Guide to Warface equipment for PvP modes. PvP modes: full equipment Medic combat vest warface

New warface gifts - 5 ways to get donations for everyone

The New Year has passed, but this does not concern our game! From the game admins - new warface gifts! A real free warface and a mountain of weapons and equipment! In the material you will learn how to get vip, magma and a gift for the new year!

New warface gifts - get them for free

The developers have planned a bunch of free gifts for the holidays, ranging from gifts for logging into the game, continuing with tasks on the IN-GAME EVENTS page (see list of tasks and ending with the distribution of pin codes in the official Warface VK group .

List of places where you can easily get Warface freebies for January 2019:

New achievements and free Warface

More than 1,000 achievements, stripes, tokens and badges have already been added to the game. The more difficult the task is to complete, the more valuable they are. Easy achievements are not held in high esteem. All achievements can be divided into categories:

  • by weapons (achievements AK-47, M16A3, etc.)
  • by sets or sets (such as Radiation, Punisher, Cold and others)
  • for completing special operations (Pripyat, Icebreaker, Anubis and others)
  • secret achievements (Ducky, Something went wrong and many others)
  • for events such as the New Year (New Year's achievements), open cup series and summer marathon

A beautiful achievement can be obtained if you play with a special weapon. For example, from the magma series, for which they give brightly colored stripes that distinguish the player from everyone else.

In addition, I remind players that they should not believe advertising on sites offering to buy PIN codes forever inexpensively. I have already checked the pin code store, learn more about PIN codes you can in my video. Click to watch.


Have a question about the game WF? You can ask your question in our section on the player help website using the link

Stormtrooper class: equipment


When choosing a helmet, the two best options are the Elite Helmet and the Stormtrooper Combat Helmet. At the same time, “combat equipment” is better suited for a PvE game, but for PvP the main guideline is reducing the amount of incoming damage and increasing armor. The first is superior to the second in that it additionally protects you from flash-bang grenades by 70%. To obtain it you will have to spend “crowns”, so there should be a decent supply of them.

In fact, except for protection against blinding, they are identical:

  • Typical head protection is 60%.
  • Restores eight health points if damage has not been taken within the last five seconds.

“Stormtrooper Combat Helmet” is the best option for gamers who, in most cases, rely solely on their own strength.

The “Magma” helmet also looks good if you managed to get it forever for completing the “Vulcan” special operation. As for the Leader, it has exactly the same characteristics as the combat one, but the repair cost is slightly reduced. This is all good, but he still needs to be pulled out of the boxes of luck!

To summarize, we note that the universal option for PvP is the elite helmet, for PvE - the Magma helmet.

Body armor

When choosing body armor, the best option is “Python”:

  • Armor increases by 50 points.
  • Explosive protection - 30%.
  • Damage per hit reduced by 10 units.

As a rule, such body armor is used on “Demolitions” and “Gaps”, and to a lesser extent on “Blitzes”. Its main advantage is additional protection against explosions, which ensures that in most cases you will not fly into the portal from a grenade or mine.

As for the combat bulletproof vest of an attack aircraft, it does not perform well in protection against bullets and explosions, so it will only be relevant in PvE.

If the “Elite” helmet was in first place among all, then the “Elite” body armor is unlikely to be so. Although it, like the Python, provides protection from explosions, but not by 30, but by 25%, plus it increases the number of cartridges for the main and secondary weapons by 100%. Does this bonus make sense for a stormtrooper that replenishes its own ammo?

Thus, the universal version of body armor will be “Python”.


Among all the diversity, two main types can be distinguished - combat gloves and “Elite” gloves. While the combat ones control recoil, the Elite is used more for weapons like the Enfield, since it has no recoil.

"Elite" vs. "Stormtrooper Combat Gloves":

  • Reload speed increased by 20% vs. 15 %.
  • Hand protection increased by 20% vs. weapon change speed increased by 25%.
  • Shot accuracy increased by 15% vs. Recoil force reduced by 15%.

As for me, “Elite” gloves are still suitable, since combat ones are designed more for PvE.


Something to note here is “Heavy Boots.” Although they can be purchased for donations, they more or less increase the dash speed (five percent) and at the same time slow down the operation of mines by three seconds (both anti-personnel and Claymore).

If you don’t have them, then wear “Assault Boots”, which still extend the mines’ response time by three seconds.

Bottom line

  • Helmet "Elite".
  • Body armor "Python".
  • Elite gloves.
  • Heavy boots.

This equipment is relevant for modes such as “Demolition”, “Capture” and “Blitz”. In "Team Battle", everything is probably the same, but with the only change: you can also consider the "Combat Body Armor", which gives recovery.

In the Meat Grinder you can use both combat and heavy boots. Although, in principle, the probability of an explosion in the same “Suburbs” is quite low.

For “Domination”, “Assault” and “Destruction” the equipment looks slightly different. In these modes, it is necessary to get to certain points as quickly as possible and capture command posts, so instead of heavy ones, we take “Combat Boots” or bots for “crowns”.

Medic class: equipment

First, let's look at equipment for the Demolition, Capture and Blitz modes.


If you have a “Tournament Mask” that reduces the effect of flash grenades by 30% and allows you to detect anti-personnel mines, then choose it. The whole point is that we are talking about the “Medic” class. Characters can independently regenerate health. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to take the Magma combat helmet or the one with the “crowns”.

A tactical helmet has better protection against glare - 70%. Plus, it increases overall head protection by 20%. But the combat one not only regenerates health, but also improves defense by 60%.

Body armor

There are, of course, many options here, and all of them are acceptable. For example, a medic's combat vest protects well from bullets and reduces damage per hit by 10 units, but you remain vulnerable to explosions - one well-aimed grenade throw and you fly into the portal. Returning to the main essence of combat equipment, we come to the conclusion that this body armor is more suitable for PvE.

Since the medic is a valuable unit on Demolition, take either the Rhino (reducing incoming melee damage by 20%, increasing explosion protection by 30%, increasing armor by 30 points), or the Arma-II body armor, which is analogue of "Titan". The last option is relevant when playing on large maps, where snipers, especially “talkers”, have an advantage. The vest protects against one shot to the body and reduces damage by 10 units with each hit.

If you are a fan of full equipment of one type, then choose a combat one, as is the case with a helmet (many simply do not have “Tournament Masks”).


The clear choice is “Elite”. These gloves increase the accuracy of shooting from the hip, which is very important for a medic who at close ranges does not always fit into the crosshairs (RMB).

If you don’t have such gloves, put on the class “Medic Gloves,” which increase the speed of reloading and changing weapons by 20%.


It all depends on the choice of helmet. For example, if you have a “Tournament Mask” that allows you to detect mines, then you can even leave combat boots that increase movement speed, or wear boots for “crowns”. All this will give a good jerk range.

If you do not have this mask, then you can, for example, use the “Sapper Helmet” with combat boots. In combination with a combat helmet, you can equip heavy boots or rubber boots to protect against mine triggering (extend triggering by three seconds).

Bottom line

  • Tournament mask.
  • Body armor "Rhinoceros".
  • Elite Gloves.
  • Combat boots or bots for “crowns”.

As for Destruction, Assault and Domination, you can leave the Tactical Mask, Rhino Vest and Elite Gloves. Boots, without an alternative, are combat boots that increase movement speed, which is extremely important in these modes.

Engineer class: equipment

First, let's look at equipment for the Demolition, Capture and Blitz modes.

The main feature of the class is that the engineer can restore his armor, and therefore, as in a similar situation with a medic, you don’t have to use equipment that regenerates it.


The best option would be either the “Engineer’s Combat Helmet” or the “Elite Helmet” for “crowns”. Here, as in the case of the attack aircraft, good protection against blinding plays an important role.

Body armor

Everyone has known for a long time that it is unrealistic to get normal body armor for an engineer from suppliers. There is simply no good armor there! From suppliers you can get an analogue of Titan called Almaz-II (impact protection, effective against sniper rifles, 25% explosion protection), but against bullets this is not an acceptable option. You have been pierced with titanium, and you are already running as if you were wearing a standard vest.

Therefore, if among the readers there are owners of the “New Year’s Body Armor,” then let them use it. It reduces damage from hits by 10 units, gives 35 points to armor, and increases protection against explosions by 25%. In general, it provides excellent protection against incoming bullets and provides good protection against grenades and mines.

Of course, the “Python” has a higher bonus to armor points, but the “New Year’s Body Armor” increases the ammunition supply (and an engineer cannot restore it for himself, like an attack aircraft). Given the Medic's armor regeneration abilities, you can always go around the corner and restore it. In this case, the engineer will have full armor throughout the battle, and it will also protect well from various attacks.

Other options are the above-mentioned “Almaz-II” or “Varan”. Although in the latter case the vest protects exclusively from explosions (at least that’s what its description says) and increases ammunition capacity. Thus, if you have Almaz-II, but don’t have the New Year’s bulletproof vest, then wear it.


The choice of gloves depends on what kind of weapon you use and how you shoot. If you practice hip shooting, it is best to equip the Elite Gloves. If you are shooting at sight, then take the “Combat Gloves”.


For shoes, it’s the same: either “Heavy” or “Strong boots”.

Bottom line

  • Elite helmet.
  • New Year's bulletproof vest.
  • Elite gloves.
  • Heavy boots.

For the “Domination”, “Destruction” and “Assault” modes, everything about the helmet, vest and gloves is standard, as described above. There is only one question, and it has to do with the choice of boots. Rather, combat ones would be suitable here. Yes, you can step on a Claymore, but given the higher gear you will have protection from explosions.

Sniper class: equipment

First, let's look at equipment for the Demolition, Capture and Blitz modes.


As usual, if there are crowns, then we take the “Helmet of the Elite”. The “Magma Sniper Helmet”, which drops for completing the special operation “Vulcan” on the “Pro” difficulty level, will also perform well. A universal option could be the “Sniper Combat Helmet”, but it is more relevant in PvE.

Body armor

Everything is the same for the vest. Wear combat if you want maximum armor, explosion protection and armor recovery. This is the best solution for a classic sniper who shoots his enemies at a long distance.

If you like to rush and kill enemies from the hip using the same “bolt”, then you will need more serious armor that increases protection from incoming hits (damage reduction by 10 units).


Pay attention to the Kevlar Gloves, which increase the reload speed, main and additional attacks by 20, 30 and 40%, respectively. If you do not engage in melee combat at all, then I advise you to use the “Sniper Gloves”, which increases the speed of reloading and changing weapons by 20%.

For those who use automatic weapons, we recommend equipping “Combat Gloves” that reduce recoil. Relevant for the same “Vintorez”, etc.


This is already debatable. Previously, “Elastic boots” were in first place, which reduced the noise level, but now they no longer provide this effect, so we will not consider them. Still, the best option would be “Heavy Boots” if you need to go to some potentially mined points. In all other situations, leave "Combat Boots".

Bottom line

  • Helmet "Elite".
  • Sniper combat vest.
  • Sniper gloves.
  • Heavy boots.

This equipment is universal and suitable for absolutely all PvP modes.

About equipment sets in Warface - from cheap to exotic ones like “Atlas” and K.I.W.I.

The Warface arsenal boasts more than a hundred types of equipment: from standard helmets to the Titan-II body armor removed from the game. Some of them are useless, some provide good protection for a modest price, there is combat equipment with expensive repairs, as well as more exotic equipment - “Absolute”, “Atlas” and K.I.W.I., which can surprise even an experienced player with their properties.

What's the best place for a newbie to start?

Let's say our newcomer has already been in the game long enough and has unlocked some equipment from suppliers, namely common and rare, and he doesn't have that many Warbucks to buy very expensive combat equipment.

The best choice of body armor from the very beginning of the game is heavy-duty or Arma.. Both of them give an additional 50 armor points, and can also be obtained from the in-game store almost from the very beginning. “Arma”, as a bonus, is also capable of restoring armor at a speed of four units per second. The difference is that heavy-duty body armor can be bought for Warbucks forever, and “Arma” can be bought for Warbucks for a while, and to get the permanent version you need to pay credits. In addition, the cost of repair for the second one will be twice as expensive as the first one, but in the end they are still cheap.

Most body armor should not be taken seriously, since many of them have very significant drawbacks - some protect only from explosives, others only from melee attacks, others provide few additional armor points, and so on.

Some play so aggressively that they don’t even need to restore armor

A beginner has only two adequate helmet options: tactical or sapper. The former significantly weaken the blinding effect of flash-noise grenades (including allied ones), and the latter allow you to see enemy mines within a radius of ten meters. The player, depending on his priorities, will choose the first or second option.

Anti-dazzle or detection - not an easy choice

With gloves and boots there is more choice available. For the former, protective gloves can serve well - they protect their hands perfectly. And considering that in a head-on collision with an enemy, almost half of the body is covered by the arms, this is a significant argument in favor of this equipment.

Some gloves are captivating with other properties: some speed up the change of weapons, which can make all the difference for a sniper, others speed up strikes in close combat (a dubious property in practice). Only Kevlar gloves can be considered the best option - they increase the reload speed and also speed up strikes in close combat.

Therefore, if a fighter’s top priority is better survivability, there is nothing better than protective gloves (but this is for beginners). And if you are more interested in additional properties, your choice is Kevlar.

Protective gloves - cheap and cheerful

The situation is similar with boots. If you need to withstand more bullets(although who purposefully shoots in the legs?) - Then reinforced boots are perfect.

There are, of course, heavy boots that do the same thing, only they also provide the “delay in the operation of mines” property, but unlike the previous ones, they can be purchased for Warbucks only for a while, and forever - only for credits.

And if the player wants more speed, then it is worth looking at sports, light and dense boots. The first ones are distinctive in that they noticeably increase the range of the dash itself, but they must first be opened from suppliers. The second ones give maximum speed, and the third ones give a little extra speed, range, and the character will slide further during a tackle. The last two pairs cost exactly the same as heavy boots.

Alas, both one and the other pair can only be bought forever with credits. And for Warbucks - only for a while

Therefore, if survivability is very important for a beginner, his set will be like this:

  • Gloves: protective;
  • Boots: heavy/reinforced.

And if you are more interested in speed, then:

  • Helmet: tactical or sapper, depending on preference;
  • Body armor: "Arma" / heavy-duty;
  • Gloves: Kevlar;
  • Boots: lightweight/sporty.

Also, this equipment is very suitable for players who want to save more Warbucks without causing a major loss to their defense.

It is also worth paying attention to repairs

The “anti-sniper” set is worth mentioning separately. The main item in it is a bulletproof vest with protection against one shot, and these are “Arma-II”, “Almaz” and “Almaz-II”. These body armor completely absorb one shot, which is very effective against bolt guns, but absolutely useless against all other weapons. And the remaining equipment - a helmet, gloves and boots - will not really help the situation after absorbing the first bullet.

In addition to the obvious disadvantages of such a set, only a medic and an engineer can use it. Previously, the store had a Titan-II body armor that had similar characteristics and could be worn by all classes, but then it was removed from the store and will no longer be returned there .

"Arma-II" - as one example

All of the above applicable for beginners, who are new to the game and haven’t had time to open the latest equipment from suppliers and accumulate a lot of Warbucks.

What equipment should I take for special operations or PvP battles?

To complete PvE missions and special operations on an easy difficulty level, almost anything that is better than the standard is suitable, but “Difficult” and higher require a more careful choice. For a universal fighter, you need equipment that will regenerate both health and armor.

The best way to deal with this is combat equipment - a helmet and body armor. There is an excellent alternative to the first - the elite helmet (model 2). But each of them has its own shortcomings. In addition, a helmet with health restoration is not particularly necessary for a medic, and a body armor with armor regeneration is not really needed for an engineer, since these classes are independently restored with the help of their class equipment.

Combat equipment allows you to do without a medic and engineer, but at the cost of very expensive repairs. The indicated price is only for a helmet and body armor, but there are also gloves and boots

Gloves are selected depending on the mode and class:

  • If for PvE and special operations - then with faster reloading;
  • If in PvP for an attack aircraft - with reduced recoil;
  • If in PvP for a medic and engineer - with an increase in accuracy;
  • If in PvP for a sniper - with accelerated reloading and changing weapons.

You can choose almost any boots for special operations, since you don’t have to run around much during the battle itself. And for PvP - depending on the player’s preferences. If you need speed, there is nothing better than Absolute boots, and if you are worried about enemy mines, you can use class (assault, rubber, strong) boots or heavy ones.

As a result, the set of equipment for PvE and Special Operations for each class looks like this:


  • Body Armor: Stormtrooper Combat Vest;
  • Gloves: class, Kevlar.


  • Helmet: any (but the more head protection, the better);
  • Body Armor: Medic Combat Vest;
  • Gloves: class, Kevlar, Atlas, elite (model 2).


  • Helmet: combat / elite (model 2);
  • Body armor: which gives more armor, not necessarily combat;
  • Gloves: Atlas, elite (model 2), class, Kevlar.


  • Helmet: combat / elite (model 2);
  • Body Armor: Sniper Combat Vest;
  • Gloves: class.

Boots don't really matter in this mode.

But for PvP, certain changes are needed, if we are talking specifically about meat modes (team battle, meat grinder, etc.). So for an attack aircraft, combat gloves will be more necessary - for better recoil control. A medic would benefit from a helmet with high head protection - elite (model 2), combat or even Magma, and preferable gloves are those that increase accuracy (Atlas or elite). The latter also applies to the engineer.

“Meat” modes imply active play without a strong emphasis on team interaction (or its absence as such - in the “Meat Grinder”). The same cannot be said about “tactical modes”, in which team play influences much more, and therefore it is more logical to use equipment with greater protection from everything and, first of all, from explosives.

As for helmets, practically no changes are required - equipment with better head protection from bullets is best. An alternative is to use a mine-sapper helmet to detect mines.

Best of its kind

But the situation is different when it comes to body armor. For an attack aircraft, the most obvious and reasonable choice would be body armor "Python"- better protection from bullets, as well as additional protection from explosives, thanks to which the character can survive a direct hit from a grenade or a mine exploded nearby (except for anti-personnel mines). The engineer has a small choice - choose a bulletproof vest "Varan" with better protection from explosions, but less armor, or combat with maximum armor points, but explosives will do a little more damage.

There is no point in discussing medic and sniper body armor from suppliers in the “Rarity” category - combat body armor performs better in almost everything.

However, only equipment that can be obtained in the game itself, in the game store, was mentioned here.

What about seasonal equipment that appears in honor of some holiday or special equipment dedicated to some event (Open Cup tournament, compendiums)?

Some of them are really worthy of attention.

Can be called the best of its kind "Reward body armor"- it provides the best protection against all types of damage and can be equipped on all classes. But there is one “but” - it is given out exclusively as a reward for purchasing tickets to Warfest.

The Red Army padded jacket and worker's vest are also good choices, but they were never issued/sold forever.

The Halloween vest (model 1) and the New Year's body armor offer a compromise solution between price and quality - they protect against a little bit of everything.

But the Halloween vest (model 2) can be an excellent solution specifically for an engineer - it also gives the property “-10 damage per hit,” which makes this vest one of the best in protection against bullets. And the slow recovery of armor with increased ammo for the main weapon is like the icing on the cake.

A difficult choice - either have better protection from bullets, which is very beneficial for an engineer, or not be afraid of the explosion of an enemy grenade

The most versatile helmet can be called a Halloween helmet (model 1)- high head protection from bullets, reducing the effect of flash-noise grenades and even detecting enemy mines within a radius of ten meters. Undoubtedly, this is the best choice for a medic. And not only for him - this helmet can be worn in all four classes and repairs are very cheap. An analogue can be considered the frightening helmets that can be bought during the winter holidays, but they have their own disadvantages - they are purchased separately for each class, the characteristics are slightly worse than those of the Halloween one (except for the stormtrooper helmet) and repairs are somewhat more expensive.

For head protection, Magma helmets are the best solution- unlike elite ones, you can get them forever, even if you have to go through the special operation “Vulcan” (at the “Pro” and “Hardcore” difficulty levels) more than a dozen times

There are gloves and boots for every taste: if you need to reduce recoil and at the same time have protected hands, K.I.W.I. gloves are suitable, and if accuracy is needed instead of the second property, then Atlas. As for the boots - if maximum speed is needed, then there is nothing better than the same "Atlas", but the most universal are the "Absolute" - they speed up running, increase the running range, and have leg protection, and even delay anti-personnel mines (for two seconds , not three, but still).

Separately, it is worth mentioning the “Absolute” set. The equipment itself is relatively good, but it performs best when fully equipped. And all because of the property "-10% damage per hit". Unlike the usual "-10 damage per hit", this property works much better against incoming damage that will be more than 100 units. And this can happen to us: when hit in the head from assault rifles, machine guns, submachine guns, pistols (there is no escape from a shot in the head from any sniper rifle), as well as when hit in the body from shotguns and sniper rifles. Thanks to this property, this set is the absolute leader in protection against such large damage (although with huge indicators, even it will not save).

Do not underestimate this equipment - it surpasses all possible equipment in terms of head protection. Above mentioned only additional characteristics, which are activated when using all equipment

But what should players do at the tournament, since many of the items mentioned are prohibited by the regulations?

In that case, it's worth checking out K.I.W.I.'s set. This is the only set where all four pieces of equipment are allowed in the tournament, unlike the Atlas and Absolute gloves and boots.

Full set of K.I.W.I. gear provides head protection at the level of the best sets, and given that “Magma”, elite and combat helmets are prohibited, this is the only option. The set also provides many additional properties that are useful for absolutely all four classes: the attack aircraft has reduced recoil, the medic and engineer have increased accuracy, faster reloading, and the sniper has a faster weapon change. Arms and legs are additionally protected, the character runs at maximum speed, and there is also a delay in triggering mines.

But this is not even the most important trump card of this set - thanks to the best protection against explosives, the character is able to survive even the explosion of an anti-personnel mine, standing right on it, which no other equipment can do.

The flaws in K.I.W.I. enough - it is very difficult to get in the compendium of the same name, additional armor points are only 30, as well as repairs at the level of combat equipment (well, very expensive).

If you love Warface tournaments, then K.I.W.I. equipment. just created for you