Reviews from women who experienced abortion for medical reasons. How to survive an abortion for medical reasons: advice from a psychologist How to survive a medical termination of pregnancy

The most discussed topic of late, abortion, has begun to appear more and more often on women's forums, because it is not just an ordinary operation like appendicitis, but much more serious, because its consequences are very difficult to survive emotionally. Being a mother is the destiny of every woman, which is inherent in nature itself. The girl grows up and becomes a woman capable of bearing and giving birth to a child, but sometimes such events still happen when you have to go against nature.

No matter how sad it is, women and young girls are increasingly resorting to termination of pregnancy for various reasons: poor financial condition, too young age, unwillingness to have children “now” or at all, inability to bear, the likelihood of giving birth to a child with disabilities. Terminating a pregnancy is half the trouble, because you then have to wait for the consequences, which can be very sad.

Consequences of abortion

Post-abortion syndrome is the common name for a set of mental and physical illnesses that occur in most girls after surgery, both immediately and over time. The consequences of the stress experienced can be very diverse: from alcoholism to the inability to have children in the future. Every woman who has had an abortion suffers after the abortion, because it is very difficult to start living again after killing her own child.

It is very important to recover from the experience and find peace of mind, even if confusion and pain in the soul do not allow you to live peacefully, it is necessary to improve your emotional state so that the past no longer bothers you and let go of the situation as inevitable.
It is possible that it will not be possible to regulate your emotional and mental state soon, but in any case it is necessary to conduct a mental dialogue with yourself in order to explain the reason to yourself and calm down. It’s good to have family and friends nearby who can support you, say kind words, and help you understand yourself and your actions. Of course, it is easier to survive an abortion for those who had it forcedly due to inability to bear, contraindications for pregnancy or rape. After all, then, a woman can do practically nothing to give birth to a healthy and alive baby.

However, most often the girl takes this step voluntarily and, faced with a choice, makes it not in the direction of the unborn baby. After termination of pregnancy, the reasons are no longer important, what has been done cannot be undone, and there is still a long life ahead and you need to follow your path further, leaving as little part of yourself as possible with the unborn child. The woman’s psyche is already disturbed and, in addition to depression, a number of illnesses may arise that are associated with the operation itself.

It is no secret that the safest is drug interruption, done early, up to 1 month. Surgical intervention is fraught with the inability to have children in the future, and this is a risk that any girl who takes this step is aware of. Therefore, it is worth going to it consciously and willingly accepting and withstanding all the consequences.

How to avoid post-abortion syndrome

As a rule, women who are fully aware of their action experience abortion more easily than young girls who do not understand how to live after it. In any case, this shock requires a woman to have great willpower and spirit, a strong character, so as not to break the fragile female nature.

  • Self talk. It is very important to sit down and think carefully about the reasons that prompted you to have an abortion, about the circumstances that could not have happened otherwise. There is no need to reproach yourself and say “if only”, blame for what is happening and empty your brain, you need to let it go as the past. If it gets really hard, then it’s better to cry a lot and cross this line and start living again.
  • Forgive yourself. It is very important to receive forgiveness from your soul for this act, sincerely and with all emotions to express a request for forgiveness to yourself and your baby, you can go to church and repent of your sin.
  • Find good reasons. We are only human and often make mistakes, so we need to find reasons that will determine the action and help in the fight against self-flagellation.
  • Don't isolate yourself. Walk down the street with friends and family, be in company more often, in the fresh air. Fresh news and conversations will breathe strength and energy into life, you just need to give your loved ones access to your feelings, fears, and all emotions. If you have a loved one, then going through this incident together is much easier than alone, because the support of your loved one and kind words will help better than any treatment from the best psychologists.

A medical abortion causes enormous trauma to a woman’s psyche, especially if she was forced to take this step under the influence of circumstances. In this case, coping with the psychological consequences of an abortion is incredibly difficult, and not every woman can do it on her own. In the question of how to survive an abortion, you cannot rely only on the healing power of time. You need to be aware of your condition and work on yourself so as not to ruin your life.

Abortion for medical reasons: the psychological state of a woman before and after

If the baby is diagnosed with serious pathologies or a diagnosis is made that threatens the life of the mother or child, the question of prescribing an abortion arises. When it comes to a desired pregnancy, women undergo all kinds of medical research in the hope that the terrible diagnosis will not be confirmed, or there is a chance to save the child.

But if a medical abortion is nevertheless prescribed, the woman is left with a terrible choice: have an abortion or continue the pregnancy, regardless of the consequences. No one can make this decision for her, and the horror she feels cannot be described.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons is prescribed to women at different stages, and at any stage the experiences are very deep. This is a huge stress, which is often followed by depression. Women are in constant tension and hysterical state. Questions arise that are difficult to answer: Why me? Who is guilty? How to survive the operation and the weeks after it? How not to ruin your relationship with your husband? When will this nightmare end?

Unacknowledged grief

It is not yet accepted in society to treat unborn children as human beings. Society does not give a woman the right to the same suffering as in the case of the death of loved ones. Therefore, women often face misunderstandings and feel immoral or rejected. Even if the abortion was forced, she made the decision herself, and no one will ever change this fact.

It is normal to feel grief in such a situation. When pregnancy occurs, hormonal changes begin to occur in the female body, preparing it for future motherhood. The body focuses on reproduction, and the maternal instinct takes over the mind. Any interference in this process, and even more so its interruption, negatively affects health and leaves scars on the soul.

Women must make life-changing decisions and experience their consequences while hormonal and other changes continue in their bodies. Therefore, the absence of feelings of loss, emptiness and suffering is abnormal, both from a psychological and physiological point of view.

Post-abortion syndrome

In medicine, there is such a thing as “post-abortion syndrome,” which combines various physiological, psychosomatic and psychological disorders that occur after an artificial termination of pregnancy.

Physiological symptoms

  • bleeding;
  • uterine dysfunction, which leads to miscarriages and premature births in subsequent pregnancies;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infectious diseases.

In gynecological practice, there are often cases of intractable diseases such as cancer after an abortion due to unexperienced feelings of guilt.

Psychosomatic symptoms

  • loss of libido;
  • skin itching;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia, nightmares, restless sleep);
  • causeless migraines;
  • abdominal pain, and others.

Psychological symptoms

  • guilt;
  • outbursts of anger and aggression for no apparent reason;
  • depression;
  • worries, fears, anxiety states;
  • feeling of inner emptiness, emotional fading;
  • low self-esteem and loss of self-esteem;
  • suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts;
  • hatred of oneself or of men;
  • avoidance of reality (alcohol or drug addiction);
  • the need to compensate for the loss of a child by giving birth to the next one, or vice versa, fear of pregnancy;
  • frequent mood swings, and others.

Of course, the syndrome does not appear in all women. But women who had to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons are at risk, especially those who have an unstable mental state, do not accept abortion for religious reasons, or undergo late-term surgery.

Stages of post-abortion experience

After an abortion, you may suffer deep inside, or, conversely, lose control over your emotions. But whatever pain you feel, you are not alone. Millions of women suffer just like you and return to normal life after terminating a pregnancy, going through all the stages of experiencing the consequences of an abortion.


You can feel relief after the operation, no matter how blasphemous it may sound. You've been through the worst, and you don't need to solve anything anymore.


"I was forced to do it." “I had to have a medical abortion to survive.” “I had an abortion because otherwise I would have doomed my child to suffer.” These are all facts and you should not deny them. Denial and self-flagellation will prolong the recovery process. If you don't give yourself the opportunity to justify your actions with their true reasons, you risk driving yourself to depression and suicide.

Realization and shock

The realization of what happened does not come immediately and causes unbearable pain. Many perceive this as the murder of a long-awaited baby and do not understand how to continue to live with it. There is a risk of getting stuck between stages two and three, constantly returning to trying to justify oneself. To survive this stage, you need to acknowledge reality and accept responsibility (not to be confused with guilt!).

Anger and depression

This is the most painful period when suffering hits you with all its force. You feel angry, deeply sad, depressed, and feel like a traitor. At this stage, the likelihood of suicide increases. Life seems hopeless. Many negative emotions are raging within you: rage, guilt, remorse, self-hatred, insomnia, nightmares, painful memories. During this period, there is a danger of turning to drugs or alcohol in the hope of filling the feeling of emptiness inside and relieving the pain. You may begin to doubt the diagnosis and repent of your abortion. At this stage, professional help or support from loved ones is very important.

Acceptance and forgiveness

To complete the process you need to forgive yourself and others. You need to work on yourself every day, letting go of anger, sadness and guilt little by little. If you don't let go of these emotions, they will destroy you. Accept that this is a part of your life, an experience that will stay with you forever.

Severe mental suffering can occur immediately after an abortion or some time later, but it also happens that it occurs several years later. Most often, the critical moment occurs 2-5 years after the abortion. Sometimes a woman cannot forget her grief until the end of her days. It is not easy to survive such a tragedy, but life goes on, and it must be done.

  1. Stay in reality. The hardest thing is to face the truth and understand that this happened to you and your child. You had a medical abortion. Accept this fact. Your suffering is a healthy sign that you are aware of what happened. To heal emotional wounds, you need to acknowledge their existence and the reason for their occurrence.
  2. Don't hide your feelings. Cry. This is much better than hiding grief deep inside. The pain will not go away on its own, and unshed tears will sooner or later find a way out in illness and nervous disorders, just as a deep splinter festeres.
  3. Seek support. If you want to hide from everyone and be alone with your grief, you have every right to do so, but do not turn it into a way of life. Man is a social being and it is easier for him to recover from loss when he feels supported. Share your feelings with loved ones who can respect your loss and share your grief. Seek help from a psychologist. Join a support group or chat on forums with women who have experienced similar misfortunes.
  4. Sorry. This is the most difficult thing. Anger towards yourself and others who were involved in the abortion is normal. To forgive yourself, you first need to forgive others, forgive fate for taking away this short-lived happiness. Once you get through this, it will be easier for you to forgive yourself.
  5. Don't let anyone invalidate your feelings or make light of your grief. You have the right to suffer. You have lost a child.

At the very beginning of your recovery journey, you need to realize that you can only help someone who wants help and is looking for it.

Repentance and Atonement

An important part of healing is repentance and atonement. Having accepted responsibility for the tragedy, ask the unborn baby for forgiveness. What kind of repentance will be in your case depends on your religious and moral beliefs. Remember that sincere repentance must be followed by atonement. Help those who need support - orphans or sick children, the elderly, abandoned animals. The main thing is that you are guided not by the desire to pay off, but by a sincere intention to be useful and empathy.

A woman terminates a pregnancy for various reasons, ranging from financial insolvency to the phrase “I’m not ready yet.” But the essence remains the same: abortion cannot pass without a trace. There is always a certain feeling of guilt and wondering what could have happened next. In fact, you cannot go back to the past and fix everything, there is only today and the future. This is what you need to concentrate on, and we will help you.

Forms of abortion

The first type is abortion, which is planned in advance. A woman goes to the clinic and undergoes an examination. This type of interruption can be done before the gestation period is 8 weeks.

The second type is spontaneous, in other words, miscarriage. Such an interruption can happen unplanned as a result of life circumstances or illness. It is much more difficult for a woman to endure a miscarriage if she is really expecting a baby.

The third form is therapeutic abortion. In some cases, there is a condition of a woman who cannot bear a fetus, taking into account her health or other characteristics.

Reasons for abortion

  1. Today, not all young girls are ready to become mothers so early. This is what motivates them to have an abortion. If life is just gaining momentum, and the guy is against the birth of the baby, the need arises to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. This also includes the intense rhythm of life, the reluctance of young couples to have a child and other other aspects that push a girl to have an abortion.
  2. Another reason lies in financial insolvency. That is, a girl may and wants to give birth, she is ready to become a mother, but she does not earn enough for herself and the baby. Or the father of the unborn child has sunk into thin air. Lack of money and strong despair prompts one to abandon the fetus by going to the clinic. The same category of reasons includes being busy with a career, a banal lack of time and money.
  3. This spectrum includes reasons for termination of pregnancy that are related to the woman’s health. There are pathologies and diseases that are difficult to treat or cannot be treated at all. Against this background, the girl forever refuses the opportunity to have children, so that they are not born with congenital pathologies. This life situation hits the psycho-emotional environment of a woman the hardest. Surviving an abortion and coping with moral shock is much more difficult, as if a lady went to have an abortion, having thought everything over.
  4. Another reason for abortion, which is a complex problem, is forced termination of pregnancy due to defects in the fetus. Of course, every expectant mother has the right to choose whether to terminate a pregnancy or give birth. But smart women do the right thing without putting the baby at risk. Opinions on this matter vary; some are ready to raise a child with defects for the rest of their days, others prefer to have an abortion now.

Post-abortion syndrome

It is not difficult to recognize this condition. The main signs include strong apathy, reluctance to do favorite things, household chores, and work.

Post-abortion syndrome includes obsessive thoughts and feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and fear of who knows what. It can’t be done without nervousness, hysterics, and constant tears.

The performance of both mental and physical levels decreases. Unreasonable fatigue appears, the girl already feels dejected in the morning.

The syndrome is also accompanied by a complete reluctance to communicate with people, even the closest ones. The desire for loneliness and the constant scrolling of thoughts further aggravate the situation.

Naturally, the desire to eat disappears and body weight decreases. Sleep is disturbed and nightmares appear. Another important thing is that libido decreases and the feeling of one’s own attractiveness is lost.

You should carefully study all the signs, and then take appropriate measures. Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to visit a psychologist, sexologist, gynecologist and other highly specialized specialists.

  1. An abortion indicates that a woman is not yet ready to fully become a mother, devote herself to raising children or support them without financial support from outside. The situation is unpleasant, but has already passed, you need to try to let it go.
  2. You cannot influence what has already happened. Some experts believe that abortion is nothing more than protecting an unborn child from evil intentions and a dysfunctional life. After all, you need to carefully prepare for the birth of a child, but you cannot yet provide this.
  3. Realize your responsibility. Think about it: could you give your baby all the necessary benefits or is it better to postpone pregnancy and motherhood for a more favorable time? Try to understand that life does not end at this stage, you will give a happy life a little later, when you are 100% ready for it.
  4. Do not under any circumstances think about your actions now. You made a decision, analyzed everything clearly, and consulted with a doctor. Accept the situation, even with tears and complete despair, but do not withdraw into yourself. From now on, try to avoid accidental pregnancy.
  5. Contact the gynecologist who operated on you. Consult with him about the possible consequences, let the doctor recommend a good psychotherapist. Abortion is always accompanied by hormonal imbalance. The gynecologist should prescribe targeted medications that stabilize hormone levels. Pharmacy vitamins that will improve the functioning of all systems, including the central nervous system, will not be superfluous.
  6. If the female doctor has not identified any abnormalities in your health, it makes sense to normalize your psycho-emotional background and talk to someone. A psychologist can act as a random person. He will determine where the root of the problem is hidden, pull it out and eliminate it. Often, a specialist prescribes antidepressants that help cope with post-abortion syndrome.
  7. In cases where there is no money and no desire to seek professional help, talk to your friends or loved one. Ask for support, chat on forums with people who have also experienced something similar. Understand that you are not alone with your troubles.
  8. Almost all cases of abortion end with the woman’s libido dropping after it. Sexual activity decreases, the desire to get closer to a man disappears. The girl no longer feels desired as before, although this is not true. All attraction to each other is lost. In such situations, you need the help of a sexologist or any other therapy (vacation, hobby, shopping, outdoor recreation, etc.) that will allow you to increase your libido.

After an abortion, the girl falls into a depressive state, which is accompanied by a combination of symptoms. This disorder is otherwise called post-abortion syndrome, which is directly related to the psycho-emotional background of a person. Professional help and constant work on yourself are required.

Video: how to live after an abortion

Those women who have experienced induced abortion know how difficult it can be to cope psychologically. How to survive an abortion and recover faster are, perhaps, the main questions that concern women.

As you know, conception is not always planned, and there is no other choice but to undergo an abortion procedure. The reasons for this can be completely different. These include financial problems, the young age of the expectant mother, and even medical indications.

In any case, a woman needs to move on with her life. Sometimes this can be very difficult, since termination of pregnancy leaves a strong imprint on the psyche. This also applies to those representatives of the fair half of humanity who have undergone medical abortion, and those who had to undergo surgery.

In recent years, termination of unwanted pregnancy with the help of medications has become increasingly popular. This procedure is considered safer for the female body, and especially for its reproductive function.

And yet, despite the gentler effect on the female body of pharmaceuticals to get rid of the fetus, it is still an abortion, so this procedure has a significant impact on the psyche.

Women who have undergone a medical termination of pregnancy must follow certain rules in order to avoid serious complications in addition. It is worth remembering that the body will be in a stressful state for a long time, so it becomes absolutely defenseless against certain diseases. For this reason, a woman needs to forget about harmful foods and everything that can negatively affect her health.

Termination of pregnancy is a serious moral injury that can provoke serious complications. You need to avoid negativity to allow the body to recover.

As for the physical condition, severe pain in the lower abdomen cannot be ruled out. This is quite natural, given the complexity of the procedure. If the pain is completely unbearable, you can use special medications, for example No-shpu or Analgin. Strong pharmaceuticals are not recommended in this case, as they can further weaken the body due to a number of elements included in their composition.

In some cases, a woman who has undergone a medical abortion may experience heavy bleeding. This is also acceptable, but in certain situations additional assistance from a specialist may be required. Sometimes there is so much bleeding that it has to be stopped using medical means. This symptom cannot be ignored, as it can be life-threatening.

Diet and bad habits

To make it easier to survive the period of recovery of the body after a medical abortion, you need to monitor your lifestyle and adhere to a special diet. A woman's diet must contain fats and proteins in the right quantities. During this period, you need to completely give up alcohol, nicotine, coffee and other energy drinks. All this can aggravate the situation, that is, weaken the body even more and allow infection to pass through. To quickly restore peace of mind, you need to walk more in the fresh air and try to do your favorite things. You can come up with a pleasant hobby.

We should not forget that during a medical abortion, the body is injured not only psychologically, but also physically. For this reason, you should be very careful with physical activity and avoid sexual contact for a while.

At its core, the uterus becomes an open wound in the period after abortion. Thus, the risk of infection increases significantly. If after an abortion there is also inflammation of the genital organs, the recovery of the female body may take a long time.

It is very important to follow all the rules to survive a medical abortion. This is very important for a woman who still plans to become a mother in the future. It must be remembered that a new pregnancy after termination can occur very quickly, so contraception should never be ignored.

How to psychologically cope with an abortion?

Many women who decide to terminate a pregnancy are faced with the problem of how to psychologically survive an abortion, because some part of society considers it an unacceptable procedure and therefore strictly condemns it, regardless of the reasons.

Not only is medical abortion itself an unpleasant and painful process, but in addition there is a feeling of guilt, shame and regret, which is very difficult to cope with, so severe stress occurs, accompanied by depression.

Often after an abortion, a woman cannot cope with her psychological condition on her own, so she has to seek help from professional psychologists.

Despite the reasons that prompted a woman to have an abortion, the psychological state after such a procedure can be very difficult. There are such moments as feelings of guilt and regret about what they have done, increased aggressiveness, depression, which can last for several months, a feeling of irreparable loss, and causeless tearfulness.

Often, after an abortion, a woman experiences suicidal thoughts. In such situations, women often take full responsibility for their actions, which psychologists consider the right step towards recovery.

The mental state of a woman who has undergone an abortion is largely influenced by public opinion, her partner’s attitude towards this problem, religious beliefs, physiological changes and hormonal levels. However, professional psychologists say that the most important factor on which a woman’s behavior and condition should depend is her personal attitude to the current situation.

To make it easier to survive a medical abortion, you need to try to fully understand what is happening and understand that there is no turning back.

You need to accept life as it has become now. But the most important thing is to forgive yourself. Only by taking this step will a woman be able to regain her peace of mind and continue to lead a full life.

Close people play a huge role in recovery after a medical abortion. Their correct behavior and friendly attitude can work wonders. The feeling that the woman is not alone will help you quickly bounce back and forget about the problem. However, loved ones must remember that in such a difficult situation it is necessary to behave carefully and very delicately, so as not to harm with excessive care and attention.