What to smear on lips after permanent treatment. How to care for your lips after tattooing: restoration rules and secrets

Many girls are interested in whether they need lip care after tattooing? Permanent makeup has been quite popular lately. Thanks to him, women can forget about the problem of lining their lips. In addition, with its help, you can give your lips the desired shape and plumpness. They will always look perfect. Even after taking a shower or eating.

The application procedure does not last long (maximum 2 hours). The effect lasts up to 5 years. The risks of an allergic reaction and rejection of coloring elements are minimal.

Lip care after tattooing should be special. The cosmetologist is obliged to give recommendations on an individual basis. If this does not happen, there are basic care points. We'll talk about them in the article. We will also consider a number of prohibited actions that should never be performed. Remember, care after applying the contour is divided into several periods.

After completing each of them, do not be lazy to visit a cosmetologist, who will evaluate the result of the work and the healing process with an experienced eye. It is better to immediately correct minor shortcomings (if any) than to have health problems.

What it is?

- essentially an ordinary tattoo. The only difference is that the paint is applied to the upper layers of the epidermis, shallowly. Due to this, after a couple of years the coloring pigment begins to lighten and completely disappears.

Many women actively use this service. After all, everyone wants to look beautiful and young. Before you decide to tattoo your lips, you need to know all the pitfalls of the procedure.

The biggest problem is to choose a master who will do the job perfectly. You should not contact specialists who see you at home. You have the opportunity to earn many problems. After all, no one gives guarantees at home; there is no confidence in the materials with which the master works. If you decide, contact salons where certified specialists work.

Another trouble that many people encounter after applying permanent makeup is a herpes rash. It is quite difficult to catch an infection in the salon. The master works in gloves, all work is carried out with disposable, sterile instruments, the skin is treated with an antiseptic. Every person has the herpes virus in their blood, and the procedure can provoke it.

Permanent makeup has been quite popular lately. This is explained by the fact that it has many positive aspects:

  • Gives lips a natural shape and desired shade;
  • The procedure lasts no more than 2 hours;
  • The result lasts from 2 to 5 years;
  • The procedure is painless;
  • By paying once for a tattoo, you don’t have to spend money on decorative cosmetics.
The only downside is the long recovery period. We'll talk about it below.

The first days after tattooing

The tattoo has been applied and the artist has completed the work. What's next? A special period of care begins. He's important. It determines how the lips will look and how long the makeup will last.

Immediately after the procedure, the reflection in the mirror frightens lovely ladies. The lips seem too bright, swollen, and wounds along the entire contour are alarming. Experts advise not to worry, all these symptoms will go away soon. This will take 3-4 days. You just have to be patient and wait.

If after the stated time the swelling does not subside, you need to start taking antiallergic drugs (suprastin, diazolin, loratodine and others). It wouldn’t hurt to consult a cosmetologist for advice. You should not apply any lotions, otherwise you will only aggravate the healing process. If you experience severe pain in the first hours after the procedure, you can take a painkiller. But such phenomena are very rare.

To prevent scars from forming along the lip contour, proper care is necessary. It is divided into several stages. The first lasts about 2 days. During this period, ichor will be actively released, it is advisable to remove it. This should be done with a sterile napkin or bandage. It is enough to blot your lips without rubbing or damaging the wounds. After the surface is dry, apply a thin layer of a special cream. If there is too much ointment, a greenhouse effect will occur, the crusts will soften and this will lead to their premature removal, which is not good.

The second stage lasts up to 2 weeks. You must continue to use ointments or creams prescribed by your specialist. After this period has expired, visit a cosmetologist. The outline may need to be adjusted a little.


  • You only need to wash your face with warm, boiled water. It is very important. After all, there are microcracks on the lips into which germs can get;
  • It is prohibited to visit the swimming pool, solarium, or sauna for the first month after the procedure;
  • Pay special attention to food. Hot drinks, salty and peppery foods are prohibited;
  • forget about foundation, lipstick and other types of decorative cosmetics that come into contact with your lips;
  • Do not remove the crusts that have formed on your own. They will go away on their own in 6-7 days. Speed ​​up the process and you will get scars;
  • cosmetic procedures related to the face should be excluded;
  • It is advisable not to kiss for the first 3 days.
These tips will help you better cope with the recovery period. Remember, applying paint is only half the success; a lot depends on care. Before applying ointment or cream, be sure to coordinate this with your cosmetologist.

When does the recovery period end?

The healing process lasts on average 1-2 weeks. After this, you need to see a cosmetologist. He will evaluate the result and, if necessary, carry out corrective work.

There are situations when the process can be aggravated by the individual characteristics of the body. For example, the herpes virus. It occurs in approximately 7% of women having the procedure. The doctor is absolutely not to blame for this. If you have ever suffered from a similar disease, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs (famvir, acyclovir) a week before the tattoo procedure.

If the specialist had insufficient professional qualities, bruises and hematomas may appear around the client’s lips. This phenomenon is quite unpleasant. In this case, ointments will help. It will not affect the final result in any way.

A huge number of women use permanent makeup. After all, every lady wants to look attractive. Lip tattoo is very convenient. You can forget about lipstick and pencil for a long time. There are practically no pitfalls in the procedure. The most important thing is to find a good, professional master. It’s worth warning right away that the process is quite lengthy and scrupulous. The first few days you need to take special care of your lips, remove the ichor, and apply special creams. After the crusts have fallen off and the swelling has subsided, you can admire the ideal contour and color of your lips.

Purely individual. The skin recovers on average in 5-7 days. And about three more weeks are required for complete cell restoration. How long and comfortable the rehabilitation will be after applying permanent makeup is directly affected by how much proper lip care is provided.

How is healing going?

Immediately after the procedure, the treatment area swells. Over time, the swelling subsides on its own. It does not cause significant discomfort. Clients also report moderate pain. The specialist will recommend an anesthetic drug to relieve it. In the first day, in addition, numbness of the lips may persist. This is due to the use of an anesthetic drug.

On the second day, the numbness disappears, the pain weakens, and the swelling begins to subside. By the third day, lips may itch and peel.

Lip care in the first days after tattooing

The artist who did the tattoo will prescribe a healing ointment. For the first time, it is applied in the salon after the end of the procedure with preliminary disinfection of the lips. Usually this is “Depanthenol”, “Bepanten”.

Two hours after tattooing, you need to wash your lips with cool water and antibacterial soap. Apply a thin layer of ointment to dry, clean skin. This must be done within 7-10 days. In the first 4 days - every 2-3 hours. Then - 3-4 times a day. Before applying the ointment, lips must be disinfected each time with Chlorhexidine. In the morning and evening, permanent makeup is washed with cool water and antibacterial soap.

The main thing in the healing process is to prevent the formation of crusts. They have a detrimental effect on tattooing.

With proper care, on the 3-4th day the skin at the tattoo site begins to peel off and the color becomes lighter. This indicates a normal healing process.

If the permanent makeup area becomes very dry overnight, you can lubricate it with Vaseline for 30 minutes in the morning.

How to care for your lips after tattooing?

One of the destructive factors is ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, before going outside, you should apply a protective agent.

What can't you do?

During the healing period it is strictly prohibited:

  • Comb your lips. If the itching becomes unbearable, contact your doctor. You may be recommended a special ointment.
  • Steam your lips.
  • Use ointments and preparations other than those recommended by the specialist.

After the tattoo procedure, gentle, delicate lip care is necessary. Therefore, avoid products and lotions based on hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.

For 10 days after the procedure, you also cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, or swimming pool.

Permanent lip makeup, although to a micro degree, is still an intervention in the human body. And after any manipulation, the skin of the lips needs careful care. Depending on the characteristics of the body, injured cells are completely restored approximately a month after the procedure.

During this period, it is important to properly care for your lips at home. A professional permanent makeup artist must explain to the client how exactly.

Rules for lip care after micropigmentation procedure

Do not remove the resulting crust. With permanent lip makeup, the dye is introduced shallowly under the skin, so along with removing the crust, there is a risk of removing all the pigment. As a result, the final shade may be much lighter than desired.
Try to keep the treated area dry. During rehabilitation, you should refrain from water procedures associated with visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse or sauna. The ban applies to both contact with chlorinated water and sea water.
Minimize sun exposure. Prolonged exposure to the open sun after lip micropigmentation is contraindicated, as is visiting a solarium. After a walk in sunny weather, you should lubricate your lips with sunscreen.
Do not use soap for hygienic purposes. When washing, it is better to replace soap with cosmetic milk, and after it use tonic or lotion.
Avoid alcohol-containing medications. Such products, as well as those containing antibiotics or hydrogen peroxide, can cause a change in shade and even discoloration of lips with permanent lipstick.
Limit the use of decorative cosmetics. Any makeup on the lips, especially using cosmetics containing fruit acids or other aggressive ingredients, is not recommended in the first month after the procedure. As an alternative, it is better to choose chapstick or balm, which will help make the crust smoother and protect it from cracking.
Use healing drugs. To speed up the skin healing process, you can use special ointments, medicated oils (sea buckthorn, stone fruit) or regular creams with vitamins A and D without lightening additives. The only condition: you need to apply the healing agent with a cotton swab in a thin layer, and in case of heavy application, the excess must be removed with a napkin.
Use professional products. Competent professionals, as a rule, recommend using special preparations such as Actovegin or solcoseryl to care for the damaged lip area. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, they promote rapid healing of wounds, and also good fixation of pigment under the skin.

Remember that the result of permanent lip makeup depends not only on the qualifications and experience of the artist, but also on your correct adherence to the specialist’s recommendations.

Beautiful sensual lips are the dream of every woman. Decorative cosmetics can emphasize their beauty, visually correct their shape, and even out their color, but makeup in this area is very short-lived. Lipstick quickly wears off, smears, and leaves marks on dishes and clothes.

Long-lasting lipstick helps correct this situation, but its constant use is harmful to health, since it contains petroleum products and silicone oil.

Permanent lip tattooing is a great way to correct the shape of the lips, highlight their contour, change the color and add brightness. This allows them to look perfect and natural under any circumstances and at any time of the day. Tattooing eliminates the need to constantly tint your lips with lipstick, and saves time and money on the purchase of decorative cosmetics.

The essence of the lip tattoo procedure

Lip tattooing is one of the ways to enhance the beauty of the face or get rid of some imperfections by introducing natural pigment into the lip area. The effect of the procedure lasts from two to five years.

Lip tattoo effect: before and after the procedure

Tattooing is carried out in a beauty salon by a qualified specialist, using a special machine or handpiece with thin needles.

The procedure lasts 2-3 hours and consists of three stages.

  1. The future outline is drawn with a special pencil, and a suitable color scheme is selected.
  2. Before tattooing, a bactericidal substance is applied to the lip area, then an anesthetic ointment is applied to relieve pain. Therefore, the procedure is almost painless and, most often, easily tolerated.
  3. A dye of the selected shade is injected into the upper layer of the epidermis, first along the contour of the lips, then shaded over the entire surface.

The technique for applying pigment differs, depending on the desired effect.
The use of natural dyes for tattooing and the professionalism of the artist reduce to zero the risk of allergic reactions and complications after the procedure.

But proper care and strict adherence to all the cosmetologist’s recommendations are of considerable importance. This will affect not only the final result of the tattoo, but also its durability and longevity.

Lip care after tattooing

During the procedure, the mucous membrane of the lips is injured, so it is natural that after tattooing the lips bleed, swell and become covered with crusts the next day.

The emerging crust must not be damaged or torn off under any circumstances.

Otherwise, along with its pieces, you may lose part of the coloring pigment. As a rule, it goes away on its own within 4-5 days.

The rehabilitation period lasts about two weeks. Throughout this entire period, it is necessary to use disinfectants and a special ointment for care after lip tattooing. Their use promotes proper restoration of injured tissues and fixation of pigment.

What ointments are used for lip tattooing.

The composition of such ointments must include:

  • Dexpanthenol. Promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Lanolin or Vaseline. Have a softening effect on the skin.
  • Cholesterol. Helps the nutrients in the ointment to be absorbed faster.
  • Vitamins A and E. Nourish, soften and restore damaged skin.
  • Herperax;
  • Zovirax;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Virolex.

Lip care ointment "Zovirax"

The ointments are applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the lips with a cotton swab 4-5 times a day during the first week after tattooing.

Antibacterial care products

In addition to the risk of exacerbation of herpes infection after tattooing, there is also a risk of various bacteria entering the wounds. Therefore, during the first two days after the procedure, until the ichor stops oozing and crusts appear, the lips must be treated with disinfectants such as Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

The lip tattoo procedure can provoke an exacerbation of herpes infection

Using a blotting motion using a napkin soaked in these products, apply them to the surface of the lips and the area around them up to 5 times a day. Later, the crust that has already formed will serve as a natural protection against infections and provide optimal conditions for healing of the mucous membrane, so it is enough to treat the lips with an antiseptic in the morning and evening until complete healing.

Regenerating and moisturizing ointments

For two weeks after tattooing, ointment must be applied to the lips for quick healing.

It should contain Dexpanthenol:

  • Bepanten;
  • Panthenol;
  • D-Panthenol;
  • Pantoderm;

The ointment has a regenerating effect and has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. When applied, metabolic processes in the mucous membrane are activated, which significantly accelerates their healing. The ointment can be applied up to 6 times a day.

Ideal lip care after tattooing

An ideal product for lip care after tattooing is Bepanten Plus ointment.. It contains not only dexpanthenol, but also chlorhexidine, lanolin and paraffin, so it is ideal for restoring the lip mucosa after tattooing.

For complete care, it is enough to apply a thin layer of Bepanten Plus ointment to the lips 5 times a day after hygiene procedures and each meal, not forgetting about the prevention of herpes.

A good aftercare product after tattooing is Boro Plus cream. It also has antiseptic properties and restores the skin faster. Boro Plus is based on zinc oxide.

Lip care cream “Boro Plus”

The composition also includes many natural medicinal components that relieve inflammation, swelling, itching and burning:

  • turmeric;
  • aloe;
  • basil;
  • ginger lily;
  • vetiver;
  • sandalwood extract and others.

Due to the large amount of plant extracts, the cream can cause an allergic reaction, therefore, if you have not had experience using this cream before tattooing, it should be used with extreme caution after the procedure. It is recommended to use it 5-6 times a day.

In addition to treating lips damaged by the procedure with ointments, it is important to adhere to other recommendations for care after tattooing and observe some restrictions.

Limitations after lip tattoo

The main task after the procedure is to prevent infection from entering the wounds and damaging the resulting crust.

It is possible to ensure favorable conditions for healing of the lip mucosa by being careful and adhering to the following rules:

  • Do not wash your face or wet your lips with tap water for ten days.
  • To cleanse your facial skin, use a cotton pad with a cleanser; if necessary, you can wipe your face with boiled water.

Cleansing your face with a cotton pad is more delicate
  • It is strictly forbidden to visit the swimming pool, sauna, or solarium during this period.
  • Do not use decorative lip cosmetics.
  • Refrain from kissing throughout the recovery period.
  • Do not eat spicy, sour or too hot food.
  • It is advisable to drink drinks through a straw.
  • In winter, for the first week, avoid wind and exposure to low air temperatures if possible.
  • In summer, when going outside for a month, be sure to use sunscreen (SPF at least 20).

For less irritation of the skin of the lips, it is better to drink the liquid through a straw

If you follow these rules and use an ointment for quick healing after lip tattooing, the rehabilitation period will end with complete healing and, after two weeks, you will be able to evaluate the changes in appearance and enjoy the beauty of your flawless lips.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for recovery after tattooing to go faster and to avoid unwanted complications, you need to prepare for it.

A few days before the procedure you need to take a course of antiviral drugs

Or use an antiviral ointment to prevent herpes rashes from appearing after lip tattooing, for example, Gerpevir or Panavir.

For prevention, Acyclovir is taken orally 4 times a day, one tablet or 2 tablets 2 times a day. More expensive drugs (Valtrex, Famvir) are taken 1 tablet per day.

Cream "Acyclovir"

At least 3 days before tattooing, you must avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, and not taking blood-thinning medications.

The professionalism of the tattoo artist, preparation before the procedure and proper care after it will provide a 100% guarantee of the desired result: lips will look perfect and natural at any time and under any circumstances.

Lip care at home. Learn more from this useful video:

Lip tattoo: myths and facts. And also photos before and after the procedure. Watch the video review:

Review of lip tattoo. Watch an interesting video:

Lip tattooing is a great opportunity to save time on makeup and at the same time always look 100%. Despite its popularity, tattooing is not such a harmless procedure, which, if performed unsuccessfully, can unpleasantly surprise its owner. Today the article is devoted to lip tattooing, contraindications to the procedure and its results.

Lip tattoo - before and after photos

Before talking about the procedure itself, you should first familiarize yourself with the results that can be obtained after lip tattooing.

Most of the photographs, with “before” and “after” captions, were taken immediately after the procedure, when the swelling has not yet subsided, but is in full swing. Therefore, it is not possible to fully evaluate the result obtained. It will take at least a month to understand what actually happened. And at the end of this period, there will be a need to make a correction. Therefore, do not rush to get upset immediately after the tattoo procedure.

Lip tattoo procedure

Before the procedure, several days before the procedure, it is recommended to take a course of antiherpes medications. This will significantly reduce the risk of complications that may arise after tattooing.

At the first stage, the master, together with you, selects the pigment that will be used to “paint” your lips. The contour is usually applied on the same day. On the second, the entire lip is filled in and the tone is shaded. The third session is scheduled for a month later. When the swelling and crust go away. Then the specialist carefully examines the fruits of his work and, if necessary, makes corrections.

Contouring is done using a very thin needle, but shading is done with a thicker needle. The procedure, of course, is not pleasant and some will call it very painful, but it is worth it. Yes, you should be prepared for the fact that even despite pain relief, tattooing is an extremely uncomfortable cosmetic operation. But twitching or making any sounds during the procedure is strictly prohibited, otherwise the master will make an irreparable mistake. Therefore, prepare yourself psychologically in advance.

Lips after tattooing with shading

Lip tattooing with a shading effect is the most optimal option for permanent makeup. It is with its help that the master manages to achieve the most natural effect. This happens due to the fact that there are no clear contours and boundaries of the lips. A visual swelling appears that was not there before.

The shading method is also called the permanent lipstick effect. And there really is truth in this. Your lips always look like they have expensive lipstick on them. At the same time, it does not disappear anywhere during meals and there is no need to constantly correct it. Beautiful lips will stay with you for at least several years. Although, the timing is largely determined by how deeply the pigment will be introduced.

Precisely because of its durability, before the tattoo procedure you should think carefully about everything: do you really need it? After all, then it can no longer be washed off with ordinary water. Only heavy artillery will come to the rescue, for example.

Lip tattoo: colors

This is probably the most difficult thing in the tattooing process - deciding on the color of the pigment. Indeed, the result will not leave your lips for several years. A good master, who has more than one year of practice behind him, will be happy to tell you which lips will suit your face type and skin color. In some way, each of the tattoo makeup specialists has the skills of a stylist who knows how to harmoniously combine tonality.

As for color, everything is limited by your imagination. Because if you want, they can give you absolutely any lips, even blue ones, if you ask for it. But it’s still better to refuse such radical changes and stick to the shade given to you by nature.

Alternatively, you can harmoniously combine colors that match your hair. For example, fair girls will go for pink and nude shades, while dark girls, on the contrary, will go for darker shades - brown and reddish. In principle, the procedure for selecting a pigment is practically no different from the process of buying lipstick. The master will even apply each of the pigments to your lips so that you can see everything with your own eyes and “try on” the shade live.

Lip tattoo consequences

The consequences of lip tattooing can be very different. In the best case, if the master is a professional in his field and the material for the procedure was chosen correctly, you will enjoy the beauty of your “new” lips. True, not immediately, but after a month, when the swelling and crust subsides.

Seriously speaking, tattooing, despite its cosmetic side, is an operation, so the consequences can be negative. And this applies not only to appearance, but also to health. Since pigment (a foreign substance) is introduced under the skin, although not deeply, this has a direct effect on the immune system and cellular structure.

The main side effect after lip tattooing is herpes. Next come infections and infections that occur as a result of dirt and dust getting into the affected areas of the skin. This leads to the appearance of wounds and pustules.

With an unprofessional approach, tattooing may leave wounds and scars on the lips, which will be quite problematic to remove.

The least problems are parenthood and allergies. All this can occur as a reaction to the administered drug. However, swelling, if it appears immediately after the procedure and goes away within 1-2 days, is considered normal. Otherwise, when they do not go away for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As for the aesthetic side of the issue, if tattooed incorrectly, there may be an uneven contour of the lips and their color. Gaps and uneven pigment distribution are possible. But all this can be corrected, for example, by contacting another specialist for correction.

Lip tattoo: healing by day

Lip tattoos heal quite quickly. Approximately on day 4-5, the sponges will shine with new colors. The whole picture, if you paint it day by day, might look like this:

  • Day 1: the color on the lips is very rich. There is swelling and redness. This reaction is normal and everything will go away soon.
  • 2-3 days: swelling begins to subside gradually. The lip color is still bright. A crust may appear.
  • Day 4-5: a crust appears on the lips. Your lips begin to itch, but you shouldn’t give in to temptation. Also, you should not try to rip off the formations on your lips in order to speed up the process. You risk disrupting the adaptation of pigment on the skin, which will lead to gaps in color.
  • 6-7 days: the crust completely disappears. The tint on the lips is no longer so bright and takes on a more natural color. There is no longer any shame in going out. On the contrary, I want to appear to the whole world in all my new glory.

Swelling after lip tattoo

Sometimes, the swelling is so severe that clients panic. However, you shouldn't do this. This is a completely normal and natural reaction of the body to the procedure. After all, even if you didn’t feel much pain, your body was still subjected to the aggressive effects of a needle, even a thin one.

If after 1-2 days the swelling does not subside, consult a doctor immediately! Of course, you can try taking antihistamines, lubricate your lips with Hydrocortisone ointment and apply dry ice to them. But, as a rule, in most cases this does not help. You need to contact both the specialist who performed the tattoo and a general practitioner.

How long does lip tattoo last?

The question of the durability of permanent tattooing is purely individual and depends on many factors. This is influenced by both the age category of the patient and the quality of the dye. For example, the younger the client, the more often she will have to go for corrections, since the metabolism is accelerated and the skin regenerates faster, and vice versa. In the case of dye, things are also predictable. If the pigment is of high quality, it can last on the lips for up to 3 years, but low-quality paints will disappear within a year after the procedure.

Moreover, a low-quality coloring preparation can not only disappear or fade in a short time, but also leave behind a blue or green color. The worst thing is that removing it even with a laser will be very problematic, let alone trying at home. This is another reason not to save on yourself and the master. After all, the latter will not be able to use high-quality drugs, doing tattooing for pennies - it is simply not profitable for him.

And of course, care. It also affects the longevity of the effect. Regular peeling, tanning, sauna and steam baths will significantly reduce the length of time the tattoo remains on your lips. Therefore, if you want to preserve the resulting beauty for as long as possible, sacrifice the listed enemies of permanent makeup.

Lip tattoo care

First of all, as mentioned a little above, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, as the paint will fade very quickly, and aggressive effects in the form of peelings. But this is when we talk about long-term care.

Immediately after the procedure, you should treat your lips with special care. They had just undergone a rather brutal procedure that left them traumatized. To help them return to normal as soon as possible, lubricate them regularly and as often as possible with a wound-healing and disinfecting ointment. There are a lot of the latter available in the pharmacy, so it will be much better if you check the specific brand and manufacturer of the product with the artist who performed the tattoo. Do not allow the delicate skin of your lips to dry out.

In the first days, forget about decorative cosmetics, otherwise you may get an infection. It is generally better to stay at home during the regeneration period in order to minimize the possibility of infection. Avoid mechanical impact on your lips - do not rub them with a towel or your hands. In a word, leave the injured part of yourself alone, apply dry ice to it so that the swelling goes away faster and lubricate it regularly with cream. And if you have questions, contact specialists, not the Internet.

When not to tattoo lips

Like any other cosmetic procedure, tattooing has its contraindications. Such intervention is strictly prohibited for diseases affecting blood clotting. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • cancerous and malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • weakened immune system;
  • state of alcoholic intoxication.

During menstruation, it is also better to postpone the beauty procedure. During this period, the body becomes most sensitive to pain, which will cause a lot of discomfort.

Eliminate alcohol, coffee and strong tea from your diet for a few days.

Lip tattoo and herpes

As mentioned earlier, a few days before the procedure it is necessary to take a course of antiherpes drugs. This will help reduce the risk of herpes, but does not completely eliminate it. To completely protect yourself from problems, you should contact a clinic or beauty salon with a good long-term reputation, where professionals work. Yes, you will have to pay well for such a visit, but health is much more important.

Herpes appears only if the room in which the procedure was carried out or the instruments were dirty. Remember, such instruments are disposable, and the master must open the needles in front of you. If they use non-sterile instruments in the salon and the technician works without gloves, run away as fast as you can.

Before going under the needle, read reviews about the specialist. Look at examples and results of his work. Evaluate and weigh all the pros and cons, then make a decision. And under no circumstances should price be the deciding factor!

Lip tattoo: video