Game 1000 for two rules. How to play "thousand": rules, features and recommendations

Card game 1000 has recently gained enormous popularity. The advantage of playing 1000 is that the rules are simple and easy to remember.
The number of players in 1000 is from two to 4 people.
The change is determined by lot.
The change is determined by lot.
At 1000, the dealer distributes one card to his partners.
The whole point of the 1000 card game is to try to score such a number of points through the taken bribes that it exceeds 1000.
Whoever first reaches a total number of points equal to 1000 or more is the winner of the game.
The results of the games are recorded.
When playing a thousand, the cards below the nine are discarded, and the rest from Ace to Nine are assessed as follows:
Ace = 11 points. King = 4 points. Queen = 3. Jack = 2 points. Ten = 10 points. Nine = 0.
Peak margin - 40 points.
Marriage of clubs - 60 points.
Marriage diamond - 80 points.
Marriage of hearts - 100 points.
Marriage- queen and king of the same suit.

The card game 1000 has gained immense popularity recently. The advantage of playing 1000 is that the rules are simple and easy to remember.

The number of players in 1000 is from two to 4 people.
The change is determined by lot.
At 1000, the dealer distributes one card to his partners.
The whole point of the 1000 card game is to try to score such a number of points through the taken bribes that it exceeds 1000.
Whoever first reaches a total number of points equal to 1000 or more is the winner of the game.
The results of the games are recorded.
When playing a thousand, the cards below the nine are discarded, and the rest from Ace to Nine are assessed as follows:
Ace = 11 points. King = 4 points. Queen = 3. Jack = 2 points. Ten = 10 points. Nine = 0.
Peak margin - 40 points.
Marriage of clubs - 60 points.
Marriage diamond - 80 points.
Marriage of hearts - 100 points.
Marriage - queen and king of the same suit.

Rules of the game in 1000

The distributor is determined by lot. At the beginning of each subsequent game, the deal goes to the one sitting on the left hand of the dealer.
After thoroughly shuffling the cards, the dealing player must let the player sitting on his right hand move the cards. The dealing player has the right to look at the last card in the deck (when dealt, it goes to him). If the last card is a nine, then the dealer has the right to ask to “move”. If a nine is rolled three times, the player who moved is penalized. Penalty = 120 points. If the last card in the deck is a jack, then the dealer can put it in the middle of the deck - moving it after that is prohibited.

Treating cards in this card game is done one card at a time. The first card goes to the player sitting on the left hand of the dealer. During the distribution, you need to put three cards into the draw. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards into the buy-in.
If during the distribution at least one card is revealed (whether through negligence or on purpose), then the dealer is given a fine of 120 points and the cards are passed to the next player for re-dealing.

The player sitting on the left hand of the dealer is always “obliged” to score 100 points in the game (“mandatory hundred”), if none of the opponents bought this right.

After dealing the cards, it is recommended to arrange the cards according to suits to avoid mistakes in further play.
When a thousand players have looked at their cards, bidding begins for the right to take the buy-in. The bidding step is strictly limited to 5 points, no matter how good or bad your cards are. The bargaining starts with the player sitting on the right hand of the dealer. If the cards are bad, then he says "pass". If the player sees that he is able to score more than 100 points, then he says “five”, which means that the game is declared at 105 points. Further trading in a thousand occurs clockwise. It should be noted that the player, having said “pass” once, no longer has the right to bargain in this drawing.
The purchase goes to the player who offers the highest price. Having taken a buy-in, the player lines up his cards and gives any two (usually the most unnecessary) to his opponents.
It should be noted that it is prohibited to offer a price of more than 120 points at an auction without having a margin in hand (it is often called a praise in the family circle).
The sum of all cards in the game (excluding the cost of margin) is 120 points.
The player who wins the auction and takes the purchase price can re-declare the cost of the game, but only upward. This often happens when a good card or margin comes in a draw. It is important to note that having margin in hand does not guarantee that a player will count these points. In order for margin points to be counted, it must be declared. The announced margin automatically becomes a trump card.
The rules for declaring a trump card are simple:
A margin (trump card) can be declared only after the player has taken the first trick. Therefore, the first move is usually made with an ace. There are cases when a player, having three margins in his hands, does not score a single point in the drawing.
During the drawing, the one who took the previous trick goes first. It is important to remember that if the opponent intercepts the move, he can re-claim the trump card if he also has margin in his hands.

Progress of the card game.

The first move when playing at 1000 is always made by the player to the left of the dealer. After the first move is made, players must place cards in a suit. If such a suit is not on hand, then be sure to beat with a trump card, if one has already been announced. If the trump card has not yet been announced or there are no trump cards in your hands, you can put a card of any suit. The player who placed the highest card takes the bribe. The seniority of cards in 1000 is as follows (in descending order):

After all the draws are over and there are no cards left in the players’ hands, everyone counts their tricks, which are recorded in the table. If one or more players declared margins, then the cost of the margin is added to the bribes. Points are recorded not only for the player who wins the auction, but for everyone without exception.
If a player does not complete the ordered game, he is charged a fine in the amount of the announced game.
If, for example, the player leading the game ordered a game for 170 points, but scored 220, then the “surplus” of 50 points is not taken into account and the amount of 170 points is entered into the table.
When one or more players reach a total of 880 points (in some versions of the game 900) it is called a “barrel”. There are some peculiarities when playing "on the barrel".

The player who is on the “barrel” receives a purchase without bargaining.
The player on the “barrel” must score 121 points.
The player on the “barrel” has three attempts to play 121 points. Moreover, in case of two unsuccessful attempts, he will not be awarded penalty points. If the third attempt is not successful, then the player flies off the barrel and is given 120 penalty points, i.e. in the table 880 - 120 = 760 points.

When playing thousand, there is such a thing as a stick. It is written to the player if he did not score a single point during the rally (in the table it is drawn as a vertical line). The player is fined 120 points for every third stick scored.

When playing 1000 together, two draws are created, 2 cards each. The winning bidder chooses one of the buy-ins at random, and the second buy-in goes to the player who took the last trick in the drawing.

When playing 1000 with four players, the dealer sits on the draw and watches the game. The dealer can also add points to his account = the amount of points in the hand. If the purchase includes margin, then the nominal value of this praise is also recorded.

Description of the Gambling card game 1000 (Thousand)
Card game 1000 has recently gained enormous popularity. The advantage of the card game in 1000 is that its rules are simple and easy to remember, and the game itself is very exciting.

Thousand is played with a deck of 24 cards. All cards with a value lower than nine are discarded from the playing deck, and the rest from Ace to Nine are assessed as follows when calculating points:
Ace = 11 points.
King = 4 points.
Queen = 3.
Jack = 2 points.
Ten = 10 points.
Nine = 0.

Marriage (queen and king of the same suit), if it is possible to capture it (enter from the king or queen), is evaluated:
Peak margin - 40 points.
Marriage of clubs - 60 points.
Marriage diamond - 80 points.
Marriage of hearts - 100 points,

The whole suit in total gives 30 points, all cards in total - 120 points (the so-called “non-cue ball”). You can earn a maximum of 220 points per game - a non-cue ball with two margins (hearts and diamonds). Sometimes it's easier to count the points you give away. So, for example, the last trick is a maximum of 32 points (Ace, Ace, Ten), in reality - you need to look at the card that you give. Sometimes in a thousand it is possible to win the “obligatory” 100 points with a return of nine to two tens.

The number of players in 1000 is from two to 4 people. When playing 1000 with four players, the dealer sits on the draw and does not take active actions in the game. The dealer can also add points to his account = the amount of points in the hand. If the buy-in contains a margin (a king and a queen of the same suit), then the nominal value of this “praise” is also recorded.

The goal of the card game is 1000: be the first to score a thousand points. There are thousands of different versions of the game, with slightly different rules and penalties (the so-called “agreements”).

General rules of the game at 1000

The distributor is determined by lot. At the beginning of each subsequent game, the deal goes to the one sitting on the left hand of the dealer.
After thoroughly shuffling the cards, the dealing player must let the player sitting on his right hand move the cards. The dealing player has the right to look at the last card in the deck (when dealt, it goes to him). If the last card is a nine, then the dealer has the right to ask to “move”. If a nine is rolled three times, the player who moved is penalized. Penalty = 120 points. If the last card in the deck is a jack, then the dealer can put it in the middle of the deck - moving it after that is prohibited.
Treating cards in this card game is done one card at a time. The first card goes to the player sitting on the left hand of the dealer. During the distribution, you need to put three cards into the draw. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards into the buy-in.
If during the distribution at least one card is revealed (whether through negligence or on purpose), then the dealer is given a fine of 120 points and the cards are passed to the next player for re-dealing.
The player sitting on the left hand of the dealer is always “obliged” to score 100 points in the game (“obligatory hundred or obligatory”), if none of the opponents bought this right.
After dealing the cards, it is recommended to arrange the cards according to suits to avoid mistakes in further play.

When a thousand players have looked at their cards, bidding begins for the right to take the buy-in. The bidding step is strictly limited to 5 points, no matter how good or bad your cards are. The bargaining starts with the player sitting on the right hand of the dealer. If the cards are bad, then he says "pass". If the player sees that he is able to score more than 100 points, then he says “five”, which means that the game is declared at 105 points. Further trading in a thousand occurs clockwise. It should be noted that the player, having said “pass” once, no longer has the right to bargain in this drawing.
The purchase goes to the player who offers the highest price. Having taken a buy-in, the player lines up his cards and gives any two (usually the most unnecessary) to his opponents.
It should be noted that it is prohibited to offer a price of more than 120 points at an auction without having a margin in hand (it is often called a praise in the family circle).
The sum of all cards in the game (excluding the cost of margin) is 120 points.
The player who wins the auction and takes the purchase price can re-declare the cost of the game, but only upward. This often happens when a good card or margin comes in a draw. It is important to note that having margin in hand does not guarantee that a player will count these points. In order for margin points to be counted, it must be declared. The announced margin automatically becomes a trump card.

The rules for declaring a trump card are simple:
A margin (trump card) can be declared only after the player has taken the first trick. Therefore, the first move is usually made with an ace. There are cases when a player, having three margins in his hands, does not score a single point in the drawing.
During the drawing, the one who took the previous trick goes first. It is important to remember that if the opponent intercepts the move, he can re-claim the trump card if he also has margin in his hands.

Order of moves in a card game 1000

The first move when playing at 1000 is always made by the player to the left of the dealer. After the first move is made, players must place cards in a suit. If such a suit is not on hand, then be sure to beat with a trump card, if one has already been announced. If the trump card has not yet been announced or there are no trump cards in your hands, you can put a card of any suit. The player who placed the highest card takes the bribe. The seniority of cards in 1000 is as follows (in descending order):
After all the draws are over and there are no cards left in the players’ hands, everyone counts their tricks, which are recorded in the table. If one or more players declared margins, then the cost of the margin is added to the bribes. Points are recorded not only for the player who wins the auction, but for everyone without exception.
If a player does not complete the ordered game, he is charged a fine in the amount of the announced game.
If, for example, the player leading the game ordered a game for 170 points, but scored 220, then the “surplus” of 50 points is not taken into account and the amount of 170 points is entered into the table.
When one or more players reach a total of 880 points (in some versions of the game 900) it is called a “barrel”. There are some peculiarities when playing "on the barrel".

The player who is on the “barrel” receives a purchase without bargaining.
- The player on the “barrel” must score 121 points.
- The player on the “barrel” has three attempts to play 121 points. Moreover, in case of two unsuccessful attempts, he will not be awarded penalty points. If the third attempt is not successful, then the player flies off the barrel and is given 120 penalty points, i.e. in the table 880 - 120 = 760 points.
When playing thousand, there is such a thing as a stick. It is written to the player if he did not score a single point during the rally (in the table it is drawn as a vertical line). The player is fined 120 points for every third stick scored.
When playing 1000 together, two draws are created, 2 cards each. The winning bidder chooses one of the buy-ins at random, and the second buy-in goes to the player who took the last trick in the drawing.
When playing 1000 with four players, the dealer sits on the draw and watches the game. The dealer can also add points to his account = the amount of points in the hand. If the purchase includes margin, then the nominal value of the praise of this margin is also recorded.

Card game Thousand - rules

The number of players per thousand is from 2 to 4 people. The whole point of the Thousand card game is to try to score such a number of points through bribes so that it exceeds 1000. Whoever first reaches a total number of points equal to 1000 or more is the winner of the game.

How to play this game:

Card game Thousand - rules of the game

The game has 24 cards, 4 suits, 6 cards per suit in ascending order of seniority: Nine, Jack, Queen, King, Ten, Ace.

When counting points in tricks, the following denominations are used: Nine - 0 points, Jack - 2 points, Queen - 3 points, King - 4 points, Ten - 10 points, Ace - 11 points. The sum of the denominations of all cards participating in the game is 120 points. The sum of card values ​​in the same suit is 30 points. In one round (con) it is possible to take from 0 to 300 points.

Marriage denominations (queen and king):

  • Hearts - 100 points
  • Diamonds - 80 points
  • Cross - 60 points
  • Peak - 40 points

The first dealer is determined by lot. At the beginning of each next round, the deal goes to the one sitting on the left hand of the dealer. After shuffling the cards, the dealing player must let the player sitting on his right hand move the cards. The dealer has the right to look at the last card in the deck (when dealt, it goes to him): if it is a nine, then the dealer has the right to ask to “move” (in the case of a nine being dropped three times, the player who moved is penalized with 120 points); if it is a jack, then the dealer can put it in the middle of the deck - after that it is prohibited to move it.

Distribution is carried out one card at a time. The first card goes to the player sitting on the left hand of the dealer. During the distribution, you need to put three cards into the draw. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards into the buy-in.

If a player has 4 nines in his hands (3 nines on a hundred) or less than 14 points, the player can ask his partners to re-deal the cards. Also, a mulligan occurs if there are less than 5 points in the buy-in.

Trading and game progress

At the beginning of the round, each player is dealt 7 cards, three cards remain in the draw. Next, bidding for the purchase begins.
The thousand player, sitting on the left hand of the dealer, is always “obliged” to score 100 points in the game (“sitting on the hundred”), if none of the opponents bought this right. A purchase taken “on a hundred” is not shown to other players.

The first player to speak is the one next to the one sitting on the hundred, clockwise. The player can either raise the bet or say “pass”, refusing further trading. The bidding step must be a multiple of 5 points. The maximum possible bet of a player cannot exceed the sum of all card points (120) and all margins on his hand. The maximum possible bet value is 300 points. The player who placed the highest bid among all participants wins the auction (the others said pass), gets the right to make the first move and takes the buy-in.

  • If a player at this stage sees that he cannot reach the bet specified during trading, he can cancel the game, receiving a fine in the amount of the bet made during trading; opponents receive 60 points.

After evaluating the 10 cards that the player has in his hands, the player must give one card he does not need to each of his opponents. After passing the cards to the opponents, the player who ordered the game has the right to raise the bet (often this makes sense, because after a successful draw he will receive only the ordered number of points, and not the scored one) and make the first move.

Margin announcement is possible only during your own move, starting from the second, i.e. Marriage can be declared with at least one bribe in hand. In this case, the announcer receives points in accordance with the value of the margin and sets a trump card of the corresponding suit. The first move immediately with one of the margin cards is acceptable, but the declaration of margin and trump card does not occur. The announcement of margin also does not occur if the player discarded one of the margin cards before the announcement.

  • Priority of moves for defending players: suit, trump, any card.

After 3 players have placed cards, the player who laid out the highest card takes the bribe, and the right to move passes to him. After the round, points are calculated for each player. Points are made up of the values ​​of the cards that the player took during the round and the values ​​of the margins declared by the player. The player who ordered the game receives a number of points equal to the amount of the order: with a plus if it is completed, with a minus if it is not completed. The defenders receive the actual number of points scored. A player who does not take a single trick receives a “bolt”; If a player scores three bolts, he is fined 120 points.

When the player's total points reach 880 points, further points are no longer awarded to him and the player sits on the "barrel". The player on the “barrel” must score more than 120 points at once in order to exceed 1000. Three attempts are given (three rounds). You can win the game only if you order (win the auction) and complete the order for an amount of more than 120 points (in some types of rules it is enough to score 120 points). If all three attempts do not reach the goal, the player is thrown off the barrel, receives a penalty of 120 points and a record of one unplayed barrel. Three unplayed rolls reset that player's points.

If another player climbs onto the “barrel”, then the person sitting on the barrel is thrown off it with a penalty of 120 points. If several players fall onto a barrel at the same time, they all roll off it with a penalty of 120 points.

Additional options for the rules of the game in a thousand

The game can have an ace margin (4 aces), with a face value of 200 points. This margin is subject to the rules of regular margin, i.e. it cannot be declared on the first move.

There are variants of the game when the terms of trade are stipulated when the player has negative points. In this case, if the player has scored fewer game points than agreed upon (for example, below -120), he automatically says pass when trading until he scores more points than this limit.

When any player reaches 555 points after the next round, his points are reset to zero.

At the trading stage, you can place an order in secret, without looking at your cards. The winner of the dark trade does not show the purchase price to his partners. The result of this deal is doubled.

During the first three rounds, players must force an order of 120. In this case, the entire score of these games is multiplied by two, similar to playing dark.

A thousand for two

When playing a thousand together, two buy-ins are created. The winner of the auction chooses one of the buy-ins at random, and the second buy-in goes to the player who took the last trick in the drawing.

The second feature of a thousand for three is that one of the discarded cards goes into the remaining buy-in.

Thousand foursome

When playing a thousand with four players, the dealer sits on the draw and watches the game. In the total score of the round, he writes down points equal to the sum of points in the buy-in (if the buy-in contains margin, then its nominal value is also recorded).

This game belongs to the category of preference. It's similar to poker. It will require 24 cards - from nine to ace inclusive. Each of them has a certain point value:
- 9 – 0;
- 10 – 10 points;
- jack – 2;
- lady – 3;
- king – 4;
- ace – 11 points.

In addition, it is important to know the rule for awarding points for a combination (marriage) consisting of a king and a queen. Their number depends on what suit this pair is. If the king and queen of spades fall out, the player wins 40 points. The diamond option is worth 80; the club one enriches the player by 60; and a heart of 100 points. Ace margin (4 aces) brings 200 points.

"A thousand" for two

If there are two players, then several variants of layouts are possible.

First way:

Each player of “Thousands for Two” is dealt 10 cards, and 4 are laid out in twos - the picture should “look” down and be invisible to the players. When the “bidding” begins, the one who names the largest number of points, which he undertakes to take, wins.

After that, he takes himself 2 cards from one pile and discards his 2 unnecessary ones into the second pile. If, during the card game, he manages to score the number of points that he announced or even more, then the announced number of points is recorded for this player. If he scores fewer points, he writes down as a minus the number of points less than the announced one. The second one writes for himself the points that he was able to earn from his bribes and margins.

Second way:

When playing with three players, 21 cards are dealt - 7 to each, and 3 go into a separate pile, called a buy-in. When playing with two people I act almost the same way. Cards are dealt for three, the remaining 3 are used to make the buy, but they do not play with the third pile, but only with two.

Third way:

Cards are dealt to two players without buying. During the game, it is necessary, by analogy with “The Fool,” to draw cards from the remaining common deck.

Progress of the game

After the cards have been dealt, and if there is a buy-in, then bidding for it begins. They are won by the one who announced the most points, which he undertakes to score, the rest say “pass”.
The maximum bet can be 300 points. It consists of the sum of all cards (120) and margin points.

As mentioned above, the winner of the auction can then rule the game; he takes the buy-in. If, upon seeing it, he understands that he will not be able to score the specified number of points, then he can say so and receive a fine equal to the bet he announced. The opponent is given 60 points.

After any player has taken the first bet, on the second and subsequent moves he can declare margin. He receives the number of points for this combination and the right to name the trump card.

During a two-player game, players take turns placing one card. The one who has the highest of these cards or the trump card takes them. Now it’s his move.

When one player reaches 880 points, he “sits on the barrel.” He is given 3 rounds so that he can score more than 120 points in one of them, then he will win. If he fails to do this in 3 games, then he is fined 120 points, and he “flies” off the barrel.

These are the basic rules of the game “1000 for two”. There are games where, in addition to cards, dice are used.


  • Rules of the Card Game 1000 for Two?
  • Card game 1000 on iPad

Typically, when playing cards, the larger the group, the better. But for playing “thousand” or “marriage”, the most optimal number is 3 people. However, you can play with two people, which does not detract from the interest of this game.

You will need

  • deck of playing cards


Select from the deck the cards representing “6”, “7”, “8”. Card values: "9" - 0 points, "jack" - 2 points, "queen" - 3 points, "king" - 4 points, "10" - 10 points and "ace" - 11 points.

Marriage is a combination of a queen and a king of the same suit. You can only declare it when you have both of them in your arms.
A margin of hearts will bring you 100 points, a margin of diamonds - 80 points, a cross - 60 points and a margin of spades - 40 points. 4 aces in one hand will immediately bring you 200 points.

To play “a thousand” together, distribute the remaining cards equally, but at the same time put 4 cards in two decks.

Bet first if you haven't dealt any cards. Otherwise, your opponent does it. Playing 1,000 with two players involves constant alternation. The minimum bet is 100 points. Then the auction principle applies: you take turns making bids.

You have the right to choose a “pile” of 4 cards if your opponent does not beat your bet. But if you do not score the stated number of points for the game, this amount will be deducted from your account.

After you have taken 4 cards, you must give any 2 to your opponent. But if someone has four “nines” in one hand, a mulligan is necessary.

You have the right to make the first move if you win the auction, and you will move until your opponent beats your card. The trump card is the suit whose margin has been announced until another margin is announced.

“Thousand” is played together until you score 1000 points or your opponent does.


When you score more than 880 points, margins will not give you points and you will play without them.


  • playing cards for two
  • Download Card game 1000 to play with your computer
  • Play 1000 online for money

“Nine” can be played with three, four or six players. It’s not very interesting to do this together, since each of the tournament participants will know the opponent’s cards. If there are more players, then everyone will get too few cards.


Before going to “Nine”, distribute cards to all participants in the tabletop battle. Now everyone must sort their cards by suit. It will be more convenient if all suits are also sorted in descending order - from Ace to Six. If someone gets four aces, then the cards are shuffled and laid out again. By agreement, this can be done with three aces.