Is it possible to enter the solarium? Harm of solarium for women

In winter, more people begin to visit tanning salons as the intensity of the sun's rays decreases. Today, when the popularity of spa treatments is growing, people combine solariums, saunas and baths. Many saunas have their own solariums, allowing each client to get the tan they need. Of course, visiting such establishments helps to increase tone, improve health and improve physical and emotional well-being. But how to combine these procedures correctly so that they are safe and effective? In our article we will tell you whether it is possible to go to a solarium after a sauna and whether it is possible to go to a solarium after a bath.

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause:

  • sunburn;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • the occurrence of pigmentation defects;
  • increased risk of cancer.

This indicates the need for a thorough analysis and preparation of the “solarium and bathhouse” program and an accurate answer to the question “solarium and sauna: can they be combined?” But on the other hand, this approach can cause the body to overheat. A partial solution to the problem has already been found, and it involves cooling the body after the procedures.

How to combine a bathhouse, sauna and solarium.

Many people think that it makes no difference whether to visit a solarium after a bath, a solarium before a bath, a sauna after a solarium or a sauna before a solarium, but in fact they are deeply mistaken.

Although even many experts disagree on the order in which these procedures will not cause harm and will only improve a person’s health. In any case, it is necessary to take into account certain criteria in order to achieve the correct tan without damage.

Most dermatologists are confident that you should first visit a solarium, and only then go to a steam bath or sauna. If you are wondering whether it is possible to go to the sauna after a solarium, then dermatologists will give a positive answer. Therefore, you can go to the bathhouse after the solarium. In their opinion, the reverse order is fraught with certain dangers. If you sweat and submerge yourself in water, your skin's natural sun protection will be stripped away. As a result, even people with the most UV-sensitive skin can seriously harm themselves.

Combining a sauna and solarium is possible in a different order. In the case of the reverse sequence, that is, visiting a solarium after a bath and sauna, it is also important to provide your body with additional thermal protection. Experts recommend cooling down and warming up again after a sauna so as not to cause unwanted overheating. Here it is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Because after warming up and immersing in water, the skin becomes highly saturated with moisture, which leads to swelling of the upper layers. This suggests that it is better to sunbathe first and then steam.

The sequence of visits to the solarium and bathhouse causes some controversy and disagreement, but in the question “solarium and bathhouse: is it possible on the same day?” doctors and dermatologists agreed unanimously. Allows the combination of a sauna and a solarium if you go to a sauna or bathhouse in the morning and take care of a beautiful skin color in the evening. If you are wondering whether it is possible to go to the solarium after a sauna, you can do it after 2-4 hours. You can go to the solarium after the bath, but we recommend that, if possible, you schedule these procedures on different days.

Rules for combining a solarium, bath and sauna:

  • It is forbidden to go to the solarium immediately after a bath or sauna with wet skin. This will cause burns, as the water drops will act as microscopic lenses;
  • Before and after tanning, you cannot wash immediately, so take a break of at least 2-4 hours;
  • Many people note that going to the sauna after a solarium “erases” part of the effect, the resulting tan is washed off;
  • Before tanning, it is advisable not to wash with soap, as this will destroy the acidic layer and deprive the skin of fatty lubricant, which will increase the risk of burns.

Safety measures in the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.

When visiting saunas, steam baths and solariums, you should follow safety precautions. First of all, this concerns the feet, because in the bathhouse, gym or other similar establishments you need to wear your own shoes and not walk barefoot. Otherwise, there is a high risk of fungal infection.

Most modern solariums and saunas offer their clients disposable slippers, mats, hats and other products. They are practical, inexpensive and maintenance-free, reflecting the high level of the establishment, which is concerned about the comfort of its customers.


A light, even tan, bronze or chocolate skin tone by today's standards is an attribute. A solarium provides an excellent opportunity to look as if you have just returned from an expensive resort. With frequent visits to the solarium, a therapeutic effect is also achieved. However, those who have not encountered an artificial sun have a lot of questions. The article contains answers to the question of how to go to a solarium to sunbathe.

How to go to a solarium for the first time

What a woman needs to know before going to a solarium for the first time. Basic Rules:

1) It’s right to start your first trip by preparing your skin. 1-2 days before the session, do a cleansing peeling.

2) Call in advance and ask what you need to take with you to the solarium, and what they give out on the spot.

3) Use special creams and lotions before and after the session. Sun protection products are not suitable; you need to take special products for solariums.

4) Beginners should do without cream with bronzer. This option is for more advanced visitors. It is used to obtain a deep tan.

5) Wash off makeup from your face, but don’t forget to protect your lips with a balm with UV protection.

6) Be sure to cover your chest. The skin in the nipple area is very delicate. When attending a procedure without underwear, there is a risk of damaging the skin. It is recommended to cover the lower part of the body and not visit the solarium without panties.

7) Don't sunbathe naked. The best option: a swimsuit made of natural fabric.

8) Do not start the procedure without glasses to protect your eyes and a hair cap.

9) Consult with an employee, find out how many lamps are in the solarium and how many minutes it will take to tan for the first time.

10) 3 minutes are needed to tan the solarium for the first time. You can gradually add a few minutes at a time. A beginner can start with 2 sessions per week.

11) It is not recommended to attend procedures with high temperatures with eyelash extensions.

12) The question “Can I take my phone into the solarium?” is often asked. The solarium is “purple” on your phone, so you can take it with you.

13) At what age can you visit a solarium, you ask. Required age 16-18 years.

How often can and should you go to the solarium to sunbathe?

The duration of one session depends on the power of the lamps, the type of solarium, and the skin of the tanner. On average enough 5-10 minutes. The first visit should not exceed three minutes.

You cannot visit the solarium every day. Theoretically it is possible, but in practice it is not worth going to sunbathe so often. The best option would be to come to the solarium in 3-4 days after the previous procedure. Ideally, no more than 3 sessions per week should be performed. It is advisable to make one course of 10 sessions (about 3 weeks). The frequency of the course is twice a year.

Cosmetologists, when deciding the question “how many times and minutes to sunbathe?”, use the 50/48 rule. Where 50 is the number of sessions per year, and 48 is the minimum interval between each procedure (in hours).

More than 90% of doctors are of the opinion that you should not sunbathe during your period. It is no coincidence that menstrual days are called “critical days” in everyday life.

Gynecologists point to the following as negative consequences of such sessions:

  • Deterioration in general health. As a rule, blood loss is accompanied by changes in blood pressure, and you may feel dizzy, even fainting.
  • Increase in the number of discharges. The volume of discharge during menstruation depends on the ambient temperature. The higher the temperature rises, the faster the blood circulates through the veins. And as a result, this leads to copious discharge.
  • More painful sensations than usual.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists add to this list:

  • Uneven tanning. The balance of hormones these days is not stable. Pigmentation changes, acne appears, and melanin levels decrease. Instead of the expected bronze skin tone, the tan will most likely be uneven or you will get irritation and burns.

If you decide for yourself that you cannot reschedule your session, then, if possible, try to schedule a visit to the salon for the last days of your period. If you feel unwell during the procedure, end the session.

How long after you can wash after tanning?

It is a common belief that water does not allow the tan to set. Is it true? And how long can it take?

You should not take a shower immediately after tanning. If necessary, remove the remaining cream with a napkin.

If you used a bronzer when visiting the solarium, you can go to the shower after 4 hours. When such products were not used, but just cream was used, then it was possible to wash after 1.5-2 hours.

To make your tan last longer, do not use scrubs or hard washcloths. When the skin is dry, apply moisturizer or milk.

Is it possible to combine pregnancy and solarium without consequences for the child? There is no clear answer to the question.

Experts who support the idea of ​​going to a solarium during pregnancy emphasize that:

  • UV rays strengthen the immune system and maintain hemoglobin at a good level.
  • Pregnant women in northern countries or those living in areas of the polar night benefit from a solarium, because... they do not have the opportunity to receive ultraviolet radiation in full. But such sessions are carried out with the permission and under the supervision of your gynecologist.

Doctors with the opposite position give the following arguments:

  • Overheating during the procedure itself has a negative impact on the fetus.
  • Ultraviolet light penetrates the placenta through the skin and goes directly to the baby.
  • When absorbed, suntan lotion can also reach your child through damaged areas of the skin.

If you nevertheless decide to go to the solarium, then in addition to the basic rules, adhere to a few more:

  • Reduce your time in the solarium to 4-5 minutes.
  • Be sure to cover your stomach with a towel.
  • Beware of overheating, monitor your temperature and your well-being.
  • Drink more fluids because... The body becomes dehydrated after sunbathing.

Before visiting a solarium, the expectant mother must consult a doctor.

However, it should be remembered that during pregnancy it is important that the mother feels well and is in a good mood. And if you need to sunbathe in a solarium for this, then you can and even need to do this. But do not forget that going to the solarium exposes the child to additional stress.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to go to the solarium?

In general, a nursing mother can sunbathe in a solarium. Solarium is one of the effective ways to obtain vitamin D3, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. The mother definitely needs this element for the normal development of the baby.

The correct tanning process does not negatively affect lactation.

  • You should be especially careful when choosing creams and lotions to avoid allergies. It doesn’t matter whether you had an allergic reaction before giving birth, because the body recovers and can react to everything new in an unpredictable way.
  • Strictly dose the time. 5 minutes is quite enough, even if before giving birth you were an ardent “fan of tanning.”
  • The chest must be covered during tanning. Topless tanning is excluded. When breastfeeding, she is susceptible to negative influences.

The reason that your face burned or got burned in a solarium is that you chose the wrong time of stay or cream. Damage appears after a couple of hours.

The first thing you need to do is go and wash your face with warm water without detergents. Look in your medicine cabinet for a burn remedy. The damage is 100% similar to sunburn. Preparations with panthenol are suitable. You can also use folk remedies (yogurt). Avoid walking in the open sun for a while.

If after visiting a solarium you find a rash, swelling, peeling on your face, then you have allergic reaction. In most cases, these symptoms go away within a couple of days. If the allergy does not go away, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

In conclusion, let us recall once again What are we for a beautiful, most importantly, safe tan in a solarium. It is important to stop in time so as not to turn into a “monkey”. Our goal with you is to make your skin color brighter and more noble, change defects and strengthen the body.

Many women simply cannot imagine their life without a solarium, and therefore visit it even in the summer, when they, in principle, have the opportunity to tan naturally - in the sun. But some women prefer to combine these two methods of getting a beautiful tan. But is it possible to sunbathe after a solarium? And what consequences could this have?

Most women believe that it is possible to sunbathe after a solarium, and there is nothing wrong with that. But is it? Let's remember how artificial ultraviolet radiation and sun rays act on the skin.

So, when visiting a solarium, the skin is exposed to artificial ultraviolet radiation. During this period, each of its cells begins to lose moisture, dries out and is severely damaged. In this case, most of them die completely, after which they begin to be rejected by the body, because they are accepted by it as something foreign.

When this process starts, the body begins to use all its strength to restore the damaged top layer of skin. And from frequent visits to the solarium, he simply gets tired, since he has to constantly work on his cover. But other organs and systems of the body also require attention. Therefore, against the backdrop of frequent visits to the solarium, people begin to suffer from various diseases, including hormonal disorders, diabetes and skin cancer.

The sun's rays have the same effect. They also lead to damage to the skin. And if you combine these two powerful “weapons”, the skin begins to age quickly, becomes flabby and loose.

Therefore, answering the question whether it is possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium, we will answer unequivocally - no! This greatly harms the skin, even if proper care is taken during visits to the solarium and the beach.

Many women are also interested in the question: is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium after the sea? What for? After all, after rest, the skin acquires a beautiful shade. Many people want to go to the solarium after the sea in order to maintain their tan. But in this case, this is not worth doing. Although the sea sun and air are good for health, they also have an effect on the skin.

Therefore, if you want to get a beautiful tan, then you should choose only one way to get it - artificial or natural. Of course, the latter is the safest for health.

How long after you can sunbathe after a solarium?

If you can’t go to the beach after tanning, then when will you be able to soak up the sun? In fact, you won't have to wait long. The effect of ultraviolet radiation, which irradiated the skin in a solarium, reaches its maximum peak after a day.

And if, 24 hours after the procedure, the condition of your skin is satisfactory, that is, there is no redness, burns or pain, then you can safely go to the beach.

But remember that at this moment you will need to take very careful care of your skin. Sunscreens and moisturizing after-sun lotions should be used at all times. It is very good if you make various moisturizing masks at home, for example, with fermented milk products, which will help relieve inflammation, intense hydration and rapid restoration of the skin.

But you need to understand that constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation is dangerous for the skin. This can cause her premature aging. Therefore, it’s better to avoid visiting the solarium in the summer, especially if you have the opportunity to lie on the sand and soak up the sun.

Well, if you have just returned from the sea and want to visit the solarium to maintain your tan, then it is best to postpone this idea for at least 2-3 weeks. Give your skin a little rest and recovery.

Video about visiting the solarium

Tanning in Russia is still in fashion. Especially among residents of the middle zone and colder regions, who manage to see the sun only a few months a year.

It is for them that solarium services are provided in almost every city - in fitness centers, beauty salons and even in baths and saunas.

But are there any benefits to tanning in a solarium? Sergey Chub, Candidate of Medical Sciences, employee of the Central Research Dermatovenerological Institute of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, tells.

What do scientists think about solariums?

Healthy skin

How to keep your skin healthy? Nutrition and water, sun and bad habits, sleep and the health of the body as a whole - Anna Kubanova, director of the State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology, talks about the factors influencing skin health.

“A good example of the effects of ultraviolet radiation, or, in other words, UV rays, is the use of “blue” lamps to disinfect medical instruments, operating rooms and other hospital rooms,” says Chub. “UV rays kill most bacteria.”

According to various studies, addiction to tanning in solariums in people under the age of 30 increases the risk of developing one of the most dangerous types of malignant tumors by 75 percent - melanoma.

This is why several years ago the UK banned the provision of solarium services to minors.

And in 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified solariums as one of the most important cancer risk factors. This category also includes tobacco, asbestos, arsenic and other recognized carcinogens. Now WHO categorically does not recommend using tanning beds for cosmetic purposes.

Why are solariums harmful?

Ultraviolet rays reaching the Earth's surface are divided into two types: A (UVA) and B (UVB).

UVB rays primarily cause thermal sunburn.

Type A rays can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin - the dermis. They can suppress the immune system, destroy cell DNA and cause cancer.

With uncontrolled exposure, ultraviolet rays become the No. 1 factor in skin cancer development. Moreover, it does not matter what the origin of UVA rays is - from the sun or a lamp in a solarium - they are equally dangerous.

The radiation from solarium lamps, like sunlight, contains mainly UVA rays. However, in solariums a person receives a dose of ultraviolet radiation, which more than 10 times higher than normal solar.

According to various estimates, 10 minutes - the standard time spent in a solarium - can be equated to two hours of exposure to the southern sun.

UVA rays provoke increased formation of the melanin pigment, which turns the skin brown. And this leads to the development of melanoma - the most common malignant tumor, frequent cases of which are associated with the passion for tanning.

Why don't tanning beds improve your appearance?

UVA rays destroy collagen and elastin, responsible for the elasticity of the skin, and dry it out. Cosmetologists believe that those who tan in solariums gradually become dull and, after the tan fades, acquire a grayish tint. And the tan itself from a solarium often turns out to be an unnatural shade.

In addition, all wrinkles and age spots become clearly visible on the skin. The solarium does not improve her condition - it does not help with acne and other skin problems.

“Tanning beds don’t cure acne,” says Chub. — Simply stimulating the immune system with excess UVA radiation for some time gives her a shake-up and helps reduce the number of rashes. But if you are constantly exposed to sunlight, your skin suffers even more.”

Who should not sunbathe in a solarium at all?

People with pale skin, freckles and red hair.
Women during menstruation.
People with skin diseases.
Pregnant and lactating.
People with a large number of moles and age spots.
When taking certain medications. Be sure to consult with the doctor who prescribed the drug, and carefully read the instructions for the medications.
For acute colds, asthma, hypertension, atherosclerosis, blood diseases and a number of other diseases. If you have acute or chronic illnesses, consult your doctor about whether you can use a solarium.

If you still decide to sunbathe in a solarium

Visit a dermatologist and get his permission to tan under ultraviolet lamps. This specialist will determine your skin type and tell you for how long and with what regularity you can sunbathe in the solarium.

Before visiting the solarium, take a shower and wash off all decorative cosmetics, perfume and traces of deodorant. Cosmetical tools exposure to ultraviolet rays can lead to skin irritation and even allergies.

Use sunscreen, intended for tanning in a solarium, be sure to apply it to the thin skin of the eyelids and lips.

Don't bare your breasts. It is ideal to sunbathe in a swimsuit, but it is acceptable to wear stickers on your nipples and areas. Remember that after 30 years, the risk of developing breast tumors increases many times, and solarium further increases this risk.

Don't forget to use after tanning in the solarium moisturizers, specifically designed for this type of tanning.

The most important

It should be remembered that tanning in a solarium is not only not healthy, but also dangerous to health due to the increased dose of ultraviolet rays. But if you are still going to sunbathe this way, consult your doctor and be extremely careful.

Solarium is one of the successful inventions of modern cosmetology. It makes life much easier for those who want to have a beautiful, even tan on their face and body at any time of the year. This magical substitute for sun rays has not lost its popularity since entering the beauty market. In this article we will talk in detail about the effect a solarium has on the body, what its pros and cons are.

Opinions about this type of artificial tanning are mixed: some believe that ultraviolet rays are harmful to the body, others argue that you can visit a solarium without harm to your health, the main thing is to choose the right tanning program. Well, let's find out whether solarium is actually harmful to human health, and what is the opinion of doctors on this matter.

What effect does a solarium have on the body?

Unlike sun rays, the ultraviolet used in solariums has a certain wavelength, which allows minimizing its negative impact on the body. Radiation parameters are selected individually for each person, depending on their skin type. Thus, for light skin, a wavelength of 290-320 nanometers is considered safe, for dark skin - 320-400 nanometers. Modern solariums are equipped with systems that determine the type of skin and the corresponding tanning regime. Why then can a solarium be bad?

The fact is that UV rays cause photochemical reactions on the skin, which leads to serious consequences. Thus, the danger of a solarium for women is that in pursuit of a chocolate tan, the permissible dosage of ultraviolet radiation is violated, which often leads to burns. In addition, delicate skin will begin to age prematurely - it will thin and become excessively dry.

Many girls prefer to sunbathe topless. But it is worth remembering that ultraviolet rays provoke cancer, incl. mammary gland. When sunbathing in a solarium, your breasts should be protected with special plastic caps, or nipple stickers should be used. And be sure to follow a tanning schedule!

For men, solarium is less dangerous, but excessive use of it can also lead to health problems.

It is important to know! A long stay in a solarium inhibits the activity of the nervous system!

How to sunbathe in a solarium without harm?

It is safe if you have no contraindications to visiting a solarium. We'll talk about them a little later, but for now let's look at what rules you need to follow when visiting a solarium in order to get the desired effect without harm to your health.

Rules for healthy tanning in a solarium:

  • if you are taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor before going to the solarium;
  • take a shower two hours before the solarium;
  • if you use, be sure to wash it off;
  • do not use before the session, as it can cause pigmentation;
  • Before entering the booth, remove jewelry;
  • Protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation with glasses. Remove contact lenses first;
  • cover your head with a cotton scarf to avoid dullness and brittleness;
  • cover your chest with special pads;
  • During the session, strictly follow the instructions;
  • use special tanning products in a solarium;
  • do not exceed the permissible time spent in the booth;
  • After completing the session, take a warm (not cold!) shower and apply a moisturizer to your skin.

How often can you visit the solarium?

Gradual tanning is the most harmless tanning in a solarium. The first session should last no more than 2-3 minutes, the maximum time spent in the solarium should not exceed 10 minutes.

You can visit the solarium once every two days, and after 5-6 sessions it is advisable to take a break for 10 days.


In some cases, a solarium is simply necessary to visit. Why, you ask? The fact is that with the right approach, the procedure not only provides a beautiful tan, but also treats various diseases.

Indications for solarium:

  • pale skin;
  • ultraviolet deficiency;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • hardening;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • skin diseases.

Solarium also helps get rid of acne on the face, or so they say. The main thing is not to overdo it, since after a seeming improvement, acne may worsen after 1-2 weeks.

Is it possible to compensate for vitamin D deficiency?

Ultraviolet light promotes the production of the amount of vitamin D the body lacks. But doctors note: in order to replenish your body with the necessary vitamin, it is not at all necessary to go to the solarium, it is better to walk on your face more often in sunny weather.

How to properly visit a solarium for medicinal purposes?

When visiting a solarium for medicinal purposes, you must first consult with your doctor, who will determine the advisability of these procedures and prescribe an individual course of treatment. It is also necessary to find out in advance about the parameters and characteristics of the solarium where you plan to undergo treatment.

It is important to remember that one treatment session should last no more than 5 minutes, regardless of the type of disease.


Tanning in a solarium has a number of serious contraindications.

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • cold;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malaria;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • mastopathy;
  • herpes;
  • varicose veins;
  • fibroadenoma, uterine fibroids, and other malignant/benign formations;
  • cyst;
  • mammoplasty;
  • dermatitis;
  • hemangiomas;
  • after childbirth, incl. caesarean section;
  • after operation.

During pregnancy Solarium is absolutely contraindicated. The fact is that due to hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women, including in the early stages, the body may become covered with dark spots. In addition, this is an additional burden on the body, and the risk of tumors increases significantly.

When breastfeeding(lactation) the solarium cannot be visited for similar reasons. It is better for a nursing mother to wait until the breastfeeding period is over so as not to harm her health.

On critical days going to the solarium is also contraindicated. This is due to the fact that an increase in body temperature can cause heavy bleeding, and due to hormonal changes that occur in the body during menstruation, the skin will tan unevenly.

People often ask on beauty forums: is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium after Botox and Dysport injections, as well as biorevitalization procedures, in particular? Experts practicing in this area strongly recommend refraining from visiting a solarium in the first 10-15 days after injections, since due to high temperatures and UV radiation the healing process will take longer and slower.

After the procedure depilation, including sugaring, you can visit the solarium no earlier than a day later, since the skin after hair removal is very sensitive and radiation can provoke irritation, allergic reactions and hyperpigmentation.

After laser hair removal you need to wait at least two weeks, and only then plan a trip to the solarium.

If you did tattoo on body, a trip to the solarium should be postponed for a month, since a fresh tattoo can quickly fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Concerning piercing, then you are allowed to visit the solarium after a puncture no earlier than 2 weeks, since a fresh wound will take a long and painful time to heal.

Availability depriving on the body may also be a temporary contraindication to visiting a solarium. Firstly, against the background of a tan, the spots will stand out even more, and secondly, a relapse is possible. You can sunbathe after treatment no earlier than 6-12 months, when the skin color evens out.

After microblading Do not sunbathe for at least two weeks, as UV rays can irritate damaged skin.

After saunas and seas You can sunbathe in a solarium no earlier than 3 days later, as water procedures make the skin too susceptible to radiation and burns may occur.

With eyelash extensions You can visit the solarium, but only on condition that your eyes are protected with special glasses.

Healed scars, appearing on the body due to various injuries are not a contraindication to solarium.

Compatibility of visiting a solarium with various diseases

It was said above that a solarium can be used for medicinal purposes. In particular, such a tan is effective for psoriasis, erysipelas, bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, pleurisy, etc. Doctors also recommend it for rheumatism, atherosclerosis, arthritis, consequences of bone fractures, neuralgia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and spinal cord injuries.

Is it possible to visit a solarium if you have moles?

If you have moles on your skin, you can visit a solarium, but large, convex formations should be protected with special pads and in no case should you overuse frequent procedures.

If there are too many moles on the body, experts do not recommend going to the solarium, as UV radiation can provoke their growth. After removing a mole, including by cauterization, visiting a solarium is completely prohibited until the skin is completely healed.

Negative consequences after visiting a solarium

Passion for solarium often leads to such negative consequences as burns, redness, rash, itching, swelling, pimples, fever, headache, age spots, new moles, white spots. These negative consequences can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of specialists (see “Rules for healthy tanning in a solarium”). But what to do if problems do arise? We tell you how to cope with the most common side effects.

Put away redness from the face and red spots on the body Oils will help: sunflower, olive, camphor or burdock. Ointments (for example, “Rescuer”) and restorative sprays (for example, “Panthenol”) also have a calming effect on the skin. You can also remove redness with after-sun cream.

Burnt areas should be treated with a cream to eliminate burns or with wound-healing agents: ointment (“Rescuer”), spray (for example, “Panthenol”).

If itches body, this means that you are allergic to UV rays or to the tanning products used. Local antihistamine ointments (gels) and medications (for example, Loratadine) will help relieve itching.

If after solarium headache, this means that the body has overheated. The body needs to be cooled as quickly as possible. Drink a glass of cool water and go out into the fresh air for 10-15 minutes. You should not take painkillers.

Alternative to solarium

If you want to have tanned skin, but this type of artificial tanning is contraindicated for you or side effects occur after each session, replace trips to the solarium with other options.

How can you tan without a solarium and not go to the beach? Instead of a solarium, you can use self-tanning products. An instant tan, which can be obtained in one procedure, will also be a worthy alternative. It is absolutely safe and harmless, since the tanning product - reed lotion - contains exclusively natural ingredients. The only disadvantage of instant tanning is its short-term effect (7-14 days).

Pros and cons of the procedure

Like any cosmetic procedure, solarium also has its pros and cons.


  • even tan;
  • healing effect;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • hardening;
  • long lasting result;
  • gentle on the skin compared to the sun.


  • a large number of contraindications;
  • ultraviolet sensitivity;
  • side effects.

The solarium provides the desired tan at any time of the year without much effort. At the same time, the procedure has significant contraindications and strict restrictions, failure to comply with which is accompanied by serious side effects.

Whether it's worth sunbathing this way is up to you to decide. If you still plan to visit a solarium, first objectively assess your health and skin condition and, if necessary, consult a specialist. And remember: the course should start with a minimum time, gradually increasing it. This way you are guaranteed to get the desired result without harming your own health.