How to arrange a fasting day for a pregnant woman. How to properly arrange fasting days for pregnant women

There is a widespread belief that during the period of bearing a baby, the mother needs to eat for two so that the child grows and does not experience a lack of nutrients. This misconception leads to excess weight gain and prevents the baby from being born naturally. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it. Also, fasting days during pregnancy help get rid of swelling and restore the functioning of internal organs.

What are they and their types

This is a dietary restriction and a reduction in calories from the daily diet. They have a beneficial effect on the well-being of the mother and on the intrauterine development of the baby.

They must be correctly selected, because a woman may experience ailments such as nausea, dizziness. This indicates that she is lacking nutrients. Do not be confused: such days and a diet are completely different things.

Weight gain over the entire period of the “interesting situation” should not exceed 8-12 kilograms. If the numbers go off scale, this indicates pathology. A fasting day is recommended for a pregnant woman to lose weight.

First trimester

From 1-13 weeks, the internal organs and systems of the fetus are formed. External factors can negatively affect this process.

During this period, there is no need to specially spend such days. A pregnant woman should gain ~400 grams every week.

If more than 600 grams is recorded on the scales, a fasting day during pregnancy on kefir or cottage cheese is recommended. This will help normalize body weight.

Second trimester

From 16-24 weeks. During this period, the baby is already beginning to move, he needs calories. It is clear that the mother almost constantly feels hungry; baked goods, sweets, and fried foods should be avoided.

Please note that exotic fruits, strawberries, and tomatoes are allergens. It is allowed to eat more apples, cereals, and dairy products.

But, nevertheless, in agreement with the gynecologist, a fasting day on buckwheat during pregnancy, as well as on fruits or vegetables, may be allowed. It is recommended to subject them to heat treatment.

Third trimester

During this period, the frequency of meals should not be less than 4. However, relief for the body is necessary, and it is better to do this on salads, apples, cottage cheese.

Basically, mommy eats the same way as in the previous stage. There is no need to restrain the feeling of hunger - it is recommended to snack on dried fruits, watermelon, porridge, cottage cheese with raisins.


Unwanted weight gain is felt from the second to third trimester. Therefore, until 13-16 weeks, it is better not to take any measures and eat as much as you want.

First of all, this applies to girls who were slim before pregnancy. The rest need to follow the recommendations of the gynecologist. Because women with cannot control their appetite.

This is what a fasting day during pregnancy might look like, an approximate menu.

  1. Dried apricots + rice. Boil a glass of brown rice, divided into 6 portions. Add dried fruits.
  2. Fish or meat. Eat no more than 0.5 kg of both. Since these are nutritious foods, you need to eat fresh vegetables and herbs along with them.
  3. Lactic acid products. Divide 1.5 liters of kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk into several doses.

Women who carry a baby in the summer can relieve the body with the help of watermelon. But it must be remembered that it can cause swelling.

Indications and contraindications

If during the entire gestation period he gains more than 4 kilograms, the risk of perineum during natural childbirth increases. The expectant mother should take the initiative to lose weight, but not at the expense of the baby's health.

It is not difficult to arrange a fasting day on apples during pregnancy, just like on buckwheat, vegetables, and fruits.


  • underweight woman;
  • chronic pathologies of internal organs.

After the examination, the doctor himself decides whether the body needs unloading or not. First of all, he is guided by the results of the survey. If necessary, he will refer you to an appointment with a cardiologist or endocrinologist.

Benefits and harms

A properly organized daily menu has a positive effect on the general well-being of the expectant mother and baby. The gastrointestinal tract gets rid of slagging and harmful toxins, metabolism accelerates.

Important! The first signs that a pregnant woman’s body lacks vitamins: roughness of the palms, hair loss, layering of the nail plates. During this period it is impossible not to notice.

As for the harm directly, the days cannot be used to lose excess weight. The choice of products should be provided to the doctor who is currently monitoring the health and intrauterine development of the baby.

In the 3rd trimester, it is necessary to reduce fasting days for pregnant women to a minimum. But a gynecologist can also tell you about this after the next examination, weighing, delivery and other procedures.


Below you will find options for unloading the body, but not all of them are suitable for pregnant women.

If you are in the first trimester and have not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, you should give preference to fruit and vegetable options.

Fasting days for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester are prescribed by a gynecologist, if necessary.

  1. It is recommended to eat up to 2 kilograms of apples, nothing more than water. With increased acidity of gastric juice - sweet fruits. In case of severe toxicosis - sour apples.
  2. Potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers up to 1.5 kg. You can combine them; you don’t have to eat just one thing.
  3. Rice porridge with dried fruits.
  4. 70 grams of boiled fish and 150 grams. vegetable salad.
  5. Protein. A woman can eat cottage cheese for breakfast, boiled turkey thigh for lunch, and steamed fish for dinner. Do the same with other products containing protein.

It is necessary to unload the body from the second trimester of pregnancy. This is not recommended until 13 weeks, the baby is still developing, the main organs and systems are being formed. For the rest of the period, such relief is useful for the body and will only bring benefits.

There is a myth that, being in an “interesting position,” a girl should eat “for two.” Numerous relatives and friends constantly feed the expectant mother, without thinking at all about the possible consequences. As a result, regular consumption of sweets, fatty foods and other homemade, incredibly “healthy” foods can lead to huge problems associated not only with the health of the pregnant woman, but also the fetus.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is completely rebuilt. The main change concerns weight, a significant increase in body weight, which most of the fair half are very afraid of. What needs to be done so that your figure does not suffer too much and the hated extra pounds are not gained? It is strictly forbidden to go on a diet, but a properly conducted fasting day during pregnancy will give excellent results.

Experts recommend that pregnant women unload no more than once a week. This will not harm the baby; he will also receive everything he needs from the mother, who will at the same time be able to take care of her health. By regularly performing weight loss exercises, you can control your weight well. And after giving birth, returning to your previous shape will be much easier and faster, without strict diets and grueling workouts.

By wisely limiting your body’s consumption of certain foods, following the rules and recommendations of your doctor, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your body’s health:

  • The gastrointestinal tract is cleansed of waste and toxins, and the functioning of the organs of the system is normalized.
  • Positive effect on the kidneys - excess, stagnant fluid is removed. As a result, the expectant mother gets rid of swelling, her complexion takes on a pleasant, healthy appearance, and her nail plate and hair become stronger.
  • Improved metabolism. Metabolism quickly accelerates, accelerating all internal processes.
  • Stabilization of blood pressure, achievement of normal values ​​- no sudden jumps and poor health of the pregnant woman.

The future mother's diet requires not only balance, but also moderation. for pregnant women - an ideal way to switch to eating healthy, without overeating or limiting yourself in anything. In addition to the simple desire to unload your body, there are several indications for which RD is mandatory:

  • Obesity. It does not matter whether it was acquired before or during pregnancy. Excess weight provokes many unpleasant diseases, for example, gestational diabetes, which impairs blood flow and creates a huge risk of developing obesity in the child in the future.
  • Critically fast weight gain. Typically, a woman expecting a child gains from 300 to 500 grams weekly. Over the entire period, approximately 12 kilograms are gained. If violations are detected, and weight comes in much larger volumes, then you should periodically unload.
  • Preeclampsia. Complications of this disease can include placental abruption, delayed fetal development, and even injuries and convulsions during childbirth.

It is also a good idea to perform unloading for constipation, shortness of breath, and some diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Despite a lot of positive aspects, a negative effect from fasting days cannot be ruled out - a deterioration in the general condition of the woman and baby. While in the first and subsequent trimesters, it is important to visit a doctor in advance and consult about possible short-term unloading. Only an experienced specialist will be able to most competently assess all possible risks, give practical advice and help with diet.

Very often pregnant women independently experiment with their diet, which is strictly prohibited. This process has several serious contraindications:

  • Underweight before conception.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Chronic diseases, such as diabetes.
  • Asthma.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Food allergies.

If during the first trimester no special changes are observed in the body, except for toxicosis, then in the second a radical restructuring already occurs. The child grows, develops, his organs and systems are formed, which becomes the reason for the increase in the appetite of the expectant mother and various food “perversions”.

During this period, it is important to eat a varied diet and not overeat. You should definitely give up heavy foods, fried, salty and starchy foods. The products consumed must compensate for the lack of nutrients.

At the second stage, unloading of pregnant women should occur only under the strict supervision of a doctor, who will help with choosing the appropriate option. You should avoid exotic fruits, tomatoes, strawberries and other foods that can cause allergic reactions. We unload on sour milk and apples.

In the last months (3rd trimester), the baby is already fully formed, there is active weight gain, and the happy mother is slowly preparing for the birth of her baby. It is at this time that it is important to balance the diet as much as possible, to make it complete and rational, as in the second period.

Unloading in the third trimester is best done with low-fat fish, as well as vegetables, both fresh and stewed. RD on fruits with the addition of yoghurts and kefir is not prohibited.

Edema in pregnant women is a standard phenomenon that is directly related to excess amounts of the hormone estrogen. It promotes the accumulation of fluid in the body and slows down its removal. If weight gain is associated specifically with swelling, then fasting days on diuretic products can solve the problem, for example:

  • Watermelon. We consume up to two kilograms of sweet, fresh fruit per day.
  • Cucumber. We eat one and a half kilograms of vegetables, you can prepare fresh salads with parsley, dill and a drop of olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Rice. Boil one glass of cereal and divide into equal portions. You can eat porridge with the addition of dried fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables.

We drink green teas, rosehip infusions, and cranberry compotes.

How to unload correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and not harm the baby? Be sure to follow the rules:

  • Before unloading, we visit and consult with a doctor.
  • We don’t get carried away with RD – these are not ordinary diets. One weekly deload will be enough to lose 3 to 5 kilograms of excess weight over the entire period of pregnancy and improve your body’s health.
  • We determine the days of unloading in advance and strictly follow them. To achieve the best effect, we do not make omissions.
  • Don't forget to drink water. It is enough to drink up to two liters of clean drinking liquid per day. For variety, we drink unsweetened rose hip decoction.
  • Divide the food into 5-6 equal portions and consume throughout the day. This will avoid both overeating and severe feelings of hunger.
  • Can’t “sit” while unloading? Drink a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.
  • We give up salt and sugar - you can forget about swelling and fluid retention in the body. Thus, by the end of the RD you can lose up to one kilogram.
  • It is strictly forbidden to unload during toxicosis. Lack of substances and the feeling of hunger only increases nausea and creates more discomfort.
  • The main meal should be either in the morning or in the afternoon. In the evening we only snack on light foods.
  • Restrictions in food lead to stagnation of bile. If there are no contraindications, then you can add choleretic drugs to the “diet”.
  • We eat often, but little by little, without haste. Savor each piece, smell it, chew thoroughly and for a long time. You should get maximum pleasure from food, which will provide energy and a great mood for the whole day.
  • We avoid any physical and mental stress. The body must constantly rest. On this day it is better to take a walk, read an interesting book or watch a movie.
  • We come out of the fasting day gradually, you can’t pounce on junk food the next morning.


Fasting days for pregnant women are not prohibited at all. But they should be prescribed by a doctor, who will draw up an approximate diet.

Diet Sour or red Nutritionists
neatness is difficult to resolve
decoction products

If you think that weight gain during pregnancy is a good thing, then it is worth considering that this only applies to cases where it is moderate and small. If you gain weight excessively, then you can’t do without fasting days. A sudden weight gain will lead to swelling and stretch marks, which are completely unnecessary for you.

During pregnancy, fasting days:

  • will help maintain body tone;
  • will prevent excess weight gain;
  • will create lightness of the body, after which all swelling will go away.

Such days will not harm you or the baby at all; he will take everything he needs from the diet. Pregnant women can carry out such unloading of the body every 10 days, and before giving birth it is also a good idea to give the body a rest.

But do not forget that you need to consult a doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to such unloading. In addition, the doctor will prescribe you the entire detailed diet, and will also help you make these days nutritious and healthy.

Diet in the 1st trimester

Women gain most of their weight in the first trimester of pregnancy, this is due to the fact that expectant mothers think that by doing so they are helping the baby, but this is absolutely not the case.

During the entire pregnancy, it is best to follow a healthy diet and moderate physical activity; in this case, weight gain per week will be 290-340 grams, which is quite normal.

If you don’t adhere to these rules and eat everything in large portions, then in a week you can gain up to 1-3 kg, which is very harmful to your health.

Sometimes you need to include such days in your diet

In this case, fasting days in the 1st trimester of pregnancy are simply necessary:

  • the fasting day should last at least 24 hours;
  • during a fasting day, you should not engage in physical exercise or expose your body to active loads;
  • on this day it is best to choose one or a couple of products that you will consume throughout the fasting day;
  • the selected product must be divided into 5-6 doses;
  • if you choose to unload on kefir, then drink not 1.5 liters per day, but choose kefir with 2.5% fat content;
  • you can also unload using boiled potatoes, the kilogram should be divided into 6 doses, add 150 grams of sour cream;
  • most people prefer to unload with cottage cheese, you will need 600 grams of it, plus you can add raisins;
  • the simplest option would be boiled fillet; 500-600 grams per day will be enough.

How to eat in the 2nd trimester

Sour or red apples may also be contraindicated in certain diseases.

Fasting days in the second trimester during pregnancy are simply necessary. At this time, the fetus begins to actively grow, and the body experiences an unprecedented load on all organs. In order not to further burden it, you should monitor your diet and use various options for fasting days for pregnant women.

  1. To begin with, you should reduce the consumption of foods with cholesterol several times, as they are hard on the liver.
  2. If you love scrambled eggs too much and cannot refuse them, then consume only the whites.
  3. You should not eat allergenic foods, which include strawberries and various exotic fruits.
  4. Fasting days are best spent on apples and kefir. You can eat a kilogram of apples per day.
  5. When unloading on kefir, use 1 kg of kefir or cottage cheese.
  6. You should completely eliminate the consumption of harmful foods and, of course, alcohol.
  7. The amount of liquid you drink should also be moderate.

Features in the 3rd trimester

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy is also not complete without fasting days. During this period, they should be carried out with a slightly different diet:

  • in the third trimester it is best to consume fish;
  • You should use lean fish (why you can’t eat it), pike, pike perch or hake;
  • Various fruit salads with kefir are perfect;
  • you can unload on stewed vegetables or eat them fresh;
  • You can use sweet peppers, onions, pumpkin, zucchini and tomatoes, as well as celery.

It is very important to consult a doctor at all stages. Don’t be afraid to ask about fasting days and what you can eat on these days. If you are rapidly gaining weight beyond the norm, then such days will only be beneficial.

Food options

View of the dayThe essenceWhat to eat
Meat nutritionDuring the day, you are allowed to consume only boiled lean meat, without salt.In this case, you can use 400 g of boiled chicken meat (beef, veal, turkey), to your taste. You can also add vegetables and a glass of kefir.
Fruit dayConsumption of various fruit salads with yogurt or kefir dressing.Use any favorite fruits and low-fat kefir or yogurt, divide your meals into 4 times.
Curd and berry dayIt is best to carry out such unloading in the summer. You need to eat in small portions and only if you feel hungry. Water and tea help burn maximum fat.390 grams of cottage cheese and 750 grams of any berries are enough.
Mono-unloadingOn such days, one product is selected and only that is consumed during the day. A great option after holidays and feasts.Kefir, fruits, cottage cheese, meat, any low-fat foods that you like.
Apple daysOnly baked or fresh apples are consumed for 24 hours.Apples – 1.5 kg. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.
Fermented milk unloadingIn this case, your favorite fermented milk product is selected, which is consumed in small sips in 6 doses.Yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, any product with no more than 1.5% fat content.
Juice dayDuring the day, you should maintain equal intervals between consuming freshly squeezed juices, 5-6 servings each.Only natural freshly squeezed juices from any vegetables and fruits.
Composite unloadingIt is necessary to cook compote, which is subsequently divided into 6 portions.Fresh fruit compote with added sugar if desired, for 2 liters of water, use 1 kilogram of fruit and four tablespoons of sugar.
Vegetable dayVegetables raw, boiled or baked.Any vegetables, approximately 1.5 kg per day. Small amounts of sour cream or vegetable oil are allowed.
Fasting potato day5-7 servings per day.1 kilogram of boiled potatoes and a couple of glasses of kefir are enough.
Buckwheat dayBuckwheat settled in a container.It is necessary to boil buckwheat and leave it to infuse overnight, then divide the intake into equal portions throughout the day. You need approximately 200 g of buckwheat.
Curd diet4-7 servings per day.It is necessary to divide the cottage cheese into 7 portions, approximately 80 grams each.
Is it dangerous when carrying a fetus?

Nutritionists advise doing them once a week.

Fasting days during pregnancy can be not only useful, but also dangerous. That is why it is worth consulting in advance with a doctor, who will prescribe for you a diet that is harmless to the baby. It is also worth considering that unloading may be prohibited for some pregnant women due to the presence of various diseases:

  • fasting days on meat cannot be carried out if the pregnant woman suffers from problems with the heart or has diseases of the digestive system;
  • expectant mothers with the problem of atherosclerosis are recommended to constantly unload on fermented milk products;
  • for hypertension and kidney problems, you should unload on cucumbers, apples or watermelon.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

A fasting day during pregnancy is a special diet when a specific product is consumed during the day for the purpose of general health, but due to the brevity of such a diet, the body does not experience stress and functions in a gentle manner.

However, only healthy people spend fasting days without a doctor’s prescription.

At the stage of bearing a child, the approach to organizing fasting days should be special, with the selection of food products that have no contraindications during pregnancy, taking into account the vulnerability of the woman’s body during this difficult period.

The program of food fasting days, if it is drawn up correctly and taking into account all the features of the course of pregnancy, provides the mother’s body with especially necessary and important useful and nutrients in the right quantity, and not in excess, as happens with the uncontrolled use of vitamins and minerals.

These days relieve the functioning of almost the entire body, providing it with a “respite”. During this period, the correct course of metabolic processes is maintained, a balance is maintained between catabolism - cell destruction - and the birth of new healthy cells (anabolism).

There is an active unloading and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract system, removing poisons, toxins, harmful substances, and most importantly water, from the tissues. The unloading program involves adjusting the activity of enzymes, metabolic processes, correcting the functioning of the kidneys, and, consequently, the additional release of excess fluid, which is so important when edema increases.


The weight of a pregnant woman is summed up not only from fat deposits in fiber.

The development of this form of diabetes in a pregnant woman can lead to diabetic fetopathy of the fetus and its obesity.

The birth of a large baby weighing 4–6 kg is always dangerous due to the high level of trauma during childbirth.

A pregnant woman with significant weight gain increases the risk of:

  • development of gestosis (jumps in blood pressure, increased swelling);
  • weakness of labor;
  • late maturation of a child's place;
  • post-term pregnancy.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy occur in almost all women in the first three months.

But even at later stages, troubles with the digestive system continue, since the growing fetus puts pressure on the organs adjacent to the uterus. Late toxicosis also provokes pain in the abdominal area. Typical complaints:

  • bloating of the abdomen and intestines;
  • debilitating heartburn;
  • exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

However, in most cases, it is possible to solve all gastrointestinal problems during pregnancy without the harmful effects of any medications on the health of the mother and fetus.

One of the first remedies is proper and nutritious dietary nutrition, which includes fasting days.

About the main rules for fasting days during pregnancy

A program of fasting days during pregnancy should be developed under the supervision of a doctor, and should not be prescribed independently. Indications for use include excess weight, noticeable swelling, sudden surges in blood pressure and other symptoms of late toxicosis.
Sometimes expectant mothers go on diets on their own and arrange fasting days for themselves as a preventive measure. It's quite dangerous.

Organizing days of food fasting is allowed only from the 29th week of pregnancy, that is, at the stage of complete formation of the main organs of the fetus.

It is absolutely necessary to follow the main rules of the food fasting program:

  • The development of an unloading program is the prerogative of doctors;
  • Fasting days are allowed only once every 7–10 days.

A more intense regime will not benefit either the mother or the fetus, but will provoke a lack of minerals and vitamins. This negatively affects the health of the baby and the condition of the pregnant woman, often increasing the manifestations of gestosis.

  • It is rational to start the unloading program in the evening, for example, from seven o’clock in the evening.

By allowing time for sleep, it will be much easier to control the desire for additional food.

  • The amount of food needed per day is divided into 5 - 6 equal portions and the product is taken at approximately equal intervals of time.
  • You should eat in small portions, slowly and chew properly.

It is with this method of consumption that food is perfectly digested and gives a feeling of satiety. In the morning and afternoon, portions may be slightly larger than in the evening. Restricting food is always easier to endure in the evening, as the body gradually adapts to it.

  • It is necessary to drink a sufficiently large volume of water (approximately 2 - 5 liters).

It is better in the first half of the day, but with pronounced swelling the volume should be limited to 1 - 1.2 liters per day.

  • Physical activity on a fasting day is not allowed; a softer and more gentle regimen must be followed.
  • in case of an acute attack of hunger, you need to drink yogurt, low-fat kefir;
  • Of all the possible types of fasting days, you should choose those that offer a greater variety of low-calorie foods with a high fiber content, as well as fruits, cottage cheese, lean meat, fish;
  • fatty foods should be kept to a minimum;
  • the calorie content of the entire diet on the day of fasting should vary between 1000 – 1600 kcal;
  • exit from the food fasting regime usually occurs in stages: the next day after fasting, it is advisable to eat only light meals, often, but in small portions;
  • The right decision would be to carry out a food fast on a certain day of the week, so the body can more easily adapt to such a dietary restriction regime.

Fasting day on apples

Apple day is considered one of the most necessary during pregnancy.

Apples contain many useful minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body during this period.

Among them are the very useful folic acid, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins B, E, C, PP.

Using an apple-based unloading program, it is easy to fine-tune the functioning of the digestive system and help restore and stimulate the microflora of the stomach and intestines.

For women who suffer from gestosis in the form of hypertension, apple day is especially beneficial. They contain a lot of pectins, which help cleanse the body and remove harmful substances, cholesterol, and toxins from it.

Being a low-calorie product that has a weak diuretic effect and slows down the accumulation of fat, apple day is very necessary for pregnant women who are overweight.

The day of fasting on apples is especially easy to bear, since the fruits contain a lot of fiber, which causes a feeling of fullness.

Today, many types of apple fasting days have been developed, but during pregnancy you should choose the most rational and healthy option.

Over the course of the whole day, about one and a half to two kilograms of apples are eaten. This amount is divided into six equal portions. They should be taken approximately every 2.5 – 3 hours, minus time for sleep.

In addition to apples, on the day of fasting you are allowed to drink herbal infusions, decoctions allowed during pregnancy, non-carbonated mineral water, and weakly brewed tea.

If you have high acidity, gastritis, or peptic ulcers, you should consult a doctor before organizing an apple day.

A day on kefir

Kefir contains very few carbohydrates and fats, but there is a lot of bifidobacteria, which perfectly normalize the microflora of the body and gently stimulate the function of food digestion.

A day on kefir will provide very few calories, but will bring a healing effect, lowering blood sugar and preventing the development of diabetes.

The drink will remove poisons and toxins from the intestines, “drive away” unnecessary fluid, reducing swelling, and solve the serious problem of constipation.

During the fasting day, with an interval of 2–3 hours, drink 6–8 glasses of kefir, preferably with low fat content. Kefir can be any kind, and if desired, you can alternate several favorite types or replace it with yogurt or fermented baked milk.
In addition to kefir, you should drink non-carbonated mineral water on this day.

Cottage cheese for unloading

A fasting day on cottage cheese can be classified as universal. Cottage cheese can be eaten without special restrictions; it is useful for almost everyone and, of course, for women during pregnancy.

The main value of cottage cheese is calcium and complete protein, which are essential for the growth of bones and tissues of the baby.

In 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, the amount of protein can reach up to 18 g.

The mother also experiences a strong need for protein and calcium, which are necessary to normalize kidney function during gestosis and high blood pressure.

In addition, the additional intake of calcium into the body from cottage cheese will preserve the mother’s bone density, preventing early osteoporosis and tooth loss.

In the case of a fasting curd day, the diet is as follows:

Take 3 packs or 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, divide into 5-6 doses and eat in portions after approximately 2.5-3 hours, excluding sleep time.

On curd day, you can drink rosehip decoction and dried fruit compotes without sugar.

Buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat contains a lot of magnesium, iron, potassium, and iodine. In addition to minerals, buckwheat is rich in B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system, PP. In addition to them, cereals contain a lot of rutin, which is necessary for the strength of blood vessels.

Lysine, a valuable element found in buckwheat, is responsible for the proper absorption of calcium, which is especially important during the pregnancy stage.

The specificity of lysine is that the human body itself does not produce it, so consuming buckwheat is not only desirable, but mandatory, especially during pregnancy. Dietary fiber, which is abundant in buckwheat, is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Buckwheat porridge itself does not have a high glycemic index - this provides quick saturation, but at the same time does not allow you to store additional fat.

When organizing a buckwheat fasting day, you should drink at least 1 liter. mineral water without gas.

It will help remove all toxins. Instead of water, you can drink green tea (not sweet).

1 way to prepare buckwheat:

You should cook 250 g of whole buckwheat in skim milk or water, without salt and sugar. Divide the porridge into 5 - 6 servings and take after 2.5 - 3 hours.

Method 2: steaming buckwheat.

Since most of the beneficial substances are lost during cooking, it is better to do this as follows: in the evening, on the eve of the day of unloading, you need to rinse the cereal, pour 500 ml of boiling water over it, close the container tightly, and wrap it in a towel. Leave the future porridge to steam overnight.

In the morning, the porridge is ready for the whole day.
You can steam buckwheat in a thermos by pouring two glasses of boiling water over it.
On this day, it is advisable to drink rosehip decoction, weak green tea, and still water.

How to make healthy things tasty?

A whole day's diet on buckwheat is quite tasteless, but it's worth being patient for a good result.

Although you don’t have to endure it, you can switch from eating a certain single product on this day to a combination of two. Thus, turn the “mono diet” into a more “tasty day” of fasting.

  • Apple and buckwheat day.

Apples always add a dessert-like flavor to any dish. By changing the proportions, but maintaining the volume of food needed for unloading, you get a more tasty option:

Take 150 g of dry buckwheat, using it in the same way as on a regular fasting day with buckwheat. Then add 800 - 900 grams of apples in any form to the resulting porridge. You can simply cut them into pieces and eat them with buckwheat, or bake them in the oven and eat them, alternating between porridge and baked apples.

  • Cottage cheese and apple day.

Keeping the same principle of proportions, take 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese and no more than 0.9 kg of raw, baked, grated apples. They are added to portions of cottage cheese or used separately.

The main thing is to follow the basic principles: do not increase the total amount of food per day and divide it into separate portions, taken at the same time.

Another option for a diet with apples and cottage cheese is the use of cocktails. The products are crushed in a blender. To make the puree more tender, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of kefir. Cinnamon on the tip of a knife is also allowed (no more, since cinnamon can increase the tone of the uterus), but not sugar or sweeteners.

Contraindications for fasting days: who should not do it?

It must be borne in mind that fasting days have such contraindications as:

  • weight loss in the expectant mother even before pregnancy;
  • chronic pathologies in which it is impossible to reduce daily caloric intake or remove certain types of foods from the diet;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage, heart disease.

What's the end result?

Fasting days are not a cure for all diseases. And one single day of food fasting will not lead to noticeable results. However, fasting days, which are carried out regularly with the right choice of foods, will be an excellent addition to a nutritious diet during pregnancy.

However, the food fasting program and regimen should be developed with the participation of a doctor. And in order for the days of food fasting to bring only benefits, they should be carried out with constant monitoring of the health status of the pregnant woman, especially if she has diseases or the appearance of symptoms of late toxicosis.

Overeating while pregnant has a negative impact on health. Doctors recommend doing fasting days for pregnant women, aimed at eliminating the problem of excess weight and relieving swelling.

Unloading Features

A fasting day during pregnancy is a period when it is recommended to limit the consumption of regular food in favor of low-calorie foods. This helps improve metabolism and cleanse the body of harmful toxins.

For pregnant women, unloading is aimed at maintaining normal weight gain and getting rid of edema. One such day can remove up to 800 grams of fluid from the body.

A fasting day for a pregnant woman to lose weight will require the following recommendations:

  • You can arrange fasting days no earlier than the 7th month of pregnancy;
  • It is recommended to spend such days once every two weeks;
  • you cannot reduce calorie intake during toxicosis;
  • choose fresh products, divide them into 6-8 equal meals;
  • Don't forget to drink fluids. At least 2 liters of clean water per day.

Unloading will give a woman lightness, relieve heaviness in the stomach, and improve intestinal function. If such a day is not easy, it is advised to distract yourself with household chores and take a walk in the fresh air.

Unloading must be properly organized and carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor. We must not forget that frequent calorie reduction will affect the development of the fetus.

Indications and contraindications

Often, unloading is used to eliminate health problems of a pregnant woman in the third trimester:

  1. obesity, large weight gain. They can cause gestational diabetes, which negatively affects the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy;
  2. in case of gestosis, edema, poor urine analysis, unloading is a preventative measure to eliminate these symptoms and prevent the development of complications;
  3. if you gain more than 500 grams of weight per week.

Is it possible to do fasting days during pregnancy? The answer to this question is obvious. Unloading is recommended for women while carrying a child; it will be an excellent prevention of edema and diabetes.

It is contraindicated to do fasting days during pregnancy in the following cases:

  • low weight in a pregnant woman before pregnancy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases in which food intake cannot be limited;
  • heart and vascular diseases.

During the examination, the gynecologist will decide on the need for fasting days and their number.

In the first and second trimester, fasting days for pregnant women are not recommended, as the fetus develops and the skeleton is formed.

Reducing the food intake will lead to the child not receiving enough vitamins. Minerals and trace elements.

Types of fasting days

While carrying a baby, unloading is divided into two types: full and light. The menu for the day is formed based on the characteristics of the body and the wishes of the woman.

What fasting days are possible for pregnant women:

  1. meat. On this day you are allowed to eat lean meat. The norm per day is about 400 grams. Experts advise supplementing your diet with fresh vegetables. Be sure to drink clean water and green tea;
  2. potato. A potato fasting day includes 1 kilogram of boiled potatoes, kefir with a fat content of no more than 2%, clean water and unsweetened tea;
  3. fish. The menu consists of 500 grams of fish, boiled without salt or steamed. The fish can be sprinkled with lemon juice. Drink about 2 liters of water during the day;
  4. apple. Apple fasting day for pregnant women is called the most delicious. It is recommended to eat about 1.5 kilograms of apples during the day. For variety, in addition to apples, pears and oranges are allowed;
  5. Kefir helps improve bowel function and relieves constipation. Drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir per day. It is allowed to replace it with yogurt or yogurt;
  6. porridge. A fasting day on cereals helps remove excess water from the body. On such a day, the menu includes a glass of boiled buckwheat or rice. Supplement the diet with a green apple, carrots or sweet pepper.

A wide variety of weight loss menus gives pregnant women the opportunity to choose the best products to make unloading easy.

How to make a fasting day during pregnancy? First of all, to get the maximum benefit from reducing calories, choose the right foods. It is important to remember the contraindications to fasting days. During pregnancy, they are carried out only in case of urgent need.

Diet menu

A fasting diet for pregnant women for a week helps normalize weight and is also an excellent prevention of gestational diabetes. The diet is allowed throughout pregnancy. Recipes and sample menus will help a woman choose the right products for her diet.

Menu for the day:

  • breakfast: Oatmeal with milk with butter, unsweetened tea;
  • first snack: Low-fat yogurt with fresh fruit;
  • lunch: Meat or fish soup with vegetables, whole grain bread;
  • second snack: Cottage cheese or fresh fruit; vegetable salad;
  • dinner: Chicken cutlet, steamed with fresh vegetables;
  • Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

If you want to eat during the day, mothers who have benefited from fasting days during pregnancy are advised to add light meals. These could be apples, nuts, carrots. Freshly squeezed juice can replace any snack.

A fasting day helps remove waste and toxins from the body. It will improve the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys. For pregnant women, the main thing is internal comfort, you should not go hungry, you must remember about the baby’s health.