-of-pearl brie with a velvet crust, a bunch of sweet grapes out of season, a small bowl with nuts and dried fruits - such details create the mood and are most memorable, although they are not the central figures in the overall game.

9. Draw and create. Hearts are more appropriate than ever, flowers won’t look ridiculous, even banal “polka dots” will decorate food better than any store-bought decor.

10. Flowers – a definite “yes!” This is almost the main violin in the entire romantic ensemble; without it, breakfast will not sound with powerful chords of love and joy, tenderness and care. Of course, it’s better if you manage to choose a bouquet that matches the overall color of the food (orange gerberas, a sunny linen napkin, fresh carrots and a salad of lettuce, celery and yellow tomatoes - the picture is incredible, you must agree!, incredible and affordable at the same time), but also a couple touching dandelions or a naive willow twig will also fit well into the overall picture. It's winter and the dandelions aren't blooming? It's cold and the trees have lost all their leaves? Is it raining, and you don’t really want to go out into the yard in search of snowdrops? Take a potted cactus, decorate it with heart-shaped flowers cut out of napkins and place it next to the cups and plates. It will be what you need!

There are a lot of ideas for a breakfast in bed menu. Hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs, served with a few lettuce leaves and decorated with bright balls of caviar are tasty and satisfying. Favorite sausages, lightly fried and layered with a romantic heart, complemented by fresh vegetables and herbs - thoroughly and confidently. Crispy toast accompanied by a row of jars of various sauces, jams, preserves and chocolate and nut spreads is fun and cozy. Thin pancakes lined with flowers and decorated with fresh berries and fruits are colorful and original.

However, if none of the standard options excites you, try something new.

Quick muffins for breakfast in bed

Yep, cupcakes. And really fast. Don’t be alarmed, everything is as simple as two: mix, pour into cups and bake. More precisely, I didn’t even bake it, but simply put everything in the microwave: three minutes - and a fragrant romantic breakfast is ready. Brew coffee quickly and go wake up your loved one before the smell of fresh baked goods does it for you.

Ingredients for 2 cupcakes:

  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar.

In a small bowl, grind sugar and egg, add milk and butter. If you have time and want more refined baked goods, replace vegetable oil with melted and cooled butter - the difference will not be very noticeable, but still noticeable, the taste will subtly change for the better.

Stir, add flour, cocoa and vanilla sugar. Lastly, add the baking powder. The dough will not be very thick - about the consistency of sour cream.
Divide it in half and put it in cups (when choosing the right one, keep in mind that the cupcakes will rise well, and you will serve them in the same container in which you baked them).

Place in the microwave for 3 minutes, power 600–800 W.

When serving, you can decorate the cupcakes with candied flowers, make a frosting from lemon juice and powdered sugar, or use it to draw hearts through a stencil.

Green frittata

Well, no, save words like “omelet” and “scrambled eggs” for weekdays. Today's breakfast is a romantic and solemn event, so let's allow ourselves a certain amount of eloquence. Let there be a frittata! And not just any parsley or dill, but a joyful green frittata!


  • 3 eggs;
  • a large bunch of parsley;
  • a large bunch of dill;
  • a large bunch of spinach;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to taste.

Wash all the greens and dry them well. Remove the stems and cut into small strips. Mix in a large bowl and, adding salt, lightly press with your hands.
Beat the eggs separately - not until they foam or change color, but just to achieve a homogeneous structure.
Combine the prepared egg mass with the herbs, mix well and place in a heated frying pan with oil. Fry over medium heat until the eggs are ready, serve with a spoonful of sour cream or cream cheese.
To give the dish a special romantic touch, you can fry the frittata in serving rings - heart-shaped fried eggs will look especially touching and cute.

Bright berry smoothie

In addition to the basic recipe, so be it, I’ll give you a luxurious idea. Smoothies are drinks that are quite thick and hold volume well. Prepare two different, contrasting colored smoothies and serve them in one glass, alternating layers - it will look amazing! Pink strawberries look great with purple currants, green kiwi goes great with creamy banana, and red raspberries sound wonderful with light green mint. By the way, don’t neglect spinach, parsley, cucumber - many unsweetened foods go well with sweet berries and fruits, you just don’t know about it yet.


  • 1 glass of berries;
  • 100 ml unsweetened yoghurt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey

Place all of these ingredients in a blender bowl, mix for at least 2 minutes, then pour into glasses and serve immediately.
The smoothie can be decorated with fresh berries, a sprig of mint, sprinkled with cinnamon or ground nuts.

Cocktail “Good morning!”

What could be more appropriate on the table in the morning than a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice? It is good in itself, its aroma charges with vivacity and energy, however, today something more interesting is needed. How about a cocktail based on citrus juice?


  • 150 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 2 tsp. honey;
  • 50 ml cold low-fat cream.

Place all ingredients in a shaker, stir well and pour into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with a cute cocktail cherry, a subtle orange slice, or a heart cut out of a citrus peel.

Striped curd dessert

Preparing breakfast should not require much time and effort: nevertheless, food is needed almost immediately after waking up, and not three hours after the yeast dough has risen. Following this principle, you need to choose something that is quick and easy to prepare, but looks impressive and luxurious. For example, a dessert made from cottage cheese and cherries is bright, beautiful, and healthy.

Ingredients for the curd layer:

  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml heavy cream;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • vanilla.

Ingredients for the cherry layer:

  • 300 g pitted cherries
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/3 glass of water.

Place cottage cheese, cream, vanilla and sugar in a blender bowl and mix into a fluffy, homogeneous mass. The cream will give volume - you will get a rather fluffy paste.
Place the cherries in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of water and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, mix sugar with starch, add the rest of the water, and introduce the resulting mixture into the boiling cherries in a thin stream. After a minute, turn off the heat.
Transfer the cherries to another bowl and wait for them to cool.
Place the curd mixture into glasses in layers, alternating it with the cherry mixture. Serve by decorating the glass with a bright red ribbon, patterns of melted white chocolate, or a homemade heart flag with the most sincere wishes written on it.

Quick hot sandwiches

Many people are used to having sandwiches for breakfast. Whether this is good or bad is a topic for another article, today let’s think about how to serve ordinary food in an unusual way, how to turn a banal sandwich into a festive dish. The first thought that comes to mind is, of course, sausage and cheese applications. Logical and predictable. What if you replace today's sandwich with its hot counterpart? A slice of stretchy melted cheese, underneath is a piece of hot ham, then a crispy base of your favorite bread. Amazing!


  • bread;
  • ham;
  • tomatoes;
  • greenery;
  • butter.

Lightly dry the sliced ​​bread (and it would be nice to remove the crusts) in a clean frying pan (got a toaster? life becomes easier). Lightly grease each piece of bread with butter, place a couple of slices of tomatoes on top, and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. Cover with ham and cheese. Place in the microwave for a minute until the cheese melts. Serve immediately, garnished with a sprig of parsley, a salami “rose” or a tomato heart.

Well, and perhaps the most important advice for today. The first priority is to make the other person feel the extraordinaryness of the moment. If you bring breakfast to bed every morning, this is just the first meal, albeit in a somewhat non-standard form, however, if the idea of ​​​​such a feast is a way to combat routine, you should make sure that the atmosphere is special - thin, lacy, airy. Not food, you know? And the atmosphere. Mood. Thoughts. Desires. Dreams.

And please, no sudden movements, intense monitoring of crumbs, or worries about stains on the pillows. Let it be fun, funny and natural. A vacuum cleaner can handle crumbs, Vanish can remove stains, and the spoiled mood from a failed attempt to create something special is very difficult to remove.

Have a good morning and a delicious breakfast in bed!

The frantic pace of life, unfortunately, does not always leave us time to arrange a surprise or bring each other little joys. But to express feelings you need nothing at all - to prepare breakfast in bed with your own hands. It doesn’t matter whether you are at the stage of the candy-bouquet period or have celebrated your silver wedding anniversary - everyone will be happy with such a gesture of attention. You don’t need a reason to prepare such a surprise: choose a weekend morning or another day when your loved one is in no hurry, and start cooking. And we will give you many recipes and ideas for a romantic morning meal.

3 important rules

When it comes to surprising your significant other, a candlelit dinner or a romantic date in a restaurant always comes to mind. However, do not forget about an equally wonderful gesture of love and care for a guy or girl - breakfast in bed. So, let's get to the tips.

  1. While cooking, you need to not only wake up before your loved one, but also try not to make noise. If your significant other wakes up during the cooking process, most likely the surprise will be ruined.
  2. An indispensable attribute for a morning meal in bed is a table. If you don’t have this in your home, you can use a tray or, in extreme cases, a board, covering it with a beautiful napkin.
  3. Don't know how to cook? No problem! Go to the nearest store (or better yet, a bakery) and buy freshly baked buns or croissants. It will be perfect in combination with jam, preserves, butter or chocolate spread.

Photos of breakfast in bed: 5 original ideas

1. For a healthy lifestyle follower.

Such an idea in itself will touch any person. But those who closely monitor their diet and the amount of calories consumed will not always appreciate your work. For example, PP adherents will definitely not be happy with scrambled eggs and fried bacon. But they definitely won’t refuse oatmeal with pieces of fruit, freshly squeezed juice, berries and a light salad.

2. For aesthetes.

It is not easy to please this category of people: they are very attentive to every little detail. The rich menu of the morning meal will not impress them as much as the competent serving. Place beautiful napkins on the table, cut equal slices of cheese, be sure to serve the boiled egg in a poacher and don’t forget to leave a small card with good morning wishes.

3. For romantics.

Compared to aesthetes, these natures are not too demanding when it comes to serving breakfast in bed. They will be equally delighted by both banal toast with jam and blueberry cupcakes - the fact of your attention gives them pleasure. But the presence of flowers is a must. It doesn’t matter what kind of plant it is - a bouquet of daisies, a willow twig or a rose bud.

4. For an aristocrat.

Those who like a long morning meal with studying the news feed over a cup of aromatic coffee need to set the table without creative ideas. There should be nothing extra on the tray: a crispy croissant, a glass of freshly squeezed juice, a few lumps of sugar, a creamer and an egg Benedict. Oh yes! Don't forget to include the latest press.

5. For gourmets and sweet tooths.

True connoisseurs of breakfast in bed love to eat well. Intricate patterns on napkins are unlikely to attract their attention, but a varied menu will definitely improve their morning mood. You can use absolutely everything: from buns with poppy seeds, muffins, pancakes with strawberry jam, pancakes with Nutella to sweets, berries and yoghurts.

French romance: cooking an omelette

Breakfast in bed is much more sublime than dinner by candlelight. After all, you will have to share your morning meal with a person who is close to your heart. And who, if not the French, knows how to talk about their feelings through aromatic and tasty food.

While your loved one is sleeping, vigorously but almost silently beat the egg. Add a pinch of turmeric, salt, pour in a couple of tablespoons of sparkling water or a little champagne. Take a thick-bottomed and voluminous frying pan so that the prepared mixture spreads over it in a thin layer. Of course, first you need to warm it up and lubricate it with oil. First, cook over high heat, and as soon as the omelette “sets” on the bottom, reduce it. Now give the dish its shape. The easiest way is to fold it in half. It would be nice to use soft French cheese, such as Camembert, as a filling.

And a few more ideas

For those who do not know how or do not have time to prepare a morning dish, but really want to please a loved one, here are some examples of easy and quick breakfasts:

  • Scrambled eggs with cheese, vegetables or bacon. In winter, you can use frozen foods. Toast or a few slices of fresh bread.
  • Sandwiches with pate or sausage. If your significant other follows PP, use rye or whole grain bread. Cover with a lettuce leaf and place boiled chicken breast or red fish on top.

  • Cottage cheese with fruits and berries. You can top it with kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. Use nuts and dried fruits as a supplement.
  • Cheesecakes with sour cream, jam and preserves.
  • Wrap chopped boiled chicken fillet, tomatoes, grated cheese and herbs in pita bread. Tie with green onion feathers.

A few words about the breakfast table in bed

Furniture manufacturers offer many different options, but the main selection criteria are:

  • color;
  • material;
  • ergonomics;
  • design;
  • size.

Today, oriental minimalism is in fashion, so you should pay attention to the stylized trays, which are accompanied by straw mats. Design options that resemble coffee tables and coffee tables are no less common.

As for the material, they are mainly made of plastic or wood. The latter option is simply sanded and varnished, sometimes with a matte surface. Such tables are usually produced in Asia, and are made from rubber wood (hevea). They are very light, comfortable, resistant to moisture and can withstand temperature changes well. This is the best option for breakfast in bed, as you can safely place both cups of hot coffee and boxes of ice cream.

Final subtleties of etiquette

When you know several cooking options and serving ideas, the question arises - what to do next. Approach your sleeping significant other with a tray/table, wake him up with a kiss and gentle words.

Don't forget to reserve a place nearby for yourself. You also need to eat what is cooked and keep company. Women, in a fit of gratitude for care, behave almost the same way: they begin to feed with a fork or spoon. Don’t refuse, it’s from the bottom of your heart. So she feeds and thinks that next time she will need to organize breakfast in bed for you.

Grace, isn't it?

Breakfast in bed is considered by many to be an aristocratic luxury. However, do not forget that by spending a little time and making a little effort, you can significantly improve your reputation in the eyes of your other half. And if you decide to pamper your loved one, serve a romantic breakfast in bed. A good mood will be guaranteed for both you and your significant other! You just need to overcome your laziness and wake up a little earlier than usual. It's not that difficult; breakfast in bed will be a very pleasant surprise. So, you have already woken up and, yawning sleepily, are standing in the kitchen. What to do?

First of all, you need to decide what you will treat your better half to, so that the surprise hits the mark, according to the tastes and preferences of your loved one. Here are a few options for you to choose from.

Breakfast number 1. For those who are always losing weight

A classic women's breakfast is fruit salad.

Time: 10-15 minutes
Recipe: Rake out all the fruits you have in the refrigerator and mix in equal proportions. As a result, you should end up with 200-250 grams of fruit salad - a great light breakfast. It is highly advisable to top it with whipped cream. However, if she is on a starvation diet, it is better to refuse cream.
Drinks: Orange or apple juice, preferably freshly squeezed.

Breakfast number 2. English

A few minutes at the stove and breakfast can be served. A classic English breakfast - scones with jam.

Time: 5-6 minutes
Recipe: Warm up the buns you bought in advance in the microwave and serve the jam separately. In principle, buns can be replaced with croissants.
Beverages: Coffee with cream, or cappuccino.

Breakfast number 3. America rules

A hearty breakfast for those who need to stop losing weight. Fried bacon, two-egg omelette, fresh vegetable salad, toast.

Time: 10-15 minutes
Recipe: Fry the bacon over low heat for 5-7 minutes on both sides. At the same time, mix 2 eggs, 80 ml of milk (about a third of a glass) in a plate, pour the resulting mixture into a frying pan (preferably with a non-stick coating), when the omelette is almost ready, sprinkle grated cheese on top. Garnish the finished omelette with a sprig of parsley. Wash, chop and mix fresh vegetables.
Beverages: Tea, coffee, or orange juice.

Breakfast number 4. Welcome to Rashsha

Pancakes with red caviar.

Time: 30 minutes.
Recipe: 1 liter of water, 1 cup of flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. sugar, salt to taste - mix everything in a large saucepan, stir with a mixer for 10 minutes. Then heat a frying pan over low heat and grease it with olive oil (there should be very little oil). Pour the mixture into the frying pan using a ladle, in one go. Let the baked pancakes stand for 2-3 minutes, and then wrap red caviar in them. By the way, you can also make pancakes with cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits - or even sausage.
Beverages: Tea with lemon or fruit drink.

Breakfast number 5. Fitness

Soft-boiled egg, cottage cheese, vegetables. An easy, protein-packed breakfast for those who like to hit the gym.

Time: 10-15 minutes
Recipe: Boil one egg soft-boiled (35 seconds, after the water boils), make a vegetable salad (approximately 120-150 g). Use a mixer to mix cottage cheese (100 g) with berries or fruits.
Beverages: Carrot juice, grapefruit juice or still mineral water.

The highlight of your breakfast can be a cup of coffee or hot milk with a chocolate heart.

To make a heart on the top of the drink, heat the milk until it begins to boil. Next, pour the milk into the coffee (you can just pour a cup of hot milk if your partner is used to drinking it). Now carefully draw a heart on the surface of the drink with chocolate syrup. And - bring it to your partner immediately, because, unfortunately, the effect will not last long and your drawing may blur.

If your other half prefers cocoa for breakfast, then you can put whipped cream on the surface of the cocoa and draw small hearts on it with chocolate syrup.

Finally, a more complex option: place a paper stencil with a pre-cut heart or other figure on a mug of milk and sprinkle with cinnamon. Similarly, you can “paint” on cocoa with powdered sugar.

And to completely romanticize the awakening of your loved one, use the same chocolate syrup to draw a heart on cookies or buttered toast.

After all, how nice it is to start your day with sweet romance!

5 romantic little things

1. Wake up your partner with a kiss.
2. Place a note declaring your love under the plate. Just make sure you read it.
3. For her: place a vase with a rose on a tray, or simply place a flower next to the plate.
4. For him: bring his favorite newspaper or magazine to the table, or turn on his favorite music that you hate so much.
5. A light massage during meals will be the last straw for a perfect start to the day.

When you serve breakfast on a tray, place it on the bedside table, and after your loved one wakes up, help move the breakfast to a special table, which will allow you to have breakfast without getting out of bed. If you get up and find that there is practically no food in the refrigerator, and those that are there smell suspicious, just brew a cup of strong black coffee. In the end, it doesn't matter what you serve for breakfast, your attention is much more important.

Every loving man has flashes of romance, and he decides to cook breakfast for his wife. But the decision is only half the battle, because the desire must be realized. To make your family life more romantic, we offer good recipes for what to cook for your wife for breakfast.

Of course, ideally it should be breakfast in bed. Don't forget about the surroundings: put the finished dishes on a tray, put a glass with a rose or other flower, put a napkin, perhaps put a candle. It will work out beautifully if you additionally turn on romantic music and give your wife a massage after breakfast.

Omelet with vegetables and cheese

Required ingredients:

  • Six eggs;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Two tomatoes;
  • Half a glass of cheese, cut into cubes;
  • Brown bread crackers, hot sauce, salt and pepper;

Break eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper, sauce. Stir, then pour in milk and whisk. Add cheese and tomatoes to the mixture (cut into small cubes). Pour the mixture into a frying pan, in which by this time the butter should be well heated. Serve sprinkled with crackers.

Sandwiches in the shape of a heart

Required ingredients:

  • 4 square slices of bread;
  • Butter;
  • Four slices of ham;
  • Cucumber;

First, the wife will need to make a heart out of the bread for this breakfast. If you have a special cookie cutter at home, then there shouldn’t be any difficulties. When there is no mold, you need to use a sharp knife. Grease the finished hearts on both sides with butter and place in a dry, heated frying pan. Bake for two minutes on each side.

Spread pieces of cooled bread with butter, put a slice of cucumber, cut out hearts from the ham and place them on the cucumber. Now fold the sandwich.

Chocolate pancakes with homemade syrup

Required ingredients:

  • A third of a glass of cocoa;
  • A glass of flour;
  • Two thirds of a glass of sugar;
  • One egg;
  • A glass of milk;
  • A packet of vanilla sugar;
  • A teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt;

For the syrup:

  • 100 grams of butter;
  • A glass of brown sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • Half a cup of heavy cream;
  • Three bananas;

First, prepare the syrup by melting the butter, adding brown sugar and honey. Heat to a boil, then pour in the cream and turn the heat to low. Cook until you get a mass that has a consistency similar to cream.

Simple heart shaped pancakes

If you want to prepare a breakfast for your wife that will definitely be remembered, you need to focus on romance. It is difficult to find a more suitable dish for such a breakfast than heart-shaped pancakes. The secret is that we will pour the dough from a bottle. This way you can create absolutely any shape for pancakes, including a heart.

Required ingredients:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • 10 tablespoons of flour;
  • Three tablespoons of sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Two eggs;
  • A pinch of salt;

Insert a special funnel into a mineral water bottle. Pour flour, sugar and salt through it, pour in the previously scrambled egg, vegetable oil and milk. Close the bottle and shake it well to mix the dough. Now use a hot nail to make a hole in the lid. Pour the batter into the hot frying pan in the shape of a heart. First make an outline, and then fill the center of the heart. Fry until golden brown. You can serve these pancakes with sour cream, whipped cream, pieces of fruit and berries.

Fruit salad “Bed Passion”

Required ingredients:

  • Banana;
  • Kiwi;
  • Mandarin;
  • Mango;
  • Ten seedless grapes;
  • 2-3 strawberries for decoration;
  • A jar of natural yoghurt, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice;

Peel and cut the banana into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the kiwi into slices, mango into cubes. Divide the tangerine into slices and cut each into 4 parts; simply cut the grapes into two parts. Slice the strawberries into thin slices and set aside. Before serving, mix all ingredients, except strawberries, and season with natural yogurt. Arrange the strawberry layers on a plate. It will be beautiful if you sprinkle the salad with nuts.

Breakfast drinks for wife

You can, of course, just brew tea or a traditional morning cup of coffee, or you can try your best here by preparing something new and unusual. Women love surprises. And in a big surprise in the form of breakfast there can be many small pleasant moments.

American style hot chocolate

Required ingredients:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • Three tablespoons of cream;
  • Six tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar;
  • A little vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon;
  • Zest of one orange (grate finely);
  • A pinch of salt, whipped cream (for decoration);

Cocoa is mixed with salt and sugar, milk is added. Place the mixture on the fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Boil. Pour into cups, garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with citrus zest.

Natural smoothie

Required ingredients:

  • A glass of natural yogurt;
  • A glass of natural, freshly squeezed juice;
  • Half a banana;
  • 100 grams of any berries;
  • Six ice cubes;

Combine all ingredients, turn on the blender and beat until smooth. This morning drink is served in a tall glass. Additionally, you can decorate it with a straw.

Ginger tea

Required ingredients:

  • A tablespoon of black tea;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • 500 ml boiling water;

Pour the tea leaves into the teapot. Cut the ginger into thin slices and place in the kettle. Pour boiling water over and leave for two minutes. Then you can pour through a strainer into cups.

To prepare breakfast for your beloved wife, you will need a maximum of an hour of time. All the recipes, you see, are very simple and quite feasible even without special training. But romance will strengthen your relationships and diversify your life. Let every morning be good! If you want to prepare your loved one not only breakfast, but lunch or dinner, then we have it in a feature article.

What to cook for your loved one/for your loved one?

Romantic breakfast– this is one of the easiest ways to surprise your soulmate and give her a lot of pleasant emotions! Moreover, you can prepare such delicious surprises not only in honor of any holiday, but also just like that, for no reason (especially considering the fact that for this you will not need a lot of time or a lot of effort).

So, what should you cook for your loved one or for your loved one? The answer must be sought in the taste preferences of your half. So, for example, if he or she loves sweets, then you can prepare some kind of dessert, decorated according to the occasion. In addition, a factor when choosing a morning dish may be your favorite product, on the basis of which it will be created. In general, even a banal scrambled egg with a cup of coffee in the morning will be a pleasant surprise!

There are no gender differences in romantic breakfast dishes. The main thing in them is your attention to your soulmate, and the positive emotions that you will give her with your attention and your care!

If you are at a loss and cannot find a suitable dish for a romantic breakfast, then you are welcome to visit our website for photo recipes, where, for sure, you can find what you need! And although such dishes are completely simple to prepare, with the instructions that come with the recipes you will cope with the cooking process much faster and easier. In addition, step-by-step photos visualize the process of creating a romantic culinary masterpiece and tell you how best to serve this or that dish!

Breakfast in bed ideas

A romantic breakfast in bed is a variation of a romantic breakfast, differing from the original only in that the food can be served to your partner immediately after waking up in bed. To do this you will need either a tray or a special table. Otherwise, such an idea will turn out to be a failure, because holding a couple of plates on your knees is a real test.

In general, ideas for breakfast in bed are no different from an ordinary romantic breakfast. It must include a main course (sandwiches, snacks, salads, etc.), as well as some kind of drink (tea, coffee, juice, etc.). You can learn more about options for a romantic breakfast in bed from the photo recipes given in this section of our website!