Why is Rapunzel divorcing Dima? Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko: latest news about divorce

The ex-participant of the TV show spoke about a serious scandal with her husband. She found out that Dmitry Dmitrenko sent intimate photographs of himself to young girls and cheated on her. After a serious scandal, Olga moved to a hotel; she is afraid to return home. According to Olga, she has terrible toxicosis, she cannot sleep at night, but she has to hold on in order to save the baby. Recently, Dmitry began to beat her and let his hands go.

Olga Grigorievskaya shared sad news with her subscribers - she is divorcing her husband. Dmitry began to let go of his hands, swear, and she was afraid to return to him. In addition, she found out that he was not faithful to her. Rapunzel herself suffers from toxicosis and is waiting for her mother to fly to Moscow.

“He spreads his arms and swears. I am the mother of his child. I wanted this family to be complete... I loved him, forgave him everything. Then the other day God took me to look at his phone number... He was unemployed for two months. “We are together, we will succeed,” I said. I open my phone, and there are correspondences with six girls. I will file for divorce, otherwise I will not be able to bear the child,” Olga says.

According to Rapunzel, Dmitry sent intimate pictures to young girls and met with them. She was shocked, and Dmitry began to deny everything. When she became indignant, her husband grabbed her by the neck and threatened to strangle her. He’s let his hands go before, Rapunzel complains.

Olga Rapunzel // Photo: Instagram

Now Olga is not in the mood to tolerate her husband’s behavior and is filing for divorce. She did not expect that Dmitry would be such a monster outside the television set. She admits that she needed to look at the groom more carefully, but she does not regret anything, since she loved Dmitrenko and the baby turned out to be desirable.

Users didn't really believe this story. Many believe that the cunning couple is simply following the path of Romanets and Gusev and gaining subscribers, as well as openly making money from a fictitious conflict. In addition, some do not understand why an Aeroflot plane can fly from Vladivostok to Moscow in 8 hours and 40 minutes, but Olga’s mother has been on the road for days and still can’t get there.

The stars of “House-2” Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko recently got married. It would seem that young people should enjoy their new status, especially since Olga is already pregnant with her first child. However, as it turned out, the family already had problems. Rapunzel might even file for divorce!


The whole point is that Dmitry cannot support his family. According to Olga, her chosen one does nothing all day long, does not work and does not even try to find a job!



“Without cameras, domestic violence began. We have a lot of problems and misunderstandings. For example, Dima lies in bed until three days later and does not want to look for work. It's so hard for me! I'm dragging my family alone. I hope Dima comes to his senses before it’s too late. Although I’m not afraid of divorce, I’m sure I can raise a child alone,” she said in an interview with Dom-2 magazine.

Spouses often conflict over finances: “A man should be the head of the family. But, unfortunately, this story is not about us. It’s only me who works, it’s me who solves housing problems again. And so it is in everything. My husband doesn't care about anything."


Nevertheless, Olga is confident that even without a husband she will be able to raise a child with dignity: “Mommy supports, says: “Give birth, we will raise and put the child on his feet, no matter what happens.” Now I'm not afraid to be alone."

Olga Rapunzel perfectly learned the weak points and pain points of her own husband, as soon as strength and energy awoke, daughter Vasilisa was forgotten and all grievances and claims were pulled out of the nooks and crannies of the girl’s short memory. Olga Rapunzel wants a divorce from Dmitrenko? Why does she need a sick husband who doesn’t consider himself one.

For the sake of accusations, one can recall the flowers that Dimon did not give her when she was discharged from the maternity hospital. (Oh, that bouquet that Yabbarov and Tatyana Vladimirovna brought in has come up not for the first time, have they really re-read the archive of the shloka? I wrote about this then that). Along the way, it turned out that Olga needed her daughter Rapunzel to dress her up like a princess and organize holidays every month, for which purpose she constantly buys shoes.

Olya Rapunzel chooses a project again?

Faced with the fact that, and then they are going to return, Olya Rapunzel again chooses a project. The husband completed his task, got married, loves his daughter, is not a spendthrift or a spendthrift, he can support and raise the child himself.

You can now count thousands like rubles for Olga, because real life is so scary for the “ideal mother and wife.” She herself admits that she humiliates her husband behind the canopy, knowing about his reaction in advance. Aiming for divorce? Or does Olga Rapunzel not understand that not all topics are suitable for broadcasting? After all, remembering Dimon’s past actions, you can run into memories of your own past, which she urged everyone to forget as soon as possible. Will Dima Dmitrenko get divorced while there is a chance to stay at House 2?

In fact, thoughts of divorce had been in his head for quite some time - but what can I say, the guy wasn’t particularly eager to marry, knowing both about her bad character and her dark past. But the scriptwriters of the TV series stood firm on their position - they had to marry the most scandalous couple of the project, no matter what they faced - and they coped with their task. under their endless pressure, I had to drag the impudent little girl to the registry office and read out from memory the oath of eternal love and devotion. And everything would be fine if everything had worked out at least according to the typical scenario for Russian families: “endure and fall in love” - but no, the young man’s patience soon came to an end. So soon that, in fact, not even two months had really passed since the wedding, and his patience was already filled to the brim. For several episodes now, he has been complaining in plain text that he is fed up with everything: his impenetrable, “peas against the wall” wife, the management, which requires him to portray happiness on camera, and the presenters, who constantly take it out on him, considering him a pear for beating.

“Yes, how long can you endure all this - no matter how foolish they call me and consider me, but my angelic patience is already coming to an end. Well, is this a normal family life of two happy people?! No, everything is bad with us - without any beauty or exaggeration. It would be better not to get married at all!” - so Dmitrenko, in the heat of rage... muttered something similar, as usual, under his breath. Was he even heard by anyone? No, the hosts continued to make fun of him, but Rapunzel didn’t even think about stopping nagging him with or without reason. Has anything changed for the better? Well, this will be seen in future releases - but so far there is not much progress planned. Were these “cries of the soul” just another production? It’s unlikely, because even if this is a fictitious marriage, it is officially registered, and the guy has to endure next to him the stuffed animal that he took as his wife. So will Dima have the courage to admit that he has gone too far, just to stay on the project - that is, to file for divorce, get rid of the heavy burden in the form of Rapunzel and finally breathe deeply? We place our bets, gentlemen and ladies...

One of the most discussed couples of their time on the reality show “Dom-2” officially registered their relationship on June 17, 2017. On July 30, Olya and her husband announced that they were leaving the project in order to build normal relationships outside the perimeter. However Not even four months had passed since the wedding when Rapunzel appeared in the Glade of the TV set. Moreover, she came without her husband: pregnant Olya was accompanied by her mother. Rapunzel, with tears in her eyes, told host Olga Buzova and the show’s participants all the horrors she had encountered while living with Dmitrenko.

According to the unfortunate girl, Dmitry raised his hand against her - she decided to leave him and ask for asylum in “House-2”:“When he started to let go of his hands, I was really scared. I really loved him... Not anymore... It’s just that if I forgive him again now, that’s it, I’m a rag, not a person. I will file for divorce tomorrow.” In a conversation during a tête-à-tête with Vlad Kadoni, Olga Rapunzel spoke about her plans: “I rethought everything and realized for myself that it was time to become more mature, wiser... I decided that I had to break up, that I could no longer forgive for the sake of my family, for the sake of the child, when a person does not understand.”

Pregnant Olya Rapunzel is divorcing her husband

Olya added that she does not hope for reconciliation with her husband and that he will follow her to the project. According to Rapunzel, they lived in scandals all the time: it was good if everything was calm for a week a month. By the way, Olga published her last joint photo with Dmitry on Instagram quite recently: in the photo that appeared on her microblog on September 16, she and her husband are sitting in a restaurant and looking quite happy.

Olga Rapunzel posted her last joint photo with Dmitry on Instagram on September 16, shortly before returning to the project

Let us remind you that at the end of August It became known that a new addition is expected to the family of Rapunzel and Dmitrenko. To dispel all rumors regarding her interesting position, Olga published a photo on her Instagram microblog in which her rounded belly is clearly visible. "My life my rules! Start with yourself! I am not God to judge you, but many of you are clearly out of your mind, fear God and no one has canceled the boomerang yet! And as for my dear people, I appreciate and Love you! Thank you for your support, for your love, without your love I could not have done it! I am happy that I have you, my favorite subscribers. My love, Dima, you are in my heart. Love and Take care of each other!” - the former participant in the scandalous TV show signed the photo (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.).

DOM-2 Lite 4894 day Daytime broadcast (10/03/2017): pregnant Olya Rapunzel returned to the project, but without her husband