How to understand that it’s time to get a divorce - advice from a psychologist. How I realized that it was time to get a divorce: personal experience In what cases are they required to divorce by law?

It just so happens that in our country, almost a fifth of all marriages break up in the first three years of marriage. As a rule, during this period spouses do not always have time to have children. Therefore, in most cases, an application is submitted to the registry office for divorce without children. But even in this case, when the spouses do not have any claims against each other, certain nuances are possible, which you need to know in order to divorce your wife competently.

You need to muster up the courage and in a tactful manner, calmly discuss everything that does not suit you, how long it has been happening, the prospects for further life together, as well as the opportunity to start life from scratch.

You need to try to make the person agree with you. Then the divorce will occur by mutual consent, without unnecessary stress. It will also be possible to maintain good relationships and seek help from each other in difficult moments of separate life.

How to divorce your spouse when there are no children and there is consent

It is easiest to divorce your wife when the divorce occurs without children and without a property dispute. In this case, you will need the following:

  1. Personal presence of the spouses (or a notarized statement of one of them);
  2. Statement of the established form in the registry office;
  3. Payment of state duty (in one payment).

A sample application (on Form 8) for divorce in the absence of children can be taken directly from the registry office.

This application must contain the following information:

  • the name of the civil registry office to which the application for divorce is submitted;
  • the address where the applicant lives;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the spouses;
  • date, month, year of birth;
  • Which country is the applicant a citizen of?
  • passport data;
  • Marriage certificate details:
  • It is also necessary to enter the surnames that the spouses keep after the divorce.

Here you will need passports (basic data is taken from them during the process of filling out the application). The procedure for severing relations in this case will be completed a month after the spouses have written and registered the corresponding application.

The legislator set this deadline in case the couple suddenly changes their mind and decides to withdraw their application. It should be remembered that during this entire period, the written document for divorce without children and property disputes should not change. Otherwise you will simply be sent to court.

No consent and no children

In practice, cases are not uncommon when only one of the spouses needs a divorce, and the other in every possible way prevents the divorce from being processed through the registry office without children. Here you will definitely have to go to court. Regarding the documents that will be required to begin the procedure for filing a divorce without children and without consent, duplicates of them can always be obtained from the authorities where the originals were issued. To initiate divorce proceedings in court you will need:

  • statement of claim - ;
  • receipts for payment of state fees.

The law provides for the possibility of considering a case without the presence of the plaintiff; for this, the corresponding desire must be reflected in the application. With this option, the court decision will be sent to the plaintiff by registered mail.

It is worth noting that the division of property can be the subject of dispute, both during the divorce process and after its completion for three years.

Usually, a divorce through court without children, if there is no property dispute, does not take much time - from a month to three. It all depends on the position of the second spouse. It is important to understand here that the divorce of spouses without children can be extended over time due to a court decision to give the spouses time for reconciliation. The law allows up to three months for this.

If the second spouse completely ignores the court hearings, while being properly informed about them, a unilateral divorce without children is possible after the third failure to appear at the scheduled hearing.

Features of unilateral divorce

The law provides for cases when only one person can write an application for divorce without children. The sample application in this case must contain the reason indicating the legally provided right, namely:

  • the second of the married couple is incapacitated;
  • the spouse is in prison with a sentence of more than three years in prison;
  • the absent spouse has gone missing.

To file a divorce at the registry office without children, you must provide a copy of the court decision with a note that itcame into force, and was not appealed. Then the state duty will have to be paid in a smaller amount. The specific amount for a specific date can be found out by reading the relevant norm of the Tax Code.

In the case of a unilateral divorce, an application form (Form 9) is filled out; we will explain how to fill it out below:

  1. The full name of the civil registry office department to which the package of documents for divorce is sent is indicated;
  2. The contents of the application must include information about the intention to divorce the spouse, and his (her) full last name, first name, patronymic;
  3. Information about spouses, as well as information about the last place of residence of a spouse whose whereabouts are currently unknown (in case he is missing);
  4. The reasons for the divorce on the basis of which the applicant applied, as well as information about the court decision declaring the person missing, are indicated;
  5. Applicant's passport details;
  6. Details of the registration certificate of a previously concluded marriage.

If the application is written by the wife, then she must also fill out the column indicating the last name that will remain with her after the divorce.

In case of incapacity of the spouse, it is necessary to indicate the address and full name. guardian.

If the spouse is serving a sentence of imprisonment, the details of the institution are indicated. in which he is located.

There is a property dispute, but no children

If there are no children in the family, and the spouses decide to separate, but they have a property dispute, this can be done in two main ways. The first is to submit documents for divorce through the registry office, end the marriage, and then file a lawsuit for division of property. In this case, the legal dispute will be considered between two free citizens who are free to develop their new family life in parallel.

But in most cases, when there is a dispute over property, a claim for divorce through the court without children is filed together with a demand for division of property. Then the procedure for divorce without children can be significantly delayed, and the spouses will formally be married all this time and bear mutual obligations. Therefore, it is more advisable to initially file an application for divorce in court, break off the relationship, and only then begin dividing up the property acquired together.

Is it possible to simplify divorce and make it quick?

Of course, the procedure for divorce proceedings without children with mutual consent greatly simplifies the task of formalizing and arranging future life. After all, you don’t need to think about how to pay child support, help a child in difficult times, or just be with your child.

You should strive to terminate the relationship through the registry office, and not through the court, since the latter option takes longer and is accompanied by negative emotions and stress. Moreover, the court usually allows a certain time for the spouses to make a final decision; clarifies all the nuances of family life to confirm the impossibility of the family’s continued existence.

To reduce the time of divorce proceedings in court, it is necessary to strive to come to a compromise by formalizing it in the form of an agreement with a notary, which will not allow one of the parties to abandon previously accepted agreements in court. On average, a divorce through the court takes at least 3-4 months.

It should be noted that the registry office can file a divorce without minor children, if there are still children in the family. In other words, if your children are over 18 years old, you also have the right to go to the registry office, submit an application and after a month receive a document confirming the breakup.

For those who are afraid of getting a divorce because of child support, you should know another rule of law, according to which you can arrange child support without a divorce. So, you will not be able to get away from supporting your child, if the second spouse wishes.

In what cases will a divorce be carried out as quickly and smoothly as possible?

1. The presence of mutual consent of the spouses to file for divorce;

2. If the spouses live separately for a long time and there is evidence of this;

3. absence of children, or the age of the children exceeded 18 years;

4. The husband or wife is serving a sentence of imprisonment;

5. The court has declared one of the spouses incompetent.

How much does divorce cost in 2019?

The price varies depending on the city. in which the statement of claim is prepared and the status of the legal office. We suggest focusing on the following numbers:

Preparation of a statement of claim with a package of documents - 5 - 7 thousand rubles;

Representation of interests and their defense at court hearings - 10 - 15 thousand rubles;

Appealing a court decision - 5 - 7 thousand rubles.

Considering the negative aftertaste that remains after making a decision to sever a relationship, it is advisable to initially find for yourself the best option for legal registration of this process, so as not to injure yourself and your ex-spouse. Anything can happen in life, it’s better to stay in a distant but good relationship, because it doesn’t matter how fate will turn out in the future.

And it’s even better to hear each other’s complaints, try to both change and save the family!

In 2019, the divorce procedure in Russia remains the same. A marriage can be dissolved administratively (through the registry office) or judicially. It is also possible to file for divorce through State Services or the MFC (in case of an administrative divorce). To file for divorce, you must follow all legal procedures.

Grounds and methods of divorce

Current Russian legislation provides for two options for divorce: (civil registry authorities, i.e., administratively) and (judicial procedure). Of course, from a legal point of view, the easiest way to separate is by submitting an application to the registry office, but not all divorcing couples have this opportunity - for example, you will have to go to court for a divorce, if the spouses have common minor children, if one of the parties (husband or wife) does not agree to divorce, or if they have disputes about the division of property.

You can contact the civil registry office only if certain conditions are met:

  • both spouses submit a joint application, do not object to separation, and also do not have common children who are under 18 years of age;
  • Only one spouse files for divorce, while the second one was either sentenced to a long term for a crime (more than 3 years), or was declared incompetent or missing by a judge’s decision.

Writing an application

This period is provided so that those divorcing can rethink the decision made. Only after confirmation of readiness to complete the divorce procedure will the former spouses be issued a divorce certificate.

You can also file an application for divorce at the registry office or.

Divorce in court

Any judicial procedure always involves certain difficulties and duration of resolution of the case. This is also true for divorce proceedings. You should get a divorce through the court if:

  • the husband and wife have common children who have not reached the age of majority;
  • spouses cannot independently resolve property disputes;
  • one of the spouses does not consent to a peaceful separation or refuses to submit a joint application to the registry office.

Applying to the court begins with filing a statement of claim for divorce, which must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules for its speedy acceptance by the court for consideration.

Which court should I go to?

There is a fee for going to court National tax:

  • 600 rubles for a simple divorce;
  • up to 60,000 rubles when dividing property (the amount of state duty in this case depends on the price of the claim).

Deadline for reconciliation

The judge, at his own discretion, determines whether it is possible to save the family. If there is even a minimal probability, then he can set a deadline for the husband and wife for reconciliation. Such a period cannot be more than 3 months, but cannot be less than 1 month. In order to reduce the term appointed by the court, the parties have the right to ask the court for this, providing justification for such a reduction.

Court hearing and issues resolved by the court during it

The court hearing is held on a day appointed by the judge. The parties are notified in advance of this date and time of the hearing. The following issues may be resolved by the court:

  1. On the collection of child support.
  2. About recovery (spouse).

The court's decision

In divorce proceedings, a court decision is one main document, because it is on its basis that the marriage will be declared dissolved. In addition, it is on the basis of the decision of the judicial authority that a certificate of divorce is issued.

A court decision on divorce entails legal consequences only after it enters into legal force. To do this, it is necessary for a month to pass after its issuance, allotted for the possibility of appealing it.

Judgment may be appealed to a higher authority. This can be done not only by the plaintiff or defendant, but also by any third party participating in the case. In addition, when appealing, it is permissible to appeal not only the fact of divorce itself, but also how the court divided the jointly acquired property or determined the place of residence of the children.

Certificate of divorce and possibility of changing surname

Certificate divorce is issued by the registry office. To receive it, you must submit an extract from the court decision on divorce. An extract (it indicates everything that the civil registry office must take into account when taking actions to issue a certificate) must be issued within 3 days from the date the decision comes into force. If it is difficult or impossible to obtain, then a copy of the court decision is also suitable for presentation. A certificate is issued to each party; to obtain it, you need to pay a state fee in the amount of 650 rubles for each spouse. If it is subsequently lost, it can be restored by paying the state fee again.

After divorce spouses have the right to change their surname. This must be done at the time of registering the divorce with the civil registry office, that is, when submitting an application for a divorce certificate. Remember that if you change your last name, you will also have to change your passport!

Special cases

When a marriage is dissolved, there may be situations that require separate consideration.

Divorce without the presence of a spouse

Divorce without the presence of one of the parties is possible in the following cases:

  • if the spouse is physically unable to be present in court or the registry office;
  • if the spouse does not agree to the separation and expresses this by his absence;
  • if the spouse is recognized by the court as incompetent, missing, or sentenced to a term of at least 3 years and is in prison.

If one of the spouses cannot be present during the divorce procedure, then he can authorize a proxy to represent his own interests.

The court may also conduct a trial in absentia. In this case, the defendant is informed about the divorce proceedings, and he must inform about the impossibility of attending the meeting and ask to postpone the hearing or consider the case without him, but if he does not take advantage of this right, the court will make a decision in absentia.

If the defendant fails to appear at the hearing three times for reasons that cannot be considered valid, the court at the last hearing makes a decision on divorce.

With mutual consent, both the civil registry office employees and the judge can dissolve the marriage in the presence of only one of the parties. It must be remembered that in the absence of mutual consent, a marriage can only be dissolved in court.

Divorce from a foreigner

It is possible to dissolve a marriage with a foreign citizen in Russia both through the civil registry office and in court.

  • Administrative divorce carried out according to the standard procedure for the Russian Federation. It is also possible to dissolve a marriage without the presence of a foreign spouse, but in this case, his or her statement certified by a notary will be required.
  • Divorce in court may be accompanied by a number of difficulties in the absence of a foreign spouse in the territory of the Russian Federation. In such a situation, it is possible to dissolve the marriage without the presence of this spouse, but his application will be required, as well as full compliance with his rights in accordance with the legislation of the country of which he is a citizen.

Divorce from a convicted spouse

If one of the spouses is sentenced to a term of 3 years or more and is in prison, then the second spouse can divorce him administratively. This procedure is possible even if there are common minor children.

Before filing for divorce, you need to think: will it really help solve the problems? Perhaps you need to make a different decision and improve family relationships.

According to many psychologists, both husband and wife are to blame. And it doesn’t matter at all who decided to file for divorce. First of all, you need to understand that when a certain time passes after the wedding, the passion fades a little. This is normal and there is no need to see problems here. It is replaced by warm family feelings that must be preserved for life.

When there is a feeling that it will not be possible to return to the previous relationship, in many cases couples decide to file for divorce without even making attempts to reanimate the departed feelings. But you shouldn’t immediately rush to extremes. Before you commit the irreparable, you need to take the first steps towards reconciliation. The wife should be the first to decide to talk to her husband if the man is indecisive. However, efforts must be made by both spouses, otherwise divorce is inevitable.

Signs of an approaching divorce

How do you know if divorce is inevitable if you don't try to avoid it? There are certain signs that allow you to understand this. You can know that a breakup is imminent when:

  • My husband doesn't want to have children. Less often such a decision is made by a woman. If the absence of children does not suit one of the spouses, while the other is categorically against the child, divorce is inevitable.
  • Quarrels over trifles. The cause of conflicts can be scattered socks, an item left in the wrong place, etc. In these cases, the reason is not so important. She is only a pretext for a scandal, and he himself is a clear sign of growing irritation between husband and wife. In such quarrels, grievances are often recalled and insulting words are spoken towards each other. As a result, one of the spouses cannot stand it and is ready to decide to file for divorce.

  • Problems in intimate life. When intimacy between husband and wife does not bring pleasure, this is a clear sign that there will be a divorce in the family after some time. Perhaps the reason is that love has passed, old feelings have cooled, passion has faded. Before you decide to divorce, you need to have a heart-to-heart talk, find out what is the reason for the cooling. In many cases, this helps to get rid of the problem and restore sexual relations.
  • Groundless jealousy. There are often cases when a man makes scandals because of jealousy, without having any reason for it. The husband accuses his wife, insults her, calls her a harlot. Family life becomes unbearable, so it is not surprising that the wife wants to file for divorce.
  • There is no heart-to-heart conversation. A successful family life is impossible without mutual understanding and revelations. When a conversation with your husband comes down solely to solving minor everyday problems, divorce is inevitable. You need to never stop sharing your emotions and experiences if you want to maintain warm relationships in the family. Husband and wife are one, so problems should be common.
  • The wife doesn't care what her husband thinks about her. As you know, indifference kills, including family life. This is a clear sign that there will be a divorce. If a woman does not want to know what her husband thinks of her, then she is indifferent to him.
  • There is a constant desire to leave home. If a husband or wife wants to leave the family nest, remain alone, and avoid family leisure, this is a sign that a divorce is approaching.

  • Insults come easily. If, in a fit of emotion, a husband or wife stoops to insults, humiliating words can result in resentment, which will accumulate and soon lead to divorce. But before that, life will turn into mutual revenge, which does not bode well.
  • The husband criticizes his wife’s hobbies or, conversely, the woman does not want him to do this or that business. Each spouse expects support and understanding from their significant other. If instead a man or woman hears constant reproaches, these are signs of an imminent divorce. You need to treat each other with understanding, respect the opinions and interests of your loved one, accept him for who he is.
  • The man suddenly became the “ideal husband.” At first glance, it might seem that there is something wrong with this? But it’s one thing if a man has always been like this, and a completely different thing if it happened suddenly. In this case, you need to be careful. Perhaps he wants to get a divorce, but he is consumed by a feeling of guilt, which he tries to make up for with his behavior.

What should you do first?

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please use the online consultant form on the right or call the free hotline:

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If a man or woman feels that divorce is approaching, every effort must be made to avoid it. Divorce is an extreme measure that spouses are forced to take if there are no other options left.

Before deciding to divorce, you need to carefully analyze the current situation. A serious conversation should take place between husband and wife, which will make it possible to find out the reasons for the omissions. It is quite possible that the relationship can still be saved, but only if one of the spouses wants it. If you can’t figure it out on your own, you should visit a psychologist. He will help you find out the reasons for the upcoming breakup and guide you on the right path.

If one psychologist does not help you cope with the problem, you should contact another specialist. Before you decide to take drastic measures, you should try all possible ways to save the marriage. Next you should follow the algorithm. If you can save your family, you should fight for it with all your might. If all options have been exhausted and have not brought results, divorce will be the best option.

According to psychologists, if all the signs listed above are present, in 90% of cases divorce is inevitable. If there are one or two problems, the relationship can be revived. However, you should not solve them with the help of the child, as many couples like to do. Buying a car together won't help either. Until the spouses decide to have a frank conversation, they will not be able to find out the reason for what led to this situation.

According to Professor Gottman, the main sign of a successful marriage is an increase in the volume of positive emotions over negative ones. This is the best recipe for improving family relationships. In addition, in order to save the marriage, it is worth spending as much free time together as possible, without moving away from each other.

True, no one can guarantee one hundred percent that all the methods described will help. It all depends on the spouses themselves. They are the ones who must think about their future, listen to their own feelings and emotions. To achieve the desired result, you will have to work hard on yourself. Thus, to the questions of how to find out about an upcoming divorce and save the relationship, there is no answer with an exact course of action.

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According to statistics, the number of divorces in Russia every year exceeds the number of marriage registrations by 5,000 cases. This happens for various reasons: fading of feelings, harmful addictions, his or her infidelity, etc. But not every family breakdown is accompanied by a mutual desire to get a divorce. Sometimes one of the spouses does not want a divorce, but the other one puts up with this outcome because he does not know his rights and capabilities. However, there is a way out of any situation! You can divorce your husband or wife without their consent.

Is it possible to get a divorce if the husband or wife is against divorce?

Most often, marriages are concluded officially. And it just so happens that a person who does not go into the details of family law is sure that divorce is possible only with the consent of the second spouse. Because of this, many couples simply “separate” without dissolving the marriage and waiting until the other party agrees. But you cannot force a person to be married against his will, so a divorce can be achieved! Only the method of dissolution of marriage depends on consent.

Divorce in court is carried out if the court determines that further life together of the spouses and the preservation of the family is impossible.

Article 22 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation

The duration of a divorce in such cases and its complexity depend on many different nuances:

  • presence of children;
  • obstruction of the process;
  • the possibility of reconciliation;
  • territorial location of spouses.

Is it possible to divorce a marriage through the registry office if the spouse disagrees?

You can get a divorce through the registry office if:

  • the spouses don’t mind;
  • no common children under 18 years of age;
  • both spouses are capable.

If the spouse is alive, law-abiding and of sound mind, but does not want to get a divorce, then you cannot get a divorce through the registry office.

Alsou Urazaeva

Divorce through court without the consent of one of the spouses

In case of divorce through the court, the consent of the other half is not necessary. This procedure is always possible, except in the following cases:

  • if the plaintiff is the husband and the wife is pregnant;
  • if there is a child under 1 year old;
  • if the child was stillborn, but a year has not yet passed since his birth.

Important: in case of pregnancy or the presence of a child (under 1 year), the court will not take into account the fact that the husband is not the biological father.

How to start divorce proceedings

A claim for divorce can be brought to the court at the place of residence of the other half. Only sometimes at the applicant’s address:

  • if a minor child lives with the plaintiff;
  • if there is a certificate stating that it is impossible to travel due to health conditions.

Example: a wife filed for divorce, but her six-year-old son lives with her. In this case, she can file an application with the court at her place of residence. Or the applicant is a husband, but he has a broken leg (there must be a doctor’s report), then he can take the application to his place of residence.

Dmitry Melnikov

If the address of the defendant is unknown, then you can go to court at the last address where he lived.

Video: how divorce works in court

When can they get divorced in the magistrate's court?

If there are no disputes about alimony and property, the claim for divorce is filed with a magistrate, who can:

  • satisfy the claim;
  • adjourn the hearing for 1 month;
  • refuse satisfaction.

The court cannot change jurisdiction at the request of the husband (wife). An application containing alimony requirements or division of property must be submitted to the district court.

What documents are needed to file a claim?

In order not to waste time, you need to prepare in advance:

  • statement of claim (2 copies);
  • plaintiff's passport;
  • marriage registration certificate;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty (650 rubles);
  • birth certificates of common minor children (copies certified by a notary are possible);
  • a certificate of family composition (if children live with you);
  • marriage contract (if any);
  • certificates of income of both parties (if the issue of alimony is considered);
  • documents on the plaintiff’s property (if the issue of division of property is considered).

If there are no children or joint property, the judge pays special attention to the completeness and accuracy of the attached documents. The court may not accept the claim for consideration if it contains serious violations. So, it must contain:

  • name of the judicial authority;
  • information about the plaintiff and defendant (passport details, actual address and registration, contact numbers, etc.);
  • reason for divorce;
  • list of applications;
  • date and signature.

Features of divorce when one of the spouses does not agree to it

Each divorce has its own subtleties, which determine the further course of events and the duration of the procedure. Often everything is decided by the chosen line of behavior.

Example: the wife initiated the divorce and division of property, but the husband was against it. In the application, she wrote the reason: “They didn’t get along” and “forgot” to attach some documents. The defendant reviewed the copy of the claim and other documents. After which he filed a counterclaim indicating the reasons “Alcoholism of the spouse and violation of the terms of the marriage contract,” and also attached the necessary medical certificates and documents for property that belonged to him before marriage. The result was the satisfaction of the counterclaim. The division of property did not bring anything to the plaintiff.

Ksenia Artyushkina, lawyer

Typically, applications for divorce and division of property are filed simultaneously or both requirements are contained in one application. But if property issues concern someone else (third parties), the court may decide to consider a specific case in a separate manner. For example, the court divorces spouses, and considers the issue of division of property at a different time.

Duration of divorce registration

The duration of divorce proceedings depends on the jurisdiction. If the claim is filed in the Magistrates' Court, the first hearing date is set (30 days later). Spouses receive summonses by mail. If both agree, then in a month a court decision on divorce will be sent to the registry office.

If one is still against divorce and believes that reconciliation is possible, the judge sets a period for reconciliation (up to 3 months). If the couple does not reconcile during this time, they will be granted a divorce. But the dissenting party can gain a little more time if they have time to appeal the decision within 30 days.

In district courts, the situation is a little different; a hearing can be scheduled 2 months after the filing of the claim.

In cases where both do not come to the meeting, the marriage is considered preserved and the case is closed. If only one does not appear, the court will consider the case without him or set a new date. But if the defendant does not come three times, then the decision on divorce will be made automatically.

Divorce procedure with children

When there are small children in the family, the divorce procedure becomes somewhat more complicated. Firstly, you need more documents than under normal circumstances.

Package of documents for a child:

  • birth certificate,
  • confirmation of registration,
  • certificate from school, etc.

Secondly, the court will take into account the interests of the child. If the parents have not reached an amicable agreement about the children and have not recorded the agreement with a notary, then the issue of their future upbringing will be considered in court.

Most often, the court sides with the mother and the children remain with her after the divorce.

Alsou Urazaeva

It is important to know that the court may separate the issue concerning the future of children into another proceeding and consider it separately from the divorce. The future of the children is also determined by the court. Many factors are taken into account when making a decision:

  • material security of the parties;
  • personal (moral) qualities of parents;
  • the child’s attachment to one of the parents (relatives);
  • conditions offered to the child in the future;
  • the type of activity of the parents (working hours, etc.).

Many people believe that material well-being will play a decisive role, but this is not so.

Example: during a divorce, an 11-year-old child is left behind, the father demands that the son stay with him, since he has more money, a better apartment, an expensive car, a well-paid job, etc. The court took into account the child’s desire to stay with his mother and grandmother, the availability they have a private house (better ecology), which is located near the school. The child’s mother also provided medical evidence that her ex-husband abuses alcohol. The child remained with his mother.

Oleg Babkin

The court decision is made on the basis of a combination of factors that should provide the child with a normal upbringing and conditions for development, since the interests of the children in such cases are a priority.

Video: how to divorce spouses if he (she) does not give consent

So, it is impossible to get a divorce through the registry office without the consent of the other party. If one of you is not eager to get a divorce, the application must be submitted to the court. He will dissolve the marriage, because a person cannot be forced to be a husband or wife against his will. If there are small children in the family, then their future will also be determined by the court. In any case, they will try to set a deadline for reconciliation. There is no need to neglect it, this is additional time when you can reconsider your decisions again.